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       Taiwan diplomatic situation

Taiwan Kow-Tow diplomacy,
12 formal relation allies remain

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 National Review (2024-10-7)  : Taiwan is losing the battle for diplomatic recognition overseas. The island nation cannot compete with China's “checkbook diplomacy,” preferring instead to await the day when the foreign beneficiaries of Beijing’s largess recognize the substandard services they're purchasing and see for themselves the point of diminishing returns.  Washington treated Taiwan as a chip to be traded away. But greater geostrategic interests have always prevailed over “tangible” considerations...   nationalreview.com/corner/taiwan-on-the-brink-day-one/


 Bloomberg (2024-10-8)  :  like the US and many other countries, Japan usually avoids clarity on Taiwanese sovereignty, a stance aimed at avoiding angering China.


 NPR (2024-8-19)  : Taiwan is not officially considered a sovereign nation by most other countries and does not have the ability to conduct normal diplomacyAs rhetoric heats up over whether the U.S. should defend Taiwan in case of a Chinese invasion, there is also growing skepticism in Taiwan over U.S. reliability as a security partner. npr.org/2024/08/16/g-s1-14682/taiwan-us-election-china


   Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, 2023 Edition

  Taiwan China Japan Korea Singapore
Diplomatic Influence  22th , 19.4 1st    91.5 3rd 6th 10th
Economic Relationships 12th, 11.1 1st   98.3 3rd 5th 4th
Asia's Comprehensive Power rankings:  1.US 2.Chn 3.Japan 4.India 5. Rus 6. Aus 7. S. Korea 8. Singapore 9.Indonesia
10.Thailand  11.Malaysia 12. Vietnam 13. NZ 14. Taiwan (ROC)


 Taiwan is losing its friends.  BBC (2023-10-16): A spooked and lonely Taiwan looks for new friends. Increasingly Taipei relied on its chequebook to hold on to a dwindling list of allies, mainly in the form of aid and investment. But today China's cheque book is bigger than Taiwan's.   Economist (2023-3-28) With China's wallet growing ever larger, Taiwan may instead need to hope that historical ties help to sustain the loyalty of its few remaining diplomatic partners. economist.com/the-economist-explains/2023/03/28/why-is-taiwan-losing-its-friends  AFP (2023-3-28): Latin America has been crucial to the diplomatic struggle between Beijing and Taipei since they separated in 1949, after the Chinese civil war....the decision by Honduras was a blow to Washington  news.yahoo.com/china-taiwan-battle-lines-run-014450552.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall


♣  Some has been more willing to engage with Taiwan

Bloomberg (2024-4-17): Taiwan Moves to Boost Its Global Standing with Chip Diplomacy - a lot of countries discover the existence of Taiwan mostly because of semiconductors  finance.yahoo.com/news/taiwan-moves-boost-global-standing-073112637.html  SCMP (2024-3-14): Taiwan's biggest chip producers have already been pressured to invest in new facilities in the US, Germany and Japan. It's not just about helping two Western allies to re-industrialise but to guarantee continuity of production in the event of an open conflict.

Mint (2024-4-4): India's prime minister expressed solidarity with ‘the resilient people of Taiwan’ after the island suffered its worst earthquake in 25 years.  Taiwan's dominant position in semiconductors is one of the primary reasons India has increased its engagement of late, as is its desire to attract foreign investment in general.  India and Taiwan have also signed a labour mobility agreement that will allow Indian workers to find jobs in the island country. India's political troubles with China are probably also playing a role here. The two countries have spent the last four years locked in a border standoff that has frozen bilateral relations. livemint.com/politics/policy/mint-explainer-why-is-pm-modi-s-message-to-the-people-of-taiwan-significant-11712222525142.html




No.1 "Taiwan diplomacy" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-4-5, 2024-2-14



pic.No.1 "comment Taiwan diplomacy" on Yandex2024-4-4, 2024-2-14, 2023-11-27 (Chinese version),
"Taiwan diplomacy"
on Yandex,  2023-11-27, 2023-3-29




   Taiwan's President  is expected to meet Speaker McCarthy, Beijing will decide how strongly it wants to respond

New York Times, 2023-3-29 President Tsai Ing-wen risks a show of force from Beijing Beijing just lured Honduras to abandon diplomatic ties with Taipei in what many saw as pre-emptive punishment for her trip. nytimes.com/2023/03/29/world/asia/taiwan-president-us-china.html
Bloomberg, 2023-3-29 Tsai is unlikely to use this moment to “push boundaries" , partly to avoid "accusations of being provocative by Taiwanese voters.". Any Tsai meeting with McCarthy "puts the ball in Beijing's court"  news.yahoo.com/china-warns-taiwan-leader-mccarthy-031352507.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
Washington Post, 2023-3-29 When Honduras switched allegiance from Taipei to Beijing last week, it put the diplomatic future of Taiwan in a more precarious position washingtonpost.com/world/2023/03/29/honduras-taiwan-china-allies-relations/
The Guardian, 2023-3-28 (ex president) Ma Ying-jeou's "we are all Chinese" message is starkly at odds with vision of Tsai Ing-wen, who seeks support from Washington.   Taiwan caught between superpowers as rival leaders visit China and US theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/28/taiwan-leaders-visit-china-us-ma-ying-jeou-tsai-ing-wenTaipei


Honduras ditching Taiwan raises larger geopolitical concerns

AP, Washington Post, The Hill, 2023-3-15 thehill.com/homenews/ap/ap-international/honduras-ditching-taiwan-raises-larger-geopolitical-concerns/   ... a blow to the Biden administration, which has rather fruitlessly tried to convince countries in the region to stick with Taiwan. Taiwan, a U.S. ally,...also exemplifies the American government is “losing it’s grasp on” Latin America
L.A. Times, 2023-3-15 The switch would leave Taiwan recognized by only 13 countries as China spends billions to win recognition of its “one China” policy.   msn.com/en-us/news/world/honduras-to-seek-official-ties-with-china-spurning-its-long-relationship-with-taiwan/ar-AA18EeCH
Bloomberg, 2023-3-15 Tsai Ing-wen has worked to raise the self-governing island’s profile on the world stage during her tenure. Tsai says Taiwan deserves broader recognition and greater support given its status as a democracy. msn.com/en-us/news/world/taiwan-may-lose-official-ally-as-honduras-mulls-china-switch/ar-AA18Du8h


World /   National Post, 2022-10-14: (Taiwan)
its being shunned diplomatically by most of the world ...
Europe /  NY Times, 2022-8-2:
Wary of provoking Beijing, most European nations have long kept Taiwan at arm's length.

UN /  National Review (2022-4-22) The top U.N. official rejected Taiwan's request to participate in the organization's activities and used of the formulation “Taiwan, China,” is also noteworthy, because it implies that Taiwan is a region of the mainland...in the event of a Chinese invasion, its leadership will lack access to the global platform (Zelensky appeals during Russia's attack on Ukraine)
 US /  NY Times, 2023-1-21: the State Department imposed conditions to make clear to Beijing that Taiwan was not re-establishing its diplomatic presence. The estate could not be used as a residence, and Taiwan’s flag could not fly over its grounds. A sign at the gate reads only “Twin Oaks,” with no mention of Taiwan.
China /  China blames the U.S. government is “salami slicing” and “hollowing out” the One China policy
US also blames
China's salami-slicing behaviors against Taiwan



Taiwan-US  foreign policy (diplomacy)

New York Times, 2022-10-20: Taiwan's "Adorable" and Ambitious Diplomacy Aims to Keep the Island Safe /  China has more money to offer, so “We have to be more creative, and like, more adorable” nytimes.com/2022/10/20/world/asia/taiwan-diplomacy-china.html
CBS News,2022-9-18: Biden tells <60 Minutes> U.S. forces, U.S. men and women would defend Taiwan, but White House says this is not official U.S. policy
New York Times, 2022-6-22:  To Pressure Taiwan, China Flexes Economic Muscle / As Beijing has ramped up pressure on the island, Taiwan has moved to strengthen economic and diplomatic ties with friendlier countries, including the United States, those in the European Union and Japan.  nytimes.com/2022/06/22/business/china-taiwan-grouper-ban.html

Washington Post, 2022-1-29: Lithuania stood with Taiwan against China. Europe and the U.S. should stand with Lithuania.  washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/01/29/lithuania-stood-with-taiwan-against-china-europe-us-should-stand-with-lithuania/


Pew research, 2022-10-19


prioritize relations with China, even if it means not having high-level politicians visit Taiwan continue to have high-level politicians visit Taiwan, even if it harms relations with China
38% 54%
40 percent of Republicans view China-Taiwan tensions as a very serious problem for the United States, compared to 32 percent of Democrats who hold similar opinions.

ABC news, 2021-10-17: How U.S.-China relations continue to play out in the coming months and years will ultimately determine Taiwan's future.
NBC news, 2021-10-20: Shifting American attitudes toward Taiwan are motivated partly by cooling attitudes toward China. nbcnews.com/news/world/china-wants-world-know-it-s-not-going-get-pushed-n1281947

Brookings, 2021-10-27: The “U.S. Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific” “Devise and implement a defense strategy capable of defending the first-island-chain nations, including Taiwan." could be understood as meaning that the U.S. itself would take direct military action to defend Taiwan brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2021/10/27/how-should-taiwan-japan-and-the-united-states-cooperate-better-on-defense-of-taiwan/

Naval Times, 2022-1-11:  a Beltway naval breakfast sparked China’s ire over Taiwan  /    The U.S. side keeps a blind eye on or even encourages the participation by Taiwan military personnel in the event exclusively open to military attachés from sovereign states  navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2022/01/11/how-a-beltway-naval-breakfast-sparked-chinas-ire-over-taiwan/


Top rankings "Taiwan diplomacy"



pic.: No.1 "Taiwan diplomacy" on Microsoft Bing, 2023-3-29, 2022-2-12, 2022-1-31, 2021-12-29, 2021-10-22, 2021-9-23, 2021-8-5, 2021-7-8, 2021-6-14, 2021-6-1, 2021-4-24, 2021-4-7, 3-23-2021, 3-12-2021, 3-3-2021, 2-21-2021, 1-27-2021, 1-23-2021; No.2 at 2022-6-17






Global Times, 2021-12-28:  If the US can help Taiwan maintain a certain number of "allies," it will have leverage in hindering China's peaceful reunification    globaltimes.cn/page/202112/1243596.shtml

Brookings, 2021-7-12:   if Taiwan voters reverse Tsai’s pledge to open Taiwan’s market to the same pork products that American citizens eat... would seal shut the door to anything more than incremental progress on U.S.-Taiwan trade relations...other major economies would follow suit.   brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2021/07/12/taiwan-voters-should-look-before-they-leap-on-pork-referendum/   National Review, 2021-7-9: Deleted Taiwan Tweet Is a Diplomatic Disappointment and a Concession to China / After tweeting a message about America’s COVID vaccine donations to the world that included an image of the Taiwanese flag, the Biden administration has deleted the post and apologized for its “honest mistake.”  nationalreview.com/corner/deleted-taiwan-tweet-is-a-diplomatic-disappointment-and-a-concession-to-china/
◆ Nikkei Asia (Japan), 2021-7-7: US does not support Taiwan independence: Kurt Campbell
Foreign Policy, 2021-6-11: US provides vaccines to Taiwan, fears provoking China  foreignpolicy.com/2021/06/11/us-china-taiwan-vaccine-diplomacy/

Wall Street Journal, 2021-6-7: U.S., Taiwan to Launch Trade Talks.  Effort to revive dormant trade and investment framework risks aggravating tensions with China.  wsj.com/articles/u-s-taiwan-to-launch-trade-talks-11623097659

east asia forum, 2021-6-29: Biden wins over Taiwan /  There are still challenges ahead, such as the US desire to on-shore semiconductor production (eastasiaforum.org/2021/03/10/geoeconomics-and-the-security-of-taiwan/), which has downsides for Taiwan’s technology industry. And limitations on the relationship remain, meaning that Taiwan has to be careful of wishful thinking and overstating the level of US support.    eastasiaforum.org/2021/06/29/biden-wins-over-taiwan/
CNN, 2021-5-6:  In a joint statement released Wednesday, representatives from the G7, which includes Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, etc underscored "the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait," and encouraged the "peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues."  edition.cnn.com/2021/05/05/china/g7-cornwall-uk-us-china-taiwan-intl-hnk/index.html

The Hill, 2021-4-20: Japan needs to stand stronger with the US to defend Taiwan — and itself Given the current widespread concern that the Taiwan flashpoint could suddenly explode into a U.S.-China conflict in Japan’s backyard, is such vacuous language the strongest deterrent message the two allies could muster?  thehill.com/opinion/international/549066-japan-needs-to-stand-stronger-with-the-us-to-defend-taiwan-and-itself
Asia Nikkei (Japan), 2021-4-18:
Taiwan in US-Japan statement: Biden wanted to make a strong statement against China's provocation but Suga sought for more moderate language in their joint document which has left much to interpretation  asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/Taiwan-in-US-Japan-statement-show-of-resolve-or-diplomatic-calculus

Foreign Affairs, 2021-6-3: Washington would need to persuade a large coalition of allies to commit to a coordinated economic, political, and military response to any Chinese aggression. And that, unfortunately, remains a remote possibility, since many countries are unwilling to risk their economic prospects, let alone a major-power war, in order to defend a small democratic island.  Unfortunately for Taiwan, only now is the United States waking up to the new reality  foreignaffairs.com/articles/china/2021-06-03/china-taiwan-war-temptation

Biden's new guidelines for U.S. government interaction with Taiwan

South China Morning Post
 (Hong Kong),
Biden administration might want to deepen its relations with Taipei, there is no indication of a more fundamental shift and it is still trying not to provoke Beijing when it comes to the sensitive issue of mobilising troops to defend Taiwan.   Biden’s new guidelines clarify that Washington will continue to honour its own one-China policy and the new guidelines will not allow anything related to formats or symbols of an ‘official’relationship with Taiwan,” . The State Department says the guidelines still ban officials from attending Taiwan’s Double 10th holiday and events which assert Taiwanese sovereignty. Exchanges by senior officials such as presidents, vice-presidents and high-ranking government ministers are not covered by the guidelines.    scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3129980/joe-biden-set-end-guessing-game-about-what-us-will-do-if
 Seattle Times, 2021-4-9 The department announced the changed policy in a statement that said the Biden administration intends to “liberalize” the rules to reflect the “deepening unofficial relationship” between the U.S. and Taiwan. However, the revised guidelines don’t include all the changes put in place by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in the waning days of the Trump administration.  Pompeo had lifted virtually all restrictions on contacts with Taiwan, including allowing Taiwanese military officers to wear uniforms and display the Taiwanese flag at meetings with U.S. officials.    seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation-politics/us-unveils-new-rules-for-government-contacts-with-taiwan/  
Guardian, 2021-4-11 A state department spokesman, Ned Price, said the new guidelines followed a congressionally mandated review and would “provide clarity … on effective implementation of our ‘one China’ policy” – a reference to the longstanding US policy under which Washington officially recognizes Beijing rather than Taipei.
CNBC, 2021-4-9 The U.S. State Department on Friday issued new guidelines that will enable U.S. officials to meet more freely with officials from Taiwan. cnbc.com/2021/04/10/us-issues-guidelines-to-deepen-relations-with-taiwan.html
Global Times, 2021-4-10 new guidelines has taken a step back from what Pompeo claimed...there would still be some "guard rails," such as not allowing officials to attend functions at Twin Oaks on major Taiwanese holidays that might complicate the US' "One-China" policy.  The new guidelines ... will not be a qualitative change to the relations between the US and the island of Taiwan. globaltimes.cn/page/202104/1220693.shtml
The Hill, 2021-4-9 new guidelines for U.S. government interaction with Taiwan counterparts to encourage U.S. government engagement with Taiwan that reflects our deepening unofficial relationship.  Taiwan's top representative to the U.S.: "We welcome the encouragement..."  thehill.com/policy/international/asia-pacific/547464-state-department-announces-new-guidance-on-talks-with

Axios, 4-9-2021: Taiwan is home to 92% of the world's leading-edge chip manufacturing operations ... If Taiwan's chip production were permanently disrupted,...estimates it would take three years to build enough capacity to replace it.  That's why many in the industry are calling for the U.S. to be clearer about its support for Taiwan ...   axios.com/threats-to-taiwan-nightmare-tech-847c1f30-d878-4eb9-b749-b2f17487dd91.html    Reuters,  2021-4-14: Biden... a broader effort to bolster the domestic chip industry. He’s also proposed $50 billion to support chip manufacturing and research  reuters.com/article/us-semiconductor-shortage-packaging-focu-idUSKBN2C01AL

Channel News Asia, 2-22-2021: Thus far, Mr Biden has signaled his administration will adopt much of Mr Trump’s approach to Taiwan.  This elevating of US relations with Taiwan, if executed with the right balance of resolve, tact and mutual respect towards Beijing, can be an effective approach for maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait.  channelnewsasia.com/news/commentary/taiwan-strait-us-china-biden-xi-jinping-arms-sales-diplomatic-14234674

Financial Times, 2-9-2021: Taipei watches for signs that Washington could retreat from some of the Trump administration’s advances in bilateral relations... recent statements that avoided calling Tsai president, as had become the norm under Donald Trump... State department referred to “Taiwan’s democratically elected representatives” instead of its president or government.    www.ft.com/content/f9c7ebcd-297a-4274-a07d-2c01515b77fd

National Review, 2-10-2021: "the state Department’s Bipartisan Taiwan Diplomacy" / The effort (Taiwan’s representative in the U.S., met a top State Department official at the department’s headquarters in Washington) to pave the way for more respectful diplomatic engagement with Taipei in accordance with longstanding U.S. policy through scrapping the old, restrictive guidelines was a bipartisan move... https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/the-state-departments-bipartisan-taiwan-diplomacy/ 

Diplomat, 2-11-2021:  Taiwan’s representative to the United States:  the question of strong relations with the United States is viewed not merely as diplomatic, but existential ......"The first priority is in the general defense and security area.  The second area would be our economic relationship, and the third being the international participation and the other political partnerships that we have.”     thediplomat.com/2021/02/what-to-expect-from-us-taiwan-relations-in-2021-and-beyond/

Nikkei Asia (Japan), 2-6-2021:  Biden doubles-down on Trump's Taiwan policy, but will it last?   the negative consequences of bolstering U.S.-Taiwan ties are that China would almost certainly intensify its diplomatic, economic and military threats against Taiwan and the United States... Despite these concerns, the Biden team, for the time being at least, appears poised to opt for a stronger relationship with Taiwan as set forth under the Trump administration. Only time will tell whether it is sustainable or wise policy.   asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/Biden-doubles-down-on-Trump-s-Taiwan-policy-but-will-it-last

Reuters, Yahoo, 2021-5-14: US condemns political use of vaccines after China-Taiwan tussle China, Russia, and the United States have sought to deepen ties around the world and further their countries' geopolitical clout through so-called "vaccine diplomacy". Several Latin American nations are receiving Chinese vaccines,...Honduras, among a small number of Latin American countries to maintain diplomatic ties with Taiwan, has said it was considering opening an office in China in a bid to acquire much needed COVID-19 shots  news.yahoo.com/u-condemns-political-vaccines-china-173503094.html Global Times, 5-12-2021:  President Juan Orlando Hernandez of Honduras noted that the US has a huge number of vaccines that are going to expire. But the US would rather hoard them than lend a helping hand to countries in need...the US missed an opportunity to illustrate it's worth sticking with Taiwan ties...globaltimes.cn/page/202105/1223311.shtml


Top rankings "Taiwan diplomacy"


pic. : No.1 " Taiwan diplomacy" on Ecosia (
Berlin Germany) at  2022-6-17, 2022-2-12, 2021-12-29, 2021-10-22, 2021-9-23, 2021-8-5, 2021-7-8, 2021-6-14, 2021-6-1,  2021-4-24, 2021-4-7, 3-23-2021, 3-3-2021, 2-21-2021, 2-14-2021,1-23-2021;No.2 at 2022-1-31




pic. : No.1 "Taiwan diplomacy" on Yahoo at 2022-2-11, 2022-1-31, 2021-12-29, 2021-10-22, 2021-9-23, 2021-8-5, 2021-7-8, 2021-6-14, 2021-6-1, 2021-4-24, 3-23-2021, 3-3-2021, 1-27-2021;  No.2 at 2022-6-17


 pic. : No.1 "Taiwan diplomacy" on US Yahoo search engine, 2021-8-5, 2021-7-8, No.2 at 2022-2-12,  2021-6-14, 2021-6-1, 3-23-2021, 2-16-2021, 1-31-2021


Wall Street Journal, 1-21-2021 : Biden Sends Important Foreign-Policy Signal With Taiwan Inauguration Invite / 

Taiwan envoy formally attends presidential swearing-in for first time since 1979; China restrained in response. Taiwan’s de facto ambassador to the U.S. overcame four decades of precedent when she accepted a formal invitation to attend President Joe Biden’s inauguration, calming fears on the self-ruled island that U.S. support would erode in the post-Trump era.  www.wsj.com/articles/biden-sends-important-foreign-policy-signal-with-taiwan-inauguration-invite-11611230623

 Bloomberg, 1-25-2021:
The U.S. statement signaled continuity with former U.S. President Donald Trump’s policy of engagement with Taiwan.  The State Department statement indicated a desire by the Biden administration to preserve the longstanding ambiguity about Taiwan’s status. The U.S. pledged to stand by existing agreements with China and spoke of the interests of the “people on Taiwan,” rather than the people “of Taiwan.”  bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-24/u-s-says-china-military-pressure-against-taiwan-threatens-peace   (ps:  In a new Council Special Report, The United States, China, and Taiwan: A Strategy to Prevent War, the authors argue that the United States should change and clarify its strategy to prevent war over Taiwan.;   Slate, 2-2-2021:  The Taiwan Relations Act ...This is pretty vague, and some say it doesn’t go far enough. )

Foreign Policy, 1-22-2021 : The U.S.-Taiwan relationship is likely to remain more low-key.  Taiwan seeks assurances from Biden admin., but Biden and his team are likely to resist using Taiwan as a cudgel against China the way Trump did.    Biden's objectives are likely to include "viewing Taiwan as a card to be valued, not a card to be played in competition with China".  

Japan Times, 1-17-2021 : Trump’s whiplash diplomacy on Taiwan  the sudden cancellation of Craft’s visit was a blow to Taiwan and apparent a victory for the CCP.  Despite the advances the Trump administration made with Taiwan, it left two important actions incomplete: First was the realization of an official presidential visit. And second is the reestablishment of formal diplomatic relations (Many people throughout the Indo-Pacific region had hoped) ...    japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2021/01/17/commentary/world-commentary/trump-taiwan-us-china/

CNN, 8-14-2020: What Taiwan needs form the US is a strong stable marriage not a hot passionate romance ...  a long-term antagonistic relationship between the US and China wasn't sustainable after November... Taiwan needs to think about it  
Foreign Policy 8-14-2020: The United States and China ... They are in a bad marriage, with no current option for divorce. That will remain the case for many years to come (foreignpolicy.com/2020/08/14/cold-war-china-misuse-of-history-united-states-soviet-union/)

Financial Times (UK), 12-14-2020:  Anxious Taiwan launches US charm offensive to win Biden’s backing. Taipei worries incoming American administration will not maintain Trump’s staunch support    (https://www.ft.com/content/3174603a-69ce-4328-93af-69569bb86e0c  )

NY Times, 11-24-2020: Biden Faces Pressure from Democrats and Republicans to Stand Up to China by Embracing Taiwan... He will continue to support a peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues ... won't use Taiwan to poke Xi Jinping in the eye and make him look weak

Washington Post, 1-14-2021 : American relations with Taiwan have warmed under President Donald Trump, largely due to strong bipartisan support in Congress, but also because the administration has been willing to defy Beijing’s threats and promote Taiwan as an alternative to Chinese Communist Party authoritarianism. washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-ambassador-to-un-and-taiwans-president-meet-virtually/2021/01/14/d64548b0-5639-11eb-acc5-92d2819a1ccb_story.html

Reuters, 1-20-2021:  Blinken : US would uphold its commitment to ensure that self-ruled Taiwan has the ability to defend itself  reuters.com/article/us-usa-biden-state-china/u-s-secretary-of-state-nominee-blinken-sees-strong-foundation-for-bipartisan-china-policy-idUSKBN29O2GB?feedType=mktg&feedName=politicsNews&WT.mc_id=Partner-Google

Reuters, 1-21-2021, US News & World Report, 1-20-2021 : U.S. commitment to Taiwan was “rock-solid”, after the island’s de facto ambassador in Washington, Hsiao Bi-khim, attended Biden’s swearing in. reuters.com/article/us-usa-biden-taiwan/taiwan-biden-ties-off-to-strong-start-with-invite-for-top-diplomat-idUSKBN29Q01N?il=0

Int. Policy Digest, 1-20-2021 Blinken  iterated his endorsement for expanding Taiwan’s international space in multilateral forums where statehood is not required, and even said that he wants to deliver Pompeo’s decision to lift the limitations on diplomatic engagements with Taipei “through to conclusion, if it hasn’t been completed.” ...  Washington’s sentiments under Biden have sent strong messages in supporting Taipei’s democratic endeavors, time will tell how Washington will maintain the delicate balancing act of elevating their bilateral partnership without closing all windows of opportunity for cooperation with Beijing intpolicydigest.org/2021/01/20/where-u-s-taiwan-relations-might-find-itself-under-biden/

(Trump) State Dept. lifts US-Taiwan restrictions in move likely to anger China


New York Times (US),

State Dept. Moves to Ease Restrictions on Meeting With Taiwan Officials is meant to signal a warming of relations with Taipei and a tougher line with Beijing, but the Biden administration could easily reverse the move.

 the move was likely to have little practical effect. “It looks like a publicity stunt”.

■  The moves, some outside experts said, are meant to lay a trap for Mr. Biden, forcing him either to pay a domestic political cost if he unwinds them or to sour relations with Beijing if he does not.

 Mr. Biden could discourage high-level contact with Taiwan officials.

full text: nytimes.com/2021/01/09/us/politics/state-dept-taiwan-united-states-china.html

Guardian (UK),

■  Pompeo ... likely to anger China.

■  The guidelines set out restrictions including where representatives of either government could meet, and limited the ranks allowed to attend Taiwan’s national day celebrations. It also said the US should not refer to Taiwan as a “country” or “government”In recent years the guidelines have been followed less and less, and the official change was not unexpected ...
“Decades of discrimination, removed,” Taiwan’s representative in the US, Bi-khim Hsiao, said on Twitter. “A huge day in our bilateral relationship. I will cherish every opportunity.”  
■  A spokesperson for the Biden transition team told the Financial Times the incoming president was “committed to the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act” which defined relations between the two governments, and to the US’s one-China policy.
full text:  theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/09/mike-pompeo-restrictions-us-taiwan-china

The Week via Yahoo


Chinese state media (CGTN, CCTV) blast Trump admin. for " cowardly act of sabotage" a "cowardly act of sabotage" that "crossed a dangerous red line."
Global Times (China), warned — in a since-delated tweet — that Taiwan could face repercussions for Pompeo's actions, The Associated Press reports. "The option ofusing military means to solve [the] Taiwan question will also be put on the table"
The move may not be universally applauded stateside, either, per Reuters. Bonnie Glaser, an Asia expert at Washington's Center for Strategic and InternationalStudies, predicts the Biden administration will "rightly be unhappy that a policy decision like this was made in the final days of the Trump administration."

Japan Times,


■ The Trump administration’s policy toward Taiwan is ending much as it started — by attempting to fundamentally alter the status quo.

■ Trump admin is lifting all of complex internal self-imposed restrictions which was in an attempt to appease the Communist regime in Beijing... 50 years of engagement with Beijing has not worked and that a different and tougher approach is needed...  Japan, too, views the island nation as a bulwark against growing Chinese military assertiveness.

■ This could be seen as an attempt by the Republican administration to sow chaos before it’s departure.  “A blanket statement such as this, abrogating all of the guidance in place for years, without articulating what framework will replace it simply amplifies perceived chaos in DC”
■ This just eases doing diplomacy with Taiwan.   japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/01/10/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/taiwan-us-china-pompeo-trump-biden/

DW (Germany)
, 1-9-2021

■ Taiwan's unofficial embassy said the move showed the "strength and depth" of the US-Taiwan ties.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson : some "anti-Chinese politicians" like Pompeo would do everything in their remaining term to undermine relations between the US and China.
full text: www.dw.com/en/us-ends-restrictions-on-official-contacts-with-taiwan/a-56183292

Brookings, 1-11-2021 The Biden administration upholds Pompeo’s decision to lift all restrictions on contact with Taiwan or publicly countermands Pompeo’s announcement is low-probability scenario.  Options more likely are: (1) Instruct the State Department to resume reviewing and approving contacts from across the United States government with Taiwan counterparts to ensure that such contacts adhere to the spirit of longstanding policy, if not necessarily the letter of past contact guidelines   (2)  Use Pompeo’s announcement as a spur to launch a Taiwan policy review to develop updated guidelines for contacts with Taiwan counterparts based on a fresh assessment of America’s interests and priorities in its unofficial relationship with Taiwan. brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2021/01/11/after-lifting-restrictions-on-us-taiwan-relations-what-comes-next/

The Guardian, 2-11-2021: The Biden-Xi phone call came just hours after the announcement of Biden’s establishment of a Pentagon task force on China and a senior state department official meeting in person with Taiwan’s representative to the US.  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/11/biden-raises-taiwan-tensions-and-human-rights-with-xi-jinping-in-first-phone-call

More Taiwan-US


Taiwan diplomatic strategy & tactics/ foreign policy

diplomatic  strategy




Taiwan is willing to be used by the US, to needle China, ... intentionally in exchange of Trump administration's a policy of strategic clarity, but failed.   China called Taiwan "human bomb" because of its incompatible military capacity, but to poke the bear.
NY Times, 2022-10-20:Taiwan is a useful policy instrument to signal displeasure with China”

pic.: AFT France 10-19-2020:  Cake fight:
Taiwan, China officials scuffle at Fiji soiree
for Taiwan's symbol - national flag on the cake, etc



NY Times, 2022-10-20: Taiwan pays Guatemala's lobbyists in Washington...to thank Lithuania, Taiwan's and local shoppers have embraced its imports, from lasers to bacon-flavored schnapps nytimes.com/2022/10/20/world/asia/taiwan-diplomacy-china.html

 Global Times, 2022-9-28:  DPP's "dollar diplomacy" has gone far beyond said politicians, already reaching the echelons of US government lobby groups and so-called political think tanks.   In April 2021,the MintPressfound that the island has doled out millions of dollars to many of the largest and most influential think tanks in the US in recent years.  globaltimes.cn/page/202209/1276319.shtml   9-28

 Global Times, 2022-9-28: profits to US politicians via covert means like buying over their family, NGOs  /    under the pretense of universities and research institutions, whose "white gloves" have given legitimacy to high-profile receptions -  first-class flights, luxury hotels, leisure and entertainment, and paying exorbitant "commission fees." ... civil groups(e.g., TSMC, China Steel Corporation, I-MEI Foods Co Ltd and CHIMEI ) extent invitations to US politicians but the DPP authorities eventually pay them using public assets , to escape US congressional constraints...  from 2016 to 2020, the DPP spent more than $12 million on public relations lobbying in the US, on average $3 million per year. Taiwan's other agencies also invested more than $9 million in this regard   globaltimes.cn/page/202209/1276326.shtml

 Global Times, 2022-6-16: Taiwan authorities paying US lobbyists to maintain ‘rock-solid’ ties ( arrange a congratulatory call with former US president Donald Trump by the island's regional leader Tsai Ing-wen and to organize the "attendance" by the island's representative in the US Hsiao Bi-khim at the inauguration of US President Joe Biden.) globaltimes.cn/page/202206/1268324.shtml

 Global Times, 2022-9-25:   typical "money diplomacy" and "cash-for-friendship" diplomacy -   in 2022, the overall "diplomatic budget" of the island reached $936 million, which includes $41 million "classified budget" to bribe and support anti-China forces and their activities overseas..."unworthy descendants" as they have sacrificed local residents' fortunes to feed greedy US politicians to seek "independence" while residents have gained nothing ... globaltimes.cn/page/202209/1276026.shtml

 Japan Times (2022-4-6, japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2022/04/06/commentary/world-commentary/taiwans-fatal-attractions/) comments Taiwanese leaders lavished praise on people who undermined that democracy's security and gave financial supports to corrupt regime and "White Terror" operations in some countries for gaining international recognition
Reuters, 2022-1-31: Taiwan tries hand at COVID diplomacy again with Somaliland vaccine (150,000 doses of its domestically developed Medigen) gift.

■ Aljazeera, 12-16-2020: Sydney-based Lowy Institute: China’s concessional loans and grants in the Pacific amounted to $1.5bn between 2006 and 2017, compared with Taiwan’s $271m ...

Le Monde diplomatique of France, '16 a graphic depicts Taiwan as a trembling sweating rat, doing nothing to approaching huge cat (China), but turn around and  lift high a  "$O$" banner. 
■ Taipei Times, 1-23-2021: Entertainment expenses are the “bullets” of overseas diplomats, and are not just spent on wine and steak. Taiwan sent "we can help" face masks to many countries for CovID-19 2020.

New York Times, AFP (France). 10-19-2020:  Taiwan de facto embassy was hosting a party for 100 distinguished guests to celebrate Taiwan's National Day, two Chinese officials began taking pictures of guests and when asked to leave assaulted an official, putting him in hospital.   Aljazeera, 12-16-2020: China-Taiwan fistfight in Fiji raises concerns...“When the ‘prize’ is Taiwan, the stakes are very high and China will fight very hard”

charm offensive diplomacy

Financial Times (UK), 12-2-2020: Anxious Taiwan launches US charm offensive to win Biden's backing. This reminds me about same time China intelligence used "charm offensive" to contact US politicians - Daily Mail (uk), 12-8-2020, disrn, 12-9-2020 : Chinese Intelligence operative used personal charm, campaign fundraising efforts, extensive networks of associates...


Taiwan to ease restrictions on pork imports from the US ...  New York Daily News,  11-28-2020: U.S. pigs consume ractopamine, a feed additive that’s been banned in more than 150 countries, including China and the entire European Union Reuters, 12-16-2020 US pork imports will be cost effective... But it can't be forced on us (Taiwanese) , bringing chaos to our industry and taking it down.
Economist, 1-16-2021: Only a decade ago were the Stars and Stripes first raised outside the American Institute in Taiwan (ait), an embassy in all but name. (Taiwan even now refrains from flying its national flag outside its equivalent office in Washington.)

Indigenous diplomacy

CS Monitor, 2022-4-27: Taiwan, is exploiting its Indigenous communities without necessarily improving their economic conditions or cultural welfare, but others say that Taiwan has been forced to lean on its Indigenous heritage for the security of all the island’s residents. A theory –  Taiwan was the source of all Austronesian languages –converting it from a society rooted in Chinese colonization to one embedded in the greater Pacific–  to maintain a presence on the world stage   csmonitor.com/World/Asia-Pacific/2022/0427/China-loophole-Why-Taiwan-relies-on-Indigenous-diplomacy


Sydney-based  LOWY institute 7-17-2020:  Taiwan tiptoes in cross-strait relations (China-Taiwan).

grease palm

Politico , 3-11-2021, Der Spiegel, DW  :  Third German conservative MP quits as scandals mount, Taiwan was suspected to get involved.  DerWesten reports Taiwan paid far more than Azerbaijani and Vietnamese did. (TW Ministry of Diplomacy denied, Mar. 15 news)

chips diplomacy

 Bloomberg, 1-26-2021, 1-22-2021 :  the World Is Dangerously Dependent on Taiwan for Semiconductors ... The U.S. still holds dominant positions... (ps: tech. originally from US etc)  
 L.A. Times,  12-17-2020 : Tension could be further strained if the U.S. maintains pressure on the firm TSMC to starve Chinese companies of its valuable chips. 
Financial Times, 2-8-2021: Taiwan sense opportunity to bolster relations with west after chip shortages; Law Fare, 2-2-2021:  Taiwan’s Chips Remain Core of Technopolitics: cutting-edge chip manufacturing is narrowing - now U.S.-based Intel, Samsung of S. Korea, Taiwan’s TSMC and China’s SMIC.
on knees to Westerners, a discrimination diplomacy Bloomberg 12-24-2020: Taiwan deserves legitimate criticism for letting politics, especially relations with Western countries, pose a risk to the health of her own citizens.  e.g., a U.S. delegation entered Taiwan without meeting quarantine requirements, Czech Senate President and other 80 were allowed to bypass the two week confinement everyone else faced.  In contrast, one Filipino worker was fined $3,500 for stepping outside his quarantine room for 8 seconds, while others are reported to have been allowed to roam more freely.
UDN editorial 12-24-2020: Unlike many western countries banned flights from the UK  for new coronavirus variant at the very first moment,  Taiwan did not take any step until facing so many local questions, then was very reluctant to cut off half of UK flights.  Taiwan also was reluctant to give penalty-fine to Western pilot blamed for Taiwan's first local Covid transmission since April, but not so "polite" to some Asian worker.  full text:  https://udn.com/news/story/7338/5117298?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2    bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-12-23/taiwan-enjoys-an-i-told-you-so-moment-after-tangling-with-china-and-the-who

 fawning diplomacy

New York Times, 11-24-2020: Taiwan politician : “Taiwan can’t face the might of China alone,” "We can’t fight China on our own." ;  Taiwan Foreign Minister often  S.O.S. on world media, such as Fox-news, Newsweek,12-1-2020, Australia ABC, 12-1-2020: Taiwan foreign minister calls on Australia to help defend against China... News Australia, 11-7-2020: expert says Taiwan will need to bring back the draft in order to put up a fight.  However, Taiwan ignores western advice and plans to mobilize only about 1/10 reservists.   Reuters 12-10-2020 slams Taiwan : "It is almost as if fighting to defend the country is somebody else’s responsibility” .


FOXnews 4-9-2020, Washington Post  4-9-2020, ABC 4-9-2020 (brief)  : WHO chief claims he was racially targeted by Taiwan ... CNBC 4-8-20:  WHO chief addresses death threats, racist insults...  ("Giving me names, black or negro,... the abuse had originated from Taiwan, and the foreign ministry didn't disassociate" itself from it".)
Taiwan denied all these -
 BBC,  4-10-2020 : Taiwan foreign ministry spokeswoman said the comments were "irresponsible" and the accusations "imaginary".    click for full details

creativity-cartoon diplomacy

NY Times, 2022-10-20: One digital diplomacy nonprofit has spread pro-Taiwan messages on social media worldwide through comics and product giveaways.



Taiwan's Kow-Tow  diplomacy



♣  Taiwan island feels ‘deep disrespect’ as US delegation leader wears socks of ‘improper’ colorway ( a pair of "flowery socks");

udn.com (Mar. 2022) said the US delegation's impolite and "improper dressing" shows its contempt of the Taiwan authority.     

      ♣  A few years ago, Kathy Chen, the wife of former head of the Taipei office of the American Association in Taiwan (AIT) Kin Wah Moy, wore sandals to Tsai's dinner. But Taiwan officials could do nothing but privately shake their heads and sigh.

♣   In June, 2021, three US senators made a visit to the island and met Tsai, who was mocked after photos and a video clip showed her standing up "delivering a report'' as the US senators watched while seated.

 In a meeting between Tsai and Canadian Trade Office in Taipei Executive Director Jordan Reeves in July 2020, the Canadian official angered Taiwan people with his cross-legged gesture, and some media asked the Canadian to apologize.  

♣  Just a month later, Tsai was mocked again due to her "bow-and-scrape" gesture in a meeting with former Japanese prime minister Yoshiro Mori    

globaltimes.cn/page/202203/1253941.shtml   2022-3-4



●  Taiwan-Asia & Pacific diplomacy/ foreign policy

  Japan Times (2022-4-6) comments Taiwanese leaders lavished praise on people who undermined that democracy's security and gave financial supports to corrupt regime and "White Terror" operations in some countries for gaining international recognition


War on the rocks, 2021-12-31: As the possibility of war across the Taiwan Strait looms large, the analytic community in Washington has begun to ask questions about South Korea’s position.    warontherocks.com/2021/12/south-koreas-taiwan-conundrum/

Brookings, 2021-8-25: Though Japan’s officially ambiguous position on Taiwan’s status resembles the U.S. approach, Tokyo has traditionally been far more reluctant than Washington to openly criticize Beijing’s attempted coercion of Taipei. The Japanese government has prioritized emphasizing its “hope” for the two sides to resolve the issues between them peacefully.  brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2021/08/23/has-japans-policy-toward-the-taiwan-strait-changed/


War on the Rocks,, 2021-11-23:  Japan’s Rapidly Shifting Consensus /  Until recently, Japan treaded far more carefully than the United States on Taiwan, focusing its language on “hope” for peaceful reconciliation between Beijing and Taipei.  warontherocks.com/2021/11/japans-revolution-on-taiwan-affairs/

Sydney Morning Herald, 2021-9-17:  Australia maintained strong relations with Taiwan, consistent with the One China policy, and there were “no plans to change the name of Taiwan’s representative office in Australia”.smh.com.au/world/asia/it-s-important-to-us-taiwan-pushes-for-naming-rights-in-australia-20210917-p58siz.html


Associated Press, Yahoo news, 2021-6-11: Japan says ties with Taiwan are only unofficial -  Japan's relations with Taiwan are nongovernmental and practical and are based on Tokyo's recognition of China as the sole legitimate government,  following Beijing's protest over a recent reference to the island as a country. Japan also has donated 1.24 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to Taiwan as it battles its largest outbreak of infections amid a shortage of jabs.  news.yahoo.com/japan-says-taiwan-ties-under-041504209.html

Reuters, 2021-6-29: China says Japanese official calling Taiwan a 'country' is serious violation / Japan's deputy defence minister on Monday warned of a growing threat posed by Chinese and Russian collaboration and said it was necessary to "wake up" to Beijing's pressure on Taiwan and protect the island "as a democratic country"   reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/china-says-japanese-official-calling-taiwan-country-is-serious-violation-2021-06-29/

The Hill, 2021-4-20: Japan needs to stand stronger with the US to defend Taiwan — and itself Given the current widespread concern that the Taiwan flashpoint could suddenly explode into a U.S.-China conflict in Japan’s backyard, is such vacuous language the strongest deterrent message the two allies could muster?  thehill.com/opinion/international/549066-japan-needs-to-stand-stronger-with-the-us-to-defend-taiwan-and-itself

Asia Nikkei (Japan), 2021-4-18: Taiwan in US-Japan statement: Biden wanted to make a strong statement against China's provocation but Suga sought for more moderate language in their joint document which  used bland language devoid of "adjectives and adverbs.", shunned more specific language like 'defend Taiwan' to avoid unnecessarily provoking China,"...   asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/Taiwan-in-US-Japan-statement-show-of-resolve-or-diplomatic-calculus

Reuters, 2021-6-16:  Macau's government said on Wednesday it would suspend operations at its representative office in Taiwan, following in the footsteps of Hong Kong, which made a similar move last month in response to Taipei's support for pro-democracy activists there.   reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-regrets-macaus-decision-suspend-representative-office-2021-06-16/

Diplomat, 2021- 4-21:   Taiwan appears to be growingly resilient against China’s diplomatic coercion.  Beijing is also devoid of allies within Taiwan to act as countervailing forces to balance the Democratic Progressive Party’s “provocative” policies.  Not only do the “pro-mainland” Kuomintang and Taiwan People’s Party pose no credible opposition against the prevailing ruling party, but these parties also actively seek better ties with the United States. (thediplomat.com/2021/04/beijings-military-heavy-approach-to-taiwan-locks-the-us-and-china-in-a-security-dilemma/ )

◆  Foreign Policy, Newsweek, 2021-4-5 : In an attempt to reduce this dependency, Taiwanese President Tsai unveiled the New Southbound Policy (NSP) after coming into office in 2016. The NSP is intended to boost trade and economic ties with Southeast Asia and South Asian countries as well as Australia and New Zealand. On paper, it sounds like a decent idea, but in practice the NSP has faltered in recent years to the point where Taiwan’s trade with those countries actually decreased by 3 percent year-on-year in 2020, which followed a year-on-year fall in 2019 by more than 4 percent.   foreignpolicy.com/2021/04/05/taiwan-covid-19-success-china-military-threat/

◆  Lowy Institute (Australia), 2021-4-30: Recognising the need to diversify, ...“New Southbound Policy”, with the goal of Taipei’s economic over-reliance on China...With Southeast Asia and to some extent Australasia, this policy has been a success.   Taipei’s total trade with the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations increased from US$78 billion to $89 billion, with a growth rate of 13.6% during 2016–20, ...Little of the success was replicated in South Asia, with Taipei’s efforts to tap the potential of India and Bangladesh offering only meagre results.   Before Covid, the inflow of overseas students resulting from the New Southbound Policy also increased from 32,000 in 2016 to 53,000 in 2018, consisting of 30,000 students from Southeast Asiasurpassed the number from China.  lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/taiwan-renewing-southbound-vision


◆  Newsweek, 3-2-2021: Tsai's guiding economic plan since her first year in office has been her government's "New Southbound Policy," whose goal is to remove reliance on the Chinese market and instead build trading—and security—relationships with partners in South Asia, Southeast Asia and extending as far as Australia and New Zealand.  According to Taiwan's Ministry of Finance, more than 40 percent of the island's exports went to China and Hong Kong last year, accounting for $151.4 billion of its $345.2 billion  newsweek.com/taiwan-allies-rally-defy-chinas-economic-coercion-pineapples-1573124

The Diplomat, 2-5-2021:  Taiwan highlighted the significance of the New Southbound Policy and pointed to Southeast Asia and India as particular focus points for the policy.  For decades, much of the focus of Taiwan’s foreign policy agenda has been America-centric and Asia still does not figure as much as the United States and Europe do.  In addition, the absence of diplomatic ties between Taiwan and the countries under the New Southbound Policy and lack of reciprocity might be dissuading factors for Taiwan to devise a consistent policy toward the countries of the region.  Finally, a lack of expertise on the South Asian countries in Taiwan is a major hindrance.  The New Southbound Policy has immense potential to significantly increase Taiwan’s regional outreach in the countries that were not traditionally part of Taiwan’s strategic thinking, and may very well serve as an answer to China’s attempts to shrink Taiwan’s international space  (brief) 

Global Times,10-25-2020:  Japan and Taiwan have close relations in many areas. Economically, many profitable enterprises in Taiwan are funded by or receive investment from Japan, including the electronic semiconductor industry. In addition, the exchanges between parties in political circles between the Taiwan Island and Japan are also very close. This has been simmering below the surface since when former Taiwan regional leader Chen Shui-bian was in office....Tokyo may face greater pressure from Washington. With the two cards of Japan's trade and defense in its hands, Washington can force Tokyo to join the alliance of "protecting" Taiwan......Tokyo knows very well where Beijing's bottom line is when it comes to the Taiwan question. It also knows that crossing the line is like touch an electric wire - if Washington pushes too hard, Tokyo will be the first to get shocked. Therefore, Japan always plays Tai Chi with the US over Taiwan affairs.   globaltimes.cn/content/1204603.shtml

Global Times, 2021-4-3: Taiwan separatist DPP authority's 'black hand' behind anti-mainland rumors amid Myanmar upheaval.  For example, some people have spread the claim that "counterfeit Myanmar banknotes made in the Chinese mainland have entered the local market," but from the photos taken by the rumormongers, it can be seen that the bundling for the fake banknotes has the words "E. SUN Bank" (a Taiwan-funded bank) printed on it...The spokesman of the Taiwan People's Party recently said that the situation in Myanmar can reveal the real "diplomatic situation" of Taiwan and that the authority does not know much about its neighbors in Southeast Asia and has nothing it can do to help with the situation.  Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Myanmar ..., its officials often meet with Myanmar personnel, donate some money, and have long been keen to attract local youth to study in Taiwan and cultivate pro-Taiwan forces.  the Taiwan authority would promote the "New Southbound Policy" targeting Myanmar so as to decrease some Taiwan businesses' dependence on the Chinese mainland and expand "diplomatic space."  globaltimes.cn/page/202104/1220154.shtml


◆  Japan Times, 3-15-2021:  Pineapple diplomacy? China's Taiwan import ban prompts sales surge in Japan.  In 2020, Taiwan exported some 45,000 tons and some 95% of them went to China, 2,144 tons to Japan.   After China's ban, Japan preordered over 10,000 tons of Taiwan-grown pineapples as a gesture to thank Taiwan for its generosity in the wake of the massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan's northeastern coast on March 11, 2011.  japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/03/15/business/pineapples-china-taiwan-imports-japan/

◆  Yahoo News,  3-30-2021:  The president of the Pacific island nation of Palau was visiting Taiwan on Tuesday along with the U.S. ambassador to his country, a show of solidarity as China increases diplomatic, economic and military pressure on Taiwan.  news.yahoo.com/palau-president-visits-taiwan-amid-052321185.html

 New York Times, 10-19-2020: 
Latest Clash Between China and Taiwan: A Fistfight in Fiji. (a country in Asia & Pacific)   Two mainland diplomats attended an event, uninvited, and took offense at symbols of Taiwan — including a flag on a cake. A scuffle ensued.
 Taiwan — It was supposed to be a quiet diplomatic event at a stylish beachside hotel in Fiji.  ... the latest example of rising tensions between the two governments.  (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/19/world/asia/china-taiwan-fiji-fight.html)

aljazeera  12-16-2020:  The uproar over the recent fisticuffs between Chinese and Taiwanese diplomats in Fiji may have subsided, with the Fijian police declaring the case closed, but the incident has left analysts in the Pacific concerned about what they called Beijing’s increasingly hostile tactics in the region. it was just one outcome of the intensifying geostrategic competition in the Pacific pitting China against the United States and its allies.  (aljazeera.com/features/2020/12/16/fiji-story)

Wall Street Journal, 9-20-2019: It’s clearly a big win for China having the two largest allies of Taiwan in the Pacific drop so quickly...   New York Times 9-20-2019:  As Taiwan Loses Influence, China Gains Ground in Race With U.S.

 Washington Post 9-25-2019: China’s growing dominance in the South Pacific is a defeat for an America in retreat.   


Taiwan-Latin America diplomacy/ foreign policy

 Global Times, 2021-5-12:  Time for Taiwan’s remaining ‘allies’ to think of their losses Taiwan's lingering relations with these "allies" are maintained through its "dollar diplomacy," which is not real diplomacy but an ill-functioned confrontation against the mainland with the help of the US...the relations those countries forged with Taiwan are all aimed at interests, and when Taiwan is incapable of offering the interests, it is normal that they turn their backs.   globaltimes.cn/page/202105/1223311.shtml

◆  ABCnews, 2022-1-18: Taiwan pays $900,000 for ally Guatemala to lobby Washington  abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/taiwan-pays-900000-ally-guatemala-lobby-washington-82320357


 WHBL (USA), 3-14-2021: Paraguay is Chinese-claimed Taiwan's sole remaining diplomatic ally in South America.  U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has urged Paraguay to work with its diplomatic ally Taiwan to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.   The United States has expressed concern at Beijing's efforts to win over the remaining 15 countries which still have formal ties with Taipei and expand Chinese influence.        whbl.com/2021/03/14/u-s-urges-paraguay-to-work-with-taiwan-amid-pandemic-protests/

 Gzero, 3-17-2021: Taiwan's vaccine diplomacy: Taiwan has offered Paraguay, the only country in South America that recognizes its independence from China, assistance to procure COVID vaccines. We're watching ... if Taiwan can help Paraguay find enough vaccines ... conquering its last holdout in South America through its vaccine diplomacy.   gzeromedia.com/what-were-watching-netherlands-election-us-election-meddling-taiwans-vaccine-diplomacy-effort

 China Times, 3-18-2021, editorial: Taiwan's vaccine diplomacy is sad - According to news report and expert analysis, Taiwan is planning to donate about NT$ 2 hundred million to Paraguay to get COVID vaccines, therefore, the covering in Paraguay will be 28.6%, in contrast, that in Taiwan is only 0.5%.     chinatimes.com/opinion/20210318004639-262103?chdtv

 East Asia Forum, 3-4-2021:  In Feb. 2021,  China actually ‘knew’ about Taiwan’s decision to establish an unofficial trade office in Guyana, after all, China has not opposed Taiwan’s development of economic, trade and cultural relations with other countries.  The reality is that Taiwan’s foreign relations cannot be decoupled from cross-Strait relations.   But this time Taiwan publicly announced that Guyana’s ‘Taiwan Office’ had official functions and was equivalent to a ‘representative office’. Pro-independence media called this a ‘diplomatic breakthrough’. It is unfortunate for Taiwan that diplomacy has become a tool of domestic politics. Taiwan’s high-profile self-promotion provoked China and embarrassed Guyana.  (After Beijing criticizes 'mistake, Guyana said it was rolling back the agreement )   eastasiaforum.org/2021/03/04/the-guyana-incident-and-lessons-for-taiwans-international-space/   


  Taiwan-China-US diplomatic battle in Latin America   



■  The Guardian, 2-4-2021:  After Beijing criticizes 'mistake, Guyana said it was rolling back the agreement – and that it continued to adhere to the “One China” policy.  Earlier Taiwan’s foreign ministry announced it had signed an agreement with Guyana to open a Taiwan office – effectively a de facto embassy for the island that China claims as its sovereign territory with no right to diplomatic ties. (brief) theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/04/guyana-taiwan-office-agreement-beijing-criticism

■  Reuters, 2-4-2021: Taiwan has opened a representative office in Guyana, the island’s foreign ministry said on Thursday, drawing praise from the United States, worried about deepening Chinese influence in Latin America, and a rebuke from Beijing.   Guyana has traditionally had close ties with China.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-taiwan-guyana-idUSKBN2A404T

●  Taiwan-Europe diplomacy/ foreign policy   No any European country, except Vatican,  has formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan

 Brookings, 2022-7-13: The European Union is Taiwan'largest foreign investor. More than 25% of the island’s foreign direct investments came from EU countries in 2020 and 15 of 27 EU member states have representative offices in Taipei. The volume of bilateral trade has risen to more than 68 billion dollars in 2021. While this is much less trade than with China...  brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2022/07/13/how-covid-19-and-the-war-in-ukraine-could-change-eu-taiwan-relations


◆  Newsweek, 2022-4-19: When it comes to Taiwan, Zelensky may be grateful, but also minded not to openly engage with Taipei, as that could turn Beijing's rhetorical support for Moscow into something more material 

◆  Economist, 2021-12-2: Why are eastern European countries cosying up to Taiwan?They see the self-governing island as an ideological ally—and as a strategic partner    economist.com/the-economist-explains/2021/12/02/why-are-eastern-european-countries-cosying-up-to-taiwan

Washington Examiner, 2021-10-21: EU 's value in the Taiwan Strait is mostly economic, and to some degree, diplomatic.  news.yahoo.com/us-isn-t-alone-support-120000808.html


New York Times, 2021-11-10: Europe’s economic interests in China are huge, and the focus on Taiwan is still a minority effort. Europe is both reluctant and badly equipped to get involved militarily in the Indo-Pacific in the face of Washington’s intense focus on deterring China from attacking Taiwan.


 Newsweek, 2021-10-12Russia Says Taiwan is Part of China as Two Powers Further Align Against U.S. /   "Russia, like the overwhelming majority of other countries, considers Taiwan to be part of the People's Republic of China" newsweek.com/russia-taiwan-part-china-partners-align-around-world-1638170


◆  Diplomat, 2021-6-21: peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait undoubtedly fits the EU’s values and interests.  thediplomat.com/2021/06/the-eus-stake-in-the-taiwan-strait-issue/

Elements for a new EU strategy on China:

[t]he EU confirms its commitment to continuing to develop its relations with Taiwan and to supporting the shared values underpinning its system of governance. The EU should continue to support the constructive development of cross-Strait relations as part of keeping the Asia Pacific region at peace. Accordingly, the EU will use every available channel to encourage initiatives aimed at promoting dialogue, co-operation and confidence-building between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Military, 2021-8-12:  China recalled its ambassador to Lithuania and expelled the Baltic nation’s top representative to Beijing over its decision to allow Taiwan to open an office in Lithuania under its own name.   military.com/daily-news/2021/08/12/taiwan-us-coast-guards-meet-despite-chinese-pressure.html


Nikkei Asia,  2021-9-23:  EU split on Taiwan question as it fears fraying China ties

World Politics Review , 3-23-2021: there is still a huge discrepancy between the demonstrated European interest in the Indo-Pacific and Europe’s readiness to think about what its role would be in crisis scenarios, including conflict contingencies, especially in the Taiwan Strait.  . In addition, it should be hammered home that Europe’s “one China” policy differs from the PRC’s “one China” principle, and that Europeans have never acknowledged Taiwan as part of the PRC.   worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/29515/europe-can-play-a-role-in-a-conflict-over-taiwan-will-it

Atlantic Council , 3-24-2021:  EU in 2016 committed to “use every available channel to encourage initiatives aimed at promoting dialogue, cooperation and confidence-building between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.” It’s a laudable aspiration. But so far, little has been done to fulfill it.   Several EU member states, including Sweden, possess world-class expertise in conflict resolution.  Brussels should leverage that advantage and launch a high-profile push for dialogue between China and Taiwan.      atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/why-europes-future-is-on-the-line-in-the-taiwan-strait/

Hill , 3-4-2021:  Tensions in the Taiwan Strait may seem a distant concern to Europe’s leaders...Many European capitals may believe they have good reason to keep Taiwan at arm’s length.   Beijing has made clear its displeasure when Europeans treat Taiwan more akin to a normal diplomatic partner.   thehill.com/opinion/international/541555-the-west-needs-a-more-collaborative-approach-to-taiwan

Politico , 3-11-2021, Der Spiegel, DW  :  Third German conservative MP quits as scandals mount; Hauptmann's departure follows a report by news magazine Spiegel over Azerbaijani, Taiwanese and Vietnamese tourism ads run in the "Südthüringer Kurier," a CDU-near local newspaper he publishes. He had been accused of accepting money from foreign agencies DerWesten reports Taiwan paid far more than the other two did.   politico.eu/article/another-german-conservative-cdu-mp-quits-scandals-mount/amp/    dw.com/en/germany-third-conservative-mp-quits-as-pressure-grows-over-lobbying-scandals/a-56843514 (TW Ministry of Diplomacy denied, Mar. 15 news)

Reuters , 3-18-2021: French Senators are free to meet whomever they wish when they travel, the country’s foreign ministry said on Wednesday after the Chinese embassy in Paris warned against lawmakers meeting officials during an upcoming visit to self-ruled Taiwan   reuters.com/article/us-france-china-taiwan-idUSKBN2B92MK

Irish Times, 1-26-2021: The European Parliament last Wednesday passed two resolutions with statements supporting Taiwan’s democracy.  irishtimes.com/opinion/letters/we-need-closer-links-to-taiwan-1.4467506

Global Times, 2-13-2021:  Bayern Munich football club confirmed it was a mistake to attach the image of an officially unrecognized "Taiwan flag" in its latest Chinese Lunar New Year greetings post on Friday, stating in a reply to the Global Times that the club has realized it was a "very serious and unacceptable mistake" and had removed the post.  see pic. on https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202102/1215599.shtml

Epoch Times, 2-15-2021:  The German soccer club issued an apology for a post including an emoji of Taiwan’s national flag next to the phrase “happy new year” in simplified Chinese characters.   brief from: https://www.theepochtimes.com/german-soccer-club-issues-apology-after-chinese-netizens-complain-of-facebook-post-with-taiwan-flag_3697086.html  headline Manila, 2-14-2021:  https://headlinesmania.com/taiwaneng/de-bayern-munich-football-club-hoisted-the-taiwan-flag-to-celebrate-a-small-pink-new-years-accident-free-times-magazine/



  pic.: Germany Foreign Ministry website
replaced Taiwan's flag with a white flag   


 Upon reporter's request

"Does Germany think Taiwan already surrendered ?"


Official response from Germany is
 "One China Policy" ,

similar to the US site did


Taiwan news3-20-2021: Taiwan protests UN report labeling it as part of China  taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4155965


  BBC (UK), 7-25-2018: Three biggest US airlines bow to China Taiwan demand as deadline passes /  British Airways, Germany's Lufthansa, Air France and Singapore Airlines all list Taipei as in "Taiwan, China".  Australia's Qantas in June also gave in to Chinese demands, leading to the government in Canberra criticising Chinese "pressure" over the situation. Cathay Pacific told the BBC in a statement the carrier was a registered airline "of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China. HKSAR is also where our operations are based. We must comply with the regulations and requirements of the relevant civil aviation authorities."  https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-44948599  New York Times, 7-25-2018, etc: Under pressure from China, all 44 int'l airlines (including four US airlines) drop Taiwan in name.


Top rankings "Taiwan diplomacy"




             No.1 "Taiwan diplomacy" on Dogpile, 2022-2-11, 2021-10-22, 2021-6-1, 2021-4-24, 3-23-2021, 3-3-2021, 2-21-2021, 2-14-2021,1-23-2021

 No.1 "Taiwan diplomacy" on Swisscows (Switzerland), 2021-6-1, 2021-4-24, 3-23-2021, 3-3-2021,  2-21-2021, 2-14-2021,1-23-2021





     In world media's eyes, Taiwan is  ~  

"conduit (tool)"  /    The LOWY Institute( think tank in Australia ) , 6-16-2020 : treating Taiwan as a conduit to frustrate Beijing imperils Taiwan’s security... and then the United States abandons Taiwan to deal with the consequences.

◆  "a card to play"  /   Foreign Policy, 1-13-2021  "Taiwan Needs Real Allies, Not Opportunists, Not Partisans "  : ... That confirmed the suspicion of many Taiwan analysts that this administration views the island primarily as a card to play against the People’s Republic of China and as a convenient foil to it—or the “free China” per Pompeo’s press release. 

  "Washington's lapdog", "tool"  /   globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1234662.shtml  ;  KMT was accused as "Beijing's lackeys" by DPP   reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/chinas-xi-warns-grim-taiwan-situation-letter-opposition-2021-09-26/

  "a dog under control"  /  Eurasian Times  7-9-2020: The Tsai authority ... turns to Washington and is willing to be used.  Taiwan Now Under ‘Deep Control’ Of The US.

"meat on chopping blocks" New York Times , 9-18-2020: Taiwan has become completely dependent on the United States,... Many people are saying that Taiwan has become the meat on others’ chopping blocks”

 "human bomb"  /  Global Times, 9-8-2020: US sets Taiwan up as a 'human bomb'  ( drive the little to poke the big  )

◆  "a rat" Le Monde diplomatique of France, '16: Taiwan, a trembling sweating rat, doing nothing to approaching huge cat (China), but turning around and  lifting high a banner "$O$" . 

◆  “a ticking time bomb"   /  Brookings, 12-14-2020:  Taiwan should follow suit and take a pragmatic approach, and avoid becoming what Graham Allision described as “a ticking time bomb" that could lead to a tragic conflict

  "food on the menu"  /  SCMP, 10-7-2020: "If you are not at the table, you are on the menu,” When the great powers sit at the geopolitical table, Taiwan has long been on the menu."

  "a bargaining chip"  /  Forbes, 10-5-2020:  It would be a mistake for the U.S. to pursue an FTA as part of its China policy or to use Taiwan as a bargaining chip, and Taiwan has reasons to be wary as well.

◆  " a tradable pawn", "a useful chess piece"  /  Global Times, 8-23-2020: Taiwan is a useful chess piece for the US only because of the US strategy to suppress the Chinese mainland. On the one hand, Washington exploits the Taiwan question to contain China, on the other hand it is inciting tensions and making money by selling arms to Taiwan...Taiwan is a tradable pawn.  Taiwan for the US is only a tradable chess piece, but for the mainland, reunification of the mainland and Taiwan is priceless.
 "cash machine" /  Global Times, 10-27-2020:  the latest announced sale is another expensive deal aimed at taking Taiwan taxpayers' money with low-quality weapons, in other words, the US is still treating the island as a "cash machine" ...

◆   "dispensable  irritant"  /   Asia Times, 11-16-2020;   Washington Post 1-18-2019: Trump abandoned the Kurds in Syria. Could Taiwan be next ?  WP, 7-14-2020: Trump's policies are undermining the security of Taiwan's democracy ...









Taiwan-China  bilateral relations & foreign policy

France24, 2021-6-13: Despite a surge in cases, Taiwan resists China’s vaccine diplomacy  france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210613-covid-19-despite-a-surge-in-cases-taiwan-resists-china-s-vaccine-diplomacy

Foreign Policy, 2021-4-14: Taiwan and China Are Locked in Economic Co-Dependence /  Cross-strait trade hit a record last year, including indirect trade through Hong Kong and Macao, with Taiwan’s exports representing some 70 percent of the total...The largest proportion of Taiwanese exports is sophisticated electronics, especially cutting-edge semiconductors that China lacks the ability to produce..   Reuters, 2021-4-14: Taiwan says its chip firms will adhere to new U.S. rules blacklisting China supercomputing entities

Reuters, 2021-5-11:

The United States and the rich-nation Group of Seven (G7) have called for Chinese-claimed but democratically ruled Taiwan to attend the WHO's decision-making body, the World Health Assembly, which meets from May 24.   Such an invitation would need a vote, and China can easily corral enough countries to block it, according to diplomats.  China's foreign ministry said on Monday the island had to accept it was part of China if it wanted access to global bodies, something Taipei's government will not do, and that "appropriate arrangements" have been made for Taiwan's participation in global health matters.   reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-says-china-is-maliciously-blocking-it-who-2021-05-11/

Global Times, 2021-5-18: Despite the DPP authorities' discrimination propaganda and extremely hostile policies against the mainland from the very beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak in Wuhan, the mainland this time also showed its kindness based on humanitarian principles and the family-style affection between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.    the island did have the chance to import the mainland-made vaccines, which are broadly used worldwide and recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), but due to the DPP authorities' politicization over the issue, the island has refused to accept the mainland-made vaccines and caused its embarrassing shortage.     globaltimes.cn/page/202105/1223732.shtml

◆  Newsweek, 3-2-2021: Tsai's guiding economic plan since her first year in office has been her government's "New Southbound Policy," whose goal is to remove reliance on the Chinese market and instead build trading—and security—relationships with partners in South Asia, Southeast Asia and extending as far as Australia and New Zealand.  According to Taiwan's Ministry of Finance, more than 40 percent of the island's exports went to China and Hong Kong last year, accounting for $151.4 billion of its $345.2 billion  newsweek.com/taiwan-allies-rally-defy-chinas-economic-coercion-pineapples-1573124

◆  VOA, 3-29-2021: “How could it (China) attack Taiping Island? China is doing everything possible to create an impression that the two sides (Taiwan, China mainland) are united fighting against outsiders including the United States, Vietnam and the Philippines” (for South China Sea remote islands)   voanews.com/east-asia-pacific/wary-beijing-taiwan-doubles-down-south-china-sea-island 

◆  Diplomat, 2-26-2021 thediplomat.com/2021/02/taiwan-shuffles-cabinet-in-signal-to-biden-administration/ : Tsai continues to reject the so-called “1992 consensus,” which Beijing upholds as foundational for talks with Taipei. The consensus originally maintained that both sides agree there is “one China” but agree to disagree on what that “one China” means. Beijing, however, refuses to allow Taiwan the freedom to interpret “one China” as it sees fit – Kuomintang (KMT) strongly supported the consensus until Xi equated “one China” with “one country, two systems” in a 2019 address. 

Taiwan named new heads of defense and China policy in what is being interpreted as an attempt to cool cross-strait tensions and work with the United States.

◆  CGTN , 2-22-2021: China's policy on Taiwan,  Can China and the U.S. reach consensus again on Taiwan? - CGTN


, 3-2-2021: Taiwan to fine prominent chemical engineer Lee Duu-Jong for allegedly managing research projects funded by the Chinese mainland without approval from the island’s authorities  is intended to send a message to the research community that Taiwan’s government can classify research activities as political whenever it wishes   (Chinese: 因涉嫌未經批准而管理中國大陸資助的研究項目 台灣對傑出的李姓工程師罰款 旨在向研究界傳達信息,即台灣政府可以根據需要將研究活動歸為政治活動。 )


◆  Apple Daily , 2-23-2021: Taiwan's bottom line is "sovereignty and democracy".  (我方底線是國家主權與民主)  tw.appledaily.com/politics/20210223/MBBB7WZJEBC33NPH3N6J7SIGUM/    (ps: Taiwan independence is China's red line)


Newsweek, 1-20-2021: Xi Jinping's top political adviser demanded more progress on Taiwan's "unification" with China in 2021... Taiwan affairs staff should  insists on adherence to Beijing's "one-China principle" and the "1992 Consensus," the latter referring to a vague and disputed agreement allowing for different interpretations of which government claims China;  Since 2016 Taiwan's Tsai Ing-wen government has rejected the 1992 Consensus and China's "one country, two systems" model of governance currently applied in Hong Kong and Macau  ... bilateral trade between Taiwan and China stood at $235 billion for the year until November. Exports from China accounted for just $54 billion, with Taiwan recording a significant trade surplus.. the figures showed Taiwan's economy was "inseparable" from China's newsweek.com/chinese-communist-party-apparatchik-demands-progress-taiwan-unification-1562999


 France 24, South China Morning Post, 2-20-2021: Four Taiwan intelligence officers charged with spying for Beijing.


◆  ABC (Australia), 2-20-2021:  Heated rhetoric has been on the rise in the region, where Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam challenge China's claim to about 90 per cent of the sea. abc.net.au/news/2021-02-20/taiwan-reports-eight-chinese-fighters-in-its-defence-zone/13174320


◆  Financial Times, 2-20-2021: Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen has strengthened her national security team, signalling a fresh resolve to tackle long-delayed defence reforms and a new push for improving stalled dialogue with China   www.ft.com/content/51f8bfba-bd1f-4dff-af8d-1a5b477d1dc7


 Reuters, 1-1-2021: Taiwan ... offering another olive branch to Beijing in New Year speech (brief)


  Macau Business, 12-12-2020:  the DPP administration for “conspiring” with the US and becoming the American “chess game.” Furthermore, Taiwan has become dominated by party politics, which “altered” the target of peaceful dialogue from the PRC to the US. Finally, ... Taiwan’s social ecology has changed in such a way that no party would be willing to discuss with the mainland over the issue of peaceful reunification, for doing so would be labelled as the “agents of the PRC.” ... the reunification with Taiwan cannot be a long waiting game; instead, there must be the use of military force as “an intimidating function” to promote the process of reunification...  the US as the major stumbling block to cross-Strait relations. The development of party politics is seen as a hindrance to cross-Strait relations, unless the KMT would return to presidential power in the distant future.   www.macaubusiness.com/opinion-bidens-policy-toward-china-taiwan-and-hong-kong/

Diplomacy and Economy


NBC, 10-24-2020: Tiny Taiwan caught in the middle as U.S. and China battle for supremacy   Economically, Taiwan is dependent on Beijing. But for its security and for international political support, it relies on Washington. "We don’t want to be manipulated or caught in a great power competition,"    https://www.nbcnews.com/news/china/tiny-taiwan-caught-middle-u-s-china-battle-supremacy-n1244521


Economist, 11-19-2020:  Annual investment flows from Taiwan to China mainland have fallen by more than half since 2015. This growing reticence can be explained by 3 considerations.
(1)  geopolitical :  China's goal of discouraging formal independence by strengthening business ties is increasingly transparent to many Taiwanese.  Tariffs imposed by America on a long list of Chinese exports have prompted many Taiwanese producers to shift operations out of China.
    (2)  competition:  the capabilities of homegrown Chinese rivals, are becoming more competitive and innovative.
    (3)  generational change: the impending “leadership vacuum” has made them cautious

  Bloomberg, 11-21-2020: https://www.bloombergquint.com/china/taiwanese-businesses-boost-investment-into-china-during-pandemic

Total approved investment from Taiwan to China rose to $4.7 billion in the first 10 months of this year, an increase of 47% over the same period in 2019...China is retaining its appeal for many Taiwanese businesses, even as President Tsai Ing-wen’s government offers incentives to bring investment back home.


Global Times 9-8-2020: Taiwan enjoys a surplus of nearly $100 billion with the mainland every year. (ps:  New York Times 12-3-2019: Trade between China and Taiwan exceeded $181 billion in 2017, up from about $35.5 billion in 1999. )



  Only with the one-China principle in place can the Taiwan Straits avoid miscalculation
Biden administration should sent out a clear political signal
/ Global Times (China), 1-25-2021   


Biden's "signals"

■  Financial Times, 2-9-2021: State department referred to “Taiwan’s democratically elected representatives” instead of its president or government.


Washington Examiner, 1-24-2021 : The United States does not recognize Taiwan as an sovereign country, but U.S. strategists regard the island as a crucial link in a chain of islands that restrains the Chinese Communist military’s ability to operate away from the Chinese coast and threaten U.S. forces and other allies.

Bloomberg, 1-24-2021: The State Department statement indicated a desire by the Biden administration to preserve the longstanding ambiguity about Taiwan’s status. The U.S. pledged to stand by existing agreements with China and spoke of the interests of the “people on Taiwan,” rather than the people “of Taiwan.”

Washington Post, Associated Press, DW, 1-24-2021: “We urge Beijing to ... engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan’s democratically elected representatives," spokesperson Ned Price said in the statement.  (PS:  using "Taiwan’s democratically elected representatives" to name "Taiwan president" and officials etc  )

 Reuters, 2-4-2021: U.S. State Department says U.S. "one-China" policy has not changed.


 Global Times, 3-20-2021:  In the Alaska meeting, the US side reiterated its one-China policy in the Taiwan question.     globaltimes.cn/page/202103/1218914.shtml


Taiwan is diplomatically isolated, has only 15 formal relation allies till early 2021: Guatemala, Honduras, Holy See, Haiti, Paraguay, Nicaragua,  Eswatini, Tuvalu, Nauru, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis,  Saint Lucia,  Belize,  Marshall Islands,  Palau.     For updated news pls. ref. to Taiwan foreign ministry website: www.mofa.gov.tw/en/AlliesIndex.aspx?n=DF6F8F246049F8D6&sms=A76B7230ADF29736
The People's Republic of China (PRC) has identified that Taiwan as part of its territory and its most important core interest, since the Kuomintang (Nationalists or KMT) government retreated to the island in 1949 following defeat in the Chinese civil war.  China has traditionally used a  double strategy  of “carrot and stick”  towards Taiwan, on one hand, it has vowed to reunite this "breakaway province" by force if necessary, and has been ramping up military, diplomatic and economic pressure on Taiwan since president Tsai I.W. (2016 ~) refused to recognise the "1992 consensus" a 'pseudo'-agreement made by Taiwan's KMT party and the Chinese Communist Party, that proclaimed "the existence of only one China ”, but “ with different interpretations ” (being free to decide which side was legitimate.).  In early 2019,  CCP Xi openly equates One Country Two Systems with the 1992 Consensus to eliminate other interpretations.   Under China's political development and strengthening its trade ties to our allies, Taiwan is diplomatically isolated, has only 15 formal relation allies till end of 2020 (Taiwan lost Salvador etc 3 allies within half yr. China rankled TW president's visit to NASA - LA Times 8-20-2018), most of them are little, unknown countries.  On the other hand, China took the strategy " Allowance of economic benefits to Taiwan"("讓利", such as charming Taiwan by offering preferential treatment in a soft power bid  /  le monde diplmatique  may 2019;   40% exports from Taiwan to China / CTN 5-30-2020;    mainland China remains the largest market outside Taiwan for Taiwanese workers and companies, with around 1 million Taiwanese working there /  German Institute for Int'l and security affairs, 2-7-2020   encouraging tourists to Taiwan/  WEF <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> of 2019 shows Taiwan had the sub-region's largest decline in competitiveness,  Taiwan's overall score ranks 10th in Asia.    L.A. Times, 8-1-2019: The indefinite suspension of individual travel visa is likely to prove a major economic hit to Taiwan, as well as a blow to cultural interplay. ) so that Taiwanese people may have higher tendency toward unification with China.  Now 52% Taiwanese want closer economic ties with the mainland China.  Taiwanese understood this interdependence is unavoidable, but over-dependence is risky.  Modern Diplomacy (EU) at 6-9-2020: Roughly 26 percent of Taiwan’s trade is with China, which is its largest trading partner.  China has replaced US as No 1 destination for Taiwanese export accounting for approximately 40% of total exports (Hong Kong included).  New York Times 12-3-2019: Trade between China and Taiwan exceeded $181 billion in 2017, up from about $35.5 billion in 1999.  Global Times 9-8-2020: Taiwan enjoys a surplus of nearly $100 billion with the mainland every year.

 Washington Post, 1-5-2018:  For years, most analysts in the United States generally accepted the idea that Taiwan’s status as a de facto independent democracy was unsustainable as China’s economy and military rose to dominate Asia. Statesmen such as the late Singaporean leader Lee Kuan Yew and Henry Kissinger both predicted that Taiwan’s unification with China — under Chinese terms — was inevitable.

  Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan, Opinion, 6-22-2017 (読売新聞「社説」) :  中国が台湾を孤立させる動きを強め、波風を立てている。軍事、経済両面での優位を背景にした圧力は、中台間の緊張を高めるだけだ。...中国の一連の外交攻勢は、台湾を自国の一部とする「一つの中国」原則を、台湾の蔡英文政権に認めさせる狙いだろう。...台湾の住民の間では、中国に政治的、経済的にのみ込まれることへの警戒感が強く、「中国離れ」が加速しているためだ。...米国は台湾の防衛力強化を担っており、台湾海峡の平和と安定のカギを握る。(The US is the key to keep the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait)
Le Monde diplomatique, France, mai 2016:  "politiL’Amérique centrale lâche Taipei" /  Les deux rivaux du détroit de Formose ne luttent pas à armes égales et, pour Taipei, l’isolement diplomatique menace.  (The two rivals of the Taiwan Straits do not fight on equal terms , the diplomatic isolation threatens Taiwan  )

  Spiegel Germany, 1-9-2017,  <Donald Trump: Chinesische Staatszeitung warnt USA wegen Umgang> 

        Die staatliche chinesische Zeitung "Global Times" hat den künftigen US-Präsidenten Donald Trump gewarnt, von der "Ein-China-Politik" abzurücken. "Das chinesische Volk würde die Regierung auffordern, sich zu rächen", hieß es im Leitartikel des Blattes, das zum Zentralorgan der Kommunistischen Partei "Renmin Ribao" gehört. "Es gibt keinen Raum für Verhandlungen" /  if "US President Donald Trump to abandon the one-China policy."  "The Chinese people would call on the government to take revenge,"  "There is no room for negotiations" ... (Global Times, China)


Taiwanese Law-makers' fights for diplomacy entertainment expenses


Taipei Times, 1-23-2021  https://taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2021/01/23/2003751062    Formosa TV News, 1-23-2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r79kOZyM7OQ

It is not unusual for lawmakers to freeze budget bills until officials clarify their use, KMT Chairman Chiang said.





Entertainment expenses are the “bullets” of overseas diplomats, and are not just spent on wine and steak.


President Tsai Ing-wen urged support for diplomats, although she did not directly address the budget freeze issue.


KMT (The Nationalist Party), main opposition, proposed freezing part of the entertainment expenses for Taiwan’s envoys to the US and the Czech Republic


   The proposal was in response to Taiwan’s de facto ambassador to the U.S. 's alleged  claim that the US refused to sell smart mines to Taiwan.


   Czech Senate President Milos Vystrcil’s alleged refusal to endorse Taiwan’s sovereignty and the controversy surrounding a local firm’s donation of five mask production lines


 more Taiwan-US diplomacy/ foreign policy

New York Post, 1-15-2021: Trump’s parting shot to Xi should be recognizing Taiwan /  America's one-China policy was predicated upon the belief that through appeasement and economic liberalization, the PRC could become less authoritarian and ultimately better “integrated” into the much-ballyhooed “liberal world order.”Whatever merit such an idea might have had as a theoretical musing has now been decisively disproven by history.  nypost.com/2021/01/15/trumps-parting-shot-to-xi-should-be-recognizing-taiwan/


Economist, 1-15-2021 : New rules on mutual ties could make trouble for both America and Taiwan - Biden. Either he embraces the move, in which case he starts off on the wrong foot with China, or he gets flak at home for not standing up for gallant little Taiwan.  This move as a trap for Taiwan, too. Over the past few years China has increased its bullying of Taiwan with military posturing and diplomatic isolation. Crossing China now might prompt it to conduct even more air sorties(combat mission) or pick off (shoot a member of a group of people)Taiwan’s remaining diplomatic allies ... To advance the cause of independence there is “no briar patch Taiwan wouldn’t jump into”.  economist.com/asia/2021/01/14/have-departing-american-officials-made-taiwan-into-a-booby-trap

Foreign Policy, 1-13-2021, "Taiwan Needs Real Allies, Not Opportunists, Not Partisans "  : ... That confirmed the suspicion of many Taiwan analysts that this administration views the island primarily as a card to play against the People’s Republic of China and as a convenient foil to it—or the “free China” per Pompeo’s press release.  Pompeo moves away from the U.S. government norm of describing official counterparts in Taipei as “Taiwan” adjective or “Taiwans” noun, using instead “Taiwanese”—which Washington believed held certain sensitivities—apparently in line with his voiding of relevant sections in the Foreign Affairs Manual or Foreign Affairs Handbooks. Nonetheless, he stresses the unofficiality of the relationship and the continued role of the nonprofit American Institute in Taiwan.   (  foreignpolicy.com/2021/01/13/taiwan-contact-guidelines-pompeo-partisan-china/  )

  US promises to China, Taiwan


asia nikkei (Japan),


US promises to China
■  (1) In the first communique of 1972 /  the U.S. said it "acknowledges" and "does not challenge" that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China.
■  (2) In the second communique of 1979 /  the U.S. declared that it recognizes the Beijing government as the "sole legal government of China." But it said the people of the U.S. will maintain cultural, commercial and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.

■  (3)  In the third communique of 1982 /  the U.S. said it has no intention of "pursuing a policy of 'two Chinas' or 'one China, one Taiwan.'"

The Chinese side is criticizing Pompeo's declared new policies as infringing on those long-held American promises


Global Times (China),

the juxtaposition of the three China-US joint communiqués, the Taiwan Relations Act and the six assurances mentioned in the US statement this time differs from the Trump administration's refusal to mention the three joint communiqués in his later period.  globaltimes.cn/page/202101/1213797.shtml

 Focus Taiwan,

Blinken : "a strong and long bipartisan commitment to Taiwan" in the U.S. based on the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) and the U.S.-China joint communiqués and that part of this commitment "is making sure that Taiwan has the ability to defend itself against aggression." (focustaiwan.tw/politics/202101200006)   Reuters, 1-20-2021:  Blinken : US would uphold its commitment to ensure that self-ruled Taiwan has the ability to defend itself 

CNBC, 1-12-2021: Biden could struggle with Taiwan issue rocking U.S.-China relations. The incoming Biden administration could struggle in managing its relationship with Taiwan — a precarious issue that has contributed to worsening U.S.-China relations.   cnbc.com/2021/01/12/how-biden-will-handle-taiwan-issue-thats-rocking-us-china-relations.html

Reuters, 1-13-2021 U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft had been due to visit Taiwan from Wednesday to Friday, prompting China to warn that Washington was playing with fire. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday that all travel this week had been cancelled, including his own trip to Europe, as part of the transition to the incoming Biden administration.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-taiwan/ahead-of-biden-transition-us-cancels-un-envoys-trip-to-taiwan-idUSKBN29H2QJ

 L.A. Times,  12-17-2020 : TSMC has tried to be the Switzerland of the chip industry, but those days are over. Tension could be further strained if the U.S. maintains pressure on the firm to starve Chinese companies of its valuable chips.  TSMC is caught in between two superpowers. It needs China for future growth and the U.S. for its technology and its biggest customers today.   TSMC, makes more than half the world’s contracted semiconductor chips and lies at the center of the technology supply chain   “To both the United States and China, being able to dominate in the semiconductor space is crucial to winning the next generation of technology.”

 (Chinese: 台積電曾經想成為芯片產業的瑞士,但那段日子已經一去不返。如果美國繼續向台積電施壓不 准提供芯片給中國,那麼台海局勢將可能更加緊張 。台積電陷入兩個超級大國間左右為難它需要中國以實現未來的成長,也需要美國技術和當今最大的客戶 美國和中國都主導半導體領域才能贏得下一代的科技競爭。台積電和台灣總統辦公室都否認面臨白宮的壓力。)  brief www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-12-17/taiwan-chips-tsmc-china-us


USNI, 1-1-2021, "Report on Taiwan Political and Security Issues" :  the United States recognized the PRC as the “sole legal government of China”; acknowledged, but did not affirm, “the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China ;  The PRC seeks to enforce a “one China principle,” under which other countries affirm that Taiwan is part of China. The United States adheres to its own “one-China policy,” which the Trump Administration presented as based on U.S.-PRC joint communiqués concluded in 1972, 1978, and 1982; the TRA; and “Six Assurances” that President Ronald Reagan communicated to Taiwan in 1982, shortly before the release of the third U.S.-PRC joint communiqué.

full text:   news.usni.org/2021/01/01/report-on-taiwan-political-and-security-issues


Washington Post, Aug. 10, 2020: US highest level visit Taiwan since 1979



pic.: Taiwan president Tsai and US Health Secretary Azar made bow to each other, but somehow, President Tsai's head seemed to be lower  ?  see  


pic.: After World War II, Japan unconditionally surrendered to Republic of China (Taiwan's ROC),
China made a bow
 with lower upper-body , but Japan's head was lower

  Reuters, 12-28-2020: China expressed anger on Monday after U.S. President Donald Trump signed into law measures to further bolster support for Taiwan and Tibet, which had been included in a $2.3 trillion pandemic aid and spending package.  The Taiwan Assurance Act of 2020 and Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2020 both contain language objectionable to China, including U.S. support for Taiwan's meaningful participation in United Nations bodies and regular arms sales.  https://news.yahoo.com/china-says-u-stop-using-081142049.html

  CNN 2-19-2020:  The US has been careful, at least publicly, to adhere to a so-called "one China" policy, acknowledging Beijing's assertion that Taiwan is part of China, as well as the People's Republic's status as the sole legitimate government of China. It is this policy that sees the US base its embassy in Beijing, but not in Taipei.  But Washington has also maintained deliberate ambiguity on the status of Taiwan, only encouraging both sides to engage in dialogue to settle their long-running disputes.

   <Taiwan Travel Act> (Trump signed at 3-16-2018):

          NHK  Japan, 3-17-2018 

             The legislation aims to encourage mutual visits between US and Taiwanese officials at all levels. (https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20180317_08/)

       ◆ The Diplomat,  3-3-2018 
              US Paves Way for High-Level Exchanges With Taiwan (https://thediplomat.com/2018/03/us-paves-way-for-high-level-exchanges-with-taiwan/)

         New York Times,  3-17-2018

             China’s Foreign Ministry said it had lodged “stern representations” with the United States, saying the law sent a “seriously wrong signal” to the forces of Taiwan independence.
              (https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2018/03/17/world/asia/17reuters-usa-taiwan-china.html   ; https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-taiwan-china/china-says-resolutely-opposed-to-new-u-s-law-on-ties-with-taiwan-idUSKCN1GT0I9)

       ◆ Deutsche Welle,  3-17-2018 :

             China has reacted angrily ... "severely violate the one-China principle, the political foundation of the China-US relationship."

             Taiwan ... calling it a "friendly move"

       ◆ Global Times of China, 2018:  <Taiwan Travel Act> is a bill to destroy Taiwan.  People's Daily online (China 人民日報 海外版) 3-17-2018: "annoy China, fool Taiwan !"("戲耍台灣 挑臖大陸")  ◆ UDN Taiwan (台灣聯合報) 3-18-2018: KMT Legislator : The US uses Taiwan as pawn to annoy China ... ( 台恐成夾心餅干);  Joseph Bosco (former defense official): China won't win a general confrontation against the US (translation).


 More Taiwan diplomacy/ foreign policy


pic.: widely-known china-art, child on its knees ― 
Taiwan has been acting on its knees toward strong powers, but taking hard line against its own nationals !!?

World Journal, USA, 12-6-2020: TJC Taiwan: human rights persecution and infringement by officials in power are
anywhere and anytime - in the past, now, and most likely, in the future

political persecution in Taiwan ... click !

New York Times 4-1-2019: Taiwan protests China jets crossing center of Taiwan Strait, a provocation that seeks to alter the status quo ...  an intentional act.    Taiwan News, 6-28-2019: U.S. Senate passes pro-Taiwan defense bill calling for more patrols in Taiwan Strait.   Reuters 6-27-2019: Canadian navy ships sailed through Taiwan strait amid tension with China  (Such passages upset China ... In April, Beijing condemned a French decision to send a frigate through the Strait as illegal)

Daily Mail (UK)  4-1-2019: Taiwan blasts China for "reckless and provocative" incursion by 2 fighter jets across a largely respected line dividing the 2 sides in the Taiwan Straits.      Japan Times, 4-1-2019: China's move also comes less than a week after the U.S. sent ships through the strait ( mission was unusual) — the third time in as many months...those sailings have likely been interpreted by China as implicit support for self-ruled Taiwan.     Reuters 2-25-2019: US Navy ships ... riling China.   ABC.net Australia: Chinese fighter jets cross Taiwan Strait after Tsai urges Pacific pushback against Beijing.


   L.A. Times, 7-8-2018: US warships pass near Taiwan in a show of defiance to China


 ●  Washington Post, 11-9-2017:“Many have debated here in Taiwan whether President Trump will trade Taiwan in exchange for China’s position in North Korea,” ...... “But ... even if President Trump makes such an offer, President Xi would say no: ‘Taiwan is not in your hands. It’s in mine.’”

       The China Times, opinion, 11-11-2017: President Xi thinks the advantage of Taiwan issue is in Beijing's side, it's not necessary to trade anything for Taiwan with Washington.

   Washington Post, 11-9-2017:   Xi had reiterated the importance of Taiwan to Beijing during his meeting with Trump. “The Taiwan issue is the most important and sensitive core issue in the Sino-U. S. relations, and it is also the political foundation for the Sino-U. S. relations,”... /  https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/with-trump-in-china-taiwan-worries-about-becoming-abargaining-chip/2017/11/09/ee3c0126-c4af-11e7-9922-4151f5ca6168_story.html?utm_term=.91426a733612

  ●  Singapore's The Straits Times,  11-9-2017 : Taiwan is the most important issue in Sino-US ties, Xi tells Trump   

“The Taiwan issue is the most important, most sensitive core issue in China-US relations, and concerns the political basis of the China-US relationship,” ... China “hopes that the US side continues to scrupulously abide by the ‘one China’ principle, and prevents disturbances to the broader picture of China-US ties”, Xi added.   Trump told Xi that the United States government upheld and stuck to the “one China” policy, China’s official Xinhua news agency reported.

    http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/xi-tells-trump-that-taiwan-is-the-most-important-issue-in-sino-us-ties   )

   BBC - Taiwan country profile  6-14-2017:
     China insists that nations cannot have official relations with both China and Taiwan, with the result that Taiwan has formal diplomatic ties with only a few countries.  / 

 ●  Washington Post, 1-2-2017:

     The United States “acknowledges” that there is one China and that Taiwan is part of China. But the United States has never officially “recognized” Taiwan as part of China. This strategic ambiguity leaves the United States room for a de facto relationship with Taiwan and leaves the Taiwan-China relation an open-ended question.  /  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/01/02/yes-taiwan-wants-one-china-but-which-china-does-it-want/?utm_term=.8d999292eabd

 ●  New York times,  12-13-2016: In Presidential inaugural speech, Tsai referred to the Constitution of the Republic of China and the legislation governing cross-strait relations, both imply the acceptance of a “one China” framework. 

Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan, Opinion, 5-22-2016 (
読売新聞) : 「台湾独立」志向の強い民進党の蔡英文主席が総統に就任した。台湾蔡新総統対中「現状維持」の意思示した http://editorial.x-winz.net/ed-13620 (Tsia I. W. with strong tendency toward "Taiwan Independence" expressed "maintain status quo" in her Presidential inaugural speech )

 ● Le Monde diplomatique, France, "Taïwan en quête de souveraineté économique", mai 2016:  selon laquelle il n’est pas nécessaire de proclamer l’indépendance car Taïwan est déjà un Etat indépendant et souverain. C’est certainement le sens qu’elle donne au « statu quo » ( 'it is not necessary to proclaim independence because Taiwan is already an independent and sovereign state.  This is certainly the meaning it gives to  <status quo>'  )


 ●  United daily News, opinion 10-11-12017 :   In Fact, President Tsai one-sided abandoned in 2016 "The 1992 Consensus" (「九二共識」), which violates her promise to "maintain the cross-strait  status quo"
https://udn.com/news/story/7338/2749610?from=udn-catelistnews_ch2    UDN 10-11-2017 : China officially responded Tsai's speech at Taiwan's National Day that “Only by adhering to the one-China principle and opposing Taiwan independence can relations between the sides develop with peace and stability”.   UDN opinion, 10-20-2017: Chinese leader Xi's "China dream" can't come true without retaking Taiwan.  

  US News, 10-9-2017:   
Taiwan's relations with Beijing have deteriorated sharply since Tsai, ... took office last year



  ●  The China Times, 10-15-2017, Wikipedia,  9-27-2017  :Taiwanese premier William Lai  advocates "Taiwan independence in realistic way ("務實台獨")”, but  "Taiwan was an independent country called the Republic of China, it had no need to declare independence."  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan

  ●  Mexican newspaper El Sol de Méxicoformer, 2008: (former) President Ma:  the China-Taiwan relations are neither between two Chinas nor two states.  It is a special relationship.   the sovereignty issues between the two cannot be resolved at present,   the "1992 Consensus", currently accepted  as a temporary measure until a solution becomes available.

  ● The United Daily, 11-12-2017, commented Trump Xi meeting    one of 3 possibilities is the US may break the pattern "USA and China jointly control Taiwan"(「美中共管」), China may play (or most of) the role to control Taiwan.




 pic. : No.3 "Taiwan diplomacy" on Yandex of Russia,  2021-6-2




pic.: No.1 "comment Taiwan diplomacy" (Chinese version) on Yahoo search engine, 2-21-2021, 1-12-2021; No.2 at 2022-2-12