runaway foreign laborers in
Taiwan |
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Formosa TV news, 2021-7-8 reported
Taipei city mayor considered using "an
underground system" to "bait" thousands
of illegal foreign laborers leave
underground and to get vaccinated.
Another proof is -
Taiwan police arrested, within 4
hours, a run-away foreign worker suspected to infect Corona Virus, but Taiwanese
government has
never found any of other 50,000 illegal foreign laborers without CovID-19
Obviously, Taiwan police, immigration government, perhaps and some other
governments, highly likely are members of crime structure.
New York Times ( 5-31-2019) reported that in the 12 months that ended in March,
more than 112,000 people were prosecuted for illegal entry or re-entry.
In contrast, nearly 50,000 foreign workers from South-East Asia fled, and the
situation is bad
( immigration government statistics:
48299 by 10-31-2019, 47632 at large by 7-31-2019, 46980 on the run by 6-30-2019;
UDN 2-6-2020: illegal
foreign workers might be loophole of Taiwan's CoronaVirus epidemic prevention
Formosa TV (民視英語新聞) English News at 3-25-2019: ...... All workers from Southeast Asia know
that in Taiwan there are no consequences for getting caught, so why not run
for it? Even on social media, they openly say that Taiwan is the perfect
place to run away. What a shame of Taiwan !
The United Daily (聯合報) 、the
Liberty Times (自由時報) at 9-5-2019、 Taiwan News at 9-4-2019 reported
that there're lots of prostitutes and illegal workers coming from South-East
Asia, however, National Immigration Agency parried by the phrases their Specialized Operation
Corps and Brigade are 'understaffed' therefore resulting in social security
loopholes ......
Radio Taiwan International
12-26-2018) reported
Taiwan's National Immigration Agency government and
Ministry of Labor
were criticized and were corrected by Control Yuan for their poor performance of
duties, conducting checks and taking of conclusive evidences ...
FTV News 3-25-2019: Over half of the
workers that run away are caregivers.
United Daily
group (聯合報,
經濟日報、聯合晚報, 11-28-2015
) reported that many caretakers
avoid the elderly with serious illness
( it's "Adverse
Selection" !
slight disease needs caretakers? )
or weight 70+kg
( ps: Average weight of N. American
adults is 80.7kg - Wikipedia ;
007 in <You Only Live Twice>: I just might
retire to here, Japan - a country men come first, women come second; but
Taiwan is a country maids flee first
High percentage of foreign
caregivers running away endangers health and life of the cared who are not allowed
to apply a new one within 3+ months
―― The Labor Gov. and Legislative
Yuan can not escape censure for wrongly amending and executing Employment Service Law... (ref.
to Liberty Times, 6-30-2019). Those politicians are as cold-bloody
as runaways. Formosa TV news (民視新聞) 9-2-2018, TVBS
evening news 10-20-2015, etc commented again and
again that the public
seemed to be angry that the only thing Taiwan can do is to repatriate South-East Asian migrant
care-givers who did
evil things to the cared, the elderly.
CNA (中央社,
1-23-2018): a Labor official in Southern Taiwan said no any illegal foreign
worker caught there got penalty-fine. Till end of 2018 Taiwan even let go some foreign worker guilty in criminal case (ref. to
United Daily, 12-14-2018). Is it a principle of
(proportionality) or New South Bound Policy ?
Kao-hsuing City mayor & KMT presidential candidate Han in early Sept. '19 said "We are grateful to all the new immigrants who come here to work legally. But as for those illegally and causing trouble, this is absolutely unacceptable". A few days ago Han just spoke out publicly a controversial phrase describing the flight of Taiwanese talent and the arrival of migrant workers as "phoenixes flying away and a bunch of chickens coming in!" ( in Taiwan and Hong Kong, etc, "chickens" mean prostitutes, in here, also hint illegal workers ).
Certainly I agree NIA and president Tsai's words, migrant workers should not be 'insulted'; However, we only respect those who respect themselves.
To solve the problems, the site urges Taiwanese governments should give more efforts on arresting illegal migrants ( not just occasionally crackdown 500 laborers, in June '19), and should put priority on serious cases so as to protect the elderly, infirm, ill, and disabled people from being hurt. Nice assistances from all nationals and foreigners in Taiwan are needed and appreciated. The site is trying to stop those bad care-givers and maids going overseas to hurt weak people in other countries as well.
I personally saw more than once an illegal broker hanging around in one of largest foreign labor companies and another one with top score given by Taiwanese Labor Gov. A broker company said some groups gave covers and aid to run-away migrants, this reminds me of critiques (2012/2013) of accomplices (city mayor, County Magistrate, city/county councilors, legislators, gov. officials etc ) exploiting foreign laborers. Are same sort of politicians still doing this ? Taiwan arrested 4,000 major gangsters within a short time years ago. At Feb. 26, 2020, within 5 hours Taiwan police arrested an illegal foreign worker who took care of a CoronaVirus patient a number of days ago, but, without CoronaVirus involved, Taiwanese officials see no illegal migrant workers, you can tell whether or not Taiwan is part of crime structure?
What a shame of Taiwan !
in all the past years,
int'l fraud
( quora: Taiwan largely sees these as an asset rather
than liability...) ,
drug base
CTN: Taiwan is producing and selling
center of Asia ), women & children trafficking ,
abusing migrant workers
( USA Country
Reports on Human Rights practices
( GreenPeace: Taiwan gov. knows this
issue but does little, TW had not changed anything without Europe's yellow-card ) ,
a paradise for illegal migrants, bad judiciary, ... all low-down dirty
★ Formosa TV English News (3-25-2019)
Over half of the workers that run away are caretakers.
Many workers flee in hopes of
finding better-paying jobs. ★
Formosa TV, English News (3-25-2019,
construction, agriculture and caretaking are
Taiwanese government official website offers a link "What can
you do when your care-giver running away",
● (1) many run away for illegal broker's lies
Formosa TV English News (3-25-2019) : Brokerage fees are not the main cause for escaping. That's an erroneous assumption.
Over half of the workers that run
away are caretakers.
Many workers flee in hopes of
finding better-paying jobs.
But after running away, many end up realizing
that the promises of higher wages were all lies.
They paid same wages
(as working legally), but gave
laborers harder
work to do.
● (2) Avoid being abused or hurt !
Ref to
info. from one of largest foreign
laborer companies in Taiwan
★ |
Menurut laporan berita, ada kelompok buruh illegal yang dipimpin oleh Tuan
Chen, yang mengendalikan 40 orang TKI kaburan dengan narkoba, tidak hanya
upah dikurangi, sepulang kerja mereka ditempatkan di tahanan rumah di sebuah
asrama sempit, di antara mereka, banyak perempuan dan pekerja asing yang
dipaksa melakukan hubungan seksual, jika tidak patuh diancam akan dilaporkan
ke departemen imigrasi. Lingkungan yang sengsara seperti rumah budak. Asia
tenggara group memohon kepada TKI agar memperhatikannya, jika ada masalah
dalam pekerjaan, mohon hubungi agensi, telpon ke 02-2763-1234, agar tidak
terjadi penyesalan dikemudian hari.
According to news reports, surnamed Chen Group, led by illegal labor brokers
to drug centralized control of 40 run away foreign workers, not only
salaries cut wages, after work, they will be under house arrest in cramped
quarters, some of female foreign workers were also forced sexual relations
with Mr. Chen, if not follow Chen's Instruction will notification to the
Immigration Department arrest threat, tragic environment like sex slave
camp. Southeast Asia Group, please remind all foreign workers should pay
attention, if any problem about the work, please contact the company (02)
2763-1234, in order to avoid the occurrence of regret.
● (3) Taiwan has long time records abusing foreign laborers, according to US state gov. human rights reports
The employer is a victim of
political persecution
Therefore, had Ummi experienced some pressures (or had secrets) from bad
politicians to ask her run some risks to do or say something? the evil
may cover her running away ? Ummi, should stand up and speak out to the
whole world ! be courageous !!
★ |
news - briefs ★ 聯合報, 9-5-2019: 希望能夠解決海關、專勤隊人力短缺以及非法移民的問題。 ★ Taiwan News 9-4-2019: Han: We are grateful to all the new immigrants who come here to work legally. But as for those who come here illegally and enter the country to cause trouble, this is absolutely unacceptable." (歡迎合法工作的移工 絕不接受非法與會製造麻煩的) now one in seven babies are from new immigrant parents, accounting for 15 percent of total births. (目前台灣每七個嬰兒就有一個是外勞生的) ★ 自由時報, 9-5-2019: 最近非法來台賣淫及打工的很多;防止非法來台賣淫及打工屬移民署業務。 ★ 聯合報, 中國時報, 9-5-2019: 內政部統計,2017年1月至11月期間外來人口違法人次共計3萬3400多人,較2016年增加近2500次,其中以不明的外勞占60.98%,查緝人力根本無法負荷,去年更發生有史以來最大宗的外籍旅客集體脫逃一案,造成治安漏洞是事實,請政府不要迴避責任。 ★ pts.org 公視, 9-5-2019: 韓國瑜說:雞是非法工作的移工。... 對台灣社會來講,會製造更多的問題... ★ RTI 中央廣播電台 9-5-2019: 「東南亞來台多賣淫」惹議 韓國瑜務實解決問題 ★ Taiwan News 9-5-2019: NIA says 9-5-2019 Taiwan's migrant workers should not be 'insulted' ... Han described the flight of Taiwanese talent and the arrival of migrant workers as "phoenixes flying away and a bunch of chickens coming in!" (鳳凰都飛走了,進來一大堆雞!), insulting many in the migrant community.
Taipei Times 9-6-2019:
Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) compared migrant workers to “chickens,”
saying many of them are engaged in the sex trade and other
illegal part-time jobs ...
★ 中央廣播電台 Radio Taiwan International 2018-12-26 14:44:
在台行蹤不明外勞逾5萬 監院糾正 對於非法雇主及非法仲介查察不力,或無法掌握確切事證,導致移送案件經地方勞政主管機關裁罰率偏低,核有怠失。
有些不法仲介業務叫外勞逃跑,再叫雇主用逃逸外勞,不僅沒損失,反而賺更多,千萬不要用逃逸外勞,她們沒有健保,也沒有體檢,所有的風險由您承擔 What makes Taiwan’s foreign workers flee? |
Formosa TV English News
(民視英語新聞) 3-25-2019
Phony tourists aside, the whereabouts of some 52,000
foreign workers is also unknown. These workers came to Taiwan legally to
pursue employment. Why have they run away, and where do they go?
Foreign workers who want to work in Taiwan legally must first pay brokerage fees in their home countries. Ah-hsiung himself entered Taiwan with US$6,000 of debt. In comparison, fees for entering Taiwan on a tourist visa and working illegally are cheap, costing between US$1,000 and US$2,000. Of course these workers want to lower the cost of leaving their country, because their end goal is to make money. Secondly, the system does not allow foreign workers to change employers freely. So if, as a worker, you have problems with your employer and you haven''t yet fully paid your brokerage fee or settled your debt, and on top of that you are not making any money, what would you do? You might decide to run away. Agencies claim that high brokerage fees are not completely to blame for runaway workers. Employment services group Brokerage fees are not the main cause for escaping. That''s an erroneous assumption. Over half of the workers that run away are caretakers, you know what I mean? They pay a brokerage fee of US$1,000 but they still run away. It''s the lowest fee. Many workers flee in hopes of finding better-paying jobs. But after running away, many end up realizing that the promises of higher wages were all lies. Ah-hsiangVietnamese caretaker For example, there are many employers that will offer you a salary of NT$40,000. But after you pack your bags and move there, they tell you it''s not that much. They then pay us the same wages that we had earned when working legally. We make the same amount of money for harder work. Where do all these runaways end up? Chen Hsiu-lienTaiwan International Workers'' AssociationAs far as I know, construction, agriculture and caretaking are the sectors where escapees end up. These are three of our biggest industries, but Taiwan hasn''t been able to meet their labor needs. Scholars say labor shortages are widespread and not limited to these a few industries ... (brief) |
pic.: WANTED - foreign laborers at large / Formisa TV news 2019 |
What a shame of Taiwan !
in all the past years,
int'l fraud
( quora: Taiwan largely sees these as an asset rather
than liability...) ,
drug base
CTN: Taiwan is producing and selling
center of Asia ), women & children trafficking ,
abusing migrant workers
( USA Country
Reports on Human Rights practices
being idle or slack on catching illegal migrants ... all low-down dirty
★ ending:
If anyone found her,
M. Ummi ,
pls. report the
police or related units. The China Times (
) at 9-12-2015 : Taiwan's Ministry of
Labor give reward money NT5000 ~ 20000 to anyone who report illegal run-away (or
lost-contact) foreign laborer(s), NT 20000~70000 to anyone
reporting illegal broker-agent(s).
The site will give extra prize(s) equaling about NT5000 to the one reporting police and hence get M. Ummi caught. (~ May 2020)
★ contact and report :
★ 移民署專勤隊 Specialized Operation Corps / Administration Corps / Brigade /
★ Taipei City Government