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jump to    case study -  fraud / attempted fraud     Taiwan fraud (as below)

   China Times (中時社), 2024-9-18: According to latest survey by The Global Anti-Scam Alliance 全球反詐騙聯盟」, the annual amount being scammed in Taiwan accounts for 0.9% of GDP, which ranks No.1 among developed countries.  According to Taiwanese government's (內政部「打詐儀表板」) statistics, the average reported amount being scammed daily is NTD 300~400 million, more than 40% Taiwan people won't report their case. The more scam/fraud, the more government's budget prepared to deal with it, that's the scam/fraud ecology system to make Taiwanese people angry.


   United Daily (2024-5-15):   The amount of Taiwanese got scammed/fraud is up to NT8.878 billion which hits new high ever.    udn.com/news/story/124029/7964444?from=redpush

  China Times (中時社論), 2024-5-17: Taiwan has a notorious name "Kingdom of Scams/fraud" which can be blamed for the government's indolence; as well as very light legal penalties, poor personal information protection, government's technology lagging behind fraud/scam groups, and the authorities passing the buck around.  chinatimes.com/opinion/20240517004134-262101?chdtv


  US State Government - trafficking in persons report 2024-4-22:   NGOs reported sex offenders increasingly used cell phones, web cameras, live streaming, apps, and other technologies to deceive and coerce underage girls and boys into sexual activity.

  China Times (中時社論), 2024-3-24:  Taiwan's criminal penalties have always been too light, so that Taiwan is known as the Kingdom of Fraud/Scams The loop-holes in the social safety net are getting bigger and bigger.   chinatimes.com/opinion/20240323003045-262101?chdtv

   United Daily (2024-5-18):    Taiwan has become an "island of fraud," and the government has even been ridiculed as the "national team of fraud."

Liberty Times (自由時 talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1610160) , editorial , 2023-10-16: The fraud syndicates operate 'business' across the countries, Taiwan has reduced to a "kingdom of fraud".

  US State Government  2023 trafficking in persons report /  2023-6-16
Increasingly, traffickers also subject people from Taiwan to forced criminality in cyber scam operations run by local PRC national-operated crime syndicates in call centers located primarily in Cambodia, but also in other Southeast Asian countries including Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and increasingly other countries around the world, including Türkiye and the United Arab Emirates.  Partly as a result of PRC pandemic-related travel restrictions, Taiwanese criminal organizations are increasingly working with PRC national-operated crime syndicates to specifically target people from Taiwan for fraudulent recruitment, and force them to engage in online gambling, internet, cryptocurrency, and telephone scams, primarily in a system of large commercial compounds in these countries.  and may “resell” those who cannot meet sales quotas or repay recruitment debts to other criminal networks – for forced labor in similar fraud schemes, domestic servitude, or sex trafficking.  state.gov/reports/2023-trafficking-in-persons-report/taiwan/

China Times (中時) , editorial , 2023-5-23: 23 millions of Taiwanese household administration data and 28 millions of labor insurance data have been leaked and were sold to fraud groups - all personal data of Taiwanese were sold out, Taiwan government looked the other way as its citizens were in fraud for leakage of their personal data.  Furthermore, in Taiwan fraud is minor crime, the court give those criminals light sentences and set them free, which have long been criticized...   chinatimes.com/opinion/20230521002651-262101?chdtv




pic.  : The site-group was ranked No.1 "Taiwan fraud" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-9-22
No.1 "Taiwanese fraud" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-9-22



pic.  : The site-group was ranked No.1 "Taiwan fraud" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-9-19, 2024-5-13, 2024-3-24, 2023-8-14, 2023-5-6, 2022-8-15, 2022-1-3, No.2 "Taiwan fraud" on Yandex of Russia, 2021-6-24






  United Daily (聯合報), 2023-9-4 : Fraud is No.1 public grievance in Taiwan. TWNIC exposes nearly 70% Taiwanese people got fraud message before, the actual percentage-number should be higher than that.   The government is "doing nothing", "not oppose fraud crime", and even trying to fool the public.  udn.com/news/story/7338/7414233?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2

  United Daily (聯合報), 2023-5-6 : In 2022, the amount of Taiwanese people lost for the crime of fraud is NT$7000 millions, the average age of fraud criminals is down to 28.9.   udn.com/news/story/7338/7146011?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

  United Daily (聯合報), editorial, 2023-6-25 : Fraud groups develop rapidly, but Taiwan gov. only catches those rookies running errands (小弟)Taiwan's national team fighting against fraud is nothing but a national fraud,  Financial Supervisory Commission(金管會)、NCC and Ministry of Digital Affairs (數位部) should be responsible for this udn.com/news/story/7338/7256724?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

China Times (中時) , editorial , 2023-8-10: The ruling party government is a biggest scam/fraud syndicate.  They  hollow out national treasure and leave Taiwan deep in debt by fraud, word-tricks and lawlessness.   The outstanding balance of debt is up to NTD 5 trillion and 699.7 billion dollars. chinatimes.com/opinion/20230810005226-262101?chdtv

China Times, editorial, 2023-5-29: im.B fraud group possess marvelous 'abilities'  because DPP's power and rich are their patron, even Secretary General of Taiwan president office 林佳龍 was told having great connection with them...  chinatimes.com/opinion/20230529004089-262101?chdtv


 China Times , editorial: 2023-5-20: DPP law maker Chen (陳歐珀) accepted house and car provided by fraud group, Taiwan's government and vice president Lai (賴清德) keep silentWho else officials did the same thing ? According to Police gov.'s statistics, the total number of fraud crimes is 29000, which hit top for the past 6 years, the amount in fraud reaches 7000 millions, which proves Taiwan's fighting against fraud is a fake.   chinatimes.com/opinion/20230520002983-262101?chdtv


  United Daily (聯合報), editorial,  2023-5-27 : im.B fraud case really snowballed. According to report, the wanted criminal entertained high-ranking officials, judicial policemen, at a banque in his luxury mansion,  they even invested the fraud crime... but the ruling party tried to downplay the problem.  In recent years, the system for supervision became lax, high-ranking officials are happy to have offerings from the business circles. udn.com/news/story/7338/7193797?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


  United Daily (聯合報), editorial, 2023-5-11 : Taiwan government got no grades on fighting fraudIn today, Taiwanese crimes of fraud have spread all over the world, the criminal methods have deteriorated to abducting people, selling human organs, defrauding money by using the name of the administration...udn.com/news/story/7338/7157051?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate


  The China Times (中時) , editorial , 2023-5-5: Endless fraud cases in Taiwan!  it is undeniable that those crimes are indeed related to Taiwan police discipline。Public comments had no idea at all that it's an inside job. (「內神通外鬼」)。The "Social security net" is proved to be broken -  they fail to protect citizens' personal basic data/information  chinatimes.com/opinion/20230505004211-262101?chdtv


  CTV News (中) ,  2023-5-8:  Taipei City Councilor 侯漢廷: Since 2020, fraud has become No.1 crime type, in 2018, the number of fraud crimes is about 20,000, in 2021, the number is up to 120,000, which increases by 6 times.  Was the DPP government suppressing or helping them ?  86% Taiwanese received fraud phone-call(s). In the past a few years, Taiwan's fraud has been ubiquitous and innovative, and has even become a very terrifying criminal group that violently kidnaps people.   youtube.com/watch?v=9bJZQUY0SCY 庶民大頭家


  The China Times (中時) , editorial , 2023-5-8:  Who are fraud group's "Door Gods" to cover those criminals ?  The head of fraud group,「im.B借貸媒合平台」, has close connection with DPP's top rankings such as vice premier 鄭文燦、TaiNan city mayor 黃偉哲、law makers 陳歐珀、劉建國、high-ranking officials  黃重諺、陳唐山 etc.     chinatimes.com/opinion/20230508004424-262101?chdtv


  United Daily (聯合報), 2023-4-17 :  law maker: Taiwan's official fighting-fraud center is a fake. (打詐國家隊打假球)  udn.com/news/story/7338/7102339?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


  BBC (UK), 2022-12-5 : Fighting mobile phone fraud is a constant battle, and Taiwan is on the front line.  The reason:  (1)  a prefect "practice ground" for organised criminals, They try out a new phone scam in Taiwan, and if it works there then they can expand it out across Asia and then globally.  (2) Taiwan is one of Asia's top manufacturers of high-tech technology... this level of technical expertise is shared by Taiwanese scammers.  news.yahoo.com/taiwans-frontline-battle-against-mobile-000706716.html


  Global Times, 2023-2-4 : In recent years, there has also been a significant increase in violent crime and fraud in Taiwan. The DPP authorities can hardly absolve themselves from blame given their incompetence, but it is also obviously related to the decline in the overall economic and social conditions of the island.  globaltimes.cn/page/202302/1284807.shtml

  United Daily(聯合報), editorial, 2022-12-1 :  It's hard for Taiwan to whitewash its notorious name "island of Fraud or Scams"(「詐騙之島」)  since end of last century.  udn.com/news/story/11091/6807992?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2


  United Daily(聯合報), editorial, 2023-1-30 : The statutory penalty for the crime of fraud is not high, and the sentence is not often heavy, which leads to try committing a fraud crime with a fluke mind The deception tricks are cliché - deceive people into investing, or to set up a love affair trap.   udn.com/news/story/11091/6936312?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2


China Times, 2022-8-15  editorial:  National team of scams/fraud -   in recent 20 years, Taiwanese set up computer telecommunication Facilities around the world for scams and fraud, so that Taiwan's name "island of Fraud or scams" (「詐騙之島」)  goes worldwideTaiwanese government's cross-border cooperation and law amending was too slow to catch up criminals' updated tech. and ongoing tricks refurbishment; the victims include  ranking officials, the rich & famous  ... Cross-border scams involve human-trafficking groups, gangs, government, diplomacy etc complicated factors ... Taiwanese government covering bad news made things more difficult.  Taiwanese people being lured by high pay to Cambodia and then being suffered from trafficking in human organs arise concerns. chinatimes.com/opinion/20220814003040-262101?chdtv


  United Daily(聯合報), editorial, 2022-7-24  :  Taiwan's social security is always stable- Taiwanese government's tricky slogan  - not only celebrity kept encountering fraud, almost every citizen got fraud phone or messages,  the government declared establishing a "fighting fraud" national team (「打詐國家隊」) which is as empty as "drugs zero-tolerance" slogan by Tsai administration.    udn.com/news/story/7338/6483566?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


Diplomat , 2022-8-16:   Taiwanese authorities fear thousands of Taiwanese have been trafficked into the Southeast Asian country and forced to work for criminal syndicates... Cambodia are rife of enslavement, beatings, torture, and being resold.  thediplomat.com/2022/08/taiwan-frets-for-thousands-trafficked-into-cambodia/  
FocusTaiwan, 2022-8-8, 2022-8-9:  Thousands of Taiwanese lured to Cambodia by the promise of high-paying jobs may be stuck there as victims of human trafficking, according to an estimate by the National Police Agency (NPA)... a series of reports of Taiwanese going to Cambodia on promises of jobs paying NT$70,000 (US$2,350) to NT$200,000 a month and later being subject to abuse...If an employee refused to work or performed poorly, managers would punish them with beatings or even electric shocks from a taser  focustaiwan.tw/society/202208080026    focustaiwan.tw/society/202208090016

 FTV News (民視新聞), 2022-8-9:  youtube.com/watch?v=iZXseYVxt3A


  Taipei Times, 2022-6-11: Romance scams thrive in Taiwan   From cliched schemes to elaborate setups, online romance scams continue to grow, with over 1,000 reported victims losing more than NT$400 million last yearWith today’s technology, scammers don’t need to directly ask for money. All they need is personal information.  “The trickiest part of dating fraud is that through [daily interaction], the victims have already invested much time, emotion and other sunk costs.  taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2022/06/11/2003779700






pic.  : The site-group was ranked No.1 "Taiwan fraud" on Microsoft Bing, 2023-8-14, 2022-8-15, 2022-1-3, 2021-6-24, 2021-3-30, 3-17-2021, 2-16-2021, 1-14-2021, 9-5-2020; No.1"Taiwan fraud"on Yahoo Taiwan,  2023-8-14





  United Daily , 2022-11-8: Taiwanese fraud/scams group already reached campus. (詐騙集團在線上支付、毒品共伴的推波助瀾下,甚至已經擴散到了校園) udn.com/news/story/7339/6747079?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7339_pulldownmenu_v2


  United Daily, editorial, 2022-1-1:  Taiwanese fraud/scams group open 24 hours all year round.  udn.com/news/story/7338/6001966?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

  United Daily (經濟日報), editorial, 2022-4-11: When the senior citizens look for comprehensive financial planning of their retirement pension or  wealth, they often encounter situations such as solicitation and fraud by CRM (Bank Customer Relationship Manager(理專) ) or CB WM (Consumer Banking Wealth Management staffs)  , false advertisements of financial products, and insurance exploitation, which bring great risks to  them, and  lead to unnecessary instability in the society  udn.com/news/story/7338/6229227?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2

Taipei Times, 2021-11-28:  Taiwanese-led fraud operation busted in Turkey    taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2021/11/28/2003768638

  Scientific Reports Journal, Food Navigator Asia, 2-9-2021: Fish fraud findings: Almost 20% of fish in Taiwan found to be mislabelled - study. https://www.foodnavigator-asia.com/Article/2021/02/09/Fish-fraud-findings-Almost-20-of-fish-in-Taiwan-found-to-be-mislabelled-study  Nature,  12-15-2020: The rates and consequences of seafood substitution frauds in Taiwan were elusive.  Snapper, cod and surimi products are particularly vulnerable to fraudulent substitutions. The high abundance of Pseudomonas in tilapia sashimi mislabeled as snapper unveils a potential health issue pertaining to the consumption of raw mislabeled seafood.  Seafood substitution is a fraud in which the fish is sold by the name of a different, often more expensive fish.  modern seafood products often appear in the form of fish pieces, filets or even ready-to-eat meals instead of whole fishes. The food processing technologies can also change the original color and luster of the meat. The lack of identifiable features poses challenges in verifying label information by the look, touch and feel of the products https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-79070-y

  United Daily, editorial, 2021-4-28:  Vice Chairperson (翁柏宗) of Taiwanese government's National Communications Commission (NCC, Executive Yuanwas fooled by scam phone and handed in NT$  3.58 millions (about USD120 thousands) to fake prosecutor and policeman. udn.com/news/story/7338/5415649

  Reuters, DW (Germany), 12-31-2020: Chinese court sentences 29 Taiwanese deported from Spain / In recent years, hundreds of Taiwanese nationals, suspected of committing telecoms fraud overseas, have been deported to China instead of their home territory Beijing maintains that the Taiwanese nationals are accused of defrauding Chinese people and should be tried in its courts.  Beijing says it has incurred huge financial losses as a result of telecom fraud, with callers often impersonating law enforcement officials and preying on the elderly, students or the unemployed.  brief www.dw.com/en/chinese-court-sentences-29-taiwanese-deported-from-spain/a-56103248

 international fraud damaged Taiwan image ...  
Taiwan legal system extremely tolerant of Taiwan fraud/scammers
  quora, 4-16-2016:  "Taiwan largely sees these telecom frauds/phone scammers  as an asset rather than liability...";   Taiwan's legal system is extremely tolerant of the scammers. Not matter how much money was involved in a scamming case  /  https://www.quora.com/Does-Taiwan-rely-on-the-fraud-industry-heavily,  /4-16-2016

●   Forbes 6-23-2016: Taiwan's fraud network is expanding overseas.
   BBC (UK) 4-22-2016: Taiwanese massive international telecoms frauds lead to diplomatic row between Taiwan and China, and cost Chinese victims billions of Yuan and to have driven some to suicidehttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36108762

●   FocusTaiwan,  2021-3-14: 31 suspects arrested for cross-border telecom fraud in Yilan.   Chinese victims were bilked out of NT$7 million (US$248,189)  focustaiwan.tw/society/202103140012 

   RFI.fr  (France) 6-7-2019:   Some 94 Taiwanese who allegedly committed online and telephone fraud in Spain have been extradited to Beijing on Friday ( news 2-19-2017: Taiwan  "deeply regrets"  Spanish Decision to Deport around 200 Taiwanese to China in Fraud Case )

  bike-eu, (Europe)Nov. 2019: After EU Investigation investigation into various Taiwan-made labelled products including e-bikes and bicycles, Taiwan Steps Up Fight Against Fraud of Rules of Origin

  United Daily, 10-23-2019, editorial: Taiwanese telecom frauds run wild the entire world to damage Taiwan's image.  
  CTV evening news, 12-14-2017  19:19pm Taiwanese fraud crimes are really all over the world.   EBC  TV news 4-9-2017 6:54am:
Taiwan is notorious for its fraud crimes all over the world, ing the i

   United Daily News (ref. to 聯合報), Opinion, 8-2016 : Taiwan's legislators and judicial system don't have a sense of shame on int'l telecomm scammers cases.   ref to United Daily News (聯合報), Opinion, 8-2016 
 CNA Nov 21, 2019 - Taipei, A total of 29 Taiwanese suspects involved in cross-border telecom fraud in Japan have been repatriated to Taiwan

●  Liberty Times, 5-31-2016: Taiwan fraud scammers have 173 branch offices or strongholds globally   news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1714357



Domestic fraud  ...   Taiwan legal system extremely tolerant of Taiwan fraud/scammers
Taiwan News,
2021/01/22: Former manager of Microsoft Taiwan investigated for fraud, Ex-manager, four accomplices from other companies accused of falsifying orders to undercut competition    taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4109263


   ettoday, 2021-2-11: The more police cracks down, the more fraud cases? Police finds it hard to say that, to tackle the problem at its roots,  most responsibility lies in other government units .  The number of fraud cases in each year in recent three years is around 23,000monetary loss is between NTD 3.7 billions and 4.2 billions   https://www.ettoday.net/news/20210211/1917772.htm#ixzz6pF1CtPD3
ref to United Daily News (聯報), Opinion

●   Taiwan News, 2021/01/27:  During a nationwide crackdown on fraud ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, police nabbed 2,386 suspects accused of involvement in 320 scams. CIB found NT$356 million in illegal profits.   taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4113152

, 8-2016 

  Country Reports on Human Rights practices, USA , 3-11-2020:  Some political commentators and academics,  publicly questioned the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high profile, politically sensitive cases. Judicial reform advocates pressed for greater public accountability, reforms of the personnel system, and other procedural improvements

Country Reports on Human Rights practices, USA, 3-13-2019:  "justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians. "

CTS TV news, 7-10-2019:  public trust on Taiwan's judges is about 20%, only 32% are satisfied with prosecutors.  The United Daily,  2-26-2019:  National Chung Cheng university's survey shows that Judicial reform failed to satisfy more than 80% Taiwanese , the public trust on Taiwan judiciary is down to about 20%.  





pic. : No.1 "Taiwan fraud" on Yahoo (Taiwan) , 2022-8-15, 2022-1-3, 2021-6-23, 2021-3-30, 3-17-2021, 2-16-2021, 1-14-2021, 5-19-2020, 4-28-2020, No.1 "Taiwan fraud" on Yahoo (US) , 2022-1-3, 2021-6-24, 2021-3-30, 1-30-2021,5-19-2020

No.1 "Taiwan attempted fraud" on Bing, 2022-8-15, 2022-1-3, 2021-6-23, 2021-3-30, 3-17-2021, 1-14-2021, 4-21-2020





       pic. left : No.1 "Taiwan fraud" on Dogpile, 2022-1-1, 2021-6-24, 2021-3-30, 2-16-2021, 1-14-2021, 4-30-2020;

No.1 "attempted fraud in Taiwan" on Dogpile , 2022-1-1, 2021-3-30, 4-22-2020;              

pic.  right : No.1 "Taiwan fraud" on Yippy (powered by IBM), 2021-3-30, 5-8-2020




pic. left : No.1 "Taiwan fraud" on AOL, 2022-1-1, 2021-6-24, 2021-3-30, 2-16-2021, 5-19-2020;  



pic.  : No.1 "Taiwan fraud" on MetaGER of Germany, 2022-1-1, 2021-6-23, 5-19-2020; No.2 at 2022-8-15; No.4 at 2023-8-14




pic. right: No.1 "Taiwan attempted fraud" on DuckDuckGo, 2022-1-3, 4-25-2020

Case study:   In the case below, the suspect (an English-speaking laborer) already attempted to commit fraud by English trick, but Taiwan High chief Prosecutor said it's not an "attempted fraud" crime.  Is the conclusion one more mistake by Taiwan prosecutors?  int'l and local experts can tell...


  brief :  The suspect's attempting to commit fraud, is not a crime of <attempted fraud>,
concluded by Taiwan's high prosecutors.



arguments by high court chief prosecutor Hsing Tai-Chao and Taipei prosecutor Min-Chao Hong

my reasons

1 The suspect (accused) returned money, therefore, it's hard to say she had any illegal intention.  

"the suspect returned money" is because the complainant found out her intention in time , and then asked her to rewrite IOU (certificate of indebtedness), therefore later the accused has no other choice but to return money. Cambridge dictionary: "attempt" (of a crime) is someone has tried to commit without success.

According to Supreme court precedent (99 -台上 no.8154 judgment): "The suspects already attempted to be a fraud, even not successful, still committed <attempted fraud> crime." (上訴人等人已著手於詐欺行為,雖未得逞,仍屬詐欺未遂。) therefore, the suspect of this case did commit <attempted fraud> crime."


2 it's hard to say the suspect (accused) tried to have money by tricks or ruse. the suspect (accused) 's mother language is English, and graduated from senior high school, why did she write "brought ~ for " instead of elementary school 3rd degree (according to US study) word "borrow ~ from"?? besides, her handwriting was not clear enough, she also used "for" not "to" usually used, because "for" looks like "from" more than "to".   therefore she was attempting to do that on purpose or intentionally.
" brought $2000 for my boss" means her boss owe her money, "borrow $2000 from my boss" means she owe boss money.   Looks similar on surface but on the contrary to the bone, it's a clever trick makes creditor to be debtor.
3 In investigation session, the complainant said there's no difficulty in understanding that simple English, therefore the complainant had not trapped into mistake




The High Court prosecutor should review the recording video during investigation (inquery) session once again, the complainant said that for a short while "brought for" was mistaken for "borrow from" since the suspect (accused) 's  handwriting was not that clear.   Another document earlier mentioned this as well.
Certainly a Master-degree person has no difficulty in understanding such elementary words, but at first glance the form looked OK, everything seemed there, also, through my eyes but beyond my mind  no one suppose can create this sort of trick, not to mention a foreign laborer can do it.   The trick is not a clumsy or inferior idea, so it is a crime, according to Supreme Court precedent 46臺上no.360. 


4 The suspect (accused) had no bad intention.

the complainant should understand "brought $2000 for boss" means "borrow $2000 from my boss"  

In conversations, she never spoke out or blurted out  any mistake even on the tense (such as "I understood", not "understand" as below ),  not to mention people usually give more careful consideration to whatever they write on a document in relation to money.  Therefore, it's not within reason for an English-language people to write "brought for" standing for "borrow from".


DVD ( 3-24-2019 recorded by the complainant )
1 complainant Linda ~ Do you understand all the Hollywood movie said ? (電視正播放中)
2 the suspect: Yes
3 complainant are you graduated from elementary school or junior high school?
4 the suspect: Senior high school
5 complainant But ... ... last time you wanted to borrow money from me, I wanted you to write ...
6 the suspect: an IOU
7 complainant You wrote "bring for" not "borrow from"?
8 the suspect: Ye sir ~   but I understood


    High Court chief prosecutor's (Hsing Tai-Chao) arguments



     pic.:  from High Court prosecutor


◆  The possibility that the suspect took political orders to commit crimes ( the victim brought other law-suits to courthouse already ) can't be excluded






http://www.pclaw.com.tw/info/qanda/id/182.html   台灣律師網


















  more case studies :  cases (English),  cases  (Chinese)

  Chinese version:  pls. click

  Many foreign laborers are potential criminals, according to UDN 2019 !  full details

  Taiwan judiciary:   judiciary Taiwan prosecutors :  prosecutors