101 -
★ 1. Outer Beauty
台北101大樓高居全球最貴的商辦大樓,也是全球最貴的建築物第三名,共斥資558億元打造 (根據全球地產指南網站<Global Property Guide>, 4-26-2011公布調查)。
然而,台北101大樓也被評審為 「全球最醜的摩天大樓」("Ugly Skyscrapers around the world")之一 (根據美國杭芬頓郵報The Huffington Post on 9-17-2012調查)。 西方人更會聯想台北101大樓是幾個外賣中餐便當盒的堆疊(stack of Chinese food take-out boxes)而不是竹節或靈古塔. ps: 維基百科: In July 2012, The Huffington Post was ranked #1 on the 15 Most Popular Political Sites list by eBizMBA Rank.
台北101大樓與上海世博的台灣館一樣,都是Princeton大學出身的台灣建築師李祖原設計,也同樣未受好評, 相對而言,與世博台灣館成本相同(NT$1,000,000,000)、占地面積也相同的世博英國館( sea urchin 形狀的<Seed Cathedral>),以其令人瞠目結舌的創意與美學,成為最受歡迎與好評的設計。( "aesthetical & creative astonishment")
台北101大樓,台灣的地標與標誌,看來過於平淡、普通、簡單、無聊、粗糙甚至醜陋,它運用西方美學的元素如對比、和諧、漸變、反覆、統一、韻律等等的功力,遠不如馬來西亞的雙子星大樓與上海的凱悅(Shanghai's Grand Hyatt) 。
太多的台灣設計無論是廣告視覺藝術或建築,創意都魯鈍 或拘謹不夠自由、或是陳腔濫調,卻一逕強加大量意義或隱喻作為 「內容」。
外型對比 |
'money is stinky, but I like it !' |
ps |
![]() |
which one better
mixes aesthetics elements like gradation, repetition, texture, shape,
rhythm, etc ?? Obviously, Taipei 101 tower is the worst.
Taipei 101 |
Hyatt Shanghai |
Malaysia's twin towers |
Taipei 101 emblem/logo - |
粗糙的architecture details |
本頁英文雅虎排名第一 No.1 by key word "comment Taipei 101" on US Yahoo, at June 24, 2015 |
★ 2. Inner Beauty
台北101大樓是座現代化嶄新的建築, 整棟樓卻充滿古老的如意與錢幣的迷信作為設計的主題(design motif),還有鼎與聚寶盆的的迷信、竹節造型可以步步高昇的迷信 等等,李祖原認為如意古錢有讓人安心的作用,是助長跟不上時代的迷信。不知全球最貴的造價(558億)是否也是吉祥的幸運數字? 李的另棟銅臭味錢幣建築Fang-Yuan Building也被英國Telegraph選為世界最醜陋的建物。
據建築師李祖原( TVBS - July 11, 2015 8:00pm~)的說法,西方重"形",造型因此變化多端,中方則重"神"而忘"形",因此他設計"888..."象徵"發發發...",古錢幣造型的"天圓地方",以及龍首、如意、鳳尾等等...
台北101不是傑出的藝術品、而是功能性的工具 ― CNN曾稱讚 Taipei101是人類25件偉大工程成就之一。
比迷信更醜陋的 ― 近年來國際人權組織與台灣清譽民調,給予台灣不及格與糟糕的人權評分。
以下是我的遭遇...與台北101的回覆 Oct. 26, 2014
pic: This page was ranked both No.1, 2
pic: This page was ranked No.1, 2 ,3
pic: This page was ranked both No.1, 2
pic: This page was ranked No.1, 2 ,3
ps1: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/17/the-worlds-ugliest-skyscrapers_n_1882140.html
★ |
email to: 台北101 (10.26.2014) |
In the morning around 10:45
am, my OFF-status cell phone was automatically switched to ON-status
when I (wearing red shirt & black sports pant) was shopping
cheese/vegetables etc in Taipei 101 supermarket. If latest tech. can
remotely do this, it's one more bad human-rights record in Taiwan. I learnt that Taipei 101 is actually managed by a company based in Chicago, USA. I also learnt that American core value is straight-forward and courage heart, NOT under table, or yellow chicken way. So, please look into this case, and find out who, if any, was/were doing those dirty jobs. I hope Taiwan's policemen/intelligence have not stolen your management position this morning. According to Taiwan's major media (full text, in Eng or Chn ), Taiwanese police's social status is lower and lower, according to well-known local surveys (full text, in Eng or Chn), Taiwan got "F" and lousy scores on its human rights status. I will bring a legal case against those evil guys in the shadow and show their names on my websites - ranking world top (details) 3 concerning "human rights in Taiwan" , actually, this email to you already was displayed on world no.1 web-page concerning "Taiwanese privacy" (details pls. click, in Chn or Eng). Your reply will be attached to that web-page. Looking forward to receiving your reply very soon.
★ |
台北101顧客服務部回覆 (10.27.2014) |
Dear Mr. (omitted)
We are sorry for the unpleasant experience you had in Taipei 101,
Thank you for writing to us again. Best Regards, TAIPEI 101 Mall, Customer Service Dept. 台北101購物中心 顧客服務部 (omitted below)
ps: ● Sumsung: 已於Nov. 15, 2014測試完畢 - 手機正常,檢測號T11307443。
● 台灣大哥大:
24, 2014 email)
★ 3. products 商品價格比較
2011年我曾比價 購買一支瑞士浪琴錶Swiss Longines, 寶島(FormosaTimes)的價格比Taipei 101少數千元,經詢台北101專櫃我的Omega錶要比購買的批發連鎖店貴約一萬元,至於超市,有些是獨家商品,但其它有些東西,比方美國酪梨,價格(2013~2014)比 若干超市要來的昂貴。
click : 本文之英文版
ps: pic. allPosters.com, freepik.com en.wikiarquitectura.com/index.php/Taipei_101 www.hotelmanagement-network.com/features/feature43490/feature43490-1.html
PS: 蘋果日報 10-30-2014 偽善者們的「101」(王尚智)
...台北101一向是全台灣所有「偽善者」們最眼紅的舞台!由於大樓包含「官股」持有,因此舉凡各種想要到101大樓「免費停車、安插人事、代訂餐廳、消費簽單、借地點辦活動」,甚至肖想利用大樓外觀燈光秀「大搞人脈公關」;各種八方湧來的關說,平日死命透過各種管道,就想鑽進101! 之所以說是「偽善者」,因為那些想要染指的意圖,總會「找些冠冕堂皇的理由」!其中不出所料,「立委民代」的各種說法與折騰最多;「權貴富商」們,則最想利用大樓燈光秀來搞些兩岸交際目的;此外則是以台北市政府在內的「政府機關」最愛找各種名義想徵用101的場地設備。 ... 官股...將要如何面對一波波官商即將蜂擁而至的「偽善者們的要求」?full text refer to http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/headline/20141030/36177847/%E8%98%8B%E4%B8%AD%E4%BF%A1%EF%BC%9A%E5%81%BD%E5%96%84%E8%80%85%E5%80%91%E7%9A%84%E3%80%8C101%E3%80%8D%EF%BC%88%E7%8E%8B%E5%B0%9A%E6%99%BA%EF%BC%89