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以下綜合 學術研究、媒體報導, etc


Pew Research org., 2024-7-29: 絕大多數台灣成年人(85%)相信看不見的存在,如鬼神靈異。大多數人(59%)相信山、河、樹可以有自己的靈魂。 十分之八的台灣成年人表示許多宗教都是真的。

各國成年人相信的 %
comparison among some major Asian countries


unseen beings靈異

Taiwan 台灣 87% 85 71 71
HK 香港 76 69 54 54
Vietnam 越南 75 51 54 56
S. Korea 南韓 48 57 43 28
Japan 日本 16 57 42 44



中時, 2024-8-5: 台灣奧運羽球奪一金,總統賴清德鬼扯他「夜觀天象」發現「月亮破烏雲」,預言了「麟洋配」會拿金牌,真是不問蒼生問鬼神


New York Times, 2023-7-27: 我們的社會仍然是父權制和等級制的。在儒家價值觀下,婦女服從她們的父親和兄弟,最終服從她們的丈夫。人們應該尊重並屈服於長輩和上級——簡而言之,就是當權者。...  在我們這樣的集體主義文化中,友善和維護群體和諧的重擔落在了那些權力和權威較小的人身上 (往往是受害者) 


New York Times, 2024-1-20: 缺乏對自身命運的影響力而感到不安全和沮喪,這已成為台灣身份認同的一個重要組成部分 insecurity and frustration with a lack of influence over its own fate had become an even bigger part of Taiwan's identity. 


 Guardian, 2021-8-30: 鬼月中的Covid
台灣年輕族群仍十分迷信,  1/3不願在
鬼月中加班,  70+%在公司角落聽到怪聲響,  或空無一人的廁所有沖水聲,  等等...  Some suspicions are still common among younger generations. A recent survey of Taiwan office workers found a third of respondents avoid working overtime during Ghost Month. The poll found 40% of office workers had reported strange encounters in the late hours. More than 70% reported “eerie sounds” from office corners, while others said they heard footsteps, saw windows open on their own and elevators arrive on their floor without being called, or heard toilets flushing in an empty bathroom

 BBC, 2-10-2021, "Why Taiwan has 'luck-improvement services' ": There’s a pervasive idea running through Chinese culture that things aren’t random, Stevan Harrell, emeritus anthropology professor at the University of Washington said, “There’s a belief in order: there’s some sort of order behind everything.” Many people believed in a simple maxim: “tian zhuding” (“heaven decides”).  Some higher power has plans for each person on Earth, traditional Chinese belief also holds that “heaven never seals off all the exits” – there is always a way out.  “We call [this attitude of openness] ‘youbai youbaoyou’,” (有拜有保庇)“, It doesn’t matter if you believe in gods. If you pray, you’ll be blessed.” So, even the upscale Eslite Bookstore has a cosmological self-help section chock full of do-it-yourself fate-improvement guides.  People in the Chinese-speaking world seem particularly preoccupied with luck, from boarding gates to high-stakes baccarat tables and school exams to political races, (Even politicians are compelled to publicly try their luck, visiting temples to draw fortune sticks ...) yet while many countries have their own superstitions and rituals.  brief (Chinese: 為什麼台灣人重視轉運? 雖然許多國家都有迷信風俗然而台灣從登機口到學校考試到政治選舉,人們似乎特別關注運氣有時連政 客也被迫公開到寺廟抽籤試運華盛頓大學 教授認為: 在中國人文化中有普遍的想法,事情不是随沉迷於過去的歷史使 人們相信一切背後都有某種秩序”即"天註定''但同時傳統信仰也認為然 天命使臣民之間保持秩序,並進而維持和平一些 位高權重的人為升斗小民人生製定了計劃,但小民仍想掌握自己命運,"有拜有保庇“在台灣即使高檔的誠品書店都充斥著改指南。 有個台灣人從台灣前往中國大陸的大華興寺迷信認為將硬幣扔進一隻龍石雕的嘴中就會懷孕不久後,他的妻子果然懷孕了,還是個男孩。 )  








pic. :  "台灣人個性 " 排名Microsoft Bing第1, 2024-8-9, "台灣人性格" 排名Bing第1,  2024-8-9, 2024-1-22, 2023-9-2, 2023-7-10, 2022-9-13, 2022-2-27 ; "台灣人人格" 排名排名Microsoft Bing第1, 2024-8-9, 2024-1-22 "台灣人個性 " 中英文排名Microsoft Bing第1, 2024-1-22, 2023-9-1, 2023-7-10, 2022-9-13, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-6-14, 2021-4-16, 2-18-2021, 11-22-2020, 9-6-2020, 6-20-2020, 11-4-2019;





pic. : 本網站群"台灣人個性 "排名Yandex of Russia第1, 2024-8-8, 2024-1-22, 2023-9-2, 2023-7-10;   "台灣人性 格 "排名Yandex of Russia第1, 2024-8-8, 2023-9-2, 2023-7-10; 排名第2, 2024-1-22; "台灣人人格", "台灣人 "排名Yandex第1,  2023-9-2




pic.:  本網站群"台灣人人格"排名Yahoo第1, 2024-8-9,  "台灣人性格" 排名Yahoo第2, 2024-8-9,  "台灣人性格" 排名Yahoo第1, 2024-1-22, 2023-7-10, 2022-9-13;  Yahoo第1,  2022-6-14, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-6-14, 2021-4-16, 2-18-2021,  11-22-2020, 10-31-2019; No.2 at 2023-9-2, 6-20-2020




pic.: this websites group was ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese personality" on Yandex, 2024-8-9, 2024-1-11, 2023-9-1, 2023-7-9, 2022-9-13, 2022-6-14, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-7-17, 2021-6-23, 2021-6-11,  2-18-2021, 5-7-2020,  1-13-2020, 10-25-2019

pic.: this websites group was ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese personality" on Yandex Russia, 2024-8-8, 2024-1-22, 2023-9-2, 2023-7-10, 2022-9-13, 2022-6-14, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-7-17, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-12 , 2-18-2021





     pic. 本網站群 "台灣人 人格" 排名Google第1,  2023-9-2, 2023-7-28, 2022-9-13, 2022-6-14, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-6-14, 2021-4-16, 2-22-2021, 2-18-2021, 1-1-2021 ; 排名US Google第2,   2024-1-22








 BBC, 2021-4-14, Crisps have a sacred role in Taiwan's office culture.  ‘Kuai Kuai’,  this savoury product  end up assuming near-mythical protective properties... on or around vital machines in many of the island’s laboratories, banks and even hospitals to ensure the machines continue to do their jobs.   the crisps, whose name means ‘listen to me’ or ‘obey’, ‘behave’ or ‘be good’ in both Mandarin and Taiwanese...The bags also cannot be used as amulets beyond their expiration date, so...usually swapped twice a year –  Lunar New Year, and the Ghost Festival . Those in the tech world say the snack shouldn’t be consumed, otherwise you technically void its protective warranty.  Kuai Kuai can even be found at Academia Sinica, Taiwan’s premier research institute. (Chinese: 在台灣,一種鹹味零食在辦公文化中具有神聖的作用,且呈現出近乎神話般的保護性,許多實驗室、銀行甚至醫院的重要機器也放置這種袋裝的“乖乖”,以確保高科技機器繼續運作。“乖乖”中文意思是''服從',但食品到期後神奇功能便會消失,因此通常每年更換兩次-農曆新年初、及七月“鬼節”。而且科技界人士說,不要吃這種零食,否則其保護性也會失效。“乖乖”甚至出現在台灣首屈一指的研究機構: 中央研究院

 Yahoo, 2024-1-22: 台積電不少工程師,都會在機台放置奶油椰子口味的綠色乖乖,希望機台能像綠燈一樣,順暢無比。每年台積電特定版 「綠色金順乖乖」) 竹科人對此表示,原價1包24元的「綠色金順乖乖」,價格漲了11倍,竟然飆漲幅度比台積電的近期股價漲幅還驚人台積電乖乖限定員工搶購-網路轉賣-漲幅超過股價-123758446.html

 自由時報, 2024-2-20: 在媒體的炒作之下,迷信、禁忌多如牛毛的習俗,長年籠罩社會。傳統上台灣人一年三百六十五天有一百一十天需要祭拜,相當於全年三分之一的日子。在台灣過一個春節,有許多禁忌;如果不照辦而犯忌,就會有破財、衰困、災厄…諸多惡果厄運降臨。這些禁忌和迷信,透過各種媒體以「民俗」、「命理」、「星象」之名傳播渲染

Fox News, 2023-7-28: 最令人震驚的是,事實證明,一些台灣年輕人不願意為國家獻身; 2018年研究揭示大量台灣年輕人“對軍隊漠不關心,厭惡服役”


L.A. Times,  2022-7-31: 中 国的軍事威脅已經火燒眉毛迫在眉睫,台灣人 只是集體"聳聳肩",似乎很少人會"挑起眉毛"As tensions flare between the two superpowers — risking the worst crisis in the region in a quarter of a century — people in Taiwan appear by and large to be responding with a collective shrug...The threat of Chinese military action has loomed for so long that few seem to raise an eyebrow when Beijing lashes 
蔡英文的眉毛,似乎是很難揚起 挑起的那種。及時宣布兵役改革也好呀? n新加坡李顯龍 (Aug., 2022): 'If we do not defend ourselves, no one is going to defend us on our behalf'. (如果我們不自我防衛沒有人會來 幫我們防衛) nMiliatry, 2022-8-25: 防禦台灣需可信的軍力與動武的意願遺憾的是美國兩黨缺乏共識


 Reuters, 2021-4-16,  Global Times, 2020-10-22 

Taiwan is quite a character ?

Presenting a united front will require a delicate balancing act given the frosty relations between Seoul and Tokyo.      Relations between Tokyo and Seoul have frayed over issues connected to Japan's 1910-45 colonization of Korea, including that of Korean women forced to work in Japanese wartime brothels 

民進黨當局修改台灣教科書,將日本殖民統治描繪成一種“光榮的文明觀”,而不提戰爭罪行,如招募台灣“慰安婦”和士兵。民進黨寧願成為美國的準殖民地(quasi-colony) ps: 過去美國曾贈送日本瑞士等國綠卡,因若干國家移民美國人數太少


The DPP authority has revised Taiwan's textbooks in recent years. Japanese colonial rule was portrayed as a "glorious vision of civilization," with no mention of war crimes, such as the recruitment of "enslaved women" and soldiers on the island,

美國紐約時報 (New York Times), 2021-11-18 "什麼讓你感到幸福 (What makes people happy)"一文報導了知名機構 Pew Research Center survey (Nov. 18, 2021)的研究調查 大多數地球人表示,家讓他們最感幸福,家庭排在第一的國家包括 澳洲(56%)˴紐西蘭(55%)˴ 美國(49%)˴ 英國˴ 瑞典˴ 義大利 等 他們愛家的人口比例約是台灣人愛家(15%)的3~4倍,新加坡與 日本也超台近2,台灣人對物質錢財(Material well-being)重視的比率超過家人 (% of adults in __ who mention family and children when describing what gives them meaning in life) ̥
美國 華盛頓郵報, 評論兩岸統獨時以奚落兩性現實為譬喻    
(現實) 超過愛情(理想)  (Washington Post, 1-2-2017..."83 percent chose bread over romance")


 Taipei Times, 2021-11-20: 台灣令人心碎的種族主義 中文媒體報導了twitter惡毒和辱罵性的言論,指責印度人骯髒、沒有受過教育,這些男人是強姦犯和性騷擾者,台灣人看待世界的方式所表現出的狹隘和地方主義,... 台灣無腦的仇外心理的令人費解的方面之一是該國完全依賴與外部世界的貿易...,人們對台灣人的排外心理的常見反應是沉默。  brief   印度 NDTV, 2023-11-16: 台灣人在社群媒體上的惡意宣傳中,常常忽略了台灣本身的犯罪率。台灣五分之一的女性曾遭受虐待,台灣平均每五分鐘就有一起虐待案件發生,每天有322件案件被通報。台灣針對婦女兒童的大量犯罪凸顯了台灣的厭女症問題。 ★ 澳洲 SKY News, 2023-10-21:   台灣遭控訴允許不公制度使外勞移工成為"現代的奴隸" (Taiwan has been accused of permitting modern modern-day slavery with its migrant workers.)






pic.:  No.1 "Taiwanese personality" on Yahoo Taiwan, 2024-1-22, 2023-9-1, 2023-7-10, 2022-9-13, 2022-6-14; , No.1 "Taiwanese personality" on US Yahoo search engine, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-7-18, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-12






pic.: this websites group was ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese personality" on Swisscows, 2024-1-22





pic.:  本網站群 "台灣人性格" 排名Yahoo第1, 2024-1-22, 2023-7-10, 2022-9-13;  Yahoo第1,  2022-6-14, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-6-14, 2021-4-16, 2-18-2021,  11-22-2020, 10-31-2019; No.2 at 2023-9-2, 6-20-2020




pic. : 本網站群"台灣人個性 " 排名Yahoo Taiwan第1, 2023-7-10, 2022-9-13; 排名Yahoo第1,  2022-6-14,  2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-6-14, 2021-4-16, 2-18-2021, 11-22-2020, 6-20-2020, 11-4-2019; No.2 at 2023-9-2, 2023-7-10; No.3 at 2024-1-22




pic. : "台灣人個性 " 排名Google第1, 2022-2-27;  "台灣人個性 " 排名google第3, 2022-9-13, 排名google第2, 2021-8-24


  VOA News, 2023-11-24  銀行家在電話中對美國之音說:“我會投票給柯文哲,因為我認為他可以幫助解決長期困擾台灣政治的貪腐問題(the issue of corruption that has long plagued Taiwan's politics.”)。” William Yang 
  澳洲 Australia, 2023-11-24 民眾支持更換政府。 事實上,反對黨已經發現了許多攻擊目標:政府對新冠疫情的處理;立法議員的貪腐行為(corruption)......


從CovID-19看台灣人格   全文

英國The Guardian, 2021-6-14: 台灣拒絕上海復星供應德國輝瑞疫苗,美國前國防官員: 如果復星的提議是合法的,拒絕它“完全是政治性的”。 輝瑞和 BioNTech 有巨大的動機確保復星供應疫苗是等效的,我認為沒有問題,”沒有理由不接受它。台大訪問學者納赫曼表示,“拒絕是愚蠢的"Drew Thompson (a former US Defense officer) said there were scientific and transparency concerns about China’s vaccines, but if the Fosun offer is legitimate, refusing it is “entirely political”. “Pfizer and BioNTech have a huge incentive to ensure that the Fosun product is equivalent, so I would think there is no concern,” he said. “There’s no reason not to take it.” Lev Nachman, a visiting scholar at the National Taiwan University, said it still seemed “in the DPP’s electoral interest not to get any China vaccines”.
納赫曼表示,“不拿復星疫苗似乎符合民進黨的選舉利益”。 簡言之台灣為了政權無視人命。

