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◆ 1.

       See Taiwan in 5 minutes





pic.: the website-group was ranked No.1 "understand Taiwan" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-2-28, 2024-1-23, 2024-1-1, 2023-12-24, 2023-11-11, 2023-11-1, 2023-10-10, 2023-9-22, 2023-8-22, 2023-8-8, 2023-7-25, 2023-7-10, 2023-6-24,  2023-6-1, 2023-4-30, 2023-3-23, 2023-3-4, 2023-2-28, 2023-2-19, 2023-1-21, 2023-1-15, 2023-1-1, 2022-12-24, 2022-11-29, 2022-11-1, 2022-10-31, 2022-10-10, 2022-10-4, 2022-9-20, 2022-9-13, 2022-8-20, 2022-7-21, 2022-7-1, 2022-6-24, 2022-6-15, 2022-6-2, 2022-5-25, 2022-5-14, 2022-4-30, 2022-4-21, 2022-4-9, 2022-3-25, 2022-3-20, 2022-2-22, 2022-2-14, 2022-1-29, 2022-1-4, 2021-12-27, 2021-12-10, 2021-12-4, 2021-11-10, 2021-10-28, 2021-10-22,  2021-10-8,  2021-6-16,  2021-6-2





pic.: The websites group was ranked No.1 "understand Taiwan" on Microsoft Bing, 2024-2-28, 2024-1-23, 2024-1-1, 2023-12-24, 2023-11-11, 2023-11-1, 2023-10-10, 2023-9-22, 2023-8-22, 2023-8-8, 2023-7-25, 2023-7-10, 2023-6-24, 2023-4-30, 2023-3-4, 2023-2-28, 2023-2-19, 2023-1-22, 2023-1-15, 2023-1-1, 2022-12-24, 2022-11-29, 2022-11-1, 2022-10-10, 2022-10-4,  2022-9-20, 2022-9-13, 2022-7-21, 2022-6-15, 2022-6-2, 2022-5-25, 2022-5-14, 2022-4-30, 2022-4-21, 2022-4-9, 2022-3-25, 2022-3-20, 2022-2-22, 2022-2-14, 2022-1-29, 2022-1-4, 2021-12-27, 2021-12-10, 2021-12-4, 2021-11-10, 2021-10-28, 2021-10-25, 2021-10-22,  2021-10-8, 2021-10-5, 2021-9-30, 2021-8-22,  2021-6-30, 2021-6-16, 2021-6-2, 2021-5-15,  2021-4-17, 3-5-2021, 2-12-2021, 1-20-2021, 1-1-2021, 11-29-2020, 10-10-2020,  8-5-20208-17-2020, 6-21-2020, 5-13-2020, 4-3-2020, 2-26-2020, 2-5-2020, 12-31-2019, 12-10-2019; No.2 "understand Taiwan" on Bing, 2022-8-21







Taiwan's chips   vs.   Trump's new tariffs

◆  New York Times, 2025-2-13 Taiwan is adjusting to a shift in its relationship with the United States, its primary backer — one that does not focus on shared democratic ideals, and that is more uncertain and transactional. Taiwanese officials have traveled to Washington to float energy deals and defend the island's semiconductors.
◆  Bloomberg, 2025-2-15 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. is considering taking a controlling stake in Intel Corp.'s factories at the request of Trump administration officials, as the president looks to boost American manufacturing and maintain US leadership in critical technologies.
◆  Washington Post, 2025-1-28 the vast majority of chip production happens overseas, particularly in Taiwan  ── Trump said he wanted the manufacturers of semiconductors and chips — which are used in many high-end consumer electronics and sophisticated AI-powered technology and research — to open factories in the United States and would use the threat of high taxes and tariffs to force them to relocate.
◆  Politico (EU), 2025-1-30 Trump threatened to impose tariffs of up to 100 percent on Taiwanese semiconductor imports in a bid to “return production of these essential goods to the United States of America.” Taipei will convene “emergency discussions” to determine countermeasures...
◆  Reuters, 2025-1-28 Taiwan Economy Minister said he only expected a small impact from any tariffs imposed by Trump on semiconductor exports given their technological superiority.

In another potential challenge for Taiwan, Trump last week directed federal agencies to investigate persistent U.S. trade deficits and unfair trade practices and alleged currency manipulation by other countries

◆   Business Insider, 2025-1-28 US tariffs on Taiwan's semiconductors could result in a steep increase in costs to Nvidia and other significant customers, such as Apple and AMD. Chip manufacturing efforts in the US are less developed and more expensive than those in Taiwan.   the US's chip manufacturing sector could take years to develop the same capacity as Taiwan's.
◆  CNN, 2024-12-15 Trump's remarks have prompted jitters that Taiwan would need to move more of its critical chip supply chain to the US at a faster pace, that could affect the island's economic security and dismantle the very “silicon shield”  ...



Taiwan Travel & Tourism

◆    CNN , 2024-11-14 Taiwan boasts 10 national parks and 19 national forest recreation areas covering a wide range of terrain;  More than 260 peaks over 3,000 meters (9,800 feet), hiking trails blazed by Indigenous people thousands of years ago, for outdoor adventure and wellness fansmsn.com/en-us/travel/tripideas/taiwan-is-fast-becoming-a-top-destination-for-outdoor-adventure-and-wellness-fans-it-s-easy-to-see-why/ar-AA1u7c09?ocid=BingNewsVerp
◆    New York Times , 2023-1-12 In the Times Travel section's 52 places to go in 2023, Taipei ranks No. 36, other Asia's selections include No.2 Morioka Japan, No. 5 Auckland NZ,  7 kangaroo island Australia, 12 Bhutan,  13 Kerala India,  19 Fukuoka Japan,  20  Flores Indonesia,  25 Ha Giang Vietnam,  27 U-K Tjuta National Park, Australia nytimes.com/interactive/2023/travel/52-places-travel-2023.html?campaign_id=7&emc=edit_mbae_20230113&instance_id=82548&nl=morning-briefing%3A-asia-pacific-edition&regi_id=93861781&segment_id=122347&te=1&user_id=4a9594d616730fc2c1567d65a316b5f1
◆   Daily Telegraph, 2024-9-14 Taiwan has historically been a rare stop on the tourist trail– its appeal long limited by an association with geopolitical tension telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/asia/taiwan/taiwan-deserves-place-on-your-wish-list/
◆    CNN , 2022-12-6 Taiwan's 'living hell' traffic is a tourism problem.  Taiwan is notorious for its dangerous roads. Multiple countries, including Australia, Canada, Japan and the US, have specifically called out Taiwan's road conditions.
◆   STATISTA: Leading countries in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI), 2021-2-4 Taiwan ranks No.13 in Asia.  No.1 Japan, No.2 Australia, No.3 China, No.4 Korea Rep., No.5 Hong Kong, No.6 Singapore, No.7 New Zealand, No.8 Malaysia, No.9 Thailand , No.10 UAE, No.11 India, No.12 Indonesia



Taiwan's military - in the stage of infancy

Washington Times , 2024-12-27 visible signs of societal and governmental preparedness are lacking.  Unlike Israel, where civil and military readiness is a national ethos, Taiwan appears complacent, Taiwan must cultivate a culture of national defense akin to Israel's
National Interest , 2024-7-30 On top of that, Taiwan does not have a strong draft...  whether Taiwan is serious about resisting a Chinese invasion or even if it takes such threats seriously.  Taiwan's politicians likely realize better than Washington that Taiwanese voters may not be as inclined to make the kind of heavy sacrifices that are necessary to defend their freedom as the Ukrainians, Israelis, Finns, or Swiss.
Economist (UK), 2024-9-5 polls suggest Taiwanese will to resist rests on whether Taiwanese think America will defend them.  Taiwan can do much to strengthen its defences but, alas, it can do little to influence American politics
Financial Times (UK), 2024-7-21 “People don't realise the stage of infancy the military is in". 
◆  National Interest (2023-7-16) Taiwanese President   announced  a plan to extend the compulsory conscription program but received  backlash  from younger Taiwanese.  Roll Call (2022-9-28):  Most people do not want to join the military...



Taiwan's surface-level democracy

◆    Country Reports (USA) on Human Rights Practices , 2024-4-22  In the most recent presidential and legislative elections,  there were allegations of vote buying by candidates and supporters of both major political parties.
◆   WSWS.org, 2025-1-6 TPP (2nd largest opposition) chair & founder Ko:  “Does Taiwan have democracy?”─  "Taiwanese politics was dominated by corporations and political parties".
◆ Denmark's Democracy Perception Index 2021 ( DPI ) democracy in Taiwan was threatened by US: 58%, Russia: 20%,China : 65%, Foreign election interference -  agree 55%, unfair elections and/or election fraud - Agree 46%.
N.Y. Times, 12-1-2019 the soft underbelly of Taiwanese politics: patronage networks.  They continue to allow community leaders, farmers’ associations and even organized-crime figures to buy votes
◆    National Interest, 2022-7-9 Taiwan is a young democratic country that is vulnerable to demagoguery by politicians trying to win elections ...
◆   New York Times, 6-28-2020  Taiwan’s democracy is boisterous with fights and protests a common occurrence inside the parliament building...
Global Times, 2022-8-11: under the guise of "democracy", the DPP authorities are practicing "green terror". 



   Lowy Institute Asia Power Index

  Taiwan China Japan Korea Singapore
Comprehensive Power No.14 15.2 points 2nd 3rd 7th 8th
Economic capability 8th, 13.0 2nd  87.0 3rd   5th 6th
Military Capability 11th, 21.7 2nd   68.1 6th   27.4 5th 9th
Resilience 18th, 24.7 3rd   70.4 11th  10th 14th
Future Resources 12th, 6.5 2nd   72.9 5th 7th 11th
Diplomatic Influence  22th , 19.4 1st    91.5 3rd 6th 10th
Economic Relationships 12th, 11.1 1st   98.3 3rd 5th 4th
Cultural Influence 13th, 12.6 2nd   47.4 3rd 7th 9th
Defense Networks 16th, 11.8 7th    23.7 3rd 4th 5th
Asia's Comprehensive Power rankings:  1.US 2.Chn 3.Japan 4.India 5. Rus 6. Aus 7. S. Korea 8. Singapore 9.Indonesia
10.Thailand  11.Malaysia 12. Vietnam 13. NZ 14. Taiwan (ROC)
power.lowyinstitute.org/countries/taiwan/     2023 Edition



Comparison -
The number of best universities of Asian countries in world best indexes

index world ranks China Singapore Japan H K Australia S. Korea Taiwan  
Nature 1-100 37 2 3 1   2    
US News 1-100 4 2 1 4 8      
QS 1-25 2 2 1 1 3 1    
25-60 3   1 2 3 1    
60-100     2 2 3 3 1  
CWUR 1-100 6 1 3   2 1    
Times 1-70 6 2 2 3 5 1    
70-100 1     2 1 2    
Mar. 17, 2024    total 59 9 13 15 25 11 1  
National Taiwan University (NTU) has been ranked the 172nd-best university in the world in the 2025 Times Higher Education (THE) rankings, down 20 spots from 2024.

☉  Nature /  after No.100 - Taiwan (NTU 台灣大學) ranks 208, behind Hong Kong (103. City U HK  108 Chinese U. HK   122. HKUST    207.  HK Poly.), Australia (no. 112, 113, 134, 148), Israel (no. 86, 140, 176, 196), Saudi Arabia (145.  KAUST),  India (149 India U., 189.   India Institute of Science) etc

☉  QS / Taiwan (NTU ranks no. 69) is behind Malaysia (no. 65 U. Malaya)
☉  CWUR / Taiwan (NTU no. 102) is behind Israel (no. 70, 87)



Taiwan's economy - compared with Asian countries

Hong Kong


Median wealth per adult (Credit Suisse, Research Institute, 2023 ) US$ 202,410 (world No.3) US$ 108,250
Mean wealth per adult (Credit Suisse, Research Institute, 2023 ) US$ 551,190 US$ 273,790
The average salary (Morgan McKinley, Business Insider, 2023) HK$ 36,583 (about TWD147,204) TWD 48,032 (plus overtime etc TWD 57,045) - storm.mg/lifestyle/4851897
Median salary (UDN, 2023-12-14) about TWD 84,000 about TWD 43,000
Market Capitalization  (UDN, 2023-12-14) more than double of Taiwan's about USD 1.7 trillion
At the end of 2022, Taiwan's per capita GDP amounted to $32,756 while Singapore's was $82,808, Japan and South Korea were at $33,815 and $32,255, respectively, according to the World Bank.



World's Best Smart Hospitals 2025
by Newsweek

Asia's rank


number of top 100  hospitals

1 S. Korea 6 (No. 18, 60, 65, 94, 96,98)
2 Singapore 4 (No.22, 30, 45, 77)
3 Japan 3 (No. 23, 57, 85)
4 Israel 1 (No.10)
5 India 1 (No. 39)
6 Taiwan 1 (No.99)



World's Best Smart Hospitals 2024 by Newsweek, Statista

comparison among Asian countries

Country/Ranks No.1~100 No.101~200 No.201~250 Total
Japan 7 5 3 15
S. Korea 6 6 5 17
Israel 2 1   3
Singapore 2 4   6
Australia 2 4   6
India   2 1 3
Thailand   1   1
UAE   1   1
Malaysia     2 2
Taiwan 台灣     1 1
Saudi Arabia     1 1
Total 19 24 13 56
China, HK not included in survey
in total, 11 Asian countries are
under survey




  Pew Research Center , 2021-11-18  "Where People find Meaning in Life ? "

country Family Material well-being occupation
Australia 56% 22% 29%
NZ 55 19 29
Greece 54 13 25
US 49 18 17
UK 46 12 20
Sweden 45 22 37
Canada 42 22 26
Singapore 29 22 25
Japan 26 16 15
S. Korea 16 19 6
Taiwan 15% 19% 9%




    World's most livable cities  ... include Taiwan's ?    top ranking list of the world's most livable cities

world best surveys Taiwan's rankings
in top list
comparison with
other Asia & Pacific countries
EIU's Global Liveability Ranking 2022 No. 53 1. Vienna 2. Copenhagen 3. Zurich 4. Calgary 5. Vancouver 6. Geneva 7. Frankfurt 8. Toronto 9. Amsterdam 10. Osaka
The World's Best Cities to Live In 2022 failed top 10 1. London, 2. Tokyo, 3. Shanghai, 4. Singapore, 5. Melbourne, 6. Sydney, 7. Paris, 8. Beijing, 9. NY, 10. Amsterdam
Economist, 2025-1-30 In Taipei, median house prices are 16 times the median income, one of the highest such ratios globally.




Trump's defense policy on Taiwan

◆   Politico (EU), 2025-1-30 Trump said the island should pay the U.S. for protection from China and suggested that trying to defend the island would be futile.
◆  Voice of America,  2024-12-26 Taiwan seeks clarity on Trump team policy amid Chinese pressure.
There is still quite a bit of resistance not only within the security apparatus and armed forces, which don't like the idea of involving citizens in defense, the opposition parties have also sought to derail [relevant] plans and fundingsWhat may come next depends on Taiwan's actions and Beijing's assessment of Trump's policies toward the island after he takes office.
◆    New York Post, 2025-1-23 Trump says he can strike deals that would keep China out of Taiwan. “We have a pot of gold.”,“We have one very big power over China and that's tariffs”.
◆  Insider,   2024-12-26 Trump's next undersecretary of defense policy, Elbridge Colby, once called for the destruction of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's chip plants if China takes over Taiwan.  In Feb., Colby said "disabling or destroying TSMC is table stakes" if China invades Taiwan.   The US and its allies can't afford to allow China to "have such dominance over global semiconductors," he wrote in 2023.




The US defends Taiwan ?

The Australian, 2024-6-4 ‘It depends’: Biden wavers on Taiwan defence
TIME, 2024-6-4 Asked by Time magazine whether The US might involve boots on the ground, US President Joe Biden said, "It would depend on the circumstances""we are not seeking independence for Taiwan nor will we in fact, not defend Taiwan if they if, if China unilaterally tries to change the status...Not ruling out using US military force. There's a distinction between deploying on the ground, air power and naval power, etc"


The Hill, 2023-9-26

During a Tokyo interview alongside Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Biden repeated his statement on defending Taiwan: “That’s the commitment we made.” But, when asked whether “the policy of strategic ambiguity towards Taiwan [is] dead,” he replied “No.”
  National Review, 2023-9-19 It's noteworthy that Biden declined to say a single word about Taiwan in his U.N. speech came a day after the Chinese Communist Party's armed forces sent 103 jets into Taiwan’s air-defense identification zone — which is a new record that surpasses even the Chinese tantrum that followed then–House speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.




Taiwan has a Trump problem

The Atlantics, 2024-10-25 The shortcomings of Taiwan's military lend some validity to Trump's complaint that America's allies don't pay enough for their own defense and dump too much of the responsibility onto the United States—a burden that a second Trump administration might not be committed to bear.
New York Times, 2024-10-26 Mr. Trump criticized Taiwan, saying that “they stole our chip business”,“They want us to protect, ... They don't pay us money for the protection... The mob makes you pay money, right?”America's heavy reliance on Taiwan's semiconductors has been a growing source of concern among U.S. officials, given China's ongoing threats to invade the self-governing island.




Taiwan Prepares for Trump's Return.

◆    CNN,   2024-12-15 one thing's for sure: Trump is a less vocal supporter of Taiwan than Joe Biden. That's why Taiwan is buckling up for what could be a far more volatile relationship with Washington.  Trump's remarks have prompted jitters that Taiwan would need to move more of its critical chip supply chain to the US at a faster pace, that could affect the island's economic security and dismantle the very “silicon shield”  ...
◆    New York Times,   2024-11-24 Taiwan is ready to defend democracy. Is Trump?  Maybe he will strike some sort of bargain with Taiwan. But whatever Taiwan can offer him, Beijing can easily top.  More and more, there are those in Taiwan who say we are an “abandoned chess piece,” no longer valued by the United States.  China amplifies these fears...
◆   Wall Street Journal 2024-11-18 Some in Taiwan say its survival as a self-ruled democracy is at stake, that it can't afford to spend what Trump demands on defense and that it would wither in the crossfire of a U.S.-China trade war.
 Taiwan's military spending is currently at 2.45% of GDP—a lower share than Singapore's 2.8% and South Korea's 2.7%;  In Washington, the percent of GDP is really seen as a proxy for your seriousness.
◆   New York Times 2024-11-10 Taiwan's leading chip makers may face demands from the Trump administration to locate more production in the United StatesTaiwan has already been raising its military spending, partly under pressure from Washington. But Mr. Trump has said that Taiwan should raise military spending to 10 percent of its gross domestic product (from about 2.6 percent).  Sharply increasing military spending could be politically difficult for Taiwan's presidentBeijing, for its part, appears poised to exploit any signs of discord between Washington and Taipei.
◆   Fox News 2024-11-10 Trump's public comments might suggest that he would not be willing to put boots on the ground to face another global superpower in defense of a tiny island democracy (Taiwan).   there is hope among restraint groups that Trump will be focused on economic warfare with China – rather than military.   "We don't have that alliance with Taiwan, ... the Taiwan issue is a powder keg — it's exceedingly dangerous. "
◆   New York Times 2024-11-6 Some diplomats in Asia expect China to intensify pressure on Taiwan, if not invade the self-governing island it claims as its territory; and China may calculate that Mr. Trump would not go to war for a democracy that he has accused of “stealing” the microchip industry from the United States.  “With Donald Trump, there are large amounts of uncertainty,” said Lev Nachman, a political scientist,  “And it's a matter of uncertainty that comes with great risk for Taiwan.”




The websites group was ranked No.1 "understand Taiwan" on  ecosia (Germany), 2024-2-28, 2024-1-23, 2024-1-1, 2023-12-24, 2023-11-1, 2023-10-10, 2023-9-22, 2023-8-22, 2023-8-8, 2023-7-25, 2023-7-10, 2023-4-30, 2023-3-23, 2023-2-19, 2023-1-22, 2022-12-24, 2022-11-29, 2022-11-1, 2022-8-20, 2022-7-21, 2022-7-1, 2022-4-30, 2022-4-21, 2022-4-9, 2022-3-25, 2022-3-20, 2022-2-22, 2022-2-14, 2022-1-29, 2022-1-4, 2021-12-25, 2021-12-4, 2021-11-10, 2021-10-28, 2021-10-22,  2021-10-8, 2021-10-5, 2021-9-30, 2021-8-22, 2021-6-16, 2021-6-2, 2021-5-13, 2021-4-17, 3-3-2021, 2-12-2021, 11-17-2020, 8-17-2020;  No.2 "understand Taiwan" on Ecosia, 2023-3-4,  2023-1-1, 2022-10-10, 2022-10-4, 2022-9-20;
No.1 "understand Taiwan" on Yahoo Taiwan,  2023-8-8, 2021-9-30, 2021-8-22, 2021-6-16,
2021-5-13, 2021-4-17, 3-3-2021, 2-12-2021, 1-20-2021, 11-17-2020, 8-17-2020

The websites group was ranked  No.1 "understand Taiwan" on Swisscows (Switzerland), 2024-2-28, 2024-1-23, 2024-1-1, 2023-12-24, 2023-11-1, 2023-8-8, 2023-7-10, 2023-6-22, 2021-12-4, 2021-11-10, 2021-10-28, 2021-8-22, 2021-6-16, 2021-6-2, 2021-5-13, 2021-4-17,  3-3-2021, 2-12-2021, 11-17-2020, 8-17-2020, 6-21-2020; No.2 at 2023-7-25




Council on Foreign Relations, 2023-8-29   China VS. Taiwan

  China Taiwan
active duty forces 2,035,000 170,000
artillery 9,800 1,200
principle surface combatants 139 57
fighter jets 1900 300
bombers and attack aircraft 450 0
submarines 71 2



   What would be the signs that a PLA invasion is in the planning ?

Economist, 2023-7-27: China would want to secure adequate supplies of commodities, namely energy ( coal, gas, oil - one of the best indicators ), food and metals (unusual metal-buying patterns,  export controls on rare-earth metals  ) and to reduce the country's dependence on the dollar. China might move its foreign-exchange reserves out of dollars and euros and into assets such as gold,  and probably tighten its capital controls, they also might freeze all foreign funds in China, etc   economist.com/china/2023/07/27/could-economic-indicators-signal-chinas-intent-to-go-to-war
National Interest , 2022-11-21:  there would be reliable indications, including surging production of various missiles, rockets, and key munitions, China would take visible steps to insulate its economy, military, and key industries from disruptions and sanctions and would start preparing the population psychologically for the cost of the war....
They might take a strategic advantage, such as by catching the rest of the world off-guard, capitalizing on the chaos and distraction in other countries.  nationalinterest.org/feature/china’s-new-politburo-has-taiwan-its-crosshairs-205909
Japan Times, 2022-10-18: some of indications could be a mix of both short- and long-term economic steps to try and insulate the Chinese economy from external vulnerabilities and to minimize China's dependency on the world while maximizing the world's dependency on China.       Short-term economic indicators are more likely to signal Beijing’s intent. These could include a number of abrupt steps such as freezing foreign financial assets within China, quickly repatriating Chinese assets held abroad, a surge in stockpiling emergency supplies such as medicine or key technology inputs and a suspension of key exports such as critical minerals, refined petroleum products or food. japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/10/18/asia-pacific/signs-china-invasion-taiwan/




The websites group was ranked No.1 "understand Taiwan" on Lycos, 2023-9-22, 2023-8-21, 2023-8-8, 2023-7-25, 2023-7-10, 2023-4-30, 2023-3-23, 2023-1-22, 2023-1-15, 2023-1-1, 2022-12-24, 2022-11-29, 2022-11-1, 2022-10-10,2022-10-4, 2022-1-28, 2021-10-8,  2021-9-29, 2021-8-22, 2021-6-16, 2021-6-2, 2021-5-13, 2021-4-17, 3-3-2021, 2-12-2021, 1-20-2021, 11-17-2020, 8-17-2020, 5-13-2020; ps:  No.1 "understand Taiwan" on SearchEncrypt, 2023-1-22, 2022-10-10; No.1 "understand Taiwan" on Excite, 2021-10-8, 2021-8-22, 2021-6-16, 2021-6-2,  2021-5-13, 2021-4-17, 2-12-2021, 1-20-2021, 11-17-2020, 8-17-2020, 05-13-2020





National Interest, 2023-7-16    -   Willing to fight ?

China Taiwan
a study conducted by Adam Y. Liu and Xiaojun Li, 55 percent of the respondents supported “launching a unification war ” while 33 percent opposed it ...  another online survey in ThinkChina and Taiwan Inside, 53.1 percent supported armed unification with Taiwan, while 39.19 percent opposed it among Chinese elites.  Instead of making a commitment to defend their territory, most Taiwanese people have a huge hope to rely on external support, particularly from the United States... extension of the compulsory conscription program received backlash from younger Taiwanese.


Taiwan war  -   ready to fight ?
Taiwan China
 Wall Street Journal, 2023-7-5:  Taiwan is far from ready, Taiwan's military budget is still only 2.4% of the GDP—compared with about 5% in Israel.  The professionalism and motivation of Taiwan's military are a particular concern. A lot of young people who signed up for the four-year volunteer force decided to pay a penalty and dropped out early because they say they had come for the money—not to fight and not to die   wsj.com/articles/taiwan-china-ukraine-russia-hong-kong-military-war-517b87d?siteid=yhoof2&yptr=yahoo    Yaroslav Trofimov    Joyu Wang Sky News Australia, 2023-7-8:  Xi calls for 'enhanced war planning'


WION 2023-7-7:  Xi says the PLA must dare to fight. Beijing has ramped up political and military pressure on Taipeimsn.com/en-in/video/watch/dare-to-fight-chinas-president-inspects-forces-in-flashpoint-region-near-taiwan-details/vi-AA1dxGfN



TaiwanPlus, 2023-3-6: A poll

Voice of America, 2022-11-23:  "black gold"-"heijin." Corruption in Local Politics (elections)









pic.: No.1  "understand Taiwan" on Yahoo Taiwan, 2023-4-30; No.1  "understand Taiwan" on US Yahoo search engine, 2022-4-9, 2022-1-4, 2021-12-27, 2021-12-10, 2021-12-4, 2021-11-20, 2021-11-10, 2021-10-27; No.2 or top "understanding Taiwan" on US Yahoo search engine, 2022-3-20, 2021-12-27

pic.: The sites-group was ranked No.1 by "understand Taiwan" on MetaGER of Europe, 2022-11-29, 2022-10-10, 2022-10-4, 2021-10-8, 2021-9-29, 2021-8-22, 2021-6-16, 5-13-2020,  4-3-2020, 2-5-2020, 12-31-2019, 12-10-2019, No.2 at 2023-4-30, 2021-5-13, 2021-4-18, 3-3-2021, 2-13-2021




Chinese Communist Party Congress  

CNBC, 2022-10-18 Political watchers say the (CCP Congress) speech showed that Xi is not be keen to take Taiwan by force
NY Times, 2022-10-16 China is still exerting what Xi also uses in the speech — ‘strategic patience'
LA Times, 2022-10-16 Chinese Communist Party Congress affords another step for Xi Jinping's consolidation of power








Can "silicon shield"
protect Taiwan?

New York Times, 2022-9-9 Taiwan is protected by something far more subtle —The "silicon shield"...If it is clear that China will be better off with a steady flow of chips from Taiwan, peace is likely to prevail
New York Times, 2022-8-29 Analysts debate how much protection China's reliance on Taiwan gives it.  Some argue that calculations over supply chains are insignificant in a decision over war.
 National Interest, 2022-5-15 Taiwan's “silicon shield”—the name for a strategy that entrusts the island's defense to both Chinese and American reliance on its semiconductors—is an outmoded concept that burdens the United States, emboldens Taiwan, and fails to deter China
VOA News, 2021-5-10 Song Hong, assistant general director at the Institute of World Economics and Politics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences  shrugged off the geopolitical implications of Taiwan’s silicon shield, saying that China views Taiwanese issues as domestic affairs and will not be deterred from its goals by U.S. action
Fox News, 2022-8-26  Why would the U.S. fight China over Taiwan, Trade is the key reason and the aforementioned importance of semiconductor production is the glue
New York Times, 2022-1-25 75 percent of production takes place in East Asia.  Ninety percent of the most advanced chips are made in Taiwan...China could use economic coercion, cyberoperations and hybrid tactics to try to seize or harm Taiwan's semiconductor industry — Biden promised he would work to bring production of semiconductor chips back to the United States.  nytimes.com/2022/01/26/us/politics/computer-chip-shortage-taiwan.html
 CBS News, 2022-9-25 Blinken said. "[Which is] one of the reasons we're now investing so heavily in our own capacity to produce semiconductors here in the United States. We designed them, but the actual production is done in a handful of places, and Taiwan produces most of them… The effects that that would have on the global economy would be devastating."

Taiwan dominates the global production of computer chips /

BBC, 2022-1-12, source: The Military Balnce, IISS 2021

Taiwan S. Korea China Other
65% 18% 5% 12%






 China published a white paper titled
"The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era"

GT, 2022-8-10 the wellbeing of the people in Taiwan hinges on the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation... it will create huge opportunities for social and economic development in Taiwan and bring tangible benefits to the people of Taiwanglobaltimes.cn/page/202208/1272637.shtml
NY Times, 2022-8-15  The 2000 paper said nine times that negotiations between Taiwan and China to determine that framework would be conducted on “equal footing,” or other similar language. But that pledge appeared only once in the new paper    nytimes.com/2022/08/15/world/asia/china-taiwan-us.html
 Reuters, 2022-8-10 A line in the 2000 white paper that said "anything can be negotiated" as long as Taiwan accepts that there is only one China and does not seek independence, is missing from the latest white paper.  reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/china-withdraws-promise-not-send-troops-taiwan-after-unification-2022-08-10/
Forbes, Reuters, 2022-8-10 ...in two previous white papers on Taiwan, in 1993 and 2000, that it "will not send troops or administrative personnel to be based in Taiwan" after achieving unification ... is missing from the latest white paper.
ABC news , Australia,
China says there are "profound historical and cultural ties" with Taiwan..."Its economy is highly complementary with that of the mainland."...Taiwanese citizens who would "enjoy a high degree of autonomy as a special administrative region".   msn.com/en-au/news/australia/why-does-china-want-taiwan-when-its-already-so-big-and-rich-the-answer-is-about-more-than-land-and-money/ar-AA10z5KJ
 NBC, 2022-8-10 ... reiterated its desire for “peaceful reunification.” But it did not rule out the use of force as a “last resort taken under compelling circumstances,” without specifying what those circumstances might be   nbcnews.com/news/world/is-taiwan-worried-china-threat-invasion-pelosi-visit-rcna41964
United Daily (聯合報), 2022-8-11 這是更為強硬的表態,除了對內部十四億人有所交代,也對國際社會明確堅定表達北京看法,同時也想加大對台軟、硬兩手力度 udn.com/news/story/10930/6528208?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub10930_pulldownmenu_v2
China Daily,
The white paper received a warm response and wide support from Chinese people at home and abroad, and the DPP authorities' misinterpretation cannot deny that "one country, two systems" is a peaceful, democratic, good-faith and win-win solution   chinadaily.com.cn/a/202208/12/WS62f58be5a310fd2b29e71b7a.html
full text:  https://www.scio.gov.cn/zfbps/32832/Document/1728489/1728489.htm



pic.: No.1 "understand Taiwan" on US Google, 2022-5-25, 2022-5-14, 2022-4-29, 2022-4-9, 2022-2-15, 2022-1-29, 2021-11-20, 2021-8-22, 2021-8-5, 2021-6-30, 2021-6-16, 2021-4-17; No.2 at 2022-4-21, 2022-3-25, 2022-2-22, 2022-2-15



No guarantee that U.S. military will hold the same view as Biden to defend Taiwan

♣ Foreign Policy, Politico, 2022-10-2: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin declined to directly endorse President Joe Biden’s statement that the U.S. military would defend Taiwan   politico.com/news/2022/10/02/lloyd-austin-china-taiwan-biden-00059922
The Hill, 2022-10-3: US defense chief sidesteps questions on Biden’s pledge to defend Taiwan news.yahoo.com/us-defense-chief-sidesteps-questions-200504858.html
VICE, 2022-9-28:  no guarantee that the next U.S. president will hold the same view as Biden, given the lack of a formal commitment by the U.S. military to intervene in the event of an attack by the PLA  vice.com/en/article/m7gp7v/taiwan-defense-china-invasion-conscripts




Contrast    Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1995/96 and 2022

New York Times, 2022-8-5 the U.S. military had ordered the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan to “remain on station” in the region but some distance from the entrance to the Taiwan Strait.... during a crisis in 1996, when President Bill Clinton moved aircraft carriers closer to the strait.  (PS: and conducted large scale drills  zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-hant/台灣海峽飛彈危機 ) nytimes.com/2022/08/04/world/asia/taiwan-china-military-drills.html
New York Times, 2022-8-4 ... failing to move more naval forces into the region, the United States would be perceived by Mr. Xi as less committed to the region than Mr. Clinton was a quarter century ago.
United Daily (Taiwan) , 2022-8-5 The drill has been conducted under US tacit permission, which shakes the policy of peaceful resolution...  udn.com/news/story/11091/6515486?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2
  USA Today, 2022-8-6 National Security Council:U.S. would postpone intercontinental ballistic missile test scheduled... reducing the risks of miscalculation and misperception news.yahoo.com/china-halts-climate-military-ties-152347684.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
   Global Times (China), 2022-8-5 the US Navy's Ronald Reagan carrier strike group retreated hundreds of kilometers eastward overnight, after the PLA announced live-fire exercise zones east of the island






US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12 : In 2020 presidential and legislative elections, President Tsai Ing-wen won re-election,...there were allegations of vote buying by candidates and supporters of both major political parties. 

N.Y. Times, 12-1-2019: the soft underbelly of Taiwanese politics: patronage networks. 
They continue to allow
community leaders, farmers’ associations and even
 organized-crime figures to buy votes
( NY Times, opinion :
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/01/opinion/china-taiwan-election.html ).







Transparency International, Germany /  Global Corruption Barometer, released in 2022 -
comparisons among main Asian countries


people who think
 is a big problem
public service
 paid a bribe
in the previous
 12 months
utilities police gov.
in previous
Taiwan 90% 17% 9% 28% 67% 19% 20% 15% 38%
Japan 84 2 2 4 10 7 26 6 36
Malaysia 71 13 5 11 30 28 16 12 20
China 62 28 26 17 16 18 18 13 39
S Korea 55 10 6 14 8 26 42 24 17



WEF (World Economic Forum) , May 2022
world Travel and Tourism Development Index

world rank Asia's rank economies/countries score (global average : 4.0)
1 1 Japan 5.2
2 2 USA 5.2
7 3 Australia 5.0
9 4 Singapore 5.0
12 5 China 4.9
15 6 S. Korea 4.8
19 7 Hong Kong 4.6
25 8 UAE 4.5
27 9 New Zealand 4.5
32 10 Indonesia 4.4
33 11 Saudi Arabia 4.3
36 12 Thailand 4.3
38 13 Malaysia 4.3
43 14 Qatar 4.3
52 15 Vietnam 4.1
54 16 India 4.1
74 17 Sri Lanka 3.7
75 18 Philippines 3.7
84 19 Mongolia 3.6
n/a n/a Taiwan n/a




Taiwan's travel & tourism - 13th in Asia

STATISTA: Leading countries in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI)



Asia Rank



world Rank

1 Japan 5.4 4
2 Australia 5.1 7
3 China 4.9 13
4 Korea Rep. 4.8 15
5 Hong Kong 4.8 16
6 Singapore 4.8 17
7 New Zealand 4.7 18
8 Malaysia 4.5 25
9 Thailand 4.5 29
10 UAE 4.4 33
11 India 4.4 34
12 Indonesia 4.3 36
13 Taiwan 4.3 37



Taiwan's travel & tourism  - 10th in Asia


World Economic Forum (WEF)  <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> released at 9-4-2019 shows Taiwan had the sub-region's largest decline in competitiveness from 30th down to 37th.    Taiwan ranks No.10 among Asian countries.   for details : click tourism

WEF travel & tourism category Taiwan's rankings
and/or score
prioritization of travel and tourism   No75  Singapore No.6 ,  Hong Kong No. 11
Natural & cultural resources No.58  score 2.6 China  No.1, score 6.0 , France No.2,  5.0,  Spain  No.3, 5.7,   Japan No.7, 5.3,   Indonesia No.18,  Thailand No.21,  Korea No.24,  Vietnam No.26,  Malaysia No.31,  HK No.40,  Philippines No.46,  Sri Lanka No.52,  Nepal No.56
Natural resources  No. 87 Hong Kong No. 42, Singapore No.120
cultural resources & business travel No. 36  score 2.6 China No1, score 7.0
price competitiveness No. 78 China 5.7
Health & Hygiene  No.43,  score 6 score worse than Korea, Japan, Mongolia
international openness No. 60 only better than China, Mongolia
Safety & security No. 26 human resource & labor market: Taiwan No.18
 ps: Compared to the report of 2017,  Taiwan significantly tightened visa requirements (37th down to 119th), waning cultural resources and business travel (26th to 36th) and recalibrated figures showing a drastic reduction in protected areas (20th to 118th).

For full details :  http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_TTCR_2019.pdf


According to  World Economic Forum (WEF)  <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> (released at 4-6-2017), Taiwan's most important indexes for promoting tourism, like "Attractiveness of Natural Assets" (parks, beaches, mountains, wildlife, etc) ranks world No.87, "Natural Resources" ranks No.55,   "Environmental Sustainability" ranks No.75 (No.69 in 2015), "Price Competitiveness" ranks No. 46, "Hotel Price Index" ranks No. 89 (82 in 2015), Taiwan got "n/a" on China's world top 5 indexes such as "World heritage natural sites" as well as "World heritage cultural sites".
Taiwan travel and tourism, No.1 on internet, pls. click for details




migrant workers in Taiwan     https://intlhumanrights.com/TaiwanForeignWorkers.htm

 The yellow card from the E.U. in 2015 eventually prompted Taiwan to make some changes to its fisheries regulation.
But it's far from good enough, Taiwan never wants a real change since then.


world media

foreign laborers abuses

SeaFoodSource, 2020-10-1 Taiwan had largely overlooked the rights of migrant fishers  -   immigrant workers with an average of just 2 to 3 hours sleep. If no fish were caught, they were forced to work up to 34 hours straight
The Green Peace Org., 2022-9-29 Taiwan-caught fish once again on Department of Labor's (DOL) List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor
Green Peace, 2022-4-25 The high seas fishing industry uses cost-cutting and illegal fishing tactics, forced labor, and other human rights abuses to stay profitable. greenpeace.org/international/press-release/53401/nine-indicted-abusing-crew-taiwan-fishing-vessel-dawang/
Taiwan News, 2021-1-4 Only four fishing vessels worldwide on blacklist, all owned by Taiwanese companies
The Guardian, 2022-5-9, (theguardian.com/world/2022/may/09/once-a-zero-covid-poster-child-taiwan-learns-to-live-with-the-virus) Taiwan is now dealing with an “Omicron tsunami”. In factories, migrant workers have once again been discriminated against with unequal rule enforcement and eased restrictions  
Financial Times (UK), 2021-6-22
"It has now become extremely common for employers to lock their migrant workers up... ”
The New York Times, 2021-6-18
In Taiwan, some foreign tech workers are confined indoors to tackle an outbreak; Activists say that the measures discriminate against migrant laborers.
Heritage Org., 2021 Index of Economic Freedom In "Labor Freedom" index, Taiwan ranks No. 91 worldwide
 The Guardian (UK), 2021-5-16


Many foreign laborers from Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, entered Taiwan by the name of care-taker but actually illegally worked in these porn parlors in Taipei's Wanhua district,
Brookings, 2021-6-25, brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2021/06/25/taiwans-vitality/  the harsh lockdowns in crowded dormitories of mostly Southeast Asian workers at some technology manufacturing companies have underscored the discrimination that has long been present in Taiwan against peoples of certain nationalities
Business Insider, 2021-5-20 businessinsider.com/taiwan-covid-19-paradise-health-politics-policy-cdc-2021-5 Taiwan ... double standards and stigma still found their way.
Equal Times org., 2021-7-30 (equaltimes.org/taiwan-s-foreign-factory-workers?lang=en#.YQSC6i7iu70) Taiwan’s foreign factory workers face rights violations amid latest Covid outbreak.  “We feel like prisoners. It’s like the company controls every aspect of our lives !"  
US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2021-3-30 Foreign workers were often reluctant to report employer abuses for fear the employer would terminate their contract
RT TV news (Russia), UDN, 2022-1-24 Two Indonesian migrant laborers got penalty fine in the amount of NY$100,000 (about USD 3,300) for stepping out of their CovID-19 quarantine hotel room for about one minute.




Chinese and Taiwanese armed forces / BBC, 2022-1-12, source: TrendForce 2021

  China Taiwan
Active duty personnel 2,035,000 163,000
Ground Force 965,000 88,000
Navy 260,000 40,000
Air Force 395,000 35,000
Strategic missile Forces 120,000 0
Strategic Support Force 145,000 0
Other Forces 150,000 0




Global Fire Power  /   globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.php?country_id=taiwan

For 2022 China Taiwan
world rank 3 of 140 21 of 140

 Wall street Journal, 2022-3-29: Moves under discussion in Taiwan are still far from the kind of major revamp that some experts in the U.S. and elsewhere say is needed to upgrade Taiwan's military
TIME, 2022-3-18: most analysts say that the island would not be able to stop a full-scale invasion on its own—and Ukraine's situation has sparked debate over whether anyone would come to Taiwan's aid
◆ Economist, 2022-3-5: Taiwanese, seem too uninterested to fight to defend their land.... Taiwan's sloth in reforming its defence capabilities...(brief)
Politico, 2022-3-14: Taiwan's military may be rightly criticized for its poorly coordinated forces, and its government has been hesitant to invest in its own defense...PLA would be more motivated than the Russian forces...China’s deep integration into the global economy and the leverage of Beijing's $1,068 billion in treasury bonds would make Western sanctions more painful to implement

Washington Post, 2022-1-25
 Taiwanese military has limited-to-no experience.

Brookings, 2021-11-1 :  the asymmetric approach has been stretched beyond recognition in recent years by a recalcitrant MND  

WSJ, FoxNews, 2021-10-25 :  the island's military is riven with internal problems...Among the most pressing concerns are poor preparation and low morale among the roughly 80,000 Taiwanese who are conscripted each year and the nearly 2.2 million reservists.
WarOnTheRocks, 2021-12-6: Taiwan claims it must expend significant political capital and effort to convince its population to fight a prolonged war of attrition.  Asking the Taiwanese people to prepare for a long and bloody war of attrition — one that might become a fool's errand if the US ultimately decides to stay on the sidelines.
Global Times, 2021-12-28:  Survey: more than 52.1 percent of people believe the Taiwan authorities are not ready for a war with the Chinese mainland, and 51.3 percent said they do not want to personally or let family members go to the battlefield globaltimes.cn/page/202112/1243629.shtml  





Reuters Report 2022

  proportion that trusts
 most news
most of the time
proportion who
mostly read news
 in text
proportion who
think news org.s
in their market
are politically
 far apart
proportion who
accessed news
via email in
the last week
Thailand 53 56 48 16
Japan 44 67 26 13
Singapore 43 65 16 16
Australia 41 61 29 17
Hong Kong 41 60 36 14
India 41 58 33  
Indonesia 39 69 18 13
Philippines 37 47 32 18
Malaysia 36 63 23 15
S. Korea 30 58 15 10
Taiwan 27 54 38 12






GDP per capita (Norminal) Ranking
Taiwan - No.10 in Asia & Pacific

country/economy (Asia) 2021 world rank 2020 world rank
Singapore 66263 ($) 8 59795 ($) 7
Australia 62619 9 52905 10
Qatar 61791 10 54185 9
Hong Kong 49485 20 46657 15
New Zealand 48349 21 41165 21
UAE 43538 24 38661 25
Macau 42107 25 35621 27
Japan 40704 26 40089 24
Korea 35196 29 31638 29
Taiwan 33402 32 28358 32






Bloomberg, Nov. 25, 2021  

"Winners and Losers" from a year of ranking Covid resilience

 Pandemic MVPs - Only 7 places never fell into the bottom half of the ranking

world rank country of Asia & Pacific Asia's rank
4/53 U.A.E. 1
6 S. Korea 2
8 Mainland China 3
9 Hong Kong 4
10 Saudi Arabia 5
12 Japan 6
13 Australia 7
17 New Zealand 8
20 Singapore 9
30 Pakistan 10
31 Taiwan 11
32 Bangladesh 12

Taiwan successfully eliminated and kept out Covid in the first year , now it is in the bottom half among 53 countries


Bloomberg CovID Resilience Ranking: Taiwan's 3-month case fatality rate in 2021-9-28, 13.4%; 2021-10-28, 7.7%, both are world worst





 No.1 "understand Taiwan" on US Yahoo search engine, 2022-1-28,  2021-10-29

The sites-group was ranked No.1 by "understand Taiwan" on Yippy (IBM), 2-13-2021, 5-13-2020, 2-5-2020, 12-10-2019

No.1 "understand Taiwan" on AOL search engine, 2021-10-8, 2021-9-29, 2021-8-22, 2021-6-16, 2021-6-2,  3-3-2021





pic.: No.1 "understand Taiwan" on US Google,  3-8-2021,  2-14-2021, 3-3-2021       

No.1 "understand Taiwan" on Google,  2-13-2021, 2-11-2021, 1-29-2021, 1-20-2021, 01-01-2021, 12-14-2020, 11-17-2020, Nov. 3, 2020

 No.1 "understand Taiwan" on Google, 1-1-2021 

The sites-group was ranked No.1 by "" on US Google, 4-22-2020, 4-4-2020, 2-28-2020, 2-26-2020

 top 2  "understand Taiwan" on Yahoo Japan (largest in Japan), 2021-4-18, 3-3-2021,  2-13-2021, 8-17-2020, 5-19-2020



pic.: No.2  "understand Taiwan" on QWANT (most well-known engine in France) , 8-17-2020, 7-6-2020

The sites-group was ranked No.1 by "understand Taiwan" on US Google, 7-12-2019





 Economist, E.I.U. Safe City Index 2021
Asian cities' ranking


 Infrastructure security :  No.1 Hong Kong  2. Singapore 5. Tokyo   7. Osaka  9. Sydney  12. Wellington   15. Melbourne  20. Seoul   25. Taipei

 Digital security:

No.1 Sydney     2 Singapore   8.  Melbourne   9. Wellington  20. Tokyo    21 HK  24. Dubai   27. Osaka   30. Taipei   31.  Seoul 

 Health security:

 No.1  Tokyo  2.  Singapore  3. Hong Kong  4.  Melbourne  5. Osaka  6. Seoul  10. Sydney  13. Dubai   19. Beijing   19. Shanghai   21. Taipei  22. Bangkok

 personal security :

No.7. Wellington   11. Sydney   13  Singapore  16. Tokyo   
 17. Osaka  19. Taipei 



 Economist, E.I.U. Safe City Index 2021
The CovID-19 pandemic and the understanding of health security
The need to focus better on what works
Asian cities' ranking

  1. Tokyo (87.7)   2. Singapore (84.1)   3. Hong Kong (84.0)   4. Melbourne (81.9)    5. Osaka (81.8)    6. Seoul (81.1)   10. Sydney   12. Abu Dhabi   13. Dubai   19. Beijing  19  Shanghai    21. Taipei (73.5)    22. Bangkok








 Taiwan's soft power  vs.  Asia's soft power

Till '20, Taiwan has not been included in Portland or USC Soft Power survey ranking list, so Taiwan's soft power is behind Asian's nations , including Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, China, India, UAE.    

world best surveys Taiwan's rankings
in top 25~30 list
comparison with
other Asia & Pacific countries
Brand Finance -  Global soft power Index 2022 failed


1. US, 2. UK, 3. Germany, 4. China, 5. Japan, 6. France, 7. Canada, 8. Swiss, 9. Russia, 10. Italy
ISSF's World Soft Power 2022 failed


1. US 2. France, 3. Germany, 4. Japan, 5. UK, 6. Swiss, 7. Italy, 8. S. Korea, 9. Spain, 10. China,11.India,12. Sweden, 13. Canada, 14. Australia, 15. Denmark
Brand Finance -  Global soft power Index 2020, top 60 n/c https://brandirectory.com
Top 30 SOFT POWER by Portland
 failed No. 8 Japan, No.9  Australia, No. 17 New Zealand,  No. 19  S Korea, No. 21 Singapore, No. 27 China
2020 Best Countries Overall
The Best Countries in the World
n/c No.3 Japan, No.5  Australia, No. 11 New Zealand,
No. 15 China, No. 16 Singapore , No. 20  Korea,
No.22 UAE , No.25  India,  No. 26  Thailand,
No. 30  Qatar
2018/2019 Monocle's Soft Power survey  failed No. 3 Japan, No.8  Australia, No. 11 New Zealand, No.15 Korea, No. 19 China,  No. 21  Singapore,  No. 25 India
2018/2019 Soft Power 30 Study by USC Center on Public Diplomacy  failed No.5 Japan, No. 10 Australia, No. 18 NZ, No. 20 S. Korea, No. 21 Singapore, No. 27 China
2017/2018 Monocle's Soft Power survey  failed No. 4 Japan, No.9 Australia, No. 13 New Zealand, No.17 Korea, No. 19 China,  No. 22 Singapore, No. 24 India
2017/2018 Soft Power 30 Study by USC Center on Public Diplomacy  failed No.6. Japan,  No. 8. Australia,  18. NZ,  No. 20 Singapore, No. 21 S. Korea,  No. 25.  China
2016/2017 Monocle's
Soft Power survey
 failed No. 3 Japan, No.6 Australia, No. 13 New Zealand, No.17 Korea, No. 20 China,  No. 23 Singapore, No. 24 India
2015/2016 Monocle's
 Soft Power survey
 failed No. 4 Japan, No.6 Australia, No. 13 New Zealand, No.15 Korea, No. 21 China,  No. 23 Singapore



  According to a survey of 2020, Singapore ranks No.1, Japan No.7, Korea No. 9 on "enterprise",  Japan ranks No. 5, China No.10 on "engagement", Korea ranks No. 5 on "digital", Japan ranks No.6, China No. 8 on "culture", No any Asian country ranks top 10 on "education" and "govt."

Best Countries overall in 2020:  1 Swiss 2 Canada 3 Japan  4 Germany  5  Australia  6  UK  7 USA  8 Sweden  9 Nederland  10  Norway  11 NZ  12 France  13 Denmark  14  Finland  15 China  16 Singapore  17  Italy  18  Austria  19 Spain  20  Korea  21  Luxembourg   22 UAE  23  Russia  24 Portugal  25  India  26  Thailand  27  Greece  28  Brazil  29  Israel  30  Qatar  31  Saudi Arabia   32 Malaysia   33 Mexico  34  Poland  35  Turkey








Till 2020, Taiwan has not been included in the top ranking list of the world's most livable cities  

world's most livable cities
world best surveys Taiwan's rankings
in top list
comparison with
other Asia & Pacific countries
EIU's Global Liveability Ranking 2022 Taipei -No. 53 1. Vienna 2. Copenhagen 3. Zurich 4. Calgary 5. Vancouver 6. Geneva 7. Frankfurt 8. Toronto 9. Amsterdam 10. Osaka
The World's Best Cities to Live In 2022 failed top 10 1. London, 2. Tokyo, 3. Shanghai, 4. Singapore, 5. Melbourne, 6. Sydney, 7. Paris, 8. Beijing, 9. NY, 10. Amsterdam
The EIU's Global Livability Index Ranking   2021 failed top 10  
The World's Best Cities to Live In 2020 failed top 10 1. Tokyo Japan, 3. Singapore, 5. Melbourne Australia, 8 Seoul Korea, 10. Sydney Australia
The World's Best Cities to Live in 2020 not included


No. 1. Singapore, 2. Tokyo, 3. London, 4. NY, 5. Melbourne, 6. Frankfurt, 7. Seoul Korea, 8. Sydney, 9. Berlin, 10. Paris
 The EIU's Global Livability Index Ranking   2019  failed in the top 50 No.2  Melbourne,  No.3  Sydney,  No.4 Osaka (Japan), No. 7 Tokyo,  No.10  Adelaide,  No.12 Auckland (NZ),   No.15 Wellington (NZ),   18 Brisbane  (Aus) ,    No. 38 Hong Kong,  No. 40 Singapore,   No.57  Seoul (Korea),  Taipei behind   
Monocle's Quality of Life survey 2019 failed in the top list


No.2 Tokyo (Japan),  No.11 Melbourne (Australia), No.13 Sydney,  No.16 Hong Kong,  No.17 Kyoto (Japan),  No.21 Auckland (NZ), No.22 Fukuoka (Japan),  23 Brisbane  25 Singapore
Deutsche Bank Liveability Survey
not included in the top list https://www.dbresearch.com/PROD/RPS_EN-PROD/PROD0000000000494405/Mapping_the_world%27s_prices_2019.pdf
No. 2 Wellington (NZ),    No. 7 Melbourne ( Australia ),  No.10 Sydney,   No.14 Tokyo  No.16 Auckland (NZ),  No.17 Dubai (UAE), No. 23 Singapore,   No. 26 Saudi Arabia Riyadh,  No. 29 Seoul (Korea),  No. 33 India Bangalore,  No. 39 Malaysia  Kuala Lumpur,   44 Hong Kong,   46 India Delhi,  No. 48   Shanghai (China), No. 55 Beijing
Safe Cities Index (SCI)  2019,   EIU (Economist UK), NEC failed in the top 20 No.1  Tokyo, No.2  Singapore, No.3 Osaka (Japan),  No.5 Sydney (Aus), No. 8 Seoul (Korea), No10 Melbourne, No. 20 Hong Kong  
ArchDaily / The World's Most Livable Cities in 2019 failed in the top 20 No. 3. Auckland, New Zealand, 11. Sydney, Australia,  No.15. Wellington, New Zealand , No.17. Melbourne, Australia  
 Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI )
, Z/Yen Mar 26, 2020
No.75 top 7:  NY, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore, HK, Beijing; Taipei No.34 in 2019
 The EIU's Global Livability Index Ranking   2018  failed in the top 50 No.2 Melbourne (Australia),  No.3  Osaka (Japan),  No. 7  Tokyo (Japan) ,  No.10       Adelaide  (Australia),   No.12 Auckland (NZ)    Wellington (NZ) ... ... (omitted),  Taipei 58
 The EIU's Global Liveability Index Ranking   2017  failed in the top 50  No.1  Melbourne,  No. 5  Adelaide,  No. 7  Perth,
No. 8 Auckland (NZ),  No.11 Sydney,  No.13  Tokyo,  No.  14  Osaka,  No.16 Brisbane,   No. 20 Wellington (NZ),  No. 35 Singapore,  No.45  Hong Kong,  No.58  Seoul (Korea),  No.60   Taipei  

EIU (Economist UK)'s  Global Liveability Index evaluates stability, healthcare, culture&environment,  education,   Infrastructure










  Taiwan's hard power


  N.Y. Times, 2022-6-19: A Looming Threat /  ...Taiwan politicians have electoral considerations. Extending military conscription, for example, would probably not be very popular

 L.A. Times, 2022-3-20: over much of the last decade, Taiwan moved in the opposite direction: It cut the size of its regular army and reduced the training of its reserves.
 Breaking Defense, 2022-3-11: Until recently, President Tsai has appeared reluctant to discuss how Taiwanese citizens can help defend their country... the Taiwanese people must understand that a US-led coalition can only come to their aid if Taiwan can hold out for an extended period of time
Economist, 2022-3-5: Taiwanese, seem too uninterested to fight to defend their land.... Taiwan's sloth in reforming its defence capabilities...(brief)
Washington Post, 2022-1-25  Taiwanese military has limited-to-no experience.

Washington Post, 2022-1-24: Defending Taiwan is a worthy goal. But are we ready for heavy casualties? it would be a grave mistake for the United States to promise to defend Taiwan without preparing its public — and its soldiers — for the tough fight they could face
WarOnTheRocks, 2021-11-18:  Taiwan's military seems to be taking its defense preparations less and less seriously;Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense has abandoned asymmetric defense reform, Washington ought to step in to get Taiwanese defense reform back on track

FT(UK), 2021-9-16 :Washington keeps scolding Taipei over its supposed lack of preparation against an ever mightier Beijing, Taiwan is failing to reorient its military towards an asymmetric strategy, US defence experts are growing exasperated over the Taiwan military’s reluctance to decisively act on their instructions.
WSJ, FoxNews, 2021-10-25: the island's military is riven with internal problems...Among the most pressing concerns are poor preparation and low morale among the roughly 80,000 Taiwanese who are conscripted each year and the nearly 2.2 million reservists.  foxnews.com/world/taiwans-military-against-china-us-military

●  Financial Times, 2021-8-23: Anti-Beijing sentiment is growing but the government has done little to prepare the public for war...
Defense One, 2021-8-18: Taiwan proposed sale is stark proof that far from undertaking long overdue defense reforms with a sense of existential urgency, Taiwan is acting like it is business as usual. American analysts and think tanks have instead tried to get Taiwan to adopt an asymmetric force posture —weapons like drones, coastal defense missiles, naval mines, portable air defenses, and mobile ground forces
Foreign Policy, 2021-4-5: the state of Taiwan’s own forces does not bode well. If Chinese forces actually land, ... This would require well-trained conscripts and a reserve force—both major problems for Taiwan right now . The government has adamantly refused to expand the length of conscription, which is only four months, or to draft women foreignpolicy.com/2021/04/05/taiwan-covid-19-success-china-military-threat/
DW (Germany), 2021-4-5: Taiwan's army 'ill-prepared' for potential Chinese attack   dw.com/en/taiwans-army-ill-prepared-for-potential-chinese-attack/a-57102659

Diplomat, 3-20-2021:Taiwan’s government, however, has met entrenched opposition to these reforms from some senior commanders. Moreover, military effectiveness is limited by unmet recruiting targets, insufficient training of both conscripts and reserves, and ammunition and spare parts shortages thediplomat.com/2021/03/rumors-of-war-in-the-taiwan-strait/

Economist, 2021-5-1:Taiwan must start to devote fewer resources to big, expensive weapons systems that are vulnerable to Chinese missiles and more to tactics and technologies that would frustrate an invasion. economist.com/leaders/2021/05/01/the-most-dangerous-place-on-earth

Bloomberg, 3-14-2021: Taipei’s current capabilities do not offer a credible deterrent to a surprise assault from the mainland
Forbes, 3-8-2021:Taiwan Aims To Sink Half Of A Chinese Invasion Fleet—It Could Take Years To Buy Enough Missiles

  DefenseNewss , 3-1-2021: Taiwan’s military is not yet “optimally manned, trained, equipped and motivated to defend against an attack” by China...efforts at defense reform face obstacles from institutional opposition from senior officers ( symmetric response, expensive and high-end platforms are limited utility in an actual conflict, they also against full conscription ) and a lack of time (weapons acquisition and development plans years away from delivery).  the current administration seemingly “unwilling or unable” to compel the ministry to implement it, partly due  politically sensitive moves, such as full conscription.

  Diplomat , 2-26-2021: evolution of Taiwan’s military was being hindered by bureaucracy and inefficient procedures.
The army’s military preparedness has come into question from both domestic and international experts


Foreign Policy, 10-19-2020: Taiwan needs huge arsenals of mobile missile launchers, armed drones, and mines; developing an army that can surge tens of thousands of troops to any beach in an hour backed by a million-strong reserve force trained to fight guerrilla-style in Taiwan’s cities and jungles.
 it could take a decade to retool the Taiwanese and U.S. militaries to mount an effective defense of the island. 
With China’s rapid military buildup, that may be time that Taiwan does not have
Reuters , 12-10-2020:Taiwan is suffering a serious and worsening decay in the readiness and training of its troops,
 particularly its army units...  crucial element is dramatic reform of the reserves and civil defense units, creating
 urban and guerrilla warfare units... but " It is almost as if fighting to defend the country is
somebody else’s responsibility,” expert says

New York times,  8-30-2020:  Taiwan's Lawmaker said Taiwan’s military needs to improve a lot
  Forbes, 8-30-2020: Taiwan simply does not have enough firepower to  defeat a Chinese invasion without the help of the U.S. military

Taiwanese military


   personnel ( soldiers, officials )   Taiwan’s Military Is a Hollow Shell.  US Defense Department officials have privately expressed dismal assessments regarding Taiwan's current force level and reserve system.
armor, mechanized infantry, and artillery units are always in desperate shortage of enlisted soldiers
  few front-line units have more than 80 percent of their positions filled  /  Foreign Policy, 2-15-2020; https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/02/15/china-threat-invasion-conscription-taiwans-military-is-a-hollow-shell/
Taiwan's active force down to under 200,000 (the exact number is classified). The nearly two million reservists exist in name only... /  New York times,  5-18-2017
  The ROC (Taiwan) Armed Forces number approximately 300,000, and reserves reportedly total 3,870,000.   /  Wikipedia, May 2020
◆   Any political party advocating full conscription will loss election /  寰宇全視界 2021-5-1

◆  Taiwan began to phase out mandatory conscription for all young men, which was deeply unpopular, in favor of an all-volunteer force; 4 months of compulsory service ... training is "insufficient to meet the challenges posed by the increasing threat (RAND, '17)  /  New York times,  8-30-2020  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/30/world/asia/taiwan-china-military.html

◆   Only 310 thousands out of 770 thousands of qualified reservists were called up for short-term military training, from 2015 to 2017, 61 thousands of those escaped the duty  / Formosa TV news, 8-3-2018, storm.mg 10-15-2019
◆  only 84,000 are demobilised volunteer force soldiers, the best-trained and most motivated group  /   Financial Times, 7-12-2020

◆  Taiwan’s military is also not in the most optimal state.  For instance, Taiwanese males serve only four months of conscripted military service, in comparison to over 20 months for Singaporean men and at least 18 months for South Korean men.  /   Hong Kong Free Press 7-15-2020

◆  Reserve force is short of both officers and sergeants, their speciality far match the position  /  United Daily, 10-2-2020 

  strategy ◆  To against the threats of cyber warfare, cognitive warfare, and ‘unrestricted’ warfare from China , Taiwan we work to bolster our defense capabilities, future combat capacity development will also emphasize mobility, countermeasures, and non-traditional, asymmetrical capabilities (unconventional arms)” /  Taiwan president inauguration speech, Voice of American, 5-20-2020
◆  so called asymmetrical capabilities in Taiwan is only skin-deep    /   United Daily , editorial,  6-6-2020
◆  Taiwan's weird strategy:  Facing PLA's attacks, Taiwan's warplanes stay inside tunnels, warships leave Taiwan, await till the US military comes to rescue, they will return and join the war  / Apple Daily, 8-14-2020 tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200814/KDQ5JJAYQUR5JLE6EIIXK5VJM4/


France forced Taiwan to withdraw its request to upgrade 20-year-old Mirage fighters ...  F-16 A/B and  F-CK-1 fighters are  growing tired; 60 or 70 new fighters and a few missiles won’t really change the balance of power. And heavy tanks – especially if they lack trained crews – won’t do much to stop a Chinese invasion / Forbes, 8-30-2020
◆   A whole lot of Taiwan’s weapons don’t work.   /  Forbes, 9-4-2020  forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2020/09/04/which-of-taiwans-old-weapons-still-work/#340d2ee156a2

  China could wipe out Taiwan’s navy and air force ...  Many insiders are accordingly pessimistic about its ability to hold out.  /  Economist,10-9-2020

◆  the PLA could, without invading, destroy Taiwanese military, power and telecom facilities, embargo oil imports, cut cyber connectivity, then take advantage of the psychological impact on Taiwan to press for negotiations   /  Politico,10-8-2020

◆  Today China has more and better conventional forces than Taiwan.   /  Forbes, 6-3-2020

◆  China has nuclear bomb ,Neutron bomb, hydrogen bomb, Taiwan has none of those. / Next TV news, 5-8-2020
◆   Three Taiwanese presidents Lee (李登輝後期)、Chen(陳水扁)、Tsai(蔡英文)  squandering those "bonus for peace" military budget and underestimating the demand of national defense, lead to shortage of arms-deal budget.  /   United Daily , editorial,  6-6-2020
Taiwan military strength is ranked No. 26 ,  China PLA No. 3  /  Global FirePower, 2020
◆  A major obstacle is that countries that might sell it the most sophisticated weaponry are increasingly reluctant to do so for fear of provoking China, ... /  New York times,  11-4-2017


military logistics system

◆   The logistics inside the military remain so abysmal ... The army likely has no clue how many tanks or guns actually mission-capable ...      /  Foreign Policy, 8-20-2020 

◆  Taiwan  lacks enough supplement of all items of military equipments /   United Daily (聯合報 社評), opinion,   5- 7- 2020



  Taiwan's famous politician : “Taiwan can’t face the might of China alone, We can’t fight China on our own".  in spite of Economist , NY Times (8-30-2020) advised Taiwan not to rely on the US military ... / NY Times, 11-24-2020
As China Threatens War, Nearly Everyone in Taiwan Wants Peace: Poll  / Newsweek, 10-28-2020

◆  “Their underlying thinking is that PLA has grown to be too strong for us to fight militarily anyway... Taiwan should just focus on putting up a good show of being tough, buy enough U.S. weapons for display, and pray that Americans come to our rescue /  Foreign Policy, 8-20-2020  https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/08/20/taiwan-military-flashy-american-weapons-no-ammo/

 Taiwan’s preparedness and its will to fight both look shaky /  Economist,10-9-2020

 Policies put forward by the Kuomintang and the independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party have left the military understaffed and in a state of low morale... /  New York times,  5-18-2017
Taiwan fears uptick in military threat from China in wake of coronavirus epidemic ... / Financial Times  5-19-2020



combat experience

Taiwan’s army has trouble with training across the board. Many insiders are accordingly pessimistic about its ability to hold out.  /  Economist,10-9-2020

 The military combines 4 drills to one per year for battle and propaganda-show, affecting training effect ,  high percentage of military officers hence are not familiar with combat mission. /  ref to China Times, 7-7-2020, opinion   www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200707004603-262105?chdtv 蘭寧利》; https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20200707006231-260417?chdtv



 The practice of judicial system has proved not as good as military criminal code to educate and train the military discipline.  A soldier's 洪仲丘 'torture to death" sparks massive protest around 2013,  the military court was hence no longer to judge the troops .   /  The China Times, 7-17-2020, editorial


◆  High personnel expense pushes aside the logistics and maintenance budget,   the govt. needs to plan special budge to purchase arms. /  The China Times, 7-17-2020, editorial

◆ Taiwan would increase Taiwan’s defense budget by 10 percent, on top of a 5 percent increase the year before. That would raise military spending to more than 2 percent of gross domestic product   /  New York times,  8-30-2020




◆  New York Times, 2021-4-8: the Biden administration might manage to deter China without provoking it through more forceful warnings
that stop short of an explicit promise to defend Taiwan


The People’s Daily, 10-15-2020 , Global Times, 10-15-2020:  “Don’t say we didn’t warn you"  (「勿謂言之不預」)...  


Taiwan,  Next TV, 壹新聞, 10-17-2020

The People’s Daily《告台灣情治部門書》full text : http://js.people.com.cn/BIG5/n2/2020/1015/c359574-34350271.html


●  China's PRC state council office for Taiwan affairs (國台辦) , 2021-4-28:“Don’t say we didn’t warn you ”(「勿謂言之不預」) - after DPP looses constitution committee's advocating rectification of country name to be "Rep. of Taiwan" ...
Economist,10-22-2020: The People’s Daily, (CCP’s mouthpiece《人民日報》), carried a commentary... using a phrase—“Don’t say we didn’t warn you (ps: Taiwan intelligence)” — that has preceded Chinese military action against other countries in the past
●  After China's mouthpiece, People's Daily or XinHua editorial issued a severe warning "Don’t say we didn’t warn you" in 1962、1967、1978,Chinese PLA started military operations against Indian and Vietnamese troops respectively.
 The People's Daily in Nov. 2019 sent a warning  "Don’t say we didn’t warn you" to Hong Kongers, in the next year China cracked down HK, and passed a national security law on Hong Kong.
 This time the People’s Daily put its warning to Taiwan's intelligence in "opinion" , instead of "editorial" column as before, and on "7th edition" instead of 1st~4th edition as before, ...  therefore, it's serious but not as severe as before, probably a warning for coercion or "gray zone" actions such as blockage or economic intervenes, or a pressure expecting Taiwan's giving up ... those sort of psychological war.
●  Washington Post (7-22-2020) :  In 2019, Xi (Chinese president) offered an ultimatum to Taiwan to come to the table for unification talks or face annexation by force.  Soon later PLA's warplanes crossed the Taiwan Strait "median line" ( "the de facto cease-fire line") first time ever since 1949, according to Newsweek 8-12-2020, and the PRC deliberately ratcheted up tensions till now. 
●  SCMP (Hong Kong), 10-20-2020: ... unusually strong language in a recent commentary in People's Daily invoking the phrase “don’t say we didn’t warn you”, serves as a reminder, which was targeting a big rise in the number of Taiwanese intelligence agents active on the mainland, but was aimed at a much wider audience.









No.1 "understand Taiwan" on US Yahoo search engine, 2022-4-8, 2022-1-1, 2021-12-25, 2021-12-3, 2021-11-9, 2021-10-8, 2021-10-2, 2021-9-30, 2021-8-22, 2021-6-16, 2021-6-2,  3-8-2021, 3-3-2021; No.2 at 2021-10-22








Financial Times (UK), 2021-10-7 : US special forces secretly training Taiwan’s military; rotations had been occurring for at least a decade... the disclosure could further raise tensions. “Making this public will compel the Chinese to react ◆ Global Times, 2021-11-9: The US are aware that there is a red line - US troops and combat equipment must not land on the island. So they sent a small number of soldiers there to train Taiwan military forces globaltimes.cn/page/202111/1238576.shtml


 Taiwan is :

"Washington's lapdog", "tool"  Global Times, Sept., 2021 globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1234662.shtml

  Eurasian Times  7-9-2020: The Tsai authority ... turns to Washington and is willing to be used.  Taiwan Now Under ‘Deep Control’ Of The US.

"a conduit (tool)"  /    The LOWY Institute( think tank in Australia ) , 6-16-2020 : treating Taiwan as a conduit to frustrate Beijing imperils Taiwan’s security... and then the United States abandons Taiwan to deal with the consequences.



Latest news:  New York Times, 2022-6-13: Taiwan's defenses are, by many accounts, ill-equipped and understaffed...Should China invade, Taiwan's defenses will almost certainly crumble unless the United States and its allies help.  AFP, France24, 2022-6-10: China will 'not hesitate to start war' if Taiwan declares independence, Beijing says NY Times, 2022-6-10: American officials ... worry that China's leader, Xi Jinping, may be willing to go to war over Taiwan in the coming years. CNN, 2022-6-1: China has the power to take Taiwan, but it would cost an extremely bloody price ...China is more likely to emulate the "shock and awe" bombardments that preceded the US' invasions of Iraq. Daily Express (UK), 2022-5-30: Putin is winning his war, China Taiwan is next and that will be so much deadlier  New York Times, 2022-5-23: Biden Says U.S. Military Would Defend Taiwan if China Invaded, ...dispensing with the “strategic ambiguity”
traditionally favored by American presidents
  New York Times, 2022-5-24:  Asked if he would send in troops if China attacked Taiwan, Biden said, “The policy has not changed at all.”◆ Economist, 2022-5-23: the gap between presidential statements and official policy is giving rise to a new form of ambiguity—strategic perhaps; or maybe simply incoherent  economist.com/the-economist-explains/2022/05/23/what-is-americas-policy-of-strategic-ambiguity-over-taiwan    NY Times, 2022-5-24: the US is trying to walk a fine line between deterrence and provocation... risk pushing President Xi Jinping of China to order an attack on Taiwan 
  full text 






Trump takes Taiwan as leverage , one-China policy as bargaining chips

  Foreign Policy, 1-22-2021 :  Taiwan seeks assurances from Biden admin., but Biden and his team
 are likely to resist using Taiwan as a cudgel against China the way Trump did. 
 Foreign Policy, 12-14-2016 named Taiwan President Tsai as
one of leading thinkers of 2016 for "Poking the bear" .






Salmon is poking the bear ?  Taiwan suffers in danger !


Bloomberg, 2021-4-1: The U.S. also makes no iron-clad guarantees it will come to Taiwan’s defense if China makes good on threats to invade, only agreeing to help the separately ruled economy maintain its capacity for self defense


Foreign Policy, 2021-4-5: the state of Taiwan’s own forces does not bode well. If Chinese forces actually land, ... This would require well-trained conscripts and a reserve force—both major problems for Taiwan right now . The government has adamantly refused to expand the length of conscription, which is only four months, or to draft women


The Interpreter , The LOWY Institute ( Australia ), 6-16-2020 :
treating Taiwan as a conduit to frustrate Beijing imperils Taiwan’s security.
 Already many in China’s party-state suspect that the US intends to promote Taiwan independence, ...
The risk here is that U.S. policy encourages an overreaction from China, upsetting the
cross-straits status quo or whatever remains of it, and
then the United States abandons Taiwan to deal with the consequences.



DW (Germany) ,11-10-2020:The Biden administration will have to make it quite clear
from the outset whether it is ready to go to war for Taiwan's sake

Japan Sankei Shimbun ( 產經新聞),10-29-2020:Japan's DM 岸信夫: Given military imbalance of
both sides, anything can happen, Taiwan must be very cautious

WSJ,10-13-2020:  continued ambiguity in the face of Xi's escalating rhetoric and provocative movements by his armed forces
in the Taiwan Strait presents the greater risk of a confrontation as dangerous  as the Cuban Missile Crisis

  Bloomberg news 3-14-2018: In the future, Taiwan will suffer even more, as it

gets caught  in the middle between a stronger China and a inward-looking US...


Chicago Tribune, Yahoo News,10-12-2020: We should defend Taiwan... Yet, to be effective as a deterrent, Beijing has to see it as
 a defensive move by Washington, aimed at preserving the status quo, and not as part of a new offensive against China
 ◆ Economist,10-9-2020:  China could wipe out Taiwan’s navy and air force ...  Taiwan’s preparedness and its will to fight both look shaky. 
Many insiders are accordingly pessimistic about its ability to hold out.

New York Times at  4-18-2018: The U.S. and Taiwan are seen

as heading in a direction that is getting perilously close to

 Chinese red lines...... (Taiwan president Tsai  stated)

" Many  people say we are pawns of other people ......"   



   CNN 2-19-2020:  TW president: "What we are expecting is, after withstanding the first wave of
Chinese attacks ourselves, the rest of the world would stand up to exert strong pressure on China" ....
"Taiwan as an underdog facing down the growing might of Beijing" ... 
  Taiwan military



 Washington Post, 8-20-2018: 
Taiwan's precarious role in the China-US spat  !
(Trump adm.'s Taiwan policy is unpredictable); 


 United Daily, 1-4-2020, editorial opinion :  Taiwan functions as a chess piece to block China
in American's containment chessboard, if Taiwan doesn't follow every order American gives , The US Indo-Pacific strategy has a gap ...


New York Times 9-5-2019:  it would also be a catastrophe if Taiwan were blockaded or squashed into submission, because Taiwan ...
and stands in the way of any Chinese projection into the Pacific or toward, say, Okinawa.


Independent UK, 7-23-2019: China "ready to go to war" if Taiwan tries to gain independence

( white paper released by the Chinese gov.).



















 pic: This websites-group was ranked No.1

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5-27-2017, 12-4-2016, 11-25-2016

     TAIWAN  No.1 on search.Yahoo, AOL, Yandex, etc, 2-18-2018



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12-2-2017, 9-30-2017 ...








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!! Taiwan, root out all the ugly,
including ugly brand personality !!




a survey since years ago  (in various versions)


To all the people:


According to Amnesty Int'l report years ago, "over half the world's government continue to use torture against their own citizens"


Is Taiwan a country which should be ranked latter half of the world ?


Taiwan had numerous lousy records of fooling Taiwanese and even the world, e.g., murdering American journalist 江南, making Taiwan white terror again, the latest one is trying to hide minor news about birds-flu at 1-2-2018 (BBC '12 reported this) not to mention big issues.


This website is much better in credibility, reliability and objective degree than the mouthpiece of the government.


To accelerate Taiwan's reform, please provide with what you saw, knew or experienced about attacks or persecutions on someone in the way of demonization,  setup/conspiracy (e.g., giving dog a name and hang it), high-tech tortures, Orwellian terror, murders ...... by the state apparatus - if any.


Scary political climate for many years has made Taiwanese very obedient, hope some may speak out this time.







To the state apparatus:


Any rats doing cat's job, or cats with rat's genes in state apparatus should be completely revealed and eradicated ! (if any)

"Police" should be open as the day, not hiding at dark corner underground, doing & speaking things sneaky and lousy like a crime.

Bring everything to light ! No keeping people mis-informed or half informed (worse than a lie) any more.   No waiting until media dig dirt one after another.

Obscurantism and avoiding admitting mistakes only prove rats' intention of repeating mistakes, as US Obama said.




  ps: straight-forward words pls. to avoid any mis-interpretations







Survey, for catching rats or cats with rat-genes






根據近年來國內外研究與報告台灣是個 '惡名昭彰' 的國家 !

台灣 是否還隱藏諸多施加人民之惡,尚未被揭露??


intlHumanRights.com網站群,  中英文"評論台灣"排名國際第一 (click  排名第一), 經Google, Bing, Yahoo, Metager, Facebook, Twitter...遍傳全球百國,公正、 客觀與可信度非 '為官喉舌'力能企及,

為加速台灣改革除惡務盡,敬請仗義「直」言 ,如您經歷知悉 如有羶犬奸吏 謀害、戕傷人權、散播耳語(常備有晃子,藉口)妖魔化攻擊特定對象 等等情事,請惠予提供 具體合法證據,以便全球清譽機構及研究單位, 紀錄國家行徑、分析真相全貌、 發現包藏之禍心 (請直白文字以免誤譯或解讀錯誤)


國家機器不應再利用人民長年被迫養成的謹小慎微台灣人的名字不 應再順民 !!



本survey只針對公共議題政治迫害,不包括一般 刑民犯 罪, 多年來且將繼續  隨機選擇政府機構、跨國知名企業、以及個人,挖掘可能之犯行。




法國媒體le monde diplomatic將台灣畫成發抖 躲貓的耗鼠(click !) 國家機器如 真有黑幕掩護之 白色恐怖應主動"暗投"別做偷偷摸摸、行不由徑 的碩鼠 或老鼠基因的貓 !! 如美國Obama所說, 公開認錯 才代表不貳過





















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