physicians, medical Doctors in Taiwan                           
   this site's world No. 1 in  2020~24,  2017~19,  2016 2015,  2014,  2013 2010~12    Top  since 1998 


fights for rights

    home  Taiwan  TW  OP  democracy  tour  medical  restaurants  night-markets  love  personality  women  speech  mental-control  privacy  fraud  judiciary  police  corruption  net-army  univ  foreign-labor  death penalty  prosecutors  soft power  diplomacy  pres.  president  brief  happiness  housing  prostitutes  massage  supermarket  transport  avia.  cult-creativity  human-rights   intl-Human rights  judicial-persecution  oppression  trans-justice  larceny  military  drugs  food  buffet  wealth  image  culture  US-cartoons  US-designs  Japan-comics  Chn-creativity  EXPO  cartoons-WWII  humor  political-cartoons  CovID  migrant  fb  music  movies      CHINESE


News ♦ The China Times, CTV news, 2024-9-21: Many Taiwanese people petitioned for not having hospital beds;  Taipei city councilor found many hospitals have beds, but lack of nursing staffs to take care of more patients.醫院有床卻沒有護理師-北市聯醫人力短缺病患苦等無解/ar-AA1qVeyq

China Times, 2024-6-26:
 Many medical institutions in Taiwan have a long-standing problem of lacking nursing staffs.  From the second half of last year, major hospitals had to close some beds to cope with the situation;  A widely-known nursing home in northern Taiwan closed 50 beds, besides, there are issues of medical saline shortage.  As CovID returns in Taiwan, our government reacts slowly and even is not willing to  admit the issue - lacking of medical staffs and resources.

China Times, 2024-7-19: The government does not dare to raise premiums to avoid losing the elections.  Since benefits for drug-prices are cut almost every year, hospitals refuse to import higher-priced brand drugs, instead, generic drugs that are less effective. Due to global budget payment system,  the more patients Doctors see, the more financial losses the hospital will suffer.  Now all hospitals are faced with the problem of lacking of MDs in Internal medicine, Surgery, Gynecology, Pediatrics, and Emergency departments. Medical students with good grades usually go to fields like Dermatology, medical Cosmetology, and Ophthalmology, which are high-paying and easy-going

 United Daily (聯合報), 2024-8-23: Professor of National Chung-Cheng University: Professional arrogance may ignore patients' symptoms and lead to misdiagnosis  /  one of my friends described chest pain symptoms to the MD many times, but the Doctor simply attributed it to anxiety and did not conduct further examination; until she passed out one day and found Severe aortic stenosis causes arrhythmia (重度主動脈狹窄引發心律不整)another one suffering from headaches and blurred vision for a long time have attended MD many times. Doctors mostly insisted that it was stress and did not recommend further examination; until one day she   passed out and was diagnosed with brain tumor.  Be brave enough to Actively ask questions and defend your right. 

FTV News (民視新聞), 2024-8-25:  According to the Ministry of Labor (2022), the average monthly salary of Taiwan's physicians is NT 156,178 (about USD 5200); the average annual salary of physicians is NT 2,320,000     TTV News (台視新聞), 2024-5-16: the monthly salary of many young attending physicians is about NT 100,000

United Daily (聯合報), 2024-7-11:  Due to the shortage of nursing manpower and the escalation of the COVID-19 epidemic, emergency rooms in major hospitals continued to be overcrowded this summer. Some patient had to sit in wheelchairs and receive rectified electric shocks to save his life. 

The Liberty Times (自由時報), 2024-7-13: The Department of Pediatrics at National Taiwan University wanted to recruit 13 resident physicians this year, but only six were recruited.  The attending physician therefore has to be on duty at the front line in person.  This way going for a long time, the attending physician is also calling for resignation.  Pediatrics physicians usually spend more time and efforts on treating children, but have same health insurance benefits as other


n Taiwan's best hospital ranks No.218 in 2024 Newsweek "World's Best Hospitals"

World's Best Hospitals 2024
by Newsweek
comparison among Asia's countries

world rank hospital country
9 Sheba Medical center Israel
11 Singapore General Hospital Singapore
18 The Univ. of Tokyo Hospital Japan
22 Asan Medical center S. Korea
24 St. Luke's Int'l Hospital Japan
34 Samsung Medical Center S. Korea
40 Severance Hospital Yonsei Univ. S. Korea
43 Seoul National Univ. Hospital S. Korea
45 Kameda Medical Center Japan
56 Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Australia
64 Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical center Israel
69 Kyushu Univ. Hospital Japan
79 National Univ. Hospital Singapore
81 Seoul National Univ. - Bundang Hospital S. Korea
86 Nagoya Univ. Hospital Japan
88 Center Hospital of the National Center for Global Health & medicine Japan
94 Gangnam Severance Hospital - Yonsei Univ. S. Korea
96 Kyoto Univ. Hospital Japan
97 The Alfred Australia
102 Royal Melbourne Hospital Parkville Australia
104 The Catholic Univ. Korea Seoul St. Mary's Hospital S. Korea
110 Tan Tock Seng Hospital Singapore
111 Keio Univ. Hospital Japan
113 All India Institute of Medical Science Delhi India
116 Mount Elizabeth - Orchard Singapore
120 Ajou Univ. Hospital S. Korea
130 Bumrungrad Int'l Hospital Thailand
134 Royal North Shore Hospital Australia
148 Inha Univ. Hospital S. Korea
152 Kangnuk Samsung Hospital S. Korea
156 Changi General (CGH) Singapore
158 Rabin Medical Center Israel
160 Korea Univ. Anam Hospital S. Korea
166 Medanta The Medicity India
167 Gleneagles Hospital Singapore
168 Toranomon Hospital Japan
170 The Cathilic Univ. Korea Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital S. Korea
172 Osaka Univ. Hospital Japan
177 Kurashiki Central Hospital Japan
186 Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi UAE
188 Juntendo Univ. Hospital Japan
189 St Vincent's Hospital Fitzroy Australia
201 Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital Australia
206 Hokkaido Univ. Hospital Japan
208 KyungHee Univ. Medical Center S. Korea
212 Japanese Red Cross Medical center Japan
214 Chung-Ang Univ. Hospital S. Korea
218 Taipei Veterans General 台北榮總 Taiwan 台灣
222 Konkuk Univ. Medical Center S. Korea
223 Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
224 Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital Japan
225 Ewha Womans Univ. Medical Center S. Korea
229 King Faisal Specialist Hospital (KFSH&RC) Saudi Arabia
233 Sunway Medical Center Malaysia
235 Daegu Catholic Univ. Medical Center S. Korea
246 PGIMER - Postgraduate Institute Medical Education and Research India




pic. : This websites group  was ranked No.1 on Yandex  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  at 2024-8-8, 2024-2-28, 2024-1-16, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-13, 2023-10-5, 2023-8-25, 2023-8-8, 2023-6-24, 2023-5-1, 2023-3-26, 2023-3-17, 2022-6-30, 2022-6-12, 2022-5-27, 2022-4-22, 2022-3-11, 2022-2-16,  2022-1-23,  2021-12-30, 2021-11-12,  2021-10-27, 2021-10-14, 2021-9-29, 2021-9-6, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-7, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29


pic. :  No.1   "physicians in Taiwan"  on US Google at  2024-2-28, 2024-1-16,  2024-1-1, 2023-11-11,  2023-10-5, 2023-8-25, 2023-8-8, 2023-6-24, 2022-9-19, 2022-7-1, 2022-6-13, 2022-5-28, 2022-4-23, 2022-3-12, 2022-2-17,  2022-1-24,  2021-12-31, 2021-11-11, 2021-10-15, 2021-9-30,  2021-9-6, 2021-8-30, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-14, 2021-8-8, 2021-7-31, 2021-7-23, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-4, 2021-4-28, 2021-4-23, 2021-4-18, 2021-4-10, 2-14-2021, 3-8-2021; No.2 "physicians in Taiwan" on US Google, 2024-8-8, 2023-3-26, 2021-10-28 ; among top ranks at 2023-1-1  



 pic. : No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on Microsoft Bing , 2024-5-2, 2023-11-13, 2023-10-5, 2023-5-1, 2023-1-1, 2022-7-21, 2022-7-1, 2022-4-23, 2022-3-12, 2022-2-17, 2022-1-24,  2021-12-31, 2021-11-11, 2021-9-6, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-7, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-24, 2021-5-31,  2021-5-25, 2021-4-27, 2021-4-10, 3-10-2021, 2-12-2021 ; No.2 at 2024-8-8






Newsweek  2024   top 25 Taiwan hospitals



2024 score

2023 score, rank

1 Taipei Veterans General Hospital台北榮總 93.4% 97.05, No.2
2 NTU Hospital台大醫院 93.28 97.2%, No.1
3 Linkou Chang Gung Mem. 林口長庚 84.32 82.36, No.6
4 Taichung Veterans General 台中榮總 83.91 80.44, No.8
5 Kaoshiung Chang Gung Mem 高雄長庚 83.11 88.64
6 China Medical Univ. Hospital中國醫藥大學醫 82.55 82.58
7 Mackay Mem. Hospital馬偕 81.30 78.62
8 National Cheng Kung Univ. Hospital成大 81.20 82.72
9 Kaohsiung Medical Univ. Chung-Ho Mem. Hospital高雄醫大 78.81 76.30, No.16
10 Taoyuan Chang Gung Mem. Hospital 78.78 77.95
11 Taipei Tzu Chi General Hospital -  New Tpe新北慈濟 78.10 77.60
12 Taipei Chang Gung Mem. Hospital桃園長庚 77.90 80.76, No.7
13 Cathay General Hospital國泰醫院 77.69 79.16
14 Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital高雄榮總 77.33 78.97
15 Hualin Tzu Chi General Hospital花蓮慈濟 77.10 74.99, No.19
16 China Medical Univ. Beigang Hospital中國醫大北港分院 76.86 not top 20
17 Taipei Medical Univ. Hospital台北醫大 76.5 not top 20
18 NTU Hospital Yunlin台大雲林分院 75.94 not top 20
19 Far Eastern Mem. Hospital遠東 75.61 not top 20
20 Chung Shan Medical Univ. Hospital - Taichung中山醫大 75.30 75.58
21 Tri-Service General Hospital- Songshan三軍總醫 74.10 78.25, No.12
22 Taipei Municipal Wangfang Hospital萬芳 73.84 not top 20
23 Chi Mei Medical Center - Tainan奇美 73.69 76.61, No.15
24 Cathay General Hospital, Sijhih國泰 分院 73.51 not top 20
25 Cathay General Hospital, Hsinchu國泰新竹 73.11 not top 20


World's Best Hospitals 2024
by Newsweek

comparison among Asian countries
Country/Ranks No.1~100 No.101~200 No.201~250 Total
Japan 7 5 3 15
S. Korea 6 6 5 17
Israel 2 1   3
Singapore 2 4   6
Australia 2 4   6
India   2 1 3
Thailand   1   1
UAE   1   1
Malaysia     2 2
Taiwan 台灣     1 1
Saudi Arabia     1 1
Total 19 24 13 56
China, HK not included in survey
11 hospitals in Asia & Pacific were under survey





pic. : No.2 "medical Doctors in Taiwan" on Yandex, 2024-5-2;  This websites group  was ranked No.1  "medical Doctors in Taiwan"  on Yandex of Russia  at  2024-1-16,  2024-1-1, 2023-10-5, 2023-8-25, 2023-8-8, 2023-6-24, 2022-1-24, 2021-12-31, 2021-11-11, 2021-10-28, 2021-10-15, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-16; No.2 at 2024-8-8, 2023-11-13, 2022-3-12, 2022-2-17




Council on Foreign Relations, 2024-2-27: Taiwan's healthcare system, despite its affordability and accessibility, is financially unsustainable, further exacerbated by a rapidly aging population. The three parties will need to agree on how to secure the necessary financial and labor resources.


United Daily (2024-6-5): Don't let patients become lambs to be slaughtered !!

 At present, cell therapy and regenerative medicine are very Chaotic, and there is a disparity in medical information between doctors and patients. The government (Ministry of Health and Welfare) cannot shift the blame for failing to fulfill its responsibility for patient care. Regenerative medicine may become the most expensive and ineffective medical treatment in the history of Taiwan medicine


nTaiwan ranks No. 249 in World's Best Hospitals by Newsweek and Statista in 2023 

World's Best Hospitals 2023
by Newsweek & Statista
comparison among Asia's countries

Asia's rank


total number of top 250  hospitals

1 Japan 18
2 S. Korea 18
3 Australia 7
4 Singapore 5
5 Israel 3
6 India 3
7 Thailand 1
8 UAE 1
9 Taiwan 1
Asia's China, etc are not included in survey list - 28 countries
Taiwan's NTU Hospital ranks world No. 249,  behind selected hospitals of Thai. and UAE 


World's Best Hospitals 2023
by Newsweek
top 250 hospitals - comparison among Asia's countries

world rank hospital country
9 Singapore General Hospital Singapore
11 Sheba Medical center Israel
17 The Univ. of Tokyo Hospital Japan
28 St. Luke's Int'l Hospital Japan
29 Asan Medical center S. Korea
40 Samsung Medical Center S. Korea
47 Kameda Medical Center Japan
49 Seoul National Univ. Hospital S. Korea
66 Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Australia
67 Severance Hospital Yonsei Univ. S. Korea
68 Kyushu Univ. Hospital Japan
69 Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical center Israel
73 Center Hospital of the National Center for Global Health & medicine Japan
91 The Catholic Univ. Korea Seoul St. Mary's Hospital S. Korea
93 Seoul National Univ. - Bundang Hospital S. Korea
96 National Univ. Hospital Singapore
98 The Alfred Australia
105 Mount Elizabeth - Orchard Singapore
108 Keio Univ. Hospital Japan
112 Kyoto Univ. Hospital Japan
118 Nagoya Univ. Hospital Japan
119 Ajou Univ. Hospital S. Korea
122 All India Institute of Medical Science Delhi India
130 Tan Tock Seng Hospital Singapore
133 Gangnam Severance Hospital - Yonsei Univ. S. Korea
135 Gleneagles Hospital Singapore
140 Kangnuk Samsung Hospital S. Korea
142 The Cathilic Univ. Korea Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital S. Korea
144 Korea Univ. Anam Hospital S. Korea
150 Royal North Shore Hospital Australia
163 Medanta The Medicity India
168 Kurashiki Central Hospital Japan
175 Toranomon Hospital Japan
178 Rabin Medical Center Israel
181 Juntendo Univ. Hospital Japan
182 Bumrungrad Int'l Hospital Thailand
188 Royal Melbourne Hospital Parkville Australia
190 Japanese Red Cross Medical center Japan
190 Chung-Ang Univ. Hospital S. Korea
192 Inha Univ. Hospital S. Korea
196 Osaka Univ. Hospital Japan
199 Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi UAE
202 Hokkaido Univ. Hospital Japan
202 Ewha Womans Univ. Medical Center S. Korea
207 Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital Australia
208 St Vincent's Hospital Fitzroy Australia
212 Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital Japan
222 Jikei Univ. Hospital Japan
224 Gold Coast Univ. Hospital Australia
229 KyungHee Univ. Medical Center S. Korea
233 Konkuk Univ. Medical Center S. Korea
242 Kyorin Univ. Hospital Japan
243 Daegu Catholic Univ. Medical Center S. Korea
246 Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital Japan
247 Chungnam National Univ. Hospital S. Korea
249 National Taiwan Univ. Hospital Taiwan
250 Apollo Hospital Chennai India
Opinion - Why is Taiwan behind ?

(1) Taiwan got highest CovID death rate in Asia and entire world again and again.  United Daily (2023-3-14): The death rate of severe CovID patients in Taiwan is more than 85% /  "Medicine should be prescribed but not prescribed, medicine should be taken but not taken",  bad record of "failure to administer CovID remedy/medicine in time" Bloomberg, 2021-7-25: Taiwan's medical care system is also run on a tight budget to keep costs affordable Newsweek: These are challenging times for hospitals. COVID-19 put unprecedented stress on health systems.

(2) Not patient-centered /  not easy to register clinic, 2-5 minutes for clinic diagnosis,
7-10 waiting days in emergency room to be hospitalized, shortage of some excellent medicines and newest equipments, the number of MDs per 10000 is very low, turnover rate of the nurses is high, some chronic disease items' score very low, poor internationalization, national health insurance ceiling issue, not to value privacy, medical disputes,  not enough resource for rural patients and the disadvantaged... for details pls. read the web-pages below


Newsweek: Among the hallmarks of great hospitals, however, are not just first-class care, first-class research and first-class innovation. The very best institutions also share another quality: consistency. The world's best hospitals consistently attract the best people and provide the best outcomes for patients as well as the most important new therapies and research.


  Taiwan's rankings in medical education

In Nature Index 2023, "Health Science" , National Taiwan University ranks No.32 among universities in Asiabehind China, S. Korea, Japan, Singapore etc.  In Times Higher Education, "Medicine and Dentistry" National Taiwan University ranks No.152Taiwan's Taipei Medical University ranks No. 401-500, Cheng-Kung University ranks No. 501-600 In US News "Best Universities for Clinical Medicine",  National Taiwan University ranks behind China, S. Korea, Japan, Singapore etc. 


  Taiwan's higher education rankings

In Times Higher Education 2024, National Taiwan University ranks behind Asian countries - China, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, S. Korea.   In Quacquarelli Symonds,QS  UK 2024, National Taiwan University ranks behind Asian countries - China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, S. Korea, Malaysia.  In CWUR 2023 National Taiwan University ranks behind countries of Asia & Pacific, Japan, S. Korea, China, Australia, Israel, Singapore.   In Nature Index 2023, National Taiwan University ranks No.208 behind China, Japan, Singapore, S. Korea, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, India.    full text


Top 20 Taiwan's hospitals by Newsweek  2023

Taiwan's rank

top 20 Taiwan's hospitals


1 NTU Hospital 97.2%
2 Taipei Veterans General Hospital 97.05
3 Kaoshiung Chang Gung Mem Hospital 88.64
4 National Cheng Hung Univ. Hospital 82.72
5 China Medical Univ. Hospital 82.58
6 Linkou Chang Gung Mem. Hospital 82.36
7 Taipei Chang Gung Mem. Hospital 80.76
8 Taichung Veterans Genral Hospital 80.44
9 Cathay General Hospital 79.16
10 Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital 78.97
11 Mackay Mem. Hospital 78.62
12 Tri-Service General Hospital- Songshan 78.25
13 Taoyuan Chang Gung Mem. Hospital 77.95
14 Taipei Tzu Chi General Hospital -  New Tpe 77.60
15 Chi Mei Medical Center - Tainan 76.61
16 Kaohsiung Medical Univ. Chung-Ho Mem. Hospita; 76.30
17 Chung Shan Medical Univ. Hospital - Taichung 75.58
18 Taipei Municipal Wangfang Hospital 75.23
19 Hualin Tzu Chi General Hospital 74.99
20 Chiayi Chang Gung Mem. Hospital - Puzi 74.22



pic. : No.1  "medical Doctors in Taiwan" on Microsoft Bing , 2023-11-13, 2023-10-5, 2023-8-25, 2023-3-26,  2023-3-17, 2023-1-1, 2022-9-18, 2022-7-1, 2022-6-13, 2022-4-23, 2022-3-12, 2022-2-17,  2021-12-31, 2021-11-11, 2021-10-28, 2021-10-15, 2021-9-30,  2021-9-6, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-7, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-5-25, 2021-4-27, 2021-4-10,  3-10-2021, 2-12-2021, 8-17-2020, 8-5-2020 ;   No.2 "medical Doctors in Taiwan" on Microsoft Bing, 2024-5-2




nPhysicians and medical personnel in Taiwan 

              Statista:  Number of physicians in Taiwan from 2012 to 2022     


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


40,938 41,965 42,961 44,006 44,849 46,356 47,471 49,542 51045 52175 53063


  1,027 996 1,045 843 1,507 1,115 2,071 1503 1130 888


     Statista: Number of medical personnel density in Taiwan from 2009 to 2019 
Number of medical personnel per 10,000 inhabitants    
      published 2022-1-27


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


101.02 104.12 107.75 110.78 113.7 115.88 119.41 122.84 127.18 132.64 138.41


CTS TV News  (2024-1-16  華視資訊): The average age of obstetrician and gynecologist is so high that Taiwan may need some Doctors from East-South Asia.  Furthermore, There are shortages of MDs in Internal Medicine(內科)surgical(外科)obstetrics and gynecology(婦產科)Pediatrics(兒科)、Emergency (急診科).


Statista: Number of medical personnel in Taiwan as of 2022, by type, 2023

medical type number of personnel
Reg. nurses and professional nurses 185,778
Physicians 53,063
Pharmacists and assistant Pharmacists 36,336
Dentists 15,996
Medical technologists and technicians 10,400
Physical therapists and technicians, occupational therapists and technicians 14,121
Doctors of Chinese medicine 7,671
Dietians 3,588
Midwives and Reg. professional midwives 201


Statista: Number of medical personnel in Taiwan as of 2020, by type, Jan 27, 2022

medical type number of personnel
Reg. nurses and professional nurses 178,498
Physicians 51,045
Pharmacists and assistant Pharmacists 35,734
Dentists 15,429
Medical technologists and technicians 10,179
Physical therapists and technicians, occupational therapists and technicians 9,073
Doctors of Chinese medicine 7,302
Dietians 3,405
Midwives and Reg. professional midwives 192
Dental assistants 29
PS:  Statista: At the end of 2021, there were approximately 183.3 thousand registered and professional nurses employed in Taiwan


WHO -  number of MDs per 10,000 population

country MD/10000 country MD/10000 country MD/10000
Sweden 70.616  Iceland 38.914 Ukraine (2014) 29.898
Belgium (2021) 62.6  Mongolia(2018) 38.594 UAE 28.8
Norway 51.684  Nederland 38.4 Saudi Arabia 27.885
Spain 45.8  Russia 38.271  Japan 26.141
Germany (2021) 45.2  N. Korea (2017) 36.709 S Korea 25.078
Finland 43.3  Israel 36.5 Qatar (2018) 25
Italy (2021) 41.3 US 35.55 Singapore(2019) 24.3
Australia 41.108 NZ(2021) 35.162 China 23.873
Ireland 40.622 40.622 France 33.2 Malaysia 22.281
Kazakhstan 40.277 UK(2021) 31.711 Taiwan about 21.7    statistics 2020 (mostly)


The OECD Library : physicians per 1,000 people
main countries in OECD
OECD average: 3.6

rankings country  Practising Doctors
per 1,000 people (2019)
1 Greece 6.2
2 Austria 5.3
3 Portugal 5.3
4 Norway 5.0
6 Spain 4.4
7 Germany 4.4
8 Swiss 4.4
9 Sweden 4.3
10 Denmark 4.2
11 Russia 4.2
13 Italy 4.1
15 Australia 3.8
16 Nederland 3.7
20 New Zealand 3.4
  Israel 3.3
  France 3.2
  Belgium 3.2
  UK 3.0
  Canada 2.7
  USA 2.6
  Japan 2.5
  S. Korea 2.5
  China 2.2
  Turkey 2.0
  India 0.9
  Indonesia 0.5

The World Bank : physicians per 10,000 people

main countries in Asia & Pacific

Asia's rankings country  physicians
per 10,000 people
1 Mongolia 39 (2018)
2 Australia 38 (2018)
3 N Korea 37 (2017)
4 New Zealand 34 (2018)
5 Saudi Arabia 26 (2018)
6 UAE 25 (2018)
7 Japan 25 (2018)
8 S. Korea 24 (2018)
9 Singapore 23 (2016)
10 China 20 (2017)
11 Malaysia 15 (2015)
12 India 9 (2019)
13 Thai 9  (2019)
14 Vietnam 8  (2016)
15 Myanmar 7 (2019)
16 Philippines 6 (2017)
17 Indonesia 5 (2019)
18 Lao PDR 4 (2017)

Wikipedia (2021-5-5) and Liberty Times (2020-1-6),  Taiwan's doctor-to-population ratio almost hit lowest in Asia  According to  WEF <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> (released at 4-6-2017), Taiwan's "Physician density" ranks world No. 65 (No. 57 in 2015's report).   CommonWealth, 2022-4-12: Taiwan has an average 21.7 physicians per 10,000 population, which lags far behind the median of 33.6 physicians for the OECD countries (only Turkey is behind Taiwan).  In terms of healthcare's share of the national budget, which stands at 11 percent, behind the OECD average of 15 percent, which constricts the industry's growth potential...10- physicians per 10,000 inhabitantsdoes not even meet the lowest standard of the World Health Organization.,physicians%20for%20the%20OECD%20countries.



☉ Taiwan's United Daily (2023-11-14): In recent years, there has been a massive exodus of nursing staff, with nearly 5,000 nurses every year, resulting in a serious shortage of manpower at the care site. However, the government has turned a blind eye to this and has placed a lot of risks and responsibilities on CovID front-line nurses, without paying their subsidies. Furthermore, in order to make up for the manpower gap of nursing staff, the national nursing examination (護理國考) has lowered the threshold; the proportion of more difficult subjects such as "Basic Medicine"(「基礎醫學」) has been reduced from 20% to 10%, regardless of the quality of medical care...

 Taiwan's United Daily (2024-5-1): There is no penalty for those hospitals violating the government's standard of the ratio of patients per nurse .


Yahoo (2023-11-20) Taiwan News Formosa (2023-11-19)
medical personnel protest the government's expansion of of enrollment quotas in medical schools... (濫開學校招生名額,崩壞已經超飽和醫事人力,完全無視「總量管制原則」)黑十字運動-凱道的醫事人員怒火抗議-083200983.html medical personnel are still overworked due to a staff shortage. Despite an expansion of enrollment quotas in medical schools' departments of traditional Chinese medicine, pharmacy, and nursing, as well as the lowering of the threshold for passing the national doctors exams, the demand is still greater than the supply. This has led to a medical workers’ protest on Sunday. The rally in front of the Presidential Office Building was jointly conducted by medical workers from five branches of medicine. 


☉ United Daily (2023-11-13): There is a serious shortage of Medical-Doctor officers in the military troops. However, the National Defense Medical Center cannot increase enrollment because the medical field and educational circles are unwilling to relax the total enrollment quotas control (不願放寬總量管制).

☉ United Daily (2023-8-25):Taiwan's hospitals reject cancer patients being hospitalized under the status of National Health Insurance to avoid the authority turning down hospital's application for payment by the
strategy of a sum and canceling after confirming.  Many patients faced with the dilemma of being unable to afford expensive cancer medicines because the policy of private insurance companies does not cover out-of-pocket medicine expenses.

Lancet, 2023-6-24  : lots of arguments have emerged about applying artificial intelligence to medical education in Taiwan - whether quickly produced new doctors have sufficient humanity in clinical practice.

☉DailyMail (UK), 2023-4-28:  Young Australian student on his dream overseas exchange program is fighting for his life in Taiwan after eating food laced with rat poison.  His Doctor father said: "He had been misdiagnosed in Taiwan with an immune disorder".  Alex is at the Taipei Medical University Hospital ..."The medical services in Taiwan don't currently have the right treatments or drugs to stabilise his condition, Alex's condition has grown worse and he needs to be flown to the Royal Prince Albert Hospital in Sydney via a specialised medical flight retrieval service".
SKY News Australia, 2023-5-4:
Australian student Alex Shorey has been fighting for his life after consuming rat poison in early April – the ingestion led to internal bleeding and organ failure The 24-year-old's family raised over $200,000 dollars to charter a specialised medical evacuation which flew him from Taiwan to Brisbane where he was taken to hospital for further treatment.  NEWS Australia, 2023-5-4:



nCovID-19 in Taiwan 

New York Times,  2023-2-16 News briefing
CovID death per 100,000 people since 2020
comparison among main Asian countries

Australia Taiwan S. Korea Indonesia Japan New Zealand Singapore China (official count)
74 70 65 59 55 50 30 6
China's official toll includes only infected people who died in hospitals


New York Times,  Feb. 23, 2023  12:12pm
Taiwan's death rate still ranks world No.1

world rank country cases per 100,000 14 days changed deaths per 100,000
1 Taiwan 67 -34% 0.25
6 Australia 10 -16 0.11
7 Japan 14 -54 0.10
23 NZ 24 -7 0.06
31 Hong Kong - - 0.04
35 S. Korea 20 -26 0.03
64 Malaysia <1 -14 <0.01
about 170 Singapore 0 -100 -
about 200 China - -100 -
world No. 66 Thailand,  No. 67 UAE,  No. 68 Indonesia,  71 Pakistan,  72 India,  80  Bangladesh,  127 Cambodia,  133 Laos,   147 Macao


Taiwanese government said at 2023-2-6 that the pandemic of third wave started from middle Dec. 2022, the number of deaths and the curve are relatively smooth; however, Taiwan's deaths per 100,000 ranked No.1 among main Asia countries since Oct. 2022, and then jumped to world No.1 at Feb. 2023.   Taiwanese government said (2023-2-17) the pandemic is ending, but the death rate at 2023-2-23 is still world No.1, cases per 100,000 ranks world No.2  (next to Nauru), according to New York Times.


New York Times,  Feb. 6, 2023

world rank country Asia's rank deaths per 100,000 Fully Vaccinated
1 Taiwan 1 0.26 87%
2 Finland   0.26 79
3 Sweden   0.23 74
4 Bermuda   0.22 75
5 Latvia   0.21 68
6 Japan 2 0.21 82
12 Australia 3 0.12 85
29 S. Korea 4 0.05 86
35 China 5 0.03 91
49 Macau 6 0.02 100
62 Philippines 7 0.01 68
71 NZ 8 <0.01 84


According to New York Times (2023-2-6), Taiwan's CovID-19 death rate (deaths per 100,000)  ranks world No.1,  Taiwan's cases per 100,000 ranks world No.1.    In accord with NY Times (2023-2-14), only 17 countries'  "fully vaccinated" rate is higher than Taiwan's 87%.   Taiwan had bad record of "failure to administer CovID medicine/remedy in time"  Bloomberg, 2021-7-25: Taiwan's medical care system is also run on a tight budget to keep costs affordable.  United Daily (2023-2-13): "Medicine should be prescribed but not prescribed, medicine should be taken but not taken".     United Daily (2023-2-23): NTU: Nearly 60% of Taiwanese aged 50+ have not vaccinated within recent 6 months.



COVID-19 vaccine boosters administered per 100 people  till Feb 4, 2023

Total number of vaccine booster doses administered, divided by the total population of the country. Booster doses are doses administered beyond those prescribed by the original vaccination protocol.


 Japan ( 138+  ) > Taiwan( 100+) > Sweden (93+) > HK (92+)>  S. Korea>  Singapore> Finland (77+) > Australia (75+)> China (68+) > Nermuda



New York Times,  Feb. 6, 2023

world rank country cases per 100,000 14 days changed deaths daily average deaths per 100,000
1 Taiwan 111 +39% 63 0.26
4 Japan 32 -55 262.6 0.21
5 S.Korea 29 -43 27.7 0.05
7 NZ 23 - 0.3 <0.01
11 Australia 12 -23 30.4 0.12
19 Singapore 8 +26 0.1 <0.01
  China 1 -79 468.3 0.03
  world 3 -34% 2187 0.03


In accord with Oxford University , (2022-12-26), Taiwan's "How long does it take the number of total confirmed deaths to double" ranks world No. 4 , only next to Macau, Micronesia, and Marshall Islands.


Global comparison: where are confirmed CovID-19 deaths increasing most rapidly?

How long does it take the number of total  confirmed deaths to double

Taiwan ranks world No. 4

Oxford University ,   2022-12-26

location how long does it take for the number total confirmed deaths to double total confirmed deaths daily new confirmed deaths
Macau 9 13 +0 new
Micronesia 102 58 +0 new
Marshall Islands 131 17 +0 new
Taiwan 170 15,099 +24 new
According to Oxford Univ., (2022-12-26),  Taiwan's "daily new confirmed cases" ranks world No.4; Taiwan's "how long does it take for the number total confirmed cases to double" ranks world No. 9 (it takes 148 days to double)

 New York Times (2022-11-15), Taiwan's CovID-19 deaths per 100,000 is the worst among Asia's main countries., 2022-12-1: In the past week alone, ... placing Taiwan in the top ten in the world for cases per million people. It also currently has the second-highest deaths per million. Total overall cases stand at 8,313,366 with 14,334 deaths, most occurring since April. 
According to New York Times (2022-10-25), Taiwan's CovID-19 cases per 100,000 and deaths per 100,000 both are the worst among Asia's main countries.

The China Times, editorial (2022-11-23):  Taiwan's CovID-19 case-fatality rate (確診致死率) in recent two weeks ranks world No.3, such a bad record lasts at least two weeks.

The China Times (2022-10-26): Taiwan's confirmed cases per 1000,000 in last 7 days ranks world last.  (

New York Times, 2022-11-15
Coronavirus World Map: Tracking the Global Outbreak

country/region Death daily per100,000 Deaths daily avg.
Taiwan 0.24 56.9
Hong Kong 0.13 10
New Zealand 0.1 5.1
S Korea 0.09 45.1
Japan 0.06 69.7
Australia 0.06 14.3
Malaysia 0.03 8.9
Indonesia 0.02 41.4
Philippines 0.02 17.4
Singapore 0.02 0.9
Thailand <0.01 6
India <0.01 4
Saudi Arabia <0.01 2.1
Bangladesh <0.01 0.4
Sri Lanka <0.01 0.3
Pakistan <0.01 0.3
Mongolia <0.01 0.1
Myanmar <0.01 0
UAE - 0
Qatar - 0
Nepal - 0
Laos - 0
Cambodia - 0
Vietnam - 0
China - 0
Macau - 0

New York Times, 2022-10-25
Coronavirus World Map: Tracking the Global Outbreak

country/region cases daily avg. per100,000 Deaths daily avg. Deaths per100,000
World 364,848 5 1,488.9 0.02
Taiwan 36,863 155 61.9 0.26
Singapore 5,941 104 1.7 0.03
Hong Kong 5,438 73 8.3 0.11
New Zealand 3,260 66 4.4 0.09
S Korea 23,025 45 16.9 0.03
Japan 34,409 27 57.3 0.05
Australia 4634 18 12.9 0.05
Qatar 471 17 0.1 <0.01
Malaysia 1932 6 3 <0.01
UAE 282 3 0.1 <0.01
Philippines 1541 1 37.9 0.04
Indonesia 2201 <1 18.6 <0.01
Saudi Arabia 228 <1 1.9 <0.01
Mongolia 21 <1 0 -
Vietnam 593 <1 0.4 <0.01
Thailand 374 <1 5.7 <0.01
Myanmar 195 <1 0.9 <0.01
Laos 12 <1 0 -
India 1760 <1 9.5 <0.01
Bangladesh 176 <1 1.0 <0.01
China 844 <1 0 -
SriLanka 9 <1 0.6 <0.01

Global Times 2022-6-10: "The handling of outbreak also proved that Taiwan's medical and health facilities are inadequate and cannot take care of a large number of patients at the same time, which is completely inconsistent with Taiwan's claim that it has advanced medical and health infrastructure", "In any place where a public health crisis was so badly handled and people's lives were treated carelessly with no respect, the authorities should resign." 



n CovID in Taiwan
 Nikkei Asia (Japan) , 2022-7-8: Nikkei CovID-19 Recovery Index: Taiwan, at 112th, is still grappling with tens of thousands of cases every day. The current wave has cost the island nearly 6,500 lives. ( Taiwan ranks last in Asia & Pacific )

United Daily 》editorial, 2022-9-6: The Covid wave is going to be fueled by the omicron BA.5 which was foreseen a month ago; however, Taiwan has not prepared at all. 



Global comparison: where are confirmed CovID-19 deaths increasing most rapidly?
How long does it take the number of total  confirmed deaths to double
Oxford University ,   2022-10-8

Asian country days to double deaths Asian country days to double deaths
Taiwan  106  Sri Lanka 405
NZ 110    Philippines 412
Australia 149 Cambodia 426
S Korea 196  Myanmar 431
 HK 204  Indonesia 441  
 Japan  225 Bangladesh 462
 Laos 278   India 511
Singapore 292 China 955
Vietnam 349  Asia 481
Thai 374     world 527
 Mongolia 380    
Malaysia 397    
1. Micronesia   38 days, 2 Marshall Island 51 days, 3 Macau 85 days, Taiwan ranks world No.4 



Nikkei CovID-19 Recovery Index, as of Aug. 31 Sept. 9, 2022
rankings of main countries in Asia & Pacific

World Rank Asia Rank Country/region World Rank Asia RK Country/region
2 1 Vietnam 33 10 Saudi Arabia
3 2 Cambodia 40 11 Mongolia
5 3 Qatar 50 12 China
11 4 UAE 52 13 Australia
14 5 S. Korea 52 13 Malaysia
19 6 Singapore 54 15 Pakistan
22 7 Bangladesh 57 16 India
27 8 New Zealand 57 16 Taiwan
31 9 Nepal 61 18 Hong Kong
Taiwan -  falling infections and eased anti-COVID policies.  Taiwan is trying to reopen its borders by resuming visa-free entry for visitors from the U.S., Europe and some other departure points, starting next week.

China Times》editorial, 2022-9-7: All of Taiwan's CovID-19 policies have been lagging behind, much slower than other countries.  Now Taiwan orders BA.1 vaccines, an outdated model of the next-generation vaccine.  Why is the government not willing to purchase the most updated vaccine targets BA.5?  Is there any "calculation" under table ??




Statista, 2022-7-27: Coronavirus (COVID-19)  death rate
in countries with confirmed deaths and over 1,000 reported cases
as of April 26, 2022, by country
comparisons among main Asian countries

countries World ranks cases in last 7 days Death Rate
NZ Cook Islands No.1 526 0.02
Bhutan No.2 3317 0.03
New Zealand No.5 45748 0.07
Singapore No.8 16728 0.11
Australia No.9 247199 0.12
S Korea No.11 426645 0.13
Qatar No.19 546 0.19
Mongolia No.24 196 0.24
UAE No.26 1459 0.26
Israel No.26 21334 0.26
Laos No.34 4515 0.36
Japan No.38 244929 0.38
Vietnam No.42 82453 0.41
Thailand No.71 110385 0.6
China No.74 179114 0.6
Malaysia No.93 31317 0.8
Lebanon No.105 651 0.9
Saudi Arabia No.125 678 1.2
India No.128 12503 1.21
Nepal No.129 78 1.22
Taiwan No.143 23976 1.39



Taiwan's COVID-19 performance

World Index

Taiwan's ranks


Nikkei CovID-19 Recovery Index, as of Aug. 31 (released at 2022-9-9) Taiwan ranks No. 57 , behind Vietnam, Cambodia, UAE, S. Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, Mongolia, China, Australia, Malaysia, Pakistan, India, etc
Statista, 2022-7-27: Coronavirus (COVID-19)  death rate, in countries with confirmed deaths and over 1,000 reported cases
as of April 26, 2022, by country
Taiwan ranks No.143, behind NZ, Singapore, Australia, S Korea, Qatar, Mongolia, Israel, Laos, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, India, Nepal, etc
Nikkei CovID-19 Recovery Index, as of Jul. 31 Taiwan ranks No. 79 , behind Cambodia, Vietnam, UAE, S. Korea,  China, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Mongolia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia,  etc
Bloomberg's CovID Resilience Ranking, 2022-6-29 Taiwan ranks next to the last
Bloomberg CovID Resilience Ranking   2022-5-27 Taiwan ranks the 3rd from the end
Bloomberg CovID Resilience Ranking   2021-10-28 Taiwan's "3-month case fatality rate ", 7.7 %, ranks world worst
Bloomberg CovID Resilience Ranking  2021-9-28 Taiwan's "3-month case fatality rate ", 13.4 %, ranks world worst

full details



Bloomberg's CovID Resilience Ranking, 2022-6-29: But they've been unable to outrun omicron: Taiwan and Hong Kong both saw deaths spike as more virus circulated (

◆ Global Times, 2022-6-10: "The handling of outbreak also proved that Taiwan's medical and health facilities are inadequate and cannot take care of a large number of patients at the same time, which is completely inconsistent with Taiwan's claim that it has advanced medical and health infrastructure", "In any place where a public health crisis was so badly handled and people's lives were treated carelessly with no respect, the authorities should resign."


  al jazeera, 2022-5-30: Taiwan is now battling its worst-ever outbreak as authorities report 70,000-90,000 cases each day. The fatalities have notably included the sudden deaths of several very young children, which many Taiwanese attribute to failures of the healthcare system. 

  ◆ Guardian (UK), 2022-5-9: Once a zero-Covid poster child, Taiwan learns to live with the virusexperts predict... up to 16,000 dead.   Rules and regulations change almost daily and incrementally. The death of a two-year-old boy last month highlighted communication failures exacerbated by Taiwan’s entrenched bureaucracy.  hospital ...colleagues are understaffed and overworked, there is not enough protective equipment or backup to replace staff who go on leave because they caught the virus...and are still subject to a pandemic ban on health workers leaving the country.

◆ Nikkei Asia (Japan), 2022-5-5: Taiwan's ranking has plunged (down to No.94, behind most countries in Asia & Pacific, e.g., Japan, Korea, Singapore) in the latest edition of Nikkei's COVID-19 Recovery Index as the island transitions from a strict zero-virus strategy to living with the respiratory illness, even as infections surge.  South Korea ranking soars as infections plunge and mobility curbs ease., 2022-5-7: The index is maintained by Nikkei, Japan's leading business publication group that includes the Nikkei, Nikkei Asia, and the Financial Times (of London), assessing countries and regions on infection management, vaccine rollouts and social mobility.


 Financial Times (UK) , 2022-4-18  ( Ho Mei-shang, an adjunct fellow at Academia Sinica says It would be a failure if some people even did not get the chance to get into the health facilities. "We must preserve the capacity of our health system for those who need it."  United Daily (Taiwan), 2022-5-28: people usually get antiviral pills at the 4th or 5th day since becoming ill, increasing the probability that mild case worsens to moderate-severe case.


nMeasuring Taiwan's health systems 

◆  Lancet / Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services
Taiwan and some other countries of Asia & Pacific


Lancet, universal health coverage

Singapore 92 77 100 98 95 93 99 99 75 100 94 99 93 89 99 77 100 100 76 95 79 94 100 100
Japan 96 60 100 92 97 98 95 99 78 92 98 100 99 97 100 99 98 100 83 96 92 89 100 98
Korea 89 78 100 78 97 97 99 100 43 96 96 99 99 92 99 100 88 66 70 95 99 76 99 96
Australia 89 88 85 92 91 96 100 99 85 99 87 98 100 86 100 100 88 78 70 92 67 67 100 98
NZ 83 83 80 76 90 95 100 100 79 100 92 99 85 89 98 83 76 72 62 83 57 64 99 99
Kuwait 82 85 66 89 95 98 100 97 83 99 73 87 74 91 81 73 85 92 66 80 69 77 100 99
Qatar 80 71 69 59 99 93 100 99 67 97 72 85 69 91 78 75 97 49 58 97 60 95 100 97
Taiwan 79 96 84 75 100 98 100 99 46 99 88 93 89 97 91 90 82 44 55 55 89 73 99 97
Chn 70 96 70 75 98 99 99 90 32 97 72 91 60 88 86 66 43 80 61 41 86 65 98 98

Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services, 2020-10-17


◆   Lancet / Health Access and Quality Index
Taiwan and some other countries of Asia & Pacific

ranks country score
6 Australia 90
11 Japan 89
21 Singapore 86
21 New Zealand 86
21 South Korea 86
27 Qatar 85
32 Kuwait 82
37 Lebanon 80
40 Saudi Arabia 79
45 Taiwan 78   2017-7-15


 Yahoo Taiwan, 2022-5-19: Nearly 80% of local CovID severe cases died this year. Experts believe that this reflects the problem of "failure to administer drugs in time "社會-重症近8成死亡-專家疑未能及時投藥-235256426.html
 United Daily, 2022-5-22: Since April, about 20% of the deceased died within 5 days of being diagnosed, and about 40% of the deceased died quickly after diagnosis or were not diagnosed at all. Now we must try our best to achieve early diagnosis and early drug administration  2022-5-28


In Bloomberg's "Winners and Losers" from a year of ranking Covid resilience (Nov. 25, 2021), Taiwan was ranked No.31 among 53 countries.  Bloomberg, 2021-10-28: Taiwan's 3-month case-fatality rate is 7.7%, (2021-9-2813.4%) the worst worldwide, compared with Singapore's 0.2~0.3%, China 0% Taiwan's case-fatality rate is 4.38% (JHU, 2022-2-17), compared with 5.015% (2021-12-28) and 5.17% (2021-10-28, Microsoft Bing statistics), and 4.9% (July 2021) which ranked 8th highest worldwide according to Johns Hopkins University, China Post, 2021-7-14.   Statista : Taiwan's CovID-19 patient recovery rate (2020-1-22 ~ 2022-2-13) is 70.23%, Microsoft Bing statistics, 2022-2-14: recovered 0;     The father of CoronaVirus in Taiwan, 賴明詔, said Singapore's medical tech. is better, and the culture is different. ( e.g., Financial Times, 2021-6-1: Another problem appears to be cultural...other public health experts have been discouraged from challenging Health Minister......The country ... was not prepared for a surge of infections).  Guardian, 2021-6-7: Taiwan authorities hadn’t kept up with new scientific knowledge around virulent new strains...  Statista, 2021-9-24: The number of physicians in Taiwan in 2020 is 51045, compared with 49542 in 2019.   The PCR test capacity in Singapore is 5+ times of that in Taiwan ( , but Singapore's population is about 1/4 Taiwan's.  FTV, 2021-7-12: Taiwan's CoVID high death rate is caused by inadequate medicine.  UDN, 2021-6-7: It's hard and sometimes too late for CovID-19 patients to have Remdesivir.  Bloomberg, 2021-7-25: Taiwan’s medical care system is run on a tight budget to keep costs affordable.  Taipei Medical University professor  comments Taiwan's medical quality is no longer good.  Taiwan's former medical chief 楊志良 ( criticizes that the health & medical system has been damaged.   China Times (中時), 2022-6-22:  Such a high death rate absolutely is caused by the government's and hospitals' intentionally doing nothing (故意不作為)the government used the name of "keeping medical capacity" to block some patients,  ... the hospitals prefer confirmed mild CovID illness patients to max their profits, that's why so many serious cases died outside of the hospitals (政府以保障醫療量能之名,行減收病人之實,是罪魁禍首) brief:  王任賢   full text: CovID-19 in Taiwan   There's no any Taiwan's hospitals selected in "World's Best Hospitals - Newsweek" in 2020 and 2021.


 ABC News, 2021-11-11: Taiwan did not have any COVID-19 antibody drugs when the outbreak exploded in May.  Taiwan had a limited stock of remdesivir, an anti-viral drug from Gilead, "There wasn’t enough, you could only get it if you applied for it from the central government,”.  Further, it wasn't covered by the island's national health insurance scheme, making it affordable only for a small percent of the population.  That antibody treatments would not have made a huge difference in the number of deaths given a culture of being cautious in prescribing medications.   ref. to




pic. : This websites group was ranked No.1 on Yandex of Russia  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  test at 2022-11-1, 2022-7-21, 2022-7-1, 2022-6-13, 2022-5-28, 2022-4-23, 2022-3-12, 2022-2-17, 2022-1-24,  2021-12-31, 2021-11-11, 2021-10-28, 2021-10-15, 2021-9-30, 2021-9-6, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-7,  2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-16; No.2 at 2023-1-1, 2022-9-18

ps: :my backup site has been attacked by pro hackers




pic. : This websites group's ranked No.1 on Yahoo Taiwan  by keyword  "physicians in Taiwan" 2022-7-21, 2022-3-12, 2022-2-17, 2022-1-24,  2021-12-31, 2021-11-11, 2021-9-30, 2021-9-6, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-7, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-24, 2021-5-31, 5- 19-2019. No.2 at 2023-1-1; pic. : No.1 "medical Doctors in Taiwan" on Yahoo Taiwan2022-9-19, 2022-7-1, 2022-6-13, 2022-3-12,  2022-2-17, 2021-12-31, 2021-11-11, 2021-10-28, 2021-10-15, 2021-9-30, 2021-9-6, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-7, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-16, 2021-5-31, 5- 19-2019; No.2 at 2023-1-1.




 pic. left: No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on ecosia of Germany, 2022-7-21, 2022-4-23, 2022-3-12, 2022-2-17, 2022-1-24,  2021-12-31, 2021-11-11, 2021-9-30, 2021-9-6,  2021-8-20, 2021-8-7, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-24, 2021-5-31, 2021-5-25, 2021-4-27,  2021-4-10, 3-10-2021, 8-17-2020, No.2 at 2023-1-1 pic. right: No.1 "medical Doctors in Taiwan" on ecosia of Germany , 2022-4-23, 2022-3-12, 2022-2-17, 2022-1-24,  2021-12-31, 2021-11-11, 2021-10-28, 2021-10-15, 2021-9-30, 2021-9-6, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-7, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-16,  2021-5-31No.3 at 2023-1-1, 2022-9-19  




 pic. right: No.1 "medical Doctors in Taiwan" on SwissCows , 2021-11-11, 2021-10-28, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-7, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-24,   2021-6-16, 2021-5-31; pic.: No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" SwissCows (Switzerland) , 2021-11-11, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-7, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-24, 2021-5-25, 2021-4-27, 2021-4-10, 3-10-2021, 8-17-2020  




 pic. : No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on Yahoo Japan (largest serach engine in Japan) , 2022-1-24,  2021-12-31, 2021-9-6,  2021-8-20, 2021-8-7, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11; No.2 at 2022-4-23, 2022-3-12, 2021-11-12




pic. : This websites group was ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  test at 2022-9-19, 2022-7-1, 2022-6-13, 2022-5-28, 2022-4-23, 2022-3-12, 2022-2-17,  2022-1-24,  2021-12-31, 2021-11-11, 2021-10-15, 2021-9-30,  2021-9-6, 2021-8-30, 2021-8-20, 2021-8-14, 2021-8-8, 2021-7-31, 2021-7-23, 2021-7-18, 2021-7-11, 2021-6-29, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-4, 2021-4-28, 2021-4-23, 2021-4-18, 2021-4-10, 2-14-2021, 3-8-2021; No.2 at 2021-10-28 ; among top ranks at 2023-1-1  



pic. : No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on US Yahoo serach engine , 2022-1-24,   2021-12-31, 2021-7-18 ; No.2 at 2022-3-12, 2022-2-17, 2021-8-20



pic. : This websites group was ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  test at 2022-6-30, 2022-6-12, 2022-5-27, 2022-4-22, 2022-3-11, 2022-2-16, 2022-1-23,   2021-12-30, 2021-11-12, 2021-10-14,  2021-9-29, 2021-9-5, 2021-8-19, 2021-7-17, 2021-6-28, 2021-4-28, 2021-4-23, 2021-4-10, 3-10-2021 



pic. : No.1 "medical Doctors in Taiwan" on US Yahoo serach engine , 2021-7-18; No.2 at 2021-8-20


Economist, Safe Cities Index 2021
Health Security

1 Tokyo   87.7
2 Singapore 84.1
3 Hong Kong 84.0
4 Melbourne 81.9
5 Osaka  81.8
6 Seoul 81.1
10 Sydney 78.6
12 Abu Dhabi (UAE) 76.5
13 Dubai 75.5
19 Beijing 73.6
19 Shanghai 73.6
21 Taipei 73.5

Some government's research projects such as
「2019年西醫師人力發展估計畫期末報告」,「衛生福利部104年度科技研究計畫」by Dr. Chao A. Hsiung, 熊昭 conclude: the supply shortage pf physicians (M.D.) would be possible, given that the number of regional hospitals increasing one per year till end of 2020, as for other scenarios, supply exceeds demand.  The Liberty Times (opinion, 12-22-2020,王宏育) notes that, on average, one medical Doctor is for 250- patients in Taipei city, 500- patients in Taiwan, besides, about 1500 Doctors graduate from medical school in each year, Taiwan's current problem are (1) the more Doctors, the heavier burden to insurance system, (2) inequality  ―  the underprivileged minority in remote places needs better medical care.  In contrast, according to WEF<Travel and tourism competitiveness report> (released at 9-4-2019), Taiwan's Health & Hygiene (including "physicians density" ) score 6.0 is worse than that of No.16 Japan, No. 17 Korea, and Australia, Mongolia.   According to  WEF<Travel and tourism competitiveness report> (released at 4-6-2017), Taiwan's "Physician density" ranks pretty bad   ―   world No. 65 (No. 57 in 2015's report).  

According to Wikipedia (2021-5-5) and Liberty Times (2020-1-6),  Taiwan's doctor-to-population ratio (see pic. below) almost hit lowest in Asia, behind Japan, Korea, Singapore, China, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam...even Myanmar,  Doctor visits about 2 to 5 minutes per patient.  Taiwan also suffers a shortage of nurses.  For budget factor, Taiwan's system has no regard for faculties of risk (surgery, internal medicine, gynaecology, pediatrics, emergency), which affects the medicine, operation and diagnostic tools (X-ray vs. MRI) prescribed.  The government said (LTN, 2020-1-6) the upper limit, 1,300, of new Doctors in each year will be reevaluated.  Scholar 鄭英耀 criticized the big imbalance of medical resource between Taipei and Kaohsiung, TaiTung, PinTung, remote places, mountains, which should be improved urgently.  As for other indexes, Taiwan loses Hong Kong, Macau (China), Singapore, S. Korea etc in indexes such as Life Expectancy at birth, Death per 1,000 Population, and Health-Care Cost, etc (see pic. below).  Taiwan was not included in top 100 "best healthcare in the world, 2021" by world population review (  None of Taiwan's hospitals were selected in Newsweek's "World Best Hospitals 2020", but many hospitals in Asia's Singapore, Japan, South Korea, India etc were included in top 100 (see pic. below) Taiwan's high education was ranked around No. 8 ~ No. 10 among Asian & Pacific countries in Nature Index (2020), Times Higher Education-World University Rank (2021),  Quacquarelli Symonds UK (2021) full text , etc.   Apple Daily (6-30-2018) notes Taiwan's only pride left, health insurance, includes no preventive health care and health promotion, and will worsen within next 10 years for political factors.   Apple Daily (6-30-2018) pointed out Taiwan's only pride left, health insurance, includes no preventive health care and health promotion, and will worsen within next 10 years for political factors


World's Best Hospitals 2022

world rank country Asia hospital
No.12 Singapore Singapore General Hospital
No.13 Japan The University of Tokyo Hospital
23 Japan St. Luke's International Hospital
30 S. Korea Asan Medical Center
43 S. Korea Samsung Medical Center
46 Japan Kameda Medical Center
55 S. Korea Seoul National University Hospital
70 S. Korea Severance Hospital - Yonsei University
76 Japan  Kyushu University Hospital
78 Japan Center Hospital of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine
87 S. Korea Catholic Univ. of Korea - Seoul St. Mary
89 S. Korea Seoul National University - Bundang Hospital
98 Singapore National Univ, Hospital
number of selected hospitals in top 100 list  -  S. Korea : 6; Japan: 5 ; Singapore: 2

World's Best Hospitals 2021

world rank country hospital
No.8 Singapore Singapore General Hospital
No.16 Japan The University of Tokyo Hospital
18 Japan St. Luke's International Hospital
34 S. Korea Asan Medical Center
42 S. Korea Seoul National University Hospital
43 Japan Kameda Medical Center
62 Japan  Kyushu University Hospital
71 Japan Center Hospital of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine
73 S. Korea Center Hospital of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine
76 S. Korea Severance Hospital - Yonsei University
84 Japan Kyoto University Hospital
87 S. Korea Seoul National University - Bundang Hospital
91 Japan Kurashiki Central Hospital
97 S. Korea Korea University - Anam Hospital
number of selected hospitals in top 100 list  - Japan: 7 ;  S. Korea : 6; Singapore: 1
101-200 S. Korea
101-200 India 2  All India Institute of Medical Sciences - Delhi, Medanta The Medicity
101-200 Thailand 1   Bumrungrad International Hospital
101-200 Singapore 2   Gleneagles Hospital,  National University Hospital
101-200 Japan 10
total number of selected hospitals - Japan: 17 ;  S. Korea : 12 ; Singapore: 3; India: 2; Thai: 1

ref Wikipedia (2022-3-12): physicians density in Asia

 Newsweek:  World Best Hospitals 2020

Asia's rankings country  physicians
per 10,000 people
country hospitals
1 Qatar 77.4 8 Singapore Singapore General Hospital
2 N Korea 33 16 Japan St Luke's Int'l Hospital
3 Australia 32.7 18 Japan  The U of Tokyo Hospital
4 Lebanon 32 28 Australia Royal Melbourne Hospital
5 Mongolia 28.4 31 Singapore National Univ Hospital 
6 New Zealand 27.4 36 Australia Alfred Hospital
7 Jordan 25.6 42 S. Korea Samsung Medical Center
8 UAE 25.3 45 Japan Kyoto Univ Hospital
9 Saudi Arabia 24.9 50-100 India All India Institute of Medical Sciences
10 Japan 23 Japan Kameda Medical Center
11 Korea 21.4 S. Korea Korea Univ Anam Hospital
12 Singapore 19.5 Japan Kurashiki Center Hospital
13 China 14.9 Japan Kyushu Univ Hospital
14 Malaysia 12 Japan Osaka Univ Hospital
15 Philippines 12 Australia Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital
16 Vietnam 11.9 Australia Royal prince Alfred Hospital
17 Iran 9 S. Korea Seoul National Univ - Bundang Hospital
18 Pakistan 8.3 S. Korea Seoul National Univ Hospital
19 Indonesia 8 S. Korea Severance Hospital
20 India 7 S. Korea The Catholic Univ of Korea - St. Mary's Hospital
21 Myanmar 6.1

 table. above:


table left:
, data:  2007-2013   2021-5-5   Liberty Times, 2020-1-6

22 Iraq 6.1
23 Thai 3.9
24 Laos 1.8
25 Cambodia 1.7

Doctors per 10,000 people in Taiwan

  Taipei Southern and Eastern Taiwan (Kaohsiung, PinTung, TaiTung, PonHo), remote places
physicians (內科醫師) 5.01 2.12
surgeon (外科醫師) 1.77 0.82
Pediatrics (小兒科) 1.11 0.46
Obstetrics & Gynecology (婦產) 0.86 0.42
Accident & Emergency (急診) 0.82 0.47
Liberty Times, 2020-1-6;


Health Care Costs By Country 2021   World population Data Sheet, PRB  2020-7-10  


Country Global
Country Country Life Expectancy
 at birth
Death per 1000 population
1 China 27 Myanmar China HK 85 82 88 6
2 India 28 South Korea Macau 84 81 87 3
4 Indonesia 36 Iraq Japan 84 81 87 11
5 Pakistan 41 Saudi Arabia Singapore 83 81 85 5
8 Bangladesh 45 Malaysia S Korea 83 80 86 6
11 Japan 49 Nepal Taiwan 80 77 84 7
13 Philippines 54 North Korea    
15 Vietnam 57 Taiwan    2021

18 Iran 58 Sri Lanka
20 Thailand 71 Cambodia 

According to professor 林鴻志 on Apple Daily (2021-5-8, ), Taiwan's neonatal mortality rate is ranked at latter part of OECD countries, top 5 death causes are congenital anomaly chromosome abnormalities, respiratory diseases, PNM, Perinatal mortality, illness related to fetal growth & gestation, accidents and perinatal infection.  The government needs to improve national insurance coverage, on such as a well-trained and licensed Doctor should be on the site when a child was born, to decrease the possibility of complication.   The statistics by CIA Factbook and Wikipedia show Taiwan's Infant Mortality ranks world No. 41 and is behind countries of Asia & Pacific like Japan, Singapore, HK, S. Korea, Australia, Macau and NZ in 2020 as well as in 2018. (see table below)

Infant mortality (deaths/1,000 live births) – 2018 and 2020 estimates

rankings country death/1,000 live births(2020) death/1,000 live births (2018)

Doctors per 10,000 people in Taiwan

  Taipei Southern and Eastern Taiwan (Kaohsiung, PinTung, TaiTung, PonHo), remote places
physicians 5.01 2.12
surgeon 1.77 0.82
Pediatrics 1.11 0.46
Obstetrics & Gynecology  0.86 0.42
Accident & Emergency 0.82 0.47
Liberty Times, 2020-1-6;
1 (2) Japan 1.9 2.0
2 (5) Singapore 2.3 2.3
3 (12) Hong Kong 2.7 2.7
4 (13) S. Korea 3 3.0
5 (14) Australia 3.1 4.2
5 (15) Macau 3.1 3.1
6 (30) NZ 3.5 4.1
7 (41) Taiwan 4.2 4.3

Taiwan only ranks world 45th position in Lancet's Healthcare Access and Quality Index released in 2017 (based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015: a novel analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study, 2015),  some chronic disease items got very low scores, e.g.,   Leukemia score 49,  Kidney disease 50, Gallbladder & biliary 57, Hypertensive Heart Disease 60,   diabetes mellitus 58, etc.  But, according to Lancet's Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index released at May 23, 2018,  from 1990 to 2016, 186 of 195 countries and territories significantly increased their HAQ Index score, South Korea, Taiwan (Province of China), and Cyprus recorded the largest improvements among high-SDI countries.  Taiwan's HAQ is still behind other Asia & Pacific countries, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and USA.

Lancet's national or territory

estimates of the HAQ Index

yr. 2016 2000  
Australia 95.9 90.4
Japan 94.1 86.9
New Zealand 92.4 87.0
Singapore 90.6 79.7
S Korea 90.3 74.4
USA 88.7 86.8
Taiwan 85.4 71.8

  Taiwan ranks world 45th in Lancet's Healthcare Access and Quality Index released in 2017  


In Lancet, Jun. 2018, Taiwan's NM skin cancer (20)  , congenital heart (69 ), chronic kidney (55)  , Diabetes (60 ), gallbladder ( 64 ), hypertensive HD  (61), stroke  (63)  , Lower respiratory infections (LRIs), peptic ulcer, got low scores, but Hernia,Diphtheria, Tetanu, URls  , Maternal disorders, leukemia, chronic respiratory got excellent score。In lancet healthcare access and quality index (Jun. 2018), Taiwan is behind some other countries of Asia and Pacific, Australia, Japan, NZ, Singapore, Korea, Lebanon


Besides, Apple Daily (2021-4-23) points out that the neurology (taking care of the most number of Persons with Disabilities) and its patients have been often ignored by government and national insurance system.  ( )

AIT (American de facto embassy to Taiwan, made some comments about Taiwan's medical system : (1) huge numbers of physicians in large hospitals have received training abroad – most of them in the U.S. (2) In most Taiwanese emergency rooms, patients lying on gurneys crowded everywhere – sometimes down the hall and out the door  (3)  Hospital based outpatient clinics differ dramatically from Western notions of privacy and the doctor-patient relationship (4) In some instances, the ambulances are short of trained technicians or/and medical equipments......  

As for CovID-19 , in Bloomberg's CovID-19 Resilience Ranking (2021-6-28),  Taiwan plunges into the bottom half of the Ranking , accentuated by a lagging vaccination drive and a resurgent outbreak; compared with the same list No. 4 in April, and No. 15 in May 2021.  Taiwan's death rate is double global average.  Taiwan's recovery rate  is much worse than that of other major countries of Asia & Pacific.  According to  CovID-19 Taiwan deaths - Google Search, 2021-5-27, Singapore 99.1%, Hong Kong 97.6%, China 94.5%, Korea 92.75%, Japan 88.9%,  (pic. below).  Media reports (UDN, 2021-6-7) Taiwanese patients in serious situation waiting for about one week but failed to get Remdesivir, a specific remedy for cure coronavirus, in spite of that CovID headquarter declares Remdesivir in stock is enough.  In short, the stock is enough because they don't give you. ( 

  China Times, editorial, 2021-6-9: The medicine for patients is not enough which made high death rate and high number of severe CovID disease.  CTV news, 2021-6-9: In 2020, only 1 hospital, NTUH,  can use  Remdesivir, a specific remedy for CovID-19 patients, in earlier this year, all hospitals need CDC's approval (was rejected quite often) and usually 8 ~ 12 hours for patients to use it, sometimes it's too late to save lives.  CTV news, 2021-6-30, 19:11: CovID patient in Ministry of Health's PingTung Hospital got nothing but antipyretic, cough medicine.  Besides, Taiwan did not use Monoclonal antibody  in the first place to save patients.  Will Taiwan's national Insurance system treat patients with other critical diseases like this ?  Taipei Medical University professor says "we should no more think Taiwan's medical quality is quite good" (  Global Times criticizes "Taiwan authorities have no intention or power to fight the epidemic at all.",  "Taiwan's COVID-19 fight has been a mess and the Taiwan authorities can only play tricks to make up for their mistakes". (ps: they regard politics more).  China Times, 2021-6-26: some medical expert's critiques lead to being "horror attack" by internet army.  No wonder some experts might doubt Taiwan's pride - national insurance system, treats money more than its nationals' health and lives.
  The lawmaker blasted (2021-6-9 news) what color the Health minister's heart is !   To learn further details about CovID-19 in Taiwan

Oral antiviral pills for CovID
USA Taiwan
CNBC, 2022-3-1: President Joe Biden said Americans will be able to get Covid antiviral pills (Paxlovid or Merck's molnupiravir) for free if they test positive at a pharmacy. China Times, CTV news, 2022-4-27: oral antiviral pills for CovID are not enough
SETN, 2022-4-11: 350 thousands courses Paxlovid will be reached by June, another 350 thousands Paxlovid were bought already (Taiwan's population about 24.5 millions)
UDN, 2022-5-1: Americans can receive Paxlovid for free, by contrast, CDC asks Taiwanese to prepare medicines for curing a cold.
TVBS, TTV, 2022-4-28: CovID Patient aged 60+ was not allowed to stay in hospital and died in the next day

STATISTA, 2022-4-19

Coronavirus (COVID-19) death rate in countries
with confirmed deaths
and over 1,000 reported cases
 as of April 7, 2022, by country


Taiwan's death rate is highest
major countries
in Asia & Pacific

country Death rate(%) Confirmed cases number of deaths
Taiwan* 3.38 25,225 853
Indonesia 2.58 6,026,324 155,464
Sri Lanka 2.49 662,342 16,486
Cambodia 2.25 135,834 3,055
Pakistan 1.99 1,526,093 30,361
Philippines 1.61 3,680,244 59,422
Bangladesh 1.49 1,951,903 29,123
India 1.21 43,031,958 521,530
Saudi Arabia 1.2 751,404 9,053
China 0.88 1,495,380 13,098
Malaysia 0.82 4,280,591 35,192
Thailand 0.68 3,807,908 25,788
Vietnam 0.43 9,980,464 42,712
Japan 0.42 6,830,997 28,462
Laos 0.36 188,985 684
Australia 0.13 4,910,819 6,495
South Korea 0.12 14,778,405 18,381
Singapore 0.11 1,123,886 1,287
New Zealand 0.06 741,987 426   2022-4-19


Bloomberg, Nov. 25, 2021  

"Winners and Losers" from a year of ranking Covid resilience

 Pandemic MVPs - Only 7 places never fell into the bottom half of the ranking

world rank country of Asia & Pacific Asia's rank
4/53 U.A.E. 1
6 S. Korea 2
8 Mainland China 3
9 Hong Kong 4
10 Saudi Arabia 5
12 Japan 6
13 Australia 7
17 New Zealand 8
20 Singapore 9
30 Pakistan 10
31 Taiwan 11
32 Bangladesh 12
Taiwan successfully eliminated and kept out Covid in the first year , now it is in the bottom half among 53 countries


TAIWAN           VS.          USA,   Singapore,  Israel

The US Singapore Israel Taiwan
warns Americans over 60... not vaccinated, are at extreme risk.
New York Times 2021-8-24)
Singapore launched a campaign to persuade elderly vaccine holdouts  In Israel, aged 60 are first priority group, but in Taiwan they are the 10th (say last) priority Taiwan CDC  (2021-9-2): Plenty of opportunities were offered for older populations, now the opportunities will be moved to groups younger.  But the truth is millions of older adults kept awaiting their first BNT or Moderna shot from beginning. 
NY Times, 2021-8-23: Critics say Taiwanese worry local vaccine which effectiveness and safety have not been proved Lots of local critiques against Taiwan's harboring local vaccine

Taiwan lacks vaccines R&D, and can't have excellent vaccines from the west with schedule behind 60~70 countries till Feb.  New York Times, 3-14-2021:  amid vaccine campaigns elsewhere. Taiwan officials have been slow to procure and distribute vaccines ...  China Times 2021-5-16: The number of Taipei's negative-pressure beds available is only 51 since CovID-19 major outbreak about 3 days ago.  United Daily, 2021-5-18, editorial ( : some Corona-virus infected patients can not have any ambulance for 2 days, Taipei gov. said all hospital-wards are full.  Next TV news, 2021-5-19: Taiwan's best hospital NTUH urges infected patients not to come its emergency room in that the capacity is full.   Some hospitals rejecting CovID patient leads to death ( e.g., UDN, 2021-5-19,,  TTV news  ps: the gov. denied)  Many infected patients were asked to stay at home and have antipyetics to decrease symptoms, which might endanger healthy people.   Liberty Times, 2021-5-25: Some physicians of Taiwan's NTUH applied for long vacation to avoid curing CovID patients (     CTV news 2021-5-18: Taiwan's medical capacity is not enough for CovID-19... although, after the outbreak, Taiwan only added 1,000- infected CovID-19 patients (the number of infections, May 15 - 18 : 180, 206, 333, 240).   CTS morning news, 2021-5-26: Taipei city gov. says it will be regular for resident detected positive to quarantine at home, instead of hospital or health-care site.

Former medical chief 楊志良 warns (TVBS, 1-17-2021) epidemic prevention will fail if gov. continues to take strategy of political manipulation and double standard in favor of medical circle for voting.  Soon after a study published in the medical journal Lancet (Oct. 1, 2020) estimates the number of Taiwanese infected with CoronaVirus by July 2020 is 25 times more cases than Taiwan's official number.  Washington Post, 12-22-2020: Taiwan snaps world’s longest Covid-free streak after pilot infects local resident. (The loophole of Taiwan is pilots undergo a less strict three days of self-quarantine after each overseas trip) United Daily, editorial (12-24-2020) points out the myth of Taiwan's longest Covid-free streak has always been questioned because  (1) lots of tourists or foreign laborers were found infected while going through their country's immigration (2) lots of foreign art-performers and laborers were found infected after 14 days home quarantine in Taiwan.  These let us know there indeed are "mild CovID-19 spread in some corners of our communities " (輕症傳播), people with coronavirus infections have no or mild symptoms.  Fortunately everyone in Taiwan wearing masks stops serious situation. ( )  ABC News (12-15-2020) reported Taiwan has set a goal to vaccinate only 60% of its population with a COVID-19 vaccine ( ).  But VOA, LTN, 12-25-2020 ( advise 70% of a country's population should have antibody or must to take vaccinate.   Till Feb., 2021, Taiwan's health system has not collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus pandemic, most hospitals are functional, severe and intractable patients remained same number, but some departments - Emergency, Pediatrics, Dentistry, ENT, Rehabilitation treatment were affected between Feb. and May 2020, some hospitals' income falls short of expenditure. ( 李偉強 )

Professor 楊哲銘 on Apple Daily (12-14-2020) says stigmatization and discrimination of diseases is bad for Taiwan's National Insurance systems.  The laws (e.g., Communicable Disease Control Act, HIV Infection Control & Patient Rights Protection Act ) to protect and respect the dignity and the legal rights of the infected obviously are useless.  US (state dept.) Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  3-11-2020: There was reported discrimination, including employment discrimination, against persons with HIV/AIDS.

On the other hand, Washington Post at 3-1-2019 "An American got sick in Taiwan.  He came back with a tale of the ‘horrors of socialized medicine" named Taiwan's health-care system "socialized medicine", Taiwan is less wealthy than the US, yet it spends less and gets more,  the amount costs for a course of Harvoni treatment and C-section is  $32,114 and $15,106 respectively in the Us, but $2,132 and $1,404 in Taiwan.   An American in Taiwan getting stomach flu was checked by MD within 20 minutes of his arrival  (ref. to  , although the avg. percentage of patients taking 48 hours in emergency room of NTUH awaiting being hospitalized in 2018 is 7.9%, CVA patient may take 24 hours.  Formosa TV news reported at 2-27-2019 that patients usually take 5~7 days or even nearly half month in emergency room of NTUH awaiting being hospitalized The University of Texas ― M.D. Anderson cancer center professor Euishin Edmund Kim, M.D. urged Korean people don't waste their energy flying to the US for medical treatment, because Korea's medical tech. is as good as any other country's.   An article (Apple Daily, Taiwan, 6-22-2015) by Taiwan's Veterans General Hospital physician Dr. Ton (唐宗詠) points out that so many Taiwanese expatriates living abroad (with permanent resident card) and/or  foreign citizens of Taiwanese origin flied a long way back to Taiwan for medical treatment. ――  Taiwan's medical-insurance system costs them much less than that in other countries, e.g.,  the price for a plaster cast in USA  almost equals one month salary of a Taiwanese orthopaedics resident-physician, so, some Taiwanese or Taiwanese American, etc, would rather bear the pain caused by their illness and long-distance trip to save lots of their money.  (包山包海包全球的台灣健保)    The Liberty Times (5-5-2019) : The number of foreign patients coming Taiwan for treatment etc hits new high, 110 thousands more than that of the previous year.

Taiwan's medical & health performance was so successful (e.g. life expectancy, infant mortality and maternal mortality, are better than U.S., although we spent only one-quarter of USD (PPP) in health expenditure.) that former leader of health government, Dr. Ye Ching-chuan, was invited to testify at an US senate committee hearing on this issue  ( An article by China Medical University (Taiwan) Professor Ma (馬文隆)  stated Taiwanese studies on liver cancer lead the world in the past   ( )  also proves Taiwan's medical tech. is as good as most countries in the world.  

However, United Daily (經濟日報) editorial, 6-25-2020: The financial situation of Taiwan's healthcare system has recently deteriorated, the govt. may need to increased greatly Taiwanese insurance fee.  United Daily 6-24-2020: National Taiwan University professor 薛承泰: Taiwan's national health insurance buries 'land mines' or 'time bombs' such as lower birth rate and aging society some room inside the system for playing tricks, the difference between insurance rate and benefit payment, etc may resulting in consequences.  Taiwan's Medical and Health Minister (李伯璋) regards increasing national insurance fee as a political issue which is beyond his authority, instead, he focuses on reducing expenditure. United Daily, 10-9-2020 ( former medical deputy chief criticized reducing expenditure by tracking duplicate examinations etc fails to solve big problem, the government has not dealt with the issue of low diagnostic & operation fee, low drug price, low ward fee and low nursing care fee for 25 years, to make Taiwan's hospitals a "sweat factory", the hospitalizing patients even need to be taken care by their family members or illegal foreign workers.  The China Times, 10-30-2020 ( Taiwan's National Insurance is in "a  state of many diseases".  The government supposes to increase everyone's insurance fee, but the serious problem of nation's low pay might easily stir a strong backlash.  Taiwan loves to use National Insurance as a great international propaganda material, but, the ruling party actually has already treated the issue as a "hot potato", and hence the snow-ball has become bigger and bigger. 

Bloomberg, 12-18-2020
country Health Care Cost



Health Care Cost

per capita

US 17.1 10246
Swiss 12.3 9956
Cuba 11.7 988
France 11.3 4380
Germany 11.2 5033
Sweden 11 5905
Japan 10.9 4169
Canada 10.6 4755
Norway 10.4 7936
Austria 10.4 4940
Belgium 10.3 4507
Nederland 10.1 4911
Denmark 10.1 5800
UK 9.6 3859
Brasil 9.5 929
Australia 9.2 5332
Finland 9.2 4206
NZ 9.2 3937
Argentina 9.1 1325
Portugal 9.0 1908
Chile 9.0 1382
Spain 8.9 2506
Italy 8.8 2840
Iran 8.7 475
Serbia 8.4 529
Ecuador 8.3 518
Lebanon 8.2 719
Greece 8.0 1517
Korea 7.6 2283
Israel 7.4 3145
Costa Rica 7.3 869
Ireland 7.2 4977
Czech 7.2 1476
Columbia 7.2 459
Hungary 6.9 981
Paraguay 6.7 381
Slovakia 6.7 1186
Taiwan 6.6 1550
Poland 6.5 907

Apple Daily 7-17-2019: Taiwan's healthcare system is on the edge of bankruptcy in 2026, the government's allocation of funds for urgent need is no more than curing the symptom instead of curing the disease.  Next TV news (5-25-2019, 20:44, 壹新聞  壹電視 ) reported that Taiwan government kept adjusting the price of more and more drugs to cover the deficit of medical insurance system, which resulted in more and more brand drugs withdrawing from Taiwan (e.g., TIENAM) , because cheap-price generic drugs made in Taiwan are not as curative effective as brand drugs, Physicians worry there's no good medicines for patients ....  Besides, Apple Daily (6-4-2017): Taiwan medical service's critical problem ―― Preventive Health-Care service is behind.   The China Times, (7-4-2017) : "patients centered" is nothing but a slogan.   Apple Daily, 11-10-2020: It's a reality in today's Taiwan that the omniscient government absolutely manipulate each national's personal data which were collected all the time since he(she) was born, e.g., each person's health & medical data/information was forced without agreement of the party to be opened on purpose of business and academic use(澄社).

  Guardian (UK), 10-31-2020: Now, Taipei's people browse, busk and greet each other with handshakes and hugs. It feels normal.  However, Taiwan has already "exported" dozens COVID-19 infected cases to a number of foreign countries, not sure yet who should be responsible for this, according to United Daily, editorial, 10-31-2020.

New York Post  4-25-2020 : Taiwan deals with CovID-19 with "a lot more authoritarian.", "almost everyone is tracked.".  Taiwanese govt. responded at 4-28-2020 that Taiwanese would like to cooperate with our policy.  But the truth is Taiwan's "Big Brother" already sneaked into numerous families in the name of  Epidemic Prevention, by an injunction violating Tort Law and domineering over Constitution (凌駕憲法的侵權禁令) , without having noticed all nationals, in accordance with United Daily, editorial at 5-7-2020.   The ironic thing is after lifting Coronavirus Lockdown, Japan doesn't trust Taiwan's Epidemic Prevention, and has not put "democratic" Taiwan on their welcome list, many other countries did same thing to Taiwan.  The China Times, editorial (6-6-2020, 6-25-2020) analyzed one main reason is Taiwan rejects mass testing, even small-scale testing, the number of test per million people is 3000+, ranked world No. 138, about same level as that of African countries, even African Luanda tested double number of Taiwan's.  A famous National Taiwan University M.D. expert endorsed for Taiwan's policy :   there's no any CovID-19 in Taiwan, 3 weeks later, a Japanese girl staying Taiwan for 4 months was detected positive in Japan's airport.   Therefore, those free flow of information can be suspicious and may endanger the entire world.  United Daily 7-16-2020: To keep good record,  Taiwan takes 'ostrich' strategy (avoid mass testing). According to Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, USA, "somewhere between 25% and 50%" of people infected with the new coronavirus may never show symptoms or fall ill — but can still transmit the illness to others (4-15-2020, Business Insider). Bill Gates in the New England Journal of Medicine: The prevalence of asymptomatic transmission doesn't bode well for global containment efforts.  All studies (CNBC 5-7-2020, Singapore's Blackbox Research and Toluna, Forbes 6-5-2020, 4-16-2020: The Deep Knowledge Group) concluded China is better than Taiwan on CovID-19 safety countries rankings.  Apple Daily 7-8-2020:  expert (中央研究院研究員何美鄉) warned that many CovID-19 infected people without symptom in Taiwan.

●  The China Times, editorial (6-6-2020) : world don't trust Taiwan's Epidemic Prevention achievement  ――  Although Japan, Greece, Australia, New Zealand lifted Its Coronavirus Lockdown, their tourist-welcome-list includes Korea, China, but not Taiwan.  Since the very beginning Taiwan rejects mass testing, even small-scale testing,  the percentage (the number of test per million people is 3000+, ) was ranked world No. 138.   But according to Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, USA, "somewhere between 25% and 50%" of people infected with the new coronavirus may never show symptoms or fall ill — but can still transmit the illness to others (4-15-2020, Business Insider).  Bill Gates in the New England Journal of Medicine: The prevalence of asymptomatic transmission doesn't bode well for global containment efforts.  Taiwan Yahoo News (8-6-2020,自家人開第一槍何志偉逆時中入境一律篩檢-002543455.html) reported even ruling party's lawmaker now urges giving testing to all visitors going thru immigration.
● Taiwan News 6-26-2020, United Daily 6-27-2020: Following news that a Japanese student tested positive for coronavirus after returning from southern Taiwan on Wednesday (June 24), many Taiwanese expressed concerns over a potential undetected community cluster. Voices have also begun to surge from communities calling for general virus testing for all individuals entering the island country.  Taiwan CECC insists general virus testing unnecessary ... UDN 7-16-2020:  the only means govt. got are containment and wearing mask.  United Daily 6-30-2020 editorial: Taiwanese experts suggesting general testing were attacked by internet army for that reason.

The China Times 6-25-2020 editorial: Taiwan has no same capacity and experience as Beijing does to face something serious, it will be horrible in case CovID-19 epidemic break out.

Apple Daily (蘋果日報, 4-15-2019), United Daily (聯合報, 4-14-2019) ... : Going easy route, lacking of ethics, MDs advised using Da Vinci for even a minor operation,  38 hospitals were suspected of making false report about Da Vinci surgery to illegally obtain benefits from national insurance up to NTD 3.5 billion.

● The Liberty Times, (9-29-2018) : Taipei mayor Ko: Taiwan's medical services all aim for profit, the problem of politics there is everyone tells right from wrong, but no one wants to do the right thing.   In Taiwan, the better medical knowledge, the less profit ― M.D.s curing patient of disease by simpler methods can not make good money, instead, they tried to convince you to do Hemodialysis, Positive airway pressure, ... or even to stay in intensive care unit (ICU) ...  LTN 11-27-'15: medical problem is political problem, the whole medical systems were manipulated by mega-corporation, and no one wants to make any change ...  The Liberty Times (LTN) 11-26-'15: Taipei mayor Ko said physicians or medical Doctors of Taiwan just don't speak the truth, otherwise they will be killed, or be accused...  Ko doesn't like to join even the most important meetings of National Taiwan University Hospital ―― in there, either "paper over the cracks" or taking chance to struggle each other.

● The China Times, (7-4-2017) : former leader of Taiwan University Hospital criticized that many hospitals' management is only for profit-making, hospital managers should win by virtue, physicians should advance their knowledge and tech. all the time, otherwise "patients centered" is nothing but a slogan.  

Apple Daily, (8-18-2018): "The rich see Doctors, the poor enter grave (有錢看病、沒錢等死)"? / former medical gov. leader 楊志良。  Popular TV star 白冰冰 said (June 2017) : "The rich cut in a queue to see Doctors, the poor are on the way to die (有錢免排、無錢等埋)" !   

United Daily News (9-28-2018): <我們都是病友>: ... The administration and part of Taiwan's medical circle have not treated patients' rights as central issue (病人為中心)   / 楊志良

●  Apple Daily, 12-30-2017: Amending the law of Taiwan's medical services is criticized as "Decriminalization".   Taiwan's medical-service environment is getting worse (台灣醫院免責? 醫療環境再惡化).  Patients in Taiwan will be difficult to put to the proof in their legal cases.

● United Daily News (5-30-2017): The biggest problem of Taiwan's medical care is too short diagnostic time, without a completed examination in most cases, usually, patients are already in serious condition when symptom became clear. / Dr. Huang D.F., president of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center.
● Apple Daily (6-4-2017): Taiwan's critical problem ―― Preventive Health-Care service is behind. / former medical gov leader Young (楊志良).

A famous M.D., Hsu or Xu Da-Fu (許達夫)'s book "Exposing the truth of modern medical circle in Taiwan - misdiagnosis & medical errors" ("誤診誤醫", published by the China Times, 2012) criticizes :
Taiwan's hospitals focus on profit/benefit and ignore patients' rights (in Ch.1 "Taiwan's medical system is ill")   ―   The whole medical circle already went the wrong route, it gonna be too late if most influential and enthusiastic persons do not spend efforts on completely changing our medical education to boot physicians' medical spirits.
Medical students only learn Pathology and the way how their professors doing malicious competition and internal struggle for the power and money, and lack of Ethics knowledge as well as Humanism quality.

  Taipei City mayor Ko : Taiwan has not established a culture of honesty, each time being in National Taiwan University Hospital's meeting, the 1st thing cross mind always is "who performed the operation (surgery) ?", M.D.s always take it personally ... ( '無法真正做到對事不對人')  / " The phony culture in Taipei City Hall - 整個社會都在說謊?!柯文哲揭露市府假面文化"




top rankings on US Yahoo, Bing, Google, Euro., Taiwan's Yahoo, etc, tests in  2019 ~present


pic. : This websites group was ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  test at  2-12-2021 





Bloomberg, 12-18-2020
country Health Care Cost



Health Care Cost

per capita

US 17.1 10246
Swiss 12.3 9956
Cuba 11.7 988
France 11.3 4380
Germany 11.2 5033
Sweden 11 5905
Japan 10.9 4169
Canada 10.6 4755
Norway 10.4 7936
Austria 10.4 4940
Belgium 10.3 4507
Nederland 10.1 4911
Denmark 10.1 5800
UK 9.6 3859
Brasil 9.5 929
Australia 9.2 5332
Finland 9.2 4206
NZ 9.2 3937
Argentina 9.1 1325
Portugal 9.0 1908
Chile 9.0 1382
Spain 8.9 2506
Italy 8.8 2840
Iran 8.7 475
Serbia 8.4 529
Ecuador 8.3 518
Lebanon 8.2 719
Greece 8.0 1517
Korea 7.6 2283
Israel 7.4 3145
Costa Rica 7.3 869
Ireland 7.2 4977
Czech 7.2 1476
Columbia 7.2 459
Hungary 6.9 981
Paraguay 6.7 381
Slovakia 6.7 1186
Taiwan 6.6 1550
Poland 6.5 907
Bloomberg, 12-18-2020
life expectancy 年齡
HK 84.93
Japan 84.21
Swiss 83.75
Spain 83.43
Italy 83.35
Singapore 83.15
Israel 82.80
Norway 82.76
Australia 82.75
France  82.72
S Korea 82.63
Sweden 82.56
Ireland 82.26
Canada 81.95
NZ 81.86
Nederland 81.81
Greece 81.79
Finland 81.73
Austria  81.69
Belgium 81.60
Portugal 81.32
UK 81.26
Denmark 80.95
Germany 80.89
Taiwan 80.69
Costa Rica 80.10
Chile 80.04








     Finance Yahoo, 12-30-2020 ( ):       Taiwan ranks 11th globally in the healthcare efficiency index of, and Numbeo ranks the nation’s healthcare system as the best in the world.

A legal resident of is eligible for the NHI program. It includes coverage for inpatient and outpatient care, prescription drugs, dental care (excluding orthodontics and prosthodontics) and more. Taiwan doesn’t offer free healthcare for expats, but payments will come in the form of copayments. Usually, you can expect to pay 10% to 20% of treatment. You may also have to pay out-of-pocket costs if you choose any other healthcare treatment outside of the NHI coverage...

  to fill the coverage gap, you may have to purchase private Taiwan expat healthcare insurance. Additionally, it can take a few months to complete the NHI registration ...







pic. left : No.1 "medical Doctors in Taiwan" on Baidu of China ,  2021-5-31, 2021-5-5, 2021-4-27, 2021-4-10, 3-10-2021, 2-12-2021;

pic. right: No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on  Baidu of China , 2021-5-5, 2021-4-27, 2021-4-10, 3-10-2021, 2-12-2021


 No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on Webcrawler , 2021-6-24, 2021-5-5, 2021-4-27,  2021-4-10,  3-10-2021, 8-17-2020


 No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on Lycos , 2021-6-24, 2021-5-5, 2021-4-27,  2021-4-10,  3-10-2021, 8-17-2020; pic.: No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on Excite , 2021-6-24, 2021-5-5, 2021-4-27, 2021-4-10, 3-10-2021, 8-17-2020

 No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on ekoru (New Zealand) , 2021-6-24, 2021-5-5, 2021-4-27, 2021-4-10, 3-10-2021, 8-17-2020; No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on Dogpile , 2021-6-24, 2021-5-5, 2021-4-27, 2021-4-10, 3-10-2021, 8-17-2020





 pic. : No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on Yahoo Taiwan, 2021-4-10, No. 1 on Yahoo Japan , 3-10-2021 






pic. : This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  test at   1-16-2021, 12-30-2020, 7-31-2020;




pic. above: The sites-group was ranked No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on US Google , 1-1-2021, 12-30-2020





pic. left: No.1  "評論台灣醫院"(comment hospitals in Taiwan) on google,  2021-5-5, 2021-4-26,  2021-4-18, 3-11-2021, pic. right: No.1  "評論台灣醫院"(comment Taiwan hospitals) on google, 2021-5-5, 2021-4-27

 No.1 "comment Taiwan hospitals " on US Google , 11-28-2020,  Nov. 6, 2020, 9-16-2020, 8-26-2020, 7-31-2020, 6-1-2020

pic. : This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "medical Doctors in Taiwan"  test at   6-30-2020, 6-1-2020, 1-20-2020


pic. : This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "medical Doctors in Taiwan"  test at   11-11-2019




pic. : This websites group is ranked No.1 on Baidu of China by keyword "comment Taiwan hospitals"  at  2021-8-20, 2021-8-8, 10-24-2019.

 pic. : No.1 "physicians in Taiwan" on ASK , 3-10-2021 




This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Bing by keyword "medical Doctors in Taiwan"  at  10-18-2019, 7-4-2019,  5-19-2019; 
 This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Bing  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  at  10-18-2019,  7-4-2019, 5-19-2019






   HOT !       Taiwan travel        food       Taiwan hard power       soft power       democracy      Intro to Taiwan       Taiwan personality      bully      persecution

      No.1 rankings on the net   !

1.   serious Corruption - ready to pay a bribe?


Next TV news (壹新聞), 2021-10-28 19:12 : Now money-cash is not allowed,  patients give Doctors imported wine for better "treatment", in the amount of NT$3000~5000 at least. The Doctors regularly exchange those wine with money thru some channels.

● The percentage of Taiwanese paying a bribe to public clinics or hospitals is higher than that in Japan, S. Korea, Malaysia

Transparency International, Germany /  Global Corruption Barometer - released 2021/2022
comparisons among main Asian countries


people who think
 is a big problem
public service
 paid a bribe
in the previous
 12 months
in previous
Taiwan 90% 17% 9% 19% 20% 38%
Japan 84 2 2 7 26 36
Malaysia 71 13 5 28 16 20
China 62 28 26 18 18 39
S Korea 55 10 6 26 42 17


PS: Taiwan's culture - presents to MDs for better treatment 台灣醫院的特殊送禮文化 | 胡涵婷 | 遠見華人精英論壇 | Global Views Leaders Forum (

According to <Transparency International> studies ( July 9, 2013), "Have you or anyone in your household paid a bribe to one of these 8 services in the last 12 months?"
Taiwanese people think the institution needed to be paid bribery most is judiciary system, second is Taiwan's medical and health services, the number of Taiwanese paying a bribe is higher than global average. ( Apple Daily 7-10-2013, )
<Transparency International> of Germany also found the percentage(%) of Taiwanese respondents who felt medical and health services were one of corrupt/extremely corrupt institutions in this country/territory is 47%. 


CNA (Taiwan), 4-8-2021: The president of Taiwan Adventist General Hospital was involved in national insurance fraud case.  The Liberty Times (1-10-2017): The hospital M.D. got brokerage or kickback in various forms -  e.g., money, presents/gifts, joining international seminar or conference sponsored by medicine business, or money that contributed to some foundations ... It's a complicated Symbiotic relationship (benefit each other).



  Apple Daily (蘋果日報, 4-15-2019), United Daily (聯合報, 4-14-2019) ... : Going easy route, lacking of ethics,  38 hospitals were suspected of making false report about Da Vinci surgery to illegally obtain benefits from national insurance up to NTD 3.5 billion.

Apple Daily (蘋果日報, 12-12-2019, headline news), United Daily (聯合報, 12-12-2019) ... : 6 hospitals used fake accounts to apply insurance overpayments ( among them, 北市聯醫 applied for NT55,000 thousands,  by in total 32000 cases, most in Taiwan history...) from the government.   


◆   United Daily News  (聯合報), 7-12-2019: Control Yuan (gov.) corrects National Taiwan University Hospital for taking a passive, negative attitude toward a national insurance scam (by NTUH physician) and not checking carefully a wider range of this issue, not taking any measure to prevent this sort things from happening again, since the suite case was under investigations, the hospital long term was careless of administration and controls so that the suspect can signed fake documents for making illegal money.   NTUH expressed it's done by the MD himself and the hospital will review all related procedures. (brief, for precise meaning pls. see the pic. above)


pic.: Control Yuan (gov.) corrected National Taiwan University Hospital / UDN 2019





pic.: 東森電視; Global News TV - 寰宇綜合, 3-21-2018, 6:40 pm "醫師好辣" - "unspoken secrets in Taiwan's operation rooms":  Patients usually prefer the first operation in each day, this happened that 3 patients all paid bribery to the famous surgeons for having the 1st operation, and all of them had it ......


The finding of the 2013 Global Corruption Barometer (GCB),  ( the Gallup Poll to interview 114,000 people in 107 countries all over the world): 36% of  people (surveyed in TW) who had used any of eight government services in the past year had paid a bribe (the number is higher than global average).    <NOWnews> , (7.10.2013)–  Taiwan is the 18th worst corruption country in 95 countries surveyed. (重度貪污國家第18名)  <Apple Daily> (7.11.2013): Apple daily's survey found 75.07% Taiwanese people think corruption in Taiwan is actually worse than GCB's report.


<Transparency International> , Taiwan,   Dec 9, '05
Taiwan's Corruption Index : medical 32%
     ps: this proved Taiwanese medical service is a long lasting rotten circle.


     National Health Insurance committee members think Taiwan's Admin. Department treat  National Health Insurance as their own gold-mine or pocket money - withdraw it as much as possible (成了自己的金庫 予取予求)


 2.  worse Medicine


     n CommonHealth (2023) : National Taiwan University Hospital president Wu (吳明賢) etc said that our national insurance system blocks new drugs and new equipments.  On average, new drugs are behind 5 years even 10 years to enter Taiwan's market, some Broad-spectrum (not for "first-line treatment") antibiotics were planning to leave Taiwan.

      n United Daily (聯合報), 2023-2-13: pharmacies are short of antibiotics, antacids, and antipyretics.

      n United Daily (聯合報), 2022-11-6:  "The darkest day of  history of medicine" (我國藥政史最黑暗的一天) /  Taiwanese government fools the public by EUAit's a ethical scandal rarely seen in human research that using national's data to prove vaccine's efficacy which acknowledges that using them as guinea pigs , not to mention the "experiment" does not provide with basic data such as gender and age.  It is a research without scientific credit at all.

      n Next TV news (5-25-2019, 20:44 / 壹新聞  壹電視) reported that Taiwan government kept adjusting the price of more and more drugs to cover the deficit of medical insurance system, which resulted in more and more international brand drugs withdrawing from Taiwanese market (e.g., TIENAM) .   Behind the slogan "the price of medicines of Taiwan is cheapest in the world" is the cheap-price generic drugs made in Taiwan are not as curative effective as brand drugs, because Taiwan's drug companies don't insist on strict quality control on every process, and will not "tighten nerves" after having official permissions from the government.   Physicians worry there's no good medicines for patients ...  In April 2019, Taiwan government continued to adjust the price of 7470 items of medicines, furthermore, the hospitals kept haggling with the drug companies (e.g., the gov. declares certain drug NTD10, the hospitals cut it down to NTD 7 ), the price difference became main profit for the hospitals... ( brief )

      n The Apple Daily (6-30-2018): Medicine (drug store) is a criminal business for their entire life.
n The Apple Daily (2-20-2016, Prime News): according to clinical experiences, many generic drugs are not as effective as brand drugs...
      n TVBS news reported at 7-15-2015 that ( in order to maximize the profit,  Taiwanese hospitals always cut down the price while purchasing medicines from pharmaceutical factories, this results in international brand drug companies are/were not willing to sell their brand-name medicines to Taiwan, therefore, the quality of prescription medicines in Taiwan is from bad to worse (用藥品質越來越差) .   Former Minister of Health (楊志良) criticized that Taiwanese hospitals do not like to improve medical employee's (M.D.s and nurses) welfare by using their surplus profit.   Many hospitals run their business by "medicine to cover medical" strategy, which is, earning profit by medicine price differences to cover hospital's expenses.   If things go on this way, Taiwanese patients will not have good brand-name medicines even being willing to pay on own dimes in the future, more and more international drug companies may pull back from Taiwan's market for unreasonable high medicine price disparities Apple Daily of Taiwan reported at 6-22-2015 that Taiwan's hospitals already used medicines made in Taiwan to replace int'l brand stuffs, and then, recently even don't like to buy some local's medicines (最近甚至連台廠藥都做不下去), till now, money can't buy some important antibiotic medicines.

       n The United Daily (9-1-2015)'s article "medicine is cheaper than candy" (by 楊志良)Almost all International pharmaceutical factories/companies had already withdrawn their business from Taiwan many years ago, Those companies having brand drugs within term of a patent show no interests in Taiwan's market,  This "Black Hole" resulted in "bad medicines/drugs drive out good"...

       nThe United Daily, the Apple Daily (9-3-2015, Prime News):  Taiwanese government's new policy - patients paying the part not covered by NHI use brand drugs, is criticized as creating a "class distinctions" (class antagonism), but some cases found generic drugs are not as effective as brand drugs, UDN also mentions medical government lacks of ability to admin. the bigger and bigger drugs/medical device market paid at patient's own expense...



Hinet  & 台灣新生報 news : Taiwanese prosecutor do not file prosecution against Huang (秀傳醫療體系總裁黃明和) for suspicious having earned huge amount of medicine price differences by establishing an empty-shell company.





pic. above: Medical human rights in Taiwan

pic. above: one surgeon performs
 many operations simultaneously - happened quite often in Taiwan

Dr.Xu's  book   / 
by The
China Times 






3.  Surgery

United Daily (聯合報, headline news, 5-11-2019):  unspoken secrets inside operation rooms: Many hospitals reused expensive expendables, some smaller hospitals reused cheap expendables, like medical gauze, suture, etc, the patients under general anesthesia knew nothing and hence were exposed the risk of infection.
United Daily (聯合報,  10-7-2019): 70,000 pieces of illegal medical appliances (TAD, plate of bone) were sold to 200 hospitals/clinics

Apple Daily (9-18-2017) reported that "fake surgery" (substitute-surgeon operates illegally) did happen in Chang Gung Mem. Hospital, Taiwan.

Apple Daily (5-13-2015) reported that Taiwanese people have an "Obsession"  famous is best, hence, an evil trend "one surgeon performs many operations simultaneously" (「跳台開刀」) prevails, which is a long-lasting cooperate module  ――  a best-known surgeon-physician walks and looks around several operating tables in different operation rooms (all are in his name), and selects a major one to perform a most important part of that surgical procedure, the rest are taken over by 'unknown or less famous' physicians.   (

A famous M.D., Hsu or Xu Da-Fu (許達夫)'s book "Exposing the truth of modern medical circle in Taiwan - misdiagnosis & medical errors" ("誤診誤醫", published by the China Times, 2012) also criticized this by a real example, a patient complained : the substituted surgeon was not the one on the agreement document with patient's and his in-charge physician's signatures, that substituted doctor even did not know which part needed to be performed operation when he was there in the surgical suite, after the surgery, the patient's wound has become inflamed... Dr. Xu explained this sort of stories indeed happened frequently (經常發生) in today's hospitals, particularly, in major hospitals, because each best-known medical doctor has many patients, it's hard for the doctor to take care of everyone, hence, substituted surgeons doing operations for best-known M.D.s is quite often (常見), particularly, for those famous physicians in charge also working as teachers, lots of things keep them very busy.   Dr. Xu suggested every patient must keeps in mind who is your M.D. in charge, and if you see a substituted doctor showing up in surgical suite, just refuse him to do the operation, unless you are in an emergent situation


東森電視; Global News TV - 寰宇綜合, 3-21-2018, 6:40 pm  <unspoken secrets in Taiwan's operation room> "醫師好辣 - 開刀房不告訴你的事", discussed the phenomenon  "one Doctor performs several operations at the same time", and  small Doctors perform operations for top Doctors without notifying patients


Full text :

pic. left: In medical centers or large hospitals, you may gave surgery by "students",  in small hospital, you may have operation by "master teachers" .
pic. left: It's very possible that resident-Doctors (sometimes, or even CR  MD) replaced top MD to perform operations without notifying patients.
pic. left: The larger hospitals, the more possible small MDs do operations for top MDs .
pic. left: even in training-purpose cases,  quite many "teacher" MDs still leave operation suites.
pic. left: It was this way years ago, security guards did operation, MDs became their "assistant".


  Apple Daily ( 蘋果日報 5-13-2015) reported that a famous physician (ranking top 100 in Business Weekly) in Taiwan's Taichung Veterans General Hospital performed 5 operations at same time, that caused a woman's death and his new  name - suspicious crime of fraud. (

(中榮名醫同時五台刀 涉詐欺  害婦送命 疑沒進開刀房也領獎金 / 

廉政署鴨子划水蒐證數月後,發現《商業周刊》百大良醫沈男 兩年內疑有十件跳台開刀情況)



4. Bad privacy status in Taiwan's hospitals
   The Liberty Times, 3-15-2021 (  5 Nurses took pictures of the female patients’ private parts on hospital operation room, and added some funny remarks, then uploaded them to the online social media IG, ignoring Article 72 of the "Medical Law" (護理人員行為可能涉違反「醫療法」第72條不得無故洩漏病人病情及健康資訊,可處5萬至25萬罰鍰;也恐涉違反「護理人員法」28條護理人員不得洩漏他人秘密,可罰6000元至3萬元)
The China Times, 7-3-2017: Taiwan's regulations for patients' privacy is almost no legal effect, hospitals don't take it serious.  e.g., a 30 years old female patient was hospitalized in a very famous hospital 榮總, after she striped her clothes for MD's diagnosis, more than 10 male and female physicians came in, one student (probably intern) took picture by cell phone, the patient can't stand all these and burst out crying .....
The United Daily News (聯合新聞) 1-3-2017 <Where's Taiwan's medical ethics ?>  : Leaking patients' medical records is a normal social behaviour in Taiwan - In Taiwan, journalists are not used to respect patients' privacy... our hospitals' members do not know very clearly the principle of protecting patients' privacy...(黃達夫)
Apple Daily (3-5-2017): A large hospital's nurse took a picture of the patient without any permission during brain operation in surgical suite and then spread that photo through Instagram.  That nurse also remarked "It's so exciting to see human's brain!".

     ◆ Apple Daily (9-28-2019): about 3 years ago, communist Chinese pro. hackers already broke in Taiwan's top hospitals' computer systems (NTUH, 榮總, etc) and stole all patients' medical records ...





  pic.: United Daily News (1-3-2017)


5.  Ethics, Ethics,  Ethics

      Apple Daily , 11-9-2020: 
a physical therapist​ of Cheng-Hsin General Hospital (Taipei 振興醫院), a famous hospital, committed a crime of sexual harassment (made a pass at her private part, etc) while doing massage upon a female patient.
nited Daily, 1-12-2020, editorial opinion: A Taiwanese M.D. gave drugs causing drowsiness to whoever (patient) supports different political party's presidential election candidate.
 According to the book, < Disease and society ― Taiwan searches its conscience from experiences during SARS crisis>  (book title : <疫病與社會:台灣歷經SARS風暴之醫學與人文反省 >, author/ 蔡甫昌、江宜樺(former Prime Minster)etc Publisher/ National Taiwan University, Medical School,  Sept. 2012 )

       Many medical school students' parents scared SARS and ignored the situation that insufficient numbers of doctors confronting SARS,  hence, those parents pressed the government to pull 300 intern students out of hospital by reporting "something" to the Control Yuan that Educational government already neglected its duty.
 Some state hospital paused emergency and regular medical services (門診), about 1/3 clinics there stopped their services by all kinds of "reasons" you can imagine.  124 nurses in a medical center in Southern Taiwan refused to take care of SARS patients and then resigned, some M.D.s also resigned for the same reason.
 Some medical center found hospital infection and  took "block & isolate " strategy, the next day more and more patients at ward escaped from that hospital, Taiwanese government received reports from all major medical centers in Northern, Central, Southern Taiwan, the hospital president,  and Infection Control directors concealed SARS outbreak within the hospital to avoid losing face, avoid dropping profit-performance, and/or avoid being sealed off the hospital,  this serious situations became major cause that Taiwan's SARS continued to spread larger and larger.     
 The work ethics, concealing SARS outbreak, delaying reporting to center government or rejecting SARS patients to avoid profiting worse are the most important reasons resulting in hospital onset of infection and spreading SARS from bad to worse in Taiwan. 



  Mass media reported a few years ago that very few NTU medical students like to take medical-ethics sort course, although Medical educators are increasingly stressing the importance of training in the ethical issues encountered in clinical practice ( National ChenKun University -  


 Taiwanese personality/character, pls click for details... No.1 ranking on google for a long time!


6.  PhysiciansPoliticssociety
  United Daily, 1-12-2020, editorial opinion: During presidential election campaign, some citizen supporting different political party intended to use NTUH rest-room but was driven out by NTU medical college student.   

        FTV(民視)<Taiwan History(台灣演義)> 4-16-2017 , "Taiwan University Medical School"  (for details pls ref to youtube


National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH)  

●  Taiwan University Hospital had major medical achievements, including Asian No.1 records


Taiwan physicians social status became lower


●  Taiwanese physicians' social status is not as good as before

(After National Health Insurance putting into effect,  Taiwanese people's consciousness rises, and usually make treatment requests to their M.D.,.. resulting in Physician-Patient relationship under tension)

    "High physicians cure the nation" / Former NTU dean Lee (李鎮源) urged freedom of expression and human rights in Nation's Day of '91, and called physicians together, eventually, only 50- out of 1000+ NTUH physicians joined that protest.   Reports pointed out Taiwanese physicians're afraid of speaking freely which may damages their future, since so many elites were killed in 228 political event, some victims got serious consequences for sort of minor mistakes, all these experiences and perspective deep rooted in some medical people's mind, and became motive to fight back .    


 Taiwan University Medical School lacks humanism thoughts

(Taiwan's current social value system is rapidly changing the culture in medical circle  / Dean of NTU medical school (張上淳) advised that
always keep in mind a love-based, "patient-centered", and humanistic-care thinking



Taiwan's high CovID-19 death rate - why ??

Taiwan's CovID-10 recovery rate and death rate both are worse than Asia average and world average...

SCMP, 2021-6-9,  Taiwan has a fatality-per-infection rate of 2.78 per cent (jumps to 4.2 % at 6-23) compared with global average 2.14 per cent critics ask why Taiwan’s death rate is higher than the global pandemic average ?
Taiwanese government's official answer is
mainly because of the acute rise in cases in the past month and because many patients had pre-existing chronic diseases。 CDC at 2021-6-25 changed its phrase and said that's because aged 60+ elders stand for 90% deaths.  
However, the real causes probably are  ... most elders are assigned to be low priority group by the gov. and have not got vaccinated (by contrast, 寰宇 news, 2021-6-25: more than half of Japanese elders aged 65+ got it already, EU urged speeding it up to fight corona-virus variant )

shortage of vaccines  /   elders are lower priority group in waiting line
  (1)  New York Times, 2021-5-21
: Taiwan focused on developing its own vaccine, which has yet to pan out, and did not hustle for overseas doses. (Taiwan's vaccine probably can not get the green light from the global health body, media question the gov. trying to benefit from vaccine。CTV news, 2021-6-25: Taiwan government refuses to green light Buddhist group (慈濟) applying to purchase and donate 5 million Pfizer BNT vaccine doses.  KMT politician and lawmaker said "it must be president Tsai I. W. ", "she does not want many vaccines in Taiwan". 
Global Times, 2021-6-18,  Taiwan CDC , 2021-6-25, 2021-6-8:  90+% deaths are aged 60+ elder residents News, 2021-6-5: about 70% sever patients are aged 60+.   Unlike some major western countries giving elders priority for vaccination, Taiwanese elders and those with chronic disease stand behind the waiting queue, even now, they are in 6th and 11th/10th priority (版covid-19疫苗公費接種對象_att1.pdf). 

      (3)  so many Taiwanese abuse privilege to jump long queue to get vaccinated. CTS  TV news (華視) 2021-6-9: some have privilege to take vaccines  ! ;  Next TV, 2021-6-11: Air-force hospital vaccinated privilege people.  CTV news (中視), 2021-6-9 : Lawmaker slammed abusing power to vaccination, just like Taiwan's lousy judiciary ("有錢判生 沒錢死"  ―  "有錢免排  沒錢等埋" TTV news, 2021-6-23: Taipei mayor slammed a best-known law maker was repeatedly "illegally" lobbying vaccine doses.  FTV news, 2021-6-9 (8:00pm ~) criticizes Taipei government for vaccination privilege.

inadequate medicines /   (1) CTV news, 2021-6-9: In 2020, only one hospital, NTUH,  can use  Remdesivir, a specific remedy for CovID-19 patients, in earlier 2021, all hospitals need CDC's approval (was rejected quite often) and usually take 8 ~ 12 hours for patients to have it, sometimes it's too late. (gov changed the regulation recently) (2) China Times, 2021-6-9 : Doctors say increasing deaths are related to inadeguate medication   (3) United Daily, editorial, Jun. 2021: severe patients awaited one week but failed to have Remdesivir, but CDC said adequate medication for patients. ―  expert comments:  patients are hard to have it, certainly medicines are enough。 (  ).  Taiwan national insurance system was suspected to care money more than human lives and health.  Expert in UDN 2021-6-7 advices more investments on national insurance to assure medical quality.

wrong order  /   Financial Times, 2021-6-1: Taipei put patients with light symptoms up in the best-equipped hospital beds before the local outbreak. Hospitals were therefore not ready to rapidly take up the large numbers of severe cases arriving now   (Taiwan failed to take flexible measure, why ?)  CTV news , 2021-6-17: patient complains can not have a cup of water for 2 days, even needs to ask democratic representative to talk with hospital about this.  CTV, 2021-6-16: patient in quarantine hotel complains no one take care his high temperature for a long time, the situation is like " waiting for death".

lacking knowledge /   Guardian, 2021-6-7: Taiwan authorities hadn’t kept up with new scientific knowledge around virulent new strains,

Taiwan did not give importance to the importance of ventilation , mass testing, or locking down hard and early, instead, they work on police investigation, tracing sys. and precision testings, etc.

actual number of infections /   the official number of infections has been questioned



 in Taiwan's medical and health-care system's mistake in fighting CovID-19   

 Full text: CovID on Taiwan


  New York Times, 2021-5-20: This Day Was Bound to Come’ / border controls had shielded it from the worst of the pandemic. But new variants and a slow vaccine rollout gave the virus an opening.

  TIME, 2021-5-20: a False Sense of Security, and a Little Secret Tea, Broke Down Taiwan's COVID-19 Defenses

  CBS, 2021-5-20: Taipei mayor says "The epidemic situation in Taiwan will be like a tight string: Under high pressure, it may snap at any time"

  The Guardian (UK), 2021-5-16: one of the world’s leading pandemic responses prompted partial lockdown measures in two cities... The level 3 alert covers about 6.5 million of Taiwan’s 24 million people ... (ps: CBS, 2021-5-20: covers entire Taiwan) had not implemented more stringent restrictions (level 4 alert) because residents might resist...  guidelines for hospitals to prioritise symptomatic Covid cases, saying dedicated beds were beginning to fill.

 L.A. Times, 2021-5-16: Taiwan, once a pandemic success story faces worst outbreak    

 Business Insider, 2021-5-20: New York Times piece warns that Taiwan's "high walls" may risk "isolating Taiwan economically and politically," and suggests that a strong border policy cannot and should not be a long-term strategy...Taiwan has prided itself in its transparency in containing the virus, yet double standards and stigma still found their way.



Guardian (UK), 10-31-2020: Now, Taipei's people browse, busk and greet each other with handshakes and hugs. It feels normal.   However, Taiwan has already "exported" dozens COVID-19 infected cases to a number of foreign countries, not sure yet who should be responsible for this,
according to United Daily, editorial, 10-31-2020


Apple Daily 7-8-2020:  expert (中央研究院研究員何美鄉) warned that many infected people without symptom in Taiwan.


New York Post  4-25-2020 : Taiwan deals with CovID-19 with "a lot more authoritarian.", "almost everyone is tracked.".  Taiwanese govt. responded at 4-28-2020 that Taiwanese would like to cooperate with our policy.  But the truth is Taiwan's "Big Brother" already sneaked into numerous families in the name of  Epidemic Prevention, by an injunction violating Tort Law and domineering over Constitution (凌駕憲法的侵權禁令) , without having noticed all nationals, in accordance with United Daily, editorial at 5-7-2020.   The ironic thing is after lifting Coronavirus Lockdown, Japan doesn't trust Taiwan's Epidemic Prevention, and has not put "democratic" Taiwan on their welcome list, many other countries did same thing to Taiwan.  The China Times, editorial (6-6-2020, 6-25-2020) analyzed one main reason is Taiwan rejects mass testing, even small-scale testing, the number of test per million people is 3000+, ranked world No. 138, about same level as that of African countries, even African Luanda tested double number of Taiwan's.  A famous National Taiwan University M.D. expert endorsed for Taiwan's policy :  there's no any CovID-19 in Taiwan, 3 weeks later, a Japanese girl staying Taiwan for 4 months was detected positive in Japan's airport.   Therefore, those free flow of information can be suspicious  and may endanger the world people According to Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, USA, "somewhere between 25% and 50%" of people infected with the new coronavirus may never show symptoms or fall ill — but can still transmit the illness to others (4-15-2020, Business Insider). Bill Gates in the New England Journal of Medicine: The prevalence of asymptomatic transmission doesn't bode well for global containment efforts.  All studies (CNBC 5-7-2020, Singapore's Blackbox Research and Toluna, Forbes 6-5-2020, 4-16-2020: The Deep Knowledge Group) concluded China is better than Taiwan on CovID-19 safety countries rankings.




7.   Nurse  Taiwan Hospitals' illegal situation was/is serious

nPeople, 2024-4-5:  Instead of taking shelter themselves, nurses desperately cling to infants in nursery ward ( at the Ma Chérie Postpartum Care Center in Taipei) during Taiwan's 7.4 magnitude earthquake, video shows CNN video


n  CommonHealth (2023): The turnover rate of the nurses is high.


n  TVBS 3-29-2019 in NTUH,  MDs of each wards come emergency room to 'pick up' patients to be hospitalized, however, if you select an old patient with multiple diseases or bad daily life functions ( e.g., incontinence of urine or feces), the nurse(s) may give you her attitude to make you sick ...  Taipei Mayor Ko ( 柯文哲) criticized ... for details pls. read NTUH 7D





n  Some nurses are patient and nice,  some others are not .  Take Taiwan's probably best  (AIT once called it  a Jewel on the Crown, but changed  the name later ), NTUH, as an example, nurses in wards usually are good,  but in emergency room, some failed to have blood-draw job done (feb. '18), some got medicines stuck in NG tube (July '19, but she has strong sense of responsibility to follow hospital's regulations to feed patient with medicine, some others just gave medicine powder to patient's families) ...   At 7-2-2019 about 11:40 am I experienced  a  female nurse made a sudden loud noise (combining sort of  roaring and horselaugh ) while passing by a very old patient with heart failure, it's short of  basic medical specialty   !!    besides, I saw hard-working ones as well.  

According to <The Liberty times> (2015-03-30) and <The New Lens>(,  The ratio of nurses and patients in NTUH emergency room, 1: 14+,  is same as that of  a "combat hospital", which worsen the relationships among patients, nurses and medical Doctors.


 n   United Daily, 5-6-2019: One dietitian props the hospital up, hard working environment results in 60% of dietitians chose not to work in the hospitals 



         ◆ <United Daily News> (3-3-2017) : Unlike developed countries, Taiwan legislation has not protected nurses/patients ratio.
<The Liberty Times> 5-12-2017 : New labor policy ("一例一休") worsen the the ratio of nurse and patients in medical centers and regional hospitals.
<United Daily News> (12-31-2013,  <台灣醫安問題 須誠實面對> >) : The ratio of nurse and patients, 1:20, was heard many times...

        <The Liberty Times> reported at 5-11-2015 -  Taiwan hospitals' means for exploitation of nurses include :

                  Voluntary Servitude Contract to sell oneself (綁約賣身契) , heavy work only get you salary lower than that in previous year  ...
 Nurses were asked to give up vacation for overtime works, or for on-call working a shift on duty, all these extra working hours were converted to an outcry price, may be as low as NT50 (USD1.7 or so) per hour.
   performance bonuses (「績效獎金」), allowance (「工作津貼」) ,  faked salary on book...  all became hospitals' weapon to control nurses.   Nurses can't get overtime payment, which can not be found by routine labor-checks. ( 加班沒有加班費,而勞動檢查也永遠查不到的結果。)

 ◆   Fake nurses/patients ratio.  The Evaluation of The Effectiveness of The Hospitals by government can not find something like nurse working in the name of  technician, nurse-license was used for fake statistics...

        details pls. ref. to Taiwan enrolled nurses general union (護理工會) and Taiwan Labour Front (台灣勞工陣線) web-site  or Liberty Times
 ◆   The capital (management) side completely controls unreasonable payments,  in spite of that the government reiterated on-call time should be count for working hours, but investigation this time found 96% nurses' on-call time has not included in their wages, Taiwan's hospitals seriously violated the law.  (違法的問題非常嚴重。)
◆  Next TV (壹電視/正晶限時批) at 9-27-2015:  The ratio of nurses and patients in Taiwan's hospitals is absurd. (都太離譜了)
<The China Times > (1-12-2016): Taipei City
found all hospitals it check violated the labor law.  
<The Liberty Times>, <The China Times >, <The United Daily> at 12-30-2015: 87% of Taiwan's large hospitals had surplus in their balance sheet of 2015, but staff/labor costs decreased from 45.86% downto 40.06%, medical staffs are still in a "Sweat factory" status, hospitals used their surplus on "arms race" -  aesthetic medicine, Proton Therapy, Heavy particle therapy, high-end medical check, The da Vinci sys., etc. to attract people to pay on their own dimes so that hospitals will have more surplus, besides, medical resources concentrate on metro large hospitals, it's unfair to remote countryside patients, in the future, it is expected to exhibit a polarizing outcome ― middle and smaller sized hospitals likely will closed, only small clinics and metro hospitals left or survived.

ps:  TW  amended the law




 The possibility of that some nurses (and some top MDs, even the admin. sys) of major medical-center hospitals are political lap-dogs can not be excluded.  They are not just doing nothing (join protests) to avoid damaging their future, but doing the powerful's bidding to create a 'bright future'.


8.  Abuse or too-little-use medical resources

        <Liberty Times>, 8-19-2019, headline news:  "CT scan, MRI were used for mild cases - getting cold or sore throat",  Taiwan government corrects hospitals using CT and MRI in the number 130 thousands for mild cases, the "abusing" rate of 92 hospitals is too high.
        <Ettoday>, 8-19-2019: In 2017, one person did CT scan 24 times in a single year. <United Daily News> (12-31-2013) by president of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center : after a surgical operation, a woman cried piteously 8 hours for belly pain and then died, there's no any medical doctor came to take a look at her even her families look for help 9 times before her death...  For saving some money, some hospital admitted using recycle-bag for tube-feeding ... 

<Apple Daily> of Taiwan ( 6-22-2015 ) points out in some cases acesodyne (painkiller止痛藥) is not allowed to be given for some terminally ill cancer patients in Hospice-palliative care after his having signed a give-up-emergency-treatment agreement.  It's wrong that hospitals think money higher than humanity.

       <The Liberty Times> reported at 5-26-2015 that Taipei mayor Ko expressed Taiwan's hospitals abused ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation), taking National Taiwan University Hospital as example, till now ECMO has been used for 1800 times, 10% of them won't save those patients' life - from the first place they should know.
Exposing the truth of modern medical circle in Taiwan>: Taiwan's M.D.s are accustomed to give patients lots of prescription medicine more than needed.

9.  lots of FAKE medical records

         <United Daily News> (12-31-2013,  <台灣醫安問題 須誠實面對> >) article <Facing Taiwan's medical safety issue> by Dr. Huang D.F., president of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center : In addition to those fakes created by Taiwanese government and enterprises, one more "fake" has been hidden in extreme dark side - that's Taiwan's medical record.  The patient's record usually is used for medical studies and NHI benefit package, it look OK in form, but the quality is from bad to worse.  Taiwanese government usually see only with one eye on or turn a blind eye to fake or cheating things as long as you have contribution to Taiwan's GDP...

        <United Daily News> (12-11-2013,  <台灣假的病歷 誰來監督?> (章貢):) : Fake medical records of patients include - 1. made by copy & paste way,  2. evading the crucial part &  lacking of clinical symptom, 3. irrelevant or not speaking in details, 4. creating something from nothing (so patients will be in bad situation for any legal case in the future), 5. substituting on for another (by unqualified staffs), 6. add/delete/modify something - for evaluation, investigation or legal problems. (1.蕭規曹隨、複製貼上式 2. 避重就輕、缺乏臨床症狀 3. 牛頭馬嘴、語焉不詳  4. 無中生有、讓病人處法律劣勢 5. 移花接木式(由尚未立法的護理師等,甚至什也不是的記錄員處理拼湊 )  6. 塗改增修式 - 遇評鑑、抽審、或法律糾紛時如此處理 ......)



10.  completely FAKE evaluations by the government

       ◆  Apple Daily (6-2-2015, "完全造假的醫院評鑑" by 呂享諧M.D.  The fake evaluations of the hospitals by government were done by officials and hospitals, those "mutual understand" fake items include hospitals employing ghost nurses and temporary nurses who will be fired after the evaluation, fake SOP, fake meeting records ...  the evaluation results - different level of hospitals, may affect up to 10 billion + dollars annual income by hospitals.

        ◆  Next TV (壹電視/正晶限時批) at 9-27-2015: 6 false shows in the evaluation of Taiwan's hospitals

           False evaluations are everywhere in Taiwan, from army, fire-extinguish dept., to many other businesses... including hospitals.  Since Taiwan's government informs the time for evaluation, hospitals have plenty of time to plan everything in details for a false results.

           1.  In evaluation day, hospitals request rookies to take a day off or specially arrange evaluation-committee members going specific route, in there they only meet senior medical staffs.
           2.  Hiring people for short term or taking administration staff into statistics
make a beautiful ratio of nurse and patients.
           3.  For dealing with evaluation, hospitals limit the number of outpatients, decrease  the number of inpatients, and patients in emergency room waiting for a inpatient-bed.
           4.  Medical doctors and nurses are busy in paper works for evaluation, decreasing the time to take care of patients.
  Hospitals are busy for evaluation or authentication, so as to create a false image of perfect administration and high degree of medical skill.
In evaluation day, hospitals request all medical staffs give evaluation-committee members "model standard answers" (『標準答案』).





pic above: During evaluation time, all the surgical suites in a very busy hospital were empty, Medical Doctors took one day off
 photo "Apple Daily's Next TV (壹電視/正晶限時批)" 9-27-2015.



11 shady & shabby deals in medical circles -

     money  brief from Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) exclusive interview former minister of Health, Dr, Yang C. L., rpt. of 2011/04/14 United Daily News (聯合新聞網), and 2011/04/18 The China Times (中國時報)  

              ◆  pharmaceutical factories and opticians tried every efforts in offering all kinds of attentive services to target physicians, paying check for their going abroad and meal is just "basics",  "extras" are, e.g., taking the initiative to sponsor a certain foundation, arranging local entertainment girls together with them during a medical conference in mainland China, etc.  Some physicians even have a "wife" in each province of China.

            ◆   He was told certain price is needed for some top positions like provincial hospital president or assistant administrator.

             The  Liberty Times (8-28-2013) : according to latest report by dept. of labor, 6 out of 21 sweatshop hospitals are state hospitals, their illegal deeds include giving no overtime payments for overtime workers, etc.

       ●  politics

         ◆   Hospital's long-standing malady that Dr. Yang (楊志良) exposed is just the tip of the iceberg, ugly dark sides of Shiroi Kyotō (Taiwan's hospital and medical doctors) and pharmaceutical factories are inseparable, closely linked.  Pharmaceutical factories focus on public hospitals joint purchasing projects (聯合採購標案), major battle fields are 退輔標、軍聯標、署聯標、市聯標,  hospital's president actually is the key man in the shadow, although avoiding purchasing things on the surface.  Besides, political connections help, hospitals usually buy politicians, say, legislator's letter

             ◆    Next TV (壹電視/正晶限時批) at 9-27-2015:  "Terrible white terror in Taiwan medical services"
1. "Auditing & expense/budget controlling" becomes inspection-committee members' means for revenge (核刪成為審查委員報復手段)
                    2. The reasons for cut off some expenses is groundless, leading to patients missing best time for curing. ( 核刪理由"莫須有"錯失治療黃金時間) 
                    3. In order to push patients to pay on their own dimes,  inspection-committee members not only cancel some expenses, but also double deduct it (倒扣).
                    4. Encouraging using drugs/medicines made in Taiwan, influencing medical doctors' judgement and decision.
                    5. Taiwan government may blames  inspection-committee members sometimes cut off some expenses without good reasons, but, actually, committee members just followed the government's "hint" to do it.






pic left: "complicated relationships between medical businesses and politicians?", photo "Apple Daily's Next TV (壹電視/正晶限時批)" 9-27-2015     pic. right: "White terror in Taiwan's medical field" , photo "Apple Daily's Next TV (壹電視/正晶限時批)" 9-27-2015

            ◆   I personal encountered some suspected cases concerning collusion between medical staffs and politics ...


12 clinic's  out-patients   VS.  hospitalized patients


                        ●  " In Taiwan's health-care systems, senior attending physicians or top MDs treat out-patients in mild condition, junior (or rookie) Resident Doctors treat hospitalized patients in serious condition, that's put the cart before the horse  ! ".   Taipei mayor Ko criticized。

       ●   Most patients needed to be hospitalized are the elderly with multiple diseases for years , however,  Taiwanese Medical Doctors in various divisions specialize in one field only, and only like to pick up one-disease patients。  Hence, some patients stayed in emergency room for 28+ days and then left or just died on the wheel-bed 。  /  for details about 7D ntuh,  following "Hospital Medicine" system's footsteps. Around 2012, about 20-50% hospitalized patients were taken care by the hospitalists, in the US.   pls. read <天下雜誌> no. 498 (2012-05-29 )
                        ●   Sometimes you may have clinic MDs or senior or top physicians, but most of time they are quite busy .....  


13 Discriminations in Taiwanese hospitals

        ●  Taiwan Television Enterprise (TTV) Commonhealth Magazine (康健雜誌, issue No.184)  <Some specific patients bear the stamp of suffering >:  Some patients go to hospitals out-of-town, or even go to several clinics each in different hospital ――  what's patients' secret behind ?  the answer is , e.g., some Melancholia (depressive disorder) patients do it this way, another case is when some physician found his patient is Psychiatry patient as well, he showed impatient and pushed his patient to go consulting Psychiatry M.D.,  so that this patient feel himself a sub-patient in medical service (brief,  author:吳佳璇)
Taiwan University Hospital , "The jewel in the crown of health care providers",  is suspicious of discriminating elderly people (or all people) living alone in medical examination - stress-free anesthesia colonoscopy,  NTUH staffs seem not welcome this group of people, who are not allowed to do this examination alone, or even accompanying by another old people or a young household caregivers who is specialized at taking care the elderly.  NTUH does not allow the examinee to do anesthesia colonoscopy unless a younger family member coming together.    This unreasonable condition is not written in the signatured agreement, and never let examinee know in advance, furthermore, it's ruled by men, not a 'institutionalization', which means some cases are fine, some others may not be permitted. (ps: On Dec. 2016, NTUH added "Together with a family member or a friend is a must for examinee to do anesthesia colonoscopy " on the agreement)  ps: FTV HD 民視台灣台 , <新聞大解讀> , 3-1-2018  8:52pm: Taiwan will enter a "zero families age"("零家屬時代"), 40% are the elder in 2050.


14 only 3 min. for each patient


       Newsweek (2024's World Best Hospitals ) values patient/doctor ratio and patients' general satisfaction, both are bad in Taiwan.
       CommonHealth (2023): Too many patients including those with minor illness or just for chronic continuous prescription go to medical centers or big hospitals therefore patients suffered a very crowded environment or a long queue.  By contrast, in Japan, only those with Clinic Referral Form can go to big hosiptals.
       The United Daily News (
聯合新聞) 1-3-2017 : How can those M.D.s spent 2 minutes on those patients with complicated or serious condition... Fast medical diagnosis (100+ patients per clinic) may increase the probability of  incorrect judgments...  (黃達夫)

        Dr. Ye Ching-chuan (former leader of health government, 葉金川) blog (6-30-2009): Taiwanese go to clinics 15 times per year, 3 minutes with M.D. each time, in contrast,  Americans  go to clinics 4 times per year, 15 minutes each time;TTV(台視常春, 3-1-2011): Taiwanese patients talk with M.D. for 3 minutes only (看診3分鐘,該跟醫生說甚麼...);CTS(華視, 5-19-2010): A popular M.D. in Kaohsiung spent 1.4 minutes in average on each patient...


15Half failed to pass health inspection

     The Liberty Times (11-29-2016): Half of random-selected hospitals failed to pass  (Food and Beverage Sanitation  or environmental Sanitation ) health inspection.



16. Fake medicine
Apple Daily 2-24-2017, 3-7-2017 :  Crestor (a most popular blood-lipid lowering drug by AstraZeneca), ranking No.1 sales-amount covered by Health Insurance in 2016, was faked by illegal Syndicate.    Since the circumstance is from bad to worse, the government declared to retrieve all Crestor.
       The Liberty Times , 3-15-2017 : The leader of National Health Insurance stated medical people pointed out faking drug is because the price of  brand or regular medicines was cut down to bottom...  they choose to
fake the most popular drug if have to be illegal...

17. "patients centered" or "money centered"  ?


     ◆ news

           ●  CommonHealth 2023 (  :  A foreign MD said Taiwan's hospitals are not "patients centered".
●  United Daily (聯合報), 2022-9-26: The long-term care 2.0 service system has been wasting resources (this year's budget is nearly NT$ 60 billion) for many years. Besides, one manager (個管師) of the total care center (共照中心) is responsible for at least 500 cases, and the average number of supporting specialists taking care is 40 cases which is  Eight to ten times that in Japan, not to mention the quality of service.
●  United Daily (聯合報), 9-27-2019: Taiwanese patients with serious disease get no Doctors... (pic. below)




               ●  United Daily (聯合報), 11-10-2019: Long-term care to home, only 270 MDs from entire country joined


  pic.: a great policy ! but coverage rate of assignments is only about 1/100,  MDs complain little incomes ... ...


            ● The China Times, (中國時報,  7-4-2017) : former vice president of National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH):  many hospitals focus on making money,  "patients centered" is nothing but a slogan, if the leaders fail to convince people by virtue, and M.D.s fail to raise their moral standards.  (台大醫院前副院長"走火入魔的白色巨塔"批評: 台灣許多醫院的管理只是為收入,管理者應以德服人,醫師如不隨時努力精進,『病患為中心』只是口號 。)  


            ●  Apple Daily 6-17-2017: Taiwan's orthopedic surgeon was accused of kicking out an old lady patient with bed sore (pressure sores),  that Plastic Surgery M.D. was criticized only to save patient's face look instead of patient's life.


  pic.: a patient with bed sore was kicked by an orthopedic surgeon from Taipei to JiaEe city, news report hospital always loss money to treat this kind of disease

     ◆ experiences
NTUH as an example


            ●  top MD professor: The reason the patient needs to use oxygen-breathing apparatus this time is that her heart is too large...      patient: as large as before ?       top MD professor: I don't know ( he was not willing to look at  Ap views / images in his computer )   Cardiologist professors in later days proved it's about same size as before

            ●  top MD professor A:  lung atelectasis ( written in medical record )        top MD professor B:  I don't see any lung atelectasis         NTUH ap view report writes no atelectasis    
●  NTUH forced a venerable aged patient to leave by 11 am, even she had one underwear only, nothing in lower body  (NTUH contract care-taker had not asked patient's families to bring her pants by mistake ...) , NTUH's phrase was "that's the rule to leave by 11 am, like all the hotels" ... "we don't have document on hand, you can ask NTUH leader (director) for the doc."      After protests, NTUH still removed the patient from the bed to a small bed-cart at the corner of the one-bed ward, and then started to clean the room by bleach which may harm patient's lung.   

            ●  NTUH nurse turned off both oxygen-breathing apparatus and the machine monitoring patient's blood oxygen level that working for a very old hospitalized patient who needs both for 24 hours,  this may endanger patient once her blood oxygen level down to 90- , 80- ......, the machine hence can't generate alarm-noise to warn the Doctors and nurses.


 ◆  pic. above: wheel-beds (strykers) are everywhere in NTUH's walkways, looks like a "combat hospital"  /  photo in National Taiwan Univ. Hospital (台大醫院).
pic. below: Big board in NTUH:  you may take 10 days to get a ward... suggest - try another hospital !    7-7-2019
◆  pic. below right: treatment in emergency room more than 48 hours - top 5 rankings / source: gov. (健保署).






18 all of us are unwanted clients

         United Daily,   2-3-2018,
               Taiwan's hospitals have an unspoken rule ―  inpatients staying in ward more than 28 days might be "forced" to be discharged from hospital, many turn into "unwelcome tramp" wandering from one hospital to another, although there's no this kind of laws or regulation made by the government.   Most of these sad people are stroke patients.

     ● <China Times Weekly> (8-28-2015 ~ 9-3-2015, No.1958) article "The crisis of Taiwan's Medical & Health services" (by Taipei City Hospital leader /黃勝堅) : "When medical solutions become too commercialized, and lose humanistic care and respect, sooner or later, Taiwan's medical systems will face a  severe challenge of breaking down..."

        impact of DRGs (new version of insurance)   negatively affect patients in Taiwan as below:

      ◆  Patients with multi diseases may become unwanted clients (medical negligence, Chinese namely "人球") - hospitals may filter patients, reject some or deal with their disease only one at one time -  hence patients waste lots of time for it..

      ◆  The number of items to be paid at patient's own expense increases if you want same quality of treatment as before or a complete & precise medical examination.

      ◆  Patients may be asked to discharge earlier even they have not healed or recovered completely, if you 'd like to be in ward for more days, pay on your own dimes, because DRGs push hospitals to discharge patients 3~5 days after treatments or operation, otherwise the hospital will absorb additional cost which means losing money. 

      ◆  Do those examinations only for the item why the patient is hospitalized at this time.  

      ◆  If a patient needs 2 surgeries, hospital will find some "reasons" to push the patient leave hospital after his/her 1st operation, then the patient pays extra efforts to be in hospital again for his 2nd operation. 

      ◆  If a M.D. 's patients' amounts of medical expense covered by insurance are over the budget's upper limit, this MD physician's "performance" (績效) will be reviewed or examined by his hospital.

      Details pls. ref. to <今周刊>(Business Today) 10-31-2014



19 sexual harassment in hospitals

         The Apple Daily 3-17-2021: Sexual Harassments in the workplace between medical staffs and patients, Doctors and nurses, MDs and MDs have happened again and again, the medical circle has rarely concerned structural factor , and has not systematically improved the strategy to protect all victims in the  廖郁雯
The Apple Daily 7-17-2019: A MD of Tri-service General Hospital is suspected of lifting a female patient's clothe and poking her breast in a private room without any female nurse there.
The China Times <中國時報> 3-8-2018: according to investigation/survey, 80% female physicians met sexual harassment, ... a female physician of Cathy Hospital had different views and said the percentage of harassment to nurse probably higher because they are young and in lower status  (8成女醫曾遭性騷擾, 女醫反應兩極 ... brief)

20. Court Doctors

       Apple Daily, 4-27-2018:  Taiwan got only 3 court Doctors / legal medical experts can do operations.  


21.  inspection failure  - hospital & long-term care problems
United Daily, 8-14-2018:  Taipei Hospital big fire, in recent 6 years, 5 fires, 36 died, 185 wounded in nursing home (long term care facilities).

            Apple Daily, 8-14-2018:  6 fires in 7 years.



22.  MDs and patients taped each other secretly for self-protection   TVBS 7-12-2015  & 5-25-2015


23.  The quality of air in hospitals  /  best hospitals like NTUH failed to pass bacterial concentration tests





  pic: UDN(聯合報) 3-16-2019 : The quality of air in hospitals is bad  /  best hospitals like NTUH failed to pass bacterial concentration tests





24.  Major medical malpractices happened again and again

        ◆  <United Daily>,  (11-18-2018): Major medical malpractices and patient safety events happened again and again, medical reform group suggested legislating a new law.

        ◆  <The China Times> (11-17-2018) : Ridiculous mistakes !  Tzu-Chi Hospital's nurse took injection of urine (as Normal-Saline) mixed with albumin to a patient, 10+ days later, that Cirrhosis patient died.
◆  <The China Times> (6-24-2018) : A nurse of NTUH connected wrong Hemodialysis pipeline (tap running water replaced bacteria-free medical water) to patients doing kidney dialysis in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) resulting in 1 weak died a few days later, and several may be affected.    Dirty water into blood vessels may caused Sepsis, NTUH accepted too many patients and lacked S.O.P. for risk management.   <Liberty times>, 7-6-2018, <Apple Daily>, 7-7-2018:  Chinese Medical University Hospital had similar mistake at 2-23-2018, one patient was affected, National CK Univ. Hospital at 5-24-2018 misused bleach to do kidney dialysis, fortunately, the machine was shut down for abnormal detective signal,  National Taiwan University Hospital at May 25 & 26, 2018 affected 6 patients, 2 patients died, not caused by this, based on initially judgment.

       ◆  <Apple Daily>, 11-18-2018: Mackay Medical Hospital (新竹馬偕醫院) gave wrong vaccine to 4 newly born babies in Feb. 2018.   Tri-Service General Hospital (三總內湖院) connected wrong intravenous equipment (pipe) to a patient in Feb. 2014.




25.  Expensive instrumentation

Taiwan's hospitals invested huge money on expensive instrumentations, e.g., Proton Therapy (質子治療), heavy particle therapy (重粒子治療), Da Vinci surgery, etc, but their curative effects still can not be proven yet, or some of them are only good for some rare diseases, children's cancers.  Traditional Photon therapy is better for most cancer diseases.  Expensive instrumentations have not risen the survival rate of many cancers.   ref. to UDN, 7-1-2019




26. personal data

    ◆  <United Daily>,  editorial (3-31-2019):  Taiwan plans to sell general public's personal data and digital human rights (e.g., people's medical health data without giving any notice ) ... Taiwan is a less developed country on personal-data protection  (brief




27.  medical circle in political battle-field


  pic.: <The Lancet> 2019 printed a paper and marked Taiwan as part of China, the editors insisted it's one China policy of United Nations and WHO, but later printed a protest letter by Taiwan's medical government and some famous MDs -  "Taiwan's health-care system and administration are independent of China".   source : LTN, head-page news 7-17-2019




28.  care-givers in hospitals


         Yahoo News, 2022-9-6 : The quality of outsourcing of hospital care-taking system is low, long-term care-takers should be trained.  The current professional long-term care-taking manpower is obviously insufficient, therefore the government should encourage middle-aged and older people to work in this field;  a Law-maker questioned that the caregivers in Veterans General Hospital (N. HsinChu) did not have long-term care qualification, her carelessness led to a suspected death. (醫院看護外包品質低-應增訓長照專員-060034986.html)
         健康遠見, 2018-11-8 : care-giving costs are so expensive, but the quality varies. Some hospitals engage in care-taking business regardless of their qualifications or certificates, training experience.  Besides, there are also many “hidden rules” in wards. For example, almost no one is willing to take half-day job, extra charges for patients in the isolated ward and for rehabilitated patients.  We should take lessons from the system in advanced countries in Europe and the United States.   (health.gvm.

           UDN (聯合報),  8-12-2018, headlines:   "run away" foreign laborers hide in hospitals to be care-givers lacking of pro. quality ...
Lots of patients in hospital wards or emergency room need care-givers, e.g., National Taiwan Univ. Hospital has 3 contract companies each offering hundreds of care givers, but still not enough for so many urgent needs ,  therefore, you may find ad. cards everywhere in the wards or hospital, one the floor, or in the closets, etc,  to provide you with illegal foreign laborers in the price of about NT1600 working 24 hours, or legal local women (some are red Chinese) asking NT2200 per day, they may want higher price NT2300 for sleeping on hard chairs if the patients have not been hospitalized.  It seems to me as a necessary crime, however, you may have risks,  e.g., very high amount of fine penalty given by the police, some legal care-giver may collect money even working less than 15 hours ... 

          報導者, 2018/11/7: In terms of care-taking fees, the central Taiwan is generally the highest, the northern Taiwan follows. the care-taker fee in hospital (中榮、中國附醫) is NT$2,400 ; The fee in NTUH, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Cathay, 亞東 is NT$ 2,200; The fee in National Cheng Kung University Hospital, and Kaohsiung Chang Gung  mem. Hospital is NT$ 2,000 .
          However, according to my experience at the end of Aug., 2022, in the emergency room of National Taiwan University Hospital, it is very difficult to get a care-taker, after 30+ phone-calls eventually I hired a male Taiwanese care-giver asking NT3,300 per day, but a few days later he quitted the job because of seeing patients  around us detected CovID positive day by day. Fortunately, I almost recovered at that time (the MDs are good and Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy, Ultrasound examination were arranged very quickly; in total I only paid the hospital USD 20+ for 5 days' stay, very cheap,  one thing bad is I have all reasons to suspect some unknown people intruded my ward while sleeping in the midnight )




29.   male nurses  VS. female dignity

      ●   "Male nurses and the protection of female dignity" (NCBI, Dec. 2010),   "Male nurses attending to female patients (nudity) is 'morals vs. ethics'", etc, are issues in the US, certainly, should be a hot issue in Taiwan, a more conservative country.   In NTUH (2019), some wards are nice to arrange same gender patients in one room, in principle, but, some  NTUH ward was inflexible at all, they didn't care female patient's objections, still assigned male nurses ( the number is extremely small compared to huge number of female nurses ) to female patient, in most cases the number of male patients suppose is about the same as that of female patients.   TTV (台視), 10-29-2012 "尿失禁怎麼辦": even aged people may be very shy - refuse other people to see their private part ...   



30.   health insurance benefits   VS.  health

          ●   When a patient denied a whole body CT scan suggested by the physician because of the risk of contrast medium, then the MD denied the patient's alternative suggestion - abdomen & pelvic cavity ultrasound and chest CT scan without contrast, even the patient was willing to pay the costs, this NTUH MD's reason is the hospital applying for National Health Insurance benefits might be denied by the gov.   However, another ward's MD (Chest Hsu) of NTUH is much flexible and nice - the patient can do MRI without contrast (July, 2019) to find out the problem.  So, hope you are lucky.



31.    Taiwanese M.D. crime rate global No. 1


             ● TVBS 2012/07/27:  Taiwanese M.D. were accused easily and frequently, hence "crime rate" is world No.1  ---    In average, one Medical Doctor was accused per day, one was convicted per month.

    Commonwealth Publishing Group (遠見) magazine,  2012/07/11:  The conviction rate (preliminary trial , district court judgment) of Taiwanese physicians is 24.5%.




32.   big vs. small

               United Daily's Weekly 11-24-2019: Many Taiwanese only trust so-called "best-known" Doctors (名醫), such as professors or dept leader MDs, however, 80~90% patients don't need them.   Besides, senior Doctors may have high sensibility on judgments, but new blood Doctors are more familiar with new medicines and new operations. 




33.   large hospitals  vs.  small clinics

                      UDN 11-27-2019:  70% Taiwanese think large hospitals are more professional, nearly 50% Taiwanese can't tell severity of illness index therefore go to large hospitals anyway.
Taiwanese gov.: patients with serious disease should go to large hospitals.    



pic.: The temple inside National Taiwan University Hospital is "God for protection".  the pic. is a cancer patient with her medical record on hand praying.  The TV 據寰宇財經 reported at 11-6-2020 that a patient says NTUH MD failed to cure her, but the God did it. 

pic.: A row of wooden or clay-made "God" in a temple in
Cathay Hospital (國泰醫院)  for the public

Are Taiwanese too superstitious ??

 SETN '17, 寰宇財經 11-6-2020,



34.   CT scan, MRI

               Take NTUH as an example, there're more than once the CT scan report failed to be completed within 7-10 days ( the latest one is 20+ days in early 2021)  before the Doctor time.   As for MRI report, once another hospital found something important that NTUH report missed -  so sometimes you may need 2nd opinion from different hospital.     



35.   ambulance - emergency room

The Liberty Times (自由時報  2022-6-11 ): a widely known news - a two-year-old child (恩恩) was "delayed" for 81 minutes by emergency ambulance systems.  However, Taiwan's current 119 emergency system is doing very well, and the quality of the ambulance personnel is also very high.  The general rule is that the nearest ambulance personnel will be dispatched within 5 minutes after receiving the report.  Especially for the fifth level of first aid, such as suffocation, convulsion, coma, or cardiac arrest, it must takes 5 minutes to apply full-scale treatment,  even to start first aid in the ambulance, such as electric shock, CPR.   There is no reason to request a hospital-bed before sending an ambulance.  If you need to be hospitalized and there is no confirmed hospital bed, you can immediately contact other responsible hospitals for transfer.  In short, the ambulance comes first, save the life first.   But, all these change just because of the CovID epidemic?  (brief)

According to my experience at the end of August, the ambulance came very quickly, but the ambulance staffs had many "opinions", such as - NTUH (National Taiwan Univ. Hospital) definitely has no ward or bed for you, so must send u to the another hospital that I have never heard of, instead of NTUH I always went to (huge medical records over there), otherwise please take a taxi by yourself.  Until I offered NTD 500, they agreed to send me to NTUH, after arriving there, I had a wheel-bed (strykers) immediately, then the staffs did not accept my money.



36.    Nursing home

Sometimes, the MD may advise the elderly goes to nursing home after discharging from hospital.  But the quality of nursing home in Taiwan varies. 2018-6-19: The evaluation is fake / the evaluation system is only implemented on hardware equipments, and the quality of service is difficult to see from the evaluation-results. 2018-01-03: News of overcharges, fires, and abuses in nursing homes have been heard from time to time. Why is the government's assessment not effective?  Why don't we take the example of Japan, the United States, and Australia's evaluation system?    2018-1-11: The elderly people may become angry, lose weight, refuse care-takers, even get into a state of depression, all these are because of not being used to the environment of group living in the nursing home - the elderly have lost their "freedom" .


nDaily Mail (UK), 2022-9-14: A nursing home in Taiwan has been forced to apologise for hiring a half-naked stripper to perform for pensioners in wheelchairs.  Video shows the stripper thrusting her breasts into a pensioner's face whilst shaking her bottom...spreading her legs and touching her crotch . The elderly resident, enjoying the turn of events...touching the woman's breasts.  The care home said they wanted to lift the spirits of the infirm residents

nNew York Post, 2022-9-13: Nursing home in Taiwan hires stripper for seniors in wheelchairs.   The man in wheelchair doesn't appear to mind, however, and can be seen squeezing the woman’s assets as she enthusiastically writhes her body. Other nursing home residents clapped along enthusiastically, seeming to relish the raunchy show.     Video:  Nursing home apologises for 'strippers and bingo' party after woman lap-dances on seniors in Taiwan | Daily Mail Online



37.   patients satisfaction

                     UDN 11-27-2019:  Taiwanese satisfaction about Taiwan health-care system : 19% satisfy the price they pay,8% satisfy medical quality protection  2% satisfy medical personnel services, overall,  89.7% Taiwanese satisfy health care system,  but only 30% medical field people satisfy it.  (brief)



38.   CovID-19 in Taiwan


Bloomberg CovID Resilience Ranking  2021-9-28

CovID status

Economy (country) 3-month case fatality rate % people covered by vaccine% score
Taiwan 13.4% (worst worldwide) 30 56.5
Saudi Arabia 1.5 60.9 71
India 1.5 31.3 56.2
Malaysia 1.4 64.6 44.1
HK 1.1 56.8 69.8
Australia 0.5 51.8 61.8
S. Korea 0.3 58.7 68.2
Japan 0.3 62 67.3
UAE 0.3 92.3 74.7
Singapore 0.2 80.8 70
New Zealand 0.1 49.9 59.6
mainland China 0 78.4 68.8

full details :

score and rank by indexes: lockdown severity,   flight capacity ,  vaccinated travel routes,  people covered by vaccines


Bloomberg CovID Resilience Ranking   2021-10-28

CovID status (Asia & Pacific  )

Economy (country) 3-month case fatality rate % people covered by vaccine % overall
Taiwan 台灣 7.7% (world worst) 47.2 53.7
Saudi Arabia 2.1 66.5 68.5
India 1.2 31.3 37.6
Malaysia 1.4 64.6 75.6
Thailand 1.1 33.1 50.6
HK 0.3 59.8 66.6
Australia 0.6 67.3 62.2
S. Korea 0.4 74.7 68.6
Japan 0.4 73.3 68.4
UAE 0.3 97.3 74.6
Singapore 0.3 87.8 57.5
New Zealand 0.1 67.4 61.5
mainland China 0 80.2 65.2
score and rank by indexes: lockdown severity,   flight capacity ,  vaccinated travel routes,  people covered by vaccines


Bloomberg's CovID Resilience Ranking, 2022-6-29
comparison - Taiwan with some other main countries in Asia & Pacific
 They’ve been unable to outrun Omicron: Taiwan saw deaths spike as more virus circulated ...

country 1-month cases per 100,000 resilience rank 3-month case fatality rate pandemic MVPs
Taiwan 7826 next to last 0.2% No.37
mainland China 0 No.51 0.1%  
Hong Kong 376 No.49 1.9%  
Malaysia 169 No.37 0.2%  
New Zealand 3383 No.35 0.2% No.21
Bangladesh 8 No.34 0.1% No.27
Japan 373 No.30 0.1% No.15
Vietnam 28 No.18 0%  
Singapore 2255 No.14 0% No.13
Australia 3216 No.9 0.1% No.24
UAE 336 No.2 0% No.1
S. Korea 502 No.1 0.2% No.4
PS: Taiwan's scores on "Flight Capacity", "vaccinated travel routes" are last but one


 Bloomberg CovID Resilience Ranking   2022-5-27
Taiwan ranks the 3rd from the end   

 ranks of
countries (Asia & Pacific)

CovID cases per 100,000 people over the past month (JHU) The Strength of
health-care system
CovID deaths as a share of cases over the past 3months (%)
 No. 6.  S Korea 1955 89 0.1
12.  Singapore 1760 92 0.1
23.  Australia 5074 89 0.1
  34.  Malaysia  185 67 0.3
35.  Thai. 328 72 0.4
41.  Japan 786 96 0.2
  44.  New Zealand  4389 83 0.1
  48.  Hong Kong 115 - 0.8
 51. Taiwan (drop 19 positions )  6031 79 0
52.  Chn 9 70 0.1
53 countries in total;


Nikkei CovID-19 Recovery Index, as of Jul. 31 Aug. 6, 2022
rankings of main countries in Asia & Pacific

World Rank Asia RK Country/region World Rank Asia RK Country/region
2 1 Cambodia 47 13 Mongolia
4 2 Vietnam 52 14 New Zealand
5 3 UAE 53 15 Hong Kong
6 4 Qatar 58 16 Thailand
13 5 S. Korea 62 17 Indonesia
15 6 Saudi Arabia 62 17 Laos
20 7 Bangladesh 62 17 Pakistan
30 8 China 62 17 Philippines
35 9 Malaysia 69 21 Australia
40 10 Singapore 74 22 Myanmar
44 11 India 74 22 Sri Lanka
44 11 Nepal 79 24 Taiwan
South Korea, which is also seeing a jump in infections, slipped to 13th from fourth. Elsewhere in the region, Cambodia and Vietnam continued to rank high, in second place and fourth, respectively. Taiwan's cases and deaths falling gradually.


Nikkei CovID-19 Recovery Index    
comparison among main countries in Asia & Pacific

Asia's rank world rank country score
1 1 Cambodia 78
2 2 Vietnam 越南 76.5
3 4 S. Korea 南韓 72.5
4 5 Qatar 72
5 6 Bangladesh 71
5 6 Nepal 71
7 11 Saudi Arabia 69.5
8 14 Sri Lanka 68
9 18 Mongolia 67.5
9 18 UAE 67.5
11 26 Malaysia 66.5
12 30 Japan 64
13 35 India 63.5
14 38 China 63
15 49 Pakistan 61.5
16 53 Hong Kong 61
16 53 Indonesia 61
16 53 Thailand 61
19 62 Philippines 60.5
20 71 Laos 59
20 71 Singapore 59
22 79 Myanmar 58
23 88 Australia 55
24 101 NZ 53
25 112 Taiwan 50
Source: The Index ranks 121 countries/regions on infection management, vaccine rollouts, and social mobility.  A higher ranking indicates a country is closer to recovery with its low numbers of confirmed cases/deaths, better vaccination rates and less stringent social distancing measures; data sources include Our World in Data, Google CovID-19 Community Mobility Reports, Oxford CovID-19 Gov. Response Tracker, Cirum, and Nikkei Asia research


CovID Resilience Ranking, 2021-8-26
full data :

Asian country ranking people covered by vaccine 3-month case fatality rate
Singapore 8 76.7 0.4%
UAE 15 82.7 0.2%
Hong Kong 18 47.7 0.9%
Saudi Arabia 19 51.1 1.2%
China 24 70.1 0%
S. Korea 26 37.3 0.3%
New Zealand 29 28.9 0%
Australia 31 34.2 0.5%
Japan 33 47.5 0.5%
Taiwan 41  21.7 7.6%



pic.: No.1 "Taiwan CovID-19 comments" on Bing, Lycos, etc , 2022-4-30, 2021-9-6; No.1 "comment Taiwan CovID-19" on Ecosia of Germany, Dogpile, Metacrawler, INFO., Excite, etc, at 2021-9-2, 2021-8-30






pic. above: No.1 "comment   Taiwan hospitals " on US Google , Nov. 6, 2020, 8-26-2020, 7-31-2020, 6-1-2020

ps: No.1 "comment  Taiwan hospitals " on Yahoo Japan (Largest search engine in Japan) , 8-5-2020

 No.1 "comment  Taiwan hospitals " on US Google , 6-1-2020, 4-5-2020





pic. : This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  test at  6-30-2020, 6-1-2020, 5-26-2020, 4-28-2020, 2-15--2020


ps : This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  test at   1-18-2020, 11-11-2019



pic. : This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  test at   1-12-2020, 11-11-2019




pic. above: No.1 "comment  Taiwan hospitals ", "comment  hospitals in Taiwan" on US Google , 12-23-2019 , 11-11-2019 



pic. : This websites group is ranked No.1 on US Google by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  at   10-18-2019, 10-6-2019,  9-21-2019


 This websites group is ranked No.1 on US Google by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  at   10-18-2019,  9-20-2019


ps: This websites group is ranked No.1 on US Google by keyword "comment Taiwan hospitals"  at 11-4-2019, 10-6-2019,  8-14-2019.
 This websites group is ranked No.1 on US Google by keyword "comment hospitals in Taiwan"  at
11-4-2019,  10-6-2019, 8-14-2019.

 This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  at  8-22-2019,  7-25-2019 in NTUH


 This websites group's ranked No.1 on ASK  by keyword
  "medical Doctors in Taiwan"


This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Google  by keyword "medical Doctors in Taiwan"  at  5-21-2019


This websites group's ranked top 2 on US Google by keyword "physicians in Taiwan"  at  5-19-2019; 
 No.1 at
at  8-22-2019,  2-5-2019, 2-14-2018.




<Top rankings on US Google, Bing, etc till early '19 >



pic. above: This websites group's ranked No.1 on US Google by keyword "physicians in Taiwan" 
 2-5-2019, 2-14-2018.


ps: This websites group's ranked top 2 on US Google by keyword "Medical Doctors in Taiwan" 
  2-5-2019, 2-6-2018, 1-28-2018.


ps: This websites group's ranked No.1 on Google by keyword "medical Doctors in Taiwan"  at  5-20-2017, 4-26-2017.  top 2,  2-5-2019







 This sites were among top ranks by Chinese keywords "comment Taiwan hospitals" as well as "comment Taiwanese MD"  on US Bing, Yahoo, US Google, etc





pic. above:  No.1 "Medical Doctors in Taiwan"  on China's  Baidu   at  2-6-2018.





    < No.1 ranks on US Google, Bing, as well as Baidu of China, Yandex of Russia,
etc, test at 2-6-2018 etc



No.1 "Medical Doctors in Taiwan"  on Yandex of Russia  at  2-6-2018.

No.1 "physicians in Taiwan"  on US Bing at  2-6-2018.

 No.1 "medical Doctors in Taiwan"  on US Yahoo at  2-17-2018.


pic.  This websites group is ranked No.1 on Baidu of China by keyword "comment Taiwan hospitals"  at 10-24-2019.   This websites group is ranked No.1 on Baidu of China  by keyword "comment hospitals in Taiwan"  at  10-24-2019.



   To Be Continued ...


       Taiwanese hospitals, physicians   ――   comments & reviews                       
   this site's world No. 1 in  2020~23, 2017~19,  2016 2015 2014,  2013 2010~12   
  Top rankings since 1998   



For precise meaning pls. ref. to Taiwan's medical and health service in Chinese version

This web-page was ranked No. 1 on google by keyword "comment Taiwan medical doctors", tests at  4-19-2017, 6-11-2016, 9-28-2015, 9-1-2015, 8-26-2015

This web-page was ranked No. 1 on google by keyword "台灣醫院黑幕", 6-11-2016

This web-page was ranked No. 1 on google by keyword "comment Taiwan hospitals",  4-19-2017, 6-11-2016

This web-page was ranked No. 1 on google by keyword "台灣醫療界黑暗面", 9-28-2015, 9-9-2015



Taiwan surgery










Taiwan president Tsai: Food safety problem is one of biggest challenges to Taiwan / The China Times,  8-6-2016