Oppression politique, répression, persécutions à Taïwan
 ★  this site's world No. 1 in
 2020-22,  2017~19,  2016 20152014, 2013 2010~12    ★    Top rankings since 1998    


           home        Press      about the site      personal exhibition      author        Chinese version                 (Chinese)   ( English)     (Japanese)
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 Le groupe de sites Web a été classé N ° 1 par mot clé
"persécutions politiques à Taïwan" , "l'oppression politique à Taïwan" , "répression politique à Taïwan"
on Bing, Yahoo, Google, Yippy,  etc  






pic. The websites group was ranked No.1 by keyword   "political oppression in Taiwan"  on US Bing, 10-10-2019,
8-25-2019, 4-9-2019, 11-16-2018, 8-4-2018, 7-30-2018 ; and was ranked No.1 by keyword  "political repression in Taiwan"
  on US Bing, 8-25-2019
, 1-19-2019, 11-16-2018, 8-4-2018, 7-30-2018

 ( full-text in English already ranked No.1 on US Bing, Google, Yahoo search, Euro Metager ;   ~ present )      






This websites-group was ranked No.1 by "political persecutions in Taiwan"
on Baidu of China, 


pic.: This websites-group was ranked No.1 by "political repression in Taiwan"
on Baidu of China, 










pic.: This websites-group was ranked No.1 by "persecutions of Taiwan"
on Baidu of China, 








pic. This websites group was ranked top on Yandex of Russia
by "political oppression in Taiwan" ,10-10-2019,  9-26-2019,
8-25-2019, 4-9-2019, 3-31-2019,
1-19-2019, 11-16-2018, Aug. 22, 2018






This websites group was ranked top on Yandex of Russia
by "political persecutions in Taiwan" ,10-10-2019,  9-26-2019





pic. This websites group was ranked top on Yandex of Russia
by "political oppression in Taiwan" ,  10-10-2019, 9-26-2019, 4-9-2019, 3-31-2019, 1-19-2019, 11-16-2018, Aug. 22, 2018















pic. This websites group was ranked No.1 on Google
by  "political persecutions in Taiwan" in Chinese ,
10-10-2019 , etc






 This websites group was ranked No.1 on US Google
by  "political persecutions in Taiwan"  ,
10-10-2019 , etc







   pic. left: CNA, Apple Daily, 2018 ;  pic. right: UDN, 3-1-2019  ps: state violence still exists in today, the state machine is rustic


Le président Tsai de Taïwan a promis de clarifier les opérations de Terreur blanche / CNA, Apple Daily, 18 mai 2018
        Ce site web exhorte :
        (1) clarifier les opérations de Terreur blanche qui ont eu lieu dans "ces jours-là" ainsi que dans les dernières années
        (2) "Terreur blanche" devrait inclure toutes les persécutions politiques et la violence d'état










pic.  "political oppression in Taiwan" or "political oppression of Taiwan" was ranked No.1 on
 Baidu of China , 10-15-2018, 10-1-2018, 9-16-2018






farming buffalo -  Taiwanese


Les Taïwanais sont devenus obéissants, des gens dociles ... pour être victime d'intimidation ou de

victimes de meurtres politiques depuis de nombreuses années / réf. à LTN (GEP), 1-4-2016

   un Formosan de l'holocauste (10000~30000) ... réprimée par les troupes Chinoises, ...

Bon nombre des Taïwanais de la majorité se sentaient opprimés ... rabaissé et ignoré / réf. l'Économiste royaume-UNI, 2-22-2011

ps: le dessin animé de Zola Zu a été exposé à Tokyo en 2017











★  "lorsque le fonctionnement de la machine devient si odieux, vous rendre si malade de cœur,.....

et vous avez à le faire arrêter ... si vous n'êtes pas libre, la machine ne pourra pas fonctionner du tout. "

  < The Post >, "Meilleur tableau" candidat aux Oscars 2018,

  une citation, Mario Savio, membre clé du mouvement de Berkeley pour la liberté d'expression





a cloud piercer is needed soon!                  ps: the web-page was translated by Yandex interpreter, click English version for exact meaning  

     New York Times, 2-4-2016: "les universitaires disent que l'on sait peu de choses sur la mécanique de la répression ( qui s'est produite pendant la terreur blanche ) ......les chercheurs croient que de nombreux dossiers ont été détruits, et que d'autres ont été empêchés de faire surface par négligence volontaire.".    Par conséquent, le gouvernement taïwanais ne devrait pas tarder à travailler sur les questions de répression politique qui se sont produites ces dernières années, sinon, de nombreuses preuves pourraient être détruites, de sorte que les victimes ne peuvent demander justice qu'en éclaboussant de la peinture rouge sur la tombe ou la statue du premier suspect ?  ― comme certaines manifestations l'ont fait illégalement cette année
-  ref. to  Daily Mail of UK, 7-20-2018 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-5973495/Taiwan-protesters-pelt-paint-famous-Chiang-Kai-shek-statue.html;  The Straits Times, 2-28-2018  https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/taiwan-protesters-deface-former-ruler-chiang-kai-sheks-tomb-on-white-terror

Muhammad Ali  (le président américain Trump a loué Ali "grand"," le plus beau",... L'ancien président Ford et Bush ont honoré Ali, Obama s'est souvenu de lui comme "un homme qui a parlé quand les autres ne le voulaient pas ... il s'est battu pour ce qui était juste" ) a choisi de ne pas tirer sur les Vietnamiens qui ne l'ont jamais lynché, n'ont jamais prononcé son nom, n'ont jamais mis de chiens sur lui, et n'ont jamais violé, tuer son peuple
never lynched him, never called his name, never put dogs on him, never rape, kill his people) ...... 

  Ce que je veux vraiment combattre, c'est l'appareil d'état. 

Tout Taïwanais, y compris moi, est victime du lynchage de Taïwan, de la répression systématique comme Ali l'a vécu ??










ps     The murder and suspected persecution cases remain unsolved





●  Chen Wen-chen incident ( 陳文成事件, 1981) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chen_Wen-chen; 陳文成命案,需要勇敢的證人站出來!https://opinion.cw.com.tw/blog/profile/195/article/4587

●  Lin Yi-hsiungLin Family Massacre (林義雄 滅門事件, 1980) : Feb. 28, 1980. (intentionally pick the date 228 ?)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lin_Yi-hsiung

●  the Lei Chen incident  (雷震事件,1960) : https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%9B%B7%E9%9C%87%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6

●   WuHan Hotel  (武漢大旅社,1959) : http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2018/07/21/2003697080

●   Liu Pang-yu  (劉邦友官邸屠殺, 1996)  Liu Mayor Office Massacre: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liu_Pang-yu

●   yin qingfeng murder case (尹清楓命案, 1993) : https://web.archive.org/web/20100421111208/http://forums.chinatimes.com.tw/special/oldman/main.html

●   the self-immolation of democracy advocate Deng Nan-jung (鄭南榕自焚, 1989): Taipei Times, 7-20-2018  "Justice commission looks into suspect political cases"

 Peng Wan-ru (彭婉如姦殺命案 ,1996) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peng_Wan-ru

and so on

Taipei Times, 7-20-2018, LTN headline :  The Transitional Justice Commission is reportedly targeting five cases for investigation: the murder of former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairman Lin I-hsiung’s (林義雄) mother and twin daughters, the death of democracy advocate Chen Wen-chen (陳文成), the Lei Chen (雷震) incident, the Wuhan Hotel incident and the self-immolation of democracy advocate Deng Nan-jung (鄭南榕).









  pic.: Helpless people help themselves by billboards to accuse political crimes  !
3 Billboards outside Taiwan  (ps: visual parody of "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri", "意外" or  "3塊廣告牌", 6 Oscar award nominee of 2018,  Oscar 'Best Actress in a Leading Role' award of 2018)

The darkness most likely ... won't feel "great pain"  in contrast, chief Willoughby did ;
The evil power murdered ordinary people's health, soul, image, etc, or probably, can be worse or even all of them.





bloody heart





" the free press, the protection it must have to fullfill its essential role in our democracy,
the press's to serve the governed, not the governors' "


"when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, make you so sick at heart, that you can't take part, I can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, ... upon the levers, upon all apparatus, and you've got to make it stop ... unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all "

/  <The Post> , 2018 Oscar 'Best Picture" nominee

& quotation: saying of Mario Savio, key member of Berkeley Free Speech Movement



"It is the Courage to continue that counts" (W. Churchill)
/  <Darkest Hour> , 2018 Oscar award nominee  











 Let's duel !  real man's fight, be a worthy adversary



Achilles (greece) defied Troy prince Hector to come out for one-on-one fight, Hector, instead of hiding in his iron fortress, or dirty play - ordering troops to kill Achilles,  he marched from the castle and eventually lost his life and body ― before that, Hector fully knew Achilles was much stronger in fighting. 


The political criminal suspect(s) should learn hero Hector, not hiding in rotten systems, doing evil things, instead, speak up all plots they had done.


/ <Troy> , Based on Homer's "Iliad" ( bc 725-750), this epic portrays the battle between the ancient kingdoms of Troy and Sparta













 ( a violent, penetrative scientific power) "You called Discovery,  I called the Rape ..."  /  Jurassic Park ,  1990

ps: the visual parody cartoon was exhibited in Japan, etc.







political crimes in the shadow



license to rape for pervert raper ?


more readings: State violence and white terror (product of state violence) return in Taiwan (United Daily, opinion, 12-21-2017, 12-27-2017).

This is an EVIL state apparatus (column, CTN, 5-9-2018): Taiwan has shown a general tendency toward pandering state apparatus, surrendering in mind control ... http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20180509000843-260109

Abusing power to invade citizen's rights, going old route of anti-democracy are their nature  (United Daily, opinion, 12-20-2017).  https://udn.com/news/story/11321/2886710

ref to https://udn.com/news/story/11321/2897025。http://udn.com/news/story/7338/2179800

Now it seems hard to keep Taiwan's skin-deep democracy ... the people's "livelihood" was sacrificed for politics ...The United Daily - Opinion, 3-7-2017
























Media in Australia, Ireland, Singapore, Thailand (Bangkok Post) etc reported Taiwanese politician claimed
magnetic attacks by Taiwan's intelligence, but the gov. denied that, this case can't go further most likely because
lacking of hard proof to against high-tech weapons, later, some TV talk-shows mocked that victim...

( ps: The author had similar experiences, one is happened after  Zu's political cartoons
were printed in major news group, the newspaper editor
 told me he had minor pain too, therefore, Taiwan is the prime suspect.   
This kind of attacks happened again and again, one was happened after Zu's teaching in a famous university,
another one was after Zu attending a meeting in Euro., and after these webpages jumped up to world No.1 rankings , etc )


 pic. right: The author, Zola Zu's cartoon was exhibited in Czech, Europe








                                          Speak out !!   Taiwanese    


              No.1 rankings on the internet  !!


      understand Taiwan       
             No.1 rankings on the internet  !!


      台灣  (Chinese version)      
             No.1 rankings on the net  !!




speak up !!

straight forwardly !
No making "police" "criminals",

hiding & running" !?



Poles were murdered twice,  
first by the stroke of an axe,  and for the second time by silence;
    the second death is worse ... ! " 

   (民眾被謀殺二次:  第一次是暴力殺人   第二次則是沉默殺人   二者相較  沉默更惡劣)

 by Jam Zaleski , the Polish film <WOLYN> (Hatred)  about tortures 1939 ~ 1945









Taiwan FTV (民視) "Taiwan History"  5-27-2018: Not easy to collect data concerning white terror in 194X ~ 195X 
(so, it's important to reveal  today's political crime as soon as possible !  proofs may not be erased, evil politicians should  not be covered !!)




pic. FTV 5-27-2018: Difficult to clarify the white-terror truth

pic. FTV 5-27-2018: No way to arrest political victimizers and clarify their responsibility

pic. FTV 5-27-2018: Not easy to collect enough info

 FTV 5-27-2018: Get rid of "police to control your thoughts" in 520 anti-political-persecutions movement '91

ref to  2018.05.27 民視 (FTV)【台灣演義】白色恐怖的受難醫師 | Taiwan History



It's much much worse that persecutions

 in usual days than those in war time.







counting 'goats' for a sweet sleep


 the evil machine saved its own skin by sacrificing others' lives





















pic.: Hitler resurgence ... 





  ps   Political Repressions, data as ref. !


◆    Washington Post:   https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/02/28/for-decades-no-one-spoke-of-taiwans-hidden-massacre-a-new-generation-is-breaking-the-silence/?noredirect=on


◆    The Economist : https://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2011/02/taiwan%E2%80%99s_contentious_past


◆    New York Times:  https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/04/world/asia/taiwan-white-terror-executions.html


◆   The Atlantic:   https://www.theatlantic.com/notes/2016/12/nanjing/509849/

◆    LA Times 8-1-2016  (http://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-taiwan-indigenous-20160801-snap-story.html)
        brief :
530000 indigenous Aistronesian people suffer racial discrimination, forced cultural assimilation, private land being taken away, many people losing their lives, dignity and self-confidence ... they want more than apology which TW president expressed already. 



◆    政治迫害 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书


  「政治迫害」 - 相關新聞 - 自由時報電子報  



◆   epoch times 政治迫害 - 大紀元


  國民黨政治迫害事件簿 - 台灣控


◆   李敖: 你不知道的台灣228事件;   李敖的228研究   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSQ5-QOi6Q8






ps0: quotations from Muhammad Ali


Then there’s this, from an interview that appears to have been conducted shortly after Ali refused military induction in April 1967 and was part of a 1980 documentary by the black public affairs television program Like It Is:
My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor, hungry people in the mud, for big, powerful America, and shoot them. For what? They never called me nigger. They never lynched me. They never put no dogs on me. They never robbed me of my nationality, or raped and killed my mother and father. … How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.

AlArabiya.Net, DubaiSaturday, 12 November 2016

President Donald Trump tweeted to praise sports icon Muhammad Ali following his passing, saying that he was a great legend and that he will be missed.

Trump said of Ali: “He was two people. In the ring, he was fierce, and outside of the ring he was one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. He was an amazing poet and a very generous man.”







ps1: 中國etc 也以聲波武器攻擊美國 2017~2018; Beware sonic weapon attacks, US tell citizens in China (The Times, 5-23-2018) American suffered mysterious brain injury ... in Cuba (Independent UK, 6-6-2018), 攻擊擴及上海北京, NY Times, 6-30-2018, 蘋果日報 7-2-2018 etc.; 一說係俄羅斯主刀攻擊;
        Dr. Lin Ruey-shiung  認為電磁波武器是美國進口  台灣執行

pe2: : 此非政客與豢養的名嘴為社會維穩  而散佈的迷信
ps3 : 英文版供參考  中文版較準確



ps: some of my legal cases seem unjustice (Chn version, No.1 ranking on the internet)




   some of highest rankings of the sites-group





























pic. This websites group was ranked top on DuckDuckGo
by "political repression in Taiwan", "political oppression in Taiwan" ,
10-10-2019, 8-25-2019,
4-9-2019, Jan. 19, 2019 Nov. 16, 2018, Aug. 6, 2018












pic. This websites group was ranked No.1 on Yippy (powered by IBM)
by both "political repression in Taiwan" and "political oppression in Taiwan",
10-10-2019, 8-25-2019, 4-9-2019, 1-19-2019, etc













pic. This websites group was ranked top on Yandex of Russia
by "repression in Taiwan", "oppression in Taiwan"  and "persecutions in Taiwan",
 8-25-2019, 4-9-2019,  Mar. 31, 2019, Jan. 19, 2019,  Nov. 16, 2018, Aug. 22, 2018









pic. This websites group was ranked No.1 on Yahoo (Taiwan)
by "political oppression in Taiwan" and "political repression in Taiwan",
10-10-2019, 8-25-2019,
4-9-2019, Jan. 19, 2019, Nov. 8, 2018, Sept. 16, 2018







pic.: This websites-group was ranked No.1 by "political repression in Taiwan"
on Dogpile, 
10-10-2019,  8-25-2019 Nov. 16, 2018, Nov. 8, 2018, Aug. 2, 2018










pic.: This websites-group was ranked No.1 by "political oppression in Taiwan"
on DogPile, 
 10-10-2019,  8-25-2019, Nov. 8, 2018, Oct. 1, 2018, Aug. 2, 2018














pic.: The websites group was ranked No.1 by keyword   "political oppression in Taiwan"  and
   "political repression in Taiwan", "political persecutions in Taiwan" on AOL, 
10-10-2019, 8-25-2019









pic.: This website-group was ranked No.1 by "repression in Taiwan" on US Bing,  
Jan. 19, 2019,
  Nov. 16, 2018, 8-1-2018











pic. This websites group was ranked top 2
by both "political repression in Taiwan" and "political oppression in Taiwan" on Lycos,
10-10-2019, 8-26-2019, 1-19-2019, 11-16-2018, 9-25-2018




pic. This websites group was ranked top 1 on MonsterCrawler
by both "political repression in Taiwan" and "political oppression in Taiwan", 8-28-2019, 11-8-2018, 9-25-2018







The websites group was ranked No.1 by keyword   "political repression in Taiwan" on US Google, at
1-19-2019, 11-24-2018, 9-15-2018, 
and No.1 by keyword  "political repression in Taiwan" on US Google at  4-9-2019, 1-19-2019, 9-15-2018









The websites group was ranked top by keyword   "political repression in Taiwan" and  "political persecutions in Taiwan"
 on US Google at  4-9-2019,
1-19-2019, 11-24-2018










pic. This websites group was ranked No.1 on Baidu of China
by "political oppression in(of) Taiwan", 10-1-2018, 9-16-2018 ; No.1 "political repression in Taiwan", 11-8-2018, 9-16-2018














pic. The websites group's "Taiwan judicial persecutions"
was ranked No.1 on Euro. MetaGER.de, Yandex of Russia, 4-1-2019 













 This webpage's Chinese version "Taiwanese political repression"
was ranked No.1 on
US Yahoo search engine and Yahoo Taiwan ,
 10-10-2019, 8-25-2019
, 4-9-2019, 1-19-2019, 11-16-2018, 7-4-2018







pic. This webpage's Chinese version

 "Taiwanese political repression"
was ranked No.1 on

 AOL,  10-10-2019, 1-19-2019, 11-8-2018, 7-5-2018;


 This websites group was also ranked No.1 on AOL
by both "political repression in Taiwan" and "political oppression in Taiwan", 1-19-2019, 11-16-2018













pic. No.1 on DuckDuckGo  (Both Chinese version and English version), 
11-16-2018, 7-15-2018







pic. No.1 on Yippy , 10-10-2019, 8-25-2019, 4-9-2019, 1-19-2019, 11-16-2018, 7-15-2018    




pic.: fighting against evil power(s), neither in a queue,
 nor armed with conventional weapons  / photo 199X

PIC.:  1998 ~ mar. 2018, a
national flag on FECO, an int'l cartoonists Org. headquarter in Europe;
 holding a press card (reporter) 


PIC.: a national flag in my dorm, graduate school,
USA (to be continued)














                 Republic Of Cash   /   ROC (中華民國)






Clarification is most welcome

Zola Zu brought a suit case against Taiwan's state machine ...... Eng   Chn