Taiwanese culture & image  Taiwan university class, style, values, or character ...
Taiwanese personality (national character) pls. click for full text !!
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Taiwan University's homepage (pic. below) : extra-enlarged type, messy and crowded layout, loud & unbearably vulgar colors everywhere, trying to grasp everybody's eyeballs, just like peddling peddlers in loud voices.
  Taiwan university


  best universities in
  Singapore, Japan, Korea, and China.
  See their clean look,  "elegant" speaking, and different styles.


    National University of Singapore


  National University of Singapore


    Korea University


  Korea style


    Renmin University of China


  red Chinese university style


    University of Tokyo, Japan


  Japanese style

You may see some national character/personality of each country by web-site styles above, Japanese are simple (light) and delicate, Korean are bit stronger & thick ( unbend down), red China loves to apply Chinese communist political party's color and atmosphere,  Singapore is more English, young & dynamic ... 

In the past 40 years, Taiwanese seemed to focus "life reality", instead of aesthetics, style, taste ...  However, according to GlobalRichList.com, Taiwanese  're sort of rich already, but "reality" is still a very very first concern.  

Even red Chinese tourists mentioned in their media Taiwan doesn't look so pretty, a best magazine in Europe quoted & described Taiwan as something like where pigs live.

Taiwan's best university should leads the way to change.


   focus both Brain & Mind ...  N smart "monkey" !


Taiwan University research paper


             Taiwanese sense of humor  ...  in poor taste      

Taiwanese people seem to enjoy this kind of humors : funny face, slapstick actions, rather than smart ideas -  some 're named "COLD jokes" by Taiwanese.

We may know a country by its ads ( to mirror what people like).

Take a Humor-theory & Advertising paper (made in graduate school, Business College, National Taiwan Univ. (NTU) as an example .... 

This site comments :

(1) The paper uses some "un-humor" examples for humor-theory analysis, and describes the ad. (below) as  "very good example of humorous ad". 


 example in NTU paper

this site comments


a stranger sits at table (joins a family dinner)



this stranger pretends to be a family member, on purpose eating KFC

 Not a good resolution :
not humorous, not witty, not unexpected, not within reason
("Simple, Stupid" is ad. personality)

Compare a better example (a winning work in European cartoon festival):


an elderly & infirmed man who has been staying in a remote tiny island for years after a flight crash, but refused to get on a big boat passing by.

 (1) viewers curious to know why  (2) draw people's attention


That boat is Titanic !

 good resolution :
   unexpected, within reason, style witty with humorous imagination
(may leads to better impression, word-of-mouth influences)

ps: Or ....  the elderly man is hesitating about going on board for KFC in Titanic ...

(2)  NTU paper suggestion :

humor types



Cognition humor :

by words play

easier for incongruity-resolution design

Affective humor :

by visual/pictures

 better effect

From the Euro. example as above we know smart ideas can function well for both kinds of humors.


(3)  Most Taiwanese printed ads in this NTU paper are just weird or funny things, like a adult riding a baby bike, an almost nude man in a meeting, etc, to connect products' selling-points. 

      Those pictures are not good enough humors with sharp-wits .....   they're just funny (or slapstick), expected, or even inadequately (same picture can be used for many different products or selling-points).

      If there's no any good humors in Taiwan's ads, researches/studies should select international humors to do theoretical analysis, otherwise, if both good and bad "humors" successfully pass through the humor theory, this theory has some holes.



            Taiwan university ad & logo ...          


Taiwan University ad

NTU    Taiwan University's advertisement printed in head-page of a major newspaper.

   "It Says All" ? 

   Actually, that stamp is not NTU's logo, because the outline of Taiwan's national flower, plum-flower, is deleted from this ad. (compare pic. below).


Taiwan University Logo
Taiwan University Logo (copied from web-site)

Modify the bell tower, to look like a stamen or a pistil in the plum flower, perhaps bit better 



     PS : Taiwanese Character                                                                     

  Taiwanese personality (national character) pls. click for full text !!
Taiwanese/Chinese personality characteristics/national character   Taiwan culture    cultural Taiwan


In brief

Taiwan has good side : industrious, being gentle/tame  ... (others may ref. government information office and related websites)

Some truths are so obvious  ...  i.e., Taiwan's popular newspaper<Apple Daily> just made comments that Taiwan's universities circle is rotten ...

This web-site is pushing Taiwan to change all bad things as soon as possible, otherwise Taiwan may fall a long way behind major Asian nations, etc, in the future.

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