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jump to ■ train crash
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Chinese version
★ CNN (2022-12-6): Taiwan's 'living hell' traffic is a tourism problem. Taiwan is notorious for its dangerous roads. Multiple countries, including Australia, Canada, Japan and the US, have specifically called out Taiwan's road conditions. "Many drivers do not respect the pedestrian's right of way,” the US State Department warns. The Canadian government: "Motorcycles and scooter drivers don't respect traffic laws. They are extremely reckless.” Cities in Taiwan share a major issue – a lack of pavements and consistent walkways for pedestrians, ... Pedestrians are then often “forced” to walk onto car lanes... The number of people lost their lives to traffic incidents in Taiwan is approximately six times higher than Japan and five times higher than the UK. msn.com/en-us/travel/news/taiwans-living-hell-traffic-is-a-tourism-problem-say-critics/ar-AA14Xb2n brief
★ Liberty Times (2023-6-6): All top 5 main causes of traffic accidents in last year are Taiwanese' low quality in observing traffic law and rules. To solve this issue, the government needs to work on 'hardware' facilities, strict law-enforcement, and perseverance - the latter two are not easy to change because of Taiwanese basic culture. talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1586963
![]() |
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TransAsia_Airways_Flight_235 news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/breakingnews/1768341 FTV 2018-10-22 www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBR9Iy1HAQQ
train crash
York Times, 2021-7-19 (nytimes.com/2021/07/19/world/asia/taiwan-train-crash.html):
failures at a government agency
contributed to Taiwan’s worst rail
disaster in seven decades. It has
undermined confidence in the government
at a time when Taiwan has struggled with
a surge in coronavirus cases and rolling
electrical blackouts (ps:
CovID in Taiwan )
an accident waiting to happen - brief
reforms -
Although some recommendations were
instituted, structural changes were not.
politicians factors - politicians and
union, have shielded it from
accountability and prevented desperately
needed operational and management
changes...T.R.A. has played an important
role in the distribution of political
benefits ...Attempts to raise ticket
prices have been blocked by elected
officials who feared the political
prioritizing money over safety -
The way the agency is organized “may
cause business concern to be prioritized
over railroad safety in decision
BBC, 2021-4-6, New York Times,
Jazeera, 2021-4-5,
Washington Post, 2021-4-3,
CNN, 2021-4-4:
Taiwan's worst train crash in decades leaves at least 51 (50) dead, and more than 200 injured.
The busy passenger train ( Taroko Express 408 ) was carrying nearly 500 people derailed in a tunnel after hitting a construction truck that fell from a slope near the tunnel onto the tracks in eastern Taiwan.
The train was so full that many people were standing.
A passenger recalled the train conductor sound the horn ( means a situation ahead), but the train did not slow down, 6.9 seconds later, the train slammed into a lorry that had slipped onto the tracks. (brief)
reviews by local media
★ The China Times, editorial, 2021-4-7: This is a scourge of lousy politics instead of a human negligence (這不是人為疏失,而是政治禍害) 。https://chinatimes.com/opinion/20210406004190-262101?chdtv
★ United Daily, editorial, 2021-4-8: Each disaster is resulted by Taiwanese culture of undisciplined, careless and loafing; such culture was resulted by Taiwan's bureaucracy... https://udn.com/news/story/7338/5372849
★ United Daily, editorial, 2021-4-5: Taiwan train crash with 41 deaths (new number 50) / As soon as prosecutor found it's a truck causing the deadly accident, Taiwan government immediately mobilized internet army/online army to do media-framing, trying to shift all blames to the contractor /concessionaire, and even the construction-supervision company 「聯合大地工程顧問公司」,so as to lower negative reviews on the government and Railway adm. What a contemptible! those officials focused on shifting the blame, instead of self-criticism , seeking improvements, strengthening supervision management to avoid next accident (this train crash is just a tip of iceberg). udn.com/news/story/7338/5366026?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate
★ United Daily, editorial, 2021-4-6: Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) sets up early-warning system for natural disasters - earthquake, climate (strong wind, heavy rains , etc) and intruders (falling rocks etc), why Taiwan railway can not do the same thing ? because the government spent NT$ one billion on fighting China's pineapple ban, but failed to spend NT$ 0.25 billion on the early-warning system as early as possible. All dead-paper, actual execution is very late. The priority of Taiwan administration is propaganda instead of human safety protection. udn.com/news/story/7338/5367712?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2
★ The Liberty Times, editorial, 2021-4-6: The railway has no safety protection facilities, the construction site has no temporary barriers and enclosures, the construction supervision is nothing ... all highlight Taiwanese culture of carelessness. Every time when the public forgot the tragedy, the government forget an all-round implementation, till the next tragedy, the cycle never ends. Taiwan's political culture makes politicians to only has a short-term plan ― please voters is a priority, do simple things, and sweep all real problems under the carpet. talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1441429
★ Apple Daily, editorial, 2021-4-6: Complicity Structure and cheating culture between Taiwan railway and contractors. Those contractors were already overshadowed by some scandals on "bid rigging", but officials turned a blind eye to them. The internal control and audit system are bad. tw.appledaily.com/headline/20210406/ZQ32X7BV5BEQ7K3Q5PPAK7G7IY/
★ Apple Daily, editorial, 2021-4-5: To solve the problem, you must find the right antidote ― all major accidents should be consequential to top politicians . tw.appledaily.com/headline/20210405/HWFESCVKDVC6DEBTPHQHMUUIMQ/
★ Apple Daily, editorial, 2021-4-4: The S.O.P for public constructions should be as strict and precise as that in Europe or Japan. Make students to learn work ethics osmotically in national education. tw.appledaily.com/headline/20210404/EZXPWNUCNRE6FM6FF23QHLIQWQ/
★ UDN, CTN, Apple Daily, editorial、2021-4-3: Serious transportation accidents repeat - all are SOP ignoring man-made disasters, no one treats seriously the warning message behind each accident, The gov. is good at risk management and focus-shifting, instead of preventive management in advance, all these lead to tragedy again and again. The event is just a tip of a iceberg, Taiwan should establish a culture respecting human life. Taiwan railway bureau got rigid grading system and reform failure. (brief)
★ Apple Daily, 2021-4-10, editorial: The bane of Taiwan- backward infrastructures, e.g., no early-warning system for railway train, pollution in stream, dam, reservoir deposition
★ United Daily, editorial, 2021-4-26: Taiwanese government does not dare to face the pressure of losing election, therefore the fake railway reform meeting did not touch the core problems - reorganization and price policy, etc. udn.com/news/story/11091/5413093?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2
ref. to
<New York Times>:
2018 :
island's worst rail disaster in more than three decades. Taiwan Train Accident in biggest curve in
Taiwan Kills at Least 18 and Injures about 187 Others
( ps: CTV (中視新聞)
19:45pm, 10-22-2018, Prosecutor: over-speed might be the cause
of accident, other suspicious points under investigation
include "Automatic Train Protection (ATP)" being turned off,
abnormal track, etc; ps2: CTV 20:30pm, 10-22-2018 : speed
140km, should be 80km or 65 km)
United Daily News, 12-4-2018, editorial : Reviewing the
train accident is a shit, find out the truth? or cover the truth
? Taiwan's investigations of disaster (except aviation)
events have been always distorted, once judiciary and control
power are involved, the clarification goes afar ...
("普悠瑪檢討 簡直敷衍了事"
"了解真相 還是掩蓋真相",
純粹釐清真相即遙不可及) ... (brief)
at least six people were killed and more
than 50 others injured after a tree collapsed into the path of a
tourist train also serving Ali Mountain.
last crash of a similar scale taking
place in 2003, when a train serving the mountain tourist
destination of Ali Mountain derailed, killing 17 people and
injuring 156 others.
a collision in Miaoli County, in the island’s
northwest, killed 31 people
Apple Daily, 10-29-2018: Taiwan's train
太魯閣號 brake acting up is still running on the railway
United Daily, 10-29-2018, headline news: Taiwan president: Find
out systematic problem !
..................United Daily, 2021-4-10, editorial:
The death rate of traffic accident (8+ per day) is higher than hat of
many backward countries. Large-bus structure is problematic -
or bad
safety specification.
So many gods are hidden in the detail
!! Taiwan Transportation
should be unbiased,
e.g., In UH-60
"Black Hawk"
accident event, TTB's political incorrectness immediately was suffered military
pressure, and then be silent.
..................United Daily News 1-20-2020: The death rate caused
by traffic accidents in Taiwan is 5 times that in Japan.
..................United Daily News 6-12-2019: 42 died in the high way in
recent 2 years, do we have enough lessons?
2 days ago 3 died in <阿囉哈> bus, the government reviews the same issue again and
again ...
Japan, USA, Canada ... issued warnings to their citizen-tourists to Taiwan
◎ Foreign countries' warning messages
Bad road designs, vehicles and motorcycle all mix on the road ... Japan, the US, Canada issued warnings to their citizens again and again, be cautious of transportation safety while staying in Taiwan. ◎ Canada government also issued warning messages, like bad drivers, bad road condition, pedestrians not in orders, roads in mountains lack of maintenance, riding motorcycle is dangerous ...
Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association's warnings :( Japanese version as pic. left) as below:
Taiwan has
exclusive lane"!
No other vehicles are allowed to
drive there.
pic. from website of Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association |
台灣交通太可怕 日本美國加拿大各國早示警 |
Tourist-bus accidents again and again in Taiwan ― The United Daily (2-15-2017, front-page):
So many self-criticisms in the past never stop next tragedy !
2017 tour bus accidents
2-13-2017: "BUS CRASH HORROR!" , Taiwan's tour bus "has come under fire
in recent months over safety standards"...;
...................◆ TTV HD (14:21pm 2-14-2017), CCTV(China):
Taiwan laws in vain, lax management (administration)
makes disasters.
Apple Daily, Editorial (2-15-2017): Such
a high casualty rate most likely ranks No.1 among all civilized states in the
world, public opinions and official blames are useless at all, because they saw
right through the government, called government's bluff ...
"The most miserable
bus accident ( at least 33 dead ) in Taiwan history";
Taiwan's tour-bus problems:
Taiwan travel |
(1) Drivers overwork/overtime
― many work longer than the time-limits in the US (California
10 hrs per day) ,Euro. , Japan, Thailand, etc
Most tour-bus
top-heavy & bottom-light, unbalanced
narrow vehicle width/length
( max 2.49 m, not Euro. standard 2.55m) being assembled with imported Euro. chassis.
2016 tour bus accidents
Chinese official news (People Daily's Global Times 環球時報 7-19-2016 editorial) : Taiwan's tourism
system are flawed, how can they goof off year after
year?? tourists are gambling their lives if Taiwan still won't take any step to change
this ...
People's Daily (China) editorial
(8-4-2016): Chinese tourists not dare to visit Taiwan in the future
without safety assurance / Taiwan tour disasters are sort of
man-made disasters ,
Taiwan tourism's major problems
include loopholes in
law and regulation、careless
mistakes in administration 、or
not-good-enough system of organization, other
malpractices are traveling load-bearing capacity (旅遊承載能力)、road-traffic
safety 、aviation
safety、road maintenance 、safety
standard for tour bus、Modified
Automobiles/Fix-up tour bus、Low-end
tour groups …
traveling accidents happening again and again open
Pandora's box, too many tourist victims reveal Taiwan tourism's problems, Taiwan
authority tried to do something (亡羊補牢)
each time a tragic accident occurred, but it seemed late and same kind of
tragedies never cease.
...................● Apple Daily
(7-20-2016) : Since Taiwan opened to Chinese tourists in 2008, in total 90 Chinese tourists
died, 390 injured, 62%
dead/injury was caused by tour bus; The Guardian (UK)
7-19-2016: Taiwan tourist bus fire kills all (Chinese tourists ) on board...
Apple Daily (7-20-2016 head-page) : "The most miserable & tragic bus accident in Taiwan history";
3 major problems in tour bus:
Taiwan travel |
(1) bus structure / United
Daily (7-20-2016): Taiwan's tour bus is vulnerable because of assembling Taiwan's bus-body with
imported chassis ; Hitravel.tv (寰宇新聞二台,
7-19-2016 8:16pm): Taiwan's assembled buses are top-heavy &
unbalanced in architectures, bus becomes weak tofu while encountering traffic
accident. TVBS : Taiwan tour bus bad welding ... details ref
to http://news.tvbs.com.tw/entry/319226;
How to survive in Taiwan's bus fire:
Taiwan travel |
Apple Daily (7-20-2016): Min-Chuan Univ. professor: In Taiwan's tour bus, the
best seat is behind the driver, and avoid the last few rows.
...................● The China Times
(12-16-2015):The PRC government (State Council Office for Taiwan
Affairs) concerned and urged Taiwan to take traffic accidents
frequently happened to Chinese tourists groups seriously.
(車禍頻傳國台辦促台重視) The UDN video (2-3-2016): Chinese tourists groups traffic
accidents in HuaLien, 18 persons injured.
The China Times
suggest using small or middle sized tour bus
with carbon fiber top/roof for safety for
trips to HuaLien.
201x tour bus accidents
...................● Serious accident in 2010 - a tour bus fell into the sea in HuaLien, all tourists on board were killed. (China Times, 7-20-2016 : a horrible coincidence, the number of death in 2010's bus accident is same as that in 2016 )
● ps: Taiwan's train and high-speed train - comparatively safe.
◆ Although Rough Guides (UK, 2017) reported "High-speed trains will whizz you out of cities to steamy forests and jagged mountains", however, tourists still need to take vehicle into the mountains/forest, in most cases. Telegraph (1-25-2017) "The 50 greatest train journeys on Earth" introduced the excellent and frequently scenic railway network to visit Neiwan, for traditional Hakka cuisine, and Tainan, the Alishan (A-Li ) Mountain Railway, was built to extract logs from the forest but now provides access to a magnificent vantage point for sunrise.
3-1-2003 A-Li forest railway train accident, the biggest
ever disaster - 17 death, 205 wounded/injured。
Baidu: 4-27-2011 A-Li forest train accident again, Taiwan
media again questioned the safety of this train. Apple Daily (蘋果日報
4-28-2011): A-Li-Shan forest train (350 Chinese tourists loaded) accident caused
5 death, 107 injured/wounded.
aviation safety
...................MSN, Reuters, EuroNews, Mirro(UK), NewsWeek, CNN, etc (2-4-2015) :"Taiwan has had a
aviation safety record in recent years" , full text pls.
Taiwan's aviation
12-22-2020 :
EVA air Pilot blamed for Taiwan's first
local Covid transmission since April...
BBC 1-2-2020, CNN
1-3-2020: Taiwan army chief dead among 8 in Black Hawk helicopter crash; UDN(聯合報),1-3-2019 headline news: The most serious army-generals air
accident in army history (國軍史上最嚴重將領空難); Apple Daily (蘋果日報), 1-3-2019
headline news: High ranking generals of army dead in most serious air
accident in army history, 8 dead 5 wounded (參謀總長殉職 國軍高階將領最嚴重空難, 黑鷹載6將軍, 8死5傷)
No.1 "aviation safety in China"
(Chinese version : 中國飛安) on Bing, 2022-2-16;
pic. : the sites-group was ranked No.1 by "air accidents China" on Bing, 10-11-2019
pic. : the sites-group was ranked No.1 by "air accidents Taiwan" on Bing, 10-11-2019
pic. : Taiwan aviation safety (Chinese version "台灣飛安")ranks No.2 on Yahoo search engine, 4-9-2019
National Geographic, 1-25-2020: Apple Daily, editorial opinion, 10-11-2019: What a shame of Taiwan's
aviation safety
Recently, Taiwan airport ground
staffs made
politics out ! experts in !!
the sites group was ranked top 2 in Chinese on Yahoo Taiwan, 10-10-2019
the sites group was ranked top 3 in Chinese on Yahoo Taiwan, 10-10-2019 ~ 10-11-2019
MSN, Reuters, EuroNews, Mirro(UK), NewsWeek, CNN, etc (Feb. 4, 2015) :Taiwan has had a poor aviation safety record in recent years, including the disintegration of a China Airlines (2610.TW) 747 on a flight from Taipei to Hong Kong in 2002, killing 225. <USA Today>: "they (Asia's aviation safety) are 10 or 20 years behind ". <Fox News>: According to the International Air Transport Association - fatal crashes between 2009 and 2013 occurred Asia 18%, North America 13%, Euro 3%. Asia is less safe due to “less advanced” regulatory policies and more inexperienced pilots. |
pic: Ranking
No.1 on google by keywords "China aviation safety", "Hong Kong aviation
☉ EVA air accidents/incidents/news
(0) July 14, 2016
― Taiwan's Apple Daily (7-20-2016)
reported EVA 747-400 Seattle to TaoYuan (Taiwan) flight BR25 heavy landing
resulted in dropping a piece of ceiling and light equipments.
(1) July 24, 2013 ―
According to <The Aviation Herald> and Taiwan's Apple Daily, an EVA air (BR 28,
B777-300) from Taiwan to S.F. USA flied with abnormal height (only about half of
normal height ) so as to go around upon San Francisco airport's request/inform.
Experts worried Korean's airline crash may happen again...
(2) Sept. 13, 2012 ― An EVA air flight out of running-way in Taipei airport. (年代 evening news, etc)
(3) May 25, 2012 ― An EVA air flight in Japan cancelled taking off because of abnormal plane-body. (東森 afternoon news 18:15pm)
(4) March 25, 2012 ― Taiwan's CTV evening news (about 7:06pm 3/25/2012) reported that an EVA air from Taiwan to Shanghai returned for suspected abnormal cabin-pressure 30 minutes after taking off, this scared 357 passengers. Some passengers told CTV that they don't believe EVA's explanation ― it's because pilot pushed a wrong button. Apple Daily News(3/26/2012)reported EVA air BR-702 found some abnormal cabin-pressure signals, so dropped all Oxygen masks ( this made 364 passengers scary ), then safely returned Taiwan.
(5) Jan. 30, 2012 ― An EVA air (BR712, TaoYuan, Taiwan to Shanghai, China) was hit by a jetway (passenger bridge) in Taiwan's Taoyuan int'l airport.
(6) July 24, 2011 ―
An EVA air (BR807, MD-90, Taiwan, TaoYuan to Macau) engine smoked but don't let passengers
escape immediately, ( according to CTV evening news about 7:08pm ) CTI evening
news reported 15 passengers wounded, every passenger got NT200 (about USD6).
Apple Daily (7.25) reported every one got NT2200.
ps: It's an EVA's UNI air, but as far as I remember for
many years EVA air flies Macau, Hong Kong and int'l countries, UNI air
(low end of EVA air) was
for local trip.
(7) Dec. 30, 2010 ― An EVA air ( A330-200 BR-61, Bangkok to Vienna ) made a forced landing in Ukraine for abnormal cabin pressure. ( the Liberty Times 4/21/2012: Air Bus 330's design problem )
(8) On 9:50pm Sept. 2, 2010, an EVA air (BR701 Boeing 747-400) with 284 passengers had 3 tires blow-out ( flat-tires ) while landing Taiwan.
(9) On May 9, 2010, an EVA air A330-200 hit a jet-way in Taiwan's international airport, caused equipment's damage, no one wounded.
(10) an EVA airplane (BR 255) from Taipei, Taiwan to Indonesia on June 2008 encountered clear-air turbulence , suddenly went up 300 feet, then down 500-600 feet, passengers screamed and cried, Juice and wine made a mess of all passengers' dress, the cabin is in chaos.
The caption (pic. below) of <Apple Daily> (most popular
news in Taiwan) at June 6, 2008 stated "Passengers encountered turbulence and got
hurt, criticizing EVA air's carelessness "
(11) At April 15, 2008, an EVA air got an accident.
The caption below in <the China Times>(reported 4.17. 2008) is: "EVA air got flat-tire", " landing gear up too early, the probability of human's fault is big"
(12) Feb. 23, 2008: An EVA air (Boeing 747-400) from Taiwan to Bangkok smoked at left side of seat 64A/65A after landing. The reason is EVA did not exactly follow Boeing's warning notice about its cable installation may lead to problems at that time, and did not clean floor-rug well. (refer to the Liberty Times)
air's UNI air accidents &
incidents (Taiwan)
date |
problems |
flight routes |
May 10, 2021 |
Uni Air got a flat tire,
then returned Taipei and |
Taipei to MaJu(馬祖南竿) |
June 19, 2015 |
over heat (upto 928C) in right engine soon after taking off , MayDay (S.O.S.) 3 times, turned it off, emergent returned |
Flight B7-881 MD90, SongSan Taipei (台北)Taiwan to JinMun ( 金門) |
Feb. 7, 2011 |
left engine abnormal, emergency landing, delayed 2+ hrs. |
Flight 871 DH-8, Kaohsiung Taiwan to JinMun( 金門) |
Aug. 1, 2010 |
passengers waited 4 hours for emergency (parts problem) |
MD90 jet, Kaohsiung Taiwan to Korea |
Mar. 24, 2009 |
returned, for flat tire ( tires blow-out ) |
DH-8, Taipei to MaJu(馬祖) |
Feb. 4, 2009 |
left engine burning & smoking |
DH-8, PunHu to Tainan Taiwan |
May 9, 2007 |
braking system problem |
MD90 jet, JinMun to Taipei |
Feb. 8, 2007 |
right engine problem, emergency landing |
DH-8, Tainan Taiwan to Punhu (澎湖) |
Jan. 8, 2007 |
mechanical problem, emergency returned |
DH-8, Taipei to MaJu |
China Airlines crashes/accidents/incidents/news
(1) The China Airlines CI-611 Boeing 747-200 (Taiwan to Hong Kong) collapsed in air and crashed at May 25, 2002 for metal fatigue.
(2) The China Air caught fire and exploded after landing and taxing at Japan at Aug 20, 2007, The Japanese investigation report said at July 22 , 2008, that Boeing 737's design result in this accident, not China Air's fault.
News (Aug. 16, 2008, <Liberty Times> of Taiwan & <Asahi Daily> of Japan ) reported Boeing provides with newly design parts for all Boeing 737-800 (totally about 2700 planes ).
(3) Dec. 8, 2007: A China Airline to the US found a cabin door was not closed after taking off and then emergency returned. Taiwan's Civil Aviation Authority said this Rashomon was not a flight safety event. reported by CNA.
(4) The China Air (A340-300, C1160) got FOD (foreign object damage) while landing Seoul Korea. (Aug. 15, 2008)
ps On May 18, 2010, Taiwan's China Airlines was accused of discriminating job-seekers : this state-run company sets up a height requirement for applicants .
(5) Sept. 20, 2008 : The China Airline CI-687 encountered turbulence and caused 24 persons injury because of human's errors.
(6) Oct. 2, 2008 : The China Airline CI-641 encountered turbulence and caused 5 persons injury because the pilots did not keep safe distance with trouble area.
(7) The China Airlines CI-641's turbulence accident at Sept. 20, 2009 ( Hong Kong to Thailand ), induced by human (pilots) error (didn't keep a safety distance with cumulonimbus - c.b. ), causing 5 passengers severe injuries, 35 minor injuries.
(8) The China Airlines CI-112 (Boeing 737-800) flying from Taiwan to Japan at July 22, 2010 had an accident ( suddenly dropped about 20000 ), then returned TaoYuan int'l airport.
ps: Investigation founded at April 29, 2011 that parts and human errors etc caused this incident.
(9) A flight CI100 (A330-300) from Taiwan to Tokyo (Japan) at Nov. 4, 2010 returned Taoyuan int'l airport for abnormal engine's signals found in half way, no passengers injured, only to delay 3 hours.
(10) The China Airlines CI-100 from Taoyuan Taiwan to Tokyo at Jan. 24, 2011 returned about 30 minutes after taking off for left engine (no.1) overheat problem, some passengers said they heard "bang" noise. (CTV & 民視 evening news)
(11) CI 903 at March 19, 2011 from Taiwan to Hong Kong returned for abnormal signals (seems mechanical problem, rep. by TVBS evening news 9:34pm), the flight changed some parts after backing Taoyuan airport (rep. by the Liberty Times, Mar 20, 2011).
(12) A 747 got flat tire while landing Taoyuan airport. CTV evening news 7:05pm, Sept. 9, 2011.
(13) Feb. 15, 2012: A China Airlines CI-938 from Hong Kong to Kaohsiung Taiwan in HK airport delayed about 1.5 hour, since a flight attendant's operation error ("hand slip") led to the cabin-door escape ladder suddenly inflated and pop-up.
(14) April 2, 2012 : CI-928 from Hong Kong to Taiwan air-condition over-heat and cabin smells, news reported some passengers are unhappy about the China Airline USD50 for 4 hours delay. (Apple Daily, 4/4/2012 )
(15) April 24, 2012 : China Airlines flight CI-2201 (from Taipei) arrived at Haneda Airport, Japan around 12:55pm (local time), after passengers left, the plane sprang some white smoke ( oil blocked, lubricating oil vaporization to produce white smoke ).
(16) Aug. 12, 2012 : A China Airlines flight CI-680 skidded out of runway while landing Taoyuan airport Taiwan, and scared 293 passengers.
(17) May 19, 2013:
A China Airlines
cargo CI-5254 (Boeing 747-400F) dropped 2 parts of the wing in the US and
destroyed some American's property.
Oct. 4, 2013: China
Airlines 052 has an incident (ref to Wikipedia).
(18) April 11, 2014: A China Airlines CI-7916 (Boeing 737-800) 緬甸仰光 to Taipei smoked and emergent landing.
(19) June 10, 2014: A China Airlines CI220 damaged its tire and a light on run-way for pilot's mistake before taking off around 9 am.
(20) June 26, 2014:
A China Airlines
737-800emergency landed in
Japan's naha/Nawa (那霸)
for suspiciously
leaking gas (CTV 6.26.2014 7:05pm).
(21) 10-1-2016:
A China Airlines CI-704 from
Philippines Manila to Taiwan Taoyuan at 10-1-2016 is suspicious of plane-tail
bit scratching the run-way, a witness saw some smoke in the plane... (UDN
head-line news, 10-2-2016)
(22) 9-22-2017 :
A China Airlines
CI-075 to Rome, Italy, emergently returned Taiwan for its tire problem...
(breaking news, CTV 9-22-2017)
(23) 10-16-2018 CTV evening news :
CI-712 Manila (Philippines) to Kaohsiung (Taiwan) got a flat tire after landing.
(24) 8-9-2019: Apple Daily news (8-10-'19) : CI-278 left side
engine was sparking for 5 seconds before taking off, 156 passengers shocked.
(25) 5-14-2020: Apple Daily news (7-4-2020) A China Airlines A330 CI202 Shanghai to Taipei , experienced failure of computer landing system
☉ Mandarin Airlines, Taiwan
Feb. 26, 2015: AE-364 took emergent landing for burnt smells (suspicious air-condition problem) about 6 minutes after taking off. (CTV evening news 19:01pm)
Aug. 17, 2012: as a result of (suspected) bad weather, A flight E-190
(made in Brasil)
of Mandarin Airlines
skidded off the runway, and
broken its nose wheel while landing Makung airport (from Taipei), 104 passengers
suffered a false alarm, but fortunately no one was injured.
☉ TransAsia Airways of Taiwan FoxNews (2-5-2015): TransAsia has had 4 fatal crashes in the last 20 years...
May 6, 2016:
Apple Daily reported at 5-8-2016 that TransAsia's V Air (a
franchise subsidiary of TransAsia Airways ) from Taiwan to Japan
returned for small fire and smoke caused by passenger's cell-phone charging
Dec. 19, 2015:
CTV reported (19:08) a flight to Magong
(馬公) had engine problem while taking off.
Sept. 8, 2015: An ATR72-500 from Taipei to Magong (台北飛馬公) right-sided engine abnormally leaked and landed by left-sided engine.
Sept. 4, 2015: An ATR72-500 in Gin-Mun airport entered run-way without having confirmation-approval, narrowly escaped from a collision.
July 8, 2015: GE210 from Kaohsiung to Magong (高雄飛馬公) ATR72-600, gave up taking off for abnormal system signal. (apple daily).
June 22, 2015: A320 GE211 from PonHu (澎湖) to Kaohsiung (高雄) delayed 2.5 hours for tire overheat, 144 passengers mad. (Apple Daily June 23, 2015)
May 21, 2015: CTV evening breaking news (18:58pm) - a domestic flight (GE5042)'s engine on the left side did not work.
May 12, 2015: A TransAsia Airways plane took an emergent landing in Japan (日本新千歲機場) for (suspicious) leaking problem (TVBS HD, 13:22 pm, 5-12-2015)
Feb. 21, 2015: GE507, B22806 from Taipei to Pun-Ho got abnormal signal after taking off and then returned Taipei airport, each passenger got NT200 for this. (TVBS 18:51 pm)
Feb. 4, 2015: A TransAsia Airways (6702.TW) plane with 58 passengers and crew on board careened into a river shortly after taking off from a downtown Taipei airport on Wednesday, killing 23 people and leaving 20 missing (till 2-4-2015). crashed.
July 23, 2014: GE-222 ATR72 Kaohsiung to Pun-ho crashed, till 7/24, 48 out of 58 passengers and crews are dead.
April 21, 2014: B22816 new plane from Macau to Taipei SongShan, abnormal signal of engine no.1, changed destination and landed Kaohsiung.
April 19, 2014: B22816 new plane from Mango Thailand to Taipei SongShan, abnormal signal of engine no.1, changed destination and landed Macau.
July 1 & 2, 2013: United Daily News: according to current understanding, at 7/2/2013, a flight from Taoyuan to Okinawa, taxiways takeoff, the gate attendant inadvertently touched escape equipment, liferafts pop, resulting in flight could not take off, and delayed about one and half hour..., 7/1/2013 another flight's (Taipei to 澎湖馬公) air condition was abnormal ...
May 21, 2013 Liberty Times etc report TransAsia GE515(ATR72-212A)was in a going-into-a-stall status in addition to engine fire on 5/2/2012, according to TW aviation authority's report, the way pilot-crew did (hiding the facts e.g., return fly with one engine) was dangerous.(復興中空失火 又三次失速, 且未告知機場管制人員發動機火警和以單發動機飛航等狀況,還出現迷失進場、未設定正確航道和失速警告等狀況,民航局官員說,復興航空飛航組員的作法不但違規,而且危險。)
May 2, 2012 : GE515 ATR72 from Taipei(松山) to Penghu County(澎湖馬公)Magong returned after taking off 10 minutes for engine (no.1) fire (very unusual, one among 1~2 investigation cases about engine fire within recent 13 years in Taiwan ). (United Daily News, 5/3/2012) This is the 6th time airplane fire not caused by collision within recent 10 years, 3 among them are TransAsia ATR-72 planes ... (Liberty Times, 5/4/2012)
Mar. 20, 2012 : 8 passengers have not on board, the flight is about to leave for destination. (CTV noon TV news)
Aug. 16, 2011: B22812 - GE506 (馬公 to Taipei SongShan) abnormal signal, but informed passengers kind late, so that TV (TVBS, etc) reported some passengers are unhappy about TransAsia.
Oct. 6, 2010: B22810 Taipei SongShan to HuaLien (花蓮), abnormal signal of engine no.2, returned.
Sept. 28, 2010 : The rear part of a flight from PunHu to Kaohsiung Taiwan touched the ground while landing. (CTV evening news reported 9/28/2010)
Aug. 27, 2010 : A flight (B-22803, ATR 72) left-side tire under cockpit rolled away apart from the plane while landing Jinman from kaohsiung city in Taiwan.
Dec. 11, 2008 : A TransAsia Airways flight got serious tire problem.
Dec. 21, 2002 : A TransAsia Airways Cargo from Taiwan to Macau crashed for Taiwanese weather center's mistake.
☉ Far Eastern Airlines accident/incident/news (Taiwan)
(1) The Thailand Air and the Far-Eastern Air of Taiwan narrowly escaped from a collision accident at Nov. 16, 2006, the investigation report ( <Liberty Times> Taiwan, Aug 16, 2008) states both Thailand airport and Taiwan's pilot have responsibility.
(2) Feb. 22, 2012 : Tonlesap airlines signed a Wet Lease contract with Far Eastern airlines in July 2011, but Far Eastern stopped the contract at Feb. 22, 2012 (for Tonlesap owes far-eastern a debt of about NT3000000 ) so that the flight to Cambodia, Asia delayed about 10 hours.
(3) <Apple Daily> (April 27, 2013): A flight (5/15/2012)from Taipei to domestic remote island (馬公) had landing problem (卡在臨時跑道末端) scaring 165 passengers.
(4) <Liberty Times> (Dec. 15, 2012) & <China Times Weekly> (Dec. 14, 2012) reported there're 3 times engine-shut-off happened (100.5.15 Taipei to remote island金門, 101.7.7 Taipei to remote island馬公, 101.9.22 Kaohsiung to China海口) since Far Eastern flied again in 2011, this rate is 5.84 times worse than world average rate. ps: Far Eastern will bring a suit against some media for its "close(關車)" is not "engine-shut-off".( legal details pls. refer to Far Eastern Co. )
(5)<Apple Daily> (April 27, 2013): A flight (4/16/2013) from remote island (金門) to Taipei experienced backup equipment problem (液壓系統失效備用設備液壓棒超溫警示燈亮起).
(6)<Apple Daily>(April 27, 2013): A flight(4/25/2013) from Kaohsiung Taiwan to China (貴陽), the cockpit window seriously cracked (玻璃被冰雹擊出大面積放射狀裂痕), the pilots still kept flying and landed in China.
(7) <Liberty Times> (Jun. 17, 2014): A flight FE061 from Taipei to GinMun(金門) , failed to land and stop well by its brake system, suspiciously for weather factor, details is under investigation.
(8) Apple Daily, 4-7-2019: FE622 from TW to Japan the day before yesterday, the cabin was smoking 。
☉ Daily air accident/incident/news (Taiwan)
April 2, 2012: The pilot of flight 7301 from Ta-dong to Green island failed to pass alcohol test twice ( past the 3rd test ) and still flied to the destination, he was fired 2 days later. (Apple Daily, 4/3/2012 & 4/4/2012)
4-13-2017 : A flight to 蘭嶼 hits the fence in airport.
ps: Taiwan is still excluded from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) - which deals with flight safety, till now the end of 2010.
●● | PIC: moving coffins and flying coffin / 2010-2017 2-4-2017 tour-bus traffic accident again in Kaohsiung Taiwan - 21 tourists are injured