¡@ ¡@

    ¥xÆW ²¤¶  
  ¡¹  ¥»ºô¯¸ ¥@¬É±Æ¦W No.1 :  2020~25,  2017~19,  2016 2015,  2014,  2013 2010~12     ¡¹  Top  since 1998  ¡¹    

fights for rights


   home   µû½×°ê¬OOPinion  ¸£±±¤H¥Á  µû½×¥xÆW  ªZ²Î¥xÆW  «ÊÂê¥xÆW  ®È¹C  À\ÆU  ÂåÀø  ©]¥«  ¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ  ¥xÆW  ¿à²M¼w  ½²­^¤å  ¤H¥Á­Ó©Ê  ¥~¥æ  ¤j¾Ç  À˹î©x  Äµ¹î  ³g»G  ³g¦Ã  ¤kÅv  ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ  ¥~³Ò   ¦º¦D   ³n¹ê¤O  Áô¨p  ¶B´Û   µû½×¬ü°ê  ¹qºÏªi¤j¾Ô  ºô­x  ºô§ð  ¥Á¨¾  ¬ü°ê±Ï´©  ©~¦í  ©¯ºÖ  ¤HÅv  ¥@¬É¤HÅv   Â૬¥¿¸q  ¥qªk  ­¢®`  ³c¬r  ·R±¡  ±¡ºq  ­µ¼Ö  ¦è¬v¦Ñºq  ¦è¬v·sºq  ¹q¼v  ­¹¦w  buffet  ¶W¥«  ½æ³õ  «ö¼¯  ¹â§²  §Î¶H  ¤å¤Æ  ®ø»º°Æ¥Z   µû¤é¥»º©µe   ¬Fªvº©µeµû½×   µû¬ü°ê³]­p   µû¬ü°êº©µe  ¤å³Ð&º©µe  µû¤W®ü¥@³Õ   µû¥_¨Ê¶ø¹B   ¤G¾Ôº©µe  CovID  FB  ­¸¦w  ¥æ³q  °k¶h¥~³Ò

           English HOME                





¡¹  Key points   ¢w¢w   ¥xÆW¬O ... ???

¥Á¥D°ê®a ? ªk°ê Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Director General (2024-10-20, by CNA): ¡u«H¥Î¨ª¦r¡v¬O¡u¥xÆW¥Á¥Dªº­P©R®zÂI¡v¡F¸ô³zªÀ·s»D¬ã¨s©Ò¡G¥u¦³ 33% ªº¨ü³XªÌªí¥Ü¥L­Ì¦b¤j¦h¼Æ®É­Ô«H¥ô¤j¦h¼Æ·s»D

("credibility deficit" is "a real Achilles heel of Taiwanese democracy"; Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism: Only 33 % of respondents said they trusted most news most of the time). 
¬ü°ê WSWS.org, 2025-1-6: ¥xÆW²Ä¤G¤j¦b³¥ÄÒ¡]TPP¡^³Ð©l¤H­Ý¥D®u¬_¤å­õ:¡u¥xÆW¦³¥Á¥D¶Ü¡H¡v¢w¢w ¥xÆW¬Fªv¥Ñ°]¹Î©M¬FÄÒ¥D¾É¡C

( ¡§Does Taiwan have democracy?¡¨¢w  Taiwanese politics was dominated by corporations and political parties.)

³g¦¾°ê®a? ¬ü°ê The Diplomat  (2024-9-11): »G±Ñ©M§ÈÅ@¬O¦a¤è¬Fªvªº¡uDNA¡v¡C  ¦Ó¡u´X¥G©Ò¦³[°ª¼h]¬F«È³£¥X¦Û¦a¤è¬Fªv¡v¡B¡u¦]¦¹°ö¨|¥X¦Û¤U¦Ó¤Wªº¤ÀÅBÅé¨t¡v¡K

(Corruption and patronage are ¡§in the DNA¡¨ of local politics.  ¡§Almost all  [high-level] politicians come from local politics",  "A bottom-up spoils system is thus cultivated"... )

 ¥qªk¿W¥ß°ê®a ? ¬ü°êWar On The Rocks (2024-9-20): Washington observers might worry that Taiwan's president Lai Ching-te is undermining the independence of the judicial system.  (µØ²±¹yÆ[¹î®a«Ü¥i¯à¥¿¦b¾á¤ß¥xÆWÁ`²Î¿à²M¼w¥¿¦b¯}Ãa¥qªk¨t²Îªº¿W¥ß)
¬ü°ê ¬F©²
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices , 2024-4-22 :   Some political commentators and academics, publicly questioned the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high profile, politically sensitive cases. (¬Fªvµû½×®a©M¾ÇªÌ¤½¶}½èºÃ°Ñ»P³Æ¨üÆf¥Øªº¬Fªv±Ó·P®×¥óªºªk©x©MÀ˹î©xªº¤½¥¿©Ê)
TaiwanPlus (2023-3-6): a majority said they believed prosecutors engage in corruption behaviour when handling cases. (85%ªº¥xÆW¥Á²³»{¬°À˹î©x¥i¯à·|¨ü¨ì¬Fªv¼vÅT¡C¤j¦h¼Æ¤Hªí¥Ü¡A¥L­Ì»{¬°À˹î©x¦b¿ì®×®É³g»G¡C)
¦Û¥Ñ°ê®a ? Global Times (2022-12-19) : There are forces on the island of Taiwan are mentally controlling Taiwan people. (¥xÆW´c¶Õ¤O±±¨î¥xÆW¤H¥Á¤ß´¼)
¥DÅv¿W¥ß°ê®a ? ¬ü°êNational Interest (2024-7-20) :  Taiwan out to be less of a sovereign state in need of help, and more a vassal state to America. (¥xÆW¤£¹³¬O¤@­Ó»Ý­nÀ°§Uªº¥DÅv°ê®a¡A¦Ó§ó¹³¬O¬ü°êªºªþ±e°ê)

EurAsian Times (2020-7-9): Taiwan (The Tsai Ing-wen authority) turns to Washington and is willing to be used... Taiwan Now Under "Deep Control" Of The US. (Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan president 2016~2024) (¥xÆW¦ÛÄ@³Q¬ü°ê§Q¥Î¡K¥xÆW²{¦b³B©ó¬ü°êªº¡u²`«×±±¨î¡v¤§¤U)¡C

The Taiwan Research Institute, Xiamen University  professor Zheng Jian:  Lai Ching-te (Taiwan president 2024~2028) is compelled to pledge loyalty to the US during his brief "stopover" .   by  Global Times , 2024-12-6  (¿à²M¼w¦bµu¼È¡u¹L¹Ò¡v³X¬ü´Á¶¡³Q­¢«Å»}®Ä©¾¬ü°ê)

¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ ? ¥xÆW°ê¨¾³¡ªø : ¡u¥ô¦ó°T®§¡B¨¥½×¹ï§Ú¤£§Q¡A¹ï¹ï¤è¦³§Q¡Aªì¨B´N»{¬°¬O¦b¦a¨ó¤OªÌ¡v¡A±Ò°ÊÀ˽Õĵ°ê®a¾÷¾¹¡A¨¬¥H¦¬¾_Äà«ÂÀ~¤§®Ä¡F¦A¸g¥qªkµ{§Ç¤@¸ô§éÄË¡A§Y¨ÏÁÙ¨ä²M¥Õ¡A¤]¤w³Q剥±¼´X¼h¥Ö¡C¥u­ã³ø³ß¤£³\°Û¼~¡A¥¿¬O²ÎªvªÌ­nªº´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³¡I  chinatimes.com/opinion/20240312004516-262101?chdtv   udn.com/news/story/7338/7836324?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2  March 2024
À¦¨à¥x­x !? ­^°êFinancial Times, 2024-7-21:¡§People don't realise the stage of infancy the military is in".  (¥xÆW­x¶¤³B©óÀ¦¨à°_¨B¶¥¬q)

¬ü°êNational Interest (2023-7-16) :  ¥xÆW¦~»´¤H¤£Ä@·N°Ñ­x Taiwanese President announced  a plan to extend the compulsory conscription program but received  backlash  from younger Taiwanese.  Roll Call (2022-9-28):  Most people do not want to join the military...



¡¹  ¿D¬w the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, 2023 Edition  ¨È¬w¦U°ê¹ê¤O«ü¼Æ

¡@ ¥xÆW Taiwan ¤¤国 China ¤é¥»Japan Áú°êKorea ·s¥[©YSingapore
Comprehensive Power 綜合實力 14  down 15.2 2nd 3rd 7th 8th
Economic capability 經濟能力 第8名   down 13.0 2nd  -1  87.0 3rd   28.6 5th 6th
Military Capability 軍事能力 11 2nd   68.1 6th   27.4 5th 9th
Resilience 韌性 18名    down 24.7 3rd   70.4 11th   32.6 10th 14th
Future Resources 未來資源 12  2nd   72.9 5th 7th 11th
Diplomatic Influence 外交影響力 22    1st    91.5 3rd 6th 10th
Economic Relationships 經濟關係 12  1st   98.3 3rd 5th 4th
Cultural Influence 文化影響力 13   2nd   47.4 3rd 7th 9th
Defense Networks 防¿m網路 16 7th    23.7 3rd 4th 5th

台灣 ³Ì¦h的國家
中国 34.3%
, 美國 13.2, 日本 11.0, 韓國 5.7, 新加坡 4.5
新加坡 7.9%
, 巴布亞紐幾內亞 6.4, 日本 5.6, 馬來西亞 5.1, 菲律賓 4.5





pic.: "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð"

2025-1-19, 2025-1-13, 2024-2-12, 2024-1-15, 2023-8-29, 2023-
"¥xÆW²¤¶" ±Æ¦WYandex

²Ä1, 2025-1-19, 2024-2-12; ±Æ¦W«e3, 2025-1-13


¡¹  economist / The world's most liveable cities in 2023
¥þ²y©y©~«°¥««ü¼Æ, Mar. 2023   -   ¥x¥_¦W¦C²Ä 65, ¨È¬w²Ä14



90+ Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Adelaide, ¤j¨Á(¤é¥»), Perth, ªF¨Ê(¤é¥»), Brisbane, Wellington, ·s¥[©Y
 80-90 ­ºº¸(Áú), ­»´ä(¤¤),  °y¤s(Áú), ¥x¥_ (¥xÆW), Kaohsiung, Taichung
60-80 Noumea, Nantong, SuZhou, Beijing, ShenYang, Shanghai, etc
top 5 cities: Vienna 98.4,  Copenhagen, Melbourne, Sydney, Vancouver ... No.10 Osaka, Auckland 96
Score out of 100*  five categories: stability, health care, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.



¡¹ 2023年  亞洲主要城市  米其林餐廳大比拚   Michelin stars comparisons among Asian countries

 Michelin cities



3 星餐廳數

2 星餐廳數

1 星餐廳數

東京Tokyo (日本) 202 12 12 39 139
京都Kyoto (日本) 104 6 6 19 73
Osaka (日本) 97 3 3 10 81
香港 Hong Kong 81 3 7 13 58
新加坡 Singapore 65 1 3 6 55
上海 (中國大陸) 51 1 2 9 39
首爾 (南韓) 38 3 2 8 25
台北 (台灣) 29 2 2 5 20
 By highlighting eco-friendly pioneer restaurants with the MICHELIN Green Star, and spotlighting their virtuous initiatives, it stimulates awareness and actions both within the industry and by gourmets


Michelin 2023 /  ¨È¬w(©]¥«)µóÀY¤p¦Y¤ñ¸û

Singapore ·s¥[©Y 79 ®aµóÀYÅu³c¤p¦Y hawker stalls selected in 2023 Bib Gourmand
Hong Kong ­»´ä 25 ®aµóÀY¤p¦Y
Taipei ¥x¥_

12 ®aµóÀY¤p¦Y



 ¡¹ ¨Ì¾ÚWorld Bank. ºI¦Ü2022¦~©³, ¥xÆWªº per capita GDP amounted to $32,756, ·s¥[©Y $82,808, ¤é¥» »P «nÁú ¤À§O¬O $33,815 and $32,255





¤H¥Á°]´I¤¤¦ì¼Æ (Credit Suisse, Research Institute, 2023 ) US$ 202,410 (world No.3) US$ 108,250
¤H¥Á°]´I¥­§¡¼Æ (Credit Suisse, Research Institute, 2023 ) US$ 551,190 US$ 273,790
¥­§¡Á~¸ê (Morgan McKinley, Business Insider, 2023) HK$ 36,583 (¬ù TWD147,204) TWD 48,032 (plus overtime etc TWD 57,045) - storm.mg/lifestyle/4851897
Á~¸ê¤¤¦ì¼Æ (UDN, 2023-12-14) ¬ù TWD 84,000 ¬ù TWD 43,000
ªÑ¥«¥«­È  (UDN, 2023-12-14) ¥xªÑ¨â­¿¦h ¬ù USD 1.7 trillion


¡¹   Áp¦X³ø, 2023-12-14: 香港廿五到卅四歲年輕族群,月薪中位數近八.六萬元台幣,而台灣廿五到廿九歲青年則不及三.五萬元。不比不知道,一比嚇一跳



¡¹  ©Ð»ù©Ò±o¤ñ  ¥xÆW»P°ê»Ú³Ì©ù¶Q«°¥«¤ñ¸û

The Least Affordable Housing Market,   2023-9-29

°ê»Ú±Æ¦W Metro. Market Median Multiple
(median house price / median household income)
1 Hong Kong, China  ­»´ä  (¥þ²y³Ì¶Q) 18
¡@ Taipei, Taiwan (2023 Q2 ) ¥x¥_ 15.5
2 Sydney, NSW, Australia  ³·±ù 13.3
¡@ New Taipei , Taiwan (2023 Q2·s¥_¥« 12.9
3 Vancouver, BC, Canada  ·Å­ôµØ 12.0
4 Honolulu ®L«Â¦i 11.8
5 San Jose  11.5

¡¹ Bloomberg, 2024-1-11: ¦b¥x¥_¶R©Ð»Ý­nªá¶O 16 ¦~ªº¦~¦¬¤J¡A³o¬O¥þ²y¦PÃþ¤ñ²v³Ì°ªªº°ê®a¤§¤@¤T¦ìÁ`²Î­Ô¿ï¤H³£©Ó¿Õ¼W¥[ªÀ·|¦í©Ð¡A¨Ã´£¨Ñ¸É¶K The government has estimated 2023 growth would be the slowest since the 2009 global financial crisis. It costs 16 years of annual income to afford a home in Taipei ¡X one of the highest such ratios globally.    uk.news.yahoo.com/taiwan-voters-head-polls-ties-220000046.html



¡¹  ¿D¬w SKY News, 2023-10-21:   ¥xÆW¾D±±¶D¤¹³\¤£¤½¨î«×¨Ï¥~³Ò²¾¤u¦¨¬°"²{¥Nªº¥£Áõ" (Taiwan has been accused of permitting modern modern-day slavery with its migrant workers.)  ¡¹ The Diplomat, 2023-10-3:  ¬ÝÅ@²¾¤u´X¥G³£¬O¤k©Ê¡A¯S§O®e©ö¨ü¨ì¨­Åé­h«Ý©M©Ê­h«Ý... ¥xÆW³½Àò´¿³Q¬ü°ê³Ò¤u³¡¦C¤Jµ£¤u©Î±j­¢³Ò°Ê¥Í²£ªº°Ó«~²M³æ¡C«I¥Ç¤HÅv¦æ¬°·l®`¤F¥xÆW¥Á¥D³ùÂSªº§Î¶H¡C  thediplomat.com/2023/10/southeast-asian-migrant-workers-in-taiwan-human-rights-and-soft-power/  



¡ó CNN (2022-12-6): ¥xÆW¡§¤H¶¡¦aº»¡¨¯ëªº¥æ³q³y¦¨®È¹C°ÝÃD. ¥xÆW¦]¹D¸ô¦MÀI¦Ó¯ä¦W¬LµÛ¡C¿D¬w¡B¥[®³¤j¡B¤é¥»¡B¬ü°êµ¥¦h°ê³£¯S§O³ø¾É¦¹. ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|»P¥[®³¤jĵ§i¡G ¤p¤ß¼¯¦«¨®¡A¹L°¨¸ô®É­n¤p¤ß¡A³\¦h¾r¾p¤£´L­«¦æ¤Hªº¸ôÅv¡B¤£¿í¦u¥æ³qªk³W¡A¥L­Ì«D±`¾|²õ¡¨¡C¥h¦~¡A¥xÆW¦º©ó¥æ³q¨Æ¬G¤H¼Æ¬ù¬O¤é¥»ªº¤»­¿¡A­^°êªº¤­­¿¡C  msn.com/en-us/travel/news/taiwans-living-hell-traffic-is-a-tourism-roblem-say-critics/ar-AA14Xb2n  brief

¡ó ¥xÆW ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø  ªÀ½× (2022-12-13): 各國所指的¥xÆW¥æ³q亂象,主要是汽、機車駕駛不守交通規«h¡A§Ú­Ìªº¥æ³q³W¹º©M¹ê°È¡u¥H¨®¬°¥»¡v¡A¦Ó«D¦æ¤HÀu¥ý¡A²Î­pÅã¥Ü¡A每十萬人有十二.六七人亡於車禍,在已開發國家的道路安全排名後段班¡Cij½×¤¤¡A­ºµ½¤§°Ïªº台北¡A¬ù¤E¤Q¤­¸U½ø橫衝直撞的機車備受關注¡A¦³Ãª§Î¶H¥Bºc¦¨ªÅ¦Ã©M¾¸­µ¥D­n¨Ó·½¤§¤@¡A³Ì應優先改善。越南首都河內已宣布二○三○年起禁止機車上路,台北或可參考。  talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1556742  brief


Taiwan's travel & tourism  ¥xÆWÆ[¥ú®È¹C

STATISTA: Leading countries in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI)



Asia Rank



world Rank

1 Japan ¤é¥» 5.4 4
2 Australia ¿D¬w 5.1 7
3 China ¤¤°ê¤j³° 4.9 13
4 Korea Rep. Áú 4.8 15
5 Hong Kong ­»´ä 4.8 16
6 Singapore ·s¥[©Y 4.8 17
7 New Zealand ¯Ã¦èÄõ 4.7 18
8 Malaysia °¨¨Ó¦è¨È 4.5 25
9 Thailand ®õ°ê 4.5 29
10 UAE ªü©Ô§B 4.4 33
11 India ¦L«× 4.4 34
12 Indonesia ¦L¥§ 4.3 36
13 Taiwan ¥xÆW 4.3 37



¡¹ ¨Ì¾Ú CNN, 2023-3-28 2023 ¨È¬w³Ì¨Î50À\ÆU (Asia's 50 Best Restaurants), ¥xÆW±Æ¦W¨È¬w¦U°ê¤§²Ä 9 , ¥x¥_±Æ¦W¨È¬w¦U«°¤§²Ä 17,  ¥x¥_ MumeÀ\ÆU±Æ¦W¨È¬w«e50À\ÆU¤§²Ä 45, ¶È¤@¶¡¤J¿ï«e50¬Oªñ¤Q¦~³Ì§C¼Æ¦r .  ¦¹¥~, ¥x¥_ Logy ±Æ¦W No. 57, ¦ý¥D¼p¬°¤é¥»¤H.  ¥x¥_Adachi Sushi ±Æ¦W No. 87, °ª¶¯ Liberte ±Æ¦W No. 96.

 Asia¡¦s 50 Best Restaurants 2023



 Àu³ÓÀ\ÆU¼Æ ±Æ¦W


1 ¤¤国   (Hong Kong 5, Shanghai 2, ShenZhen 1, Macau 2, Beijing 1) 11 1

Bangkok°Ò¨¦ (Thailand )

2 ¤é¥»    (Tokyo 7,  Osaka 1, Wakayama 1, Kyoto 1) 10 2


3 ®õ°ê  (Bangkok 9) 9 3 TokyoªF¨Ê (Japan) 7
4 ·s¥[©Y Singapore 7 4 Hong Kong­»´ä (China) 5
5 «nÁú S. Korea 4 5 Seoul­ºº¸ (S. Korea) 4
6 ¦L«× India 3 6 Shanghai¤W®ü (China) 2
7 µá«ß»« Philippines 2 7 Macau¿Dªù (China) 2
8 ¶V«n Vietnam 1 8 Manila°¨¥§©Ô (Philippines) 2
9 ¥xÆW Taiwan 1 9 Osaka (Japan) 1
No.1 Le Du (Thai.), No.2 Sezanne (Japan), No.3 Nusara (Thai.), 4. Den (Japan), 5 Gaggan Anans (Thai.)...No. 45 Mume (Taiwan Taipei)


Bangkok has long been considered a world capital when it comes to street food. But these days, its fine dining scene is proving to be just as alluring.  Though most of the winners on the list are fine dining restaurants, one street food eatery managed to break through the pack ¡V Bangkok¡¦s Michelin-starred Raan Jay Fai

10 Wakayama (Japan) 1
11 Mumbai (India) 1
12 New Delhi (India) 1
13 Chennai (India) 1
14 ShenZhen (China) 1
15 Kyoto (Japan) 1
16 Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) 1
17 ¥x¥_Taipei (Taiwan) 1
18 Beijing (Chn) 1


¡¹  New York Times, 2023-3-16:  ¡ó ¥Ñ©ó°ªÀɤƩM¾¸­µ§ë¶D¡A¥x¥_ªº³\¦h©]¥«³£¤£¹³´X¤Q¦~«e¨º¼Ë¼ö¾x¡C¹ç®L©]¥«¬O¤@­ÓÅãµÛªº¨Ò¥~¡A³o¸Ì¦³³\¦h¤p¦YÅu... ¡ó Nku - ´µ³ôªº¯Çºû¨È­·¨ýªº¬ü­¹ ¡ó Hermit's Hut  -«~À|¥xÆWºØÃþÁc¦hªº¯QÀs¯ù¡C. ¡ó Chao ¯À­¹ª£µæ¡A»P¦BÂí°à°s·f°t. ¡óLao-A-Bei ¦U¼Ëªº¶Ç²Î®üÂA´ö. ¡ó Placebo ¬O¤@®a¥j©ÇªºÂû§À°s§a nytimes.com/interactive/2023/03/16/travel/things-to-do-taipei.html


pic.Google doodle celebrates Taiwan's sweet and tangy drink bubble tea   (Google ¤¶²Ð¥xÆW¬Ã¯]¥¤¯ù)
India Today, 2023-1-29:The unique drink that is sweet and tangy was popularised back in 2020. Countries like Singapore, Japan and South Korea have taken this drink to the next level with an ample amount of experiments msn.com/en-in/foodanddrink/foodnews/google-doodle-celebrates-taiwans-sweet-and-tangy-drink-bubble-tea/ar-AA16R1Tq



 ¡»  New York Times, 2023-8-8: ¦b很大程度上,台灣人似乎對自己的中國血統感到滿意¡C¦b政治辯論中,台灣民族主義者(nationalists)經常強調原住民的存在,以此作為台灣擁有¿W¯S°_·½ªºÃÒ¾Ú¡A儘管原住民僅佔台灣人口的 2%,但«o是台灣國家(Taiwanese nationhood)敘事的重要組成部分 ¡ó ¥þ¤å






pic. : This websites group was ranked No.1 by keyword "introduction to Taiwan"
on «Xù´µ Yandex of Russia (largest engine in Russia) at 2025-1-1, 2023-9-1, 2023-8-8, 2023-7-1, 2023-5-31, 2023-4-30, 2023-3-31, 2022-9-5, 2022-8-21,  2022-8-8, No.4  "introduction to Taiwan" at 2023-3-23, 2023-3-4;  No.1 at 2022-7-31, 2022-7-7, 2022-7-1, 2022-6-24, 2022-6-15, 2022-6-12, 2022-5-26, 2022-5-14, 2022-4-30, 2022-3-14, 2021-12-27, 2021-12-4, 2021-11-21, 2021-10-21; No.2 at
2022-4-9, 2022-2-25; among top ranks at 2022-12-12; No.3 "introduction of Taiwan" at 2022-12-17

No.1  "introduction to Taiwan" on ¬ü°ê Bing at  2023-7-1, 2023-5-31, 2023-4-30, 2023-3-31, 2023-3-23, 2023-3-4, 2023-2-1, 2023-1-22, 2023-1-15, 2023-1-1, 2022-12-17, 2022-6-24, 2022-5-14,  2022-4-30, 2021-11-21, 2021-10-21, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-5, 2021-6-15, 2021-6-2, 2021-5-13, 2021-4-18, 3-3-2021, 1-29-2021, 01-01-2021, 12-6-2020, 11-29-2020, 11-11-2020, 10-25-2020, 8-5-2020, 8-2-2020, 7-6-2020, 6-21-2020, 6-11-2020, 6-5-2020, 5-21-2020, 5-12-2020, 5-8-2020, 4-20-2020, 4-10-2020, 3-20-2020, 2-24-2020,1-27-2020, 1-15-2020, 12-25-2019, 12-16-2019,11-6-2019, 10-6-2019, 9-17-2019, 8-3-2019,  7-29-2019, 6-27-2019,  4-29-2019; This websites group was ranked No.2 "introduction to Taiwan" on Bing, 2022-10-4, 2022-4-9, 2022-3-25, 2022-3-14, 2022-2-22, 2021-12-4 No.3 at 2022-10-23, 2022-9-5;
No.1 "introduction to Taiwan" on Lycos, 2023-1-15, 2023-1-1





DW (Germany), 2024-4-24: ¡ó ¦pªG§Ú­Ì¯à°÷¤F¸Ñ¸o¥Ç¼Z¸¨ªº¹Lµ{¡A¬°¤°»ò§Ú­Ì¥u±Mª`©ó±þ¦º¼Z¸¨¤Ñ¨Ï¡A«o©¿µø¤F¤Þ¾É¥L­Ì»~¤Jª[³~ªº¼»¥¹©O¡H
¡ó tv.Guardian, DW video: ¥xÆW¦ÛºÙ¬O¦a°Ï¤HÅv³ùÂSªº»¡ªk¦]¨ä«O¯d¦º¦D¦Ó¨ü¨ì·l®`¡C
¡ó¥x灣多年來一直表示他們正在走向廢除死刑¡A°ÝÃD¬O¡A³o±ø¸ô¦b¬Fªv¤W¬O§_¤Óº©ªø¡A¨Ã¥B¨S¦³¨¬°÷¶i®i;  co-executive director of the Death Penalty Project ªí¥Ü, ª§½×¤w¸g«ùÄò¤F¤Ó¤[¡C
¡ó¾Ú°ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´2022 ¦~ªº¤@¥÷³ø§i¡A¥@¬É¦U¦aªñ¥|¤À¤§¤Tªº¬F©²¤w¦bªk«ß©Î¹ê½î¤¤¼o°£¤F¦º¦D¡A¦ý´X¥G¨S¦³¤@­Ó¬F©²¬O¦]¥Á²³­n¨D¦Ó¼o°£¦º¦D¡C¥Á²³¬O
¡u°lÀH¬Fªv¥D¾É©Î¥qªk¥D¾É¡v³Ì²×±µ¨ü¼o¦º。人權組織認為,憲法解釋可以為正式廢除死刑鋪路   full text 


¡¹   ªk°ê Reporters Without Borders (RSF) , 2023-12-13: ¥xÆW是民主國家中媒體信任率最低的國家之一(28%),而且媒體界經常因忽視·s»D¹D¼w¦Ó¨ü¨ì§åµû;°OªÌ­Ì¥H°l¨DÅF°Ê®ÄÀ³©M¥HÄ묹·s»D«~½è¬°¥N»ù°l¨D§Q¼í¡C

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Áp¦X³ø  (2024-1-3) udn.com/news/story/123307/7682144?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub123307_pulldownmenu_v2 »Ê¶Ç¤j¾Ç¼s¹q¨t¥D¥ô§ù¸tÁo»¡¡A´CÅ馬¶R·U¨Ó·U­«¡A´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³·U¨Ó·U¤j¡Aºô­x¤½µM¶i¤J¬F©²³¡ªù¡A¥H¾÷­n¤H­û¥d¦ì¡A¦¨¬°¡u¶°Åé¤ü¾§¯g­Ô¸s¡v¡A¥Á²³·U¨Ó·UÃø¬Ý¨ì«ÈÆ[¤½¥¿ªº¯u¬Û


¡¹  ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø, 2023-10-16:   近年台灣詐騙案件急劇增加,受害者遍及社會各階層¡A¶BÄF¶°¹Î§ó擴大為跨國操作,讓台灣蒙上詐騙王國惡名¡C  Áp¦X³ø, ªÀ½× 2023-9-4 : 詐騙橫行是民怨之首,台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC)最新報告揭露,近七成國人收過詐騙訊息,但實際數字可能更高¡C¬F©²¤£¦ý能力弱化,反而企圖愚民¡C udn.com/news/story/7338/7414233?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2 t ¡¹  TaiwanPlus,  2023-3-6: ¥Á²³¹ïÀ˹î©xªº´¶¹M¤£«H¥ô /  ¥Á·N½Õ¬dµo²{¡A85%ªº¥xÆW¤H»{¬°À˹î©x¥i¯à·|¨ü¨ì¬Fªv¼vÅT¡C¶W¹L¥b¼Æªº¤Hªí¥Ü¹ï³Ìªñªº¥qªk§ï­²¤£º¡·N¡A¤j¦h¼Æ¤Hªí¥Ü¥L­Ì»{¬°À˹î©x¦b³B²z¨ü¸ìµ¥®×¥ó®É¦s¦b»G±Ñ¦æ¬°¡Cmsn.com/en-us/news/opinion/taiwan-poll-finds-widespread-public-mistrust-of-prosecutors-taiwanplus-news/vi-AA18glWE


¡¹ Áp¦X³ø  2023-12-12:  ¥Á¶iÄÒ®µ°õ¬FÀu¶Õ±N¤â¦ù¶i®Õ¶é¡A¦­¤£¬O·s»D¡A§â®Õ¶é·í¦¨¥Á¶iÄÒ±MÄݸTùC¡A®Õ¶é¬O¥Á¶iÄÒ¿W¥eªÅ¶¡ ¡¹ ¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¦bTimes Higher Education 2024 ±Æ¦W¿éµ¹ ¤¤国¡B ·s¥[©Y¡B ¤é¥»¡B  ´ä¿D¡B  «nÁúµ¥¨È¬w°ê®a¡C¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¦bQuacquarelli Symonds¡AQS  UK 2024 ±Æ¦W¿éµ¹ ¤¤国¡B ·s¥[©Y¡B  ´ä¿D¡B¤é¥»¡B «nÁú¡B °¨¨Ó¦è¨Èµ¥¨È¬w°ê®a¡C¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¦bCWUR 2023 ±Æ¦W¿éµ¹ ¤é¥»¡B «nÁú¡B¤¤国¡B ¿D¬w¡B¥H¦â¦C¡B·s¥[©Y µ¥¨È¤Ó°ê®a¡C¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¦bNature Index 2023, ±Æ¦W¿éµ¹ ¤¤国¡B ¤é¥»¡B·s¥[©Y¡B  «nÁú¡B´ä¿D¡B ¨F¯Q¦aªü©Ô§B ¡B ¦L«×µ¥¨È¬w°ê®a¡C¡¹  Gallup's "Global Study Reveals Most Workers Enjoy What They Do¡¨, »\¬¥´¶½Õ¬d122 ­Ó°ê®aªº¤u§@³õ©Ò©¯ºÖ«ü¼Æ±Æ¦W ¥xÆW±Æ¦W²Ä 114.  moderndiplomacy.eu/2022/11/10/122-countries-ranked-on-workplace-happiness/  2022-11-10

¡¹  ¬ü°ê New York Times, news briefing, 2023-12-5: ¤j¿ïÁ{ªñ¡A³\¦h¿ï¥Á¤×¨ä¬O20¦h~30¦h·³ªº¿ï¥Á¹½­Â¤F¦a½t¬Fªv¡A´÷±æ§ó¥[Ãöª`¦p¦í©Ð¦¨¥»¡B¦¬¤J¼Wªø½wºC©M¾·~«e´ºµ¥¡C

¡¹   Yahoo, CTI, 2023-2-11:   ¤ýÂEÁ¨«ü¥X¡G¡u¥¢·~©M³q³f¿±µÈ¡A¬O¤H¥Á¥Í¬¡ªº¡y¨â¤jµh­W¡z¡A¤H¥ÁªºÁ~¸ê»°¤£¤Wª«»ùötº¦ªº³t«×  tw.news.yahoo.com/¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¯u¬Û-¤ýÂEÁ¨´¦ªñ2¦~-µh­W«ü¼Æ-½²¬F©²¹ï¤H¥Áµø¦Ó¤£¨£-081733883.html#:~:text=¤ýÂEÁ¨«ü¥X¡G¡u¥¢·~©M³q³f,¬ð¯}7%25¤jÃö¡C¡v


Dec. 2022 Nov. 2022 Oct. 2022 Sept. 2022 Aug. 2022 July 2022
6.23 5.96 6.38 6.42 6.47 7.13


¡¹   ¥xÆW #MeToo     ¥xÆW¤ä«ù©Ê¥­?   §í©Î¥u¬O¦P§ÓÅv?    ¬°¤°»ò?      click ¤kÅv

¡» ¬ü°ê New York Times, 2023-6-25 nytimes.com/2023/06/25/world/asia/taiwan-harassment-metoo.html ¤j¶qªº©ÊÄÌÂZ«ü±±¤Þµo¤F¤H­Ì¹ï³o­Ó¥Á¥D®qÀ¬¤W°ü¤kÅv§Qª¬ªpªº½èºÃ  ®Ú²`¸¦©Tªº©Ê§Oª[µø¨Ï¤k©Ê¦b¤u§@¤¤®e©ö¨ü¨ì¶Ë®`¡A¦Ó¥B³oºØ¤å¤Æ«Ü§Ö´N·|«ü³d¨ü®`ªÌ¨Ã±»»\¹ï¦³Åv¦³¶Õªº¨k©Êªº«ü±±
¡» ­^°ê Economist, 2023-6-22 遭受©Ê©ÊÄÌ的台灣女性都會說服自己¡§沒什麼大不了的¡¨。 2021年的一項調查發現,82%在工作場所遭受性騷擾的女性沒有提出正式投訴。近一半§]Án§Ô®ð的¤k©Ê¥u¡§把這當作一個玩笑"  economist.com/culture/2023/06/22/a-tv-drama-about-taiwanese-politics-has-sparked-a-social-reckoning
¡» ¿D¬w ABC, 2023-6-24 性騷擾和性侵犯在各種權力關係中普遍存在; ±q文化上來說,台灣女性從小就根深蒂固地認為,不受歡迎的性關注是每天的不便。台灣女性從小就被教導要保護自己,或者嘗試容忍這種不便¡CNetflix ¬Fªv¼@¡m³y®öªÌ¡n¼vÅT¥¨¤j¡A¤Þ°_¤F¥xÆW¦~»´¤k©Êªº¦@»ï¡A¦]¬°¥xÆWªÀ·|©ÊÄÌÂZ²{¶H²±¦æ。  abc.net.au/news/2023-06-24/taiwan-metoo-movement-triggered-by-netflix-show-wave-makers/102505174 


 ¡» The Hill, 2023-6-9: ¥Á¶iÄÒ±²¤J©ÊÄÌÂZ«ü±±,《華盛頓郵報》¶g¤T: 民進黨的支持率下降了一半


World's Best Hospitals 2024
by Newsweek


Country/Ranks ±Æ¦WNo.1~100 ±Æ¦WNo.101~200 ±Æ¦WNo.201~250 Total
Japan ¤é¥» 7 5 3 15
S. Korea «nÁú 6 6 5 17
Israel ¥H¦â¦C 2 1 ¡@ 3
Singapore ·s¥[©Y 2 4 ¡@ 6
Australia ¿D¬w 2 4 ¡@ 6
India ¦L«× ¡@ 2 1 3
Thailand ®õ°ê ¡@ 1 ¡@ 1
UAE ªü©Ô§B ¡@ 1 ¡@ 1
Malaysia °¨¨Ó¦è¨È ¡@ ¡@ 2 2
Taiwan ¥xÆW ¡@ ¡@ 1 1
Saudi Arabia ¨F¯Q¦aªü©Ô§B ¡@ ¡@ 1 1
Total 19 24 13 56


World's Best Hospitals 2023
by Newsweek




¤J¿ï«e 250 Âå°|¼Æ

1 Japan ¤é¥» 18
2 S. Korea «nÁú 18
3 Australia ¿D¬w 7
4 Singapore ·s¥[©Y 5
5 Israel ¥H¦â¦C 3
6 India ¦L«× 3
7 Thailand ®õ°ê 1
8 UAE ªü©Ô§B 1
9 Taiwan ¥xÆW 1
10 Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia 0
¨ä¥L¥D­n¨È¬w°ê®a, ¦p¤j³°    - ¤£¥]¬A¦b¥»¦¸½Õ¬ãªº28°ê¤§¤º
¥xÆW»P®õ°ê. UAE ³£¤J¿ï¤@¶¡,  ¦ý¥x¤jÂå°|±Æ¦WNo.249¸û«á, ¬G°ê®a±Æ¦W¸m«á



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µûŲ¾÷ºc ¥@¬É±Æ¦W China ¤¤°ê¤j³° Singapore ·s¥[©Y Japan ¤é¥» H K ´ä¿D Australia ¿D¬w S. Korea «nÁú Taiwan¥xÆW ¡@
Nature 1-100 37 2 3 1 ¡@ 2 ¡@ ¡@

100¦W¤§«á : ¥xÆW (NTU ¥xÆW¤j¾Ç) No. 208, ¿éµ¹ ­»´ä (No. 103. City U HK  108 Chinese U. HK   122. HKUST    207.  HK Poly.), ¿D¬w (no. 112, 113, 134, 148), ¥H¦â¦C (no. 86, 140, 176, 196), ¨F¯Q¦aªü©Ô§B (145.  KAUST), ¦L«× (149 India U., 189.  India Institute of Science) etc

QS 1-25 2 2 1 1 3 1 ¡@ ¡@
25-60 3 ¡@ 1 2 3 1 ¡@ ¡@
60-100 ¡@ ¡@ 2 2 3 3 1 ¡@
¥xÆW (¥xÆW¤j¾Ç ranks no. 69) ¿éµ¹°¨¨Ó¦è¨È (no. 65 U. Malaya) ¡@
CWUR 1-100 6 1 3 ¡@ 2 1 ¡@ ¡@
¥xÆW (¥xÆW¤j¾Ç no. 102) ¿éµ¹¥H¦â¦C  (no. 70, 87) ¡@
Times 1-70 6 2 2 3 5 1 ¡@ ¡@
70-100 1 ¡@ ¡@ 2 1 2 ¡@ ¡@
Mar. 17, 2024     ¤p­p 55 7 12 11 17 11 1 ¡@




¡m¥@¬É¤HÅv«Å¨¥¡n( the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) ©ú½T³W©w¤FÁô¨pÅv ¢w¢w  ¥ô¦ó¤HªºÁô¨p¡B®a®x¡B¦í©Ò©Î³q«H¤£±o¨ü¨ì¥ô·N¤z¯A¡A ¥ô¦ó¤HªººaÅA©M¦WÅA ¤]¤£±o¨ü¨ì¥ô·N§ðÀ»¡C

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Justice Brandeis:  Áô¨pÅv¬O³Ì¥þ¤è¦ìªºÅv§Q¡A¤]¬O¤å©ú¤H³Ì¬Ý­«ªºÅv§Q ¡C


nn¥xÆWÄ«ªG¤é³ø (2014-8-18) ªÀ½×:  Áô¨p¬O¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ»P¤HÅvªº°ò¦; ©IÆ~´Â³¥¥¿µø¤H¥Á¾D¨ìºÊÅ¥»Pºô¸ôºÊ±± (brief)
¤¤°ê®É³ø (2007-10-18) :  ¥xÆW¦¨¬° "ĵ¹î°ê®a"¡A °ê®a¾÷¾¹´x´¤¦b¬F©²¤â¤¤¡A½Ö³£µLªk¥h¾÷©Ð¬dÃÒ¦Û¤v¬O§_³QºÊÅ¥¡A½Õ¬dµ²ªG¤£¤F¤F¤§ (brief)
nn¥xÆWÁp¦X³ø¨t ¥Á¥Í³ø (1995-7-17): ÅÑÅ¥¥ÆÀÝ,   Áô¨pÅv­¡¨ü«I¥Ç  (§A§Ú³£¥i¯à¦¨¬°³z©ú¤H)
nnGlobal Times (2022-12-19): ¥xÆW´c¶Õ¤O¥¿¦b±±¨î¤H¥Áªº«äºû


30¦~¤F¡A¥xÆW¤£ ª¾ªø¶i¡AºÊ±± ¦ü¥G¨C¤U·Uªp¡B¤é¯q´c¦H¡A¥xÆW ¬O¦Û¥Ñ¡B¤HÅv ªº°ê®a¶Ü?   
¬Ý¨Ó¡A ­n­t³d¦ü¥G¬OÁ`²Î¡A¦Ü¤Ö À³¸Ó¬O¤£§@¬°¤§³d¡C2023-8-8







¡» NBC, 2023-12-26 ²ßªñ¥­¦b®p·|ĵ§i«ôµn¡A¥_¨Ê±N¹ê²{²Î¤@; ¥¦¬O¦b¹ï¥x¤é¯q©F©F¹G¤H¥BÃöÁäÁ`²Î¿ïÁ|¤§«eµo¥Xªº¡CSen. Lindsey Graham»¡±N¬°¥xÆW§@±j¤O°ê¨¾¸Éµ¹¡A¨Ã°_¯ó¤J«I«eªº¦aº»¨îµô(pre-invasion sanctions from hell)  ps: µL¥X§L¤z¹w­pµe
¡» GB News, 2023-12-25 ĵ§i¬ü°êµLªkÀ»±Ñ¤¤国¡A¦]¦¹¡A§Ú­Ì²{¦bÀ³¸Ó»P¥xÆW¦X§@¡A¨p¤U§i¶D¥L­Ì§Ú­Ì¤£·|¬°§A­Ì¦Ó¾Ô¡C§Ú­Ì¤£¯à±²¤J¤@³õ¥i¯àºtÅܦ¨®Ö¾Ôªº¾Ôª§¡A¨º¬O·MÄøªº
¡» First Post, 2023-12-22 ¤é¥»ªí¥Ü¡A¤¤国§Y±N¤J«I¥xÆW¡A¨Ã¥¿·Ç³ÆÀ³¹ï«áªG¡C an invasion of Taiwan by China is imminent
¡» New York Times, 2024-1-20 ¥Á½ÕÅã¥Ü¡A¥xÆW¥Á²³¹ï¬ü°êªº¤£«H¥ô»P¤é­Ñ¼W

¬ü°êThe Hill, 2023-12-12: ¦pªG¥Á¶iÄÒ¦bÁ`²Î¤j¿ïÀò³Ó¡A北京很可能會援引2005年的《反分裂國家法》¡» ¬ü°êForeign Affairs, 2023-12-12: ¥Ñ©ó¬ü°ê¦]¼Ú¬w©M¤¤ªFªº­«¤j¾Ô¨Æ¦Ó¤À¤ß¡A¥_¨Ê¥i¯à¬Ý¨ì¤@­Ó¦b¦è¤è°µ¥X¤ÏÀ³¤§«eµo°Ê­x¨Æ¦æ°Ê²Î¤@ªº¾÷·| ¡» GT, 2023-12-8: ¬ü°ê´M¨D»P¥xÆW·í§½²`¤Æ­x¨ÆÃö«YªºÁ|°Ê¤£·|±q®Ú¥»¤W§ïÅÜ¥x®ü¨â©¤¤£¦Pªº­x¨Æ¤O¶q¹ï¤ñ¡A¥u·|¥[¼@ºò±i§½¶Õ ¡» Fortune, 2023-12-5:¥xÆW°Ó¬É»â³S¾á¤ß¥x¥_»P¥_¨Êªººò±i§½¶Õ¥i¯à¤Þµo¤U¤@¦¸¦a½t¬Fªv½Ä¬ð¡A§ó¥[¤ß·Ð·N¶Ãªº¬ü°ê¤]¥¿¦b¦Ò¼{¦¹±¡ªp¡A台積電必須考慮如何保護重要資產、智慧財產權和員工。¥Ñ©ó¨Æ¯A±Ó·P¡A¥x¿n¹q´X¥G¨S¦³³zÅS¨ä¦b¾Ô®Éªº­p¹º...¦@©MÄÒ»â¾Éªº²³Ä³°|¦b 11 ¤ë¥u§å­ã¤F¦V¥H¦â¦C´£¨Ñ¸êª÷¡AµLµø«ôµn¬°¥H¡B¯Q¡B¥x´£¨Ñ´©§Uªº­n¨D¡» Telegraph (UK), 2023-12-2: 台灣即將投票反對中国。戰爭即將來臨¡A與中国做生意的時代結束了¡» WSWS.org, 2023-11-29: ¨â©¤¦b¤j¿ï¦û¾Ú重要地位,但低經濟成長率、失業率上升和社會困境等國內問題也¦³顯著影響。台灣在2023年第一季陷入衰退,GDP年減3.02%。預計今年經濟僅成長1.61%。©Ð¦a²£§ë¾÷¥¿¦b¥[¼@¤é¯qÄY­«ªº¦í©Ð¦M¾÷¡C 20 ¦Ü 24 ·³«C¦~¥¢·~²v¶W¹L 11% ¡» Diplomat, 2023-12-1: »¯¤Ö±d¥HÁYµu§L §Ð´Á§@¬°±µ¨ü°ÆÁ`²Î­Ô¿ï¤Hªº±ø¥ó¡A¾Ú³ø¾É¡A°ê¥ÁÄÒ±µ¨ü¤F ¡» Global Finance Magazine, 2023-11-30:  總統¤j¿ï將台灣置於十字路口¡A¿ïÁ|µ²ªGªº¼vÅT¥i¯à»·»·¶W¥X¸Ó®qªº½d³ò  ¡» Washington Post, 2023-11-28: 北京稱這場¤j¿ï是¡§戰爭與和平之間的選擇¡¨¡» Daily Express (UK), 2023-12-2: ¤¤¦b¥xÆWªþªñ°õ¦æ¯«¯µ¡u¦w¥þ¥ô°È¡v¥O¥@¬Éºò±i¡A¤K¤ë©M¤E¤ë«e«á¼W¥[ªº­x¨Æºt²ß¬O¡§¤£¥¿±`ªº¡¨¡A¤¤±NÄ~Äò¦b¥xÆW°ÝÃD¤W¡u¤É¯Å¡v¡C¬ü°ê¤µ¤Ñ¦³«Ü¦hÄw½X¡A¦ý¥¦¨S¦³§Q¥Î   ¡»  The Market Oracle (UK), 2023-11-28: ¥xÆW2024¦~¤j¿ï¡G­x¨Æ¤Æ§í©Î¸gÀÙ發展¡C«ùÄòªº軍事化將破壞過去的經濟成功。台灣正處於最終的十字路口。 ¨C¤T­Ó¥xÆW¤H¤¤幾乎二個都希望´î¤Ö對抗並更加關注國內經濟¡C»¯¤Ö±d¬Û«H大多數美國人¤£§Æ±æ¥x®üµo¥Í¾Ôª§¡A¦ý美國軍工複合體§Æ±æ¾Ôª§




¡¹  ¤é¥»每日新聞, 2023-11-29 ¤¤¬F©²µoªíÁn©ú: ¥xÆW¡§­±Á{©M¥­»P¾Ôª§¡BÁcºa»P°I¸¨ªº¿ï¾Ü"
¡¹  Washington Post, 2023-11-28 ¤¤国在台海的軍事侵略達到了幾十年來從未有過的ÄY­«µ{度。柯 ¤å­õºÙ各國³£­n「插手」台灣選舉¡A¥]¬A¬ü°ê
¡¹  Washington Post, 2023-11-28 避免¤¤国±µºÞ台灣, ¬O我們ªº戰略過度擴張¡A超越了能力½d³ò。台灣¦ü¥G¬O資產,但¨ä¹ê已成為負債¡AÀ³ÁקK¤ä«ù¿à²M¼w¡A²{¦b¥¿¬O§Ú­Ì»¨ÁÚ©M¦³»·¨£逐步退出台灣的好時機
¡¹  WSWS,org, 2023-11-29 拜登政府故意將這個島嶼變成與中国發生衝突的危險爆發點¡A¦b¹L¥h十年中,美國¾ú©¡政府都故意破壞支撐中 国關係的外交協議¡A蔡英文一直願意合作,加劇台海緊張局勢¡A¥]¬AÅwªï»p洛西挑釁性³X¥x; 毫無疑問,如果賴當選,台海緊張局勢將進一步惡化
¡¹  Wall Street Journal, 2023-11-24 北京«ÊÂê¥xÆW¡A¬ü°ê·|冒著爆發戰爭的風險嗎?或看著島上的經濟耗盡食物和燃料?美國會希望自己能阻止這場危機。避免½Ä¬ð¤ñ¥H¥ô¦ó對抗­n¦n±o¦h
¡¹  VOA News, 2023-11-24  »È¦æ®a¦b¹q¸Ü¤¤¹ï¬ü°ê¤§­µ»¡:¡§§Ú·|§ë²¼µ¹柯文哲,因為我認為他可以幫助解決長期困擾台灣政治的³g腐問題(the issue of corruption that has long plagued Taiwan's politics.¡¨)。¡¨ voanews.com/a/taiwan-presidential-election-heats-up-after-opposition-parties-announce-vp-candidates/7369189.html William Yang 
¡¹  ¿D¬w Australia InsideStory.org.au, 2023-11-24 民眾支持更換政府。 ¨Æ¹ê¤W¡A¤Ï¹ïÄÒ¤w¸gµo²{¤F³\¦h攻擊目標:政府對新冠疫情的處理;立法ij­û的³g腐行為(corruption)......  insidestory.org.au/taiwans-cat-warrior-to-the-rescue/



¡» Modern War Institute at West point, 2023-9-14 ³\¦h±M®a¿ù»~¦a¹w´ú¡A¤J«I¹ï©ó¤¤¤w¸gµäÁYªº¸gÀÙ¨Ó»¡¥N»ù¤Ó¤j
¡» Financial Times, 2023-9-15 ¥Á½ÕÅã¥Ü¡A¥xÆW¥Á²³¹ï¬ü°êªº«OÃÒ«H¤ß¤£Ã­
¡» The Hill, 2023-9-14 §Ú­Ì¸m¨­¨Æ¥~¡A¸Ñ©ñ­x±N¦]§ð¥x¨ü¨ìÄY­««d®z¡A¤¤可能需要十多年恢復¡A ¬ü°ê±N¦b¥þ²y¾Ö¦³µ´¹ïªºÀu¶Õ¡C台灣島上沒有任何東西值得拿美國的國家安全去冒險



¡» 1945, 2023-9-21 ¤¤国¤µ¤Ñ¤w°µ¦n¾Ôª§·Ç³Æ¡A¦@­x³Ì¤jªº«Â¯Ù©ó¨ä¦b¤ÓªÅ¡B¹qºÏÀWÃЩMºô¸ôªÅ¶¡ ·´·À©Ê¾Ô¤O¡A§ðÀ»¬ü°ê¤Î¨ä·ù°ê½Ã¬P±N¨Ï盟軍聾啞盲¡A擾亂電磁(EM)頻譜¨Ï大多數美國軍事裝備毫無用處。除潛艇外¡A美國海軍將很難對中行動; °ª¶W­µ³t­¸¼u¬Æ¦Ü¥i¥H¬ï³z¬ü°ê¥»¤gªº¨¾ªÅ¨t²Î; ¦è¤è±M®a»{¬°¦@­x缺乏兩棲能力ªº·Qªk¬O無知ªº¡A¦]¨ä民用Ro-Ro渡輪船¶¤¤w§ï³y§¹¦¨ msn.com/en-us/news/world/china-is-building-a-powerful-military-to-beat-america-in-a-war-over-taiwan/ar-AA1h3qBD
¡» 1945, 2023-9-20 ¦@­x¥¿·Ç³Æ¤J«I¥xÆW¡]¦Ó¥B很快)¡A¦MÀIªº¡B·´·À©Êªº戰爭的條件已經成熟。西方錯誤地認為,¦@­x最早要到 2027 年才能做好入侵台灣的準備...解放軍在2023 年吸引了創紀錄的1000 萬新兵 ¡A­¸¼u¹ï¬ü°êªÅ­x©M®ü­xºc¦¨ª½±µ«Â¯Ù ¡A®ü­xÄ¥¸¥©M¼ç¸¥ ¢w¢w ¦@­x¬ù 350 ¿´¡A¬ü­x293 ¿´ ¢w¢w  ¡§homefield advantage¡¨ ¡B ¡§quantity has a quality all of its own.¡¨  msn.com/en-us/news/world/china-s-military-is-preparing-to-invade-taiwan-and-quite-soon/ar-AA1h0bLL Brandon Weichert


¡» Wall Street Journal (2023-8-29) : Ramaswamy: 美國不承認台灣是一個國家。民主黨和共和黨都毫無疑問地支持¡§一個中國¡¨政策,並接受對台灣的¡§戰略模糊¡¨。沒有其他總統候選人願意承諾軍事保衛台灣 ¡» The Federalist, Texas Public Policy Foundation (2023-8-29) : 台灣不像烏克蘭,不願認真武裝國家,從未建立嚴格的後備役制度  ¢w¢w  台灣每年只進行四五天的演習,去年,一些訓練增加到 14 天。相比之下,美國國民警衛隊或後備役每年至少訓練 39 天台灣«á³Æ§Ð±b­±¤W¤H¼Æ200¸U, ¹ê«h¨Ã«D¦p¦¹¡» Council on Foreign Relations, 2023-8-29 : ¥xÆW¤½§G³Ð¬ö¿ýªº°ê¨¾¹wºâ¡A¦ý¤´µM»·»·§C©óÀ³¦³ªº§ë¸ê¡C¿Ø¨ëªº¬O¡A°ê¨¾¹wºâ¥X²{¤­¦~¨Ó³Ì¤pªº¼Wªø¡A¦Ó¦¹®É¤ä¥X¥»À³¥[³t¡A¥HÀ³¹ï¤é¯q¼Wªøªº¦MÀI«Â¯Ù¡C¤¤国ªº©x¤è°ê¨¾¹wºâ´X¥G¬O¥xÆWªº 12 ­¿¡C


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¬ü°êNew York Times, 2024-1-13 ºò±i§½¶Õ¥i¯à·|¥[¼@; ¿à²M¼w¬O­Ó½Ä°Ê¥B±a¦³¬Fªv°¾¨£ªº¤Hª«¡A³o®£©È«D±`¦MÀI¡A²ßªñ¥­¹ï¥xÆWªº¬Ýªk«Ü©ú½T¡A¥]¬A¥L°í«ù¥²­n®É¥i¥H¨Ï¥ÎªZ¤O;  ¥Ñ©ó¥xÆWªº¦Û§Ú·NÃÑ»P¤¤°êªº´Á±æ¦³½Ä¬ð¡A²ßªñ¥­¤£·|³S¤â®ÇÆ[¡Cnytimes.com/2024/01/13/world/asia/china-taiwan-election-result-analysis.html Damien Cave
¬ü°êCNN, 2024-1-13 ¥_¨Êªº¤u¨ã½c¸Ì¦³¼sªxªº±j¨î±¹¬I¡C¦b¥¼¨Ó´X¤Ñ©M´X¶g¤º¥[¤j¹ï¥xÆWªº¸gÀÙ©M­x¨ÆÀ£¤O¡A¥Hªí¹F¨ä¤£º¡¡A©Îµ¥¨ì¿à¤W¥x«á±Ä¨ú§ó±j¦³¤Oªº¦^À³  msn.com/en-us/news/world/taiwan-voters-dismiss-china-warnings-and-hand-ruling-party-a-historic-third-consecutive-presidential-win/ar-AA1mUnBb  Eric Cheung, Wayne Chang, Nectar Gan and Jerome Taylor
¬ü°êWashington Post, 2024-1-13 ¤¤ªº­x¨Æ¬IÀ£¦æ°Ê¤Þµo¤F¤H­Ì¹ï»~§Pªº¾á¼~¡A»{¬°³o¥i¯à¤Þµo½Ä¬ð¨Ã§l¤Þ¬ü°êªº°Ñ»P¡C¤ÀªR¤H¤h¥¿¦b±K¤ÁÃöª`¥_¨Ê¬O§_·|³z¹L¤j³W¼Òºt²ß¨Ó¦^À³¿àªº³Ó§Q¡A³o¥i¯à·|¾É­Pºò±i§½¶Õ¤É¯Å washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/13/taiwan-president-lai-ching-te/  Christian Shepherd  Vic Chiang
ªk°ê AFP, 2024-1-14 Asia Society Policy Institute±M®a: ¥i¥H¹w´Á¥_¨Ê±N¥[¼@¹ï¥x¥_ªººò±i§½¶Õ©M¯Ù­¢¡C¨â©¤¨â­Ó¬FÄÒªº®É¥N¡K¡K´N²Î¤@°ÝÃD¹F¦¨¬YºØ¬Fªv¦@ÃѪº®É¥N¥¿¦b®ø¥¢¡C¤¤国©x¤èªº¥ß§Y¤ÏÀ³ÁöµM¬Û¹ï¥­ÀR¡A¦ý¤]Åã¥Ü¨S¦³§´¨óªº¾l¦a¡C¦³©x´C¼g¹D:¡§¹ê¤O©M«O¯d°ÊªZªº¿ï¾Ü¬O©M¥­²Î¤@ªº¥ý¨M±ø¥ó¡C¡¨Brookings Institution±M®a: ¨S¦³¸ñ¶Hªí©ú«Ü§Öµo°Ê½Ä¬ð sg.news.yahoo.com/china-pile-pressure-rebuke-taiwans-064507391.html
ªk°ê France24, 2024-1-14 ¥xÆW­n¨D¤¤¡u­±¹ï²{¹ê¡v¨Ã´L­«¿ïÁ|µ²ªGBonnie Glaser :¥¼¨Ó´X¤Ñªº°ÝÃD±N¬O¡A¤¤°ê¬O§_¨M©w¶È¹ï¿ïÁ|°µ¥X¥~¥æ©M¤fÀY¦^À³¡A©Î±Ä¨ú¤j³W¼ÒªZ¤O®i¥Ü msn.com/en-gb/news/world/taiwan-tells-china-to-face-reality-respect-election-results/ar-AA1mW3Di   NEWS WIRES 
¬ü°êUS News & World Report, 2024-1-14 ¤¤«Ü§Ö´N«ü¥X¤j¦h¼Æ¿ï¥Á§ë²¼¤Ï¹ï¿à²M¼w¡A«e¥Á¶iÄҰƯµ®Ñªø:¡u¬Û·í¾á¤ß¡v·s¬F©²±N«×¹L¡u«D±`Á}Ãø¡vªº¥|¦~;  Ä¬¦{¤j¾Ç±Ð±Â«ü60%ªº¿ï¥Á¤£¤ä«ù¿à¡A·N¨ýµÛ¿ïÁ|¡u¨Ã¥¼±È°_­·¼É¡v¡C usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-01-14/taiwans-new-president-faces-tough-time-with-china-pressure-no-parliament-majority
¤¤国 ·sµØªÀ, 2024-1-13 选举结ªG显¥Ü¡A¥Á进ÐÞ¦}¤£¯à¥Nªí岛内¥D¬y¥Á·N¡C¥x湾¬O¤¤国ªº¥x湾¡C这¦¸选举§ï变¤£¤F两©¤关¨tªº°ò¥»®æ§½©M发®i¤è¦V¡A§ï变¤£¤F两©¤¦P­M¨«ªñ¨«亲¡B¶V¨«¶V亲ªº¦@¦Pº@±æ¡A§óªý挡¤£¤F¯ª国终将统¤@¡B¤]¥²µM统¤@ªº¤j势  news.cn/tw/20240113/de4b608e529742d6bb428d5993c66c41/c.html
­^°êIndependent, 2024-1-14 ¿à²M¼w¦b¾ú¥v¿ïÁ|³Ó§Q«á¦V¤¤µo¥X¬DÆ](defiant )°T®§...¥Á¶iÄÒ¸g±`³Q§åµû¥u±Mª`©óÀ³¹ï¨Ó¦Û¤¤ªº«Â¯Ù¡A¦Ó¨S¦³¸Ñ¨M§xÂZ¥xÆW¤H¥ÁªºªÀ·|©M¸gÀÙ°ÝÃD news.yahoo.com/taiwan-president-lai-ching-te-184055493.html
¼Ú¬wEuro News, 2024-1-13 ¤¤ªí¥Ü¡A¥_¨Ê¤£·|±µ¨ü¿ïÁ|µ²ªG¥Nªí¡u®q¤º¥D¬y¥Á·N¡v¡C
¬ü°êUSA Today, 2024-1-13 §ë²¼µ²ªG±N³Ì²×¨M©w¤¤¬üÃö«Y©Ê½è¡A¨Ã±N¹ï«n®ü§½¶Õ²£¥Í­«¤j¼vÅT
­^°êBBC, 2024-1-13 ¿à²M¼w·í¿ïÁ`²Î¡A¡A¾d©T¤F¤@±ø»P¤¤¤é¯q­I¹D¦Ó¹£ªº¹D¸ô bbc.com/news/world-asia-67920532  Tessa Wong
¬ü°êThe Hill, 2024-1-13 ¿à²M¼w·í¿ïÁ`²Î¡A­·ÀI¥¨¤j  Lauren Irwin news.yahoo.com/taiwan-elects-ruling-party-candidate-131754245.html
¬ü°êVox, 2024-1-13 ¤@¨Ç¤¤°ê°ÝÃD±M®a¹w­p¤¤ªº¤ÏÀ³±N¬O¡u±jµwªº¡v¡C¥i¯à·|¦b¥¼¨Ó´X¶g©Î´X­Ó¤ë¤ºµo¥Í¡A¦Ó¤£¬O¦b±µ¤U¨Óªº´X¤Ñ¤º¡C¤­~¤Q¤­¦~«e¡A¥_¨Ê·|°µªº¨Æ±¡¬O¬Û·í¥i¹w´úªº¡C²{¦bÅܱo¶V¨Ó¶V§xÃø msn.com/en-us/news/world/in-taiwan-s-high-stakes-elections-china-is-the-loser/ar-AA1mVl3g  Ellen Ioanes



¡» ­^°ê BBC, 2023-8-29 約40%的選民是執政的民進黨的堅定支持者。這意味著執政黨可能會被擊敗。但反對派要想有機會就必須團結¡A¥Ø«e³¢¥x»Ê°Ñ¿ï¥i¯à¶i¤@¨B¤Àµõ¤Ï¹ï¬£¡A¿ï²¼±N¤À¬°¤T¬£¡C
¡» ­^°ê Economist, 2023-8-29 ¤Ï¹ï¬£ªº勝利不會結束緊張局勢,但可能會通過安撫中來緩解緊張§½¶Õ¡C¥Á¶iÄÒªº勝利可能會產生相反的效果。
¡» ¬ü°ê Washington Post, 2023-8-28 台灣選民可以¤õ¤W¥[ªo或 ¥H¤ô¼åÀã日益緊張ªº§½¶Õ¡AºÝµøÁ`²Î¤j¿ïµ²ªG¬O維護台灣政治獨立的執政黨ÁÙ¬O與中国建立更密切關係§@¬°°ß¤@¥i¦æ¹D¸ôªº¤Ï¹ïÄÒ
¡» ­^°ê Reuters, 2023-8-28 非民進黨一方的分裂¡A 意味著賴清德在一月¤j¿ï肯定獲勝
¡» ¬ü°ê Wall Street Journal, 2023-8-25  2016¦~¥H¨Ó台北以犧牲北京為代價與華盛頓建立了更緊密的關係¡A¦@¾÷幾乎每天都在台灣周圍飛行¡C分析人士表示,鑑於政治波動¡A¨ì¤@¤ë¤j¿ï時,賴清德ªº»â¥ýÀu¶Õ¥i¯à³Q«d®z
¡» ¬ü°ê AP, The Hill, 2023-8-28 ³¢¥x»Ê°Ñ¿ï¡A¡§³o¬O¥L¬FªvÅv¤Oªº®i¥Ü"¡C¥L¤@ª½»{¬°¦Û¤v¥i¥H¹Îµ²¤Ï¹ï¬£¡A¾¨ºÞ³o¤£¤Ó¥i¯à¡C³¢§åµû¥Á¶iÄÒ¡§¨Ï¥xÆW³´¤J¾Ôª§ªº­·ÀI¡¨


¡» Economist, 2023-5-31: ¥Á¶iÄÒ¦³§Î¶H°ÝÃD¡C¦b執政八年後,其反對派身份已經褪色。許多年輕人將民進黨視為¡§建制派¡¨¡§習慣性傲慢¡¨¡ó ¥þ¤å


¡» ¬ü°ê Washington Post ( 2023-5-31 ): ­Y¥Á¶iÄÒ¤j¿ïÀò³Ó¡A¬ü°ê¤ÏÀ»¤¤±NÀò±o¤@­Ó¤ß¥Ì±¡Ä@ªº¦X§@¹Ù¦ñ¡Aºò±i§½¶Õ¥i¯à«ùÄò¡C
¡» ¬ü°ê Wall Street Journal (2023-1-26):  ¦pªG¿à²M¼w¯uªºÄ¹¤FÁ`¿ï¤j¿ï¡A¥_¨Ê¥i¯à¨³³t¤J«I¡C
¡» ­^°ê Economist (2023-5-31): §Y¨Ï¿à²M¼w±N¥Á¶iÄÒªº¤f¸¹緩和為¡§和平保台¡¨。¦ý只要民進黨掌權,中共就會繼續威脅並尋求孤立台灣¡X¡X這加劇了國民黨對民進黨讓台灣不安全的批評¡C


¥xÆW  vs. ¦@­x§ð¥x

¡» 美國The Conversation, 2023-8-16: ¤@¨Ç¥xÆWÆ[¹î®a»{¬°¡A台灣人民不願意付出¹³¯Q§JÄõ ¯ë¤j¶q¥Í©R·l¥¢©M¸gÀÙ±Y¼ì¨º»ò沉重的代價來維護其政治自治

¡» 美國Fox News (2023-7-28): ³Ì¥O¤H¾_Å媺¬O¡A¨Æ¹êÃÒ©ú¡A¤@¨Ç¥xÆW¦~»´¤H¤£Ä@·N¬°°ê®aÄm¨­;  2018¦~¬ã¨s´¦¥Ü¤j¶q¥xÆW¦~»´¤H¡§¹ï­x¶¤ºz¤£Ãö¤ß¡A¹½´cªA§Ð¡¨;«ôµn²{¦b¥²¶·®i²{»â¾É¤O¡A±j­¢¥xÆW¥[±j³Æ¾Ô¡C

¡» ­^國《經濟學人》(Economist, Mar. 2023) 指台灣的最大威脅,´N是未準備好對抗中台灣備戰¤´µM¤£¨¬,使得美國的戰爭策畫大師 Elbridge Colby 呼籲: 制裁台灣 (calling for sanctioning Taiwan )

News brief  2021~2023:  

¡» Space News, 2023-5-22:¤J«I¥xÆW¡A¤¤ ¦@´X¥GªÖ©w·|«Â¯Ù©Î§ðÀ» GPS¡C¤ÀªR¤H¤h»{¬°¡A¶È¬O§ðÀ» GPS ªº«Â¯Ù´N¨¬¥Hªý¤î¬ü°ê«O½Ã¥xÆW¡C¥¢¥h GPS ±N¾É­P¬ü°ê­x¨Æ¥´À»¯à¤OÄY­«¤U­°¡A¨Ã¹ï¬ü°ê°ê¤g³y¦¨ÄY­«ªº¸gÀÙ©MªÀ·|¯}Ãa ¡» New York Times, 2023-5-11:  ¤H口´î¤Ö¡B­V¨èªº¤u§@¤å¤Æ©M¤j¶q¨ä¥Lªº¤u§@¾¦ì¨Ï¥x¿n¹q工人越來越稀缺¡A威脅¨ì¥xÆW的領先地位   ¡» The Hill, 2023-7-25: ¤ò¿AªF¹ïKissinger»¡¥L¥i¥Hµ¥¡§¬Æ¦Ü100¦~¡¨¤~¯à®³¤U¥xÆW¡A ¦ý2007¦~¡AKissingerĵ§i¥xÆW¡A¡§¤¤¤£·|¥Ã»·µ¥«Ý¡¨¡» EurAsian Times, 2023-7-24: «Xù´µ¡B¤¤国¤j³W¼Ò­x¨Æºt²ß¡A¤é¥»©M¥xÆWªº¤£²»¤§¥ü;  ³o¹ï¤é¥»³y¦¨¤FÀ£¤O¡A¦]¬°¥¦²{¦b¥²¶·¦Ò¼{¨Ó¦Û«Xù´µ¹ï¦è¥_¡B´ÂÂA¹ï¦è¤è©M¤¤国¹ï¦è«nªº«Â¯Ù ¡» EurAsian Times, 2023-7-15: °£°ê°È°|, CIAºô¯¸¥~¡A¤j¦h¼Æ¬ü°ê¬F©²ºô¯¸³q±`¤£·|±N¥xÆWºÙ¬°¤@­Ó°ê®a¡A¦ý¬ü°ê¤j°j±Û±¼ÀY¡A°ê°È°|¬ðµM±q¥xÆW®È¦æĵ§i¤¤§R°£¤F¡§°ê®a¡¨¤@µü¡C  ¡» National Interest, 2023-7-15: ¥xÆW«Å¥¬©µªø±j¨î¼x§L¡A¾D¨ì¤F¦~»´¤Hªº±j¯P¤Ï¹ï¡C¥xÆW¦pªG¨S¦³¨¬°÷ªº­x¤O©M¤H¥Áªº¨M¤ß¡A¬ü°êªº«ÂÄà¾Ô²¤´N·|¥¢¥h°í¹êªº°ò¦; ¦pªG¬ü°ê»{¬°¥u¯à¨Ì¾a«ÂÄà¾Ô²¤ªý¤î¾Ô¨Æ¡A¨º´N¬Oè¤ß¦k·Q ¡» National Review, 2023-7-15: Yellenªí¥Ü¡A"«ôµn¦pªG¦A¦¸·í¿ï¡A¥L¥i¯à¹çÄ@¤£¬°¥xÆW¦Ó¾Ô  ¡» Atlantic Council, 2023-7-7: ¥xÆW¬O¥@¬É¤W¯à·½³Ì¤£¦w¥þªº¸gÀÙÅ餧¤@¡A¨ä¬ù 97% ªº¯à·½¨Ì¿à®ü¹B¶i¤f¡C¥_¨Ê¦ü¥G¶V¨Ó¶V¦³¯à¤O¹ï¸Ó®qµo°_¹jÂ÷¡B«ÊÂê¡B³ò§x¬Æ¦Ü¤J«I¡C¡» Council on Foreign Relations, 2023-7-7: ¬ü°ê¹ï¥xÆW´¹¤ùªº¨Ì¿à¨S¦³­°§C¨â©¤Ãzµo¾Ôª§ªº¥i¯à©Ê; ¥xÆW¥b¾ÉÅé¨S¦³«d®z¤¤±±¨î¥xÆWªºÄ@±æ¡A¤]¤£¤Ó¥i¯à¥R·í¡§ª¿¬Þ¡¨  ¡ó ¥þ¤å


¡» Washington Times, 2023-5-9: 台北對©ó°ê»Ú投資 ¤H的恐懼和世界末日的言論感到不安 ¡A台灣官¤è正試圖淡化美國投資大師和政©²©x­ûªº¨¥½×¡A¥xÆW¤@¨Çµû½×«üµØ²±¹y´²§G®£·W©ó¨ÆµL¸É ¡»  New York Times, 2023-4-18: 對中 ¦@的恐懼讓台灣人民相互對立 ¡» CNN, 2023-4-20: ¬ü°ê¬F©²°ª¼h©ê«è¥xÆW­x¶¤¯Ê¥F·Ç³Æ©M¤h®ð§C¸¨¡» Brookings, 2023-4-17: 2024¦pªG¿à獲勝, ¹w­p¥_¨Ê¥i¯à加大對台À£¤O  ¡» Bloomberg, 2023-3-31: ¬ü°êªº¨¥Ãã¡A ¦p¡§±ÇªÅ¡¨ª¿¬Þ»P¬D°_¾Ôª§«d®z¤¤¦@¡A助長¤F¥xÆW¤H對華盛頓的懷疑  ¡»Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, 2023-3-23: ½w©M¨â©¤ºò±i§½¶Õªº§V¤O¤´µM«Ü½ÆÂø¡A¦ý¥X²{¤F¨â©¤¶T©ö©M®È¹C¦^·xªº¸ñ¶H  ¡ó ¥þ¤å




pic.: "²¤¶¥xÆW"

±Æ¦WMicrosoft Bing


No.3 at 2023-6-24


pic.Google doodle celebrates Taiwan's sweet and tangy drink bubble tea   (Google ¤¶²Ð¥xÆW¬Ã¯]¥¤¯ù)
India Today, 2023-1-29:The unique drink that is sweet and tangy was popularised back in 2020. Countries like Singapore, Japan and South Korea have taken this drink to the next level with an ample amount of experiments msn.com/en-in/foodanddrink/foodnews/google-doodle-celebrates-taiwans-sweet-and-tangy-drink-bubble-tea/ar-AA16R1Tq


News brief  2021~2023: ¡» Bloomberg, 2023-3-31: ¬ü°êªº¨¥Ãã¡A ¦p¡§±ÇªÅ¡¨ª¿¬Þ»P¬D°_¾Ôª§«d®z¤¤¦@¡A助長¤F¥xÆW¤H對華盛頓的懷疑  ¡»Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, 2023-3-23: ½w©M¨â©¤ºò±i§½¶Õªº§V¤O¤´µM«Ü½ÆÂø¡A¦ý¥X²{¤F¨â©¤¶T©ö©M®È¹C¦^·xªº¸ñ¶H ¡» Foreign Policy Research Institute, 2023-3-22:¥_¨Ê­Y¤J«I¥¢±Ñ¥i¯à³Q­¢Ä~Äò½Ä¬ð¡A¦³­­ªº®Ö¥´À»©Î©µªø¹ï¥x«ÊÂê¡A¤£©¯ªº¬O¡A¬ü¥x´X¥G¨S¦³¯à¤O¥´¯}³oºØ«ÊÂê ¡» New York Post, 2023-3-18:²ßªñ¥­ 可能會¿ï¾Ü«X烏戰還在進行時儘早對台行動; ¥_¨Ê¹ï美國對¡§超限戰¡¨毫無準備的µû¦ô·P¨ì¹ª»R ¡» ¿D¬wABC, 2023-3-19: ¿D¬w°ê¨¾³¡ªø§_»{向美國承諾±N¨ó§U台灣¤§¾Ô¥H¥æ換 ®Ö潛艇 ¡» Brookings, 2023-3-16: 烏克蘭戰爭使中對台壓力顯得特別嚴厲和不祥...¦p台灣選舉的結果¤£¦p¹w´Á與一些動盪同時發生,可能會促使習近平在 2024 年嘗試再次升級軍事壓力 ¡» The Jamestown Foundation, 2023-3-17: 49.5%的受訪者不滿意蔡總統的兩岸政策¡A 78.2% 認為中對台灣政府不友好,但只有 61.9% 認為北京對台灣人民不友好 (Taipei Times, 2022-10-28)



¡» ¤¤®É ©ô³ø, 2023-5-6: ·sµØªÀ»{ÃÒªºÅv«Â±M®a¤¤°ê¤H¥Á¤j¾Ç¨â©¤Ãö«Y¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¥D¥ô±Ð±Â¤ý­^¬z¡A ¦b³Ì·s¥Xª©ªº´Á¥Z«ü¥X¡A1970¨ì80¦~¥N¡AªF¦è¼w°¨§Jªº¹ê»ÚÁʶR¤O¤ñ»ù¬O100¡G12¡A¦ýªF¦è¼w²Î¤@®É¡AªF¦è¼w°¨§J¶×²v«ö1¡G1¤è¦¡µ²ºâ¡A¥i±aµ¹¤j³°¡u±Ò¥Ü©M­ÉŲ·N¸q¡v¡Cchinatimes.com/newspapers/20230506000583-260303?chdtv ¡» ¬ü°ê¦@©MÄÒ"Beat Biden"«Å¶Ç¤ù¥X²{¥x¥_¥«¾D§ðÀ» ¿@·Ï«°_ªºµe­±  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLMMxgtxQ1Y


¡» The Nation, 2023-3-17:国領導人似乎已得出結論,台灣人最終會自願²Î¤@¡C中 国¦ü¥G·Ç³Æ§ë¤J¤j¶q¸ê·½¨Ó»¡ªA¥xÆW¤H¡A¤×¨ä¬O¦~»´¤H¡X¡X±N±q²Î¤@¤¤Àò±o§ó¤jªº¦n³B¡A³o¬O»Ý­n數年甚至數十年才能成功的戰略¡C¬ü°ê¦@©MÄÒ¤H«o§Q¥Î¤J«Iªº¹w´ú¦b°ê·|¤Þ°_®£·W¡A¨Ã¬°¥¼¨Ó»P¤¤国¶}¾Ô´M¨DÃB¥~¸êª÷¡C§Ú­Ì是在無中生有製造台灣危機嗎? ¡» VOA Asia Weekly, 2023-3-9: ¡§ª¿¬Þ¡¨¥x¿n¹q¥¿¦b¨È§Q®á¨º«Ø¼t, ¥xÆW©x­û¾á¤ß¬ü°ê¥i¯à¥D­n¦Ò¼{¥L­Ì¦Û¤vªº°ê®a¦w¥þ ¡» Economist, 2023-3-9: 幾乎可以肯定,¤J«I±N±q¹ï¥xÆWªº¤j³W¼Ò¾É¼u©M¤õ½bŧÀ»¶}©l¡C´¼®w¥xÆW°ê¨¾»P¦w¥þ¬ã¨s©Ò說:¥xÆW³»¦h可以抵擋¦@­x一兩個星期  ¡» Economist, 2023-3-6:¥xÆWÁʶR©M«Ø³y¥i¥H»´©ö³Q¤¤¾É¼uºR·´ªº¤j«¬¾÷Ä¥©Z§J¡A¥xÆW¤£À³將入侵和¡§灰色地帶¡¨¦æ°Ê視為同等重要; 台灣最需要證明的是,它能在中入侵後存活幾天¥H¤W ¡» FoxNews, 2023-3-7: ¤¤¥~¥æ³¡ªøĵ§i»¡¡A¬°¦ó¬ü¤è¤f¤fÁnÁnºûÅ@¦a°Ï©M¥­Ã­©w¡A·t¤¤»s©w·´¥x­p¹º¡H¡» ¥H¦â¦CJ Post, 2023-3-8: ¤¤­Y¾á¤ß¨ä°ê®a«Â±æ¼ÉÅS¦b¤£Â_ªº«V°d©M¬DÆ]¤§¤U¡A¥i¯à·|¨³³t¿ï¾Ü­x¨Æ¦¬´_¥xÆW ¡» Fortune, 2023-1-29: WSJ:  ¬ü°ê«e®ü­x°Æ³¡ªøĵ§i¥i¯à·|¦]¥xÆW»P¤¤°êµo¥Í¾Ôª§¡C "¦pªG¿à²M¼w(¥x¿Wªº¤ä«ùªÌ)¯uªºÄ¹¤F2024¡A¥_¨Ê¥i¯à·|¨³³t¤J«I" ¡» Financial Times, 2023-1-28: ¬ü°êªÅ­x°ª¯Å±N»â¹w´ú±N¦b 2025 ¦~»P¤¤国Ãzµo½Ä¬ð  ¡» ªk°êAFP, 2023-1-21: Blinken»{¬°¬ü¤¤ºò±i§½¶Õ¦³©Ò½w¸Ñ¡A¦ý¥xÆW¦s¦b­·ÀI ¡» USA Today, 2023-1-20: ¬üÁpªÀ±M³X¿½¬üµ^: ¯Q§JÄõªº教訓包括:¾¨¶qÅý¥xÆW«á備役軍人和平民·Ç³Æ¦n  ¹³¯Q§JÄõ¤H¨º¼Ë做¾ã­Ó社會ªº¾Ô°«  ¡» CNN, 2023-1-20: °h§Ðªº¸q°È ¨k»¡: 大部分時間都在幫洗砲車, ¦pªG¤µ¤Ñ·í¯¥§L¥´¥M¡A我只能當炮灰了  ¡» ¤é¥»Nikkei, 2023-1-19: ¬ü°ê°ê¥Á§LÂX¤j°V½m¥x­x ¡» Wall Street Journal, 2023-1-19: CSIS§L´Ñ±Àºt´¦¥Ü¬ü°ê¤´µM¨S¦³ªí²{¥X«ÂÄà¾Ô²¤ªººò­¢·P¡CThe Heritage Foundation's 'Index of U.S. Military Strength' ĵ§i¬ü°ê®ü­x©MªÅ­x¹ê¤O¤U­°¡C¥xÆW¥¿¦b¼W¥[°ê¨¾¶}¤ä¡A¦ý¨ä¼x§L©M³Æ¾Ô±¡ªp«o¤£ºÉ¦p¤H·N ¡» ­^°êEconomist, 2023-1-19: ·s§N¾Ô¨Ã¨S¦³­¢¨Ï¥x¿n¹q²æÂ÷¥xÆW¡A¥¦¥¿¦bª±¤@³õ·L§®ªº¥~¥æ¹CÀ¸¡A±N¨ä°Ó·~§Q¯q©ñ¦b­º¦ì ¡» New York Post, FoxNews, 2023-1-14: ¬ü°ê»Ý­n加快¹B¿é­x¤õµ¹台灣,特別是配備遠程反艦導彈的遠程轟炸機 ¡» CNN, 2023-1-9: ¤¤¦@¥i¯à·|¹ï¥xÆW±Ä¨ú外交孤立、灰色地帶壓力或經濟脅迫ªºµ¦²¤¡A¤J«Iªº¥i¯à©Ê·¥¤p¡A¥H§K¥ß§Y¯}Ãa¸gÀÙ¿à¥H¥Í¦sªº¶i¥X¤f  ¡» Washington Post, 2023-1-9: ¥xÆW»Ý­n°µ¦n承受長期圍困ªº·Ç³Æ¡A¤j¦h¼Æ»â¾É¤w¸g·NÃѨì¦MÀI¡A¤£©¯ªº¬O¡A«Ü¦h台灣¥Á²³似乎仍然沒有意識到處境有多危險  ¡» Fox News, 2023-1-9: 美台軍事接觸仍然出奇地有限和脆弱¡C女性強制¼x§L的討論¥i¯à¬O«Ü¦nªº¤U¤@¨B ¡» TIME, 2023-1-7: ¦@­xµLºÃ¦û¾ÚÀu¶Õ¡A¦ý¾Ôª§¥N»ù°ª©ù¥i¯à¹ªÀy¥_¨Ê´M¨D«D­x¨Æ¤§¯Ù­¢¸Ñ¨M ¡» ¤é¥»Asia Nikkei, 2023-1-6: ¥xÆW¼x§L¨Óªº¹L¿ð¡A«á³Æ§Ð¸¹ºÙ200 ¸U¥u¬O¯È¤W½Í§L¡A¥xÆW«Ü¥i¯à·|©t­x¾Ä¾Ô¼Æ¶g¬Æ¦Ü¼Æ¤ë¡A¥H«Ý¬ü­x ¡ó ¥þ¤å


¡» The American SPECTATOR, 2023-1-5: §Y±N¨ì¨Óªº¥xÆW¦M¾÷²{¦b´¶¹M³Qµø¬°¤w¦¨©w§½¡A2027 ¦~¥i¯à½T¹ê¬OÃöÁ䪺¤@¦~¡A§ó¦³¥i¯àªº¬O2030 ¦~¥Nªì ¡» The Hill, 2022-12-30: ¬ü°ê«e°ê¨¾³¡ªøªí¥Ü¡A¥xÆW¹ï¼ç¦bªº¤J«I¡§·Ç³Æ¤£¨¬¡¨¡» ¼w°êDeutsche Welle, 2022-12-30: CNAS:¤£¶È 10 ©Î 15 ¦~¤º¡A¦Ó¥B­n¦b 5 ¦~¤º¡A°µ¦n«ÂÄत国ªº·Ç³Æ  ¡» Wall street Journal, 2022-12-28: 徵兵是一個好的開始,但台北的領導人仍需§ó¥[ºò­¢¦a³Æ¾Ô ¡» ­^°ê Reuters, 2022-12-28:  ¤¤国©áÀ»¥xÆW§â«C¦~·í¡§¬¶¦Ç¡¨ªº¼x§L¨Mµ¦ ¡» New York Times, 2022-12-26: ¦^À³«ôµn°ê¨¾ªk®×¡A¤¤¬£¥X³Ð¬ö¿ý(Á`¼Æ¥H¤Î¶V¹L¤¤½u¤§¼Æ)ªº­x¾÷¦b¥xÆWªþªñªº»âªÅ(airspace near Taiwan)½L±Û ¡» Australian Institute of International Affairs, 2022-12-23: ¦Ü¤Ö´N¥Ø«e¦Ó¨¥¡A¥xÆW¦b¥b¾ÉÅé»â°ìªº¥D¾É¦a¦ì¥i¯à¦³§U©ó§K¨ü¤j³°ªº«I²¤  ¡» Modern War Institute at West Point, 2022-12-19 :¥xÆW¹ê¬I¡§»¨½Þ¾Ô²¤¡¨¶i®i½wºC¡A¤]©¿µø¤F°ö¾i´åÀ»¾Ô¤O¡A¥H«q¶Ã¤è¦¡¹ï§Ü¨ã¦³¥ý¶i¯à¤Oªº¤j«¬¥e»â­x¡A¥xÆWÀ³¸Ó¦V¯Q§JÄõ¤H¾Ç²ß¡A¥L­Ì²T¨S¦Û¤vªº§ø²ø¥Hªý¤î¼Ä­x©Z§J«e¶i¡A¦V·ç¤h¾Ç²ß¦p¦óºR·´¦Û¤vªº³]¬I°í¾À²M³¥¡A ¦p¤ò¿AªF©Ò»¡³o¬O¥H®z¹ï±jªº¤è¦¡ ¡» Foreign Affairs, Jan-Feb 2023: ¬ü°ê¬Fµ¦°é¥¿¦b§Î¦¨¤@ºØ¦@ÃÑ¡A§Y¥xÆW©M¥­¥i¯à¤£·|«ùÄò¤Ó¤[ ¡» ¼Ú·ùPolitico, 2022-12-20: ¥xÆW¤ñ¯Q§JÄõ§ó¥O¤H®£Äß¡A¦]¬°¯Q§JÄõ¬O°ê»Ú¤½»{ªº°ê®a¡A¦Ó¥B¤¤°êªº¸gÀÙ³W¼Ò¬O«Xù´µªº 10 ­¿¡C¥xÆW·Q§ïÅÜ¥_¨Êªº¦¨¥»®Ä¯q­pºâ¨Ãªý¤î¤J«I¡A´N¥²¶·¤jÁx¦Ó¨³³t¦a¥[±j¨¾¿m¡C¼Ú¬w¤H¥i¥H´£¨Ñªºª½±µ¨¾¿m¤ä«ù¬O·L¤£¨¬¹Dªº ¡» CNN, 2022-12-17:  ¤H¤f¥¿¦b´î¤Ö¡A¦]¦¹¥xÆW¥¿¦b¿n·¥¦Ò¼{¬O§_«ì´_¼x§L ¡» National Interest, 2022-12-11: ªZ²Î¥xÆW¦³兩個主要挑戰:©|未完成的軍事現代化(聯合§@¾Ô和後勤)和高傷亡 ªº可能性 ¡» ­^°êThe WEEK, 2022-12-4:入侵可能始於¹ï軍事基礎設施的網絡和導彈攻擊¡A成本較低的選¶µ是海上封鎖¡A兩週«á¡§¨S¦³電,沒有電話,沒有互聯網¡C¤H­Ì¶}©l®Á¾j¡¨ ¡» The Atlantic, 2022-12-3: ¤£¹³¥H¦â¦C¤H¡A¥xÆW ¤H¦ü¥G©¯ºÖ¦a±N§Y±N¨ì¨Óªº¾Ôª§©ß¦b¸£«á¡A¬ü°ê­t¾á¤£°_³oºØ°ø¨×   ¡ó ¥þ¤å


Fox News, 2023-2-4, USA Today, 2023-2-3, The Hill, 2023-2-2

±M®a ¹w¦ô¦@­x§ð¥x®É¶¡
¤¤¥¡±¡³ø§½§½ªø CIA Director William Burns 2027¤§«e  Xi has ordered military to be ready for Taiwan invasion by 2027
¬ü°ê¾Ô²¤¥q¥O³¡¥q¥O Adm. Charles Richard, commander of U.S. Strategic Command 2027¤§«e
¦L¤Ó¥q¥O³¡«e¥q¥O Philip Davidson, the former head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (Jan. 2023) 2027¤§«e  / China may attack Taiwan ¡X even just its small, outer islands ¡X by 2027
®ü­x§@¾Ô³¡ªø Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday (Oct., 2022) 2024¤§«e  / Chinese could attack Taiwan before 2024...or a potentially a 2023 window
°ê°È­ë¥¬ªLªÖ Secretary of State Antony Blinken (Oct., 2022) ¤ñ¤§«e·Q¹³ªº¡§§Ö±o¦h¡¨/ on a ¡§much faster timeline¡¨ than previously thought.
§U²z°ê¨¾³¡ªøU.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Ely Ratner (July, 2022) ¡§¥u¬O®É¶¡°ÝÃD¡¨/ ¡§only a matter of time¡¨
ªÅ­x¾÷°Ê¥q¥O³¡¥q¥OMinihan, the leader of Air Mobility Command 2025
Jacob Stokes, a senior fellow focused on U.S.-China relations at the Center for a New American Security, 2027¤§«e  / before 2027,  a crisis or incident that could spiral out of control
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul ¦P·N  agreeing with the assessment on ¡§Fox News Sunday.¡¨
Sen. Todd Young (Ind.) 2025
House Armed Services Committee ranking member Adam Smith (D-Wash.) ¤£¦P·N 2025  /  the 2025 timeline for such an event was ¡§not only not inevitable¡¨ but ¡§highly unlikely,¡¨
Retired Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey ¤£¦P·N 2025  /  ¡§bad judgment¡¨
«ôµnÁ`²Î Biden (Nov. 2022) ¬ã§P¤¤°êµu´Á¤ºÁÙ¤£·|ªZ¤O¥Ç¥x
°Ñ¿ÑªøÁp®u·|ij¥D®u Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Nov. 2022) ¤£¦P·N /  it will be ¡§some time¡¨ before the Chinese have the military capability to invade Taiwan.



WSJ, 2022-12-27 ¦¹Á|¦b¬Fªv¤W¤@«×¥O¤H¤£§Ö¡A ¦ý¦]¬°¹ï¦@­xªº¾á¼~¤é¯q¥[¼@¡A ¥H¤Î¬ü¤¤Ävª§¤é¯q¿E¯P¡A ©µ§Ð¶Õ¦b¥²¦æ wsj.com/articles/taiwan-to-extend-mandatory-military-service-11672129529
PBS, AP2022-12-27 白宮歡迎徵兵制«×改革,強調台灣©Ó¿Õ自衛並加強威懾...20-24 歲年輕人群只有 35.6% 的人表示支持延長兵役期限 pbs.org/newshour/world/taiwan-extends-compulsory-military-service-from-4-months-to-1-year
CNN, 2022-12-27 ¸Ñ©ñ­x±±¨î¤F¨îªÅÅv©M¨î®üÅv«á¤~¯à¶i¦æ兩棲登陸,µn³°¤§«e¡A«Ü¥i¯à·|¦³ÅF¬µ©M«ÊÂê¡A§Ú­Ì»Ý­n¦³¤H¹B°eª«¸ê¨Ã¤Þ¾É¤H¥Á«e©¹¨¾ªÅ¬}  edition.cnn.com/2022/12/27/asia/taiwan-military-conscription-intl-hnk/index.html
Washington Post, 12-27 ÁöµM¼sªxª§½×¡A ¦ý­±¹ï¤¤°êªº«Â¯Ù¡A¥xÆW¬F©²´X¥G¨S¦³µS¿Ýªº¾l¦a
Mainichi  ¤é¥»共同社, 2022-12-28 據說¼x§L¨î«×§ï­²是應美國的要求作出的
¤¤国 GT, 2022-12-27 ¥i¯à·|±N部分新兵編入¡§網絡軍¡¨,從事對大陸的情報蒐集和信息戰,因為他們在真實戰場上的能力相對較弱。¹w­p¬ü°ê¥i¯à·|­n¨D¥xÆW·í§½¼W¥[°ê¨¾¹wºâ¥HÁʶR§ó¦h¬ü°êªZ¾¹¨Ã½T«O®q¤Wªº­x¨Æ¤O¶q²Å¦X¬ü°êªº¾Ô²¤¡Cglobaltimes.cn/page/202212/1282753.shtml    12-27


 ¡» Bloomberg, 2022-11-27: ¤¤°ê°ê¥x¿ì»¡¡A¤E¦X¤@¿ïÁ|µ²ªG¤Ï¬M¤F¥Á²³¹ï¡§©M¥­¡Bí©w©M¬ü¦n¥Í¬¡¡¨ªº´÷±æ¡C¤¤国 ©Ó¿Õ±À°Ê¨â©¤©M¥­µo®i ¡» Bloomberg, 2022-11-26: 如果北京決定 °ÊªZ¡A日、澳、印度和英國將是 ¬ü°ê重要的合作夥伴¡» Wall Street Journal , 2022-11-23: ¥xÆW國防一貫的軟弱無能¡A底線是台灣應該被別人捍衛,而年輕人可以繼續玩電子遊戲; 按照芬蘭比例,台灣 À³¦³約 200 萬«á備軍人備¾Ô ¡» Washington Post, 2022-11-23: ¾¨ºÞµØ²±¹y¤£Â_´°«P¡A¥x¥_¤]¨S¦³¨¬°÷ªº°ê®a·NÃѶi¦æ³Æ¾Ô¡C¥xÆW¥DÅv¨­¥÷ªº³Ì²×¦ÒÅç¡G°Ê­û¨¾¿m¡A©ÎªÌ©}ªA©ó¤¤¦@²Îªv ¡» Wall Street Journal , 2022-11-22: ¥xÆWÅã²{¤£Ã­©wªº²{ª¬¢w¬J¤£·Q¦V¥_¨Ê©}ªA¡A¤]¤£·Q¬D°_¾Ôª§ ¡» Economist, 2022-11-24: 2023 年哪裡會爆發衝突?密切關注台灣和南中國海¡X¡X以及喜馬拉雅山¡A¤¤·|¦b«n®ü及日本周邊海域考驗美國及盟友的勇氣 ¡» SCMP, 2022-10-30: ¥Ñ©ó©µªø¸q°È§L§Ð·¥¤£¨ü¦~»´¿ï¥ÁÅwªï¡A½²­^¤å¬F©²³Q«ü±±©ì©µ¨M©w¡A¬ü°ê©x­û©M±M®a¤@¦A©IÆ~¦~»´¨k¤kªA§Ð¦Ü¤Ö¤@¦~¡A¥Ø«e¨î«×»P°V½m¹ï©ó¥x®ü¾Ôª§»·»·¤£°÷   ¡ó ¥þ¤å


¡u Å@°ê¯«¤s ¡v  ??

¡» CNN, 2022-12-9 ¥xÆW¾á¼~¥¢¥hÅ@°ê¯«¤s  /  台積電的存在給西方國家提供了強大的動力來保衛台ÆW...¥ß©eÁnºÙ¡A¬FªvÀ£¤O­¢¨ÏTSMC將其業務和最先進的技術轉移¨ì¬ü°ê¡C  edition.cnn.com/2022/12/09/tech/taiwan-tsmc-chips-hnk-intl/index.html 
¡» USA Today, 2022-12-9 美國剛剛取得了對中國的重大勝利。 ´N在亞利桑那州。­Y中國控制台灣的半導體工廠,全球經濟將¡§相互毀滅¡¨usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2022/12/09/biden-tsmc-semiconductor-arizona-win-us-over-china/10847994002/  
¡» New York Times, 2022-12-6 台 ¿n¹q鳳凰城³]¼t對½Ä中國 nytimes.com/2022/12/06/technology/tsmc-chips-factory-phoenix.html
¡» Financial Times, 2022-12-12 ¥x¿n¹q»ñ°Ä«°³]¼t©M¨ä¥L¦a¤èªº§ë¸ê¤Þµo¤F±ÇªÅ台灣經濟¡§¡¨ªº¾á¼~  ft.com/content/2408b289-dbf4-40db-87db-eb272aef68b9
¡» Bloomberg, 2022-10-7  US Army War College Quarterly½×¤å¥D±i¬ü¦V¤¤©ú½Tªí¥Ü,如果佔領¥xÆW美國將摧·´¥x¿n¹qªº³]¬I    finance.yahoo.com/news/taiwan-tensions-spark-round-us-090131394.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
¡» ¤¤®É, 2022-12-6 ¥x¿n¹q³Q·m¨«¤F chinatimes.com/opinion/20221206004270-262101?chdtv
¡» TIME, 2022-10-5 ½²­^¤å©Ò¿×"Å@°ê¯«¤s"¹L©ó¼ÖÆ[ That's a highly optimistic way of looking at the situation.  time.com/6219318/tsmc-taiwan-the-center-of-the-world/
¡» Global Times, 2022-12-9 警鐘長鳴  ¥x¿n¹qÅܬü¿n¹q  / ³o¬O¥þ²y¥b¾ÉÅéµo®i¥v¤Wdark turn的關鍵事件。...³o®Ú¥»不是市場的自然結果。華盛頓的政治壓力和補貼利誘貫穿於台積電在美建廠的全過程。
¡» CBS, 2022-9-25 Blinken: §Ú­Ì³]­p¡B¥xÆW¥Í²£¤F¤j³¡¤Àªº¥b¾ÉÅé¡K¡K³o±N¹ï¥þ²y¸gÀÙ²£¥Í·´·À©Êªº¼vÅT...[³o¬O]§Ú­Ì²{¦b¦p¦¹¤j¤O§ë¸ê¦b¬ü°ê¥Í²£¥b¾ÉÅ骺­ì¦]¤§¤@
¡» New York Times, 2022-9-9 ¥xÆW±q«e¬O¬ü«Ò«OÅ@ªº«e­ï ¡A ²{¥Ñ¡§ª¿¬Þ¡¨¥©§®«OÅ@(¥xÆW±j¶µ¬O»s³y«D³]­p)  /  «ôµn­­¨î¥X¤f¤¤国³Ì¥ý¶iªº»s³y³]³Æ¥H½T«O¤j³°µLªk»°¤W¥xÆW¡A¥xÆWªä¤ù·½·½¤£Â_¿é¤J¤¤国¡A©M¥­¥i¯à·|¦û¤W­·¡A¦ý¤¤°ê»â¾É¤H ´¿ªí¥Ü¤£¯àµL­­´Á±À¿ð²Î¤@


  ²Ä¤T¦¸¥@¬É¤j¾Ô   ©l©ó¥xÆW ? ... click !!  Washington Examiner (2022-11-11): 美國戰略司令部司令表示:  烏克蘭危機只是熱身¡§大危機即將到來"


CNN: ¿ïÁ|ºG±Ñ ¨I­«ªº¥´À»¥xÆWÁ`²Î
¥Áµø (2022-11-28, 2022-11-27; ftvnews.com.tw/video/detail/h0489vFQzf4,  youtube.com/watch?v=2Nn4iEsCHGA, etc ) ¤ÀªR¿ïÁ|ºG±Ñ¡A«ü¦~»´¤H»P¤¤¶¡¿ï¥Á¡A¦]¬°¹ï¾Ô¤õªº®£Äß½¯©µ¡A¨S¥X¨Ó§ë²¼¡C¤¤国ªº­^¤å³øGlobal Times (2022-11-28)¡A»P¥xÆWªº¤¤°ê®É³ø¤]±o¥X¬Û¦Pµ²½×¡C½²­^¤å·U³Û ¡u§Ü¤¤«O¥x」¡A¤H¥Á·U®`©È¡A³o´N¬OReuters (2022-11-27) ªº¤j¼ÐÃD ¢w  ½²­^¤åªº¾Ô²¤¡u¾A±o¨ä¤Ï¡v (strategy backfires) ¤§·N¡C
美國 CNN, 2022-11-27 台灣總統稱期 中選舉完全是為了抗中,因此選舉慘敗是一個沉重的打擊 澳洲學者表示,選舉結果振奮了國民黨,而居於更好的位置  edition.cnn.com/2022/11/27/asia/taiwan-election-analysis-intl-hnk/index.html
英國 Independent, 2022-11-27 蔡英文的民進黨選舉針對憤怒抗中,而國民黨則更關注這個自治島嶼的民主和自由並指出CovID病例激增後政府是否更喜歡本地疫苗而不是進口疫苗。  msn.com/en-gb/news/world/taiwan-election-president-tsai-ing-wen-resigns-as-ruling-party-chair-after-disastrous-results/ar-AA14BJm0
中国 Global Times, 2022-11-28 選舉慘敗是民眾 對民進黨廣泛政策大聲說¡§不¡¨   包括 COVID-19政策混亂、物價上漲等民生問題,也顯示蔡英文的¡§中国威脅¡¨賭注適得其反。其他包括違背¡§價值觀¡¨的醜聞(包括學術誠信醜聞)頻發、腐敗、黑金政治和裙帶關係、嚴重違反對人民的承諾、多次犧牲民眾和本土企業的利益,如日本核食與美豬, 民進黨似乎也無力應對物價和民生危機。而考慮延長兵役期,在年輕人中很不受歡迎。 globaltimes.cn/page/202211/1280569.shtml
美國 Bloomberg, 2022-11-27 台灣期 中選舉為 更激烈的2024 年總統大選奠基  九合一選舉民進黨需要¡X¡X但基本上沒有¡X¡X在台北組織強有力的競選活動。相反,它陷入了負面競選的泥潭,這有利於反對派國民黨 news.yahoo.com/taiwan-elections-set-stage-tighter-090909384.html
美國 Forbes, 2022-11-27 陳時中輸是由於聲望下降以及公眾對政府的 Covid 政策失去耐心  msn.com/en-us/money/news/taiwan-ruling-party-drubbed-in-local-vote-ex-exec-at-tech-billionaire-terry-gou-e2-80-99s-foxconn-elected-chip-hub-mayor/ar-AA14BeBs
英國 Reuters, 2022-11-27 國民黨對於賣台或不致力民主的指責感到憤怒,並指責民進黨為了政治利益故意炒作抗中; 民進黨的繼任問題可能會滋生內部矛盾,損害槍口一致向外的戰鬥力  news.yahoo.com/attention-turns-presidential-poll-taiwan-025519599.html
台灣 聯合報 , 2022-11-27

國民黨並未徹底脫胎換骨,打敗民進黨的是蔡英文。  udn.com/news/story/11091/6796512?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2

 台灣 自由時報 , 2022-11-27  §Ü¤¤«O¥x¡A¦ü¥¼¤Þ°_¼sªxªº¡B¿n·¥ªº¦@»ï¡A  ½×¤åªù°f­·¡A­Ü«P¤§¶¡´«¤H ­n©Rªº¾Ô²¤¿ù»~¡AªL«º§®¡B°ª­i¦w¯A³gºÃ¶³¡A³Q¤Ï«r¦¨¬Fªv°l±þ¡C¥Á¶iÄҦܤµ¤´²¨©ó¸gÀç¦a¤è  talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1553778   brief
台灣 中國時報 , 2022-11-27 最大戰犯無疑是主席蔡英文。對內強硬專制,一再踐踏民意、蹂躪民主、黑道纏身、濫權腐化、官商勾結中央經營黨利、派系圖謀私益太過頭  chinatimes.com/opinion/20221127002861-262101?chdtv  brief
台灣 中國時報 , 2022-11-27 大敗8因: 高房價、少子化、薪資低落、生活無形成本遽增、訂定討好特別族群政策、金融業不合理裁罰、無法接受他人批評、《數位中介法》意圖控制言論自由等  chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20221127000851-260405?chdtv
台灣 中國時報 , 2022-11-27  一個非常關鍵且重要的力量,是台灣人對戰爭的恐懼,讓抗中保台破功。...搞到要延長兵役。而且戰爭風險越來越高。這讓民進黨的年輕選票徹底潰散。...宜蘭縣長林姿妙,高虹安她們都訴求「國家機器打壓」。  chinatimes.com/opinion/20221127002671-262110?chdtv  brief  黃智賢


¡» Forbes, 2022-11-22: ¥xÆW«e¥~ªø: ¥x¥_À³¹Á¸Õ­«±Ò»P¥_¨Êªº§C¯Å§O¹ï¸Ü¡A¥H½w©Mºò±i§½¶Õ  ¡» Washington Post , 2022-11-20: ¥xÆW©x­ûºÙ¥xÆW©PÃä­xºtµ¥¦P©ó¡§®üªÅ«ÊÂꡨ¡C¦@­x©¿²¤¤F®ü®l¤¤½u¡A§½¶Õ¤É¯Å¨Ï³\¦h¥xÆW¤H¾á¤ß¦@­x¥i¯à¥þ­±¤J«I ¡» Washington Times , 2022-11-21: ¥xÆW³QºË·ÇÂê©w(Taiwan in the Crosshairs)¡C»P¨ü¹L¥_¬ù°V½mªº¯Q§JÄõ­x¶¤¬Û¤ñ¡A¥xÆW¤h§Lªº¯À½è¤£½T©w   ¡» Economist , 2022-11-18: ¥xÆW·|¦¨¬°¯Q§JÄõ¶Ü¡H¾Ôª§§ó¥i¯àµo¥Í ¡» ¬ü°ê New Yorker , 2022-11-15: ¥xÆW°ê¨¾¬O 80 ¦~¥Nªº¾Ô²¤«ü¾É¡A±M®aµû"¥xÆWµLªk¦Û½Ã", ¦ý¥xÆW領導¤£願意©µªø§Ð´Á  ¡» Foreign Affairs, 2022-11-15: ´N¬ü°êÀ³§_公開承諾武力保衛台灣ªºÄ³ÃD¡A¤Ï¹ïªº¨ü³X¾ÇªÌ¤H¼Æ¬OÃÙ¦¨ªº¬ù¤­­¿¡ARyan Hass»{¬°¾Ô²¤²M´·ªí©ú¬ü°êªº°ß¤@­«ÂI¬O¹ï§Ü¤¤¡A¦Ó«D¨â©¤©M¥­¡A Babones»{¬°會鼓勵 ¥xÆW¡§搭便車¡¨¤£§V¤O¨¾¿m ¡» ¬ü°ê NY Times,  2022-11-14 :«ôµn不相信中會立即入侵台灣 ¡» Washington Examiner, 2022-11-17: «e§U²z°ê°È­ë½èºÃ«ôµn­n¨D»P²ß±µÄ²¡§¤£Â_¤^¨D¡¨ªº³n®z¾Ô²¤ ¡» ¬ü°ê CNN, 2022-11-13: «ôµn³Q°Ý¤Î«O½Ã¥xÆWªº©Ó¿Õ®É¡A«ôµnµS¿ÝµÛªí¥Ü²§Ä³(demurred) ...«e¥|¦¸ªº©Ó¿Õ¹ï§½¶Õ ­°·Å´X¥G¨S¦³¥ô¦ó§@¥Î  ¡» Daily Express , 2022-11-19: ¬ü°ê±N¹ï¥x¥_ªí²{¥X類似¯Q§JÄõ的支持  ¡ó ¥þ¤å


¡» CNN's meanwhile in China, 2022-11-14:   ¹ï¥_¨Ê¨Ó»¡¡A¨S¦³¤°»ò¬õ½u¤ñ¥xÆW§ó©úÅã§ó­«­n...¤¤°ê¤H»{¬°¬ü°êªº¥Ø¼Ð¬OÀ£§C¹K¨î¥¦¡C¬ü°ê»{¬°¡A¤¤°êªº¥Ø¼Ð¬O§ó¦w¥þ¡A¨Ã±N¬ü°ê»°¥X¨È¬w¨Ã«d®z¨äÁp·ù ¡»   Washington Post, 2022-11-13: ¬ü°ê°ê·|´M¨D¦b¤l¼u¶}©l­¸¦æ«e¨³³tªZ¸Ë¥xÆW ¡» Washington Examiner, 2022-11-11: ¥xÆW¾Ôª§¥i¯à¬O¤U¤@³õ¥@¬É¤j¾Ô  ¡» Washington Post, 2022-11-10: ¤é¼Wªº¥xÆW¨­¥÷»{¦P¡X¡X¥H¤Î²`¤Æ¬ü¥x¦w¥þÃö«Y¡A¥i¯à¤Þµo¥_¨Ê°ÊªZ¡A¬ü°ê»Ý­n¥­¿Åªº¬Fµ¦   ¡» ¼w°ê DW, 2022-11-8:北京否認¥[§Ö¡§統一¡¨時間表¡A¦ý¥i¯à·|¼W¥[­x¨Æ¸gÀÙÀ£¤O ¡» Washington Post, 2022-11-8:¨â©¤¤w¦b¦h¤è­±³´¤Jºô¸ô½Ä¬ð ¡» The Atlantic, 2022-11-7: Admiral Lee Hsi-ming¾á¤ß¥_¨Ê¿ï¾Ü®ø¯Ó¾Ô»P¨â´Ï¤J«I³£·|¾D¨ü¬Û¦Pªº°ê»Ú«áªG¡A¦]¦Ó¥i¯à¨M©w¤J«I ¡» USBI, 2022-11-7: ¤­¨¤¤j·HºÙ¥_¨Ê±N¦b¥¼¨Ó¨â¦~¤º¥[¤j¹ï¥x¬IÀ£¦Ó«D¤J«I ¡» ¤¤国GT, 2022-11-8: ¸Ñ©ñ­x±N用最好的武器對抗台獨,以最小的代價結束衝突 ¡» National Interest, 2022-11-4: ¬ü°ê¦ü¥GµLªk¦P®ÉªZ¸Ë¯Q§JÄõ©M¥xÆW¡Aªñ1/3ªº¼Ðºj®w¦s¯ÓºÉ¡A©Z§J©M F-16ÄÝ"µêºa¥­¥x"¡A¸gÀÙªZ¾¹¤w³Q¹L«×¨Ï¥Î¨ÃÅܱoµL®Ä¡AµØ²±¹yÀ³½Õ¸Ñ«X¯Q¡BªZ¸Ë¥xÆW   ¡ó ¥þ¤å


九合一選舉  引起全球關注

英國Reuters  2022-11-27

蔡英文曾試圖將選舉框定為不僅僅是一場地方投票,而是全世界都在關注台灣如何在台海緊張的情況下捍衛民主¡K¡K但她的策略適得其反  news.yahoo.com/taiwan-presidents-election-strategy-backfires-185831747.html
英國BBC, 2022-11-26 隨著台灣成為中美之間更大的地緣政治爆發點,九合一選舉引起了全球關注。 bbc.com/news/world-asia-63768538
德國DW, 2022-11-26 國民黨的大勝表明他們在台灣地方仍是強大的政治力量。 民進黨¡§抗中保台¡¨力道有限。中国表示,選舉結果應該是¡§主流民意希望和平、穩定和美好的生活¡¨   dw.com/en/taiwan-president-resigns-as-party-head-after-election-losses/a-63901750
美國Bloomberg,  2022-11-26 台灣九合一選舉影響總統競選; 選民們也在考慮經濟前景, 獲勝者將對總統選舉擁有發言權。news.yahoo.com/taiwan-votes-local-elections-set-000000672.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
美國CNN, 2022-11-25 九合一選舉結果 向中国及全球傳遞了訊息   edition.cnn.com/2022/11/25/asia/taiwan-local-election-china-intl-hnk/index.html
美國LA Times, 2022-11-25 澳洲學者說: ¡§民進黨自2014年以來一直乘著台灣主體意識牌的浪潮,不可避免地面臨一定程度的選民疲勞", 展望 2024 年總統大選,國民黨面臨的更大挑戰可能是說服選民相信它可以在不屈服於北京壓力的情況下巧妙駕馭兩岸關係   latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-11-25/la-fg-taiwan-kmt-taipei-mayor-election-chiang-wanan
聯合報 社論, 2022-11-27 民怨大爆發,民進黨遇創黨以來最大挫敗 ; 人民並不認同目前的執政路線  蔡政府中央執政太失民心,治理卻未遵循民主原則,而是動輒恐嚇  udn.com/news/story/7338/6796175?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2
中時 社論, 2022-11-27 蔡執政完全失敗  霸道執政,破壞民主,恣意妄為,中央權力完全不受節制,防疫工作漏洞百出且能隱含的貪腐情事 , 蔡英文主席錯估形勢,又獨攬提名大權 , 年輕選民尤其不滿民進黨照顧青年的承諾全然落空  chinatimes.com/opinion/20221126003550-262101?chdtv
澳洲ABC Australia , 2022-11-27 國際觀察專家們試圖將地方選舉與中威脅聯繫起來... 民進黨的失敗可能部分歸因於CovID的處理  abc.net.au/news/2022-11-27/taiwan-votes-for-opposition-nationalist-party-in-local-polls/101703012
美國ABC News, 2022-11-26 台灣民意基金會:  民進黨失去許多縣市席位,執政能力將面臨非常大的挑戰,abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/taiwan-votes-lower-voting-age-mayors-city-councils-93973508


¡» Bloomberg, 2022-10-24: ²ßªñ¥­¥¿§V¤O±N¸Ñ©ñ­xÂàÅܬ°2027 ¦~¯à¦û»â¥xÆWªº²{¥N¤Æ¾Ô¤O¡X¡X§Y¨Ï¥L¤£¤Ó¥i¯à¯u¥¿¹ï¥xÆW°ÊªZ¡» ¿D¬wStar News, 2022-10-24:¹w­p²ß±N¦b 2032 ¦~¤§«e±Ä¨ú¦æ°Ê¡A¦b³\¦h¼h­±¤W±N³y¦¨µ´¹ï¨aÃø©Êªº«áªG ¡» New York Times, 2022-10-20: ²ß®Ñ­±ºtÁ¿½Z©ú¸ü ¤¤国¤w¸g¥[±j¤F¡§§¹¥þ²Î¤@ªº¾Ô²¤Á|±¹¡¨¡A³o»¡©ú¨ä­p¹º§ó¥[ºò­¢ ¡» ­^°êThe SUN, 2022-10-23: 習近平¡§保證¡¨±N攻擊台灣,這可能是歷史上最血腥的戰爭之一¡A¨ä¯}Ãaµ{«×¨Ï¦b烏克蘭µo¥Í的一切都黯然失色¡A±M®aĵ§i不要低估¤¤¹ï¤H¤O©M¸gÀÙ損失ªº®e§Ô«× ¡» Voice of America, 2022-10-22:¤¤¦@20¤j¨S¦³²Î¤@®É¶¡ªíªº¥ô¦ó½u¯Á¡A¦ý­Y¬ü¥xÃö«YªºÁͶÕÄ~Äò¡A¤¤国¥i¯à·P¨ì±o³Q­¢¦æ°Ê¡A°ÝÃDªº®Ö¤ß¬O¥Á¶iÄҤΨä¤ä«ùªÌ¤£§Æ±æ²Î¤@¡A²ß©Ò¿×¡§¤@¤Á¥²­n±¹¬I¡¨¡A·N¨ýµÛ¥i¥H¨Ï¥Î®ÖªZ  ¡» Bloomberg, 2022-10-22:¥xÆW¥¡¦æĵ§iºÙ¡A2023 ¦~±N­±Á{¡§ÄY®mªº¸gÀÙ¬D¾Ô¡¨¡» ­»´äSCMP, 2022-10-23: ¸Ñ©ñ­x領導 °ª層¬~µP 發出明確信號±N聚焦台灣 ¡» New York Post, 2022-10-21: ²ßªñ¥­©Ó¿Õ¦b 2027 ¦~±N¤¤国±a¤J¥þ²y¤O¶qªº³Ì«eªu¡A¼Ð»xµÛ¡§¦Ê¦~©}°d¡¨ªº²×µ²... ¬üÀ³±NÄ¥¸¥±q292¼W¦Ü400¿´¡A¥H³Æ¾Ô¤¤国ªº350¿´...¥x®ü½Ä¬ðÀH®É¥i¯àµo¥Í ¡» ­^°êExpress, 2022-10-21: Heritage Foundationµû¦ô¬ü­x¡§³n®z¡¨¡A"µLªkº¡¨¬®Â½Ã­«­n ªº°ê®a§Q¯q¡¨ªº­·ÀI¶V¨Ó¶V¤j¡A¬ü°êªº³n®z·|§Uªø¦@­x®ü¤W«ÊÂê¥xÆW¹G½Í¡A±M®a­Ì´°«P¬ü°ê°í¨M¤Ï¹ï¥_¨Ê  ¡» NY Times, 2022-10-19: ¤¤国»â¾É¤H¤£¤Ó¥i¯à¥H­x¨Æ½Ä¬ð¡AÂಾ¤H­Ì¹ï°ê¤º¬D¾Ôªºª`·N¤O¡A©Î¦b¤¤国¹ê¤O¹F¨ì³»®p¤§«e±Ä¨ú¦æ°Ê ¡» Pew research, Diplomat, Taipei Times, 2022-10-21: 54%¬ü°ê¤Hªí¥ÜÀ³Ä~ÄòÅý°ª¼h³X¥x¡A40% ¦@©MÄÒ, 32%¥Á¥DÄÒ¤H»{¬°¨â©¤ºò±i¹ï¬ü°ê¬O«D±`ÄY­«ªº°ÝÃD ; 54%«O¦u¬£¦@©MÄҳ̥i¯à»{¬°¨º¬OÄY­«°ÝÃD ¡» Washington Examiner, 2022-10-19:¤@¨Ç¬ü°ê©x­û©M¤ÀªR¤H¤h»{¬°¡A¤¤¬Ý¨ì¤F¦b 2027 ¦~¤§«e§ðÀ»¥xÆWªº¾÷·|¤§µ¡¡C«Xù´µ§Q¥Î®Ö³ø´_«Â¯Ùªý¤î¦è¤èª½±µ¤z¹w¡A¶}³Ð¤F¥i¯à¹ªÀy¤¤§ðÀ»¥xÆWªº¥ý¨Ò ¡» Defense News, Breaking Defense, 2022-10-19: ¬ü°ê®ü­x§@¾Ô³¡ªø: ¤¤国¤J«I¥xÆW³Ì¦­¦b¤µ¦~©Î©ú¦~¡A¦]20 ¦~¨Ó¡A¥L­Ì§I²{¤F¨C¤@­Ó©Ó¿Õ¡A¥B³£¤ñ©Ó¿Õªº®É¶¡§ó¦­§I²{ ¡» ¬ü°êBloomberg, ¿D¬wafr, ­^°êBBC,  2022-10-18: Blinkenĵ§i¤¤国¤w´N¥xÆW°ÝÃD°µ¥X¡§²{ª¬¤w¤£¦A¥i±µ¨üªº®Ú¥»¨M©w¡¨¡A¥¿¦b¥[§Ö²Î¤@ªº­pµe ¡» USNI, 2022-10-18: ¤¤¥¿´M¨D±N²Î¤@®É¶¡ªí¥[§Ö¨ì 2027 ¦~¡Aij­ûĵ§i¤£­n°²³]«X¯Q¾Ôªº§xÃø·|§ïÅÜ¥_¨Êªº¦Ò¶q¡A¦]¬°1. ±q«X¥¢§Q¤¤¾Ç²ß 2.¨â­Ó¤ë¿N±¼¤F¨â¦~ªº¼Ðºj, Ãø¥H¦A¸Éµ¹¥xÆW ¡» ¤é¥»Japan Times, 2022-10-18:¤¤§ðÀ»¥xÆWªº¸ñ¶H¤§¤@¬Oµu´Á¸gÀÙ«ü¼Ð, ¥]¬A­áµ²¹Ò¤ºªº¥~°êª÷¿Ä¸ê²£¡B¨³³t±N°ê¥~¸ê²£¶×¦^¡B¼È°±ÃöÁäÄq²£¡Bºë·Ò¥Ûªo¡B­¹ª«µ¥ÃöÁä¥X¤fµ¥ ¡» NPR, 2022-10-18: ¥_¨Ê·Q­nªº¬O±±¨î¥xÆW ¡A¦Ó¤£¬O¨ººØ¶H¼x©Êªº²Î¤@ ¡» VOA, 2022-10-16:¾¨ºÞ±¹Ãã±jµw¡A¤é¥»¥i¯à¤£·|°Ñ¥[¥x®ü¾Ôª§¡A¦]°ê¤º¹ï¾Ôª§ªº¤ä«ùªÌ«Ü¤Ö¡A"¥xÆW¦³¨Æ¬O¤é¥»¦³¨Æ"¡A³o¬O«D±`·¥ºÝªº¥ß³õ¡A¦b¤é¥»¨Ã¨S¦³¯u¥¿°Q½×   ¡» Wall Street Journal, 2022-10-10:¦Ò¼{¨ì¥x¥_©ÎµØ²±¹y·| ¿ï¥X§ó¥[¦Û«Hªº·sÁ`²Îªº­·ÀI¡A²ßªñ¥­¥i¯à¤£Ä@µ¥«Ý¡C¥_¨Ê³Ìªñªº¨¥Ãã»P¦¹°²³]¬O¤@­Pªº ¡» ­^°êEconomist, 2022-10-10: µØ ©²±¡³øºÙ¸Ñ©ñ­x¤w³Q§iª¾¯à¦b 2027 ¦~«e®³¤U¥xÆW ¡» TIME, 2022-10-5:½²­^¤åºÙ'ª¿¬Þ'¯à«O¥x¬O«D±`(highly)¼ÖÆ[ªº¡C¶È¾Ì¤¤国ªÅ­x©M¾É¼u´N¥i¥HÅõºÈ¥x­x¤Î¸gÀÙ; ¸Ñ©ñ­x¶V±j¤j¡A¬ü°ê´N¶V¤£¥i¯à«_¾Ôª§­·ÀI¡C³o¤@¦¸¡A¥_¨Ê¥i¯à¥´½ä¥¦«Ü¥i¯à·|Ĺ ¡» NY Times, 2022-10-5: ­Y¦@­x®ü¤W«ÊÂê¡A¬ü°ê±N¬ã¨s¸Éµ¹¤è¦¡¡A¦ý³Ì¤£¥i¯à³´¤Jª½±µ½Ä¬ð; Cornell±Ð±Â:¡§¬ü°ê¥²¶·©ú½Tªí¥Ü¡A¨â©¤¥Ã¤[¤ÀÂ÷¤£²Å¦X¬ü°ê¾Ô²¤§Q¯q¡¨¡» NY Times, briefing, 2022-10-6: ¬ü°ê¥¿¥[§Ö«Ø¥ß¥xÆW¦¨¬°Ãe¤jªºªZ¾¹®w  ¡»  ¡ó ¥þ¤å


¡¹ ¤¤¦@20¤j  Chinese Communist Party Congress  

¡» CNBC, 2022-10-18 ²ßªñ¥­¨Ã¤£¼ö°J©ó¥HªZ¤O¹Ü¨ú¥xÆW, ©M¥­²Î¤@¤´µM¬O²ßªñ¥­¨Ï¥Îªº¥D­n¥Î»y
¡» NY Times, 2022-10-16 ±M®a: ²ß¹ï¥x±Ä¨ú¤F¡¥¾Ô²¤­@¤ß¡¦¡A «O«ù¬Fµ¦ÆF¬¡©Ê
¡» LA Times, 2022-10-16 ²ßªñ¥­¾d©TÅv¤O¤SÁÚ¥X¤F¤@¨B...²ßªñ¥­ªº最終目標是在共產黨控制下,使中國成為經濟繁榮、技術創新和軍事實力無可爭議的世界領導者
¡» SCMP, 2022-10-17 ²ßªñ¥­ªº20¤j¨¥½×ªí©ú¡A¾¨ºÞºò±i§½¶Õ¥[¼@¡A¥_¨Ê¤´¹ï¥x«O«ù§J¨î...¶Ç¹Fªº«H®§¬O¡§¥­¿Åªº¡A¦Ó¤£¬O¦n°«ªº¡¨

¡» Business Insider, 2022-10-5: ¥xÆW¥¿¦b´M§ä¤@ºØ¤èªk¨Ó«OÅ@¨ä»â¾É¤H§K¾D¡§±Ù­º¡¨... ¡» The Hill, 2022-10-4: '96 ¦~¹ï§Ü¥H¨Ó¡A¥u¦³¤@­Ó¬ü°ê¯è¥À¾Ô°«¸s¶i¤J¥xÆW®ü®l¡A¦Ó²Ä¥|¦¸¥x®ü¦M¾÷«á¡AµØ²±¹y³q¹L®ü®lªº¬O¨µ¬vÄ¥¡A¦P®É¤¤国 ¬£¥X¨â¿´¯è¥À¡A«ôµn¹ï´¶¨Ê®Ö«Â¯Ùªº¨ª»r»rªº®£Äß»P¨F§Q¤å¹ï¡§²Ä¤T¦¸¥@¬É¤j¾Ô¡¨ªºÄµ§i¹ªÀy¤F¤¤国 ¡» Atlantic, 2022-10-3:
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¬ü°êCBS News,  2022-9-18: CBS<60¤ÀÄÁ>¸`¥Ø°Ý¡§¦pªG¤¤¤J«I¡A¬ü­x µL½×¨k¤H©M¤k¤H³£·|«O½Ã¥xÆW¶Ü¡H¡¨
¬ü°ê CNN, 2022-9-20 «ôµn³o¼Ë»¡¨Ã¤£·N¨ýµÛ¥¦¯uªº·|³o¼Ë°µ ...¬ü°ê¨S¦³Åý¤H¥Á¬°­x¨ÆÅuµP±N¦b¸gÀÙ±Y¼ì¡B¨ÑÀ³Ã줤Â_©M¥b¾ÉÅé¶i¤f¤è­±²£¥Íªº«D¦P´M±`ªº«áªG°µ¦n·Ç³Æ edition.cnn.com/2022/09/19/world/joe-biden-taiwan-answer-analysis/index.html  
¬ü°ê Washington Examiner, 2022-9-20 ©ú½T©Ó¿Õ¨¾¿m¥xÆW¬O­Ó¿ù»~, ¨â­ÓÃöÁä°ÝÃD (1)¥xÆWªº°ê¨¾¶}¤ä¤´µM§C±oÂ÷ÃÐ, ¦Ü¤ÖÀ³¸Ó¤­­¿(2) ¥xÆW¤H§i¶D¥Á·N´úÅçÄ@·N¬°°ê®a¦Ó¾Ô¦º¬O¤@¦^¨Æ¡CÁ}­W°µ·Ç³Æ¬O¥t¤@¦^¨Æ¡CÅKªº¨Æ¹ê¬O¡A³o¼Ëªº¥xÆW¤H¤Ó¤Ö¤F msn.com/en-us/news/world/the-two-problems-with-bidens-taiwan-defense-pledge/ar-AA120KGw
¬ü°ê  Politico, 2022-9-19 Ä묹ÂA¦å©M°]´I...Stanford U.±M®a: ³Ì¤jªº°ÝÃD¬O¡A§Ú­Ì¯u¥¿Ä@·N¤ä¥Iªº¦¨¥»¬O¦h¤Ö¡HPrinceton U. ±Ð±Â:§Ú¤£½T©w[«ôµnªºÁn©ú]¼W¥[¤F¦h¤Ö«ÂÄà¤O ? politico.com/news/2022/09/19/biden-leaves-no-doubt-strategic-ambiguity-toward-taiwan-is-dead-00057658
¬ü°ê Washington Post,
¶È¾aÁ`²ÎÁn©ú¹ï¤¤°êªº«ÂÄà§@¥Î¦³­­¡A°ê·|À³¸Ó´£¨Ñ§ó±j¦³¤Oªº¥ßªk washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/09/19/biden-china-taiwan-60-minutes/
­^°ê Daily Express, 2022-9-19 如果發生¾Ôª§,這將是自 1950 年代初Áú戰以來美中軍隊首次直接戰鬥。±M®a Bonnie Glaser: "¦pªG«ôµn°µ¥X³o¼Ëªº©Ó¿Õ¡A¥L»Ý­n'¯à¤O'¨Ó¤ä«ù³o¨Ç©Ó¿Õ", ¡§沒有實際能力支持的口頭支持不太可能加強威懾"  express.co.uk/news/world/1671100/Joe-Biden-Taiwan-China-Xi-Jinping-CBS-Nancy-Pelosi-White-House-ont
¬ü°ê Bloomberg, 2022-9-19 ±M®a Bonnie Glaser: ¡§中國長期以來一直認為美國會進行干預以保衛台灣,因此這些聲明不會改變解放軍的計劃。¡¨, Lev Nachman±Ð±Â: ¡§¥O¤H¾á¼~ªº¬O¡A³o將加劇而不是減輕台灣當前的高壓時刻。¡¨ Bloomberg     msn.com/en-us/news/world/biden-says-us-would-defend-taiwan-from-unprecedented-attack/ar-AA11Yf55
¬ü°ê Chicago Tribune, 2022-9-23 Ãø¹D«ôµn¤£ª¾¹D¥§§J´ËÁ`²Î 1972 ¦~©ú´¼ªº¤T¨¤¥~¥æªº¥þ³¡¥Øªº´N¬O¬°¤F¬ü¤¤Ãö«Y¥¿±`¤Æ¡§¥æ©ö¡¨±¼¥xÆW¶Ü¡H¦A¬Ý¾ËªkÆ[ÂI¡A¦pªGÁ`²Î¨S¦³«Å¾ÔªºÅv¤O¡A¦Ó¥B§Ú­Ì¨S¦³»P¥xÆWñ­q±ø¬ù¦P·ù¡AÁ`²Î«ç»ò¯à¥D°Ê«Å¥¬¬ü°ê¥h«O½Ã¶ZÂ÷¤¤¨º»òªñªº®qÀ¬¡H¬ü¤¤¦b¥x®ü½Ä¬ðªº«e´º¤£¦n¥N»ù¥i©È¡AÁ`²Î¦ü¥G¦b¥xÆW°ÝÃD¤W½k¶î¤F  chicagotribune.com/opinion/commentary/ct-opinion-taiwan-china-biden-tensions-20220922-tjd6rxcmozgunew3djsycoodsa-story.html
¬ü°ê Diplomat, 2022-9-22 ¥_¨Ê¥i¯à·|¬Û«H¾Ôª§µLªkÁקKªº¡A «ôµnªº¸Ü¤]¹ªÀy¥xÆW°ê¨¾·f«K¨®¤£§@§ï­²¡A¨Ã¥i¯à¹ªÀy¥x¿W¢w¬ü°ê¬F©²´¶¹M±N¥xÆW¾D¨üªº¥~¥æ²Û°dµø¬°¦a½t¬Fªví©wªº¥²­n¥N»ù... ¥B«ôµn¿ù»~ªº·t¥Ü°²³]°ÝÃDªºµª®×¤£¥i¯à´¦¥Ü¼ç¦bªº¬Fµ¦  thediplomat.com/2022/09/making-sense-of-bidens-taiwan-policy/
¬ü°ê Atlantic, 2022-9-22  ±j¯P·t¥Ü¬ü°ê·N¹Ï¦ý°jÁ×¥ô¦ó¥¿¦¡©Ó¿Õ¡B¥[±j«ÂÄà¦Ó¤S¤£·|¹L¦h²¨»·¥_¨Ê  VS.  ªÅ¥Õ¤ä²¼¥H§ïÅܲ{ª¬¡B¥[¼@½Ä¬ðªº¦MÀI theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/09/joe-biden-taiwan-china-strategic-ambiguity/671512/    
¬ü°ê CNN, 2022-9-21 ¥Õ®cÄ~Äò²H¤Æ«ôµn¬O¦b¦^µª°²³]©Êªº°ÝÃD¡A¦Ó¤£¬O«Å¥¬©x¤è¬Fµ¦§ïÅÜ...¦@©MÄÒ¤H«h§åµû¥L¯ó²vÂø¶Ã, Sen. Josh Hawley: ¤£Åý¤¤±±¨î¤Ó¥­¬v¬O¬ü°êªº°ê®a¦w¥þ§Q¯q¡A  ¦]¦¹¡A¶·À°§U¥xÆW¤H«OÅ@¦Û¤v  edition.cnn.com/2022/09/20/politics/biden-taiwan-60-minutes-response/index.html
­^°ê Guardian, 2022-9-21 «ôµnÁ`²Î¥Ç¤U¤F¤ñ¥¬§ÆÁ`²Î(George W Bush)§óÄY­«ªº¿ù»~¡A«ôµn¥i¯à¿E«ã¤¤国 ¦Ó¤£·|Åý¥xÆWÀò±o¦w¥þ«O»Ù ¡A¥L¶Ç¹Fªº¬OµJ¼{¦Ó¤£¬O«H¤ß theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/sep/21/biden-taiwan-comments-china-war-independence



¬ü°êForeign Policy, Politico, 2022-10-2: ¬ü°ê°ê¨¾³¡ªø©Úµ´ª½±µ¤ä«ù«ôµnÁ`²Î­x¶¤«O½Ã¥xÆWªº»¡ªk¡A¨Ãªí¥Ü¬ü°êªº­º­n¥ô°È¬OÀ°§U¥xÆW«OÅ@¦n¦Û¤v   politico.com/news/2022/10/02/lloyd-austin-china-taiwan-biden-00059922
¬ü°êThe Hill, 2022-10-3: ¬ü°ê°ê¨¾³¡ªø°jÁ׫ôµn«O½Ã¥xÆWªº©Ó¿Õ¡A¨Ã±µ¨ü¡§¤@¤¤¡¨¬Fµ¦ news.yahoo.com/us-defense-chief-sidesteps-questions-200504858.html
¬ü¥[ VICE, 2022-9-28: ¤£¯à«OÃÒ¤U¤@¥ô¬ü°êÁ`²Î±N»P«ôµn«ù¦³¬Û¦PªºÆ[ÂI¡A¦]¬°¬ü°ê­x¤è¨S¦³¥¿¦¡©Ó¿Õ¶i¦æ¤z¹w  vice.com/en/article/m7gp7v/taiwan-defense-china-invasion-conscripts


¡» Breaking Defense, 2022-8-11: ¾Ú³Ì·sCSIS, CNAS¼ÒÀÀ,­Y¬ü­x°Ñ¾Ô, ±N¦¨¬°¤@³õ血腥混亂˴¤j¶q¦º¤`˴Ãm¤é«ù¤[ªº¾Ôª§ ¡» New York Times, 2022-8-10:¬ü°ê±¡³ø»{¬°¡A¦@­x¥i¯à·|¦b¥¼¨Ó¤@¦~¥b¤º¸Õ¹Ï§ð¥´¸Ó®q¡A¼Æ©P«á¦@­x«K¦b¥xÆW¥|©PÁ|¦æ­xºt¡A ¦]²ßªñ¥­¾á¤ß¬ü°ê±N¥[§ÖªZ¸Ë¥xÆW¡A¦@­xªºÀu¶Õ¥i¯à¦]¦¹·|´î®z ¡» Foreign Affairs, 2022-8-10: 美國必須為台灣戰爭做準備 ¡» Daily Mail, 2022-8-10: 台灣是地球上人口最稠密的地方之一。由於無處可逃,平民傷亡可能很高¡» New York Times, 2022-8-7: ²Î¤@¬O²ßªñ¥­¬I¬Fªº­º­n¥Ø¼Ð¡A¤é«á±N³v¨B¼W°ª¹ï¥x­x¨Æ«Â¯Ù¡Aª½¨ì¥þ­±­x¨Æ¶i§ð¦¨¬°¤@­Ó¦³§Qªº¿ï¾Ü ¡» Wall Street Journal, 2022-8-7: ¤¤¦@¦ü¥G¯Ê¥F¹ï¥xÆW¹ê¬I¥þ­±«ÊÂꪺ­x¨Æ¸ê²£¡A¦ý¦³¨¬°÷ªº®ü¤W¤õ¤OÄY­«ÂZ¶Ã¥xÆW¸gÀÙ ¡» Reuters, 2022-8-7: ¥_¨Êªº«ÊÂê¾Ô¤O¬O±N¥xÆW±a¤W½Í§P®àªºÄw½X  ³o¦¸ºt²ß¥i¯à¬O¤J«Iªº¹wºt ¡» Economist, 2022-8-3:  PLA發動入侵可能毫無預兆 ¡» New York Times, 2022-8-2: 中囯宣布¬Ý¨Ó侵犯台灣領海的實彈演習,使高度緊張的局勢升級, ¬°¤¤¬ü潛在攤牌奠基,台美如何回應有待觀察 ¡» ­^°êEconomist, 2022-8-2: ²{¦b¬O考驗²ßªñ¥­決心的危險時刻, »p¬¥¦è³X¥x ¥i¯à暴露¬ü¹ï台政策的不確定性...台灣需打擊­x¤è腐敗和浪費, ¨Ã§ïµ½­x°V©M¼x§L¡» CNN, 2022-7-29: »p¬¥¦è³X¥x可能引發數十年來最嚴重的兩岸危機¡A¦ý不斷升級的緊張局勢本週幾乎沒有成為台灣的頭條新聞¡A台灣方面幾乎沒有就此事發表評論 ¡» New York Times, 2022-7-25: ¬ü©x­û¶V¨Ó¶V¼~¼{¤¤¦@¥i¯à¹ï¥xÆW¦æ°Ê(¤@¦~¥b¤º©Î³\«ÊÂê¥x®ü)... »P¨ä«_¶}¾Ô¤§ÀI¡A¤£¦p±À¿ðPelosi³X¥x  ¡» Washington Post, 2022-7-25: ¦]¨Ø¬¥¦è³XµØ¾á¼~¡A§½¶Õºò±i¡A¥xÆWÁ|¦æ¸U¦wªÅŧºt²ß 



¤¤¦@ GT, 2022-8-10 ©M¥­²Î¤@±N為台灣社會經濟發展創造巨大機遇,給台灣人民帶來實實在在的利益...
¬ü°ê NY Times, 2022-8-15 ¨â©¤¨ó°Ó將在¡§平等基礎¡¨或其他類似語言上進行 (2000¦~¥Õ¥Ö®Ñ½Í¤Îªº¦¸¼Æ¸û¦h) nytimes.com/2022/08/15/world/asia/china-taiwan-us.html
­^°ê Reuters, 2022-8-10 2000年白皮書中,"只要台灣承認只有一個中國,不謀求獨立,什麼都可以商量¡¨這句話,在新白皮書中不見了
¬ü°ê Forbes, Reuters, 2022-8-10 1993年和2000年的白皮書表示,統一後¡§不會派兵或行政人員駐台¡¨¡A³o¥y¸Ü¡A¥¼¥X²{¦b·sª©¥Õ¥Ö®Ñ¤¤
¿D¬w ABC news ,
¬ü°ê NBC, 2022-8-10 ¤£±Æ°£ªZ²Î ¢w¡§¦b­¢¤£±o¤wªº±¡ªp¤U±Ä¨úªº³Ì«á¤â¬q¡¨¡A¦ý¨S¦³¨ãÅ黡©ú­¢¤£±o¤w¬O¤°»ò
¥xÆW Áp¦X³ø 2022-8-11 ³o¬O§ó¬°±jµwªºªíºA¡A°£¤F¹ï¤º³¡¤Q¥|»õ¤H¦³©Ò¥æ¥N¡A¤]¹ï°ê»ÚªÀ·|©ú½T°í©wªí¹F¥_¨Ê¬Ýªk¡A¦P®É¤]·Q¥[¤j¹ï¥x³n¡Bµw¨â¤â¤O«× udn.com/news/story/10930/6528208?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub10930_pulldownmenu_v2
¤¤国 China Daily,
¥Õ¥Ö®Ñ±o¨ì®ü¤º¥~µØ¤Hªº¼ö¯P¤ÏÅT©M¼sªx¤ä«ù¡A¥Á¶iÄÒ·í§½¤£¯à§_»{¡§¤@°ê¨â¨î¡¨¬O©M¥­¡B¥Á¥D¡Bµ½·N¡B ¦@Ĺªº¸Ñ¨M¤è®× ( peaceful, democratic, good-faith and win-win solution)
¥Õ¥Ö®Ñ ¥þ¤å  https://www.scio.gov.cn/zfbps/32832/Document/1728489/1728489.htm


¡» ªk°êAFP, 2022-7-25: «ôµn¾á¤ßPelosi³X¥x¥i¯à·|¶V¹L¤¤°ê¬õ½u¡X¡X¦Ó¥B¨S¦³°h¸ôÂàéG; ²ßªñ¥­¥i¯à·|­pºâ¥X¡§¤w¸g¶V¹LªùÂe¡¨¡A¦Ó¥²¶·°µ¤@¨Ç'dramatic' response' ¡» CNN, 2022-7-25:  習近平已明確表示,北京將不再容忍任何對其利益的輕視或挑戰。民族主義浪潮席捲中國,支持¡§統一¡¨(可能ªZ²Î)Án高漲 ¡» ¼w°êDW, 2022-7-22: 日本防衛省表示,俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭可能鼓勵中國對台灣採取行動 ¡» ªk°êle Monde, 2022-7-22: CIA: 中國似乎決心¹ï¥xÆW°ÊªZ ¡» FoxNews, 2022-7-22: ¬ü助理防ªø:不要一直試圖讓¥xÆW像獨立國家,那樣會讓習近平冒險 ¡» ­^°êGuardian, 2022-7-22:¤é¥»»{¬°«X¯Q¾Ô«Â¯Ù¨ì¥xÆWªº¼vÅT¶V¨Ó¶V¤j ¡» Insider, 2022-7-21:¯Q§JÄõ¾Ôª§¥i¯à¤£·|°Ê·n¤¤¦@¤J«I¥xÆWªº¨M¤ß¡A¤¤°ê¥i¯à¾Ç ¨ì¤F±Ð°V:¡§¨M©w©Ê¡¨ªº³Ó§Q»Ý­n¡§À£­Ë©Êªº¤O¶q" ¡» FoxNews, 2022-7-20: ¤¤¦@¡§¤£±Æ°£¡¨ªñ´Á¤J«I¥xÆW  ¡» US News, 2022-7-19: «Xù´µ¤J«I¯Q§JÄõ¡A¥H¤Î¦è¤è¬Û¹ï§J¨î ªº¤ÏÀ³¡AÅý¤¤°êÅܱo§ó¥[Áx¤j¡» ¤é¥»Asia Nikkei, 2022-7-20: ¥xÆW«e°ê¨¾³¡ªø©IÆ~­¢¤Á¡B¥þ­±ªº­x¨Æ§ï­² ¡» ªk°êFrance24, 2022-7-15: ¥Á²³¶V¨Ó¶V¾á¤ß¤J«I¡A¥xÆWÁ|¦æ¤F¦³¥v¥H¨Ó³Ì¤j³W¼Òªº¨¾¨aºt²ß¡A¥HÀ³¹ï¯Q§JÄõ¾Ôª§¨º¯ëªº¨aÃø ¡» Bloomberg, 2022-7-13:¥ý¶iªº"¤£¹ïºÙ"ªZ¾¹©M¨M¤ßªºµ²¦X¥i¯à©è§Ü±j°ê¤J«I ¡» ¬ü°êVOA, 2022-7-12: ±M®a«ü¤¤¦@ªº¾Ô²¤ªí©ú²Î¤@ªº¨M¤ß¶V¨Ó¶V±j¡» Washington Post, 2022-7-3: ¤£¹ïºÙ¾Ôª§¯Q§JÄõ¦¡¨¾¿m¥i¯à¤£¨¬¥HÀ»°h±j¤j±o¦hªº¤¤, ¥xÆWªº¸q°È§L§Ð¦p®L¥OÀç¦h¨ÆÅé¤O³Ò°Ê¡A¦Ó«D¾Ç²ß¾Ô°«§Þ¯à¡A±Ð±Âªº¾Ô³N¬Û·í©ó®üÆW¾Ôª§(1991)©Î¶V«n¾Ôª§(1955~1975)ªº¾Ô³N ¡» ­^°êIndependent, 2022-7-3:¥xÆW¤H¶V¨Ó¶V¾á¤ß¤¤±N¤J«I¦Ûªv®q¡»  New York Times, 2022-6-19: ¦ü¥G­¢¦b¬Ü·û (looming) ªº«Â¯Ù / °ÝÃD¬O¥xÆW¯à§_¹³¯Q§JÄõ©ó2014¦~°õ¦æ³Ì¨ã¼vÅT¤Oªº­x¨Æ§ï­²? ¥xÆW¬F«È¦³¿ïÁ|¦Ò¼{¡C¨Ò¦p¡A©µªø¼x§L¨î¥i¯à¤£«Ü¨üÅwªï ¡»  New York Times, 2022-6-13: ¥xÆW¦b¾Ô°«¾÷©M¼ç¸¥¤Wªá¶O¤£¸í¡A¦ý¤J¥îªÌ«o´X¥G¨S¦³¨¬°÷ªº¼uÃÄ°V½m¡C¤@¨Ç¬ü¥x°ê¨¾©x­û»{¬°¡A¥¼¨Ó´X¦~¥_¨Êªº¥þ­±§ðÀ»¯à°÷¦¨¥\¡A¥u§Æ±æ»¨½Þ¾Ô²¤ª§¨ú®É¶¡µ¥«Ý¬ü°ê À°§U¡C¡ó ¥þ¤å³sµ² 


National Review: 2022-9-29: ¥xÆW¥~ªø: ¡§«ÜÃø²q´ú¤°»ò®É­Ô ¤¤
¤J«I¡A 2023 ¦~¡B2025 ¦~......"
¬°¤°»ò   ©ì©µ¼x§L¼Æ¦~? 


½²­^¤å   «C¦~ ªÀ·|¤j²³
VICE, 2022-9-28: ½²­^¤å¥¼¶i¦æ¥þ­±­x¶¤§ï­²
New York Times, 2022-6-19: ¥xÆW¬F«È¦³¿ïÁ|¦Ò¼{¡A¤ñ¤è¡A©µªø¼x§L¨î¥i¯à¤£«Ü¨üÅwªï ( Roll Call, 2022-9-28, Stars & Strips, 2022-9-29: ¦~»´¿ï¥Á¬O¥Á¶iÄҳӿ諸­«­n°ò¦)
♣ Foreign Policy ,10-19-2020 :   ¥xÆW»â¾É­Ì°ò©ó¿ïÁ|¦Ò¶q¡A¥H­P­x¤O¥u¯à§@¨q
♣ ­^°ê  Financial Times, 7-12-2020: ¥xÆW¬F«È®`©È°Q½×°Ê­û«á³Æ­x¤H¡A¦]¬°¥L­Ì»{¬°¥xÆW¤H¥Á¤£Ä@Ä묹¥Í©R...
Áp¦X³ø, 2022-10-6: §L§Ð©µªø¤¸¥¹«e¤~­n¤½¥¬¡A°õ¬F·í§½ÅãµM¤´¦b´ú­·¦V¡AµÛ²´Á`²Î¤j¿ï  udn.com/news/story/11091/6665523?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2
♣ Roll Call, 2022-9-28: ¤j¦h¼Æ¤H¤£·Q°Ñ­x...  20-24 ·³±Ú¸s¹ï©ó©µ§Ð¦Ü¤@¦~¤ä«ù²v¬Û¹ï¸û§C(56%) .

♣ ¤¤®É (Taiwan), 2022-9-28:台灣青年願意將4個月的服役期限改為服1年兵役的人,依據民調,居然只有18.5%,而拒絕延長的人高達81.5%。連當兵都拒絕延長,何況上戰場¡H¡Cchinatimes.com/opinion/20220927005188-262101?chdtv

«nÁúªA§Ð 18-21 ¤ë; ¥H¦â¦C¨k 32 ¤ë, ¤k 24 ¤ë, ¦Ü¤Ö.

Washington Examiner, 2022-9-20: ¥xÆW¤H§i¶D¥Á·N ½Õ¬dÄ@·N¬°°ê®a¦Ó¾Ô¡B¦Ó¦º¬O¤@¦^¨Æ¡AÁ}­W³Æ ¾Ô¬O¥t¤@¦^¨Æ¡CÅKªº¨Æ¹ê¬O¡A³o¼Ëªº¥xÆW¤H¤Ó¤Ö¤F

  Economist, 2022-3-5: ¥xÆW¤H¦ü¥G¹ï«O½Ã®a¶é¨S¦³¿³½ì...¥xÆW ¤]´k©ó§ï­²°ê¨¾¾Ô¤O

♣ axios,2022-9-27:  ...


Brookings, 2021-1-22: ¥xÆW¤H¶È23% »{¬°¥Á¥D¤ñ¸gÀÙ«e³~­«­n.  ¶È16% ¬Û«H¬Fªv¦Û¥Ñ¤ñ­°§C¸gÀÙ¤£¥­µ¥­«­n.

  «nÁú ªº¬F«È©ÎÁ`²Î­Ô¿ï¤H·|¬°¤F³Ó¿ï ¦Ó¥D±iÁYµu§L§Ð§Ð´Á¶Ü?   (Áú§Ð´Á¬O¥xÆW4~5­¿), ¦ý¥xÆW´N·| !   ¤ñ¤è ¥Á¶iÄÒ¦³¥ß©e½èºÃ¡u¨º¬°¦ó­n©µªø§L§Ð¡H¡v !? (see udn.com/news/story/11091/6665523?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2   2022-10-6 )


¬°¤°»ò  ¥xÆW¥Á²³¡u¤£¾á¤ß¡v??

n­^°êExpress, 2022-8-16: ¥xÆW¾n¼w¤j¨ÏÁ§Ӱ¶Äµ§i ¤¤§Y±NŧÀ»¥xÆWªº­·ÀI( an impending attack by China on Taiwan... "They¡¦re going to attack us.")
¤é¥»Libre, UDN, 2022-8-16: ¥xÆW½²Á`²Î: ¥x®ü§½¶Õ¤Q¤Àºò±i¡A¥xÆW­±Á{¥¨¤j¬D¾Ô
n¬ü°êCNN, 2022-8-8: ¥xÆW¥~ªø§d°xÀè: ¡§§Ú¾á¤ß¤¤¥i¯à¯uªº¹ï¥x°ÊªZ
;  ­^°êIndependent, 2022-8-16 ³ø¾É¥xÆW¥Á½Õ:

¬ü°ê NBC, 2022-8-10:  ¬°¤°»ò¥xÆW¥Á²³¦ü¥G¤£¤Ó¾á¤ß¤¤¦@ªZ¤O«Â¯Ù? nbcnews.com/news/world/is-taiwan-worried-china-threat-invasion-pelosi-visit-rcna41964  
A: ³\¦h©~¥Áªí¥Ü¡A¥L­Ì¡u¤w¸g²ßºD¤F¡v...¡u§Ú¤£»{¬°¤¤
·|¶i§ð¡A¦]¬°§Ú­Ìªº¤õ½b¤]¥i¥H¨ì¹F¥_¨Ê©M¤W®ü¡v ;
¯Q§JÄõ¥Á²³¹ï«Xù´µ¤J«I «eªº«H¸¹¤]´¿ªí¥ÜÃhºÃ¡C¥xÆW¬O§_¹L©ó¦Ûº¡?  ¬ü°ê±M®a: ¥xÆW¤H¥Á»Ý­n§óÄYµÂ»{¯u¦a¹ï«Ý³o¥ó¨Æ¡A...¥L­Ì¨Ã¨S¦³§¹¥þ²z¸Ñ¥L­Ì©Ò³BªºÀô¹Ò...
¬ü°ê New York Times, 2022-8-9:  ³\¦hÆ[¹î¤H¤h¦ü¥G»{¬°¥xÆW¤H·|¡u·²´µ©³¨½¡v¦a§y¿n­¹ª«¡A¨î©w²¨´²­p¹º ... ¥xÆW¨ü³XªÌ:¡u¥xÆW¤H¦b­±¹ï¤é¯qºò±iªº§½¶Õ®Éªí²{±oÂí©w¡A¤£¬O¥Ñ©ó無知或天真¡A¦Ó¬O¦]¬°³o¤w¸g³Q±µ¨ü¡X¡X¬Æ¦Ü³Q¤º¤Æ...¦o»¡¡A¦pªG¥xÆW®ü®l¯uªº¦¨¬°戰場,她會把父母送到安全的地方,然後留下來戰鬥... (PS: ¦~»´¤H¥­®É¤£Ä@¨ü°V¡A ¾Ô®ÉÄ@·NÄ묹?  ­x°V¤£¨¬©ö¶Ë¤` )

¥xÆW ¸gÀÙ¤é³øªÀ½× , 2022-8-11:  ¥xÆW¥Á½Õ¤]Åã¥Ü¤»¦¨¨ü³XªÌ¡u¤£¾á¤ß¡v¨â©¤·|¶i¤@¨B­x¨Æ½Ä¬ð¡AÅý¥~´C¤j·P·N¥~¡Cºô¯¸¶K¤å¤Ï¬M¤F³\¦h¤ß²z¡F¨Ò¦p¡G¡u¦]¬°¤¤®Ú¥»¤£·|¥´¡v¡B¡u³Q®£À~ºD¤F¡v¡B¡u¨C¦~³£­n³QÀ~¨â¤T¦¸¡A¤¤¯uªº³Û¤Ó¤[¤F¡v¡FÅãµM¡A¥_¨Ê¤Ñ¤Ñ³Û¥´³Û±þ¡A¤wÅý³\¦h°ê¤H³Â¤ì¡C  More §ó¦h ~



¡» ªk°êAFP, France 24, 2022-6-10: ¥_¨ÊºÙ¡A¦pªG¥xÆW¿W¥ß¡A±N²@¤£µS¿Ý¤£±¤¤@¤Á¥N»ùµo°Ê¾Ôª§¡A³o¬O¬ü¤¤¶W±j³Ì·s¤@¦¸¥æ¤õ¡C¤é¥»­º¬ÛÄY¼Fĵ§i¡G¡§¤µ¤Ñªº¯Q§JÄõ¥i¯à©ú¤Ñ´N¬OªF¨È¡¨¡» N.Y. Times, 2022-6-10: ¬ü°ê¾á¤ß¡A¤¤°ê¥i¯àÄ@·N¦b¥¼¨Ó´X¦~¦]¥xÆW¶}¾Ô¡C­^°ê´¼®w: ¤¤µu´Á¤º¡A¥xÆW½Ä¬ð§ó¦³¥i¯à¬O°¸µMµo¥Íªº ¡»  New York Times, 2022-5-27: 2018 ¦~¬ü°ê°ê·|±ÂÅvªº¤@¶µµû¦ôĵ§i: ¬ü°ê¥i¯à¦b¥xÆW¾Ôª§¤¤­±Á{¡§¨M©w©Êªº­x¨Æ¥¢±Ñ¡¨...³\¦h¤H·|¬°«ôµn挺身支持台灣而喝彩¡A但他可能會使該島處於更大的危險之中,而美國可能無法出手相救 ¡»  NY Times, 2022-5-24: ¬ü°ê¸Õ¹Ï¦b«ÂÄà©M¬DÆ]¶¡¨«¤@±ø²Ó¯Á¡A¥i¯à«P¨Ï¤¤°ê¥D®u²ßªñ¥­¤U¥OŧÀ»¥xÆW ¡»  ¬ü°êNew York Times, 2022-5-23: «ôµnºÙ¦pªG¤¤囯¤J«I¡A¬ü°ê­x¶¤±N«O½Ã¥xÆW¡A´¬±ó¤F¶Ç²Î¤W«C·ýªº¡§¾Ô²¤¼Ò½k©Ê¡¨¡A¥Õ®c«Ü§Ö¸Õ¹Ï§_»{¡A  «ôµnªº§Y¿³«Å¨¥Åý¤é¥»³´¤J¤F½ÆÂøªº¹Ò¦a¡C¡» ¬ü°êWall Street Journal, 2022-5-23: «ôµnÁ`²Î¦ü¥G»P¬ü°êªø´Á¥H¨Óªº¾Ô²¤¼Ò½k¬Fµ¦¨Mµõ¡C¥L±j½Õ¡A¬ü°ê¤´µM­P¤O©ó¡§¤@¤¤¬Fµ¦¡¨ªº°ò¥Û¡A¥u¬O³z¹LªZ¤O¹Ü¨úªº·Qªk¬O¤£¦X¾Aªº¡A¤¤°ê¥~¥æ³¡²r¯P©áÀ»«ôµn¡AºÙ¥_¨Ê¦b¥xÆWµ¥®Ö¤ß°ÝÃD¤W¡§¨S¦³§´¨ó©MÅý¨Bªº¾l¦a¡¨¡» NY Times, 2022-5-7:¬ü°ê ¥¿¦V¥xÆW¬IÀ£­qÁʾԪ§«æ­¢©Êªº¾É¼u©M¤p«¬¾÷°Ê¤£¹ïºÙªZ¾¹¦Ó«D¤j¥ó­xªZ¡A¥H½T«O¥xÆW³Æ¾Ô¬O¨Ó¯uªº ¡» ­^°ê Economist, 2022-4-20:¤¤±q«X¯Q¾Ô§l¨úªº¥D­n±Ð°V¬O³t«×¡X¡X³Ì¦n´X¤Ñ¤º³Ó§Q ¡C¥xÆW³Ì¤jªº¥Í¦s§Æ±æ¡X¡X©t­x¾Ä¾Ôªº®É¶¡¶Vªø¡A¶V¥i¯àűo¦P±¡¡B´Ü¨Ø©M­x¨Æ¤ä«ù ¡» ¤é¥»Japan Times, 2022-4-19: ¬ü°ê¹ï¥x¡§¾Ô²¤¼Ò½k¡¨¥²¶·²×µ²¡A¼ÒÙ±¨â¥i¬Fµ¦​​¥¿§Uªø¦L¤Ó¤£Ã­©w¡A¹ªÀy¤¤囯§C¦ô¬ü°êªº¨M¤ß¡A¨ÃÅý¥x¥_¬F©²µJ¼{ ¡» FoxNews, 2022-4-4:¡§¤£¬O¦@­x¨Ó¤£¨Ó¥xÆW¡A¦Ó¬O¤°»ò®É­Ô¨Ó"¡A¤ÀªRĵ§i¤¤¦@¤J«Iªº¥i¯à©Ê¥O¤H¥ÍÄß ¡» ¬ü°ê19fortyfive, 2022-4-12: TIPP ¥Á½Õ: ¤j¦h¼Æ¬ü°ê¤H¹ï±²¤J¨È¬w¾Ôª§¤£·P¿³½ì¡A¤ä«ù Å@¥xª½±µ­x¨Æ¦æ°Êªº¤£¶W¹L 20%



CNBC, 2022-8-25 ¥xÆWÀÀ大幅增加國防開支, ÁÊ買新戰鬥機µ¥

¥xÆW »Ý­n¶Ç²Î­««¬ªZ¾¹

¥xÆW »Ý­n"¤£¹ïºÙ"ªZ¾¹ ¡A   ¦Ó«D¶Ç²Î­««¬ªZ¾¹

­^°ê Financial Times, 2022-8-19: ¥xÆW»{¬°¥_¨Ê¯Ù­¢¾Ô²¤¤w¸g¡§ºR·´¡¨¤F¤¤½u ¡A¦]¦¹«E»Ý¤¤¤j«¬­xÄ¥»P¾Ô¾÷ ¡A ¬ü¥x¥X²{¤Àª[ ft.com/content/0d492ad7-9346-4c9e-b186-834c6fc75e85

¥xÆWÁp¦X³ø, 2022-10-6:  ¬ü¤è¿WÂ_ªº«ü¾ÉÀ£¤O¤U¡A國軍被迫幾全盤接受建構「不對稱戰力」構想,去年³Q硬塞八百多億元的岸置魚叉飛彈¨t²Î¡A¥B³Q­¢¤@¦¸½s¨¬¡F¦Ó¬°¦ÛàH°t¦X¬ü¤è¬Fµ¦...灰色地帶作戰¡A決戰用途的飛彈派不上用場 udn.com/news/story/11091/6665520?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2
War On The Rocks, 2022-8-22: µØ¦Ó¤£¹êªº F-16¾Ô¾÷µLÀÙ©ó¨Æ¡A ¬üÀ³°â¥x«KÄ⦡¦a¹ïªÅ¾É¼u»P®ü¨¾¨µ¯è¾É¼u warontherocks.com/2022/08/the-fourth-taiwan-strait-crisis-is-just-starting/
Financial Times, 2022-8-19: µØ²±¹y¥¿¸Õ¹Ï­¢¨Ï¥x¥_Àu¥ý¦Ò¼{¡§¤£¹ïºÙ¡¨ªZ¾¹¡X¡X§Q¥Î¹ï¤â®zÂI¦Ó«DÄv¤ñ¨äÀu¶Õ
Fox News, 2022-8-26: ½T«O¥xÆW¾Ö¦³¾A·íªº¨¾¿m¯à¤O¡A¦ý³o¤£¬O¦@²£ÄÒ¥i¥H»´©öºË·Çªº©ù¶QªZ¾¹¤ñ¦p¾Ô¾÷

Business Insider, 2022-8-21: ¡§µØº¸µó¤é³ø¡¨³ø¾É¡A¥xÆW¾Ô°«¾÷¡Bª½¤É¾÷©M©Z§Jµ¥­««¬³]³Æ¾Ô®É«Ü®e©ö³QºR·´¡AÀ³±Ä¡§»¨½Þ¾Ô²¤¡¨ (¡§¤£¹ïºÙ¡¨¾Ô²¤)
Channel News Asia, 2022-8-27: §Y¨Ï¥xÆW¼W¥[°ê¨¾¶}¤ä¡A¥xÆW¦w¥þ¤´¥i¯à¨ú¨M©ó¹wºâ¦p¦ó¨Ï¥Î...»Ý¼W±j¤£¹ïºÙ¾Ô¤O¡A¦Ó«D©Z§J¡B­xÄ¥©M¾Ô°«¾÷µ¥¶Ç²ÎªZ¾¹¨t²Î

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¡u Å@°ê¯«¤s ¡v  ??

¡» CBS, 2022-9-25 Blinken: §Ú­Ì³]­p¡B¥xÆW¥Í²£¤F¤j³¡¤Àªº¥b¾ÉÅé¡K¡K³o±N¹ï¥þ²y¸gÀÙ²£¥Í·´·À©Êªº¼vÅT...[³o¬O]§Ú­Ì²{¦b¦p¦¹¤j¤O§ë¸ê¦b¬ü°ê¥Í²£¥b¾ÉÅ骺­ì¦]¤§¤@
¡» New York Times, 2022-9-9 ¥xÆW±q«e¬O¬ü«Ò«OÅ@ªº«e­ï ¡A ²{¥Ñ¡§ª¿¬Þ¡¨¥©§®«OÅ@(¥xÆW±j¶µ¬O»s³y«D³]­p)  /  «ôµn­­¨î¥X¤f¤¤国³Ì¥ý¶iªº»s³y³]³Æ¥H½T«O¤j³°µLªk»°¤W¥xÆW¡A¥xÆWªä¤ù·½·½¤£Â_¿é¤J¤¤国¡A©M¥­¥i¯à·|¦û¤W­·¡A¦ý¤¤°ê»â¾É¤H ´¿ªí¥Ü¤£¯àµL­­´Á±À¿ð²Î¤@
¡» National Interest, 2022-5-15 ¥xÆWªº¡§Å@°ê¯«¤s¡¨µ¹¬ü°ê±a¨Ó­t¾á¡Aµ¹¥xÆW§§Áx¡A«oµLªk«ÂÄत¦@¡C¦è¤èÀ³´î¤Ö¶i¤f¥xÆW¥b¾ÉÅé¡A¥xÆW¤~·|»{¯u¦Û½Ã¡X¡X±ÄÁʨë°w©M¼Ðºj¦Ó¤£¬O©Z§J»Pª½¤É¾÷
¡» Taiwan News, 2021-5-22 ¬ü°êĵ§i¥xÆW¤£¯à±N¥x¿n¹q·í§@Å@°ê¯«¤s¡A¤¤国·|¬°¤F¹F¦¨¬Fªv¥Ø¼ÐÄ묹¸gÀÙ§Q¯q
¡» New York Times, 2022-8-29 ³¡¤À¤ÀªR»{¬°¤j³°¹ï¥x¿n¹qªº¨Ì¿àªý¤î¤F¦@­x¤J«I¡A¥t¨Ç±M®a»{¬°³o¹ï¾Ôª§ªº¨M©w·L¤£¨¬¹D
¡» Voice of America, 2021-5-10 ¥x¿n¹q°õ¦æ¸³¨Æªø¦bCBSªí¥Ü¥@¬É»Ý­n´¹¤ù¦]¦¹·|ªý¤î¾Ôª§µo¥Í¡A¤¤国±M®a:¤¤国µø¥xÆW°ÝÃD¬°¤º¬F¡A¦]¦¹¤£ ·|²z·|¥xÆWsilicon shield(ª¿¬ÞÅ@°ê¯«¤s)ªº¦a½t¬Fªv¼vÅT


¡» Foreign Policy, 2022-3-31: ¦pªG¤¤囯§ðÀ»¥xÆW¡A ¶È18%¬ü°ê¤j¾Ç©M¾Ç°|ªº°ê»ÚÃö«Y±M®a¾ÇªÌ¤ä«ù¹ï¤¤囯±Ä¨úª½±µ­x¨Æ¦æ°Ê ¡» Wall Street Journal, 2022-3-29: ¥xÆW°ê¨¾§ï­²¤´»·¥¼¹F¨ì¤É¯Å»Ý¨D¡X¡X¥xÆW±oÂX¼W­x¶¤³W¼Ò¡A«á³Æ³¡¶¤°V½m¤]¥²­n±Ä¨ú§ó«æ¶iªº§@¬°¡» N.Y. Times, 2022-3-24: ²ßªñ¥­»{¬°¤J«I¯Q§JÄõ»PªZ²Î¥xÆW¥i¥H¬Û´£¨Ã½×¡A ¬ü°ê»P·ù¤Í»{¬°¨îµô»P¹³¯Q§JÄõ¯ë¿E¯Pªº©è§Ü¥i¥H°_¨ì«ÂÄà§@¥Î...Matthew Pottinger:¥_¨Ê¥¿¬°§]¨Ö¥xÆW¤§¾Ô¾Q¥­¹D¸ô  ¡»  N.Y. Times, 2022-3-20:¦pªG«Xù´µ¥´«±压­Ë¯Q§JÄõ¡A±N¼W¥[¥xÆWªº¦MÀI; »P¯Q§JÄõ¤£¦P¡A¥xÆW¤£³Q¥þ²y©Ó»{¬°¿W¥ß°ê®a, ³o¥i¯à¤Þµo"§ðÀ»"¬O§_¬O"¤J«I"ªº°ÝÃD; ¾Ô²¤¼Ò½kµ¹¤F¬ü­x¸m¨­¨Æ¥~ªºªÅ¶¡ ¡» Japan Times, Bloomberg, 2022-3-20: ¥Á½Õ: ¤Q¤À¤§¤Eªº¤é¥»¤H¾á¤ß¤¤¦@¥i¯à¤J«I¥xÆW ¡» TIME, 2022-3-18: ¥xÆW¨k©ÊªA§Ð¥|­Ó¤ë, 只有基礎訓練¡X¡X¬Û¤ñ¤§¤U¡A韓國是 18 個月,以色列和新加坡大約是兩年。 大多數分析®a表示,該島無法靠自己的力量阻止¸Ñ©ñ­x全面入侵 ¡» ¼w°êDW, 2022-3-15: Bonnie Glaser:¥[±j¹w³Æ§Ð¦­´N¸Ó°µ¤F, ¤£ª¾¹DÁÙ­n¦hªø®É¶¡¤~¯à¹F¨ì¤ô¥­; Ian Easton:¥x­x¯Ê¥F¤H¤O¡A ¥B»Ý­n¥[±j°V½m ¡» Politico, 2022-3-14: ¥xÆW­x¶¤¥i¯à¦]³¡¶¤¨ó½Õ¤£¤O¦Ó¾D¨ü§åµû¡A¬F©²¤]¤@ª½¤£Ä@¥[±j¦Û¨­¨¾¿m...¤¤°ê²`«×¿Ä¤J¥þ²y¸gÀÙ¥H¤Î¥_¨Ê 10,680 »õ¬ü¤¸°ê¶Åªººb±ì§@¥Î±N¨Ï¦è¤è¨îµô°_¨Ó§ó¥[µh­W ¡» Economist, 2022-3-5: ¥xÆW¤H¦ü¥G¹ï«O½Ã®a¶é¨S¦³¿³½ì...¥xÆW ¤]´k©ó§ï­²°ê¨¾¾Ô¤O ¡» Washington Post, 2022-3-4:¦h¦~¨Ó¥xÆW¥Á²³¤@ª½¹ï¥_¨Êªº«Â¯Ù³Â¤ì¤£¤¯, ¦ý²{¦b¥xÆW©x¤è¤@ª½§V¤OÀ£¨î¡§¤µ¤Ñ¯Q§JÄõ¡A©ú¤Ñ¥xÆW¡¨ªº¬y¦æ»y, ¦³¥Á²³»{¬°¼Ú¬ü¦P±¡¯Q§JÄõ¡A¬O¦]¬°ºØ±Ú¤å¤Æ¬Û¦ü ¡» Foreign Affairs, 2022-3-3: ¤¤°ê¥H¸gÀÙ¨îµô³ø´_¦è¤èªº¯à¤O»·¤j©ó«Xù´µ¡C¯Q«X¾Ôª§¨S¦³§ïÅÜ¥_¨Ê¹ïªZ²Î¥xÆWªº¦Ò¶q - ·í²ßªñ¥­½T«H¸Ñ©ñ­x¯à°÷¦¨¥\¨â´Ï¤J«I¡A¨Ã¥B®É¾÷¾A¦X¡A´N·|¦æ°Ê ¡» Brookings, 2022-2-7: ¬°¤°»ò¥xÆW¤H¥Ø«e¤£¤jÃÙ¦P²Î¤@? ¤j¦h¼Æ¨ü³XªÌ¡]56%¡^ªí¥Ü¨â©¤¤å¤Æ¬Û¦ü,  ¦ý72%»{¬°¤j³°¬F©²¹ï¥x¦Ü¤Ö¦³ÂI¤£¤Í¦n (at least somewhat unfriendly)¡C ¡» USA Today, Yahoo, 2022-2-10: ¥xÆW¦~»´¤Hªí¥Ü ¦b¤å¤Æ¤W»P¹ï©¤¶V¨Ó¶V²¨»·¡C ¡» SCMP, 2022-2-12:  ¤¤°êªº³Ó§Q¤èµ{¦¡¬O¡AÃg»@©M®£À~³y¦¨¨¬°÷ªºµh­W©M¤ß²zÀ£¤O¡A¥xÆW²×±N©}ªA  ¡» New York Times, 2022-2-7: ¥xÆW¥~¥æ¦a¦ìªº¼Ò½k¯Ü®z¥i¯à¨Ï°ê»Ú¤z¹w½ÆÂø¤Æ  ¡» Times, 2021-12-10: ¬ü°ê¤£·|¬°¬@±Ï¥xÆW©Î¯Q§JÄõ¦Ó¾Ô¡A¬ü°ê¿ï¾ÜÂÔ·V¦æ¨Æ   ¡» Washington Post, 2022-1-25:«O½Ã¥xÆW¬O¦³»ù­È, ¦ý§Ú­Ì·Ç³Æ¦nªï±µ­«¤j¶Ë¤`¶Ü¡H³o¥i¯à¬O¶V¾Ô¥H¨Ó³Ì¦å¸{ªº½Ä¬ð¡C¥x­x¸gÅ禳­­¡A¬Æ¦Ü¨S¦³¡C¨SÅý¥xÆW¥Á²³©M­x¶¤·Ç³Æ¦nÁ}Ãø°«ª§¡A±N¬OÄY­«ªº¿ù»~ ¡» New York Post, 2022-1-21: «ôµn³B²z¯Q§JÄõ¦M¾÷ªº©å¦Hµ¹¤¤囯µo¥X¤F³n®zªº«H¸¹¡A²³Ä³­û McCaul¹w´ú¥V¶ø«á¦@­x±N¥é§J¨½¦Ì¨È¥ý¨Ò¤J«I¥xÆW (New York Times, 2022-1-19 : ¬ü°êĵ§i«Xù´µ¥i¯à¡§¦b«Üµuªº®É¶¡¤º¡¨¤J«I¯Q§JÄõ) ¡»  New York times, 2022-1-19:¤¤囯¼W±jªº«Â¯Ù±j¤Æ¤F¥xÆWªº¥DÅ騭¥÷  60+% ªº¤H»{¬°¦Û¤v¬O¥xÆW¤H¡A¦ý§ó¶É¦VÁקK¾Ôª§ªº­·ÀI ¡» Bloomberg, 2021-12-7: ¦è¤èÆ[¹î®a¤£¦P·N¥xÆWªº«Â¯Ù­¢¦b¬Ü·û¡A¤]¦³¨Ç»{¬°¥¼¨Ó´X¦~·|µo¥Í½Ä¬ð¡AIan Easton:¡§§Ú»{ÃѪº¤j¦h¼Æ¤ÀªR®a»{¬°¡A©ú¦~¥xÆW¥i¯à·|¾D¨ì¤J«I" ¡» ­^°êDaily Mail, 2021-11-18: ¤¤¤w¨ã³Æ¹ï¥x®üªÅ«ÊÂê¡Bºôµ¸§ðÀ»©M¾É¼u ¥´À»ªº¯à¤O¡¨¡A¥B·Ç³Æ¦n(is ready for)¥þ­±¤J«I¡A¤¤¥i¯à·|±q®Ö«ÂÄàÂà¦V¡§¦³­­¡¨­º¥ý¨Ï¥Î®ÖªZªº¾Ô²¤ ¡» WSJ, 2021-11-17: «ôµn¤´¨S¦³¹ïµØ¾Ô²¤¡A³\¦h¬ü°ê¤H±q¨Ó¤À¤£²M¥xÆW»P®õ°ê¡C­Y­n«_µÛ«ôµn¤§«á¥X²{¤@¦ì¤£¨º»ò³n®zªºÁ`²Îªº­·ÀI¡A²ßªñ¥­¥i¯à·|ı±o¥L ¦³¤T¦~¥i¥H±Ä¨ú¦æ°Ê ¡» ¥H¦â¦CJPost, ­^°êReuters, 2021-11-17:«ôµn: ¬ü°ê¤£¹ªÀy¥x¿W, ¦Ó¹ªÀy¥L­Ì§¹¥þ«ö·Ó¥xÆWÃö«Yªk¥h°µ¡» WSJ, FoxNews, 2021-10-25 : ¥xÆW­x¶¤¦]¤º³¡°ÝÃD¦Ó¼¹µõ¡A¦Ó³Ìºò­¢ªº°ÝÃD¬O¨C¦~¬ù 80,000 ¦W·s§L¤Îªñ 220 ¸U«á³Æ§Ðªº¾Ô³Æ¤£¨¬¥B¤h®ð§C¸¨¡C­x¤è¦æ¬°»PºÞ±Ð¤£·í¤]®z¤Æ¤F¦~»´¤H±q­xªº·NÄ@   ¡ó ·s»D ¥þ¤å³sµ² 


2022¦~  ¨È¬w¥D­n«°¥«  ¦Ì¨äªLÀ\ÆU¤j¤ñ©é   Michelin stars comparisons among Asian countries

 Michelin cities

3 ¬PÀ\ÆU¼Æ

2 ¬PÀ\ÆU¼Æ

1 ¬PÀ\ÆU¼Æ


ªF¨ÊTokyo (¤é¥») 12 41 150 203
­»´äHong Kong 7 12 52 71
¨Ê³£Kyoto (¤é¥») 6 19 83 108
Osaka (¤é¥») 3 11 82 96
·s¥[©Y Singapore 3 7 41 51
¿Dªù Macau 3 5 7 15
­ºº¸ Seoul («nÁúKorea) 2 7 24 33
¤W®ü Shanghai (¤¤°ê¤j³°China) 2 8 37 47
¥x¥_Taipei (¥xÆWTaiwan) 1 6 24 31
¥x¤¤ TaiChung City (¥xÆWTaiwan) 0 1 4 5
°ª¶¯ Kaohsiung (¥xÆWTaiwan) 0 0 2 2
¥x«n TaiNan City(¥xÆWTaiwan) 0 0 0 0

guide.michelin.com/en/article/news-and-views/michelin-guide-tokyo-2022-eng     2021-11-29


¡¹ New York Times, 2022-8-18:¥xÆWµæ¡Xlayered, ¡B¿W¯S¡B¦h¥Á±Ú; ¬ü­¹¨ü¨ì³\¦h¤å¤Æ¤O¶qªº¼vÅT¡A¥]¬A¤gµÛ³¡¸¨¡A»Ô«n«È®a¸sÅé¡F¤é¥»´Þ¥Á¤Î 1949 ¦~°_ªº¤¤°ê¤j³°²¾¥Á nytimes.com/2022/08/16/dining/taiwanese-cuisine.html

¡¹ ¥xÆW ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø, 2022-8-30: ¥xÆW¬ü­¹±`³QÂk¤J¡u¤¤°êµæ¡v½dÃ¥¡A±q³Ì¦­ªº­ì¦í¥Á°_¡A¨¡ÀY¡BµfÁ¦¡B¤p¦Ì¡Bµæ½­¡B³¥¥Í­»¯ó¡B®üÂA¬O¨ä¯S¦â¡Fº~¤H±a¨Ó»Ô¡B¸f¤£¦P¶Ç²Î¶¼­¹µæ¦â¡A¦b¦U¦a¾Á´Þµo®i¤S§Î¦¨¦a¤è¨ÎÀa¬ü­¹¡F¤é¥»®É¥N¥[¤J¥Í³½¤ù¡BÃöªFµN¡B«K·íµ¥ªF¬v®Æ²z¡F¾Ô«á¤¤°ê¦U¬Ù¤H¥Á¾Ö¦Ü¡A«n¥_µæÀa¦U¾Õ¨äªø ¦³´Â¤@¤é¡A©Î¥i¦bÀ\¶¼¬É©~¤@®u¤§¦a  talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1537171



¡m¸gÀپǤH¡nEconomist, 2022-3-12µoªí¡u¸È±a¸ê¥»¥D¸q«ü¼Æ¡v¡A±q´I»¨¥Ñ¸È±aÃö«Y¦ÓÀò¨úªº°]´I¦û°ê¤º¥Í²£¤òÃB¤ñ­«¡A¿s¨£¦U°ê¬F°ÓÃö«Y±K¤Á«×¡C¥xÆW±Æ¦W¥þ²y²Ä11
Rich folk in autocratic countries remain vulnerable to the whims of dictators
Rent-seeking entrepreneurs tend to use their relationships with the state to maximise profits.  some are
characterised by the modern equivalent of the robber barons in late-19th-century America.

Economist, The crony-capitalism index
Billionaire wealth as % of GDP, 2021   Ranked by crony-sector wealth

1(1) Russia 8(7) Indonesia
2(2) Malaysia 9(12) Thailand
3(4) Singapore 10(11) China
4(3) Philippines 11(10) ¥xÆW Taiwan
7(9) India 20(19) Japan

The crony-capitalism index
Billionaire wealth as % of GDP, 2016 Rankedby crony-sector wealth

1 Russia 9 India
2 Malaysia 10 ¥xÆW Taiwan
3 Philippines 11 China
4 Singapore 12 Thailand
7 Indonesia 19 Japan
¤¤°ê®É³ø  ªÀµû  2022-9-10: ¥xÆW¡u¸È±a¸ê¥»¥D¸q«ü¼Æ¡v±Æ¦WÃÒ©ú¥xÆW¬Fªv´M¯²¾ú¤[¤£°I¡A¥B¥Á¶iÄÒ°õ¬F«á§ó½´«kµo®i¡C¬Fªv¤Hª«ªº¤l¤k­Ì¶°Åé¾a±¶®|¡B¨«¦Ç¦â¦a±a¤@¥¹¦¨±`ºA¡A¥xÆW¥Á¥D¬Fªv¤]´Nª±§¹¤F  chinatimes.com/opinion/20220909003323-262101?chdtv  ♣   Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½× , 2022-9-8: ¯¸¦bª¨ª¨ªÓ¤W¡G¸ÑŪºñ¤G¥Nªº¤j¶°µ²²{¶H  udn.com/news/story/7338/6596906?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

¡» New York Times, 2021-10-22 : «ôµn»¡¨¾½Ã¥xÆW¡A¦ý¨Ã¤£¬O¨º»ò©ú½T¡C¦h¦~¨Ó¡A¬ü°êÁ`²Î¤@ª½°jÁ× ªí¥Ü¥H¦h¤jªº¤O«×Å@¥x¡A©Î§ó¦³¥i¯à ¢w ¸Õ¹ÏºCºC
ºã¨î¥xÆW¡A¥H­¢¨Ï¥¦¦^¨ì¤j³°ªº±±¨î¤U ¡» ABC news, 2021-10-23 : ¬ü°ê²M°£¤F«ôµnÅ@¥xªº¡§©Ó¿Õ" ¡» New York Times, 2021-10-9 : ¥xÆW¤w¦¨¬°¬ü¤¤¶¡¥[²`¤£©M»P¹ï§Üªº®Ö¤ß¡A¥i¯à¤Þµo­x¨Æ¤õ«÷¨Ã­«¶ì¸Ó¦a°Ï¯´§Ç¡A¥xÆWªº­x³Æ¤w¸g¬\ºÜ¡A¦b¬ü°êªº¤ä«ù¤U¡A¥xÆW¥i¯à¥u¯à°í¦u¨â¤T¤Ñ ¡» FoxNews, 2021-10-9 : Gen. Keane:¡§¤£½T©w¡¨¬ü°ê¹ï¥xÆWªº©Ó¿Õ¦b ¦@­x³Ð¬ö¿ý­¸¤J¥xÆWªÅ¨¾ÃѧO°Ï«á¤´µM¡§°í¦p½Y¥Û¡¨¡» NY Times, 2021-10-3 :³Ð¬ö¿ý¼Æ¶qªº¦@¾÷­¸¤J¥xÃѧO°Ï¡A¨Ã«Dªí©ú¾Ôª§­¢¦b¬Ü·û¡A¦Ó¬O¤@ºØ¹ê¤O®i¥Ü¡A ¤Ï¬M¥_¨Ê¤é¯q²@¤£±»¹¢¦aµo¥X§]¨Ö¥xÆWªº°T¸¹ ¡» NY Times, 2021-9-13 : ¥x®ü¾Ôª§ ¦@­x¦³§Q³B¬O¥D³õÀu¶Õ, Ãe¤j­xªZ®w, ¥H¤Î¥Á²³ªº¤ä«ù(»P¬ü°ê¬Û¤ñ)¡A¦ý¸Ñ©ñ­x¥²¶·¦b¬ü°ê¤ÏÀ³¤§«e¨³³t¦æ°Ê¡A¤£§Q³B¬O¤¤°ê¸gÀÙ±N¾D¨ü§ó¦h·l¥¢ ¡» Nikkei Asia (¤é¥»), 2021-9-10 : ¥_¨Ê·|¹ï¥xÆW¦æ°Ê?¾ú¥v¥Üĵ«Ü¥i¯à·|(might) ¡» Guardian, 2021-9-6 : ¶V¨Ó¶V¦hªº²q´ú«ü¦V¥_¨Ê¥i¯à¨M©w¹ï¥xÆW±Ä¨ú¦æ°Ê¡A¼ç¦bªº±¡ªp©M®É¾÷¤Þ°_¿E¯Pªºª§½×¡A¦ý´¶¹M»{¬°¡A²{¦bªº­·ÀI¤ñ¹L¥h´X¤Q¦~³£­n°ª¡» Guardian, 2021-8-20:«ôµnµoªí¦ü¥GÅ@¥xªºµû½×«á, ¥Õ®c°hÁY(backtracks) ¡» FoxBusiness, 2021-8-19: ²ßªñ¥­¹w´ú¤¤国±N¤J«I¥xÆW¡A¬ü°ê³Ì¦nÅ¥¦n,¥B±o¡§«D±`¤p¤ß¡¨,¥L­Ì¥i¯à·|¤Þµo¤@³õ½Ö³£¤£·Q­nªº¥@¬É¤j¾Ô ¡» CNBC, 2021-8-19: µØ²±¹y¨S¦³ªk«ß¸q°È¨Ó¬@±Ï¥xÆW, ¦pªG¥_¨Ê¹ï¥x°ÊªZ¡AÁ`²ÎBiden¬F©²¥i¯à¹ï¬O§_Å@¥x§t½k¨äÃã...¡» Politico, 2021-8-19:¬ü¹ï¥x©Ó¿Õ±N³Q©ñ¤jÀ˵ø / ¤¤ªø´Á¬Ý¡A¥xÆW¥i¯àµo®i«D¹ïºÙ¾Ô¤O¥Hªý¤î¦@­x°{¹q¾Ô¡CµM¦Ó¡A«D¹ïºÙ¾Ô¤O»Ý­n®É¶¡¡B¬ü°êµ¥¤j¶q«ùÄòªº´©§U¡C»P¦¹¦P®É¡A¤¤°êªÖ©w¥R¤À¹B¥Î¨ä¸gÀÙ¡B¥~¥æ©M¬Fªv¼vÅT¤Oªý¤î¥ô¦ó¥~´©¡C¥_¨Ê¡BµØ²±¹y©M¥x¥_±N¦b«ùÄò¤£Â_ªº¨¤¤O¤¤¦ÒÅç¨M¤ß¡» Newsweek, 2021-8-19: ¤¤¦@©F©F¹G¤Hªº¥~¥æ¬Fµ¦¤£¤Ó¥i¯à½w©M¡C¥xÆW©x¤è: ¬°³ÌÃaªº±¡ªp°µ·Ç³Æ ¡» DefenseOne, 2021-8-18:±q³Ìªñij°|À³·|©Úµ´ªº­xÁʪ¾¹D, ¥xÆW²@µLºò­¢·P¶i¦æ¦­´N¸Ó¶i¦æªº°ê¨¾§ï­²,  ¥xÆW¤w¸gµê¯Ó¤j§â¶r²¼¦b¾Ô¾÷©Z§JÄ¥¸¥µ¥, ¥xÆW»Ý­nªº¬OµL¤H¾÷¡B®ü©¤¨¾¿m¾É¼u¡B®ü­x¤ô¹p¡B«KÄ⦡¨¾ªÅ¨t²Î©M¾÷°Ê¦a­±ªZ¾¹ ¡» New York Times, 2021-8-4: ²ßªñ¥­»}¨¥¤Æ¸Ñ¤¤°ê¦Ê¦~¦C±j°ê®¢¡C¡§¤µ¤é­»´ä¡A©ú¤Ñ¥xÆW¡¨¤w±q¤f¸¹Åܦ¨¤F¹w¥ü ¡» New York Times, 2021-7-13: ¾¨ºÞ¤é¥»¤´¾á¤ß±²¤J¬ü¤¤Ävª§¡AÀHµÛ¬ü¤¤¥[±jÃö©ó¥xÆWªºÁn¶q©M­x¨Æ¬¡°Ê¡A¤é¥»¥Õ¥Ö®Ñĵ§i¤¤国 ¨³³tÂX±i­x¤O¥i¯à¯}Ãa©M¥­ ¡»  TIME, 2021-7-25: ³¢¥x»Ê¦¨¬°­^¶¯ , ½²­^¤å¥d³¢¤@­Ó¤ë, ¤S¥H¤½¨p¦X§@Åó¥\, ¨ø³d¤¤¦@ªý¼¸ÁʶR¬Ì­], Án±æ¤j¶^ , ¤¤¶¡¶Õ¤OÀò§Q  ¡» , Yahoo, 2021-7-7: ¤¤国ªº²Î¤@¥ø¹Ï¤ß¥i¯à±N¤é¬ü©ì¤J¾Ôª§ ¡» Reuters, CNN, 2021-7-13: ¤é¥»°ê¨¾¥Õ¥Ö®Ñĵ§i¥xÆW¦M¾÷ ¡»¤é¥» Nikkei Asia, 2021-7-7: Kurt Campbell: ¬ü°ê¤£¤ä«ù¥x¿W ¡» Newsweek, 2021-7-6: ¤¤国µo¥X¾Ôª§Äµ§i«á¡A«ôµn©x­û±j½Õ¡A»Ý­n¦b¤ä«ù¥xÆW»P¤£¶V¬É¤§¶¡«O«ù¡§·L§®¡¨©M¡§¦MÀI¡¨ªº¥­¿Å ¡» Forbes, 2021-7-6: ¨M©w©Êªº¾Ô°«¤£¦b³°®üªÅ¡A¦Ó¬O¦b½u ― ¤¤国Àb«È¡A ¦¹¥~¡A®£·W¤]·|¿é±¼¥xÆW¤§¾Ô   ¡ó ªZ²Î·s»D³sµ² 


¡» CNN, 2021-7-5: ¥_¨Ê¥[±j­x¨Æ«Å¶Ç¨Ãĵ§i¥xÆW¡§°µ¦n¾Ôª§·Ç³Æ¡¨ ¡» Washington Post, 2021-7-2:¬ü°ê¦b¥xÆW°ÝÃD¤Wªº¡§¾Ô²¤¼Ò½k¡¨¤£¦AÂÔ·V¬°¤§ ¡» GT, 2021-7-2:¿Ë¥x¿WTPOF¥Á½Õµo²{¹ï¤¤¦@ªº¦n·P¼W¥[¤F 4%¡A­t­±¬Ýªk¤U­°¤F 16% ¡» Foxnews, 2021-7-1:²ßªñ¥­Äµ§i¥x¿W¡A¦V¦è¤è¤×¨ä¬O¬ü°êµo¥X°T®§... Bilahari Kausikan¦bCNBC ªí¥Ü¡A¥xÆW°ÝÃD¬O¬ü¤¤¶¡¡§³Ì¦MÀI¡¨ªº¤ÞÃzÂI ¡» Economist, 2021-5-1: ¥xÆW¬O¡u¦a²y¤W³Ì¦MÀIªº¦a¤è ¡v¡A¬ü¤¤¥²¶·§ó§V¤O¨¾¤î¥x®ü¾Ôª§Ãzµo ¡» New York Times, 2021-4-9: "military conflicts often seem unlikely until the moment they begin", The Atlantic : ¤¤国¤J«I"ÀH®É¥i¯àµo¥Í'' ¡» NY Times, 2021-4-8: ¥_¨Ê§PÂ_µØ²±¹y¥¿¦b°I®z»P¤À¤ß¡A¦]¦¹¬ü°ê¬O§_À³µ¹¤©¥xÆW§ó²M´·©Ó¿ÕªºÅG½×¥¿¦b¶i¦æ¤¤¡A¤ÀªR¤H¤h»{¬°¡A«ôµn¥i¯à·|µo¥X§ó¦³¤OªºÄµ§i¦ý¤£©ú½T©Ó¿Õ«O½Ã¥xÆW¡A±q¦Ó¤£¿E«ã¦ý«ÂÄत国 ¡» Forbes, 2021-3-26:³\¦hÆ[¹î®a»{¬°¡AªZ²Î¥xÆWªº®É¨è¨³³t¹Gªñ¡AEconomistĵ§i¬ü°ê¥¿¥¢¥hªý¤îªZ²Îªº¾Ô¤O¡A¬ü°ê¶·tripwire, §_«h¤J«I«Ü¥i¯à¦¨¥\ ¡» Washington Post, 2021-3-26:²ßªñ¥­«Ü¥i¯à¶É¦V«_ÀI²Î¤@ ¡»  ¿D¬wAustralian, 3-22-2021:¥xÆW¤£©¯ªº¬O¡AÀHµÛ¥_¨Êªº­x¤O«ùÄòÂX±i¡A²ßªñ¥­Ä@·N¶ÉÅ¥²z©Ê©Î§´¨óªº¯à¤O¥[³t®ø¥¢¡A¨ä«e³~Åܱo¶V¨Ó¶V¤£½T©w¡» ¤¤国 GT, 3-21-2021: ¬ü°ê¸Õ¹Ï«Ø¥ß¤@­Ó¨È¬wÁp·ù¨Ó¹ï§Ü¤¤¡A¦¨ªG¤ñ¹w´ÁÅf²H¡A¬Æ¦Ü¥¢±Ñ¡A¦L«×©MÁú°ê¤£Ä@¦b»P¬ü°êªºÁp¦XÁn©ú¤¤ª½±µ«ü³d¤¤°ê ...¡»  Politico, 3-15-2021:¤t´¶©ó2019¦~¦V°Ñij­û·t¥Ü¦]¬Û¶Z»»»·«Ü¥i¯à¤£·|¥X§L´©¥x¡A"If they invade, there isn¡¦t a f---ing thing we can do about it." ¡» ¬ü°êNBC,­^°ê Independent, 3-8-2021:¤¤¦@«Â¯Ù­Y¥xÆW«Å¥¬¿W¥ß©Î±À¿ð²Î¤@½Í§P ±N·|¤J«I ¡» ¼w°êDW , 3-7-2021:¤¤国ĵ§i¬ü ¥xÆW¬O¡§¤£¥i¹O¶Vªº¬õ½u¡¨  ¡» ¯Ã¦èÄõNZ Herald , 3-7-2021:¥xÆW³Q­¢²Î¤@ªº¦MÀI"­¢¦b¬Ü·û"¡A²ßªñ¥­­n"make China whole again" ¡» ·s¥[©YStraits Times , 2-24-2021:¬ü°ê±NÄ~Äòí©w¤ä«ù¥xÆW ¡» RollCall (¬ü°êµØ©²) , 2-23-2021:¤¤国ªº­x¨Æ²{¥N¤Æ¥H¤Î¬ü°ê¥¼¯à«Ø¥ß±j¤jªº°ê»ÚÁp·ù¡A¥i¯à¾É­P¥_¨Ê¦b¤­¦~¤º¶i§ð¨Ã±µºÞ¥xÆW  ¡»  Economist , 2-20-2021: ¤¤°ê­±Á{©R¹B§à¾Ü¡A¨S¦³¤°»ò¤ñ¬O§_¶i§ð¥xÆW­«­n¡A¬ü°êªý¤îªZ²Îªº¯à¤O¥¿¦b±Y¼ì¡A¥D­n­ì¦]¬O¤¤20¦~¨Ó¥þ¤ßµo®i¥ý¶i¾Ô¤O¡A¥H¤Î²ßªñ¥­ªº¾ú¥v©R¹B·P¡B¤¤°êªº¥Á±Ú¥D¸q... ¥Ø«e¹K¨î¤¤³Ì§xÃøªº¬O°ê»ÚÁp·ùÃø¦³¦@ÃÑ ― ¥xÆW­È±o¿E«ã±`¬O¨ä³Ì¤j¶T©ö¹Ù¦ñªº¤¤国¶Ü? ¤@¥¹¤¤国»{¬°­È±o¥N»ù¥¦´N·|¦æ°Ê ¡»  Newsweek , 2-16-2021:¥_¨Ê µø¬ü°ê¬°"µLªk°fÂ઺°I®z"¡A­pµe¤Q¦~¤º(2027)¶W¶V¬ü­x¨Ã®³¤U¥xÆW ¡» New York Times, 2-12-2021:¤j³°¤ÀªR«ü¥X¡A¦pªG°ê¥ÁÄÒµLªk¹Ü¦^¬FÅv¡A©ÎªÌ¦@²£ÄÒı±o¥¦¤£¦A¦³¹ï¸Ü¹Ù¦ñ¡A¥_¨Ê¥i¯à·|¶D½Ñ¾Ôª§    ¡ó ·s»D ¥þ¤å³sµ² 




¡¹ pic.  : ¥»ºô¯¸¸s  "¥xÆW²¤¶"±Æ¦W¼w°êecosia²Ä3, 2022-10-6, 2022-3-20, 2022-1-11; "²¤¶¥xÆW"±Æ¦W¼w°êecosia²Ä3, 2022-8-9, "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ±Æ¦W¼w°êecosia ²Ä2, 2021-8-2,  2021-3-3, 8-21-2020;¡¹ pic.  : ¥»ºô¯¸¸s"¥xÆW²¤¶"±Æ¦WBing ²Ä2, 2022-10-25, "²¤¶¥xÆW"±Æ¦WBing ²Ä2, 2022-10-25, ²Ä3, 2022-10-6, 2022-5-29, 2022-3-20, 2022-1-11, 2021-10-2 ;  "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ±Æ¦WBing ²Ä2, 2022-5-29, ²Ä3, 2022-8-9, 2022-3-20;  "¤¶²Ð¥xÆW"©Î"¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ±Æ¦WBing ²Ä2, 2021-8-2, 2021-4-3, 2021-3-3, 8-21-2020




¡¹ pic.  : ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW²¤¶"±Æ¦WYahoo search engine ²Ä3, 2022-1-11, 2021-10-2 "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ±Æ¦WYahoo search engine ²Ä1, 2021-4-3, 2021-3-3, 4-21-2020; ±Æ¦W¥xÆW Yahoo ²Ä2, 2021-8-2






migrant workers in Taiwan

world media

foreign laborers abuses

The GreenPeace Org., 2022-9-29 ¥xÆW³½Àò¦A¦¸µn¤W¬ü°ê³Ò¤u³¡ (DOL) "µ£¤u©Î±j­¢³Ò°Ê²£«~"¤§¶Â¦W³æ¡Cgreenpeace.org/usa/news/taiwan-caught-fish-once-again-on-department-of-labors-dol-list-of-goods-produced-by-child-labor-or-forced-labor/
GreenPeace, 2022-4-25 ¥xÆW¤½®ü®·³½·~¨Ï¥Î«d´î¦¨¥»¡B«Dªk®·³½µ¦²¤¡B±j­¢³Ò°Ê©M¨ä¥L«I¥Ç¤HÅvªº¦æ¬°¨Ó«O«ù¬Õ§Q¡C
Financial Times (UK), 2021-6-22
The New York Times, 2021-6-18
Heritage Org., 2021 Index of Economic Freedom ¥xÆW"³Ò¤u¦Û¥Ñ" ±Æ¦W¥þ²y91, ¸¨«á¤j¦h¼Æ¨È¬w°ê®a
 The Guardian (UK), 2021-5-16


 ³\¦hVietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines,¥~³Ò²¾¤u¦b¦â±¡¦æ·~±q¨Æ¦â±¡ªA°È
Brookings, 2021-6-25, brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2021/06/25/taiwans-vitality/  ¥xÆWªø´Á¥H¨Ó¹ï¬Y¨Ç°ê®a©Î¥Á±Úªºª[µø¡A¤×¨ä¹ï¨º¨ÇªÀ¸g¦a¦ì¸û§CªÌ¡C
Business Insider, 2021-5-20 businessinsider.com/taiwan-covid-19-paradise-health-politics-policy-cdc-2021-5 ¥xÆW¹ï¥I·s«aªÍª¢¯f¬r±ÄÂù­«¼Ð·Ç©M¦Ã¦W¤Æ
Equal Times org., 2021-7-30 (equaltimes.org/taiwan-s-foreign-factory-workers?lang=en#.YQSC6i7iu70) ¥~°ê¤u¤H­±Á{«IÅv /    ¡§§Ú­Ì·Pı¦Û¤v¹³¥}¥Ç, ¤½¥q±±¨îµÛ§Ú­Ì¥Í¬¡ªº¤è¤è­±­±"¡C
US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2021-3-30 ¥~Äy¤u¤H¦b©Û¸u¹Lµ{¤¤³q±`­±Á{­é«d...¥~Äyº®¤u³q±`¾D¨ü­h«Ý©M´c¦Hªº¤u§@±ø¥ó
«X°êRT¹qµø¥x, UDN, 2022-1-24 ¨â¦W¦L¥§Äy²¾¤u¨B¥X¨¾¬Ì®ÈÀ]©Ðªù¬ù1¤ÀÄÁ¡A¦U³Q½Ã¥Í§½¶}»@10¸U¤¸¡C¤@¦Wµá«ß»«²¾¤u¦]¬°¦b°ª¶¯¨¾¬Ì®ÈÀ]¹jÂ÷´Á¶¡Â÷¶}«È©Ð8¬í¡A´N³Q»@10¸U¤¸¡C




US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12: 2020Á`²Î¤j¿ï»P¥ß©e¿ïÁ|¤¤¨â­Ó¥D­n¬FÄÒªº­Ô¿ï¤H©M¤ä«ùªÌ³£¦³¶R²¼¦æ¬°¡C

N.Y. Times, 12-1-2019: the soft underbelly of Taiwanese politics: patronage networks. 
They continue to allow
community leaders, farmers¡¦ associations and even
 organized-crime figures to buy votes
( NY Times, opinion :
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/01/opinion/china-taiwan-election.html ).

¥xÆWÁ`²Î »P ¦a¤è¿ïÁ| ¶R²¼



¡¹     Transparency International,    ¥xÆW³g¦Ã«ü¼Æ±Æ¦W¨È¤Ó²Ä¤C 

Taiwan's corruption index ranks No. 7 in Asia & Pacific in 2021

Transparency Int'l   ,  CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX, 2021

country of Asia & Pacific score
New Zealand  ¯Ã¦èÄõ score 88  No.1
Singapore  ·s¥[©Y   No.4
Hong Kong  ­»´ä No. 12
Australia  ¿D¬w No. 18
Japan   ¤é¥» No. 18
UAE  ªü©Ô§B No. 24
Bhutan ¤£¤¦ No. 25
Taiwan  ¥xÆW score 68 No. 25

¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i US 
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices , 2021-3-30

        state.gov/reports/2020-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/taiwan/   ¥xÆW³g¦¾ÄY­«  Significant human rights issues included: the existence of criminal libel laws and serious acts of corruption Authorities prosecuted officials including incumbent and former legislators involved in a high-profile bribery case.




Transparency International /  Global Corruption Barometer -
透明國際組織 (德國柏林)  全球貪腐趨勢指數
comparisons among main Asian countries


people who think
 is a big problem
public service
 paid a bribe
in the previous
 12 months


in previous

90% 17% 9% 28% 67% 19% 20% 15% 38%
Japan日本 84 2 2 4 10 7 26 6 36
71 13 5 11 30 28 16 12 20
62 28 26 17 16 18 18 13 39
S Korea
55 10 6 14 8 26 42 24 17



<³ü·s»D>±á¶¡·s»D,  2022-4-14:  ¤é¤l¤£¦n¹L...  µh­W«ü¼Æ®£¯}6%¡A³Ð¤Q¦~·s°ª ¥xµø>±á¶¡·s»D,  2022-4-14: ³q¿±¨Ó¤F¡Aª«»ù­¸º¦
    <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×,  2022-4-15 (udn.com/news/story/7338/6240482?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2):


yr. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
¡uµh­W«ü¼Æ¡v 4.38 5.06 4.29 3.62 5.94 6.4(Q1)





Biggest movers down the ranking in the past 12 month
¥þ²y©y©~«°¥«¥Í¬¡«~½è«ü¼Æ  ¥x¥_±Æ²Ä53
³Ì¤j´T¤U­°ªº±Æ¦W  ¥x¥_±Æ²Ä8

¡@ City Location Rank Index Rank Move Index Move
1 Wellington New Zealand 50  85.7  -46  -8.0
2 Auckland New Zealand   34  89.2 -33  -6.8
3 Adelaide Australia 30  90.7 -27 -3.3
8 Taipei Taiwan  53 85.1 -20  1.2





Taiwan's press freedom  ¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«×
RSF 2022-5-3  rsf.org/en/index

Sociocultural context Reuters Institute survey in 2021: The Taiwanese have one of the lowest levels of trust in media amongst democracies
Political context The media landscape, although free, is impaired by a strong political polarisation, undeclared advertising, sensationalism, and the pursuit of profit which hinders the work of journalists and can prevent citizens from accessing objective information.
Legal framework Over the past decades, few concrete measures have been taken by consecutive Taiwanese governments to improve journalists¡¦ editorial independence and encourage media to raise the quality of public debate.
Economic Indicator  No .49,  Social  Indicator No 57,  Legislative  Indicator  No 40,   Political  Indicator No33, No. 38 Press Freedom Index





¡¹ Reuters Report 2022

¡@ proportion that trusts
 most news
most of the time
proportion who
mostly read news
 in text

proportion who
think news org.s
in their market
are politically
 far apart
proportion who
accessed news
via email in
the last week
Thailand 53% 56% 48 16
Japan 44 67 26 13
Singapore 43 65 16 16
Australia 41 61 29 17
Hong Kong 41 60 36 14
India 41 58 33 ¡@
Indonesia 39 69 18 13
Philippines 37 47 32 18
Malaysia 36 63 23 15
S. Korea 30 58 15 10
Taiwan 27 54 38 12




Trust in news ?   Reuters Institute, 2021   ·s»D«H¥ô«×

Trust in news overall    31% Trust in news I used   38%
Trust in news  in search 29% Trust in social media   21%
Public service television remains the most trusted in our survey, followed by the economic news media (CommonWealth and Business Weekly). The rest of the news brands in the polarised media landscape are trusted by one group, but distrusted by another.




Bloomberg, Nov. 25, 2021   ¦~«×CovID-19§Ü¬Ì±Æ¦W

"Winners and Losers" from a year of ranking Covid resilience

 Pandemic MVPs - Only 7 places never fell into the bottom half of the ranking

world rank country of Asia & Pacific Asia's rank
4/53 U.A.E. ªü©Ô§B 1
6 S. Korea «nÁú 2
8 Mainland China ¤¤°ê¤j³° 3
9 Hong Kong ­»´ä 4
10 Saudi Arabia ¨F¯Q¦aªü©Ô§B 5
12 Japan ¤é¥» 6
13 Australia ¿D¬w 7
17 New Zealand ¯Ã¦èÄõ 8
20 Singapore ·s¥[©Y 9
30 Pakistan ¤Ú°ò´µ©Z 10
31 Taiwan ¥xÆW 11
32 Bangladesh ©s¥[©Ô 12

¡óTaiwan successfully eliminated and kept out Covid in the first year , now it is in the bottom half among 53 countries
¥xÆW2020¦~¦¨¥\§Ü¬Ì , ¦ýÁ`¦¨ÁZ¶^¤J«á¬q¯Z

¡ó ¥xÆW¤T­Ó¤ë­P¦º²v©ó  2021¦~ 9¤ë, 10¤ë ±Æ¦W¥@¬É³Ì«á





Taiwan's COVID-19 performance

World Index

Taiwan's ranks


Nikkei CovID-19 Recovery Index, as of Jun. 30 (released at 2022-7-7)日本Nikkei新冠復甦指數 ±Æ¦b¥þ²y²Ä 112 ¦ì (¨È¤Ó³Ì«á¤@¦W) ¡@
Nikkei CovID-19 Recovery Index, as of Aug. 31 (released at 2022-9-9)日本Nikkei新冠復甦指數 ¥xÆW±Æ¦W²Ä 57 , behind Vietnam, Cambodia, UAE, S. Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, Mongolia, China, Australia, Malaysia, Pakistan, India, etc asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Coronavirus/COVID-19-Recovery-Index/China-slips-in-COVID-recovery-ranking-with-fresh-lockdowns
Statista, 2022-7-27: Coronavirus (COVID-19)  death rate, in countries with confirmed deaths and over 1,000 reported cases
as of April 26, 2022, by country
¦º¤`²v¥xÆW±Æ¦W²Ä 143, behind NZ, Singapore, Australia, S Korea, Qatar, Mongolia, Israel, Laos, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, India, Nepal, etc statista.com/statistics/1105914/coronavirus-death-rates-worldwide/
Nikkei CovID-19 Recovery Index, as of Jul. 31 日本Nikkei新冠復甦指數 ¥xÆW±Æ¦W²Ä 79 , behind Cambodia, Vietnam, UAE, S. Korea,  China, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Mongolia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia,  etc asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Coronavirus/COVID-19-Recovery-Index/Japan-tumbles-in-COVID-recovery-ranking-as-infections-surge
Bloomberg's CovID Resilience Ranking, 2022-6-29 ¥xÆW±Æ¦W­Ë¼Æ²Ä2 bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-resilience-ranking/
Bloomberg CovID Resilience Ranking   2022-5-27 ¥xÆW±Æ¦W­Ë¼Æ²Ä3  Taiwan ranks the 3rd from the end    bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-resilience-ranking/spanish.html
Bloomberg CovID Resilience Ranking   2021-10-28  "3-month case fatality rate ", 7.7 %, ¥xÆW±Æ¦W­Ë¼Æ²Ä1 bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-resilience-ranking/
Bloomberg CovID Resilience Ranking  2021-9-28  "3-month case fatality rate ", 13.4 %, ¥xÆW±Æ¦W­Ë¼Æ²Ä1 bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-resilience-ranking/

full details






GDP per capita (Norminal) Ranking
¥xÆW - ¨È¤Ó²Ä

country/economy (¨È¤Ó°ê®a) 2021 world rank 2020 world rank
Singapore 66263 ($) 8 59795 ($) 7
Australia 62619 9 52905 10
Qatar 61791 10 54185 9
Hong Kong 49485 20 46657 15
New Zealand 48349 21 41165 21
UAE 43538 24 38661 25
Macau 42107 25 35621 27
Japan 40704 26 40089 24
Korea 35196 29 31638 29
Taiwan 33402 32 28358 32


¡m VOAnews ¡n ,  2022-4-1:  ¥x¥_¦b¤ºªº¤»­Ó«°¥«ªº©Ð»ù¦b 2019 ¦~¦Ü 2021 ¦~¶¡¤Wº¦¤F 30% ¥H¤W¡C©Ð»ù¤Wº¦ªº¤j³¡¤À­ì¦]¬O¥xÆWªø´Á¦s¦bªº©Ð¦a²£§ë¾÷°ÝÃD©M«Ü¤ÖªºªÀ·|¦í¦v¡C¥xÆW¤£Â_¤Wº¦ªº¦í©Ð¦¨¥»Åý¦~»´¤H«ÜÃø¸m²£¡Csurvey: ¶W¹L 20% ªº 40 ·³¥H¤U¥xÆW¤Hªí¥Ü¥L­Ì¯Ê¥FÀx»W¡A65% ªº¤Hªí¥Ü¥L­Ì­t¶Å²Ö²Ö¡A¥u¦³¤T¤À¤§¤@ªº¨ü³XªÌªí¥Ü¥L­Ìªº¦¬¤J¶W¹L¤F¥L­Ìªº¤ä¥X¡A¬ù 41.8% ªº¨ü³XªÌªí¥Ü¡A¥L­Ìªº¶Å°È°ª¨ì¨¬¥HÅý¥L­Ì·P¨ü¨ì¸gÀÙÀ£¤O¡Cvoanews.com/a/survey-shows-young-taiwanese-lack-savings-are-highly-indebted-/6510937.html




Taiwan's travel & tourism  ¥xÆWÆ[¥ú®È¹C±Æ¦W¨È¤Ó²Ä13

STATISTA: Leading countries in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI)



Asia Rank



world Rank

1 Japan 5.4 4
2 Australia 5.1 7
3 China 4.9 13
4 Korea Rep. 4.8 15
5 Hong Kong 4.8 16
6 Singapore 4.8 17
7 New Zealand 4.7 18
8 Malaysia 4.5 25
9 Thailand 4.5 29
10 UAE 4.4 33
11 India 4.4 34
12 Indonesia 4.3 36
13 Taiwan 4.3 37





UNWTO  World Tourism Barometer
UNWTO Tourism Dashboard, updated 2022-9-25
Asia countries  -  tourism performance  ¨È¤Ó°ê®a Æ[¥ú®È¹C¦¨ÁZ

¡@ Arrivals (million)
Receipts (USD bn) Receipts per arrival (USD)
Macau¿Dªù 3.7 15.4 4169
Indonesia¦L¥§ 1.6 0.5 334
Korea(ROK)Áú 1.0 10.5 10814
Thai®õ 0.4 4.8 11247
Australia¿D¬w 0.2 17.0 68990
Japan¤é¥» 0.2 4.7 19239
New Zealand¯Ã¦èÄõ 0.2 2.9 13855
Cambodia¬Z®H¹ë 0.2 0.2 937
Sri Lanka´µ¨½Äõ¥d 0.2 0.5 2606
Philippines栮ᯮ 0.2 0.6 3663
Vietnam¶V«n 0.2 0.1 947
Nepal¥§¬Äº¸ 0.1 0.1 801
Taiwan¥xÆW 0.1 0.7 5298
China¤¤°ê¤j³° ¡@ 11.3 ¡@




Taiwan's travel & tourism - ¥¼¦C¨È¬w«e10¦W

The World Tourism rankings   are compiled by the United Nations World Tourism Organization 
Most visited destinations by international tourist arrivals


Asia Pacific Rank

destination (country)

int'l tourists arrivals '19

int'l tourists arrivals '18

1 China 65.7 million 62.9 million
2 Thailand 39.8 38.2
3 Japan 32.2 31.2
4 Malaysia 26.1 25.8
5 Hong Kong 23.8 29.3
6 Macau 18.6 18.5
7 Vietnam 18.0 15.5
8 India 17.9 17.4
9 S. Korea 17.5 15.3
10 Indonesia 15.5 13.4









Taiwan's travel & tourism  - 10th in Asia

¥xÆW Æ[¥ú®È¹C  ¨È¬w²Ä10 ,   WEF <Travel and tourism competitiveness report>, 9. 4. '19  (µûŲ¨C¤G¦~¤@¦¸)


category ¥xÆWªº¦W¦¸/¤À¼Æ comparison
prioritization of travel and tourism 
 ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo.75  Singapore No.6 ,  Hong Kong No. 11 Æ[¥ú®È¹C¬F°ÈÀu¥ý¦¸§Ç
Natural & cultural resources ¦ÛµM»P¤å¤Æ¸ê·½ ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo.58  score 2.6  China  No.1, score 6.0 , France No.2,  5.0,  Spain  No.3, 5.7,   Japan No.7, 5.3,   Indonesia No.18,  Thailand No.21,  Korea No.24,  Vietnam No.26,  Malaysia No.31,  HK No.40,  Philippines No.46,  Sri Lanka No.52,  Nepal No.56
Natural resources  ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo. 87 Hong Kong No. 42, Singapore No.120 ¯Ê¥F¦ÛµM¸ê·½  ¤ñ¥xÆW§óÁV  ¦ýÆ[¥ú¤´¤ñ¥xÆWªí²{«G²´
cultural resources & business travel ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo. 36  score 2.6 China No1, score 7.0
price competitiveness »ù®æÄvª§«× ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo. 78 China 5.7
Health & Hygiene °·±d½Ã¥Í ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo.43,  score 6 score worse than Korea, Japan, Mongolia½Ã¥Í°·±d«ü¼Æ ¿éµ¹»X¥j Áú°ê
international openness °ê»Ú¶}©ñ«× ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo. 60 only better than China, Mongolia ¶}©ñµ{«×¥uŤ¤°ê»P»X¥j
Safety & security ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo. 26 human resource & labor market: Taiwan No.18
 ps: Compared to the report of 2017,  Taiwan significantly tightened visa requirements (37th down to 119th), waning cultural resources and business travel (26th to 36th) and recalibrated figures showing a drastic reduction in protected areas (20th to 118th).


®Ú¾Ú  World Economic Forum (WEF)  <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> (released at 4-6-2017), °ê»ÚÆ[¥ú®È¹C ªº­«­n«ü¼Ð,¦p "¦ÛµM´ºÆ[ªº§l¤Þ¤OAttractiveness of Natural Assets" (¤½¶éparks, ®üÀØbeaches, ¤s´ºmountains, ³¥¥Í°Êª«wildlife, etc) ¥xÆW±Æ¦W¥@¬É No.87, "Natural Resources" ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo.55,   "Àô¹Ò¥ÃÄòEnvironmental Sustainability" ¥xÆW±Æ¦W No.75 (No.69 in 2015), "»ù®æÄvª§¤OPrice Competitiveness" ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo. 46, "®ÈÀ]»ù®æHotel Price Index" ¥xÆW±Æ¦W 89 (82 in 2015), ¤¤°ê¤j³°±j¶µ¦p "¥@¬É¯Å¦ÛµM´ºÂIWorld heritage natural sites" as well as "¥@¬É¯Å¤å¤Æ´ºÂIWorld heritage cultural sites"¥xÆW³£¨S¦³¦C¤J±Æ¦W.

For full details :  http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_TTCR_2019.pdf




                                                                                         2012 ~ 2020¦~ ¥xÆWÂå®v¤H¼ÆÅܤƠ              https://www.statista.com/statistics/860217/taiwan-physician-number/


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021


40,938 41,965 42,961 44,006 44,849 46,356 47,471 49,542 51045 52175


¡@ 1,027 996 1,045 843 1,507 1,115 2,071 1503 1130



Common Wealth, 2022-4-12: ¥xÆW¥­§¡¨C¸U¤H 21.7 ¦WÂå¥Í¡A»·»·¸¨«á©óOECD°ê®a 33.6 ¦WÂå¥Íªº¤¤¦ì¼Æ(¶È¤g¦Õ¨ä¸¨«á©ó¥xÆW) ; Âå®v¼Æ¶q»PÂåÀø°·«O¤ä¥X¦³Ãö¡A¦]¦¹¼Wªø¨ü¨ì­­¨î¡C¥xÆW°·«O¦û°ê®a¹wºâ 11% ¡A¤]¸¨«áOECD ªº¥­§¡15% ¡Cphysicians per 10,000 inhabitants 10% ¬Æ¦Ü¤£²Å¦X¥@¬É½Ã¥Í²Õ´ªº³Ì§C¼Ð·Ç¡C english.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=3198#:~:text=Taiwan%20has%20an%20average%2021.7,physicians%20for%20the%20OECD%20countries.




Wikipedia : physicians density in Asia  ¨C¤d¤H¤º¬ìÂå®v¼Æ

Asia's rankings country  physicians
per 10,000 people
1 Qatar 77.4
2 N Korea 33
3 Australia 32.7
4 Lebanon 32
5 Mongolia 28.4
6 New Zealand 27.4
7 Jordan 25.6
8 UAE 25.3
9 Saudi Arabia 24.9 ¨F¦aªü©Ô§B
10 Japan 23 ¤é¥»
11 Korea 21.4 Áú
12 Singapore 19.5 ·s¥[©Y
13 China 14.9 ¤¤°ê¤j³°
14 Malaysia 12 °¨¨Ó¦è¨È
15 Philippines 12  µá«ß»«
16 Vietnam 11.9  ¶V«n
17 Iran 9 ¥ì®Ô
18 Pakistan 8.3 ¤Ú°ò´µ©Z
19 Indonesia 8  ¦L¥§
20 India 7 ¦L«×
21 Myanmar 6.1 ½q¨l
22 Iraq 6.1 ¥ì©Ô§J
23 Thai. 3.9
24 Laos 1.8
25 Cambodia 1.7











Doctors per 10,000 people in Taiwan

¡@ Taipei Southern and Eastern Taiwan (Kaohsiung, PinTung, TaiTung, PonHo), remote places
physicians (¤º¬ìÂå®v) 5.01 2.12
surgeon (¥~¬ìÂå®v) 1.77 0.82
Pediatrics (¤p¨à¬ì) 1.11 0.46
Obstetrics & Gynecology (°ü²£) 0.86 0.42
Accident & Emergency («æ¶E) 0.82 0.47
Liberty Times, 2020-1-6;talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1343896



~ ¥xÆW ²¤¶ ~


½²­^¤åÁ`²Î¦b­^°êBBC (Jan. 15, 2020) ±M³X®Éªí©ú: ¡u§Ú­ÌºÙ¦Û¤v ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¥xÆW¡v ("We call ourselves the Republic of China, Taiwan" ), ¦ý BBC µy«á±N¤§§ó§ï¬° "the Republic of China (Taiwan)"¡C  ¥xÆW¤H¤f¬ù 2¤d3¦Ê¸U, ¤j³°ªº1/50, »P¿D¤j§Q¨È(¿D¬w)¡B¯Ã¬ù¬Ûªñ, ¦ý­±¿n¥u¦³¿D¬wªº1/207, ¯Ã¬ùªº1/4¡C

¡@ area population ¡@ data 2023 Ratio of house price to income ¤£¦Y³Ü 29.68¦~



UK­^ 7 ­ÓTaiwan 3 ­ÓTaiwan Taipei ¥x¥_ 29.68
Japan¤é 10 Taiwan 5 Taiwan TokyoªF¨Ê (¤é¥») 12.65
Australia¿D 207 Taiwan same Singapore


¥xÆWªº®È¹CÆ[¥úÄvª§§l¤Þ¤O±Æ¦W¤j¬ù¨È¬w²Ä10,  ¥xÆWªº³n¹ê¤O(soft power)¦b¬Ì±¡«e¥¼´¿¶i¤J¥þ²y«e30, ¿éµ¹¤é¥»¡B¿D¬w¡B¯Ã¦èÄõ¡B·s¥[©Y¡B¤¤°ê¤j³°¡BÁú°ê¡B UAE¡B ¦L«×¡B®õ°ê¡B¥d¹Fµ¥¨È¤Ó°ê®a ¥xÆWªº¤j¾Ç±Ð¨|¦b¼Æ¶µ°ê»Ú±Æ¦W¤¤¦W¦C7~9¤§¶¡,  ¥x¥_¥«ªº©~¦í¦b EIU's Global Livability Index Ranking 2019, 2021º]³æµûŲ¤£¤Î¨È¤Ó«°¥« Melbourne¡B Sydney¡B Osaka (¤é¥»)¡BªF¨Ê(¤é¥»)¡BAdelaide¡BAuckland (NZ)¡BWellington¡B Brisbane¡B ­»´ä¡B·s¥[©Y¡B­ºº¸µ¥; 2022¦~¤j¶^¦Ü²Ä53¦W¡C ¥xÆW¥qªk¤£¿W¥ß¤½¥¿, Transparency Int'l (2021/2022): ¥xÆW¤H¥Á¦Vªk©x°õªk©x ¦æ¸ì¤§¤ñ¨Ò °ª©ó¤j³°»P¤é¥», ¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç¬ã¨s(2022-2-14): ¬ù¤T¤À¤§¤Gªº¥Á²³¹ï©óªk©x¥i¤½¥¿¤½¥­¼f²z»P§P¨Mªº¦D¨Æ®×¥ó¤£º¡·N¡C¤¤®É(4-12-2019 opinion) »{¬°¥xÆW¤T¥ôÁ`²ÎÀ³¬°¥qªk·P¨ì²Û·\¡C


¦è¤è¥@¬É¬°¤F¹ï¤ñ¤¤¦@±`Æg´­¥xÆW ¬O '¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ¿O¶ð', µM¦Ó¥xÆW¹ê«h¬Osurface level ©Î¦³¦WµL¹ê¡C¬ü°ê°ê°È°|2022¤HÅv³ø§i«ü¥xÆW ¥ß©e»PÁ`²Î¤j¿ï¾D«ü±±¶R²¼§@¹ú¡CNew York Times 12-1-2019 ³ø¾É, ¥xÆW¬Fªvªº³n¦Ø­n®`,  ¬O¤H¯ßÃö«Yºô¤¹³\ªÀ°Ï»â³S¡B¹A·|¡B¬Æ¦Ü¶ÂÀ°¦b¿ïÁ| ®É¶R²¼§@¹ú¡C ¥xÆWªº¥Á¥D ¤í¯Ê¨î¿Å, °õ¬Fvs.¦b³¥ ¬Fªvvs.´CÅé¡B¦æ¬Fvs.¥ßªk ³£Ãþ¦ü; ¯Ê¥F±j¤OºÊ·þ¨î¿Å¡A¬O¥Á¥D¬Fªvªº³Ì¤j­·ÀI¡F¬Æ¦Ü¿Ëºñªº¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø1-12-2020 ªÀ½× ¤]§åµû: §¹¥þ°õ¬Fªº»GÃa®ð®§¤w²{¡C  


¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¾Ëªk¤@ª½©ú¸ü¡u¤@­Ó¤¤°ê¡vªº°ê®a©w¦ì, ¤¤国(The People's Republic of China)ªø¤[¥H¨Ó¤]»{©w¥xÆW  (Taiwan, the Republic of China )Äݩ󤤰ꤣ¥i¤À³Îªº¤@³¡¤À¡A¦Ó¥B¬°¨ä®Ö¤ß§Q¯q¡A¥²­n®É±N¥HªZ¤O¸Ñ¨M¥xÆW°ÝÃD¡ANew York Times, 5-12-2020³ø¾É Pew Research Center¥Á½Õ:  52% ¥Á²³¤ä«ù»P¤j³°§ó¿Ë»eªº¸gÀÙ©¹¨Ó, ¦ý¥u¦³ 36% ³ßÅw§óºò±Kªº¬FªvÃö«Y ( ¤j³°91.5¢H, ¥x湾95¢Hªº¤H¤f¬Oº~±Ú¡A¦å¯ß¬Û³s¡A¬ù200+¸U¥xÆW¤H©~¦í¦b¤¤国 ¡A¥B20¢H¥H¤Wªº¥xÆW¤H¦b¨º¸Ì结±B )¡C ¬ü°ê¬¥§üÁF®É³ø (8-1-2019) :¥xÆW¬F©²¥Á½ÕÅã¥Ü¡A80¢H¥H¤Wªº¤H¥Á³ßÅw"autonomy"(ºû«ù²{ª¬)¡A ¯Ã¬ù®É³ø (New York Times) 1-19-2019, National Interest, 6-16-2020:  ¥xÆW¤j¦h¼Æ¤H¥Á·Qºû«ù¹ê½è¿W¥ß¡A¦ý¤]¤£·Q©Û·S¦@­x¥Ç¥x¡C ¥_¨Ê¤@¦V¹ï¥x±Ä¥Î¨â¤âµ¦²¤: ¦Û±q2016¦~½²­^¤å·í¿ïÁ`²Î«á¡A¦]©Úµ´°ê¦@¬ù©wªº¤E¤G¦@ÃÑ¡A¤¤¦@¥[±j¤F­x¨Æ¸gÀÙªºÀ£¤O»P¥~¥æ¼vÅT¡A ¨Ï¥xÆW¨¹¥æ°ê¥u³Ñ13¦h¬°¿¿º¸¤p¨¹(Mar., 2023)¡A ¥t¤â³nµ¦²¤«h¬O¨è·N¹ï¥x¡uÅý§Q¡v( ¤ñ¤è¹ªÀy­u¥x®È¹C¡B´£¨Ñ§l¤Þ¥x­Mªº³n¹ê¤Oµo®i¾÷ ·|  ªk°ê le monde diplmatique , may 2019¤¤®É 5-30-2020:  ¥xÆW¥X¤f4¦¨¨Ì¿à¤¤°ê¤j³°,  2010¦~ECFA¡AÅý¥xÆW¤ôªG¾P³°Â½­¿¡A¥Û¤Æ²£«~¾P³°¥e¤ñ°ª¹F9¦¨¡Aª÷¿Ä¾÷ºc¨ì¤j³°³]ÂIÁȤH¥Á¹ô¡A¥]§t°ªÁ|¥xÆW¿W¥ßªº¶§«H»È¦æ®a±Ú¡C )¡A§Æ±æ§ó¦h¥xÆW¤H¶É¦V²Î¤@¡CL.A. Times, 2022-7-29: ¤j³°¤w¦¨¬°¥xÆW³Ì¤jªº贸©ö¥ë¦ñ ; ¨ú¥N¬ü°ê¦¨为¥x湾¥X¤fªº²Ä¤@¤j¥Øªº¦a¡A­»´ä«nµØ¦­³ø(South China Morning Post), 2022-4-11, NDTV, 2022-8-4 ¥xÆWÄY­«¨Ì¿à¤j³°¸gÀÙ, ¦Ü¤Ö 40 % ¥X¤f¨ì¥x®ü¹ï©¤¡]¥]¬A­»´ä¡^; Global Times, 2021-9-20, 9-8-2020:   ¥xÆW¨C¦~¹ï¤j³°ªº¶¶®t±µªñ1000»õ¬ü¤¸¡A2020¦~¹F1514.5»õ¬ü¤¸¡C


¥xÆW¤H¥Á»{¬°¬Fªv¤Hª«­«µø±M·~­Û²z¡B­È±o«H¥ôªº¤ñ²v¶È2.3¢H¡A¤­¦¨¤»¥Á²³«ü¥Á¥N³Ì­«µø¡u­Ó¤H§Q¯q¡v¡A¶È9.3¢H»{¬°¥L­Ì­«µø¡u°ê®a§Q¯q¡v(¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø 7-21-2020 ªÀ½×)¡CµØ²±¹y¶l³ø( Washington Post , 7-22-2020 )³ø¾É: ²ßªñ¥­¦­©ó2019¦~1¤ë¤w¦V¥xÆW´£¥X³Ì«á³q·Þ  ―  ½Í§P©ÎªZ²Î ( In a major speech in January 2019, Xi offered an ultimatum to Taiwan to come to the table for unification talks or face annexation by force. But as a precondition for talks, China demanded that Tsai acknowledge the ¡§one China¡¨ principle. )¡AµM¦Ó¡A¤H¥Á³º³Q»X¦b¹ª¸Ì ¡CÀH«á¡A¥_¨Ê´N¦Û1949¦~ ¥H¨Ó( Newsweek, 8-12-2020  )­º¦¸¬£¥X¾Ô°«¾÷¬ï¶V®ü®l( <Foreign Policy>, 8-4-2020 ) ¤¤½u ( Newsweek, 8-11-2020:  '®ü®l¤¤½u'§Y¹ê»Ú°ê¬É"de facto border" , ©Î¤é¥»asia.nikkei , 8-13-2020 : '°±¤õ½u' "de facto cease-fire line"  )¡A¨´¤µ¶Vºt¶V¯P ¡APelosi³X¥x«á¡A ¦@­x¦b¥xÆW¥|©P­xºt«ÊÂê¡A ¼ÆªT¾É¼u¬ï¶V¥x¥_¤WªÅ¡A ³QºÙ¬°²Ä¥|¦¸¥x®ü¦M¾÷ ¡C  <°ê®a§Q¯q> (National Interest), 6-16-2020 «ü¥X: ¦pªG·|¤Þ°_¦@­xªZ¤O¥Ç¥x¡A ¶W¹L60.3¢Hªº¥xÆW¤H¥Á¤Ï¹ï¥xÆW¿W¥ß¡C½²­^¤å ªº ¡u§Ü¤¤«O¥x」¤f¸¹¡A¥¼¯à®¾±Ï2022¦~´Á¤¤¿ïÁ|¡AReuters (2022-11-27)  ¢w  ½²­^¤åªº¾Ô²¤¡u¾A±o¨ä¤Ï」 (strategy backfires) ¡C¬ü°êNational Interest (2022-11-30): ¬ü°ê¤@¨Ç¾ÇªÌ©Mµû½×®a»{¬°¡A´Á¤¤¿ïÁ|µ²ªG¬O¹ï ¬ü¿Ë¥x¥ß³õªº¤@°O¦Õ¥ú¡C


½²­^¤å¦b5-20-2020´N¾ºtÁ¿¤¤, ­«¥Ó§Æ±æ¤G©¤Ã­©w, ¦ý©Úµ´³Q­»´ä¤Æ(semiautonomy)¡C ªñ¦~¾á¼~¿ï²¼¬y¥¢¡A¤£ªÖ¼x§L±j­x¡AForeign Policy (10-28-2020, 10-19-2020) and Financial Times of UK (7-12-2020)µûªR¡A½²­^¤å¬Æ¦Ü¤£´±»P¤H¥Á°Q½×³o­ÓijÃD ( ªZ²Î¥xÆW)¡C) ¡A«o¤@ª½½ÐÅÕ(©Î»Î©R)¬°¬ü°ê¥´²Ä¤@½u¡B ªÅºj¤W¾Ô³õ¡B"poking the bear" , Áö³Q<Foreign Policy>´LºÙ¬°¡u ´¼ªÌ¡v("leading thinker")¡A¿D¬wLOWY institute , 6-16-2020ª½¨¥ : ¬ü°ê§â¥x湾·í§@®À败¥_¨Êªº¤u¨ã¡A·|¦M®`¥xÆWªº¦w¥þ¡C ¼w°ê DW, 2022-9-28: ¥x­x³Æ¾Ôª¬ºA¥O¤H¾á¼~¡A¬F©²¤w©Ó¿Õ¥[±j¤£¹ïºÙ§@¾Ô¡A¦ý¨¾°È¬Fµ¦¤´«D±`±j½Õ¹ïºÙ¨¾¿m¡C ­^°êFinancial Times, 2021-9-16 :華盛頓一直在責備台北缺乏³Æ¾Ô¡A美國國防專家對台灣·P¨ì¶V¨Ó¶V¼««ã¡C½²­^¤å 2022¦~12¤ë¤U¦¯ ²×©ó«Å¥¬¸q°È§L§Ð©µªø¦Ü¤@¦~   ¢w¢w   ¤é¥» Asia Nikkei, 2023-1-6: ¥xÆW¼x§L§ï­²¨Óªº¤Ó¹L¿ð(long over-due)¡A«á³Æ§Ð¸¹ºÙ200 ¸U¥u¬O¯È¤W½Í§L¡A­^°ê Financial Times, 2022-12-27: §L§Ð©µªø¬O¬ü°ê¹ï¥xÆW¬I¥[¶V¨Ó¶V¤jªºÀ£¤O«á©Ò¬°¡A­^°ê Financial Times, 2023-1-2: ¥x­xªº¹ê¤O©M½ÆÂø©Ê¤´»·»·¸¨«á©ó¸Ñ©ñ­x¡A©µªø¸q°È§L§Ð¤´¥¼¸Ñ¨M¼sªxªº¾Ô²¤¯Ê³´¡C¥xÆW¹ï¤º ±`¥H¾d©T¤ß¨¾¬°¥Ñ¡A¥´À£¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡C¬ü°êBreaking Defense, 2022-3-11: ½²Á`²ÎÁÙ´¿§â¯Q§JÄõ»P¥xÆWªº¤ñ¸ûºÙ¬°¯}Ãa¤h®ðªº¡§»{ª¾¾Ô¡¨...

¤é¥»読売·s»D¡uªÀ説¡v(6-22-2017) µû½×: ¬ü°ê­t³d¥[±j¥xÆWªº¨¾°È¡A¬OºûÅ@¥x®ü©M¥­»Pí©wªºÃöÁä ( "¦Ì国は¥x湾の¨¾½Ã¤O±j¤Æを担っており¡B¥x湾®ü峡の¥­©Mと¦w©wのカギを´¤る¡C") ¡C New York Times, 2022-5-24, 2022-5-27:  ¬ü°ê¸Õ¹Ï¦b«ÂÄà©M¬DÆ]¶¡¨«¤@±ø²Ó¯Á¡A¥i¯à«P¨Ï¤¤¦@§ðÀ»¥xÆW ¡A¦Ó¬ü°ê¥i¯àµLªk¥X¤â¬Û±Ï¡CPolitico, 3-15-2021:¤t´¶©ó2019¦~¦V°Ñij­û·t¥Ü¦]¬Û¶Z»»»·«Ü¥i¯à¤£·|¥X§L´©¥x¡CÁöµM«ôµn¨´2022¦~®L¥|¦¸´£¤Î¨¾½Ã¥xÆW¡A ¦ý³\¦h±M®a»{¬°«ÂÄà®ÄªG¦³­­¡AThe Hill, 2021-6-4:  ¥xÆWªº©R¹B¥i¥H¬Ý¬Ý¬ü°ê¦p¦ó¹ê²{¹ï¯Q§JÄõªº©Ó¿Õ¡C


¥xÆW³Ð³y¤F¸gÀÙ©_ÂÝ ¡A¦¨¬°¥@¬É­«­n¹q¤l²£«~¥Í²£¼t»P¨È¬w¥D­n¶T©ö°ê®a ; Forbes, 2022-5-15: ¥xÆW¬O¥@¬É²Ä22¤j¸gÀÙÅé ¡CWar On The Rocks, 2022-1-27 : ¥xÆW2020¦~¬O¬ü°ê²Ä9¶T©ö¹Ù¦ñ¡C ¾ÚGlobal Wealth Report (Sept. 2022)²Î­p¥xÆW¦¨¤Hªº°]´I ¤¤¦ì¼ÆUSD 113,940, ¶W¹L¬ü°ê;  ¦ýCredit Suisse, Oct., 2018: ¥xÆW°ê®aÁ`°]´I©Î¦û¥þ²y¤ñ²v¶È1.3%¡A§C©ó¤¤°ê ¤j³°ªº16.4%¡B¬ü°ê31%¡B¤é¥»7.5%¡BÁú°ê2.2%¡C ¥xÆW°ª¬ì§Þ²£«~ ªº»s³y¦b¥þ²y§êºt­n¨¤¡A¦ý¨ä ³]­p¡BÃöÁä§Þ³N ¡B ¹s²Õ¥ó¶·¥õ¿à¤é¥»»P¬ü°êªº´£¨Ñ¡A¤@¥¹µo¥Í¾Ô¨Æ¡A¥xÆWªº¥b¾ÉÅé°±²£¡A±N¹ï¥þ²y¸gÀÙ²£¥Í·´·À©Êªº¼vÅT¡A¦]¦¹¡A¬ü°ê°È­ëBlinken (CBS, 2022-9-25)ªí¥Ü: [³o¬O]§Ú­Ì²{¦b¤j¤O§ë¸ê¦b¬ü¥Í²£¥b¾ÉÅ骺­ì¦]¤§¤@¡C








ÁöµM¹ê½è¤W¥xÆW¤w¨ã³Æ°ê®aªº­n¥ó¡A«o¤£Â_¦Û¶Ë§Î¶H¡A ¤£¤Ö¦æ®|¬Æ¦Ü¦³¦p"½a´µÀÝ"¤§°ê¡AÁàºA¦Ê¥X¡B­A¿àÂ\Äê , ¤w¦¨°ê»Ú¤½®`...:



¡´ ¹D¼w ¡´ Áp¦X³ø, 2023-May ¡m½²¬F©²¤C¦~Á`ÀË°Q¡n¨t¦C  :  ½²¬F©²團隊史上素質最低落 ...¤£ª`­«¹D¼w¡B«~®æªº¹Î¶¤   udn.com/news/story/7338/7179278?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate    udn.com/news/story/7338/7183270?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate   udn.com/news/story/7338/7180885 ¡´  ­^°ê Economist at 2022-11-29: ½²­^¤å¦b¬Ì±¡ÄY®m¡B«æ»Ý¬Ì­]®É¡A©Úµ´±µ¨ü¤¤´£¨ÑªºBNT¬Ì­]¡A³\¦h¥xÆW¤H¤w¹½­Â¤F°ê®a»{¦Pª§½×  ¡´  ¬ü°ê New Yorker (2022-11-21): ·í¤¤国¸Õ®g¾É¼u¡A ¥B­¸¶V¥xÆW¡A蔡英文¨S¦³§i¶D ¥xÆW¥Á²³  ¡´  Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½× , 2023-6-4 : ©ÊÄÌÅQ­â¤w¬O¥Á¶iÄÒÄÒ³¡¤ºªº±`ºA ¡´  Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½×, 2022-6-5: ¥Á¶iÄÒ¡A¥þ­±°õ¬F«á¡A«o¤@¦A¯d¤U½î½ñ¤HÅvªº¬ö¿ý¡A¤£ºÞ¬O¹ï¤H¥Á¨¥½×¦Û¥ÑªºÀ£¨î¡A©Î¥H°ê¦w¤§¦W¹ï¤H¨­¦Û¥Ñªº­­¨î¡A¤â¬q¸û¤§¥L­Ì«ü³dªº«ÂÅv®É´Á²@¤£»¹¦â¡C ¡´  Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½×, 3-10-2021: ©Ù¶Â¡B§ðÀ»»P¤À¤Æ¡B¤â¬q¤U¬y¡AºñÀç¤j¤º«Å§ð¶Õ¤w¶W¥X¹D¼wÁ{¬ÉÂI udn.com/news/story/7338/5309442¡C¡´ ¤¤°ê®É³ø 3-12-2021: ¨S¹D¼w©³½uªº°õ¬FÄÒ¬O°ê®aªº´d«s¡C¥Á½ÕÅã¥Ü¡A¥xÆW¤H¥Á»{¬°¬Fªv¤Hª«­«µø±M·~­Û²z¡B­È±o«H¥ôªº¤ñ²v¶È2.3¢H¡A¤­¦¨¤»¥Á²³«ü¥Á¥N³Ì­«µø¡u­Ó¤H§Q¯q¡v¡A¶È9.3¢H»{¬°¥L­Ì­«µø¡u°ê®a§Q¯q¡v(¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø 7-21-2020 ªÀ½×)¡C¡´  µØ²±¹y¶l³ø(Washington Post) 7-22-2020: 2019¦~1¤ë²ßªñ¥­¤w¦V¥xÆW´£¥X³Ì«á³q·Þ  ―  ½Í§P©ÎªZ²Î (In a major speech in January 2019, Xi offered an ultimatum to Taiwan to come to the table for unification talks or face annexation by force. But as a precondition for talks, China demanded that Tsai acknowledge the ¡§one China¡¨ principle.)¡AµM¦Ó¡A¤H¥Á³º³Q¬F©²»X¦b¹ª¸Ì¡A³s¬F½×®a¤]µL¶·ª¾¹D (ref.: tw.news.yahoo.com/-yahoo½×¾Â»¯¤Ö±d¹ï¥x°ÊªZ¤U³Ì«á³q·Þ-093401034.html )¡C¡´  National Interest, 6-16-2020«ü¥X: ¦pªG·|¤Þ°_¦@­xªZ¤O¥Ç¥x¡A ¶W¹L60.3¢Hªº¥xÆW¤H¥Á¤Ï¹ï¥xÆW¿W¥ß; ³o¨Ç¤H­Yª¾¹D«e¦³ÀIÅy¡A¥¼¥²·|§ë²¼µ¹ ¤é´C©Ò¿×¥x¿W·N§Ó±j¯Pªº½²­^¤å¡C ¥Á¥D


¡´ ¥qªk¤£¤½  ¡´ TaiwanPlus,  2023-3-6: ¥Á²³¹ïÀ˹î©xªº´¶¹M¤£«H¥ô /  ¥Á·N½Õ¬dµo²{¡A85%ªº¥xÆW¤H»{¬°À˹î©x¥i¯à·|¨ü¨ì¬Fªv¼vÅT¡C¶W¹L¥b¼Æªº¤Hªí¥Ü¹ï³Ìªñªº¥qªk§ï­²¤£º¡·N ¡´ USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices(¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i),  2021-3-30: ªk©x»PÀ˹î©x ³B²zhigh profile¬Fªv±Ó·P®×¥óªº¤½¥¿¾D¨ì¾ÇªÌ»P¬Fªvµû½×ªº¤½¶}½èºÃ ;¡´ USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices(¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i),  3-11-2020:  ªk©x»PÀ˹î©xªº¤½¥¿¾D¨ì¾ÇªÌ»P¬Fªvµû½×ªº¤½¶}½èºÃ ;  ¡´ 2019¦~3¤ë13¤éªº¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i(USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices) ¦b³g¦Ã»P¬F©²³z©ú«×¤è­±«ü¥X¡A¥qªk¤£¿W¥ß¥B°õ¦æ¬Fªv¥Øªº½Õ¬d¤u§@(" justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians. ") ¡C¡´<Áp¦X³ø> ¤H¥Á¤£«H¥ô°õªk¦]¬°¬F©²ÀÝÅvª±ªk¡C ¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> 10-20-2019: ¬Fªv­â¾r¥qªk ¡C¡´ <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø>ÀYª©¡B<¤¤°ê®É³ø>ÀYª©, 12-8-2018:¥qªk§ï­²¥¼¦³©úÅã¶i®i ©Û¨Ó¥Á«è;  ¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> "¥qªk¤´¦b·í¥´¤â" ¡C¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> ,  06-18-2016:  "À˹î" ¡C¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> ¡C<Áp¦X³ø> ¡C  À˹î©x


¡´  ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ  ¡´ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i, 2023-3-20: ½ÚÁ½©M¤½¶}²Û°d¬O¦D¨Æ¥Ç¸o¡C®Ú¾Ú¦Û¥Ñ½ÚÁ½ªk¡A°OªÌ­±Á{ªk«ß¶D³^ªº«Â¯Ù  ¡´ US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12: CTi News(¤¤¤Ñ) ³Q­¢°±¼½¡C¤Ï¹ïÄÒ¬F«È©M¤@¨Ç¾ÇªÌ©Mµû½×­ûÁnºÙ¡A³o¤@¨M©w¬O¥X©ó¬Fªv°Ê¾÷³ø´_ CTi News ¹ï°õ¬FÄÒªº§åµû.  ¡´ Global Times,  2021-3-29 : ¥xÆW¥Á¶iÄÒªº·t¶Â¡§ºô­x¡¨¦b°²°T®§«Å¶Ç¬¡°Ê¤¤¦ù¥X¤@°¦µL§Îªº¤â /  ¯ä¦W¬LµÛªº¥xÆW¡§ºô­x¡¨µ¦¹º¤F¹ï¥@¬É½Ã¥Í²Õ´¡]WHO¡^ªº§ðÀ», ¥xÆW¡§ºô­x¡¨¤]¹ï¥xÆW2000¦h¸U¤Hªººô¸ôÁֽ׶i¦æ¾ÞÁa©M¤z¹w¡C¥Á¶iÄÒ¦æ¬F³¡ªù©M¬ÛÃö°òª÷·|¬O³o¨Ç¦b½u¡§ºô­x¡¨³¡¶¤ªº°]¤O¤ä«ùªÌ©M¡§¤j¥»À硨¡C¦¹¥~¡G¡§¥Á¶iÄÒ¥i¥H»PªÀ¥æ´CÅé¦p PTT¡BFacebook¡A¥H¤Î¥­­±¦L¨ê´CÅé¡A¹q¤l´CÅé©M¹qµø¸`¥Øµ¥¬Û¤Äµ²¡Cglobaltimes.cn/page/202103/1219763.shtml  ¡´ USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30:  ¤¤¤ÑºM·Ó¨Æ¥ó¡A¦b¥xÆW¤º³¡¤Þ°_ª§Ä³¡A¤Ï¹ï¬£¥H¤Î¤@¨Ç¾ÇªÌ©Mµû½×±M®aÁnºÙ¡AºÙ³o¬O³ø´_¤¤¤Ñ§å§P°õ¬FÄÒªº¬Fªv¨M©w ¡C¤@¶µ·sªk«ß±N±µ¨ü¨Ó¦Û¤¤°ê¤j³°¨Ó·½ªº«ü¥Ü©Î¸êª÷¥H¶i¦æ¬Fªv¬¡°Ê©w¬°¥Ç¸o¡A ¤Ï¹ï¬£©M¤@¨Ç´CÅé§åµû³o¨Ç³W©w¹L©ó¼eªx¡A¨Ã¦³¥i¯à·l®`¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡C ¡´  µL°ê¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ (ªk°ê RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres> ) , 4-18-2019:  ¥xÆWÁöµM«ÅºÙ­n«ùÄò±À°Ê¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡A¦ý«Ü¤Ö±Ä¥Î¨ãÅé¹ê½è§¹¾ãªº ±¹¬I»P¤èªk¨Ó§ïµ½°OªÌªº½s¿è¿W¥ß©Ê¨Ã¹ªÀy´CÅé´£ª@¤½¦@ijÃDªº«~½è¡A¥t¤@¤è­±¡A¥_¨Ê¥¿§Q¥Î¥xÆW´CÅé¦ÑÁó¦b¤¤°ê¦³°Ó·~¥ß§Q¯q³o­Ó®zÂI¬IÀ£¥xÆW´CÅé..¡´ South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), 1-3-2021: ¥Á¶iÄÒ¦@¦P³Ð¿ì¤H»¡¥xÆWªº"«ä·Qĵ¹î"¸T¤¤国µ£®Ñ¡B ¸T¥xÆW·s»DÀW¹D; §Ñ¤F¦b³¥®É´¿¾Ä¾Ô100¢Hªº·s»D»P¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡C.¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices(¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i),  3-11-2020: ¥xÆW´CÅ骺¥À¤½¥q¦]¬°¦b¤¤°ê¤j³°ªº°Ó·~§Q¯q©M¥Í·N¡A³ø¾É¤º®e¾D¨ì¤¤°ê·í§½ªº¼f¬d¡A­Õ­Y¤º®e¤£²Å¦X¡u¬Fªv­G¤f¡vªº¸Ü¡A­««h¹ï¥Zµn³oÃþ¤å³¹ªº´CÅé©â¼s§i¡C¡´ Ä«ªG¤é³ø  12-4-2019 Ä«½× : ¥xÆW¦U¬FÄÒ»P³\¦h¬F«È³£¸æ¾iºô­x ,  ºô­x©¹©¹¬O®£©Æ±þ¤â   ·´¤H§Î¶H»P¦WÅAªº±þ¶Ë¤O©Å¥ØÅå¤ß... §ð¨¾¤â¬q§ó·t¶Â¨õ¦H..  ¬½¬r.. ¡A¨S¦³¹D¼w©³½u¡A ¤H©Ê³Ì¨õ¦Hªº¤@­±¡A¦bºô­x¥@¬É¸ÌºÉ²{ ........  (brief )   ¡´ 2019¦~3¤ë13¤éªº¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i(USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices)  : ´CÅé©Ò¦³Åv¶°¤¤¹ï·s»D¦Û¥Ñ ²£¥Í¼vÅT¡F·s»D¸m¤J©Ê¦æ¾P±¡ªpÄY­«¡A½}¤uÅvÄY®æ¨ü­­¡C¥xÆW¤u·|±K«×»·§C©ó¸gÀÙ¦X§@º[µo®i²Õ´¡]OECD¡^ªº17%¥­§¡­È¡A78.2%¤¤¤p¥ø·~­û¤uµLªk¦¨¥ß¤u·|¡A¤j«¬¥ø·~«h³z¹L½Õ°Ê©Î±N¤u·|¦¨­û¦C¤J®Ê¤É¶Â¦W³æ¡C¡´ µL°ê¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ (ªk°ê RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres> ) , 12-16-2019 :  ¥xÆW´CÅéªø´Á³Q¸{û¦â»P°²·s»D¯u¼s§i¦Ã¬V, ¥H¤Î«DÂŧYºñ¨â·¥¤Æ, ªýê¤F¨î¿Å¤O¶q, ·s»D¤u§@ªÌ­±¹ïªø©x¤Ï·s»D¹D¼w©R¥O®É, ¤£¯à´Á±æªk«ß«OÅ@...­ì¥»«OÅ@¥Á¥Dªº´CÅé¤Ï¦Ó·|Åܦ¨¥Á¥Dªº«Â¯Ù...(brief)  ¡´<¤¤®ÉªÀ½×>  3-9-2020:   §ã±þ¥xÆW¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¤âªk:  ¬Fªv¤Oªº«ÂÀ~¡A ¥HNCCµô»@»P¼f®Ö°õ·ÓÅv¡A¹ï¯S©w²§Ä³¹qµø¥x¶i¦æºÞ±±¡C ºô­x·t¾¹ÅQ­â¡A¥O¨ü®`ªÌ¬dµL¹ê¾Ú¡C¦¬¶R¦W¼L¡Bºô¬õ¡B¥Á½Õ¡A¶ì³y­·¦V¡C(brief)  ¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> 1-8-2020 ªÀ½×: °õ¬FÄÒÅý¡yºô¸ô·t±þ¡zº¥¦¨¤é±`  ³s¥¿³W°ê¦w­xĵÅé¨t¤]±o°Ñ»Pºô­x º¯¤JªÀ¸sºÊ±±¥Á·N (brief)¡Cºô­x  ; ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ


¡´  ®a®x  New York times, Pew Research Institute, 2021-11-28:  ¤£¹³¦h¼Æ°ê®a  ¥xÆW¤H¥¼±N®a®xÂ\¦b²Ä¤@ unlike most other countries put family first, Taiwanese ranked Material well-being above family.  ÄÑ¥]±B«Ã


¡´  ³g»G   ¡´ China Times (¤¤®É), 2023-3-16¥þ­±°õ¬F¥þ­±³g»G¡A¬Oµ²ºc©Ê¡B¶°Åé©Ê¡B¥þ­±©Ê³g»G  ¡´ TaiwanPlus,  2023-3-6: ¥Á²³¹ïÀ˹î©xªº´¶¹M¤£«H¥ô /  ¥Á·N½Õ¬dµo²{¡A¤j¦h¼Æ¤Hªí¥Ü¥L­Ì»{¬°À˹î©x¦b³B²z¨ü¸ìµ¥®×¥ó®É¦s¦b»G±Ñ¦æ¬°  ¡´ ¤¤°ê®É³ø , 2023-4-19:  ¤µ¤é¡A自總統以下,行政院長、多數部會首長,哪一個不是貪汙腐化、醜聞一堆¡B¦´¤ì¬°©x¡B¸VÃ~­¹¸S¡H ¡´ US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12: 2020Á`²Î¤j¿ï»P¥ß©e¿ïÁ|¤¤¨â­Ó¥D­n¬FÄÒªº­Ô¿ï¤H©M¤ä«ùªÌ³£¦³¶R²¼¦æ¬°¡C¡´ USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30: ¥xÆW³g¦ÃÄY­«¡C¡´ ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø  ªÀ½× 1-12-2020: §¹¥þ°õ¬Fªº»GÃa®ð®§¤w²{¡C ¡´ 2019¦~12¤ë25¤é  Á`²Î¤j¿ï¬F¨£µoªí·|µn³õ¡A°ê¥ÁÄÒÁú°ê·ì§å¥Á¶iÄÒ½²­^¤å»â¾É¤U¡A³g©x¦Ã¦O¥i¥H"¤j³g¯S³g"¡A ½²¦^ÅGÁ¿³g¦ÃÀ³§ó°O±o°ê¥ÁÄÒ¡A¿Ë¥ÁÄÒ§º·¡·ì»{¬°°ê¥ÁÄÒ»P¥Á¶iÄÒ¬O³g»G»P¥qªk¤£¤½ªºÃø¥SÃø§Ì¡C¡´ Ä«ªG¤é³ø 12-7-2018 ªÀ½×  : ¥xÆW°£¤F©x°Ó¤Äµ²¡A³g»G¯}ªí¥~¡A»â¥ý¤¤°ê¡B¦L¥§¡B¤Ú¦è¡Bµá«ß»«¡B¶V«nµ¥³g¦Ã¤j°ê¤§³B¡A¦b©óÁÙ¦³¶Â¹D¾î¦æ¡C¶Â¹D»²¦õ©x°Ó¥Á¥Nµo°]¡A¨ä¯äµL¤ñªº­¹ª«Ãì ¶W¶VÂźñ...( https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20181207/38199252/) ¡´ Transparency International 1-29-2019: ¥xÆW³g»G¤£¹³«nÁú¦³©Ò§ïµ½¶i®i (Taiwan has stagnated in the Corruption Perspective Index rankings since 2011 with its score 61~63 (dropped 2 spots this year), in contrast, South Korea improved by 3 points in 2017.)  ³g¦Ã


¡´  ¥Á¥D ¡´  ¬ü°ê CNN, 2022-11-27 台灣總統稱期 ¤¤選舉完全是為了§Ü¤¤¡A¦]¦¹¿ïÁ|ºG±Ñ¬O¤@­Ó沉重的打擊  ¡´ Voice of America, 2022-11-23: ¡§黑金¡¨ "black gold"-"heijin." Corruption in Local Politics ¦b更多農村地區,贊助網絡、賄選,甚至與有組織犯罪有聯繫的候選人都很難完全抹去。...¦b«n§ë¡A¦]¬°比較農村,所以¶R²¼¨ä¹ê«ÜÄY­«¡A¥i¥H»¡´¶¹M¦s¦b...  ¡´ al jazeera, 2022-5-30: ¥ßªk°|´N°ê°È¾÷­n¶Oªk®×Ãzµo¼É¤O °ê¥ÁÄҥߩe¸Õ¹Ïªý¤î¥L­Ì»{¬°¥i¥H¥Î¨Ó±À½«eÁ`²Î³¯¤ô«ó»G±Ñ©w¸oªºªk®×¡C ¡´ Áp¦X³ø, Taiwan, 2022-5-31: «e¯S°»²Õ¦¨­û»¡¡AÁ`²Î¾Ö¦³°ê®a³Ì°ªÅv¤O¡A±N¤½©®³q¨p®w«o§Y±N¡uµLªk¡v³B»@¡A³Ì«á¤@¹D¨¾½u¥¢¦u¡´ ¤é¥» Japan Times (2022-4-6): ¥xÆWª÷´©¦æ´Ý»ÅÂíÀ£»P"¥Õ¦â®£©Æ"ªº»G±Ñ¬FÅv;   ¡´ USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices(¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i),  2021-3-30: ¦³«ü±±¨â­Ó¥D­n¬FÄÒªº­Ô¿ï¤H©M¤ä«ùªÌ¦bÁ`²Î¤j¿ï¤¤³£¾D«ü±±¦³¶R²¼¦æ¬°¡C¡´ New York Times, 1-11-2020: Taiwan¡¦s young and vibrant, if messy at times, democratic society. (¥xÆW ¬¡ÅD¤£¦¨¼ôªº¥Á¥D®É¦Ó¶Ã¤C¤KÁV¡´ ­^°ê¸gÀپǤHEconomist EIU Democracy Index 2019 : ¥xÆW¬O"¯Ê³´¥Á¥D" ("Flawed democracy"), Á`¤À¤ñ 2015»P2016¦~§C, "¬Fªv¤å¤Æpolitical culture", "¬Fªv°Ñ»Ppolitical participation" ¤À¼Æ¤j¬ù¬O¤£¤Î®æ (5.63, »P6.11¤À). ¡´ <¼w°ê¤§Án> (12-25-2020)¥H¤Î<ªk°êRFI>(12-27-2020)³£¤Þ¥Î<¨È¬w©P¥Z>³ø¾É¥xÆW¡u¥Á¿ï¬Ó«Ò¡v·s«ÂÅv¥D¸q¡A¤£¦ý¥H´«·Ó¬°¥Ñ¦¨¬°²Ä¤@­ÓÃö³¬¹qµø¥xªº¥Á¥D°ê®a¡A ¦Ó¥B¥H¡u¬d¤ôªí¡v¹ï¥I°Û¤Ï½Õªº¥Á¶¡Án®ö ... ¡´ N.Y. Times  12-3-2019:  soft underbelly of Taiwanese politics: patronage networks.  they continue to allow community leaders, farmers¡¦ associations and even organized-crime figures to buy votes.(¿ïÁ|¤´¦³¶R²¼)¡C¡´ <¤¤°ê®É³ø> 2-26-2020: ¡u¥Á¥D¦¨´N¡vªº­I«á¡A«o¬O·U¨Ó·U¤£¨ü¸`¨îªº¦æ¬FÅv»PµäÁYªº¥ßªkÅv¡A¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¨ü¨ì¦æ¬F¡B¥qªkÅv¼h¼h«Â¯Ù... ¬Fªv¤å¤Æ¥u°ÝÄÒ¬£¥ß³õ»P·NÃѧκA ¡C¡´ <Ä«ªG¤é³ø>ªÀ½×, 12-7-2019: ¿ïÁ|­·®ð¤jÃa, Á`²Î¦¨¬°§CªùÂe¡B§C¸ê®æ­n¨DªºÂ¾·~»P¯º¬`...   <Foerign Policy> 2015: ¥xÆW¬FªvÄÝ©ó°]¹Î(«D¤H¥Á),¥B¬°¬F«È±±¨î ¡C¡´ ¤¤°ê®É³ø 3-29-2019 ÀY±ø·s»D: ¤£®e¥´µÛ¥Á¥D©ÛµP¤Ï¥Á¥D, ¨«¦V¼Ú«Âº¸¦¡¿Wµô...¡´  Ä«ªG¤é³ø 3-29-2019 ªÀ½×: ¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ¬OÂźñ¥Õ³£¤£¥i¥¢¦uªº©³½u, °õ¬FªÌ¤×¨ä¤£¸Ó´ý¤ôºN³½, »s³y´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³  (https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20190329/38294369/) ¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 12-6-2018:  ¦³¦WµL¹êªº¥Á¥D¡C   ¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 3-7-2017: ¥xÆW¦p¤µ¦ü¥G³s¥Á¥Dªº¥Ö¬Û¤]Ãø¥Hºû«ù¤F...¡u¥Á¥Í¡v¤w¸gÅܦ¨¬FªvªºÄ묹«~... ¡C¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 6-23-2019: ¤j¼Æ¾Ú¦¨¬°¬F«È¾ÞÁa¥Á·Nªº§Q¾¹¡A¥Á¥D¹B§@©¹©¹°¾Â÷¦h¼Æ¥Á·N¡AµLªk¸Ñ¨M¥Á¥D­Ë°hªº§x¹Ò... (brief)¡C¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ


¡´ ¶Â¹D¬Fªv ¡´  Global Times, 2022-11-28: ½²­^¤å¶Âª÷¬Fªv©M¸È±aÃö«Y  black (underworld) gold politics and nepotism severely violated what the DPP had pledged to the people  globaltimes.cn/page/202211/1280569.shtml   ¡´ ¤¤°ê®É³ø2022-11-27: ¶Â¹DÄñ¨­¡BÀÝÅv»G¤Æ   ¡´ Áp¦X³øªÀ½×, 2021-5-7:¶Â¥Õ±¾¹_¡B¡u¦@¥Í¡v¡B ¶Â¹D¡u±H¥Í¬FÄÒ¡v¡A·íµM·|³y¦¨¦æ¬Fªº°¾®t©M¯´§Çªº±YÃa¡C(udn.com/news/story/7338/5439377?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2) ¡´ Ä«ªG¤é³ø, 2021-5-7: ¿ï¥ÁÁÙª¼¥Ø¬Ý¤£²M¥Á¶iÄҶª÷¡B¬£¨tªv°ê¡C ¶Â¹D¥ý¦w±Æ¤p§Ì­Ì¤jÁ|¤JÄÒ¡B¿ïÄÒ¥Nªí¡B¦A«ý¦Ñ¤j¥X´x¥DºÞ­·¬öªºµû©e·|¡A­n¦Ñ¤j¤ä«ùªº¤H¿ï¤~¯à¿ï¤W¥«ÄÒ³¡¥D©e¡A¶i¤@¨B´¤¦³¨M©w¥«Ä³­û¡B¥ß©e¡BÁ`²Î°Ñ¿ï¤H¥X½uªº¥Í±þ¤jÅv¡C½²­^¤å¤£¥i¯à±Æ¶Â¡A§ó¤£´±±½¶Â  (tw.appledaily.com/forum/20210507/AWDMO7WLEBCAZCIYHGO7UBA4DA/  »¯¤Ö±d) ¡C¥Á¥D


¡´  ÂåÀø ¡´ World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek : ¥x¤jÂå°|¤§°ê»Ú±Æ¦W: ²Ä249¦W¨È¬w±Æ¦W²Ä¤E ¡´ Lancet / Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services, Oct. 2020: ¥xÆW¸¨«á·s¥[©Y¡B¤é¡BÁú¡B¿D¡B¯Ã¡B¬ì«Â¯S¡B¥d¹Fµ¥¨È¤Ó°ê®a¡C ¡´ Lancet / Health Access and Quality Index ('17): ¥xÆW¸¨«á¿D¡B¤é¡B·s¥[©Y¡B¯Ã¡BÁú¡B¥d¹F¡B¬ì«Â¯S¡B¾¤¤Ú¹à¡B¨F¦aªü©Ô§B µ¥¨È¤Ó°ê®a¡C  ¡´ ¥xÆW«aª¬¯f¬r¤§¤÷´¿ªí¥Ü·s¥[©YÂåÀø§Þ³N¸û¦n, ¦Ó¥B¤å¤Æ¤£¦P ¥xÆW1¤Ñ(2021-6-5)¦º¤`¤H¼Æ¶W¶V·s¥[©Y1¦~¥bÁ`¦º¤`¤H¼Æ ¡´ Bloomberg, 2021-9-28: ¥xÆW·s«a½T¶E¦º¤`²v°ª©ó ¥þ²y   ¦¹¥~¡A¥xÆW¨S¦³¥ô¦óÂå°|¤J¿ïNewsweekªº "2020, 2021¥þ²y³Ì¨ÎÂå°|"¡A¦Ó·s¡B¤é¡BÁú¡B¿D¡A¬Æ¦Ü¦L,®õ ³£¦³¤@ ©Î¦h¶¡¤J¿ï  ¡´ United DailyÁp¦X³ø, 2021-5-31, editorial :¬F©²®³¤£¥X¬Ì­]¡A  ¬F©²µL¯à

Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½× 2021-9-12, 2021-9-4: ¹H­I¬ì¾Ç¨¾¬Ì¡AÀu¥ý¬°¦~»´¾Ç¥Í¥´¬Ì­], ¥Á¶iÄÒ°õ¬F¯u¥¿¦b·Nªº¬O¦p¦ó·m¿ï²¼,  §â¬Ì­]·í¦¨¬Fªv´Ñ¤l¹B¥Îªº¬F©²¡AÁÙ·|°O±o¬@±Ï¤H©RÀu¥ý¶Ü?     Âå°|


¡´  ³c¬r¤¤¤ß ¡´ Statista 2022-11-18 :  ¥xÆW ¥Ç¸oÃþ§O²Î­p ¹H¤Ï ¬r«~¦M®`¨¾¨î±ø¨Ò¼Æ¥Ø ±Æ¦W²Ä  

µÛ§@¡m¶Âª÷¡GOrganized Crime, Business, and Politics in Taiwan¡n ¡§ªu®ü¨µÅÞ´X¥G¤£¦s¦b¡A¦]¦¹¡A«Ü®e©ö±Nºj¤ä©M¬r«~¨«¨p¨ì¥xÆW¡C¡¨
¡´ ¥xÆW³º¦¨¨È¬w»s¬r³c¬r¤¤¤ß  <¤¤°ê®É³ø ©P¥Z¤ý> (The China Times, Want Weekly) , 9-18-2019¡C¡´¡u¥xÆW ¤w²_»s¬r¤ý°ê¡v <Áp¦X³ø> (United Daily) ÀYª©ÀY±ø, 11-2-2017 ¡C¡´ ¥xÆW¦¨¬°´c¦W¬L¹üªº¡u¬r«~Âà¹B¤¤¤ß¡v¡A ¡u¿é¥X¤j°ê¡vªº¦Ã¦W §¤¹ê¡A ¤é¥»»P¿D¬wĵ¤è¤w±N¥xÆW¦C¬°¬r«~¿é¥X"°ª­·ÀI°ê®a"¡A¦ý¥xÆW«o¤Ï¹ï§ïÅÜ  <¤¤°ê®É³ø> ÀYª©ÀY±ø, 4-4-2017,  <Áp¦X³ø>ªÀ½×, 11-6-2017, <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø>, 5-12-2017 ¡C³c¬r


¡´ «I¥ÇÁô¨p ¡´ ¤¤®É, 2023-5-23: °ª¹F2300¦h¸Uµ§¤á¬F¸ê®Æ¡B2800¸Uµ§³Ò«O­Ó¸ê¥~¬ª¡A³£½æµ¹¤F¶BÄF¶°¹Î¡Aºâ°_¨Ó©Ò¦³¥xÆW¤Hªº­Ó¸ê³£³Q½æ¥ú¥ú¤F  

¡´ US Naval Institute , May, 2022 : ¥xÆW¾Ö¦³¼sªxªº³¬¸ô¹qµøÄá¹³¾÷ºôµ¸¡A¨Ãµo¦æ¤F°l踪¯f¥vªº°ê¥Á°·±d«OÀI´¼¯à¥d¡C¤HÅv­Ò¾É²Õ´³ø§iºÙ°ê®a¦w¥þ¾÷ºc©Mĵ¹î¦¬¶°¤F¤j¶q online©M¤â¾÷¼Æ¾Ú  
¡´ Amnesty International, June, 2021: ¬F©²±Ä¨ú¤F¦h¶µ±¹¬I¨Ó±±¨î COVID-19 ¯f¬rªº¶Ç¼½¡A¨ä¤¤¤@¨Ç±¹¬I«Â¯Ù¨ìÁô¨pÅv¡C
¡´ People's Daily, 10-15-2020, commentary: ¥xÆW±¡ªv³¡ªù...¤j·d¡§ºñ¦â®£©Æ¡¨¡AÄY±KºÊ±±®q¤º¥Á²³¡C
¡´ ¤¤°ê®É³ø, 1-6-2021,  ¥ßªk©e­û:¾Ëªk«O»Ùªº°ò¥»¤HÅv¦­¤w§Ä§Ä¥i¦M...  ¥ßªk°|´Xµf½è¸ß¡A¬F©²¤~³Q°Ê©Ó»{¹q¤l³òÆXªº¦s¦b¡C¬O§_¹ê«hºÊ¬Ý¤H¥Á¡H¸ê°TÂæb¶Â½c¸Ì¡A ¤H¥ÁªºÁô¨pÅv¤S­þ¦³¨ãÅ馳®Äªº«O»Ù©O¡H
¡´ New York Post  4-25-2020: ¥xÆW¥H±M¨î¡A  ¹ï¥I·s«a¬Ì±¡¡A  ´X¥G¨C¤H³QºÊµø°lÂÜ¡C
¡´ Ä«ªG¤é³ø 11-10-2020: §ñÃö­Ó¤Hªº°·±dÂåÀø¸ê®Æ¥¼¸g¹L·í¨Æ¤H¦P·N¤U³Q­¢¶}©ñ¦b¦UºØ¤£¦P¾Ç³N©Î°Ó·~¥Î³~¤W¨Ï¥Î¡C
¡´ Áp¦X³ø , ªÀ½×, 3-31-2019 : ¥xÆW¥´ºâ¥X½æ¥Á²³­Ó¸ê»P¼Æ¦ì¤HÅv(e.g., ¥Á²³°·±d¡B¯e¯f¡B¥ÎÃĸê®Æ, ³s³Ì°ò¥»§iª¾·í¨Æ¤H¤]°µ¤£¨ì)¡B¿sµøºô¸ô¨¥¦æ¡B¬Æ¦Ü¥i¯àºÊ±±¥þ¥Á, ­Ó¤HÃø¥H¹îı... ¥xÆW¬O­Ó­Ó¸ê«OÅ@¸¨«áªº°ê®a  (brief https://udn.com/news/story/7338/3728815) ;  
¡´ Áp¦X³ø (UDN) 3-16-2019 (brief):  ¸ê³qªk¤§¹H¤Ï¤HÅv±ø´Ú¤£Â_´_¬¡.  ¤µªì¼f³q¹L¤§¹q«Hªk³º¥i§¹¦¨°O¿ý¥Á²³¤@¤Á¹q«H¦æ¬°(³q¸Ü»P¤Wºô), ¼Ú«Âº¸¤p»¡<1984> (Orwellian "1984" )¸Ìªº"¦Ñ¤j­ô"("Big Brother" )¥i¿×¤wµn¯«¦ì, ¤½¥Á±N§Ï©»³z©ú¤H¦ü...  
¡´ Ä«ªG¤é³ø, 5-28-2018: ¼Ú¬w­Ó¸êªk(EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR)¥¿¦¡¤W¸ô,  ¥xÆW¬Æ¦Ü¤Ï¨ä¹D¦Ó¦æ  /  NTU professor ªL౶¯      Áô¨pÅv


¡´ ¤H¤f¨«¨p  ¡´  ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2023-3-20: «D¬F©²²Õ´¹ï¨àµ£ªºonline性剝削表示擔憂:性犯罪者越來越多地使用手機、網¸ô攝像頭、直播 live streaming¡Bapps©M¨ä¥L·s§Þ³N¨Ó´ÛÄF©M¯Ù­¢¥¼¦¨¦~¤k«Ä©M¨k«Ä¶i¦æ©Ê¬¡°Ê    ¡´  US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12: 2005-20 ¦~©x¤è²Î­p¼Æ¾Úªº¤ÀªRÅã¥Ü¡A¨k©Ê¨àµ£¾D¨ü©Ê­é«dªº¨ü®`¤H¼Æ¥¿¦b¼W¥[¡A­ì¦í¥Áªº¨k¤k¥¼¦¨¦~¤Hªº¤ñ¨Ò°ª©ó¨ä¥L±Ú¸Ç¸sÅé¡C ¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30: ¥xÆW¦³¥¼¦¨¦~½æ²]ªº±¡ªp¡C«D¬F©²²Õ´¹ï¹ï¨àµ£ªºonline©Ê­é«dªí¥ÜÃöª`¡C ¡´   ¬ü°ê¤H¤f¨«¨p³ø§i US  state government - 2019 Trafficking in persons report, Jun. 2019: ¹L¥h¤­¦~¨Ó¡A¤H¤f³c¹B¶°¹Î¨«¨p¥~°ê¨k¤k¨ì¥xÆW³Q­¢±q¨Æ³Ò°Ê©M©Ê¥æ©ö¡A·í¦a¨k¤k ¤]¾D¨ü±j­¢©Êªº³Ò°Ê¡A¥xÆW·í¦a°ü¤k©M¨àµ£«h³Q­¢¾D¨ü©Ê¥æ©ö³c½æ¡C  ¤H¤f³c¹B¶°¹Î¥H¬rÅ}¤Þ»¤°ê¤º¥~°ê¤k©Ê©M¨àµ£±q¨Æ«Dªk©Ê¥æ©ö³c¹B¡C ³c¹BªÌ³q¹L´Û¶B©Ê±B«Ã©M´ÛÄF©Ê´N·~¾÷·|¡A±N¨Ó¦Û¤¤°ê©MªF«n¨È°ê®aªº°ü¤k¤Þ»¤¨ì¥xÆW¡C...  ¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices(¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i),  3-11-2020:  ¥~Äy³Ò¤u²`¨üÀ£­¢¦¨¬°¨ü®`ªÌ¡A®a®x¬ÝÅ@¤u¥ç±`¨ü¨ì¹µ¥DÀݥΩέh«Ý¡A¥L­Ì³£­t¾á°ªÃB¥ò¤¶¶O¡A­±Á{¤£¥­µ¥¹ï«Ý...


¡´ ªF¼t¬¡ÅD ¡´ ¥ß©e(2023-6-2)§åµû: ¥Á¶iÄÒ¬F©²¬°¤F³¯©ú³q¡BªL´¼°í¡B¾G¤åÀé¡A¨Ï¥Î³o¨Ç¥O¤H¾v«üªº¤â¬q¡A°ê¦w§½Áx´±¥h«Â¯Ù¥x¤jªÀ¬ì°|°|ªø¡A¡u³o¬O¤°»ò«ÂÅv®É¥N¶Ü¡v? ¡´ Áp¦X³ø (2023-6-4): 二○一八年¥x¤jªÀ¬ì°|°|ªø在臉書質疑故宮文化政策,一年後卻被政府「查水表」,蘇宏達仍對這段恐怖經歷´n¹Ä 

¡´ USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30: Members of the security forces committed some abuses.  
¡´ <Áp¦X³ø>  ªÀ½×  (9-19-2018)  ¡uªF¼t­Ì¡v¤w¸g¬¡ÅD¦b§Ú­Ì¥|©P...;
¡´ <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø>ÀYª©¡B<¤¤°ê®É³ø>ÀYª©, 12-8-2018:¡uªF¼t¨Æ¥ó¡vÄY­«®À¶Ë¬F©²¤½«H¤O  
¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> 11-2-2018 ÀYª©ÀY±ø ³ø¾É¡u°ê¦w§½Ãҹ갻»`Áy®Ñ¡v¡AºÊ±±ºô¸ôªÀ¸s ¤§ª§Ä³°T®§¡A¡u ¦Ñ¤j­ô¥¿¬ÝµÛ§A¡v´X¥G½T©w¤Þ°_¡u´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³¡v¡C
¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> 11-3-2018: Áy®Ñµ¥©Ò¦³¥­¥x·~ªÌ³Q­n¨D¥æ¥X¥Î¤á­Ó¸ê(intel denied)¡C¤@¸s±¡ªv¨t²Î ªºÀ°¬£Ä~Äò¹B§@¡BÄ~Äò ªv°ê...  ¥L­Ì¬O¯u¥¿ªº¦æ¬F°|ªø, ...±¡ªv³æ¦ìºÃ¯A¤J¼B¨¹¤Í¡B´^ °û¦pµ¥Äa ®×  (ref to 2018.7.26¡i¬F¸g¬Ý¥Áµø¡j FTV, "¬F¸g¬Ý¥Áµø", 7-26-2018;  
¡´ SET(¤T¥ß¹qµø), 9-24-2013 "Secret agents govern the nation (¯S°Èªv°ê)" www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBdZCdYrwF4
¡´ Era TV,   ¦~¥N¹qµø, 9-22-2013; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1b4R2m6K3g; "Secret agent systems resurgence to control the nation (¯S°È´_¹@ªv°ê)" ;  
¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 12-21-2017: ¡u¥Õ¦â®£©Æ º£¦¨ºñ¦â §Ú­Ì¨ÌµM»{±o¡v¡C
¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 12-27-2017: ¥xÆW³\¦h§@¬° ÄÝ¡u°ê®a¼É¤O¡v(¡u¥Õ¦â®£©Æ¡v¬°¨ä²£«~ )­«²{¡F¡u­Y¤£¥s°µ'°ê®a¼É¤O', ¬Æ»ò¤~¬O°ê®a¼É¤O?¡v.../ ref to¸Ô https://udn.com/news/story/11321/2897025¡C ¦Ñ¤j­ô¥¿¬ÝµÛ§A


¡´  °ê»Ú¶BÄF ¡´ Áp¦X³ø, ªÀ½× 2023-5-11 : ¥´¶B°ê®a¶¤®³¤£¥X¥ô¦ó¦¨ÁZ¡C¦Ó¤µ¡A¥xÆWªº¶BÄF¥Ç¸o¤w¹M¥¬¥þ²y  ¡´ ¤¤®É , ªÀµû: 2023-5-5: ¥xÆW¶BÄF®×¼h¥X¤£½a¡A¤£¥i¿Ð¨¥½T»Pĵ¬F­·¬ö¦³Ãö ¡´ Áp¦X³ø, 2023-5-6 : ¥h¦~¡A¥þ¥Á¦]³Q¶BÄF¦Ó·l¥¢ªºª÷¿ú°ª¹F¤C¤Q»õ¤¸¡A¦Ó¶BÄF¥Ç¥­§¡¦~ÄÖ«o­°§C¨ì¤Ü¤KÂI¤E·³

¡´  Áp¦X³ø, ªÀµû, 2022-1-1:  ¥xÆWªº¶BÄF¶°¹Î¬O¥þ¦~¤Ü¥|¤p®ÉµL¥ð  
¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 10-23-2019 : ¹q«H¶BÄF¥Ç¾î¦æ°ê»Ú·l®`¥xÆW§Î¶H¡C 
¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 12-24-2017 :  ¥xÆWÅܦ¨°ê»Ú¶BÄF¿é¥X°ê,¤w¦¨°ê»Ú¤½®`  ¡C
¡´  <quora>, 4-16-2016   ¥xÆW§â¶BÄF¥Ç·í¦¨¸ê²£ "Taiwan largely sees these telecom frauds (phone scammers) as an asset rather than liability..."¡C 
¡´  < EBC TV>, 4-9-2017: ¥xÆW¤H¶BÄF¥þ²y¡B ´c¦W¬L¹ü¡B ­«³Ð¥xÆW§Î¶H ¡C  
¡´ <¤¤°ê®É³ø>, 11-7-2017 (¨È¬wĵ¹î¾Ç·|¯µ®Ñªø):  ¦B­á¤T¤Ø«D¤@¤é´H¡A¥xÆW­n¬~¨ê¶BÄF¤ý°êªº¦¾¦W¡A ¨Ã¤£Â²³æ  ¡C °ê»Ú¶B´Û


¡´  »Å¦D, ­¢®`

 ¡´  Global Times, 2022-12-19:  ¥xÆW®q¤W¦³´c¶Õ¤O±±¨î¥xÆW¤H¤ß´¼ There are forces on the island who are mentally controlling the Taiwan people...  ¡´ ¥xÆW ¤¤®É, ªÀ½×, 2022-12-22: ¹ï¤º¹ê¬I«ÂÅv¡AÀ˽չïÄÒ¬F¾÷Ãö­Á­ºÅ¥©R¡A¸v·N«I¥Ç¤HÅv  ¡´  Global Times (globaltimes.cn/content/1209528.shtml), 12-9-2020: ¥xÆW­¢®`¤j³°¤H¤Î¶É¦V²Î¤@¤§¬¡ÅD¤Hª« Taiwan authority ¡¥persecutes mainlanders, pro-reunification activists' by 'Political persecution, framing charge' ¥xÆW¤@¦A©ì©µ­×¥¿¦Dªk¤Ï»Å¦D(torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ), µLµø°ê»Ú¤HÅv±M®a·|¼f½Õ¬d¤§µ²½×·N¨£, ref .<Ä«ªG¤é³ø>, opinion - headline, 12-9-2017¡CTaiwan's opposition party vice presidential candidate, NTU professor Lin Ruey-Shiung, was subject to electromagnetic wave attacks (French AFP ,Dec. 1, 2011 , Thailand's Bangkok Post,  Dec. 3, 2011, Yahoo UK & Ireland, etc. ), Taiwan gov. denied this.   ¡´  Liberty Times 6-7-2019  : Control Yuan's new mission - against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment / Pavel Doubek  ¡´  Áp¦X³ø, editorial, 5-6-2019: ºÊ¹î°|(¤§¼u¨ð...)µÛ²´©ó¦Û¤v¤H, ¥¼À°§U®z¶Õ (brief).
¡´  ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø 2-28-2020 ªÀ½×:  Â૬¥¿¸q¶ZÂ÷¶¥¬q©Ê¥Ø¼Ð©|»·¡C¤´°±¯d¦b¯u¬ÛÂç²Mªº¼h¦¸¡A¤£¤ÎÃg¤¿µ{§Ç¥¿¸q¡C(brief)  
¡´ Áp¦X³øªÀ½×  08-26-2019 :¥ø¹Ï¾B±»Â૬¥¿¸qªºæÕ¬F¦HÁZ  (brief)    ­¢®`


¤µ¦~©x­û®`©È¤Ï¼u¦ÓÁôÂðT®§¡AÁÙÁa®e·~ªÌ±N°ÝÃD³J«~¦^¦¬¡A¦P¤@§å°ÝÃD³J­«·sÅܦ¨«P¾P«~¤W¥«­«·s¥X°â¡C( brief )  ¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> 2-17-2019: ªâ´¶¥§¬r³J§Ö¦Y§¹¡A¬F©²¤~µo§G°T®§¡C¡´  The China Times (¤¤°ê®É³ø), 2-28-2019,  ªÀ½× (editorial) ½èºÃ¥xÆW©x­û«E¤O±»¹¢¬Ì±¡¡A °¨¥ß§J¯f¬r¤´¦bÂû³õº©©µ ... (brief)     ¥xÆW¬F©²·M¥Á¬Fµ¦¡A ²W»·¬yªø ―  ªñ´Á¥]¬AÁô¿f¬r³J¡BÀôª¬½Þ¬Ì­]¡B¸V¬y·P¬Ì±¡ (1-3-2018, UDN, ps: 2012 BBC ´N´¿³ø¾É www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese_news/2012/03/120304_taiwan_birdflu_investigate) ¬ÒºC¥b©ç¡C

¡´ <¤¤°ê®É³ø>, 5-26-2018 "§OÅý¥Á²³³Ì«á¤~ª¾¹D": ¥xÆW¬F©²·R¨è·NÁô°Î¨Æ¹ê¡B¯»ÄÀ¤Ó¥­.....http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20180526000648-260109¡C ­¹¦w


¡´  ¤H¥Á¦w¥þ ¡´ BBC, Independent, 2023-6-20:  ¥®¨à¶é¤£·íÁý­¹Âí©w¾¯   the drugging of preschool children in Taiwan have sparked widespread alarm on the island.  Some teachers at the kindergarten gave children phenobarbital to ¡§make them more compliant¡¨. A rally demanded transparency from the government.  ¡´ Nature, 2023-6-22:  ¾¨ºÞ¦h°ê©M°ê»Ú²Õ´¾á¼~¡A¤é¥»¤´­p¹º±N 2011 ¦~ºÖ®q²Ä¤@®Ö¹q¯¸º²·´¦Ã¬Vªº¤ô±Æ¤J¤Ó¥­¬v¡A«ùÄò30 ¦~  (CTN 2023-6-22: ¥xÆW¹ïµÛ¤é¥»®É¡A½¥»\´N±q¨Ó¨Sª½¹L) ¡´  NY Times, 2022-1-21: ¤j¤õ¬ðÅã¤F¬F©²¯Ê¥F¹ï´÷±æ¦í©Ðªº½a¤H©M¦Ñ¦~¤Hªº¤ä«ù  ¡´  NY Times, 2021-10-16: °ª¦M¤j·HºÞ²z¤£µ½©M¬F©²²¨©¿¡A¥xÆW«°¥«öt¤Éªº¦í©Ð¦¨¥»¥H¤Î¤H¤f¨³³t¦ÑÄ֤ƥ[¼@¤F³o¨Ç°ÝÃD¡A¨Ã¶W¹L¤F¬F©²¸Ñ¨M³o¨Ç°ÝÃDªº§V¤O¡A ®Ú¾Ú¹L®Éªº¦w¥þ·Ç«h«Ø³yªºÂ«ؿv©¹©¹³Q©¿µø ¡´ <¤¤°ê®É³ø>, 2021-10-15 ªÀ½×:  ¯u¥¿¶Ë®`¥xÆWªº¬O¤õ¨a­I«á¡A¬F©²¹ï®z¶Õ±Ú¸sªº§Nºz»Pª[µø ¡´  Ä«ªG¤é³ø, ªÀ½×, 2021-4-10: ¥xÆWªºº×®Ú¢w¢w°ò¦«Ø³]¸¨«á   ¥xÆW¤H¥Á¤é±`±`­±Á{¤ô¤£²b¡B®ð¤£²M¡B¸ô¤£¥­¡B¥X¤J¤£¦w ¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30: ©Ê«I¨ü®`ªÌªºÁ`¤H¼Æ¤ñ¦Vĵ¹î³ø§iªºÁ`¼Æ°ª¥X¤C¨ì¤Q­¿¡C©ÊÄÌÂZ¨Æ¥ó¦b¤½¦@³õ©Ò¡A¾Ç®Õ¡A¥ßªk¾÷Ãö©M¬F©²¾÷ºc¤¤§e¤W¤ÉÁͶաC¤j¶qªº­ì¦í¥Á¤g¦a´¿¾D¨S¦¬¡A­é¹Ü¤F­ì¥ÁªÀ°Ï°Ñ»P³o¨Ç¶Ç²Î»â¤gµo®iªºÅv§Q¡C¡´ ¡mNext TV news ³ü·s»D¡n, 2021-11-23, 12:11: ªÀ·|¦w¥þºô¯}«Ü¤j.¡´¡mYahoo Taiwan¡n, 2021-11-22: ¥þ¥xªv¦w³sÀôÃz!   ¡´ Áp¦X³ø 2021-4-1ªÀ½×: ­ß¹x¤£ÆFªº¯à·½¬Fµ¦¤~¬O±þªÍ¤¸¤¿ ¡A¤¤«n³¡¦a°ÏªÅ¦¾½ª¤Ñ¡A¿©±w©I§l¹D¤ÎªÍ³¡¯e¯fªº¤H¼Æ¤j¼W ¡´ ¤¤°ê®É³ø 2-25-2020 ªÀ½× (¥Dµ§«Ç)  : ©Ò±o¤À°t´c¤Æ¡A²£¥Í¡u°§´H°_µs¤ß¡vªºªÀ·|ªv¦w±ÑÃa²{¶H¡C2001¦~«á¡A¥xÆW¡u¥Ç¸o¤H¤f²v¡v¨ì2018¦~´c¤Æµ{«×¶W¹L5¦¨¡C  ¡´ Áp¦X³ø 2-8-2018: ¥xÆW¬F©²¥¼µ½ºÉ°ò¥»³d¥ô «OÅ@¤H¥Á¥Í©R°]²£¦w¥þ   (full text: https://udn.com/news/story/11321/2974813 Áp¦X³øªÀ½×¡þÂ_¼h±a¤W¦ó¥H«Ø¤F¨º»ò¦h°ª¼Ó¡H  2-8-2018,  https://udn.com/news/story/7338/2977079 ¤ÅÅý³n¸}¼Ó¦¨§|±þ¤H©R³´¨À 2-9-2018,  https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20180209/37928659 ³£§ó Äê¬F«È  ¼Å­l¤£§@¬° ¥H­P¼Æ¦Ê¸U¤á¦Ñ«ÎªÙ­±Á{¥Í¦ºÃöÀY ¦p¹J¤»¯Å¦a¾_  2-9-2018); ¡´ <¤¤°ê®É³ø>, 10-9-2019, headline : ¬ù5/6¾ô¼Ù»Ý«æ­×«o¥¼­× ¬F©²¬Æ¦Ü¥¼¤½¶}¦M¾ô¦W³æ  ¡´ <¤¤°ê®É³ø>, 10-4-2019ªÀ½×: ÅK¥Ö¤u¼t¡A§Î¦P®ø¨¾­ûªº¦º¤`³´¨À¡A³£¬O¡u¨î«×±þ¤H¡v¡C ¡´ <¤¤°ê®É³ø>, 1-7-2018: ¥xÆW®ü¡B³°¡BªÅ¦Ã¬V¬r®`¡A¤s®üÅܦâ¡A ¬F©²¤£Â_ "ªv¼Ð¤£ªv¥»"¡A­¹ª«Ãì±N¬r®`¤l®]°·±d ... http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20180107000465-260114¡CDaily Mail (UK) 7-14-2017 : Shocking underwater video from Taiwan shows ocean floor littered with plastic (bottles) garbage. ¡´ Lancet Planetary Health (April 10, '19): "The 4th worst for rate of kids getting Asthma from traffic air pollution"  (¥æ³qªÅ¦Ã®ð³Ý¨à ¥xÆW¥þ²y²Ä¥|°ª) ¡´¡m¤¤°ê®É³ø China Times¡n, Taiwan,  4-12-2019 : Àô«O¹ÎÅé§å¬F©²µL¤ß§ïµ½ªÅ¦Ã. ¡´  <Áp¦X³ø> 8-5-2019: ¾ÇªÌÆ~ªÅ¦Ã§ï±Ä¥@¬É¼Ð·Ç¡C¡´ ¼w°ê2019 CCPI (Climate Change Performance Index - GHG emissions, renewable energy, etc) ±N¥xÆW±Æ¦W­Ë¼Æ²Ä¤T,  ¦W¦¸±q2017¦~°_¤@¦A­Ë°h. ¡´ Apple Daily 12-11-2019, ÀY±ø·s»D: °ê¤ºªÅ¦Ã·U¨Ó·UÄY­«, «e¤Q¦W¤½¥q(China Steel, Taichung Power plant, etc)¤§ PM2.5 and PM10 ¦M¤Î1185¸U¤H°·±d¡C 


¡´  ¥æ³q¦w¥þ ¡´  CNN (2022-12-6): ¥xÆW¡u¦æ¤H¦aº»¡v´c¦W, ³ø¾ÉÁÙ«ü¿D¬w¡B¥[®³¤j¡B¤é¥»»P¬ü°êµ¥ªº©x¤è°ê¥~®È¹C«ü«n¡A©ú½TÂI¥X¥xÆW¹D¸ô¶Ã¶H¡A«P½Ð¨ä°ê¤H«e¨Ó¶·¯S§Oª`·N¡C¥xÆWªº¥æ³q¤£¦w¥þ¡A¦¨¬°¥tÃþ°ê»Ú¦@ÃÑ  ¡´  Liberty Times (2023-6-6): ¥xÆW¥æ³q¶Ã¶Hªº¯f²z¤ÀªR¡A«ü¦V¡u¤H¥Á¦uªk¯À½è¡v    ¡´  New York Times, 2021-7-19: ¤Ó¾|»Õ¨Æ¬G«d®z¤F¤H­Ì¹ï¬F©²ªº«H¤ß¡C  ºÊºÞ¤£¤O¡B©Ó¥]°ÓºÞ²z¤£µ½¡B¾iÅ@°ÝÃD´c¤Æ¡B©x­û¿ù¹L©Î©¿µø¦w¥þĵ§i ¡X¡X³£¬°¨Æ¬G³Ð³y¤F±ø¥ó    ¡´ Áp¦X³ø 2021-4-10:  ¥xÆW¨®º×¡A¥­§¡¤@¤Ñ¶W¹L¤K¦º¡A¤ñ°_³\¦h¸¨«á°ê®a³£°ª ¡C¹CÄý¨®¨®½ø¦w¥þµ²ºc½T¦³°ÝÃD¡A­Y«D°½¤u´î®Æ¡A´N¬O¨®½ø¦w¥þ³W½d¦³°ÝÃD  ¡´ Áp¦X³ø,¤¤®ÉªÀ½×¡BÄ«½× 2021-4-3: (NY Times, CNN: ¤Ó¾|»Õtrain carrying 490 derails ) / ³£¬O¤£¿í¦u¢á¢Ý¢Þªº¤Hº×¡A¨S¦³¤H»{¯u¬Ý«Ý¨C¤@¼Î·N¥~­I«áªºÄµ°T¡A ¬F©²³Ì¾Õªø¨Æ«áªº¦M¾÷³B²z»PÂಾµJÂI¡A¦Ó«D¨Æ«e¹w¨¾ºÞ²z¡A¥H­P´d¼@¤£Â_¡C¥xÅK¦Ê¦~¦Ñ©±¨î«×»ø¤Æ¡B§ï­²µL®Ä¡C³o¬O¦B¤s¤@¨¤¡AÀ³«Ø¥ßªÀ·|´L­«¥Í©Rªº¤å¤Æ¡FÅý©I³Û¶i¤J¨î«×¡C¡´ Áp¦X³ø 1-20-2020:  ¥æ³q¨Æ¬G¦º¤`²v  ¥xÆW¬O¤é¥»5­¿;   ¡´ ­^°ê BBC¡B­^°ê¤Ó¶§³ø(2-13-2017): §åµû¥xÆW¥æ³q¦w¥þ: ! BUS CRASH HORROR!  Taiwan's tour bus safety "has come under fire in recent months over safety standards..."  ; ¡´ MSN, Reuters, EuroNews, Mirro(UK), NewsWeek, CNN, etc (2-4-2015) :"¥xÆW ªñ¦~¨Ó­¸¦w¬ö¿ýÁV¿|"  ("Taiwan has had a poor aviation safety record in recent years") , full text Taiwan's aviation safety  ; ¡´  Ä«ªG¤é³ø(2-15-2017  Ä«½×): ...¦p¦¹ºG­«±o¶Ë¤`²v¡A¦b¤å©ú°ê®a¤¤¡A¥i¿×¿W¦û÷´ÀY¡B­º©}¤@«ü...³d³Æ¦³¥Î¶Ü?¨S¥Î!...  ¦]¬°¬Ý¬ï¤F¬F©²¦â¼F¤º¯ö¡Bµê±iÁn¶Õ   ; ¡´ Áp¦X³øÀYª© 2-15-2017: "¨C¦¸³£ÀË°Q ¨C¦¸³£­«ºt"   ; ¡´¤H¥Á¤é³øºX¤U¤§Àô²y®É³ø (7-19-2016 ªÀµû): ¥xÆW®È¹C·~³o»ò¤jªº¦w¥þº|¬}¡A©~µM¯à¦~´_¤@¦~²V¤U¥h......¦A¥h¬Oª±©R !    ¥æ³q


¡´  ³Ò°ÊÅv§Q  ¡´  US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2023-3-20: ¥ø·~¶±¥D¨Ï¥Î¤Ï¤u·|µ¦²¤¨Ó®£À~­û¤u©M¶°Åé½Í§PªÌ¡C½}¤uÅv¤´µM¨ü¨ìÄY®æ­­¨î¡C±Ð®v¡B¤½°È­û©M°ê¨¾¤u·~¹µ­û¨S¦³½}¤uÅv¡C¤½¥Î¨Æ·~¡BÂå°|ªA°È©M¹q«HªA°Èµ¥¦æ·~ªº­û¤u¥u¦³¦b½}¤u´Á¶¡ºû«ù°ò¥»ªA°Èªº±¡ªp¤U¤~³Q¤¹³\½}¤u¡C ¡´  US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12: ¤j«¬¥ø·~¸g±`³q¹L±N¤u·|²Õ´ªÌ¦C¤J®Ê¤É¶Â¦W³æ©Î±N¨äÂಾ¨ì¨ä¥L¤u§@³¡ªùµ¥¤è¦¡¡A¨Ï­û¤uÃø¥H²Õ´¥ø·~¤u·|¡C¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30: ½}¤uÅv¤´µM¨ü¨ìÄY®æ­­¨î¡C¡´  , 3-16-2021¬ü°ê³Ò¤u³¡±N¥xÆW¦C¤J2020¦~¥Ñµ£¤u©Î±j­¢³Ò°Ê¥Í²£°Ó«~ªº¶Â¦W³æ¡C  ¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices(¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i),  3-11-2020:  ¥xÆW½}¤uÅv¨ü¨ìÄY­«±j¯P­­¨î¡A³Ò°ÊªÈ¯É¶·¥ý¥Ñ¥DºÞ¾÷Ãö§@¨ó½Õ¡A½Õ¸Ñ¹Lµ{¤¤¤£¯àÁ|¦æ¥ô¦ó½}¤u©Î¨ä¥L§Üij¦æ¬°¡C¦P®É¡A±Ð®v¡B¤½°È­û¤Î°ê¨¾µ¥¯S©w¦æ·~¤£¯à½}¤u¡A¤½¦³¨Æ·~¡BÂå°|»P¹q«H·~ªÌ¶·¦bºû«ù°ò¥»ªA°Èªº«e´£¤U¤~¯à½}¤u¡C


¡´  ª[µø  ¡´ Taipei Times, 2023-6-12:  immigration authorities hand out insult after insult to people whose skins are a bit too brown... the reality of its suicidally discriminatory immigration policies is painful for those of us who live and work here.   ¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30:  ¤j¦h¼Æ©Ê§Oª[µø®×¥ó³£¬O¥Ñ©óÃh¥¥¦Ó³Q­¢Ã㾪º¡C¥Ñ©ó¾­û©Î¤u¤H¾á¤ß¾D¨ì¶±¥Dªº³ø´_¥H¤Î¦pªG¦³¹L§ë¶Dªº¾ú¥v¡A«ÜÃø§ä¨ì·sªº¤u§@¡A¦]¦¹©Ê§Oª[µøªº³ø¾É¤´µMÄY­«¤£¨¬¡C¤k©Ê¥­§¡¤ë¦¬¤J¤¤¦ì¼Æ¥­§¡¬O¨k©Ê¦¬¤Jªº87.5¢H¡CThere was reported discrimination, including employment discrimination, against persons with HIV or AIDS.  ¡´  ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§iUSA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  3-11-2020: ¹ïLGBTIªºª[µø§ó¥[´¶¹M¡A ¨ä¥Lªºª[µø¥]¬AHIV/AIDS´N·~µ¥  (Activists for LGBTI rights said due to victims¡¦ reluctance to lodge formal complaints, discrimination against LGBTI persons was more widespread than suggested by the number of court cases.  There was reported discrimination, including employment discrimination, against persons with HIV/AIDS) .   ¡´  2019¦~3¤ë13¤éªº¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i(USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices) : °ü¤kÃh¥¥¬O¥xÆW±`¨£ªº³Ò°Êª[µø²{¶H¡A©ÊÄÌÂZ»P¤£¤½¥­«Ý¹Jµ¥®×¥ó¤]®É¦³©Ò»D¡AªÀ·|¤å¤Æ¦]¯À(ªÀ·|À£¤O¨Ï®a±Ú»X²Û)¨Ï³\¦h°ü¤kÁô§Ô¤£³ø¡A©Ê«I¼Æ¦rÀ³7~10­¿©ó³q³ø¼Æ ¡F©Ê«I¤]¨£©ó´Ý»Ù¤H¤h¡B©Ê­é«d¨£©ó¨àµ£¡A¥~Äy®a®x¥D°ü»P³°°t¡B LGBTI ¡BHIV/AIDS ¤´Â¾D¨ìª[µø...


¡´  Àô¹Ò«OÅ@   ¡´ CIA Fact Book, Dec. 10, 2021: ªÅ¦¾air pollution; ¤ô¦¾water pollution from industrial emissions, raw sewage; contamination of drinking water supplies; trade in endangered species


¡´  ­é«d ¥~³Ò  ¡´  US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2023-3-20: 漁²î移¤u報告了¶±¥D©Î¤W¯Å ªº­h«Ý¦æ¬°¡A¥]¬A¼Þ¥´¡B¦©¯d­¹ª«©M¤ô¡B¦©¯d¨­¥÷ÃÒ¥ó¡B¦©´î¤u¸ê¥H¤Î«D¦X¦P±j¨î¤ÀÅu²î²í¹BÀ禨¥»¡C³o¨ÇÀݥΦ欰¦b¥xÆW¤j«¬»·¬v®·³½²î¶¤¤¤¤×¬°´¶¹M¡A  ¡´ SCMP, 2023-6-7:  ¬ü°êºñ¦â©M¥­²Õ´ µ¥ªí¥Ü¡A¥xÆWº®²îªº²¾¥Á³Q­¢±q¨Æ¡§±j­¢¡¨³Ò°Ê¡X¡X³o¹ï¥xÆWªº§Î¶H³y¦¨¤F¥´À» ¡´  Le Monde diplomatique (France),  2023-2-14: ¤j¦h¼Æ²¾¤u­I­t¥¨ÃB¶Å°È ÁÙ²M¶Å°È®É¨ü¨î©ó¶±¥Dªº whims ©M­é«d.   ¡´ US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12: ²¾¤uº®¥ÁÁ|³ø§ë¶D¤F°ª¯Å²î­ûªº­h«Ý¦æ¬°¡A¥]¬A¼Þ¥´¡B¦©¯d­¹ª«©M¤ô¡B¦©¯d¨­¥÷ÃÒ¥ó¡B¦©¤u¸ê¥H¤Î«D¦X¦P±j¨î¤ÀÅu²î²í¹BÀ禨¥»¡C³o¨ÇÀÝÅv¦æ¬°¦b¥xÆWªº¤j«¬»·¬v®·³½²î¶¤¤¤¤×¬°´¶¹M...  ¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30:  ¥~°ê¤u¤H±`±`¤£Ä@Á|³ø¶±¥Dªº­h«Ý¦æ¬°¡A¦]¬°¾á¤ß³QÅX³v¥X¹Ò ¡A¦ô­p¦³24¢Hªº¥~Äyº®¤u¾D¨ü¤F¹ï¨­Å骺¼É¤O­h«Ý¡F 92¢H³Q«Dªk¦©µo¤u¸ê¡F 82¢Hªº­û¤u¥[¯Z®É¶¡¹L¦h¡CÁÙ¦³³ø§i»¡¡A®·³½²î­û¥i¯à­±Á{°§¾j©M²æ¤ô¡A¸T¤îÂ÷¶}²î°¦©Î²×¤î¹µ¥Î¦X¬ù¡C¡´ ¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i(USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices) ¡B 2019¦~3¤ë13¤é ¥~³Ò¬O³Ì®e©ö¾D¨ü±j­¢³Ò°Êªº±Ú¸s¡Aº®·~(¡y´¶¹M²±¦æ¡zªºª¬ªp: ¨S¦³¤u¸ê©Î§C¤u¸ê¡A°ª¤u®É¡A¨­Åé­h«Ý¡A¯Ê¥F­¹ª«©ÎÂåÀø¡A­é¹ÜºÎ¯v¡A¤£¤H¹Dªº¥Í¬¡±ø¥ó´c¦H¡C)¡B¹A·~¡B»s³y·~»P«Ø¿v·~³£¬O±`¨£±j¨î³Ò°Êªº¦æ·~¡C ¡´ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°| ¤HÅv³ø§i United States Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (3-3-2017, 4-20-2018) : ­é«d¥~Äyº®¤u»P®a¨Æ³Ò¤u¡B©x­û³g¦Ã¡B®a®x¼É¤O¡B³¡¤À´CÅé¦b³ø¾ÉÃö©ó¤¤°ê·s»D®É¦³¡u¦Û§Ú¼f¬d¡vª¬ªp¡B¶R²¼¡B¥ø·~¹H¤Ï¤u®É³W©w¡B©Ê§Oª[µø¤Î¨à­h®×¥ó¼W¥[...  ¡C¥~³Ò , °k¶h¥~³Ò


¡´  ®ü¸é  Green Peace, 5-2-2019:  ¥xÆWº®·~ÀÝ®·²{ª¬¤´µMÄY­«¡B«E»Ý§ï­² ¡CIt remains our view that Taiwanese fisheries still have many serious problems, both environmental and social, and that the need for reform is clear and urgent.    <the interpreter>, 2019: ¥xÆW©Úµ´±µ¨ü¤½¬ù»P§ï­² Taiwan ...illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing... Taiwan has so far refused to adopt the Work in Fishing Convention.  <The Diplomat> (4-14-2016) :  Taiwan's illegal fishing is 'out of control',  ¼Ú·ù¦Û2015¦~°_¥H¶ÀµPĵ§i¥xÆW«DªkÀݦ殷³½till 6 '19,  Green-Peace ÄY¼F©áÀ»¥xÆW¬F©²©úª¾«oÁa®eÀݦ殷³½ ¡C US  2019 Trafficking in persons report, Jun. 2019: ¦b¥xÆWºX¤Uªºº®²î¤W¤u§@ªº¤¤¡A¦L¡Aµá©M¶Vº®¥Á³£¨S¦³¤u¸ê©Î¤u¸ê¤£¨¬¡A¤u§@®É¶¡ªø¡A¨­Åé­h«Ý¡A¯Ê¥F­¹ª«©ÎÂåÀø¡A¤£¨¬ºÎ¯v¡A©M½ÆÂøªº¸ó°ê¸g¬öºôµ¸¤@¼Ë¡A¥Í¬¡±ø¥ó´c¦H¡C 







Taiwan's soft power ¥xÆW³n¹ê¤O   vs.  Asia's soft power  ¨È¤Ó³n¹ê¤O
Till 2020, Taiwan has not been included in Portland or USC Soft Power survey ranking list, so Taiwan's soft power is behind Asian's "world top 20" nations , including Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, China, India, UAE.
     for details : click Soft Power

world best surveys ¥xÆW³n¹ê¤O±Æ¦W top 25~30 list ? ¨È¤Ó°ê®a ³n¹ê¤O±Æ¦W
Brand Finance -  Global soft power Index 2022 failed top 10 ¥¼¤J¿ï 1. US, 2. UK, 3. Germany, 4. China, 5. Japan, 6. France, 7. Canada, 8. Swiss, 9. Russia, 10. Italy
ISSF's World Soft Power 2022 failed top 10 ¥¼¤J¿ï 1. US 2. France, 3. Germany, 4. Japan, 5. UK, 6. Swiss, 7. Italy, 8. S. Korea, 9. Spain, 10. China,11.India,12. Sweden, 13. Canada, 14. Australia, 15. Denmark
Brand Finance -  Global soft power Index 2020, top 60 n/c https://brandirectory.com
Top 30 SOFT POWER by Portland
 ¥¼¤¤¿ï No. 8 ¤é¥»Japan, No.9  ¿D¬wAustralia, No. 17 New Zealand,  No. 19  «nÁú S Korea, No. 21 ·s¥[©YSingapore, No. 27 ¤¤°êChina
2020 Best Countries Overall
The Best Countries in the World
n/c No.3 ¤é¥»Japan, No.5  ¿D¬wAustralia, No. 11 New Zealand,
No. 15 ¤¤°êChina, No. 16 ·s¥[©YSingapore , No. 20 «nÁú Korea,
No.22 ªü©Ô§B UAE , No.25  ¦L«×India,  No. 26  Thailand®õ°ê,  No. 30  Qatar¥d¹F
2018/2019 Monocle's Soft Power survey ¥¼¤¤¿ï No. 3 ¤é¥»Japan, No.8  ¿D¬wAustralia, No. 11 New Zealand, No.15 «nÁú Korea, No. 19 ¤¤°êChina,  No. 21  ·s¥[©Y Singapore,  No. 25 ¦L«× India
2018/2019 Soft Power 30 Study by USC Center on Public Diplomacy ¥¼¤¤¿ï No.5 ¤é¥»Japan, No. 10 ¿D¬wAustralia, No. 18 NZ, No. 20 «nÁú S. Korea, No. 21 ·s¥[©Y Singapore, No. 27 ¤¤°êChina
2017/2018 Monocle's Soft Power survey ¥¼¤¤¿ï No. 4 ¤é¥» Japan, No.9 ¿D¬wAustralia, No. 13 New Zealand, No.17 «nÁú Korea, No. 19 ¤¤°ê China,  No. 22 ·s¥[©YSingapore, No. 24 ¦L«× India
2017/2018 Soft Power 30 Study by USC Center on Public Diplomacy ¥¼¤¤¿ï No.6. ¤é¥»Japan,  No. 8. ¿D¬wAustralia,  18. NZ,  No. 20 ·s¥[©YSingapore, No. 21 «nÁú S. Korea,  No. 25. ¤¤°ê China
2016/2017 Monocle's
Soft Power survey
¥¼¤¤¿ï No. 3 ¤é¥»Japan, No.6 ¿D¬wAustralia, No. 13 New Zealand, No.17 «nÁú Korea, No. 20 ¤¤°êChina,  No. 23 ·s¥[©Y Singapore, No. 24 ¦L«× India
2015/2016 Monocle's
 Soft Power survey
¥¼¤¤¿ï No. 4 ¤é¥»Japan, No.6 ¿D¬wAustralia, No. 13 New Zealand, No.15 «nÁú Korea, No. 21 ¤¤°êChina,  No. 23·s¥[©Y Singapore



¡¹  According to a survey of 2020, Singapore ranks No.1, Japan No.7, Korea No. 9 on "enterprise",  Japan ranks No. 5, China No.10 on "engagement", Korea ranks No. 5 on "digital", Japan ranks No.6, China No. 8 on "culture", No any Asian country ranks top 10 on "education" and "govt."

¡¹ Best Countries overall in 2020:  1 Swiss 2 Canada 3 Japan  4 Germany  5  Australia  6  UK  7 USA  8 Sweden  9 Nederland  10  Norway  11 NZ  12 France  13 Denmark  14  Finland  15 China  16 Singapore  17  Italy  18  Austria  19 Spain  20  Korea  21  Luxembourg   22 UAE  23  Russia  24 Portugal  25  India  26  Thailand  27  Greece  28  Brazil  29  Israel  30  Qatar  31  Saudi Arabia   32 Malaysia   33 Mexico  34  Poland  35  Turkey



  livable?   ¥xÆW ¾A©y©~¦í ?


 ¥@¬É©y©~«°¥««°¥««ü¼Æ ±Æ¦W world's most livable cities ... and Taiwan


world's most livable cities
world best studies ¥xÆW«°¥«±Æ¦W ¨È¤Ó«°¥«±Æ¦W
EIU's Global Liveability Ranking 2022 Taipei -  No.53 1. Vienna 2. Copenhagen 3. Zurich 4. Calgary 5. Vancouver 6. Geneva 7. Frankfurt 8. Toronto 9. Amsterdam 10. Osaka
The World's Best Cities to Live In 2022 failed top 10 1. London, 2. Tokyo, 3. Shanghai, 4. Singapore, 5. Melbourne, 6. Sydney, 7. Paris, 8. Beijing, 9. NY, 10. Amsterdam
The EIU's Global Livability Index Ranking   2021 failed top 10 ¡@
The World's Best Cities to Live In 2020 failed top 10 1. Tokyo Japan, 3. Singapore, 5. Melbourne Australia, 8 Seoul Korea, 10. Sydney Australia
Monocle's Quality of Life survey 2021 9 Taipei 1. Denmark, 2. Swiss, 3. Helsinki, Finland, 4. Stockholm Sweden, 5. Tokyo, Japan, 6. Vienna  7 Lisbon, 8. Auckland, 9 Taipei, 10. Sydney
The World's Best Cities to Live in 2020 not included No. 1. Singapore, 2. Tokyo, 3. London, 4. NY, 5. Melbourne, 6. Frankfurt, 7. Seoul Korea, 8. Sydney, 9. Berlin, 10. Paris
 The EIU's Global Livability Index Ranking 2019  ¥¼¤¤¿ï  failed in the top 50 No.2  Melbourne,  No.3  Sydney,  No.4 Osaka (¤é¥»), No. 7 Tokyo(¤é¥»),  No.10  Adelaide,  No.12 Auckland (NZ),   No.15 Wellington (NZ),   18 Brisbane  (Aus) ,    No. 38 Hong Kong(­»´ä),  No. 40 Singapore(·s¥[©Y),   No.57  Seoul (Áú°ê),  Taipei behind   
Monocle's Quality of Life survey 2019 ¥¼¤¤¿ï  failed in the top list


No.2 Tokyo (Japan),  No.11 Melbourne (Australia), No.13 Sydney,  No.16 Hong Kong,  No.17 Kyoto (Japan),  No.21 Auckland (NZ), No.22 Fukuoka (Japan),  23 Brisbane  25 Singapore
Deutsche Bank Liveability Survey not included in the top list https://www.dbresearch.com/PROD/RPS_EN-PROD/PROD0000000000494405/Mapping_the_world%27s_prices_2019.pdf
No. 2 Wellington (NZ),    No. 7 Melbourne ( Australia ),  No.10 Sydney,   No.14 Tokyo  No.16 Auckland (NZ),  No.17 §ù«ô Dubai (UAE), No. 23 Singapore,   No. 26 ¨F¯Q¦aªü©Ô§B Saudi Arabia Riyadh,  No. 29 Seoul (Korea),  No. 33 ¦L«× India Bangalore,  No. 39 °¨¨Ó¦è¨È Malaysia  Kuala Lumpur,   44 Hong Kong,   46 ¦L«× India Delhi,  No. 48  ¤W®ü Shanghai (China), No. 55 ¥_¨ÊBeijing
Safe Cities Index (SCI)  2019,   EIU (Economist UK), NEC failed in the top 20 No.1  Tokyo, No.2  Singapore, No.3 Osaka (Japan),  No.5 Sydney (Aus), No. 8 Seoul (Korea), No10 Melbourne, No. 20 Hong Kong ¡@
ArchDaily / The World's Most Livable Cities in 2019 failed in the top 20 No. 3. Auckland, New Zealand, 11. Sydney, Australia,  No.15. Wellington, New Zealand , No.17. Melbourne, Australia  
 Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI )
, Z/Yen.  Mar 26, 2020
No.75 top 7:  NY, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore, HK, Beijing; Taipei No.34 in 2019
 The EIU's Global Livability Index Ranking   2018  failed in the top 50 No.2 Melbourne (Australia),  No.3  Osaka (Japan),  No. 7  Tokyo (Japan) ,  No.10       Adelaide  (Australia),   No.12 Auckland (NZ)    Wellington (NZ) ... ... (omitted),  Taipei 58
 The EIU's Global Liveability Index Ranking   2017  failed in the top 50  No.1  Melbourne,  No. 5  Adelaide,  No. 7  Perth,
No. 8 Auckland (NZ),  No.11 Sydney,  No.13  Tokyo,  No.  14  Osaka,  No.16 Brisbane,   No. 20 Wellington (NZ),  No. 35 Singapore,  No.45  Hong Kong,  No.58  Seoul (Korea),  No.60   Taipei  
¡@ ¡@ ¡@

EIU (Economist UK)'s  Global Liveability Index evaluates stability, healthcare, culture&environment,  education,   Infrastructure



¡¹  Gallup's "Global Study Reveals Most Workers Enjoy What They Do¡¨, »\¬¥´¶½Õ¬d122 ­Ó°ê®aªº¤u§@³õ©Ò©¯ºÖ«ü¼Æ±Æ¦W ¥xÆW±Æ¦W²Ä 114.  moderndiplomacy.eu/2022/11/10/122-countries-ranked-on-workplace-happiness/  2022-11-10



    ¥xÆW¥qªk OECD ³Ì®t !



¡´  ¥xÆW¥Á²³¹ïªk©x«H¥ô«× ¤j¬ù¬OOECD°ê®a¤¤³Ì®tªº

¡´ The Liberty Times, 2-23-2019 : °ê¥ß¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç¥Ç¸o¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¥Á½Õ: 8¦¨¤£«H¥ôªk©x¡A¹ïÀ˹î©xº¡·N«×¬°¤T¤Q¤G¡D¤T¢H¡C
  ( Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development )
¡´  Korea Times, 7-2-2020 (www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/opinion/2020/07/162_292043.html): OECD surveyed 37 member countries by asking how many of every
 1,000 people trust their own court systems. The result shows Korea had the lowest numbers of all countries surveyed. 
Various surveys in Korea also show that two out of three Koreans do not trust the courts.

¡´  ¥q§ï·|¥Á½Õ¡nª§Ä³§P¨MÀW¤´¡@64%¥Á²³¤£«H¥ôªk©x (https://www.storm.mg/article/2861744)   

¡´  °ê¥ß¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç survey 3-4-2020 ½Õ¬dµo²{¡A36.4%ªº¥Á²³¬Û«Hªk°|ªk©x¥i¥H¤½¥­¤½¥¿¼f²z»P§P¨M®×¥ó (deptcrc.ccu.edu.tw/index.php?option=module&lang=cht&task=pageinfo&id=132&index=1 )


Index of judiciary

Asian countries

2020 Economic Freedom Index Judicial Effectiveness, Asian countries scores: Singapore 92.9,  Australia 86.1,  UAE 84.6,  New Zealand 79.1,   Hong Kong 76.8,   China 76.3,    Malaysia 74.6,   Saudi Arabia  72.3 ,    Japan 71.4  ,  Taiwan  70.1,   ¥xÆWªº¥qªk®Ä²v¿éµ¹¤¤°ê
Rule of Law Index 2020


No. 7  New Zealand,  No. 11  Australia,  No. 12 Singapore,  15. Japan,  16. Gong Kong,  17. R.Korea,   21. USA,  47. Malaysia,   59.  Indonesia,   69. India




¡»  ®£©ÆªºÀ˹î©x !

¦A¤jªº©x, ¦pªG©MÀ˹î©x¬Û³B¤£¦n, ´N¨­³´¤£¥i¹wª¾ªº¦M¾÷
À˹î©x°t¦XÃö»¡, »´©ñ³Q§i, ¯à´«¨Ó¤W¯Å"Ãö·R²´¯«", ¥H¤ÎÃö»¡ªÌ"§ë®ç³ø§õ";  ¤Ï¤§, «Ü¥i¯à¤W¶Â¦W³æ, ³s¦w¨­¥ß©R¤§³B³£Ãø«O
¥xÆW¤T¥ôÁ`²ÎÀ³¤Þ¥H¬°®¢ !!






¡´  ¥xÆWªº¥qªk¿W¥ß ±Æ¦W¨È¤Ó²Ä13¦W;  ¤W¦¸¿éµ¹¤¤°ê

¡@ ¨È¤Ó¦U°ê¥qªkµû¤ñ WEF (World Economic Forum)  Judicial independence 2019 rankings ,  The Global Competitiveness Report
Asian country rankings No.1 ¯Ã¦èÄõ New Zealand  89.2(score)  2(world rank),  No.2  ¤é¥»Japan  86.5  5,  No.3  ­»´ä HK  84.1  8, No.4  ¿D¬w Australia  82.9  10,  No.5  ·s¥[©Y Singapore  77.4  14, 
No.6  ¨F¯Q¦aªü©Ô§B Saudi Arabia  77.1  16,  No. 7  UAE  75.4  20,  No.8  Qatar  73.3  23,  No.9   US  70.4  25,  No.10  Jordan  69,  No. 11  °¨¨Ó¦è¨È Malaysia  68.7,  No. 12 Kuwait  59.5 ,
No.13  ¥xÆWTaiwan 59.4 ,  No. 14 ¤¤°ê¤j³°China 58.2
link www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2019.pdf
ps WEF Judicial independence 2017/2018 rankings : ¥xÆWªº¥qªk¿W¥ß ¿éµ¹¤¤°ê



 pic. below: ¥Áµø(Formosa TV news), 1-19-2021 3:00pm: ¥xÆW¥qªk¥@¬öÁà»D »P °ê»Ú¯º¸Ü  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziv67-PbtHo

Taiwan judiciary crashes


Ä«ªG¤é³ø, 1-21-2021: ´N¬Ý¬F©²°ª¼h¡A
¡C tw.appledaily.com/daily/20210121/ASVXWX4ASZCQ3PEWMSQKZ7CDS4/


Liberty Times, 1-21-2021: ¥xÆW¥qªk¾÷¾¹¦­¦¨§Q¯q¶°¹Îªº¸TùC¤F   ³sºÊ¹î°|³£ÅkµM½Ã§L¨¤¦â
ª÷ùÚÞm  https://talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1426899


Ä«ªG¤é³ø, ªÀ½×, 1-19-2021: ¥qªk­·¬ö±ÑÃa°Ê·n°ê¥»
¤jªk©x¡B¤½Ãg·|©e­ûªø¡B³Ì°ª¦æ¬Fªk°|°|ªø¡B³Ì°ªªk°|®xªø»Pªk¬öªk®xªk©x¡Aªk°È³¡¦¸ªø¡BÀ˹îªøªÌ ...¥qªk°é¹D¼w¼Ð·Ç¤§§C¡A­·¬ö¤§Ãa¡A¤H¼Æ¤§²³¡A³º§Î¦¨®×µo«á¡u¦h¨ì¤£´±ÄY¿ì¡vµ~¹Ò




¤¤°ê®É³ø, 1-19-2021: ®Éµû¡n¥qªk¤j±YÃa !



¤T¥ßSETN news, 1-19-2021 (3:40pm) :
¥qªk©x­û (ªk, ÀË, ĵ, ½Õ) ¯A®×



https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20210118004848-262103?chdtv    https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20210119/JTHJCNBJNJG2NC3FM3L4ITBNDQ/    https://tw.appledaily.com/forum/20210119/4LULE24OC5GO7NX7OUI52R7LE4/


  Universities  ¥xÆW ¤j¾Ç±Ð¨|          full details: ¤j¾Ç


Times Higher Education ,  World University Rank 2023


Rank Taiwan China Korea Hong Kong, Macau Singapore Japan
1~70 ¡@



16   Tsinghua University Beijing


17  Peking University Beijing


51   Fudan University Shanghai

52   Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

67   Zhejiang University Zhejiang

 56  Seoul National University Seoul



31  University of Hong Kong


45  Chinese University of Hong Kong


58  The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


19   National University of Singapore



36   Nanyang Technological University


39  University of Tokyo



68  Kyoto



70~100 ¡@











74   University of Science and Technology of China


95  Nanjing Univ.


78 Yonsei Univ. (Seoul campus)


91  Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Daejeon


79  Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. 


99 City Univ. of Hong Kong


¡@ ¡@
PS:    National Taiwan University (¥xÆW¤j¾Ç) only got No. 187  (No. 113 in previous year) , number of students per staff  11.4,  female/male  42: 58, int'l students 11%



Times Higher Education ,  World University Rank 2022

Rank Taiwan China Korea Hong Kong, Macau Singapore Japan
1~70 ¡@


16  Peking University Beijing




16   Tsinghua University Beijing



60   Fudan University Shanghai



 54  Seoul National University Seoul



30  University of Hong Kong


49  Chinese University of Hong Kong



66  The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


21   National University of Singapore



46   Nanyang Technological University


35  University of Tokyo



61  Kyoto



70~100 ¡@











75   Zhejiang University Zhejiang

84   Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai



88  University of Science and Technology of China Anhui




99  Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Daejeon


91  Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. 


¡@ ¡@
PS:    National Taiwan University (¥xÆW¤j¾Ç) only got No. 113
Times Higher Education ,  World University Rank 2022 







¡´  Taiwan's university rankings in Asia, ¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¦b¨È¬w±Æ¦W

Quacquarelli Symonds¡AQS  UK,  2021

ranks Taiwan¥xÆW Malaysia China¤¤°ê Korea«nÁú Hong Kong, Macau ´ä¿D Singapore
1~15 ¡@ ¡@

15.  Tsinghua University Beijing


23.   Peking University Beijing



22.    University of Hong Kong




No. 11.   National University of Singapore



No.13 Nanyang
 Tech. Univ. Singapore

24  University of Tokyo


26~50 ¡@ ¡@ 34.   Fudan University,  Shanghai



47.    Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai

37.   Seoul National University, Seoul




39.  KAIST  Korea


27 Hong Kong Univ. Science & Tech.



43 Chinese Univ HK



48. City University of Hong Kong


PS: population comparison (~ 2018) :
HK 7.45 million  ,  Singapore 5.63 million, Macau  630 thousands


Taiwan 23.78 million,
more than the total of the 3 above


38.  Kyoto


51~60 ¡@ No. 59 Universiti Malaysia 53.  ZheJiang Univ.  ¡@





¡@ ¡@ ¡@


56. Tokyo Institute Tech. 


60~80 66.   National Taiwan University


¡@ ¡@ 69. Korea Univ.



77  Pohang U Science Tech

75.  Hong Kong Polytechnic University ¡@ 72. Osaka U  Japan


 79. Tohoku U Japan

80~100 ¡@ ¡@ ¡@

93.  U Science & Tech China


85. Yonsei U   Korea


88. SKKU Korea






¡@ ¡@


QS  Quacquarelli Symonds¡AQS  UK


QS 2020 Asia universities, top 15 rankings :

subtotal number : ·s¥[©YSingapore ( 2 ), ´äHong Kong ( 3 ), ¤éJapan ( 2 ), Áú Korea ( 3 ), ¤¤China ( 4 ), °¨¨Ó¦è¨ÈMalaysia ( 1 ), ¥xÆWTaiwan ( 0 )


 ¡¹  ®Ú¾Ú <Nature Index> ,  "2019 Tables: Institutions,  

¬ù32 ¶¡¤¤°ê¤j³°¤j¾Ç, 8 ¶¡Áú°ê¤j¾Ç, 6 ¶¡­»´ä¤j¾Ç, 9 ¶¡¤é¥»¤j¾Ç,
2 ¶¡¦L«×¤j¾Ç, 2 ¶¡·s¥[©Y¤j¾Ç,  1 ¶¡¨F¯Q¦aªü©Ô§B¤j¾Ç


Taiwan's higher education ¥xÆWªº¤j¾Ç





   ¥xÆW­x¶¤  vs. ¸Ñ©ñ­x  

  ¥xÆW­x¶¤ ¡@

¡´ Foreign Policy, 2022-8-17: ¥xÆWµL ¯à¥[±j¦Û½Ã¾Ô¤O¡A«Ü¤jµ{«×¤W¬O¦]¬°·Q¨Ì¿à¡§¬ü°êª¨ª¨¡¨Á{®É±Ï´©¡A¥xÆW¤£¥i¤ß¦s¨Ì¿à¬ü°ê¸Ñ¨M¥¦ªº°ÝÃD
¡´¬ü°êThe Hill, 2022-8-12: ¥xÆW»{¬°¬ü°ê·|«æ©ó±Ï´©¬O·MÄøªº¡C¤¤国1996 ¦~¾D¨ü¬ü°ê©}°d«á»EµJ«Ø³]¦@­x¡A¥xÆW¤]À³¸Ó¦p¦¹¡A¥[±j ¿W¥ßºî¦X¾Ô¤O¡A¦Ó¤£¬O°²³]¥~°ê·|¨Ó®¾±Ï§½­±


¡´  Economist, 2022-3-5: ¥xÆW¤H¦ü¥G¹ï«O½Ã®a¶é¨S¦³¿³½ì...¥xÆW ¤]´k©ó§ï­²°ê¨¾¾Ô¤O
¡´ Washington Post, 2022-1-25: ¥x­x¸gÅ禳­­¡A¬Æ¦Ü¨S¦³¡C¨SÅý¥xÆW¥Á²³©M­x¶¤·Ç³Æ¦nÁ}Ãøªº°«ª§¡A¬OÄY­«ªº¿ù»~
¡´ WarOnTheRocks, 2021-11-18: ¥xÆW°ê¨¾³¡¤w¸g©ñ±ó¤F¤£¹ïºÙ¾Ô²¤§ï­²¡A¥xÆW§Æ±æÁʶRªºªZ¾¹­n«Üªø®É¶¡¤~¯à«Ø³y©M³¡¸p˴ ¥B¯Ê¥F·Ç½T»·¶Z¥´À»©Ò»ÝªººÊµø©MºË·Ç¯à¤O˴ ¨S¦³¬ü°ê©ú½Tªº¦w¥þ«OÃÒªø´Á¦Ó¦å¸{ªº®ø¯Ó¾Ô¤]Ãø¥H«ùÄò¡A§i¶D¤H¥Á«Â¯Ù¯u¹ê¦s¦b·|¾É­P®£·W©M¿ï²¼À£¤O¡C ½²­^¤åµL¤O§áÂà¤F¡C
¡´ NBC news, 2021-7-10: ÅãµÛªº­x¨Æ¥¢¿Å¼W¥[¤F¾Ôª§ªº¥i¯à©Ê©M»¤´b¡A¥xÆWªñ´Á¥²¶·¨³³t¥[±j«D¹ïºÙ¾Ô¤O©M¨¾¿m
¡´ Diplomat, 3-20-2021:¥xÆW­x¶¤§ï­²¾D¹J­x¤è°ª¼h°í¨M¤Ï¹ï¡A¼x¶Ò§L­û¤£¨¬¡B°V½m¤£¨¬¡B¼uÃÄ©M³Æ¥ó¤£¨¬

¡´ Bloomberg, 3-14-2021:¥x¥_¥Ø«e¾Ô¤O¤£¨¬¥H¥O¤H¬Û«H¥i¥H«ÂÄà¸Ñ©ñ­xªº¬ðŧ¡C
¡´ Forbes, 3-8-2021:­n¥´±Ñ¦@­x¡A¥x­x±oÀ»¨I¤@¥bªº¤J«IÄ¥¶¤¡A­nÀ»¨I¼Æ¦Ê¿´Ä¥²î¡A¥xÆW»Ý¼Æ¦~®É¶¡¥HÀò±o¥²­nªº¦Ü¤Ö1,200ªT¤ÏÄ¥¾É¼u
¡´ Defense News , 3-1-2021: ¥xÆW­x¶¤¥¼¹F³Ì¨Î°V½m¡B¸Ë³Æ¡B°õ¦æª¬ªp©M¨¬°÷°Ê¤O¨Ó©è¿m¸Ñ©ñ­x¡A°ê¨¾§ï­²­±Á{°ª©x¤Ï¹ï¡A¥Ø«eªZ¾¹¦Ñ¨ÑÀ³ºû­×§xÃø¡A¦Ó¹ïºÙ¾Ô²¤»P©ù¶Q ªº°ªºÝ­xªZ¥­¥x¦b¹ê¾Ô¤¤®Ä¥Î¦³­­¡A®É¶¡¤]¹ï¥xÆW¤£§Q¡A­xÁʪZ¾¹¶Z¥æ¥IÁٻݼƦ~¤§¤[¡A

¡´  Diplomat , 2-26-2021: ©x¹±¥D¸q©M§C®Ä²vªýê¤F¥xÆW­x¶¤ªº¶i¤Æ¡A¥xÆW­x¨Æ³Æ¾Ôª¬ªp¨ü¨ì°ê¤º¥~±M®aªº½èºÃ


¡´ Foreign Policy, 10-19-2020: ¥xÆW»â¾É­Ì°ò©ó¿ïÁ|¤Î¬Fªv½Lºâªýê¤F­«¤j§ï­²¡A¥H­P­x¨Æ¥u¯à§@¨q¡A¥xÆW¥Ø«e¥D­nªº­x¨Æ¤O¶q(¾÷Ä¥©Z§J)¥¿¦n¬O¦@­x
 it could take a decade to retool the Taiwanese and U.S. militaries to mount an effective defense of the island.
New York times,  8-30-2020:  ¥xÆWªº­x¤O»Ý­n¤j¤j§ïµ½;  ¡´  Economist, 8-30-2020: ¥xÆW§@¾Ô¤£¯à¨Ì¾a¬ü°êªºÀ°§U
Reuters, CNA, 12-10-2020: ®Â½Ã​​¥xÆW¦Ó¾Ô¦ü¥G¬O§O¤Hªº³d¥ô¡A ¥xÆWÄY­«ªº®zÂI¥]¬A¸êª÷µu¯Ê¨Ï­x¤O³´©óªÅ¬}¡A­x¶¤·Ç³Æ©M°V½mÄY­«´c¤Æ¡A«á³Æ­x¤H¤@¹Î¶Ã "Pretty close to useless"¡A ³o¬O¦MÀIªº¡G¥xÆW¥¿¦b±N©R¹B¥æµ¹µØ²±¹y; ¡§¦³¤°»ò²z¥Ñ¬Û«H¬ü°ê·|Ä묹¦Û¤v«Ä¤lªº¥Í©R¨Ó®Â½Ã¥xÆW¡H¡¨

 ©x§L ¡»  ¥xÆW­x¤è¬OÁû"ªÅ ¥]¼u";   ¬ü°ê°ê¨¾³¡©x­û¨p¤U¹ï¥xÆW³¡¶¤©M«á³Æ­xªí¹F¤F´dÆ[ªºµû¦ô  Taiwan¡¦s Military Is a Hollow Shell.  US Defense Department officials have privately expressed dismal assessments regarding Taiwan's current force level and reserve system.

¡»  ¶Ò§L¨îµ¥¦]¯À¨Ï¥xÆW¸Ë¥Ò§L¡A¾÷±ñ¤Æ¨B§L©M ¨¾¯¥³¡¶¤ªº¤H¤OÁ`¬O·¥«×µu¯Ê armor, mechanized infantry, and artillery units are always in desperate shortage of enlisted soldiers

¡»  ¥xÆW«Ü¤Ö¦³«e½u³¡¶¤ ¯à¸É¨ì80¢Hªº §L­û¾¯Ê few front-line units have more than 80 percent of their positions filled    /  Foreign Policy, 2-15-2020; https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/02/15/china-threat-invasion-conscription-taiwans-military-is-a-hollow-shell/
¤£¨ü¦~»´¤HÅwªïªº±j¨î¼x§L¡A¤w§ï§ÓÄ@§L§Ð¡A¥Ø«e¨k¤l¥u»Ý¥|­Ó¤ë¸q°È§Ð ... RAND 2017¦~³ø§i: ­x°V¡§¤£¨¬¥HÀ³¥I¤é¯qÄY®mªº«Â¯Ù¬D¾Ô¡¨ /  New York times,  8-30-2020 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/30/world/asia/taiwan-china-military.html
¡» ¥xÆW¥¿³W­x³Q¬å¥b¤£¨ì20¸U (the exact number is classified). ¬ù¤G¦Ê¸U«á³Æ­x¤H¦p¦Pµê³] ... /  New York times,  5-18-2017
¡»  The ROC (Taiwan) Armed Forces number approximately 300,000, and reserves reportedly total 3,870,000.   /  Wikipedia, May 2020
¡» ¥xÆW«á³Æ³¡¶¤¤£¦ý¯Ê­x¤h©x¡B±Mªø¤]ÄY­«¤£²Å  /  Áp¦X³ø 10-1-2020

¡»  ³°¾Ô¶¤²{¦b³Ì¤j°ÝÃD¬O¤H­û¯À½è»P°V½m  /  ¤¤®É opinion 7-10-2020

¾Ô²¤ ¡»  À³¹ï¤¤¦@ªººôµ¸¾Ô, »{ª¾¬~¸£¾Ô, ¶W­­¾Ô,  ¥xÆW¥²¶·µÛ­«¾÷°Ê¾Ô, «D¹ïºÙ¾Ô(«D¶Ç²ÎªZ¾¹)  ¤Ï¨î¸Ñ©ñ­x To against the threats of cyber warfare, cognitive warfare, and ¡¥unrestricted¡¦ warfare from China , we ( Taiwan ) work to bolster our defense capabilities, future combat capacity development will also emphasize mobility, countermeasures, and non-traditional, asymmetrical capabilities (unconventional arms)¡¨ /  Taiwan president inauguration speech, Voice of American, 5-20-2020
¡» °ê­xªñ¦~¼Ðº]¡uµo®i¤£¹ïºÙ¾Ô¤O¡v¡A³£¬Oªí­±¥\¤Ò¡C¡þ¡@Áp¦X³øªÀ½×¡þ 2020-06-06

¡»  ©_©Çªº¾Ô²¤³]­p¡A²Ä¤@®É¶¡­xÄ¥­n¦V¥~¶]¡A­x¾÷­n¸ú¦b¤s¬}¡A ¸úÁצ@­xªº²Ä¤@À»¡A«Ý¥~´©¨Ó®É¡A ¦A½Õ°Ê­xÄ¥­x¾÷¦^À»  ¡þ Ä«ªG¤é³ø, 8-14-2020  https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200814/KDQ5JJAYQUR5JLE6EIIXK5VJM4/   »¯¤Ö±d¶Ç¯u


¡»  ¦@­x¤O¯à®ø·À¥xÆW®üªÅ­x¡A¥Hª½¤É¾÷©M¯SºØ³¡¶¤ªÅŧ¤J«I¥xÆW¤ñ¨â´Ïµn³°§ó¦³¥i¯à  /  Economist,10-9-2020

¡»  20¦~ªº¤Û¶H¾Ô¾÷¶V¨Ó¶VÃø¥HºûÅ@¡A¥BÆF¥óµu¯Ê¡Cªk°ê¦b¤¤¦@À£¤O¤U°û©Ú¤É¯Å­n¨D¡AF-16 A / B©M¥»¤g¥Í²£ªºF-CK-1¾Ô°«¾÷¤]¶V¨Ó¶Vtired¡C60©Î70¬[F16V¾Ô¾÷©M¤@¨Ç¾É¼u¨Ã¤£·|¯u¥¿§ïÅÜ­x¤O¥­¿Å¡C /  Forbes, 8-30-2020

¡»   A whole lot of Taiwan¡¦s weapons don¡¦t work.   /  Forbes, 9-4-2020  forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2020/09/04/which-of-taiwans-old-weapons-still-work/#340d2ee156a2  

¡»   ¸Ñ©ñ­x¥i¥H¦b¤£¤J«Iªº±¡ªp¤UºR·´¥xÆWªº­x¨Æ¡B¹q¤O©M¹q«H³]¬I¡A¸T¹B¥Ûªo¶i¤f¡A¤ÁÂ_ºôµ¸¡AµM«á§Q¥Î¤ß²z¼vÅT´°«P½Í§P  /  Politico,10-8-2020

¡»  Today China has more and better conventional forces than Taiwan.   /  Forbes, 6-3-2020

¡»  ¤¤¦@¦³­ì¤l¼u¡B®Ö¤l¼u¡B²B¼u, ... ¤Î¤õ½b­x¡C ¥xÆWªº¶³®p¾É¼u´ú¸Õ§¹¦¨, ¶·±q2021¦~°_¶q²£¬ù500ªT¤~¥i¾Ô²¤À~ªý /  ³ü·s»D, 5-8-2020
Taiwanese military strength is ranked No. 26 ,  China's PLA No. 3  /  Global FirePower, 2020
¡»   §õµn½÷«á´Á¡B³¯¤ô«ó¡B½²­^¤å«ùÄò´§ÀN¡u¨S¦³©M¥­ªº©M¥­¬õ§Q¡v, ³y¦¨·í¤U¥xÆW°ê¨¾ªº³Ì¤jÃøÃD ¹wºâ¤£¨¬¡C /   Áp¦X³ø ªÀ ½× 6-6-2020
¡»   ±j°ê¤£·Q±o¸o¤¤°ê  ¦]¦¹­x°âµS¿Ý A major obstacle is that countries that might sell it the most sophisticated weaponry are increasingly reluctant to do so for fear of provoking China, ... /  New York times,  11-4-2017


¡»  ­x¤è¤º³¡ªº«á¶Ôª¬ªp«ÜÁV¿|,  ³°­x¥i¯à¤£ª¾¹D¦³¦h¤Ö½ø©Z§J©Îºj¤ä¯à°÷°õ¦æ¥ô°È   /  Foreign Policy, 8-20-2020
¡»  °ê­x¦U¶µ¸Ë³Æªº¸É¥R¡A¼Æ¶q¡B³t«×³£¤£¨¬¡C­l¥Í¦UºØ¬y¹ú /   United Daily (Áp¦X³ø ªÀµû), opinion,   5- 7- 2020


¡» NY Times, 11-24-2020:¥Á¶iÄÒª¾¦W¬Fªv¤Hª«³w³Û :¡§§Ú­Ì¤£¯à¿W¦Û­±¹ï¤¤°êªº±j¤j¤O¶q¡C¡¨ ¡§§Ú­Ì¤£¯à¿W¦Û»P¤¤°ê§@¾Ô"  ¦ý³Ìªñ¬ü°êNY Times, ­^°êEconomist, ÁÙ¦³¬ü¿Ë¥x°Ñij­û¤w¸g­n¥xÆW¦Û¥ß¤£­n¨Ì¿à¬ü°ê¤F...  
¡»  ¥xÆW«äºû¬O¡A¦@­x±j¤j¨ì¥x­xµL½×¦p¦ó§@¾Ô¤£·|Ĺ¡A°ß¤@¯à°µªº¬O µê±iÁn¶Õ¡B­xÁʧ@¨q»P¬èë¬ü­x¨ó¨¾   /  Foreign Policy, 8-20-2020  https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/08/20/taiwan-military-flashy-american-weapons-no-ammo/

¡»  ¿ò¾Ñªº¬O¥xÆWªº·Ç³Æ©M¾Ô°«·NÄ@shaky  /  Economist,10-9-2020
¡»  ¥xÆW¬F©²¥¼¥¿ µø¤¤国¤£Â_¼W±jªº«Â¯Ù¡A ¥B°²³]¬ü°ê¤@©w·|¥X§L¸Ñ±Ï¥x湾¡A°ê¥ÁÄҤΥÁ¶iÄÒªº¬Fµ¦¡A¬Ò¾É­P ­x¤O¤£¨¬  ¡B¥B¤h®ð§C¸¨¡C... (brief)  /  New York times,  5-18-2017
¡»  ºÊ¹î°|³ø§i:¡u°ê¤H¼~±w·NÃѧC¸¨¡A«á³Æ­x¤O³ô¼~¡v/  ¥Áµø 8-3-2018
¡» ­±¹ï¤¤¦@¥[¼@ªº­x¨Æ«ðÀ~¥xÆW·P¨ì®£ Äß  Taiwan fears uptick in military threat from China in wake of coronavirus epidemic ... / ­^°êFinancial Times  5-19-2020


¡»  º~¥úºt²ß­Ý«Å¶Ç§@¨q1¦~4¦¸ ºt²ß¦X¨Ö¬°1¦¸¡A¼vÅT¤F°V½m®ÄªG¡A°ª¤ñ¨Òªº­x©x¹ï§@¾Ô§¹¥þ­¯¥Í  /   ref. to ¤¤®É opinion 7-7-2020,  ¤¤®ÉªÀµû 7-10-2020    www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200707004603-262105?chdtv Äõ¹ç§Q¡n; https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20200707006231-260417?chdtv
¡»  ºt²ßªº¾Þºt¬ì¥Ø¶¡¶ZÁYµu  ¾ã³õ¾Ô§Ð¥b¤p®É·d©w¡A¤ñ¦nµÜ¶õ¹q¼vÁÙºò´ê¡A³Ì²æÂ÷²{¹êªº³¹¸`¡A´N¬O¤¸­º¿Ë®ÕªºÁn¥ú¨q...  /   ref. to  Áp¦X³ø ªÀµû,  7-11- 2020
³¡¶¤°V½m ¤]¦³³Â·Ð¡Aª¾±¡¤H¤h¹ï¥xÆWhold out¯à¤O«ù´dÆ[ºA«×  Economist,10-9-2020


¡»   ÄYµÂ­x¬ö¶·­xªkÅé¨t¤ä«ù¡A·í¦~¦]¬x¥ò¥C®×­Ü«P±N­xªk¼f²z²¾©¹¥qªkÅé¨t¡A¸g¼Æ¦~¹ê»Ú¹B§@¡Aµo²{ºc¦¨ºÞ±Ð²¿Ãª¡AµLªk³e¹ý°V½m»P¤u§@¬ö«ß    /   ¤¤®ÉªÀ½× 7-17-2020


¡» °ê¨¾¹wºâµ²ºcÅé¨î¸Ñºc¥¢¿Å¡A¤H¨Æ¶O©~°ª¤£¤U¡A±ÆÀ½§@·~ºû«ù¶O¡AÅý¤é±`«O¾i®»Ą̃£¨y¡A«á¶Ô¹úºÝ¼h¥X¤£½a¡A°ò¼h·F³¡¬°¦¹»´¥Í¡A±N»â¨ü¸ì¾D°»¿ì¡C¤j¸v§ë¸ê­x³Æ±ÄÁʶ·¼W½s¯S§O¹wºâ  /   ¤¤®ÉªÀ½× 7-17-2020

¡» °ê¨¾¹wºâ¼W¥[10¢H¡A¦Ó«e¤@¦~¼W¥[5¢H¡A³o¨Ï­x¶O¶}¤ä¼W¥[¨ì°ê¤º¥Í²£Á`­Èªº2¢H¥H¤W   /  New York times,  8-30-2020




PS: ¬ü°ê19fortyfive, 2022-4-12: TIPP ¥Á½Õ: ¤j¦h¼Æ¬ü°ê¤H¹ï±²¤J¨È¬w¾Ôª§¤£·P¿³½ì




 ¬ü°ê°Ï°ì¦w¥þ¬Fµ¦¤Î¾Ô²¤       RAND:  Implementing -  Restraint Changes in U.S. Regional Security Policies to Operationalize a Realist Grand Strategy of Restraint   






¬ü°ê¦ó®É¹ï¤¤国°ÊªZ?  (When the US would use force ?)   ... not suggested that the United States should launch a preventative war against China, even if it becomes more powerful.   It is unlikely that advocates of restraint would support an armed intervention by the United States in response to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. The Taiwan Relations Act calls on the U.S. President to ¡§maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan,¡¨ and, traditionally, the United States has indicated that it would defend Taiwan in the case of an unprovoked invasion by China.   Calls by advocates of restraint for the United States to downgrade its relationship with Taiwan   ¤@¥¹¤¤°ê¤J«I¥xÆW¡A ¥»³ø§i¤£¤j¥i¯à¤ä«ù¬ü°ê­x¨Æ¤z¹w¡A¦ý­Y¤¤国¶i¥Ç¤é¥»  ¤ä«ù¬ü°ê­x¨Æ¤¶¤J¡C ¡m¥xÆWÃö«Yªk¡n©IÆ~¬ü°êÁ`²Î¡§«O«ù¬ü°ê©è§Ü¤@¤Á¥i¯à¦M®`¥xÆW¤H¥Áªº¦w¥þ©ÎªÀ·|¸gÀÙ¨î«×ªºªZ¤O©Î¨ä¥L§Î¦¡ªº¯Ù­¢ªº¯à¤O¡¨ ¡C¶Ç²Î¤W¡A¦pªG¤¤国µLºÝ¤J«I¡A¬ü°ê·|ªí¥Ü±N«O½Ã¥xÆW¡C¦ý¸`¨î¥D¸q¬£©IÆ~¬ü°êÀ³­°¯Å¬ü¥xÃö«Y¡Crand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA739-1.html



   °ê­x§ï­²  ¶Ò§L~  ¼x§L~   ¾Ô¤O°÷¶Ü !?            'Five minutes to midnight' !!?

Áp¦X³ø, 10-22-2020


ÄY¼wµo¡G­YÁ`²Î¤U°Ê­û¥O ²Ä¤@®É¶¡§@¾Ô¥D¤O45¸U¤H






¡» ¥xÆW°ê­x«á³Æ§ï­²(10-22-2020) : ¥¿³W­x18.5¸U + «á³Æ­x26¸U (¤@¦~±Ð¥l14¤Ñ)      ¾Ô¤O´N°÷¤F !  ......    °÷¶Ü ?
Foreign Policy, 10-28-2020: ´£°ª¥xÆW¨¾¿m­¢¤Á»Ý­n°ê¨¾§ï­²¡A¤×¨ä¬OÄY­«¯Ê³´¤è­±    ¨Ò¦p¥|­Ó¤ë¼x§L©M«á³Æ§Ð¨î«×¡AªÀ·|¤j²³¶·¬°¾Ôª§°µ¦n·Ç³Æ !


«Øij ¥xÆW«á³Æ



100¸U ­^°ê Daily Express, 10-11-2020 ■ ¦¨¥\µn³°¤W©¤ªº¸Ñ©ñ­x±N­±Á{¬ù¦Ê¸U ¥xÆW«á³Æ­x ªï¾Ô
100¸U ¬ü°ê Foreign Policy, 10-19-2020 ■ ¥xÆWÀ³µo®i¥i¦b¤@¤p®É¤º¼W§L¨ì¥ô¦ó®üÅyªº­x¶¤
¡B¤Î¦Ê¸U°V½m¦³¯À ¥´«°¥«ÂOªL´åÀ»¾Ôªº«á³Æ³¡¶¤
 ¬ù100¸U ¬ü³°­x¤j¾ÇMilitary Review,
Sept-Oct, 2020
■ ­Y¥xÆW¯à«Ø¥ß¤@¤ä¼Æ¶q©úÅãÀu¶Õ¡B¯à¤O§ó±jªº«á³Æ³¡¶¤¡A
­^°ê Financial Times, 7-12-2020  ■ Ãe¤j¥B°V½m¦³¯Àªº¥xÆW«á³Æ³¡¶¤¥i¯à¨Ï¦@­x§Y¨Ï¤J«I¤]µLªk§¹¥þ
¡A¥Ø«e2.3m«á³Æ­x¤H¤¤¡A°V½m¦³¯Àªº¶È ¦³
200¸U ¬ü°ê New York times,  5-18-2017 ■ §åµû¥xÆW¬ù¤G¦Ê¸U«á³Æ­x¤H¦p¦Pµê³] ..
250¸U Asia Times, 12-28-2020 ■  À³©Û¶Ò250¸U«á³Æ­x
¤j¶q ¬ü°ê Foreign Policy 8-20-2020 ■ §åµû¥xÆW­x¶¤­±Á{ÄY­«ªº¤h§Lµu¯Ê


­^°ê½Ã³ø Guardian (6-27-2020) ¡B ­^°ê FT (10-6-2020)¡B  ­^°ê Financial Times (10-19-2020)³£³ø¾É:  ¤¤¦@ªZ²Î¥xÆW±N°Ê¥Î¬ù100¸U ©Î¥b¼Æ¸Ñ©ñ­xÁ`§L¤O¡A¬ü°ê³°­x¤j¾Ç»{¬°¥xÆWÀ³«Ø¥ß¤@¤ä¼Æ¶q©úÅãÀu¶Õ¡B¯à¤O§ó±jªº«á³Æ³¡¶¤  ―   ¨º´N¬O¡A¤£¦ý¤H¼Æ­n¬ù¦Ê¸U¡A ¦Ó¥B¶·¸gÄY®æ°V½m¡A¦]¦¹¡A¥xÆWªº³W¹ºÅãµM¤j¦³°ÝÃD...·s­pµe¦n¾ã¥H·v±q2022¦~¤~¹ê¬I¡A§A¤£¬O¦@²£ÄÒ¡A«ç»òª¾¹D³o¨â¦~¤£·|µo¥Í¾Ôª§©O?


¡»  °£¤F¤H¼Æ¡AÁÙ¦³¾Ô§Þ»P·N§Óªº°ÝÃD  

¬ü°ê¤§­µ(Voice of America), 8-26-2020: ¥xÆW·|§â¥D¤O¾E¤J¤s¦a, ¥i¯à¦¨¬°¤¤国ªº¡¥¶V¾Ô¡¦;  ­^°êª÷¿Ä®É³ø , 7-12-2020: ¬ü°ê«Øij¡A¥x¥_ªý¤î¸Ñ©ñ­x¤J«Iªº³Ì¨Î¿ï¾Ü¬O¼W¥[«á³Æ­x¤H¡A¦ý¥Ø«e¯Ê¥F°V½m¡¦;  ­^°êEconomist,10-9-2020: ¿ò¾Ñªº¬O¥xÆWªº·Ç³Æ©M¾Ô°«·NÄ@shaky ...   Washington Post, 10-26-2020«ü¥X: ¥Ø«e®É¾÷§ó¥[ºò­¢¡A±M®a´°«P¬ü°ê§ï©¶§ó±i¥H¡§¾Ô²¤©ú½T¡¨Äµ§i¥_¨Ê¡A¦ý¬ü°ê°ê¨¾¤j¾Ç±M®a¤Ï¹ï¡A¦]¬°¥xÆW¥i¯à·|¡§»´©¿¦Û¤vªº°ê¨¾¡¨¡C³o´N¬O¥xÆWªº§Î¶H¡A³n­w­w¥u·Q¨Ì¿à¬ü°ê¡A¤£¬O¬Æ»ò"¾Ô¿ß"¡A¾ÚForbes³ø¾É, ¥H«e¹ïµá«ß»«´N¬O¡uÂû´Ï¤ý¡v ¡C


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¡»  °ÝÃD¥X¦b¨º?
       ¥xÆW¬F«È­n¶r²¼(³g»G¼s¨ü§åµû)¡B­n¿ï²¼¡A¹ç¥i«O¦³¬FÅv¦Ó¤£ªÖ±o¸o²¼­Ü¡A¿ï«e§Q¥Î'¥x¿W'¤§«i§Ë¿ï²¼¡A¥x®üºò±i¤F¤S·QÄF¤H¥Á¬ü­x·|¨Ó¡A Foreign Policy (10-19-2020) :   ¥xÆW»â¾É­Ì°ò©ó¿ïÁ|¦Ò¶q¤Î¬Fªv½Lºâªýê¤F­«¤j§ï­²¡A¥H­P­x¤O
¥u¯à§@¨q¡A¬F«È­Ì¥u¦n¬èë¬ü­x«e¨Ó¹£´© (Given these electoral realities, Taiwan¡¦s leaders have gravitated toward military showpieces¡Xwhile hoping that the United States will save the day if China ever attacks.) ¡A¦ý¬O¡A¥Ø«e¬ü°ê¥i¯àµLªk «e¨Ó±Ï´©  ( however, the United States may not be up to the task. )


¡»  PS : ¬ü­x¤]³\·|¨Ó¡A¦ý¥¦¥i¯à¤£¬O¨Ó­^¶¯±Ï¬üªº¡Aªk°êLe Monde³ø¨t(Oct. '20) µûªR¡A¤¤°ê·Uªø·U"¬ü"¡A¬ü°êTrump¬F©²¤£¦ý·Q¹K¨î¡A¥i¯àÁÙ­n¤¤°ê¦R¥X³o´X¨Ç¦~ªº§Q±o(gain)¡A²{´N¯Ê­Ó¾Ôª§ªº"¦W¥Ø"¡A¥xÆW¥i§O¦¨¤F"ÂǤf"¡A§¨¦b¤¤¶¡²Ä¤@­Ó­Ë¤j·°¡A ¿D¬w LOWY Institute, 9-30-2020: ­Y¤ÞÃz¤¤¬ü¾Ôª§¡A¥xÆW±N¦¨²Ä¤@­Ó¾Ô³õ¡A³o³õ¾Ôª§­«¤ß«Ü§Ö´N¤£¦AÃö¥G¥xÆW¦Û¥D¡BÁcºa©Î2400¸U¤Hªº¥Í¬¡¥Í­p◦  ¤¤®ÉªÀ½×, 10-13-2020:  ¥xÆWÀ³ÁקK»P¤j³°¤£¥²­n¡B«D²z©Êªº­x¨Æ½Ä¬ð¡A¤~¬O¥¿¥»²M·½ªºÁ×¾Ô¦@ºa¤§¹D





  ¤¤°ê¤j³°´°«P¬ü°ê   ´N"¤@­Ó¤¤°ê"­ì«h   µo¥X©ú½T°T¸¹   



Washington Examiner, 1-24-2021 : The United States does not recognize Taiwan as an sovereign country, but U.S. strategists regard the island as a crucial link in a chain of islands that restrains the Chinese Communist military¡¦s ability to operate away from the Chinese coast and threaten U.S. forces and other allies.

Bloomberg, 1-24-2021: The State Department statement indicated a desire by the Biden administration to preserve the longstanding ambiguity about Taiwan¡¦s status. The U.S. pledged to stand by existing agreements with China and spoke of the interests of the ¡§people on Taiwan,¡¨ rather than the people ¡§of Taiwan.¡¨
«O«ù¥xÆW¦a¦ìªº¼Ò½k©Ê¡A¹ï©ó"¥xÆW¤H"±¹Ãã ―¡¨people on Taiwan" ¦Ó¤£¬O¡§¥xÆWªº¤H¥Á¡¨(people of Taiwan)

Washington Post, Associated Press, DW, 1-24-2021: ¡§We urge Beijing to ... engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan¡¦s democratically elected representatives," spokesperson Ned Price said in the statement.  ¬ü°ê´°«P¥_¨ÊÀ³»P¥xÆW¡y¥Á¿ï¥Nªí¡z¶i¦æ¦³·N¸qªº¹ï¸Ü¡C(PS: ¥H¡y¥Á¿ï¥Nªí¡zºÙ©I¡y¥xÆWÁ`²Î¡zµ¥°ª¼h !?   )
Reuters, 2-4-2021:¬ü°ê°È°|»¡¬ü°ê¡§¤@­Ó¤¤°ê¡¨¬Fµ¦¨S¦³§ïÅÜ U.S. State Department says U.S. "one-China" policy has not changed.
■  Financial Times, 2-9-2021: «ôµn¬F©²ªººA«×µo¥Í²Ó·LÅܤơA¥xÆW°ê¦w¹Î¶¤ ¤ß¥Íĵ±§¡A¤ñ¤èºÙ"¥xÆW¥Á¿ï¥Nªí"¦Ó«D "¥xÆWÁ`²Î"©Î"¥xÆW¬F©²"¡A»P¤t´¶§@ªk¤£¦P State department referred to ¡§Taiwan¡¦s democratically elected representatives¡¨ instead of its president or government.




pic. : This websites group was ranked No.1 by keyword "introduction to Taiwan"
on Yandex of Russia (largest engine in Russia) at  2023-5-1, 2022-3-14, 2021-12-27, 2021-12-4, 2021-11-21, 2021-10-21; No.2 at 2022-2-25, among top ranks at 2022-2-22, 2022-1-30 ; No.2 "introduction to Taiwan" on Yandex of Russia, 5-12-2020, 4-20-2020


pic. : ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "introduction to Taiwan" ("¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" )  ±Æ¦WMicrosoft Bing ²Ä1,
  2021-8-2, 1-18-2021, 10-25-2020, 8-5-2020, 8-2-2020, 7-6-2020, 6-21-2020, 6-11-2020, 6-5-2020, 5-21-2020, 5-12-2020, 5-8-2020, 4-20-2020

 pic. right:  ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "introduction to Taiwan" ("¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ­^¤åª©)  ±Æ¦WYahoo ²Ä1, Yahoo, 1-18-2021,10-25-2020, 8-5-2020, 7-6-2020, No.2 at 2021-8-2





 ¡¹ pic: ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ±Æ¦WYahoo ²Ä2, 2021-8-2, 8-21-2020,  No.3 at 1-18-2021  ¡¹ pic. right : ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ±Æ¦WLycos ²Ä2, 2021-8-2, 8-21-2020

pic. : "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð"±Æ¦WYahoo search engine ²Ä1, 4-21-2020






¤H¥Á¤é³ø, 10-15-2020 , Global Times, 10-15-2020:  ¡m¤H¥Á¤é³ø¡nµû½×¥H¡u¤Å¿×¨¥¤§¤£¹w¡vÄY¼Fĵ§i¥x¿W...  


¥xÆW ³ü¹qµø ³ü·s»D, 10-17-2020

¤H¥Á¤é³ø¡m§i¥xÆW±¡ªv³¡ªù®Ñ¡n http://js.people.com.cn/BIG5/n2/2020/1015/c359574-34350271.html  PS: ¸Ó¤å©áÀ»¥xÆW±¡ªv¾÷Ãö®£©ÆºÊµø¥Á²³¡A³oÂI¥²¶·À»¸`Æg½à


¡´ ¡m¤H¥Á¤é³ø¡n10-15-2020 µû½×¥H¡u¤Å¿×¨¥¤§¤£¹w¡vÄY¼Fĵ§i¥x¿W
¡´  1962¡B1967¡B1978¦~,¡m¤H¥Á¤é³ø¡n»P·sµØªÀ"ªÀ½×"µo¥X¡u¤Å¿×¨¥¤§¤£¹w¡vĵ§i«á¡A ¬ù¤G¦~¤ºµo°Ê­x¨Æ¾Ôª§
¡´  2019¦~11¤ë¡m¤H¥Á¤é³ø¡n²Ä4ª©¡A¹ï­»´äµo¥XÄY­«Äµ§i¡u¤Å¿×¨¥¤§¤£¹w¡v «á¡A¨â·|ªGµM°Ê¤â
¡´  ³o¦¸¡m¤H¥Á¤é³ø¡n¬O"µû½×"¦Ó«D¥H©¹ªº"ªÀ½×"§Î¦¡¡B©ñ¦b²Ä7ª©¦Ó«D1~4ª©¡B°w¹ï±¡ªv¤H­û¦Ó«D¤@¯ë¤H¥Á¡B... ¬ã§PÄY­«©Ê¥i¯à¤£­Y¤§«e¤T¦¸¾Ôª§¡A¥i¯àÄݤ߲z¾Ô©Îcoercion©Î ¡§¦Ç¦â¦a±a¡¨¦æ°Ê(«ÊÂê¡B¸g¶T¨îµôµ¥)¤§Äµ§i¡A©Î§Æ±æ¥Á¶iÄÒ¤W½Í§P®à¦³©Ò°hÅý; ³o¦¸¡u¤Å¿×¨¥¤§¤£¹w¡vĵ§iµo¥X«á¡A«Kµo¥ÍªF¨F¥]¾÷­¢ªð¨Æ¥ó
¡´  Economist,10-23-2020: °ê®a¦w¥þ³¡¦b¤H¥Á¤é³øµo¥X¡u¤Å¿×¨¥¤§¤£¹w¡v―  ¹L¥h¹ï¨ä¥L°ê®a±Ä¨ú­x¨Æ¦æ°Ê¤§«e¤½§iªºµu»y ...
Washington Post, 10-26-2020: ¸Ñ©ñ­x­xºt¤Î¤¤°ê©x´CªºªÀµû  ―  ¤Þ°_¤F¦è¤èªº¾á¼~ ―  ¤¤°ê¥¿·Ç³Æ¹ï¥x¾Ôª§

¡´  ­»´ä SCMP, 10-18-2020: ¡m¤H¥Á¤é³ø¡n±¹Ã㲧±`±j¯Pªºµû½×¡u¤Å¿×¨¥¤§¤£¹w¡v¡AÁötarget¥xÆW±¡³ø¤H­û¡A¦ýaim at§ó¼sªxªº¨ü²³

¡´  Washington Post 7-22-2020: 2019¦~²ßªñ¥­¦V¥xÆW´£¥X'³Ì«á³q·Þ' ◦ ÀH«á¦@¾÷«K¥´¯}ºD¨Ò ¦h¦~¨Ó­º«×¬ï¶V®ü®l¤¤½u ¨Ã¤£Â_¥[¼@¤É·Åºò±i§½¶Õ




  ¬ü°ê©ù¶QªZ¾¹     ¾Ô¤O°÷¶Ü !?            'Five minutes to midnight' !!?

¡@ ¡@


    Foreign Policy, 10-19-2020:¥xÆW¶·¶°¤¤ÁʶRÃe¤jªº²¾°Ê¾É¼u¡BµL¤H¾÷©M¦a¹p;  Diplomat, 10-5-2020: ¥xÆWÀ³¥[­¿ÂX¤j¤£¹ïºÙ¨¾¿m (  ¹ï¥I¾Ô¾÷ªºmobile systems¡Blong-range surveillance µL¤H¾÷ ) ;  Forbes, 9-29-2020: µØ²±¹y¥i¯à»Ý¥X°âF-35Áô§Î¾Ô¾÷¡B§ó¥ý¶iªº¾É¼u¨¾¿m¨t²Î©M¨ä¥L¥¼´¿¦Ò¼{ªºªZ¾¹¤~¦æ¡C




¡»¡»  too big  !?
½²­^¤å2016¦~¤W¥ô¨´¤µ¡A¬ü°ê¹ï¥x­x°âÁ`»ù¬ù²ö·s¥x¹ô4500»õ¤¸¡A¨ä¤¤¤£¤Ö ¬O¡§big ticket¡¨ (¤j¥ó)­xªZ¡A³£¬O¶H¼x©Êªº¡B¤£¤Ó»Ý­nªº¡A¤ñ¤èM1©Z§J¡B­«¸Ë¨®½ø¡BF16V¾Ô¾÷µ¥ ; ¤é¥»Japan Times (7-9-2019)«ü¥X: ¥xÆW­n¨Dªº³o¨ÇªZ¾¹¡A¡§¤£·|§ïÅܸӦa°Ïªº°ò¥»­x¨Æ¥­¿Å"(¡§will not alter the basic military balance in the region,¡¨)  ; Forbes, 8-30-2020:  60©Î70¬[F16V¾Ô¾÷©M¤@¨Ç¾É¼u¨Ã¤£·|¯u¥¿§ïÅÜ­x¤O¥­¿Å ; ­»´ä «nµØ¦­³ø ,10-15-2020: ¬ü­x°â§ðÀ»©ÊªZ¾¹¼Æ¶q¦³­­¡AµLªk§ïÅܨ⩤­x¤O¥­¿Å ¡C§ó­«­nªº¬O: ­^°ê Economist,10-9-2020:  ¦@­x¯àÄè·À¥xÆW®üªÅ­x Foreign Policy, 10-19-2020: ¥xÆW¥Ø«e¥D­nªº­x¨Æ¤O¶q(¾÷Ä¥©Z§J)¥¿¦n¬O¦@­x¥i¥H¨³¹p¤£¤Î±»¦Õ®ø·Àªº;  Bloomberg, 10-27-2020: ¥xÆW¶Ç²Î¤WÀu¥ý±ÄÁʪº¾Ô¾÷¡B¾Ô¨®¡A©ö¾D¸Ñ©ñ­x§ðÀ»;  ¨º»ò¡A¥xÆW¥Õªáªáªº¤j§â »È¤l«Ü¦h¤£³£¥Õªá¤F? ¼w°êDW, 6-6-2019 ³ø¾É: ªZ¾¹¬O¥xÆW­n¨Dªº(Taiwan confirms request for US tanks,  Taiwan may be seeking to buy 66 more F-16 fighter jets ¡C¥xÆWÀ³¸ÓÁʶR¤p¥óªº¡B¾÷°Ê ªº¡B©öÁô°Îªº¤~¹ï¡C¯à¹³Costco°h´«³f¶Ü? 


¡»¡»  too late !?

         ·sÁʪº­xªZ¦Ü¤Ö­n¤@¦~¡A¤~¯à³°Äò¹B©è¥xÆW¡A¥þ¹B¨Ó¤FÁÙ¬O¤£°÷¡AVoice of America,10-15-2020 «ü¥X: ¥xÆW»Ý­n§ó¦h¦Û»sªZ¾¹(¾É¼uµ¥)¡AReuters³ø¾É¥xÆW¥¿¦bµo®i´ú¸Õ¦Û»s¾É¼u
 ¦Ü©ó¤Q¤ë©³·sÁʪº³½¤e¾É¼u¡A ¥xÆW¦b­^°êIndependent(10-28-2020)»P­»´äSCMP(10-27-2020)ªí¥Ü: ¥xÆW§Æ±æ·sÁÊ ªº³½¤e¾É¼u¯à®ø·À2025¦~¤§«e¤J«I¦@­xªº¥b¼Æ ¡C¦ý¨º¨Ç³½¤e­n´X¦~¤~¯à¹B¨Ó?  Defense News, 10-26-2020: ­È±oÃöª`ªº¬O¡A§Ú­Ì·|¦b5¨ì7¦~«á¤~±N¾É¼u°e¨ì¥xÆW¶Ü? ¨º§Ú­Ì¤£À³¸ÓÂ÷¶}®y¦ì¼y¯¬¡C³o¬O¤@­Ó¬Fªv°ÝÃD...  ¡C5¦~«á³½¤e§ó¥[¹L®É¤F!  ³ü¹qµø(5-27-2020):¶³®p¾É¼u¤j·§­n¨ì2021¦~¤~¯à¶}©l¶q²£¡AÁÙ±o¤j¶q¶q²£¨ì¤j¬ù500ªT¤~¨ãÀ~Äà§@¥Î
 GT, 10-27-2020: ¤¤¦@¥i¯à¨M©w¦b¥xÆW¦¨¬°¯u¥¿ªº¡§»¨½Þ¡¨¤§«e¸Ñ¨M²Î¤@°ÝÃD¡C


¡»¡»  too old !?
Forbes, 10-26-2020: ¥x¥_¤£Â_¼W¥[ªº»·µ{¾É¼u¨Ï¥_¨Êªº¤J«I­p¹ºÅܱo½ÆÂø¡CAsia Times, 10-30-2020: GT:³½¤e¥i¯à¹ï¦@­x²£¥Í some threats¡A³½¤e­Y¸Ë¦b²¾°Ê¥d¨®(flatbed trucks)¤W¤£©ö³Qµo²{¡C
 ¦ý¬O, Defense News, 10-26-2020: °â¥xªº³½¤e¾É¼u¬O¸û¦Ñªº§Þ³N¡A¥H¨È­µ³t­¸¦æ¡A¥i¯à®e©ö¨ü¨ì¥ý¶i¨¾ªÅ¨t²Îªº§ðÀ»...  Business Insider, 10-28-2020:  ±M®a»{¬°³½¤e¡§±N¨Ï¥xÆWªº§ðÀ»¯à¤O¨Ç·L´£°ª¡¨¡A¦ý¤´µLªk¦b"¯u¥¿¾Ôª§"¤¤­Æ¦s; War Zone, Asia Times, 10-30-2020: ³½¤eªº¹p¹F¿ç®g¥i³Q¼Ä¤H°»´ú¨ì¨Ã¥i¯à³Q¥d¦ípotentially jammed;  Global Times, 10-27-2020: ¬ü°ê¾Ö¦³¥ý¶iªºÁô§Î¾É​​¼u¡A«o¤£¥X°âµ¹¥xÆW¡A¦Ó¥H©ù¶Q»ù®æ³c°â§C½è¶qªºªZ¾¹¨Ó±°¹Ü¥xÆW¯Çµ|¤Hªº¿ú¡Aµø¥xÆW¬°¡§´£´Ú¾÷¡¨¡C³½¤e¾É¼u«Â¯Ù«D±`¦³­­¡A¦]¬°¬O1980¦~¥N³]­pªº¡A¸Ñ©ñ­xÄ¥²î©M³°¦a°ò¦aªº¤Ï¾É¼u³]¬I¥i¥H»´ÃPÀ»¸¨¤§...
¡A±¡¶Õ¥i¯à§ó¤£§Q¥xÆW¡ACNN 10-29-2020 says that Biden could offer minor concessions to Beijing, like providing Taiwan with less potent weapons.


¡»¡»   too high ! ¥xÆW°ê¨¾¹wºâ¦Yºò:  ¬ü¤è­x°â ºâ½L¥´ªº¦p¦¹ºë©ú¡A¥¦·|Åý¬ü°ê¨à¤k¬°¥xÆW¥h¦º¶Ü?


¡»¡»  ¬ü°êªZ¾¹¯à¥´³Ó¥M¶Ü?

         ¥xÆW¨¾¦u¤]³\¤£®t¡ABloomberg, 10-8-2020»{¬°¦@­x§ð¥x¥i¯à¥I¥X¨I­«ªº¥N»ù ¦ý³o¨ÇªZ¾¹³»¦h¬O¼W¥[¦@­x¶Ë¤`¼Æ¦r¦Ó¤w¡A ¥H¤ÎÀ°¬ü°ê¯}Ãa¤Î±À¿ð¤j³°ªºµo®i¡A³Ì²×¥i¯àÃø¥HÀò³ÓChicago Tribune»P Yahoo News,10-12-2020:  ´X¥G²@µLºÃ°Ý¡A¤¤¦@±NÀ»±Ñ¥xÆW¡C
     ¥Ø«e ¥xÆWªZ¾¹³¯Â¡A¤@¨Ç±M®a¾ÇªÌ¥u»¡¥xÆW©Z§J¶W¦h¡B«o¤£»¡¶È30%¯à¥Î¡A¥u»¡¥xÆW­¸¼u¶W¦h¡B¦ý¤£»¡³t«×¦h§Ö ¥xÆW¤×¯Ê¡y­x»î¡z¡A¯Ã¦èÄõ New Zealand Herald, 10-4-2020³ø¾É : ¤¤°êÃöª`ªº­«ÂI¬O¥xÆW¤H¥Á©M­x¶¤ªº¾Ô°«·N§Ó¡A¥H¤Î¬ü°ê¤z¹wªº·NÄ@©M¯à¤O¡CªZ¾¹­Ë¨ä¦¸¡C¦³¤F"­x»î"¡A¹³¤é¥»¡A¤£¯à­¸ªº­¸¾÷¤]¥i¥HÅܦ¨¦Û±þ¾÷¡A¦ý¬O²{¦b:
―  ¥u·Q¨ì¿ï²¼¡A¥i¯àÁÙ·Q¶}
·È(?)¡AÄ«ªG¤é³ø(Oct. 2020)ªº±M®a»¡¡A¶}¾Ô«á¤¤°ê·|¥Î°{¹q¾ÔÄY±K«ÊÂê¤ÁÂ_¥x¤éÁpô¡G©È¥xÆW°ª¼h°k¨« ... ¥xÆWÄ«ªG¤é³ø, 10-30-2020: ¬ü°ê¸ê²`¤¤国±M®aChas Freeman«ü¥X¡A°ê¦w§½±q¤W¨ì¤U¤w³Q¤¤¦@°ê¦w³¡º¯³z  
       ¤U¦ìªÌ ―  ¤£¤Ö(¤]³\«Ü¦h)«á³Æ­x¤H³£¤£·Q·í§L¡A¥xÆW¬Y¥D¬y´CÅé(10-23-2020)µû½×»¡¡A ¦pªG26¸U«á³Æ­x¤H¯u±o¯¸¨ì²Ä¤@½u¡A"¨ä¹ê³o¥M¤]¯u¤£¥²¥´¤F"     ( ¤G¾Ô´¿¿Eµo¤F¬ü°ê¤HªÅ«eªº·R°ê¼ö±¡¡A¦~»´¤H¯É¯É¶]¨ì§L§Ð¯¸±Æ¶¤·í§L¡A¦Ó¶V¾Ô®É¡A «Ü¦h¬ü°ê¤Hı±o¤£¸Ó¥´¨º³õ¥M¡A´N¿ï¾Ü¤Ï¾Ô©è¨î¡A¤]³\³¡¤À¥xÆW¤H¤£¬O©È¦º¡B¦Ó¬O¤£ª¾¬°¦ó¾Ô¡B¾Ô¦³¥²­n¥´¶Ü?  ¬ü°ê NewsWeek, 10-28-2020:  ®Ú¾Ú¥Á·N½Õ¬d: ·í¾Ôª§¹Gªñ®É¡A¥xÆW´X¥G©Ò¦³¤H³£§Æ±æ©M¥­  )


       ¬ü°êµØ²±¹y¶l³ø(Washington Post, 1-2-2017) ´¿«ü¥X " 83 percent chose bread over romance"  ―  µ´¤j¦h¼Æ¥xÆW¤H­nªº¬OÄÑ¥](¤j³°¸gÀÙ)¡B¦Ó«D·R±¡(¿W¥ß) ¡C¦¹®É­»´ä¸gÀÙ¤é³ø(10-9-2020)¡A ¶Ç¥X"¤j³°ÁÙ·|¥´¥X¡u¥xÆW¤H¥Á¹ôµ¥­È³q¦æ¡v¡AÅý¥Á²³¸ê²£¤@¤U½4¡B5­¿µ¥¤è¦¡©ÔÃl¥Á¤ß"  (https;//china.hket.com/article/2772597/¤j³°¤­³¡¦±ªZ²Î¥xÆW¡H¦ý¦]¤@²z¥Ñ%20%20¨â©¤ªñ´Á¶}¤õ¾÷·|§C) ¡A¦pªG¬O¯uªº¡A³o´N¤£¬O¡uÄÑ¥]¡v¡B¦Ó¬O¡u³J¿|¡v¡A¦pªG¥xÆW¤H¥Á¥Í¬¡¤è¦¡¤£ÅܩΧó§ï¦n¨Çªº¸Ü¡C



https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1345937/world-war-3-china-news-taiwan-news-xi-jinping-median-line-usa  10-11

























¡» Financial Times (UK), 2021-10-7 : US special forces secretly training Taiwan¡¦s military; rotations had been occurring for at least a decade... the disclosure could further raise tensions. ¡§Making this public will compel the Chinese to react   ¡» Global Times, 2021-11-9: The US are aware that there is a red line - US troops and combat equipment must not land on the island. So they sent a small number of soldiers there to train Taiwan military forces globaltimes.cn/page/202111/1238576.shtml


 Taiwan is :

¡» "Washington's lapdog", "tool"  Global Times, Sept., 2021 globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1234662.shtml

¡»  Eurasian Times  7-9-2020: The Tsai authority ... turns to Washington and is willing to be used.  Taiwan Now Under ¡¥Deep Control¡¦ Of The US.

¡» "a conduit (tool)"  /    The LOWY Institute( think tank in Australia ) , 6-16-2020 : treating Taiwan as a conduit to frustrate Beijing imperils Taiwan¡¦s security... and then the United States abandons Taiwan to deal with the consequences.





 ±qCovID-19¬Ý¥xÆW Áà­®¤H®æ


¡´ ­^°êThe Guardian, 2021-6-14: ¥xÆW©Úµ´¤W®ü´_¬P¨ÑÀ³¼w°ê½÷·ç¬Ì­]¡A¬ü°ê«e°ê¨¾©x­û: ¦ý¦pªG´_¬Pªº´£Ä³¬O¦Xªkªº¡A©Úµ´¥¦¡§§¹¥þ¬O¬Fªv©Êªº¡¨¡C ½÷·ç©M BioNTech ¦³¥¨¤jªº°Ê¾÷½T«O´_¬P¨ÑÀ³ªº¬Ì­]¬Oµ¥®Äªº¡A§Ú»{¬°¨S¦³°ÝÃD¡A¡¨¨S¦³²z¥Ñ¤£±µ¨ü¥¦¡§¡C¥x¤j³X°Ý¾ÇªÌ¯Ç»®°Òªí¥Ü¡A¡§©Úµ´¬O·MÄøªº"Drew Thompson (a former US Defense officer) said there were scientific and transparency concerns about China¡¦s vaccines, but if the Fosun offer is legitimate, refusing it is ¡§entirely political¡¨. ¡§Pfizer and BioNTech have a huge incentive to ensure that the Fosun product is equivalent, so I would think there is no concern,¡¨ he said. ¡§There¡¦s no reason not to take it.¡¨ Lev Nachman, a visiting scholar at the National Taiwan University, said it still seemed ¡§in the DPP¡¦s electoral interest not to get any China vaccines¡¨.  theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/14/how-taiwan-struggle-for-covid-vaccines-is-inflaming-tensions-with-china
¯Ç»®°Òªí¥Ü¡A¡§¤£®³´_¬P¬Ì­]¦ü¥G²Å¦X¥Á¶iÄÒªº¿ïÁ|§Q¯q¡¨¡C ²¨¥¤§¡A¥xÆW¬°¤F¬FÅvµLµø¤H©R¡C


¡´ °ê»Ú ´CÊ^©w½Õ¥xÆW¬Ì±¡Ãzµo­ì¦], ¦p­^°êBBC, ©Î¬ü°êNew York Times, 2021-5-25: the emergence of more contagious variants in recent months, a relaxation of quarantine rules and a vaccine shortage gave the virus an opening...  The model citizen of the world now has become a bit of a problem child.  nytimes.com/2021/05/25/arts/music/taiwan-covid-shutdown-music.html

, ªk°êFrance24, 2021-6-13: A sudden surge in cases was traced back to a group of airline pilots who unknowingly brought the Alpha (British) variant of the virus into the country just as the government had eased quarantine measures.    france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210613-covid-19-despite-a-surge-in-cases-taiwan-resists-china-s-vaccine-diplomacy

¦ý®Ú¾ÚÁp¦X³ø2021-6-14ªÀ½×:  ½²¬F©²«D¶È¥¼µê¤ßÀË°Q¡AÁÙ²±®ð­â¤H±N¥ø·~¤Î¦a¤è¦ÛÁʬ̭]©Ú©óªù¥~¡A¬Æ¦Ü¤j¸v±À¨ø¨¾¬Ì¥¢§Q³d¥ô¡C½ÃºÖ³¡ªø°í¤£©Ó»{µØ¯è¿Õ´I¯S¥¢¦u¬O¥L¨Mµ¦¥¢·í¡A¦¸ªø«h§â³d¥ô±Àµ¹¡u¸UµØ¡v¡AºñÀç·¥¤OÂk©S¡uÂù¥_¡v ¡A¨¾¬Ì¤£¤O Á`²Î©M»Õ´}§¡ª¾¦Û¤v¤~¬O­Y¤z¿ù»~¨¾¬Ì¨Mµ¦ªº©çªOªÌ¡A¥L­Ì­n­t§ó¤j³d¥ô


¡´ ¤¤®É, 2021-6-13, opinion:  chinatimes.com/opinion/20210612003338-262104?chdtv  °ê²£ªº3®a¬Ì­]¼t¤¤¡A¨S¦³¦^¦©¾Þ§ËªÅ¶¡ªº1®a¤w¸g¥ý¦æ¥H¡u²ö¶·¦³¡vªº¸o¦W¤©¥H±Æ°£ ¡A³Ñ¤U¨â®a¼Ö©ó¤À¨É§Q¼í¡C©Ò¥H¥xÆW¬Ì­]¬Fµ¦¡A³£¬OÀu¥ý¦Ò¶q©x­ûªº§Q¼í¡A¦Ü©ó¦Ñ¦Ê©m·P¬V©Î¦º¤`­·ÀI¡A¤w¸g³£¤£¬O³Ì­«­nªº¡C ¡´   New York Times, 2021-5-21: ¥xÆW¥¼ºÉ¥þ¤Oª§¨ú¼Ú¬ü¬Ì­]¡A ¤Ï¦Ó§â­«ÂI©ñ¦b°ê²£¬Ì­]¡C¦Ó¥B¤£¹³¦è¤èÅý°ªÄֱƦb³Ì«e­±±µºØ¡A Áp¦X³øªÀ½×, 2021-6-11:©x­û¯SÅv·mª`®g¡C³ü·s»D, 2021-6-11: Ãz¬YªÅ­xÂå°|°½¥´¡CµØµø 2021-6-9: ¶E©Ò¯SÅv¥´¬Ì­] ! ;  ¤¤µø, 2021-6-9 : ¥ß©eµh¥¸´¡¶¤¡C  Ãø¹D­n¹³¥qªk"¦³¿ú§P¥Í ¨S¿ú§P¦º"  ―  "¦³¿ú§K±Æ  ¨S¿úµ¥®I" !?


¡´Áp¦X³ø, ªÀ½×,  2022-5-28:¬F©²¹ï©ó§Ü¯f¬rÃĪ«ªº¬I©ñ¡A§ó¬O­«­«³]­­...±¤ÃĦpª÷¡A¨ú±oÃĪ«©¹©¹¦­¤w¬Oµo¯fªº¥|¡B¤­¤Ñ¡A¬Ò¼W¥[¤F»´¯gÂର¤¤­«¯gªº¾÷²v¡C  udn.com/news/story/7338/6346575?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate    udn.com/news/story/11091/6304035?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

¡´  ¬F©²«ÅºÙÃĪ«¨¬°÷¡A¦ý¯u¬Û¬O¡G(1) ¤¤µø, 2021-6-9 : 2020¦~¥u¦³¥x¤j¥i¥Î·ç¼w¦è­³(Remdesivir), 2021¦~µy¦­¦UÂå°|­n¥Î±o¦V¤W¥Ó½Ð¡A ¥B±`±`¤£­ã¡A §Y¨Ï®Ö­ã¡AÃĨì¤â¤W¥i¯à­n8~12¤p®É¡A¯f±w¤w¸g´¡ºÞ¤F (2) ¤¤®É, 2021-6-9 :°ò¼hÂå®v¤Ï¬M¡A­«¯g¤Î¦º¤`¤j¼W»PÃĶq¤£¨¬¦³Ãö  chinatimes.com/opinion/20210608005991-262101?chdtv   (3) Áp¦X³øªÀ½×: ·s«a­«¯gµ¥¤F¤@©Pµ¥¤£¨ì·ç¼w¦è­³(Remdesivir), «ü´§¤¤¤ß«h¦^À³¡AÃĶq¬O¨¬°÷ªº   §A«ÜÃø¥Î¨ì¡A·íµM³£°÷¥Î¡C (udn.com/news/story/7339/5513808?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2  ) ¡C


n¤¤®É, 社論》,  2022-5-25:  粉飾太平 政府沒把人命當回事    我們的給藥限定嚴格條件,因為耽擱用藥而轉重症或死亡的人,去向誰討公道? chinatimes.com/opinion/20220524005193-262101?chdtv    tw.news.yahoo.com/ªÀ·|-­«¯gªñ8¦¨¦º¤`-±M®aºÃ¥¼¯à¤Î®É§ëÃÄ-235256426.html


¡´  UDN 2022-5-15 :¥ß©eªLÀR»ö¯SÅv¢Þ¢Ñ¢à¡B»¯¤ÑÅï´¡¶¤¢Þ¢Ñ¢à  udn.com/news/story/7338/6313780?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2



¡´  Global Times, 2021-6-18: ¤j¦h¼Æ¦ºªÌ¦~ÄÖ¦b 60 ¦Ü 90 ·³¤§¶¡¡A¦³¨Ç¤H¦³ºC©Ê¯f¥v¡Cglobaltimes.cn/page/202106/1226443.shtml   CDC, 2021-6-8:  90+%¦º¤`¬° 60·³¥H¤WªøªÌ¡C  µM¦ÓªøªÌ³Q±Æ¦Ü²Ä10~6¶¶¦ì±µºØ¬Ì­]¡A«o±N©x­û±Æ¦bÂåÅ@¤§«á¡A¥ß©e¦b¤¤µøµh§å³o¤£²ÅWHO©Ò¦³ªº«ü¥Ü¡A¥þ²y¨S¦³°ê®a³o»ò°µ¡A¬F©²¤£ªÖ¤½¥¬ ²Ä¤GÃþ©x­û¦W³æ(¥u¤½¥¬Â¾ºÙ¤]¤£ªÖ)§ó±Ò¤HºÃÄu¡A¤S¤£¬O¤½¥¬³}ªü¤½©±¦W³æ◦ Áp¦X³ø 6-19: ³\¦h©M¬Ì±¡¤K¬ñ¤l¥´¤£µÛªº¤H¤]¦b«e¦C²Ä¤GÃþ◦¥xÆW¬O¥@¬É¯ÅªºÁà­®

¡´ ­º§å¬Ì­]¤À°t®É¡A°ª¶¯½T¶E¶È61¨Ò¡AÂù¥_«h¹F50¬Æªñ¦Ê­¿¡A¤À¨ìªº¬Ì­]¤Ï³£¤£¤Î°ª¶¯¡A¬_¥«ªøÃÕ¬°"¤º½u¥æ©ö"¡C²³¥ØºÌºÌ¤U³º¦p¦¹©ú¥Ø±iÁx¡A¶Â·t¤¤¤£ª¾·|°µ¬Æż鹾¨Æ?


¡´ Áp¦X³ø 2021-6-3: ¡uÄÒ¬F°ª¼h¡vªº¥ÏÁçÁàºA ³o¦¸¨¾¬Ì¯}¤fªº¬Fªv³d¥ô¡A¡u¾Ô¥Ç¡v¬O½Ö¡A¥þ°ê¬Òª¾¡A¦ý©ñ¼e¡u3+11¡v·|ij¬ö¿ý¡A«ü´§¤¤¤ß«ü´§©x³¯®É¤¤¥ý±À»¡°O¤£±o¡A¨ä«á¤S¥ÏÁ绡¡u·|ij¤Ó¦h¡A¨S¦³¬ö¿ý¡v¡A°õ¬FÄÒªº¤p½s¡Bºô­x¡B¼g¤âªº¦UºØÁÖ½×¾Þ§@¶É±_¦Ó¥X¡A¥|³B±a­·¦V¡C±q¾n¤j¨Á¿ì¨Æ³Bªø¦Û±þ¡BµÜ½Þ¶i¤f¡B¤Ó¾|»Õ¸¹µ¥¤@³s¦ê¨Æ¥ó¡A¤H­Ì¬Ý¨ì°õ¬F·í§½¹ï¿ù»~¬Fµ¦¬Ò±À°U¤F¨Æ ¡A¬F©²¤w¦]´`¦¨­·¡Fudn.com/news/story/7338/5504882?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


¡´ Áp¦X³ø, 2021-6-13: ½²¬F©²¹ï±ÄÁÊ°ê¥~¬Ì­]±À©ì®ø·¥¡A¹ï¥Á¶¡ÁÊ®½¬Ì­]¦Ê¯ëÄdªý¡A¹ï°ê²£¬Ì­]«h·¥¤OÅ@¯è¡A±M·~½èºÃ´N³Q³ò¶Ï©Ù¬õ¡C  Áp¦X³ø, 2021-6-11: ½²Á`²Î«Å¥Ü¤C¤ë¬I¥´°ê²£¬Ì­]¡AÀ°°ªºÝÅ@¯èªÑ»ù¡A¾DÃÕ¹ï¤W¦Ê½T¶EªÌ¦º¤`µø­YµL¸@ ¡F¦o¤~µy¥ÜÃöª`¦~ªø¬V¬ÌªÌ¦º¤`¼ÆÃk¤É¡C¤¤®É 2021-6-10: ¥Á¶iÄÒªø´Á¥H¨Ó»¡¤@®M¡B°µ¤@®M¡A¬Æ¦ÜÁa®e¡B ¸æ¾iºô­x°¼Ál¡A¾Þ§@¥Áºé¦Ó¨Ó¡I¦ò¥ú¤s©M³¢¥x»Êªº¸qÁ|¡A½Ö³£¬Ý±o¥X¨Ó¬O¦b±Ï°êÃø¡B°µµ½¨Æ¡A¦ý½²¬F©²¨S¦³¿n·¥«P¦¨¤£»¡¡A³ºÁÙ§N¨¥§N»y¡A©x¹±§@ºA¡C¤¤®É 2021-6-3: µL²z¥dÃö³¢¸³»P¦ò±Ð¹ÎÅé¬Ì­] ¤ÞÃz¥þ¥Á¼««ã chinatimes.com/opinion/20210603005955-262101?chdtv


¡´ ©x­û¡B¤j¦ë¡B¤j¦Ñ...¹Hªk´¡¶¤¡B¬Ì­]¤À°t¤£¤½... ¶Ã¶H½Ö¸Ó­t³d??

Áp¦X³ø: «D¦C¥U°ª¶¥Äµ©x«o´¡¶¤·m¥´¡FµLµø¤º³¡¬ö«ß¡A¥H¤@¤v¤§¨p¼¹µõ¨¾½u¯}¤f¡Iudn.com/news/story/11091/5501984?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2
¤¤®É ¡n, 2021-6-14: ¥x«n¥«ªø¶À°¶­õªí¥Ü¡A
ĵ±M´¡¶¤¡A¤@¤Á³£«ö·Ó¤¤¥¡«ü¥Ü¿ì²z¡Cchinatimes.com/realtimenews/20210613004215-260402?chdtv    "¤¤¥¡"­t³d, ¥ç§YÁ`²Î©Î»Õ´}­t³d !   ²³¥ØºÌ»í¤U¨p¤ß§@¹ú©~µM¦p¦¹©ú¥Ø±iÁx, ¶Â·t¤¤¤£ª¾·|°µ¥X¬Æ»ò»êż¨Æ? ¤H©Ê¥»¦Û¨p¡A©Ò¥H»Ý­n¨î«×ªk«ß¡AµM¦Ó¥Ø«e¬F©²¥¿¦b§Uªø¤H©ÊÁà­®¡A¶Ã¶H¥u¬O¶}ÀY¦Ó¤w !


¡´  ¤¤®É 2021-5-18: ³Ì¥O¤H¼««ãªº¬O¡A±q¥h¦~¦Ü¤µ¡A±M®a¤£Â_©IÆ~­n¼W¥[¿zÀˤ~¯à´x±±¯f¬r°ÊºA¡A¦ý½²¬F©²¹çÄ@©êµÛ¨¾¬Ì¨ÎÁZ¶i¦æ¤j¤º«Å¡A¥Í©È¦h¿z¦h¥X¥] ...§_«h²´«eªº¦M¾÷¥i¯à®Ú¥»¤£·|µo¥Í¡C   chinatimes.com/opinion/20210517004162-262101?chd



pic. above: Ä«ªG¤é³ø 12-14-2019 ªÀ½×:

pic. right: ¤¤®É12-14-2019 ªÀ½×:



pic. : ¤¤®É11-29-2019 ªÀ½× ¥xÆW¬F©²­IÂ÷¥Á¥D±`­y



¡¹ ¥xÆWÃö³¬¿Ë¤¤¹qµø¥x VS. ·s»D¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¤§¾Ô   ~¥O¤H¿ò¾Ñ



 NCC ¤è

­^°êReuters 11-18-2020, ¬ü°êUS News & World Report Ãö³¬¤¤¤Ñ¡A²z¥Ñ¬O¾á¤ß¤¤°êª§¨ú¥xÆW¥Á¤ß¤ä«ù¡A¦Ó¿Ë¥_¨Êªº¤¤¤Ñ¦ÑÁ󦳤z¹w¤¤¤Ñ·s»Dªº¸ñ¶H¡C¦ý¨S¦³ÃÒ¾Úªí©úCTi¤w¸gÀò±o¤F¤¤°ê¬F©²ªº¸ê§U  ¥B¥D­nªÑªF½²¡]Tsai¡^¦¹«e¤w§_»{¤F¦³Ãö¤z¯A·s»Dªº«ü±±¡C



¬ü°êBloomberg 11-18-2020 ¹qµø¥xªí¥ÜÃö³¬¬O¥X©ó¬Fªv°Ê¾÷  ¦b¥xÆW¦¬µø²v³Ì°ªªº¦³½u·s»D¥x¤¤¡A¡§¤¤¤Ñ·s»D¡¨³Q¼sªxµø¬°¥D­n¹qµø·s»Dºôµ¸¤¤³Ì°í©w¤ä«ù²Î¤@ªÌ¡C¤¤¤Ñ±`±`±j¯P§åµû»O¿W·NÃѪº½²­^¤å¡C

³o¬O·s»D¦Û¥Ñ »P ´CÅé¿E¯PÄvª§®æ§½¤¤¹ï¤¤°ê¼vÅT¤Oªº¾á¼~ ¤§¶¡  ¸g±`¦s¦bºò±iÃö«Yªº³Ì·s¨ÒÃÒ¡C

NCCªí¥Ü¤¤¤Ñ¹H¤Ï¤F¼s¼½ªk³W¡AÃöÁä¬O³Ì¤jªºªÑªF½²¡]Tsai Eng-meng¡^ª½±µ©M¶¡±µ°Ñ»P·s»D¸`¥Øªº»s§@
­^°êGuardian, 11-18-2020 ¡@




ªk°êAFP, ¿D¬wYahoo News Australia, 11-18-2020 ³\¦h¤j«¬´CÅé³£¤½¶}¤ä«ùÄÒ¬£¡A¤ä«ù¤Í¦nªº¥_¨Ê¬F«È©Î¨ä¤Ï¹ïªÌ


°ê¥ÁÄÒ¥D®uJohnny Chiang¦b±À¯S¤W»¡¡G¡§¬F©²¥u¦³¦b²Å¦X¨äijµ{®É ¤~¦æ¨Ï·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¬O§¹¥þ¡A¨º¬O§¹¥þµê°°ªº   https://au.news.yahoo.com/taiwan-pulls-plug-china-friendly-100647362.html 



¦L«×Times of India, 11-18-2020 ¤¤¤ÑÀW¹D»}¨¥­n¤Wªk®x§Üª§¡CºÙ¥xÆW¬F©²¥¿³]ªkÅý¨º¨Ç¤£¤ä«ù¨ä¬Fµ¦ªº¤H³¬¼L ¥xÆW¬F©²¤@¦Aªí¥Ü¡A¤¤°ê¤w¥[ºò¶}®iº¯³z´CÅé¡A¥HÀò±o¼vÅT¤O¡C
­»´äSCMP, 11-18-2020 ³o¶µ¨M©w¿E°_¤Fcti©M¥xÆW¥D­n¤Ï¹ïÄÒªº¥ß§Y¼««ã¡AºÙ³o¬O¹ï´CÅé¦Û¥Ñªº§ðÀ»

·s¥[©YThe Straits Times, CNA, 11-18-2020
Focus on Taiwan, 11-18-2020
"NCC µLµø¬Fªv¾ÞÁa°ÝÃD¡AµLµø¶Ç¼½²z½×©M¹ê½î"¡A
¤¤¤ÑÁÙ«ü±±¥D­n¬Fªv¤Hª«­nÃö³¬¸Ó ¥x¡A¦ÓNCC¶È¦b¦WºÙ¤W¬O¿W¥ßªº¡AÁnºÙ©Ò¦³¦b¼f¬d¤¤³Q­n¨D§@ÃÒªº¤H³£¦b¦P¤@Ãä;
¾¨ºÞCTi News¦b¼f¬d¹Lµ{¤¤´£¥æ¤F¤K¶µ±¹¬I¨Ó§ïµ½³oºØ±¡ªp¡A¦ýNCCÅGºÙ¡A³o¨Ç±¹¬I³£µLªk®ø°£¤jªÑªF¹ï·s»Dªº¤zÂZ


¤¤®ÉªÀ½×,11-19-2020 ·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¤w¦º !

Áp¦X³øªÀµû, 11-19-2020 NCC¡uµL²§Ä³¡v³q¹L®ø·À¤¤¤Ñ·s»D¥x¡A¥t¤@¶H¼x·N¸q¬O¡G³o¬O¹ï¥xÆW¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñªº¡u±Ù­º¡v¡A¦]¬°¥Á¶iÄÒ¬F©²¤w¤£®e³\¡u²§Ä³¡vªº¦s¦b  ¨«¨ì³o­Ó¦a¨B¡A¤j®a´N¤£¥²¦A»¡NCC¬O¡u¿W¥ß¾÷ºc¡v¤F

NCC³Ì¾ã»ôªº³Î³ï https://udn.com/news/story/7338/5026418?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

Ä«ªG¤é³øªÀ½× , 11-19-2020


Áp¦X³øªÀ½× 11-20-2020 À˵ø¢Ü¢Ñ¢Ñ§_¨M¤¤¤Ñ´«·Óªº¥|¤j²z¥Ñ¡A¤£¶È§¡Äݧ޳N©Ê°ÝÃD¡A½×­z¤]¤í¯Ê±M·~¡A¥H­P¥~¬É¬Ý¨ìªº¥þ¬O¡u±ý¥[¤§¸o¡v ²Ê¼É½î½ñ¤F¥xÆWªº·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¡C¤@­Ó¨S¦³²§Ä³ªºªÀ·|¡A¬O¤£°tºÙ¥Á¥Dªº¡C
¦Û¥Ñ®É³øªÀ½× 11-19~20-2020 µL¬ÛÃöµû½×


«¢¦ò¤j¾Ç±Ð±Â Dr. Joseph Nye ´¿«Øij¥xÆWµo®i³n¹ê¤O¡A ¥H¶}©Ý°ê»ÚªÅ¶¡¡AÀ³¹ï¤¤°ê¡ABrookings (1-22-2018) ¤]¥D±i³n¹ê¤O¹ï¥xÆW ¬O­Ó§C¦¨¥»¡B °ª¦^³øªº¦n¬Fµ¦¡C   µM¦Ó®Ú¾Ú¡mMONOCLE¡n2010 ~ 2019 §í©Î 2017's & 2018's & 2019/2020's¡mSoft Power 30 Study¡n compiled by PR company Portand Communication and University of Southern California¡Aªñ¦~¨Ó¥xÆW³n¹ê¤Oªí²{«o¤£¤Î¾F°ê¦p Japan (No.3 in 2019), South Korea (No.15 in 2019), Australia, Singapore, New Zealand,  India, UAE ¡A¤]¤£¦p¤¤°ê(No.19 in 2019)¡C




dirty attacks !   ¯}Ãa¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ  ªñ 20¦~³ÌÁV !   prime suspects are ... ?   11-22-'18 ;  it lasts till present 2022

¥xÆW¥qªk  (e.g., page1, page2, etc). ·s«¬ºA§ðÀ» 11-20-2018: ¼W­×µû½×¥qªkºô­¶®É , Áä½L¨CºV¤@¦r¶·³\¤[¤~Åã¥Ü¿Ã¹õ, ¦p¦¹§ó·s¤@ºô­¶¯Ó®É¼Æ¤Q­¿®É¶¡ or more,   attacks last ...   ¸Ô news centre news center (Chinese)




 ¡¹ ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW²¤¶" ±Æ¦W AOL search ²Ä2,  3-1-2020

 ¡¹ ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ±Æ¦W ¼Ú¬w MetaGER ²Ä2, 12-10-2019

 ¡¹ ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ±Æ¦W AOL ²Ä2, 12-10-2019

 ¡¹ ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW²¤¶" ±Æ¦W Yahoo search engine ²Ä2, 4-21-2020, 3-1-2020

 ¡¹ ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ±Æ¦W Yahoo search ²Ä2,  3-1-2020, 12-10-2019, No.1 at 4-21-2020





pic. : ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW²¤¶" ­^¤åª© ±Æ¦WBing²Ä1, 4-20-2020,
6-27-2019, 4-28-2019   (
 "introduction to Taiwan")

¡¹ ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW²¤¶" ­^¤åª© ±Æ¦WYahoo earch engine ²Ä1,
4-20-2020, 11-27-2019, 11-6-2019, 10-6-2019,  8-5-2019,  4-28-2019

pic. No.1 "introduction to Taiwan" on Google, 4-19-2020







pic. : This websites group was ranked No.1 by keyword "introduction to Taiwan"
¥»ºô¯¸¸s"¥xÆW¤¶²Ð"±Æ¦W China's Baidu  ²Ä1)  on Baidu of China at 10-6-2019, 8-3-2019



Trump takes Taiwan as leverage , one-China policy as bargaining chips

 ¡» Foreign Policy, 1-22-2021 :  Taiwan seeks assurances from Biden admin., but Biden and his team
 are likely to resist using Taiwan as a cudgel against China the way Trump did.
 (¥xÆW¥¿¦b´M¨D«ôµnªº"«O»Ù"   ¦ý¬O«ôµn¤£·Q¾Ç¤t´¶   §â¥xÆW·í¦¨´Î¤lÂW¤¤国)
¡»  Foreign Policy, 12-14-2016 named Taiwan President Tsai as
one of leading thinkers of 2016 for "Poking the bear" .

 (¥xÆW½²­^¤å¦ÛÄ@"´ÎÂW¤jºµ"  ¦]¦Ó·í¿ï¦~«×"´¼ªÌ")




Salmon is poking the bear ?  Taiwan suffers in danger !



¡´  National Review 5-13-2020 : The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission:
China Has Increased Military Pressure on Taiwan during Pandemic


¡´   CNN 2-19-2020:  TW president: "What we are expecting is, after withstanding the first wave of
Chinese attacks ourselves, the rest of the world would stand up to exert strong pressure on China" ....
"Taiwan as an underdog facing down the growing might of Beijing" ... 
  Taiwan military


 ¡´  ¿D¬w´¼®w The LOWY Institute , 6-16-2020 : ¬ü°ê±N¥x湾·í¦¨®À败¥_¨Êªº¤u¨ã¡A·|¦M®`¥xÆWªº¦w¥þ¡C...¡A


¡´ ¤¤®É  ªÀ½× 4-30-2020,  CTN editorial: ¥xÆW³Q§óºò¦a¸i¸j¤W¬ü°êªº¤õ¾Ô¨®½Ä¦V¤j³°¡C


¡´ Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½×, 5-22-2020,   UDN editorial:




¡´ <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø> ¡A1-24-2020:  ¬ü¤¤²Ä¤@®qÃ쨤¤O ¥xÆW¦¨À£¤O¼ö°Ï¡C



¡´   United Daily, 1-4-2020, editorial opinion :  ¥xÆW§@¥Î¬O¬ü°ê³ò°ô¤¤°êªº´Ñ¤l 
¦pªG¤£°ß¬ü°ê©R¬O±q   ¬ü°ê¦L¤Ó¾Ô²¤´N¥X²{¯Ê¤f ...




Independent UK, 7-23-2019: China "ready to go to war" if Taiwan tries to gain independence ( white paper released by the Chinese gov.).


CNN 6-17-2019: mass protests (in Hong Kong) emboldened anti-China elements in Taiwan.  Daily Mail (UK)  4-1-2019: Taiwan blasts
China for "reckless and provocative" incursion by 2 fighter jets across a largely respected line dividing the 2 sides in the Taiwan Straits. 
Japan Times, 4-1-2019
China's move also comes less than a week after the U.S. sent ships through the strait ¡X
the third time in as many months. 
 Reuters 2-25-2019: US Navy ships ... riling China.  



  Bloomberg news 3-14-2018: 

¡´ ¥xÆW¦¨¬°§¨¤ß»æ°®, ¥¼¨Ó±N§ó·Î¼õ
("suffer": mental ©Î physical ¨ü­W)

In the future, Taiwan will suffer even more, as it

gets caught  in the middle between a stronger China and a inward-looking US...



Washington Post, 8-20-2018: 
¡´ ¬ü°ê¬Fµ¦µLªk¹w®Æ   ¥xÆW³B¹Ò¦MÀI¥B¤£Ã­
Taiwan's precarious role in the China-US spat  !
(Trump adm.'s Taiwan policy is unpredictable); 



¡´  New York Times 9-5-2019:  it would also be a catastrophe if Taiwan were blockaded or squashed into submission, because Taiwan ...
and stands in the way of any Chinese projection into the Pacific or toward, say, Okinawa.


  Bloomberg news 10-19-2018: Taipei mayor says
Taiwan is "just a product on a shelf" for Trump
¡´ ¥xÆW¥u¬O¬ü°êªº"¬[¤W³f«~"




¡» New York Times at  4-18-2018: Mr. Trump questioned why the US should be bound by the One China policy if Beijing

will not budge on trade ... The U.S. and Taiwan are seen as heading in a direction that is getting perilously close to

 Chinese red lines...... (Taiwan president Tsai  stated) " Many  people say we are pawns of other people ......"   


¡»  VOAnews, 3-23-2018 : John Bolton (Trump's new National Security Adviser) has long argued that Washington

can play a "Taiwan card" to compel Beijing's attention for its potentially destabilizing actions in East Asia and the South China Sea.


¡»  <Foreign Policy> 12-14-2016 named Taiwan President Tsai as
one of leading thinkers of 2016 for "Poking the bear" .

½²­^¤å¦]¬°"´±ÂW¤jºµ"³QFP¿ï¬°"´¼ªÌ", ¨Æ¹ê¤W, ¥xÆW¥u¬O±i³Qª±ªºµP, ¤£ºâcard player


¡»  In Mar. 2018, Trump signed <Taiwan Travel Act>, which paves way for high-level, official exchanges with Taiwan. 

The bill identifies indirectly (?) Taiwan as a country "visits to a country by United States cabinet members ...". 

Deutsche Welle 3-17-2018: China has reacted angrily to the bill.
Bloomberg news 3-14-2018: Trump's "Taiwan card" (to annoy China when needed) is China's real worry. 


¡» Taiwan Defense Secretary: can resist Chinese army for about 1+ week (CTV 12-18-2016);

¡» Global Times,  Mar 2018 :  ¤¤­x100 ¤p®É¤º ¦b¬ü¤é¤ÏÀ³«e À»±Ñ¥x­x


¡´  UDN 10-20-2019, editorial : °ê­x¦¨¬°¬Fªv¤u¨ã






  ¡´¡´ ¡´¡³¡´








 ¡´ Economist (special edition 2017): "¥xÆW±N¦¨²rªê"(Taiwan will turn into a tiger again)
Global Wealth Report & Global Wealth Databook
 by Credit-suisse Research Institute, Nov. 2016: "
¥xÆW  ¨È¬w¤§ªê(Taiwan, Asia Tiger)"

¡´  ¯Ã¬ù®É³øNY Times 5-22-2017: "¥xÆWÁ`²Î¤@ª½°²³]¬ü°ê¤@©w ·|¥X§L¸Ñ±Ï¥x湾,
¨Ã±ÇªÅ­x¶¤, ­x¤è¤h®ð§C¸¨¥B³´¤JÁà»D¤¤
Taiwan leader continued to base defense planning
on the assumption that the United States would always come to the rescue...
Taiwan has reduced its active force
(by half))"
NY Times 12-13-2016: "¥xÆWÁ`²Î ½²­^¤å¦b´N¾ºtÁ¿¸Ì¡A´£¨ì¤F¡m¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¾Ëªk¡n
©M两©¤±ø¨Òªk规¡A¤GªÌ§¡·t¥Ü(imply) ¦o¤w±µ¨ü¤F¡§¤@­Ó¤¤°ê¡¨ªº®Ø¬[¡C

 In Taiwan president Tsai's inaugural speech,
Tsai referred to the Constitution of the Republic of China and the legislation
 governing cross-strait relations, both of which imply the acceptance
of a ¡§one China¡¨ framework.  "


  pic. left: ROC (Taiwan) ¥xÆW°êºX;      
pic. right: ¤¤µØ¥x¥_ºX¼m, ¥Î©ó¤j¦h¼Æ°ê»Ú³õ¦X e.g., ¶ø¹B

¥xÆW Ä«ªG¤é³ø, ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø, ¤¤°ê®É³ø 6-18-2018:

¥xÆW¤H¹ï¤¤°ê ¦n·P¤ñ²v­º«×¶W¹L¤Ï·P  



pic.: Taiwan (¦a¹Ï¤¤¥Õ¦â³¡¤À¬°¥xÆW,

¤H¤f¡G23.54 million
 »â¤g¡G36,194 square kilometers
  ºØ±Ú¡Gº~ (97-98%), ­ì¥ÁAborigines (2%)
 »y¨¥¤å¦r : ¤¤¤å, ¥x»y



New York Times 4-1-2019: Taiwan protests China jets crossing center of Taiwan Strait, a provocation that seeks to alter the status quo ...  an intentional act.    Taiwan News, 6-28-2019: U.S. Senate passes pro-Taiwan defense bill calling for more patrols in Taiwan Strait.   Reuters 6-27-2019:

Canadian navy ships sailed through Taian strait amid tension with China (Such passages upset China ... In April, Beijing condemned a French decision to send a frigate through the Strait as illegal)

Japan Times, 4-1-2019:  the U.S. sent ships through the strait  ( mission was unusual)  ..


<Áp¦X³ø> UDN 7-28-2017, 11-20-2017,

Global times, 12-12-2017, CTV 12-17-2017:
("patrol circling")
¨Ã¬ð¯}²Ä¤@®qÃì(1st Island Chain)..
 14 ¤ÀÄÁ«K¥i¥Ñ¤j³°­¸¨ì¥xÆW


Apple Daily  1-18-2018: China's submarine
"patrol circling"   at 1-11-2018


 UDN  11-20-2017:  ¥Á½Õ­º«×°fÂà -





           ¥xÆW  TAIWAN ROC   
  Top rankings since 1998 ¡¹                   






       ¥xÆWÆ[¥úTaiwan travel & tour


®Ú¾Ú World Economic Forum (WEF)  <°ê»ÚÆ[¥ú®È¹CÄvª§¤O ³ø§i> (<Travel and tourism competitiveness report>, released at 9-4-2019)¡A ¥xÆWªºÆ[¥ú®È¹CÄvª§¤O¬O¸Ó°Ï¤¤¶^´T³Ì¤jªº¡A Á`±Æ¦W±q2017¦~ªº30¡A ¨g¶^¨ì²Ä 37¦W.   ¨ä¥L¨È¬w°ê®aªº¦W¦¸¬° Japan got No.4,  China No.13,  Hong Kong No.14,  Korea No.16, Singapore No.17,  Malaysia No.29,  Thailand No.31,  UAE  No.33,  India No. 34,...  ¦Ü©ó¥D­nªºµûŲ¶µ¥Ø»P¤À¼Æ¦p¤Uªí:

¡¹ WEF <Travel and tourism competitiveness report>, 9-4-2019
category ¥xÆWªº¦W¦¸»P¤À¼Æ comparison
prioritization of travel and tourism   No75  Singapore No.6 ,  Hong Kong No. 11
Natural & cultural resources No.58  score 2.6 China  No.1, score 6.0 , France No.2,  5.0,  Spain  No.3, 5.7,   Japan No.7, 5.3,   Indonesia No.18,  Thailand No.21,  Korea No.24,  Vietnam No.26,  Malaysia No.31,  HK No.40,  Philippines No.46,  Sri Lanka No.52,  Nepal No.56
Natural resources  No. 87 Hong Kong No. 42, Singapore No.120
cultural resources & business travel No. 36  score 2.6 China No1, score 7.0
price competitiveness No. 78 China 5.7
Health & Hygiene  No.43,  score 6 score worse than Korea, Japan, Mongolia
international openness No. 60 only better than China, Mongolia
Safety & security No. 26 human resource & labor market: Taiwan No.18
 ps: Compared to the report of 2017,  Taiwan significantly tightened visa requirements (37th down to 119th), waning cultural resources and business travel (26th to 36th) and recalibrated figures showing a drastic reduction in protected areas (20th to 118th).

For full details :  http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_TTCR_2019.pdf


¡¹ ¸gÀÙ¤é³ø ªÀ½×, 2022-9-10: °ê®È­±Á{ªº°ÝÃD¡AÂkµ²°_¨Ó¥D­n¦³¤T¤j¶µ¡G¥æ³q(¯S§O¬O¤@¨Ç·s¶}µoªº¤s¶¡¯¦¹Ò)¡BÀ\¶¼¦í±J(¤Ö¦³¦a¤è¬F©²¯à§´µ½»²¾É°Ó®a¦p¬P¯Åµûµ¥¡A¨ì³B¥Rº¡¤F¡u¦a¹p¡v¡A®ø¶OªÌ¥u¦n°jÁצ۫O)©M´ºÂI(¥xÆW´T­û¤£©ö²£¥Í¤j¶q¤ÑµM¬ü´º)¡C udn.com/news/story/7338/6601661?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2




¡¹ ¥~°êÆ[¥ú®È«È¨Ó¥x¤é§¡®ø¶O source from TW gov., Apple Daily, Aug., 2019

¡¹ BBC, UK, 7-31-2019: the number of Chinese tourists (in time) in 2015 is about 4.18 million, dropped to 2.7 million on 2018 (https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-49178224 7-31-2019)
¡¹ Telegraph, UK, 7-31-2019: China remains the top source of tourists, with close to 2.5 million visiting last year




¤¤°êÆ[¥ú®È«È¨Ó¥x¤H¼Æ²Î­p(¦Ê¸U³æ¦ì) ,  2008¦~°_¨â©¤ª½¯è   2016¦~°_¥Á¶iÄÒ°õ¬F(ºñ¦â)
source:  Asia Nikkei 4-30-2019, ¥xÆW¬F©²¸ê®Æ 




data 2018/2019
area population¤H¤f number of tourists (person in time)
Hong Kong 7.3 million 65.1 million 1:9
Macau 0.65 million 35.9 million 1 : 55
Singapore 5.6 million 18.5 million 1 : 2.3
Taiwan 23 million 11.25 million 1 : 0.5



¡´ ¯Ã¬ù®É³ø (New York Times), 7-31-2019, CNN 8-1-2019: ¤¤°êµÛ²´©ó¿ïÁ|  »s³y¤G©¤ºò±i±¡¶Õ  ¼È°±¦Û¥Ñ¦æ¨Ó¥x®È¹C¡C   Independent UK  8-1-2019:  It is a blow for Taiwan¡¦s tourism industry.  ¬ü°ê¬¥§üÁF®É³ø, 8-1-2019:  µL­­´Á°±Ã±¥i¯à·|¹ï¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¡A¤å¤Æ¥æ¬y³y¦¨³y¦¨­«¤j½ÄÀ»  (The indefinite suspension is likely to prove a major economic hit to Taiwan, as well as a blow to cultural interplay)¡C¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø 8-28-2019: ¥xÆW¤U¥b¦~Æ[¥ú²£­È®£·l¥¢354»õ¡C  Áp¦X³ø 8-28-2019, µJÂI:  ¼»¿ú¡B§Kñ¯à±ÏÆ[¥ú? «÷©R¸É§U°ê®Èµ²ªG¬O°ê¤H¥X°ê¤H¼Æ¤@¦A³Ð·s°ª¡C Áp¦X³ø 8-17-2019 ªÀ½×:  ¥xÆW¥Ø«eªºÆ[¥ú(®È¹C)§x¹Ò¡A«Ü¤j³¡¤À¬O¨â ©¤¬Fµ¦¥¢·í©Ò³y¦¨¡C Áp¦X³ø 8-22-2019 ªÀ½×:®È¹C°I°hªº¥t¤@¤j½u¯Á¬O¦~ª÷§ï­²¤Ó¼@¯P¡A ¨Ï°ê¤º®È¹C¤ä¬W­x¤½±Ð®ø¶OÂàÁÍ«O¦u¡C  Áp¦X³ø 7-15-2019 ªÀ½×: ¬ü°ê¸gÀپǮaTyler CowenÅå³Y, ¥x¥_¬O¨È¬w«°¥«¤¤³o30¦~ÅܤƳ̤pªº, 85%¨SÅÜ, ÁÙ¬O¤p«Ñ¡B«Ø¿v¡Bº¡µó¼¯¦«¨®, ¦Ó¼s¦{¦³90%ªº¤£¦P,­»´ä¡B­ºº¸¡B·s¥[©Y 10¦~ªºÅܤƴN«Ü¤j¡C Áp¦X³ø 8-23-2019: ½²­^¤åªí¥Ü¥xÆWÆ[¥ú¬Fµ¦¬O §¡¿Å«È·½¡BÂX¤j¤º»Ý¡B´£°ª®ø¶O¡B¥Î¬ü­¹»P¬Ã¯]¥¤¯ù«÷Æ[¥ú... ; New York Times, 7-31-2019, CNN 8-1-2019: China, an Eye on Elections, rising cross-strait tensions,  bans solo tourists from heading to Taiwan.    L.A. Times, 8-1-2019: The indefinite suspension is likely to prove a major economic hit to Taiwan, as well as a blow to cultural interplay.   Independent UK  8-1-2019:  It is a blow for Taiwan¡¦s tourism industry.  Liberty Times 8-1-2019: Taiwan may loss 20,000 million dollars from the gross annual value of tourism in the second half of 2019.    Asia Nikkei 4-30-2019: Since 2016, China has attempted to punish Tsai (DPP) by reducing tour groups to Taiwan, but inbound tourists have steadily set records surpassing 11 millions for the first time last year... 


¡´   ­^°êBBC, UK, 7-31-2019: ¥xÆW¥æ³q³¡¸ê®Æ«ü¥X¡A¤¤°ê®È«È¤´¬O­u¥x®È«È²Ä¤@¤j¨Ó·½¡A¨ä¦¸¬O¤é¥»¤Î´ä¿D¤H¤h¡C¬°¤°»ò©O?   ¬ü°ê¬¥§üÁF®É³ø (L.A. Times, 8-1-2019) ¤ÀªR (1) º¡¨¬¤F¦Û¥®²£¥Íªº¦n©_¤ß,  ¤F¸Ñ¥xÆWªº­«­n´ë¹D (2) ­¸¦æ®É¶¡µu¥À»y¤¤¤å (3) ¨â©¤±j¤jªº¤å¤Æ©M²`«pªº¾ú¥vÁpô¡A³\¦h¤H¦b¥xÆW¤p»¡¡AÀ¸¼@¡AºîÃÀ¸`¥Ø©Mºq¦±¤¤¦¨ªø¹L  (4) ©v±Ð¡A«Ø¿v©M¤å¤Æªº¬Û¦ü¤§³B¡A³o¬O´X¦Ê¦~«e±q¤¤°ê¾E²¾¨ì¥xÆWªºµ²ªG (5) ¥xÆWªº³ø¯È¡A·s»Dºô¯¸©M¹qµø«H®§  (6) °Â°â¥Í·N ¡C

¦Ü©ó¥xÆWªºÆ[¥úÅé½è©Î¹ï¥þ²yªº§l¤Þ¤O©O?  ºI¦Ü2019¦~ ¡A¥xÆWÆ[¥ú®È¹C·~¤´¨«¥j¦Ñ¸ô½u:  ±þ»ù´c©ÊÄvª§¡B¬Æ¦Ü²_¬°§|«È¤Ñ°ó¡A ¥xÆW¬F©²ªº¸É§U´Úµu½u¾Þ§@ªv¼Ð¤£ªv¥»¡A¥¼¥Î©ó§ïµ½®È¹CÀô¹Ò¡B¤É¯ÅÆ[¥úÅé½è¡A ¤ñ¤è¡A¿p´µªL¨Ï¥Î¤§¤Íµ½³]¬I±ø¥ó«D±`¤£°÷......

China remaining the top source of tourists to Taiwan is because,  LA Times at 8-1-2019 said that (1) satisfying a curiosity, an important channel for knowing Taiwan (2) flights of no more than 2~3 hours (3) strong cultural and deep historic connection (4) religious, architectural and cultural similarities, the result of migration from China to Taiwan that began hundreds of years ago (5) take home new information from Taiwan¡¦s newspapers, news websites and television channels, all free of censorship unlike on the mainland (6) stoking business. 


¡´ ®Ú¾Ú 2017¦~4¤ë6¤éªº World Economic Forum (WEF)  <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> (<°ê»ÚÆ[¥ú®È¹CÄvª§¤O ³ø§i>)µûŲ , ¥xÆWªº­«­n¶µ¥Ø¦p"¦ÛµM´ºÂI§l¤Þ¤OAttractiveness of Natural Assets" (¥]¬AParks¤½¶é, beaches, mountains¤s¤ô, wildlife)±Æ¦W¥þ²y No.87, "Natural Resources"±Æ¦W¥þ²y No.55,   "Environmental Sustainability" ±Æ¦WNo.75(2015 ¦~²Ä69), "Price Competitiveness"±Æ¦W No. 46, "Hotel Price Index" (®ÈÀ]»ù®æ) ±Æ¦W No. 89 (¤W¦¸²Ä82), ¤¤°ê¤j³°ªº±Æ¦W«e¤­±j¶µ«ü¼Ð¦p"World heritage natural sites"»P "World heritage cultural sites"¥xÆW³£n/a, ¬_¤å­õ¥«ªø§åµûªº­»´ä»P·s¥[©Y, ¥ý¤Ñ´ºÂI¦P¼Ë¤£¨Î, ¦ý¨ä"Business Environment"»P "¹D¸ô´ä¤f³]¬I" ±Æ¦W¥þ²y«e2(¥xÆW²Ä27»P16), "¾÷³õ³]¬I"²Ä5»P6(¥xÆW²Ä42), "Safety & security"²Ä5»P6¡C ¥xÆWÁö¦³°ª¤À«ü¼Ð¦p"Mobile Network coverage", "ATM"µ¥µ¥, ¦ý¨Ã«D"¦n¬Ý"¡B"¦nª±", ¨¬¥H§l¤ÞÆ[¥ú«È·½ªº±j¶µ¡C¥xÆW¬ÝWEFÀ³­«µø"Æ[¥ú"¶µ¥Ø¤À¼Æ, ¦Ó«DÁ`¤À¡BÁ`±Æ¦W, ¦]¬°®Ú¾Ú¥xÆW¬F©² "visitor arrivals by purpose"³Ì·s²Î­p,  ¶È 7.61% ¥~°ê¤H¨Ó¥x¬O°Ó·~¥Øªº( business, conference, exhibition), µ´¤j¦h¼ÆÁÙ¬OÆ[¥ú®T¼Ö(pleasure)¥Øªº¡C ¥xÆWÁ`±Æ¦W¸¨«á¨È¤Ó°ê®a ― ¤é¥»(No.4)¿D¬w(7)­»´ä(11)·s¥[©Y(13)¤¤°ê(15)¯Ã¦èÄõ(16)Áú(19)°¨¨Ó¦è¨È(26)¡C


¡´ Ä«ªG¤é³ø2018 ¦~2¤ë12¤éªÀ½× (brief): ¯Ê¤Ö¥jÂݤ¸¯À¡B ·s¤å³Ð¤£¦¨¼ô¡B´ºÂI¦í±J©ù¶Q¡A¨S¦³¦^ÀY«È¡AÆ[¥ú²£·~¤@°}­·Ãø«ù¤[...Ä«ªG¤é³ø2018 ¦~1¤ë15¤éÀYª©ÀY±ø·s»D: ¥xÆWÆ[¥ú¡u³·±Y¡v, ¾Á¤B¿ß»óÀY®È«È¨g¶^59%, ¤Ó¾|»Õ¶^43%, ¥D¦]¬O³°«È¤£¨Ó, ¥xÆW¤H¤]¤£·R ... Ä«ªG¤é³ø2018 ¦~1¤ë17¤éªÀµû: ¶º©±¦í±J¤Ó¶Q¡B¥Á±J«~½è¤£Ã­¡B¾Ã¶ë¡B¤£¨v°Ó®aºV¦Ëºb...


¡´ ­^°ê´CÅé BBC, The SUN (2-13-2017): "Bus Crash Horror !" -  §åµû¥xÆW®È¹C¥æ³q¦w¥þ¦³«Ý§ïµ½ "safety standards need to be improved"      Áp¦X³øÀYª© 2-15-2017: "¨C¦¸³£ÀË°Q ¨C¦¸³£­«ºt"¡C °ê»Ú´CÅé¤]§åµû¥xÆW­¸¦w¬ö¿ý¤£¨Î ( Taiwan's aviation safety - MSN, Reuters, EuroNews, Mirro(UK), NewsWeek, CNN, etc (2-4-2015) :"Taiwan has had a poor aviation safety record in recent years"  ) ¡C  Apple Daily, Opinion (2-15-2017): ¦p¦¹°ª¶Ë¤`²v¦b¤å©ú°ê®a¤¤¥i¯à©~«a (brief)¡C  


¡´ ¡m¤H¥Á¤é³ø¡n8-4-2016 ªÀ½× "¦w¥þ¨S«O»Ù ³°«È¤£´±¨Ó"«ü¥X¡A ¾D¹J¤£©¯ªº¤j³°¹C«È¥H¥Í©Rªº¥N»ù§â¥xÆWÆ[¥ú®È¹C·~¯Ê¹ú¤@¤@´¦¶}¡G «Ü¦h·N¥~¨Æ¬G³£¦s¦bµÛ¤Hº× ªº¼v¤l¡A©Î¬Oªk³Wº|¬}¡BºÞ²z²¨¥¢¡B©Î¬OÅé¨î¤£¨¬¡C®È¹C©Ó¸ü¯à¤O¡B¹D¸ô¦w¥þ¡B­¸¦æ¦w¥þ¡B¹D¸ô¾iÅ@ ¡B¹CÄý¨®¦w¥þ¼Ð·Ç¡B§ï¸Ë¨®¡B§C»ù¹Î¡K¤@°_°_¨Æ¬GµS¦p¥´¶}¤F¼ï¦·©Ôªº²°¤l...  


¡´  ¥xÆW¤õ¨® ¦º¤`¨Æ¥ó
ref. to  <¯Ã¬ù®É³ø>³ø¾É


¡´ Business Insider (6-2015) ¤¶²Ð¥xÆW´ºÂI:

    ¡·  Hehuan Mountain and Ali Mountain are two top-rated scenic spots on TripAdvisor. (ªü¨½¤sµ¥)    ¡·  Sun Moon Lake(¤é¤ë¼æ) 

    ¡· Kenting National Park(¾Á¤B).   9 nationall. parks, which make up 8.6% of its land.  Taroko National Gorge (¤Ó¾|»Õ) alone is worth spending at least two days hiking its numerous scenic trails.

    ¡· hot springs Beitou outside of Taipei, and Jiaoxi in Yilan (¥_§ë©yÄõµ¥·Å¬u)


ps:  [ Climate ]   tropical and subtropical climate zones,  Average temperature for northern Taiwan : 21.7¢XC;  southern Taiwan:  24.1¢XC.   Jan. ~ Mar : may downto 10¢XC.   June ~ August, may up to 38¢XC

¡÷ ¥xÆWÆ[¥ú®È¹C





       ¥xÆW¬ü­¹Taiwan food



¡¹ 2022¦~  ¨È¬w¥D­n«°¥«  ¦Ì¨äªLÀ\ÆU¤j¤ñ©é   Michelin stars comparisons among Asian countries

 Michelin cities

3 ¬PÀ\ÆU¼Æ

2 ¬PÀ\ÆU¼Æ

1 ¬PÀ\ÆU¼Æ


ªF¨ÊTokyo (¤é¥») 12 41 150 203
­»´äHong Kong 7 12 52 71
¨Ê³£Kyoto (¤é¥») 6 19 83 108
Osaka (¤é¥») 3 11 82 96
·s¥[©Y Singapore 3 7 41 51
¿Dªù Macau 3 5 7 15
­ºº¸ Seoul («nÁúKorea) 2 7 24 33
¤W®ü Shanghai (¤¤°ê¤j³°China) 2 8 37 47
¥x¥_Taipei (¥xÆWTaiwan) 1 6 24 31


2021  Michelin stars comparisons among Asian countries  ¦Ì¨äªL¨È¬wµû¤ñ

 Michelin cities

number of 3 stars

num. of 2 stars

number of 1 star

total num.

Tokyo (Japan) 12 42 158 212
Hong Kong 10 18 59 87
Kyoto (Japan) 7 19 84 110
Osaka (Japan) 3 12 81 96
Singapore 3 5 41 49
Seoul (Korea) 2 7 34 43
Shanghai (China) 1 10 32 43
Taipei (Taiwan) 1 7 21 29





­¹¦w¬O¥Á²³¶È¦s³Ì¨õ·Lªº»Ý¨D¡A¬°¤°»ò°ª©x¥u¬O¼Å­lÀ³¹ï¡H  ( brief )


¡´ ¤¤°ê®É³ø The China Times, 8-6-2016,  ±M³X ½²­^¤åTsai I. W.   ­¹¦w°ÝÃD¤£Â_,¥xÆW³Ì¤j¬D¾Ô ¤§¤@   ¡´ ­¹¦w¹wºâ¤Öªº¥i¼¦  ¤@¤H¶È¤@¤¸  / ¤¤°ê®É³ø 7-9-2017¡C


¡´ ªø©°Âå°|¬rª«¬ì¥D¥ô, Univ. of London³Õ¤hÃC©v®üM.D.: ¡u¾¨¶q´î¤Ö¥~­¹ !¡v ( ref. to µÛ§@<­¹«~¤£¦w¥þªº¦~¥N¦p¦ó¦Û«O> , April 2016 ( page 72 ) ¡C


¡´ 44% ¦Û¨Ó¤ôÅç¥X·L¶ì½¦, Âå¬É¬Û«H³o¬O«ÜÄY­«ªºÀô¹Ò¦Ã¬V , Dioxin, Bisphenol A (BPA), PAHs, ­«ª÷Äݵ¥®£¶i¤J­¹ª«Ãì, ¨Ã²Ö¿n¤HÅé,¥i¯à­PÀù...... ³Ì¦n¨Ï¥Î°fº¯³z RO machine¹LÂo¦Û¨Ó¤ô .  ®üÂA¦p mussels, oysters, clams (®°¨©»Pµð) ¤]¦³Åç¥X......  ºî¦X Ä«ªG¤é³ø, Áp¦X³ø , 9-26-2018.


¡´  The China Times, 5-21-2018 : ¥xÆW¤j¶}¹AÃĤè«Kªù  ­¹¦w¦¨¤f¸¹ ;  TVBS 9-12-2017 : ¾ÇªÌ (¤¤¿³¤j¾ÇÅv«Â±Ð±Â´¿¼w½ç) «ü¥X¥xÆW¨C¤½³¼¹AÃĨϥζq ¬°¥@¬É²Ä¤@, ¬ü°ê°Ó·|ªí¥Ü, ¨ä¤¤°°¹AÃĬù¦û 30%   (news.tvbs.com.tw/fun/769011)  ¡´  ¥xÆW¹AÃĴݯd®e³\¶q¬°¼Ú·ù1000­¿    / The China Times, Opinion <µuµû "¥xÆW¶V¨Ó¶V¬r>, 4-21-2017


¡´ ¤¤°ê®É³ø 7-19-2017 :


¡´ 5 ¬P¯Å¶º©±²_³´¤j¦h¼Æ¥xÆW5 ¬P¯Å¶º©±¤£¬~µæ??  (for details ¥xÆWÀ\ÆU  or  ¥xÆW¬ü­¹Taiwan Night Markets ) ; ¤j¬ö¤¸(3-14-2017):¤j­Ü¤[©M5 ¬P¯Å¶º©±³c°â¹L´Á§N­á½¼¡Bµo¾`¨¡µ¥;   ¤T¥ß·s»D (setn 5-16-2016):¥_¥xÆW5 ¬P¯Å¶º©±³c½æ¶Â¤ß¹L´Á®üÂA;  LTN (5-17-2016): °ê»«¡BºÖµØµ¥5 ¬P¯Å¶º©±¼á²M¸ÑÄÀ¤§;   Ä«ªG¤é³ø(6-7-2016): ³ß¨Óµn5 ¬P¯Å¶º©±¥Õ½¼§t¹L¶qº}¥Õ¾¯¡A ¶W¼Ð¥|­¿¡A¦°ÃÉ­«ª÷ÄÝ镉¶W¼Ð14%... ;  Ä«ªG¤é³ø(7-2-'13): Æ[¥ú¶º©±­¹§÷¹L´Á2¦~   21®a¶È3®a¤Î®æ  ―   ¦æ¬F°|¾ßÀˬd¦w¥þ¤Î½Ã¥Í¤£¤Î®æ¶µ¥Ø¥]¬A: »·ªF­»®æ¨½©Ô(TNN)¤§ ¼p©Ð¥Í¼ô­¹¤M¨ã¥¼¤À¶}µ¥; ¤¤¤Ñ(5-17-2017, 19:33): "¥xÆWÁÙ¦³Ô£¥i¦Y  ¥Á²³·U­¹·U¤£¦w"; ¥Áµø(5-18-2017, 11:52am): 5¬P¯Å¶º©± 13­¹§÷¸g¬d¹L´Á...
®v½d¤j¾Ç¤Æ¾Ç©Òªø§d®a¸Û±Ð±ÂµÛ§@<¬rª«±M®aµ´¤£¶Rªº¶Â¤ß°Ó«~> (Nov. 2013): 10¤j¥Í¬¡¦u«h²Ä¤G¶µ   ―   ¤j³¡¤À¦b®a¥Î¿¯...;   ·s¥ú¡BºaÁ`µ¥Âå°|¦¿¦u¤sM.D., µÛ§@"­¹¦b¦w¤ß" (10-2014):  ¤­¬P¯Å¶º©±¥H²H¤ô³½°µ¥Í³½¤ù¡A®Ú¾Ú¤é¥»2013¦~¬ã¨s¡A¦Y²H¤ô³½°µªº¥Í³½¤ù¡A¼W¥[¨xÀù»PÁxºÞÀù¾÷·|¡A·Q½T«O¶¼­¹¦w¥þ¡A²Ä¤@¨B´N¬O¤Ö¥~­¹...  


¡´ Ä«ªG¤é³ø 11-20-2017 :¥@¬É¦U°êªº­¹¦wªk³W¡A³£¬O·U­q·UÄY®æ¡A°ß¿W¥xÆW¥´ºâ¨Ï¥Î·U­q·UÃPªºªk«ß¡A³o¼Ë¥xÆW¬ü­¹¤ý°êªº¬üÅA¦p¦ó­«²{? (brief) /  by ªô­P¿o, ªF®ü¤j¾Ç­¹«~¬ì¾Ç¨t±Ð®v ¹A±À¤¤¤ß¥D¥ô  ( TungHai University ). 


¡´ Taiwan is not included in EIU's Global Food Security Index of 2017, China ranks No. 45 among 113 nations.


¡´  Áp¦X³ø(3-1-2017): ³\¦h©]¥«³£§j°_º¶¿O¸¹¡A¦]¬°³°«È´î¤Ö½ÄÀ»¡B³\¦h©]¥«¯Ê¥F¯S¦â¡C

      ¤¤°ê®É³ø (5-26-2015) ´CÅéµû½×<±¼º£ªº¤å³Ð>¤@¤å½×¤Î:¡u­È±o§Ú­Ìª`·Nªº¬O¡A ­»´äºô¤Í¿ï¥X¡A¥xÆW¬O³Ì¥O¤H¥¢±æªº´ºÂI¡A­ì¦]³º¬O¥u¦³©]¥«¥i³}¡v¡C
¤¤°ê®É³ø(8-8-2015): "¥xÆW¥¼¯à«Ø¥ßÀu½è¯S¦âªº°ê»Ú§Î¶H  ®{²_¤p¦Yµ¥·G»ù°Ó«~¦L¶H"¡C


¡´   ¯Ã¬ù®É³ø New York Times, 2-24-2017:  ¥x¥_µóÀY¤p¦Y¯à¶q©ô «K©yªº¤j±ÆÀÉ»P§Öª£©±¼Æ¥H¤d­p Taipei ... has a street food scene as vibrant as that of Bangkok; restaurants that specialize in both Taiwanese and regional cuisines from around China; thousands of cheap and cheerful joints at which to drink cold beer with small plates and quick stir-fries; ....  ref to https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/15/travel/taipei-taiwan-restaurants-local.html

¡÷ restaurant¥xÆWÀ\ÆU ,   ¡÷ ¥xÆW©]¥«night markets




       ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ Taiwan Economy


Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook 2022

Median wealth per adult (USD)

world rank

country 2021 change 2021
1 Australia 273,900 28,450
2 Belgium 267,890 -3,730
3 NZ 231,260 57,920
4 Hong Kong 202,380 8,250
5 Denmark 171,170 10,790
6 Swiss 168,080 14,170
7 Canada 151,250 16,240
8 Nederland 142,990 -600
9 UK 141,550 9,610
10 France 139,170 -3,670
11 Norway 132,480 -1,620
12 Japan 120,000 -8,740
13 Taiwan 113,940 18,050
14 Italy 112,140 -10,100
15 Spain 104,160 -640
16 Qatar 100,010 20,160
17 Sweden 95,050 -100
18 US 93,270 13,840
19 S. Korea 93,140 1,910
20 Singapore 93,130 2,980

Global Times, 2021-9-20:
Taiwan has a trade surplus of more than $100 billion a year with the Chinese mainland ... Mainland stops importing two Taiwan fruits, and DPP authority is howling.    globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1234662.shtml


¡´  Japan Times, 2021-7-5: China could try to strangle Taiwan economically. Business ties between the two countries have grown into a dense web of interdependence: Taiwanese companies have invested $190 billion on the mainland and more than a million Taiwanese live there. Yet these ties are now fraying as talk of economic decoupling occupies businesspeople and politicians in Taiwan japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2021/07/05/commentary/world-commentary/dire-straits-taiwans-fragile-status-quo/


¡´ Economist, 11-19-2020: ¦]¦a½t¬Fªv¡B¤j³°Ävª§¡B¥@¥N¥æ´À¨Ï¥x³°¶¡°Ó·~Ãö«Y¶}©l¨ü¨ì¥´À»

(1)  geopolitical :  China's goal of discouraging formal independence by strengthening business ties is increasingly transparent to many Taiwanese.  Tariffs imposed by America on a long list of Chinese exports have prompted many Taiwanese producers to shift operations out of China.
(2)  competition:  the capabilities of homegrown Chinese rivals, are becoming more competitive and innovative.
(3)  generational change: the impending ¡§leadership vacuum¡¨ has made them cautious


¡´  Bloomberg, 11-21-2020: https://www.bloombergquint.com/china/taiwanese-businesses-boost-investment-into-china-during-pandemic

¾¨ºÞ½²­^¤å©IÆ~¨Ã´£¨Ñ»¤¦]¦b¥x§ë¸ê, ¦ý¤µ¦~«e¤Q­Ó¤ë¥x°Ó¦b¤j³°§ë¸ê¼W¥[ 47%  Total approved investment from Taiwan to China rose to $4.7 billion in the first 10 months of this year, an increase of 47% over the same period in 2019...


¡´ Bloomberg 1-9-2020: Slow income growth and aging society post challenge ahead, Taiwanese income-per-person, income per capita, lowest of Four Tigers .   NY Times 1-11-2020:  lowest unemployment rate in two decades ...  The Guardian, 1-9-2020: The economy is improving, with wage growth and high employment.


¡´  CTN 5-24-2020 ªÀ½×:  2010¦~ECFA¨è·N¹ï¥xÆW¡uÅý§Q¡v¡A¤w¤£¥i¯à­«²{¡C¤×¨ä«á·s«a¬Ì±¡°ê»Ú¸g¶T¯´§Ç­«²Õ¡A¥xÆW¥X¤f±N«ÜÃø¦³«GÄRªºªí²{¡A¥xÆW®ø¶O¥«³õ³W¼Ò¤Ó¤p¡A¤£¨¬¥H±a°Ê¸gÀÙ¦¨ªø¡C¥xÆW¹ê½èÁ~¸ê¤£¼W¤Ï´î¡A¤ñ17¦~«eÁÙ§C¡Aªø´Á¥H¨Ó¡AÁ~¸ê¦¨ªø¶°¤¤¦b°ª¬ì§Þ¹q¤l·~¡AªA°È·~©M¶Ç²Î»s³y·~´X¥G¦Ê·~¿½±ø¡AÁ~¸ê¸`¸`­°§C¡C¦ý³f¹ô¼eÃP¬Fµ¦Åý¸ê²£»ù®æ¤£¥¿±`¤Wº¦¡A©Ò±o¤À°t´c¤Æ·|§óÄY­«¡A¥Á«è·|§ó°ª¡C


¡´  United Daily, editorial, 11-5-2019: Áp¦X³øªÀ½×¡þ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¯uªº­«¦^¥|¤pÀs²Ä¤@¡H  https://udn.com/news/story/11321/4144692


¡´ BBC UK  1-2-2019      What's behind the China-Taiwan divide?   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-34729538

¬ü°ê¬O¥xÆW°ß¤@·ù¤Í  ¤j¦h¥L°ê¼Ö¨£¥Ø«e¤§¼Ò½kª¬ºA The US is by far Taiwan's most important friend, and its only ally.
Given the huge divide between these two positions, most other countries seem happy to accept the current ambiguity, whereby Taiwan has most of the characteristics of an independent state, even if its legal status remains unclear.

³¡¤À¥xÆW¤H¾á¼~¸gÀ٨̿त°ê  ¨ä¥L¤H»{¬°§ë¸ê¤¤°ê¨Ï¦@­x¥Ç¥x¾÷²v´î§C

... links between the two peoples (ps: Chinese, Taiwanese) and economies have grown sharply. Taiwanese companies have invested about $60bn (£40bn) in China, and up to one million Taiwanese now live there, many running Taiwanese factories.
Some Taiwanese worry their economy is now dependent on China. Others point out that closer business ties makes Chinese military action less likely, because of the cost to China's own economy...



¡´  ¥xÆW¿ïÁ|  ¥Á¶iÄÒ¤j±Ñ Taiwan votes in elections, Nov. 2018
New York Times, 11-23-2018:  Economic growth, employment and pension reforms were among key issues in the elections...China said the results (Taiwan elections) reflected a desire of Taiwanese for better relations with the mainland... ¸gÀÙ´N·~¬O³o¦¸¿ïÁ|ªºÃöÁä¦]¯À...¤¤°êªí¥Ü¿ïÁ|µ²ªG¤Ï¬M¤H¥Á·Q§ïµ½¨â©¤Ãö«Y¤§±ý±æ.   

      ¡´ Quartz , 11-25-2018 :  
      Taiwan¡¦s elections have given Beijing much to celebrate  (https://qz.com/1473960/taiwans-elections-have-given-beijing-much-to-celebrate/)

    ¡´ Le Monde (France), 11-24-2018 :  A Taïwan, des élections sous influence chinoise 

    ¡´ Wall Street Journal , 11 25 2018:

       ¥xÆW¤H¥Á¦b¤¤°ê«ÂÀ~¤Uªí²{¥X°È¹ê¤§¿ïÁ|µ²ªG A great virtue of Taiwan¡¦s voters is that they¡¦re pragmatic, a useful trait for an island under threat of a Chinese invasion. That pragmatism was on display in local elections Saturday that rebuked President Tsai Ing-wen while refusing to ban nuclear power.

     ¡´  Reuters UK , 11-26-2018: Beijing told Reuters simply: ¡§They¡¦re really happy.¡¨  ¤¤°ê¹ï¥xÆW¿ïÁ|µ²ªG¯u¬O°ª¿³
     ¡´  SET news, Taiwan, 11-26-2018: ­^°ê¸ô³zªÀ¤@°w¨£¦å¡A»{¬°¤¤°ê¬O³o¦¸¿ïÁ|ªº³Ì¤jĹ®a¡A¦ÓµØ²±¹y¶l³ø©Mªk°ê¥@¬É³ø¤]³£»{¬°¡A¤¤°ê¬O¥ª¥k³o¦¸¿ïÁ|ªº³Ì¤jÃöÁä¡C

       ¡´  ¥xÆWÁp¦X³ø Taiwan, 11-28-2018: ¤¤¬ü¹ï«Ï¤UµØ©²¤£®e¨â©¤©M¥­¯}Ãa¬ü°ê¦b¥x¤§¾Ô²¤±±¨î


¡´ µØ²±¹y¶l³ø Washington Post, 1-2-2017 : ¥xÆW¤H¨Ã¤£Ä@·N¤£­p¥N»ù°l¨D¿W¥ß¡A ¦h¼Æ¤´·|¥D­n·Q¨ì¸gÀÙ°ÝÃD ¡A ¥xÆW¤H·|¿ï¾Ü"ÄÑ¥]"¦Ó«D"·R±¡" ¡C the Taiwanese are not willing to pursue independence at all costs. Many are concerned with the economy. When asked to choose between formal independence or maintaining economic ties with China, 83 percent chose bread over romance...   https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/01/02/yes-taiwan-wants-one-china-but-which-china-does-it-want/?utm_term=.8d999292eabd


¡´ Washington Post, 1-5-2018 :  China is Taiwan¡¦s largest trading partner and China is Taiwan¡¦s main destination for outbound investment; 40 percent of Taiwan¡¦s exports flow to China and a fifth of Taiwan¡¦s gross domestic product derives from its economic ties to the mainland.


¡´  ¯Ã¬ù®É³ø New York times, 12-13-2016 : ¦p¤µ¡A¥xÆW3¤À¤§2¥H¤Wªº®ü¥~ª½±µ§ë资¬y¦V¤j³° ¥xÆW³Ì¤jªº贸©ö¥ë¦ñ¡C...¥xÆW¤Hªº¦@ÃѬO¡A»P¤j³°¬YÏúµ{«×ªº经À٨̦sµLªkÁקK¡A¦ý¹L«×¥õ赖则¦³­·险¡C¬O¥H·¥ºÝªº 经ÀÙ¬Fµ¦¥¢¥h¤F¤H¥Áªº¤ä«ù¡C...¥_¨Êªºµ¦²¤¬O¡A¹ï¥x湾Åý§Q¯q¡AÅý¥x湾¤H§ó³¼¦V¤_统¤@¡A¦ý©|¥¼¦¨¥\¡C¥t¤è­±¡A¥_¨Ê¥[¤j¬IÀ£¤O«×¡A  ¤¤¤î¥xÆWªº©x¤è沟³q¡B减¤Ö³°«È¨Ó¥x®È¹C  ©M³ò°ô¥xÆWªº°ê»ÚªÅ¶¡¡X¡X¡CToday, more than two-thirds of Taiwan¡¦s outward foreign direct investment is to China, which is also Taiwan¡¦s leading trading partner.  Taiwanese has emerged a consensus  that some degree of economic interdependence with China is unavoidable but that overdependence is risky.

Beijing¡¦s strategy of giving Taiwanese economic benefits so that Taiwanese will become more inclined toward unification has not been successful ...



¡´ ­^°êBBC, UK,  6-14-2017: Taiwan has become one of Asia's big traders. It is considered to have achieved an economic miracle, becoming one of the world's top producers of computer technology. ¥xÆW³Ð³y¤F¸gÀÙ©_ÂÝ ¡A¦¨¬°¥@¬É­«­n¹q¤l²£«~¥Í²£¼t»P¨È¬w¥D­n¶T©ö°ê®a Taiwan country profile  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-16164639


¡´ Wikipedia,  Economy of Taiwan

    ¥xÆW°ª¬ì§Þ²£«~¦b¥þ²y¸gÀÙ§êºt¤¤­n¨¤¦â¡A¦ý¨äÃöÁä§Þ³N»P¥D ­n²Õ¥ó¶·¥õ¿à¤é¥»»P¬ü°êªº ´£¨Ñ»P¶i¤f¡C»OÆWªº¹q¤l¤u·~¦h¬°ODM¡C Taiwan is the 22nd-largest economy in the world, and its high-tech industry plays a key role in the global economy. (Taiwan has a developed capitalist economy that ranks as the 22th-largest in the world by purchasing power parity (PPP) ) It is ranked highly in terms of ... economic freedom, and human development...These SMEs usually produce products on an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or original design manufacturer (ODM) basis, resulting in less resources spent on research and development.   Due to the emphasis of the OEM/ODM model, companies are usually unable to make in-depth assessments for investment, production, and marketing of new products, instead relying upon importation of key components and advanced technology from the United States and Japan.  / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan


¡´ Baidu China : 国际贸©ö¬O¥x湾ªº经济©R脉¡A¤¤国¤j陆¬O¥x湾³Ì¤j贸©ö¥ë¦ñ¡B进¥X¤f贸©ö²Ä¤@¦a区¡A¨ä¦¸为¬ü国©M¤é¥»¡C¤£¦P¤_邻ªñªº韩国©M¤é¥»¡A¥x湾经济¥H¤¤¤p«¬¥ø业¦Ó«D¤j«¬¥ø业¶°团为¥D¡C ¥x湾电¤l«H®§产业¦b¥þ²y产业链¤¤¦a¦ì举¨¬轻­«¡A¥þ²y¤j¦h数电脑电¤l¹s组¥ó³£¦b¥x湾¥Í产¡C......¥Ø«e当§½积Ìå±À动产业转«¬¤É级¡A­«点发®i观¥ú®È´å¡B医疗·Ó护¡B¥Íª«¬ì§Þ¡B绿¦â¯à·½¡B¤å¤Æ创·N¡Bºë­P农业¤»¤j·s兴产业©M¤Q¤jªA务业¡C 2002¦~·ç¤h¬¥®á°ê»ÚºÞ²z¾Ç°|¡m¥@¬ÉÄvª§¤O¦~³ø¡n«ü¥X»OÆW¤H¥­§¡¤@¦~¤u§@®É¼Æ¬O2,282¤p®É¡A»OÆW¤u®É¥@¬É±Æ¦W²Ä¤@¡C2012¦~CNN´©¤Þ³Ò©e·|©MOECDªº¼Æ¾Ú«ü¥X¡A»OÆW¤H¨C¦~¥­§¡¤u§@2,200¤p®É¡A¤ñ¤é¥»¡B¬ü°ê¦h¥X20¢H¡A©M¼w°ê¬Û¤ñ§ó°ª¥X35¢H¡C PS: Apple Daily 10-1-2017: ¥xÆW³Ò°Ê³¡²Î­p¡A2016¦~³Ò¤u®É2034¤p®É¡A¥þ²y²Ä6, ¦¸©ó·s¡B¾¥¡B«nÁú¡B­ô¡B§Æþ¡A¦ý¥xÆW³Ò¤uÁôÂ꺥[¯Z®É¼Æ¹L¦h¡AÃø¥H¥Ñ²Î­p¬Ý¥X¹L³Ò§ïµ½¡C


¡÷ ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ



      ¥xÆW¥~¥æ Taiwan diplomatic isolation


¡´ ¡ó ¤¤¦@«ü³d¬ü°ê"¤Á­»¸z¾Ô²¤"±ÇªÅ¤@¤¤¬Fµ¦ ; ¬ü°ê«ü³d¤¤¦@"¤Á­»¸z¾Ô²¤"¸Õ¹Ï§ïÅÜ¥x®ü²{ª¬
¬ü°ê New York Times, 2022-8-1: China Institute of International Studies±M®a«ü¡A 拜登政府延續了¤t普政府的¡¥¥H台制中¡¦的戰略。¡¨¡A ¡§¥x®üµo¥Í½Ä¬ðªº¥i¯à©Ê¶V¨Ó¶V¤j¡CNY Times, 2022-8-2:大多數歐洲國家都怕激怒北京,長期以來一直與台灣保持一定距離。«ôµn¤£¹³©õ¤é¬ü°ê²v»â°ê»ÚÁp·ù¹G°h«Å¥¬¨Ö§]¬ì«Â¯Sªº¥ì©Ô§J¡A¤]¤£¹³§N¾Ô®É¬ü°ê²v»âªº¥_¬ù¡A¬°«OÅ@¦è¬fªL¤£±¤»PĬÁp¤@¾Ô¡A¤µ¤Ñ¬ü°ê¬ï±ôªº°ê»ÚÁp·ù©|Ãø¦³¦@ÃÑ ― ¥¦­Ì¤£Ä@·N¬°¤F¥xÆW¦Ó±o¸o³Ì¤jªº¶T©ö¹Ù¦ñ¤¤国...


¡´ Brookings,  2021-7-12:  ¥xÆW¿ï¥Á¦b¶i¦æ½Þ¦×¤½§ë¤§«eÀ³¸Ó¥ýª¾¹D¬ü¥x¶T©ö Ãö«Yªºº¥¶i¦¡¶i®i¥i¯àÃö³¬¡A¨ä¥L¥D­n¸gÀÙÅé«Ü¥i¯à·|®Ä¥é¡Cif Taiwan voters reverse Tsai¡¦s pledge to open Taiwan¡¦s market to the same pork products that American citizens eat... would seal shut the door to anything more than incremental progress on U.S.-Taiwan trade relations...other major economies would follow suit.   brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2021/07/12/taiwan-voters-should-look-before-they-leap-on-pork-referendum/
National Review, 2021-7-9: ¬ü°ê§R°£Tweet¬Oµ¹¥xÆW¥~¥æ¤Wªº¥¢±æ©M¹ï¤¤°êªºÅý¨B  /  «ôµn¬F©²¦b±À¯S¤Wµo¥¬¤F¤@±øÃö©ó¦V¥@¬É®½ÃØ COVID ¬Ì­]ªº°T®§¡A¨ä¤¤¥]¬A¤@±i¥xÆW°êºXªº¹Ï¤ù¤§«á¡A¬ü°ê§R°£¤F¸Ó¹Ï¤å¡A¨Ã¬°¨ä¡§¸Û¹êªº¿ù»~¡¨¹Dºp¡CDeleted Taiwan Tweet Is a Diplomatic Disappointment and a Concession to China / After tweeting a message about America¡¦s COVID vaccine donations to the world that included an image of the Taiwanese flag, the Biden administration has deleted the post and apologized for its ¡§honest mistake.¡¨  nationalreview.com/corner/deleted-taiwan-tweet-is-a-diplomatic-disappointment-and-a-concession-to-china/



¡¹  ¥xÆW  ½WÀY¥~¥æ Taiwan's Kow-Tow  diplomacy ¡¹



♣  ¬ü°ê¥Nªí¹Î¹Îªø«e°Ñ¿ÑªøÁp®u·|ij¥D®u¬ïµÛ¡§¤£¦X¾A¡¨ªº¡§ªáÄû¡¨¡A¥xÆW·P¨ì¡§«D±`¤£´L­« ¡¨,¡§¥ØÀü¤f§b¡¨, ¥xÆW§»«³¡ªù¤u§@¤H­û»¡¡A³o¬O¹ï¥xÆW·í§½ªº½°µø Taiwan island feels ¡¥deep disrespect¡¦ as US delegation leader wears socks of ¡¥improper¡¦ colorway ( a pair of "flowery socks"); udn.com (Mar. 2022) said the US delegation's impolite and "improper dressing" shows its contempt of the Taiwan authority.  

      ♣  ´X¦~«e¡A¬ü°ê¦b¥x¨ó·|¡]AIT¡^¥x¥_¿ì¨Æ³B«e¥D¥ô¤Ò¤H¬ïµÛ²D¾c°Ñ¥[½²­^¤åªº±ß®b, ¥xÆW©x­û¥u¯à¨p¤U·nÀY¹Ä®§

♣   2021 ¦~ 6 ¤ë¡A¤T¦W¬ü°ê°Ñij­û³X°Ý¸Ó®q¨Ã·|¨£¤F½²­^¤å¡A½²­^¤å¦b·Ó¤ù©MµøÀW¤ù¬qÅã¥Ü

 2020¦~7¤ë¡A½²­^¤å»P¥[®³¤j¾n¥x¥_¶T©ö¿ì¨Æ³B°õ¦æ¥D¥ôJordan Reeves ·|­±®É¡A


globaltimes.cn/page/202203/1253941.shtml   2022-3-4



¡´ ¥x®ü­·¶³ New York Times 4-1-2019: Taiwan protests China jets crossing center of Taiwan Strait, a provocation that seeks to alter the status quo ...  an intentional act.    Taiwan News, 6-28-2019: U.S. Senate passes pro-Taiwan defense bill calling for more patrols in Taiwan Strait.   Reuters 6-27-2019:Canadian navy ships sailed through Taian strait amid tension with China (Such passages upset China ... In April, Beijing condemned a French decision to send a frigate through the Strait as illegal Japan Times, 4-1-2019:  the U.S. sent ships through the strait  ( mission was unusual)  ..



  pic.: ¼w°ê¥~¥æ³¡ºô¯¸¬ðµM±N


¥ÕºX ¬O"§ë­°"ªº°ê»Ú©Ê¼Ð»x





¼w°ê©x¦¡¦^µª¬O "One China Policy" ,






 ¡´ µØ²±¹y¶l³ø Washington Post, 1-2-2017:

     ¬ü°êªºµ¦²¤¼Ò½k: "»{ª¾"¥xÆWÄݩ󤤰ê , ¦ý¤£"©Ó»{"¥xÆWÄÝ©ó¤¤°ê  The United States ¡§acknowledges¡¨ that there is one China and that Taiwan is part of China. But the United States has never officially ¡§recognized¡¨ Taiwan as part of China. This strategic ambiguity leaves the United States room for a de facto relationship with Taiwan and leaves the Taiwan-China relation an open-ended question.  /  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/01/02/yes-taiwan-wants-one-china-but-which-china-does-it-want/?utm_term=.8d999292eabd


 ¡´  Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan, 読売·s»D¡uªÀ説¡vOpinion, 6-22-2017 :  ¤¤国が¥x湾を©t¥ßさせる°Êきを±jめ¡Bªi­·を¥ßてている¡C­x¨Æ¡B経済両­±でのÀu¦ìを­I´ºにした圧¤Oは¡B¤¤¥x¶¡のºò±iを°ªめるだけだ¡C...¤¤国の¤@³sの¥~¥æ§ð¶Õは¡B¥x湾を¦Û国の¤@³¡とする¡u¤@つの¤¤国¡v­ì«hを¡B¥x湾の½²­^¤å¬F権に»{めさせるª®いだろう¡C...¥x湾の¦í¥Áの¶¡では¡B¤¤国に¬Fªvªº¡B経済ªºにのみ込まれることへのĵ§Ù·Pが±jく¡B¡u¤¤国Â÷れ¡vが¥[³tしているためだ¡C...¦Ì国は¥x湾の¨¾½Ã¤O±j¤Æを担っており¡B¥x湾®ü峡の¥­©Mと¦w©wのカギを´¤る¡C(The US is the key to keep the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait)


 ¡´ ªk°ê Le Monde diplomatique, France, mai 2016:  "politiL¡¦Amérique centrale lâche Taipei" /  Les deux rivaux du détroit de Formose ne luttent pas à armes égales et, pour Taipei, l¡¦isolement diplomatique menace.  (The two rivals of the Taiwan Straits do not fight on equal terms , the diplomatic isolation threatens Taiwan  ®ü®l¨â©¤¤£¹ïºÙ¥­µ¥ªº¾Ô°«¡A«Â¯Ù¹jµ´¤F¥xÅsªº¥~¥æ¡C  )


  ¡´  Singapore's The Straits Times,  11-9-2017 : Taiwan is the most important issue in Sino-US ties, Xi tells Trump   

¡§The Taiwan issue is the most important, most sensitive core issue in China-US relations, and concerns the political basis of the China-US relationship,¡¨ ... China ¡§hopes that the US side continues to scrupulously abide by the ¡¥one China¡¦ principle, and prevents disturbances to the broader picture of China-US ties¡¨, Xi added.   Trump told Xi that the United States government upheld and stuck to the ¡§one China¡¨ policy, China¡¦s official Xinhua news agency reported.

    http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/xi-tells-trump-that-taiwan-is-the-most-important-issue-in-sino-us-ties   )



  ¡´  Spiegel Germany, 1-9-2017,  <Donald Trump: Chinesische Staatszeitung warnt USA wegen Umgang> 

        Die staatliche chinesische Zeitung "Global Times" hat den künftigen US-Präsidenten Donald Trump gewarnt, von der "Ein-China-Politik" abzurücken. "Das chinesische Volk würde die Regierung auffordern, sich zu rächen", hieß es im Leitartikel des Blattes, das zum Zentralorgan der Kommunistischen Partei "Renmin Ribao" gehört. "Es gibt keinen Raum für Verhandlungen" /  if "US President Donald Trump to abandon the one-China policy."  "The Chinese people would call on the government to take revenge,"  "There is no room for negotiations" ... (Global Times, China) ­I弃¡§¤@个¤¤国¡¨­ì则¡A¤¤国¤H¥Á将­n¨D¬F©²进¦æ报Î`¡A¨º时´N将没¦³讨ɲ还ɲªº§E¦a
¡÷ ¥xÆW¥~¥æ






     ¥xÆW¤HÅv  Taiwanese human rights

  ¡´  Amnesty International, June, 2021



¥xÆW¬F©²±À¥X¤F¤@¨t¦C¦®¦b¨¾¤î COVID-19 ¶Ç¼½ªº±¹¬I¡A¨ä¤¤¤@¨Ç±¹¬I«Â¯Ù¨ìÁô¨pÅv¡C¬F©²«Ø¥ß¤F¤j³W¼ÒºÊ±±ªº¼Æ¦r®Ø¬[©M³s±µªº¬F©²¼Æ¾Ú®w¡A¨Ò¦p®È¦æ©M°·±d«OÀI°O¿ý¡A¥H¶i¦æ¸ò踪©M°l¬d¡C¶W¹L 35 ­Ó¥xÆW¬F©²³¡ªù¯à°÷³q¹L³o­Ó¥­¥x«ùÄòºÊ´ú¤H­Ìªº¦æ°Ê©M¨ä¥L¬¡°Ê¡A¥]¬AÁʶR¥~¬ì¤f¸n¡C¬F©²´£¨Ñªº¥­¥x¨Ï¥Î²Ó¸`«Ü¤Ö¡A¤]¨S¦³¨ãÅ黡©ú¼Æ¾Ú¦¬¶°±¹¬I¦ó®Éµ²§ô¡C¥xÆW¡mºÊº»ªk¡nªº­×­q¾É­P 7 ¤ë¥÷¹ï¡m¦º¦D°õ¦æ±ø¨Ò¡n¶i¦æ¤F­×§ï¡C­×­q«áªº±ø¨Ò¤´µM¤¹³\¹ï¦³ªÀ·|¤ß²z©Î´¼¤O»Ùꪺ¤H§P³B¦º¦D¡C·í§½¦b³o¤@¦~¤¤¦b¼o°£¦º¦D¤è­±¨S¦³¨ú±o¥ô¦ó¶i®i¡A¥xÆWÄ~Äò°õ¦æ¦º¦D¡C
The government took several measures to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus, some of which threatened the right to privacy. Amendments to the Prison Act failed to address concerns about rights of people on death row with psychosocial or intellectual disabilities. In August, a National Human Rights Commission was established. In October, the International Review Committee received reports from international organizations ahead of its review of Taiwan¡¦s implementation of the ICCPR and the ICESCR.

  ¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices(¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i),  3-11-2020:  ªk©x»PÀ˹î©xªº¤½¥¿¾D¨ì¾ÇªÌ»P¬Fªvµû½×ªº¤½¶}½èºÃ (Some political commentators and academics,  publicly questioned the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high profile, politically sensitive cases. Judicial reform advocates pressed for greater public accountability, reforms of the personnel system, and other procedural improvements) ;  ¥xÆW³Ò°ÊªkµL«OÅ@®a®xÀ°¶Ä¡A¦]¦¹¯S§O®e©ö¨ü¨ì­é«d¡A¨ä¤¤¥~Äy³Ò¤u²`¨üÀ£­¢¦¨¬°¨ü®`ªÌ¡A®a®x¬ÝÅ@¤u¥ç±`¨ü¨ì¹µ¥DÀݥΩέh«Ý¡A¥L­Ì³£­t¾á°ªÃB¥ò¤¶¶O¡A§Y¨Ï­±Á{¤£¥­µ¥¹ï«Ý¡A¤]·|¿ï¾ÜÁô§Ô¡AÄ~Äò¤u§@¡C±q¨Æº®·~¡B¹A·~¡B»s³y·~¤Î«Ø¿v·~ªº¥~¶Ä¤u§@Àô¹Ò¤£¨Î¡A³Ò°Ê±ø¥ó®t¡C¥xÆW¬F©²­×¥¿ªk³W¡A¹ªÀy²¾¤uÀËÁ|¶±¥D¡A¤´µLªkªý¤î³Ò°ÊÅv¨ü®`ªº²{ªp¡A³Ò°ÊÀˬd¤]µLªkªýµ´¹Hªk¦æ¬°¡C(Labor laws do not cover domestic household workers, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation.  Foreign workers were most susceptible to forced labor, especially when serving as crew members on Taiwan-flagged fishing vessels. Some labor brokers charged foreign workers exorbitant recruitment fees and used debts incurred from these fees in the source country as tools of coercion to subject the workers to debt bondage.  The Ministry of Labor may also permit foreign workers to transfer to new employers in cases of exploitation or abuse.  foreign workers often were reluctant to report employer abuses for fear the employer would terminate the contract and deport them, leaving them unable to reimburse debt accrued during the recruitment process.  The approximately 703,000 foreign workers, primarily from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, were vulnerable to exploitation. Foreign workers generally incurred significant debt burdens during the recruitment process due to excessive brokerage fees, guarantee deposits, and higher charges for flights and accommodations. Brokerage agencies.   Abuse was common in domestic service; there were several reports of employers raping foreign domestic helpers.  Mistreatment and poor working conditions for foreign fishermen remained common. Foreign fishermen recruited offshore were not entitled to the same labor rights, wages.) ¥xÆW¥ß©e 38 %¬O¤k©Ê¡A »P«e¦~¬Û¦P©Ê«I¼Æ¦rÀ³7~10­¿©ó³q³ø¼Æ¡A ¦]¬°ªÀ·|¤å¤Æ¦]¯À(ªÀ·|À£¤O¨Ï®a±Ú»X²Û)¨Ï³\¦h°ü¤kÁô§Ô¤£³ø¡C ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¤è­±¡A¥xÆW´CÅ骺¥À¤½¥q¦]¬°¦b¤¤°ê¤j³°ªº°Ó·~§Q¯q©M¥Í·N¡A³ø¾É¤º®e¾D¨ì¤¤°ê·í§½ªº¼f¬d¡A­Õ­Y¤º®e¤£²Å¦X¡u¬Fªv­G¤f¡vªº¸Ü¡A­««h¹ï¥Zµn³oÃþ¤å³¹ªº´CÅé©â¼s§i¡C¥xÆW¬F©²¥¼­­¨î´CÅé³ø¾Éªº¦Û¥Ñ¡A¦ý°ê¦w§½©x­û¤½¶}«ü¦³´CÅé¨ü¥_¨Ê«ü¥Ü³ø¾É¤è¦V¡C¤¤°ê¤j³°¬F¨ó¥D®u¨L¬vªí¥Ü¡A¥xÆW´CÅé»Ý­n¶Ç¼½¤E¤G¦@ÃÑ¡B¨â©¤©M¥­²Î¤@µ¥·NÃÑ«¬ºA¡A§_«h·|¦³¾÷·|IJµo¾Ôª§¡C¦¹¥~¡A­^°êª÷¿Ä®É³ø¡]Financial Times¡^¦]´¦µo¤¤°ê°ê¥x¿ì«ü¥Ü©ô©ôºX¤U´CÅ骺³ø¾É¤º®e¡A¥H¤Î¤¤¥¡ªÀ½Ķ³ø¾É¤º®e¡A©ó¥h¦~¾D©ô¤¤¶°¹Î´£§i¡C(

Concerns about censorship were limited to efforts by the authorities in the People¡¦s Republic of China (PRC) to censor Taiwan media outlets based on the business interests of their parent companies in the PRC.  In May senior PRC officials used the fourth Beijing-Taiwan Media Forum to call on Taiwan media outlets to shape their coverage to promote PRC political priorities.  PRC authorities reinforced corporate pressure on media by using access denial to punish Taiwan media outlets whose coverage they deemed to be insufficiently consistent with PRC policies. Journalists said they faced pressure from management to submit news stories to complement or support the content of paid advertisements. Critics said product placement under the guise of news reporting undercut objective journalism, restricted journalists¡¦ freedom, and undermined public trust in the media.) ¥xÆW³o¤@¦~¤£Â_¦³©x­û³g¦Ãªº³ø§i (There were reports of official corruption during the year.  nine ranking officials, 72 mid-level, 115 low-level, and 11 elected people¡¦s deputies had been indicted for corruption.)¡C¦Ü©ó¥xÆWªº³Ò¤uÅv¯q¤è­±¡A¥xÆW½}¤uÅv¨ü¨ìÄY­«­­¨î¡A³Ò°ÊªÈ¯É¶·¥ý¥Ñ¥DºÞ¾÷Ãö§@¨ó½Õ¡A´Á¶¡¤£¯à§@¥X¥ô¦ó¦æ°Ê¡C¦P®É¡A±Ð®v¡B¤½°È­û¤Î°ê¨¾µ¥¯S©w¦æ·~¤£¯à½}¤u¡A¤½¦³¨Æ·~¡BÂå°|»P¹q«H·~ªÌ¶·¦bºû«ù°ò¥»ªA°Èªº«e´£¤U¤~¯à½}¤u¡C(The right to strike remained highly regulated. Teachers, civil servants, and defense industry employees do not have the right to strike. Workers in industries such as utilities, hospital services, and telecommunication service providers are allowed to strike only if they maintain basic services during the strike. Authorities may prohibit, limit, or break up a strike during a disaster. For all workers, the law divides labor disputes into ¡§rights disputes¡¨ and ¡§adjustment disputes.¡¨ Workers are allowed to strike only in adjustment disputes, which include issues such as compensation and working schedules. The law forbids strikes in rights disputes related to violations of collective agreements and employment contracts.)  ª[µø¤è­±: Activists for LGBTI rights said due to victims¡¦ reluctance to lodge formal complaints, discrimination against LGBTI persons was more widespread than suggested by the number of court cases.  There was reported discrimination, including employment discrimination, against persons with HIV/AIDS.


 ¡´ 2019¦~3¤ë13¤éªº¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i(USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices) ¦b³g¦Ã»P¬F©²³z©ú«×¤è­±«ü¥X¡A¥qªk¤£¿W¥ß¥B°õ¦æ¬Fªv¥Øªº½Õ¬d¤u§@(" justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians. "), ¨¥½×¤Î·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¤è­±¡A´CÅé©Ò¦³Åv¶°¤¤¹ï·s»D¦Û¥Ñ ²£¥Í¼vÅT¡F·s»D¸m¤J©Ê¦æ¾P±¡ªpÄY­«¡A½}¤uÅvÄY®æ¨ü­­¡C¥xÆW¤u·|±K«×»·§C©ó¸gÀÙ¦X§@º[µo®i²Õ´¡]OECD¡^ªº17%¥­§¡­È¡A78.2%¤¤¤p¥ø·~­û¤uµLªk¦¨¥ß¤u·|¡A¤j«¬¥ø·~«h³z¹L½Õ°Ê©Î±N¤u·|¦¨­û¦C¤J®Ê¤É¶Â¦W³æ¡C°ü¤kÃh¥¥¬O¥xÆW±`¨£ªº³Ò°Êª[µø²{¶H¡A©ÊÄÌÂZ»P¤£¤½¥­«Ý¹Jµ¥®×¥ó¤]®É¦³©Ò»D¡AªÀ·|¤å¤Æ¦]¯À(ªÀ·|À£¤O¨Ï®a±Ú»X²Û)¨Ï³\¦h°ü¤kÁô§Ô¤£³ø¡A©Ê«I¼Æ¦rÀ³7~10­¿©ó³q³ø¼Æ ¡F©Ê«I¤]¨£©ó´Ý»Ù¤H¤h¡B©Ê­é«d¨£©ó¨àµ£¡A¥~Äy®a®x¥D°ü»P³°°t¡B LGBTI ¡BHIV/AIDS ¤´Â¾D¨ìª[µø¡F¥~³Ò¬O³Ì®e©ö¾D¨ü±j­¢³Ò°Êªº±Ú¸s¡Aº®·~¡B¹A·~¡B»s³y·~»P«Ø¿v·~³£¬O±`¨£±j¨î³Ò°Êªº¦æ·~¡CUS  state government - 2019 Trafficking in persons report, Jun. 2019: ¥xÆW¹L¥h¤­¦~¨Ó¡A¤H¤f³c¹BªÌ¨Ï¥~°ê¨k¤k¦b¥xÆW¾D¨ü±j­¢³Ò°Ê©M©Ê¥æ©ö¡A³c¹BªÌ¨Ï·í¦a¨k¤k¾D¨ü±j­¢³Ò°Ê¡A·í¦a°ü¤k©M¨àµ£¾D¨ü©Ê³c½æ¡C  ¥xÆW°ü¤k©M¨àµ£¾D¨ü®a®x©Ê¥æ©ö¡A¨ä¤¤¥]¬A³c¹BªÌ»¤¾É©M§Q¥Î¥xÆW¥H¤Î¥~°ê°ü¤k©M¨àµ£§l¬r¦¨Å}¨Ï¨ä¾D¨ü©Ê³c¹BªºÁͶաC  ¥xÆW³c¹BªÌ¶V¨Ó¶V¦h¦a§Q¥Î¤¬Ápºô¡A´¼¯à¤â¾÷À³¥Îµ{§Ç¡Aª½¼½©M¨ä¥L¦¹Ãþ¦b½u§Þ³N¶i¦æ©Û¶Ò¬¡°Ê¡A³q±`°w¹ï¨àµ£¨ü®`ªÌ¡A¨Ã±»»\¨ä°õªk¤¤ªº¨­¥÷¡C ³c¹BªÌ³q¹L´Û¶B©Ê±B«Ã©M°w¹ï©Ê¥æ©öªº´ÛÄF©Ê´N·~¾÷·|¡A±N¨Ó¦Û¤¤°ê©MªF«n¨È°ê®aªº°ü¤k¤Þ»¤¨ì¥xÆW¡C... 


  ¡´ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°| ¤HÅv³ø§iUnited States Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices : 3-3-2017 (report of 4-20-2018 is about same)

      ¥D­n¤HÅv°ÝÃD¬O: ¥~Äy»·¬vº®²îº®¤u»P®a¨Æ³Ò¤u³Q­é«d¡F©x­û³g¦Ã¡F®a®x¼É¤O¡F¨ä¥L°ÝÃD¥]¬A: ³¡¤À´CÅé¦b³ø¾ÉÃö©ó¤¤°ê·s»D®É¦³¡u¦Û§Ú¼f¬d¡vª¬ªp¡B¶R²¼¡B¥ø·~¹H¤Ï¤u®É³W©w¡B¤j²³¥æ³q¨t²Î¯Ê¥FµL»Ùê³]¬I¡B©Ê§Oª[µø¤Î¨à­h®×¥ó¼W¥[...
¡@ ¡@


¡´  ¥qªk: ¥qªk¤£°÷¿W¥ß justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians.

¡´ ³g¦Ã:  201 ¦W©x­û ¥]¬A23¦W°ª©x³g¦Ã charges.  ¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç¬ã¨s(National Chung Cheng University) 76%¨ü³XªÌ¤£º¡·N¬F©²¤Ï³g¤£¨¬ .

¡´ ¤kÅvWomen: ±j«Á»P®a¼É ¥]¬A  spousal rape, and domestic violence. ªÀ·|¤å¤Æ¦]¯À¨Ï³\¦h°ü¤kÁô§Ô¤£³ø¡A©Ê«I¼Æ¦rÀ³7~10­¿©ó³q³ø¼Æ¡C°ü¤k¤É¾E¡B¾¦ì¡B Á~¸ê¸û¨k©Ê®t(¬ù83%Á~¸ê); ½²¬F©²¤º»Õ¦¨­û¤¤¤k©Ê»Õ­û¥e¤ñ¬O¦Û1997¦~¨Ó³Ì§C

¡´ ª[µøDiscrimination: ¥~Äy»P³°°t¬Oª[µø¼Ðªº  There was reported discrimination, including employment discrimination, against persons with HIV/AIDS

¡´ ¥~Äy ²¾¤u¤HÅv¾D¥ò¤¶­é«d¡B¬O®a¼É»P©x­û³g¦Ãªº¨ü®`ªÌ: Types of exploitation included migrant workers becoming victims of domestic violence and official corruption.   Human rights groups had long protested that the law left migrant workers open to exploitation from third-party brokers.


    Principal human rights problems reported during the year were exploitation of foreign workers, including foreign crewmembers on long-haul fishing vessels and household caregivers; domestic violence; and official corruption.   Other human rights concerns during the year included some media self-censorship with regard to China; vote buying; violations of legal working hours; lack of barrier-free spaces and accessible transportation systems for persons with disabilities, particularly outside Taipei; gender-biased sex selection; and a rise in child abuse.  /



 ¡÷ ¥xÆW¤HÅvhuman rights in Taiwan 





Free expression in Taiwan


¡¹ Reuters Report 2022

¡@ proportion that trusts
 most news
most of the time
proportion who
mostly read news
 in text

proportion who
think news org.s
in their market
are politically
 far apart
proportion who
accessed news
via email in
the last week
Thailand 53% 56% 48 16
Japan 44 67 26 13
Singapore 43 65 16 16
Australia 41 61 29 17
Hong Kong 41 60 36 14
India 41 58 33 ¡@
Indonesia 39 69 18 13
Philippines 37 47 32 18
Malaysia 36 63 23 15
S. Korea 30 58 15 10
Taiwan 27 54 38 12


Trust in news ?   Reuters Institute, 2021   ·s»D«H¥ô«×

Trust in news overall    31% Trust in news I used   38%
Trust in news  in search 29% Trust in social media   21%
Public service television remains the most trusted in our survey, followed by the economic news media (CommonWealth and Business Weekly). The rest of the news brands in the polarised media landscape are trusted by one group, but distrusted by another.


¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30 There were allegations of vote buying by candidates and supporters of both major political parties (KMT and DPP) in Presidential election. (¦³«ü±±¨â­Ó¥D­n¬FÄÒªº­Ô¿ï¤H©M¤ä«ùªÌ¦bÁ`²Î¤j¿ï¤¤³£¦³¶R²¼¦æ¬°¡C) 

¡´ ¬ü°ê¯Ã¬ù®É³ø (New York Times), 1-11-2020 «ü¥X: ¥xÆWªº¥Á¥DªÀ·|¬¡ÅD,  ¦ý¦~»´¤£¦¨¼ô¡B®É¦Ó ¶ÃÁVÁV¡B¬Æ¦Ü¶Ã¤C¤KÁV  (Taiwan¡¦s young and vibrant, if messy at times, democratic society. )¡C New York Times 12-3-2019 ¤]³ø¾É¥xÆW¤´µM¤¹³\ªÀ°Ï¡B¹A·|¡B¬Æ¦ÜÀ°·|¦b¿ïÁ| ®É¶R²¼§@¹ú ( soft underbelly of Taiwanese politics: patronage networks.  they continue to allow community leaders, farmers¡¦ associations and even organized-crime figures to buy votes)¡C ¡m¤é¥»経済·s»D¡n( Nihon Keizai Shimbun, editorial, 5-21-2020 »P ¥xÆWÄ«ªG¤é³ø ( ªÀ½×, 6-10-2020 ) »{¬°¥Ø«e¨S¦³¤@­Ó°·¥þ¡B¬Û·í¥Á·N¤ä«ùªº¤Ï¹ïÄÒ¡A¥xÆW¥Á¥D©Mµo®i±N¦³­«¤j¦M¾÷, °ê¥ÁÄÒÀ³§V¤O­«®¶¡Cªk°êRSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (5-16-2020) §åµû¥xÆWªº¬FªvªýÂZ·s»Dªº¨î¿Å¨¤¦â ¡C¿Ëºñªº¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø  ªÀ½× 1-12-2020 ¤]§åµû: §¹¥þ°õ¬Fªº»GÃa®ð®§¤w²{¡CÄ«ªG¤é³ø ( ªÀ½×, 6-16-2020 ) ¬Fªv¨Ì¤z¹w´CÅé¡B¬F´C¤£¤À¡C(New York Times, 1-10-2020: Scholars say that Taiwan has been the target of a Russian-style social media disinformation campaign by China, designed to exploit social divisions and undermine democracy.  A study by the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden found that Taiwan was the territory most exposed to foreign disinformation, based on weighted ratings by experts. New York Times,  12-3-2019:  Social media platforms are another key battleground (Chn-TW): Nearly 90 percent of Taiwan¡¦s population is active on them, and traditional news outlets have been known to republish fake posts without fact-checking. According to Reuters, Chinese government agencies have paid Taiwanese news outlets to publish pro-Beijing content.  )

 ¡´  <Áp¦X³ø> 1-8-2020 ªÀ½×: °õ¬FÄÒÅý¡yºô¸ô·t±þ¡zº¥¦¨¤é±`  ³s¥¿³W°ê¦w­xĵÅé¨t¤]±o°Ñ»Pºô­x º¯¤JªÀ¸sºÊ±±¥Á·N (brief)¡C <Áp¦X³ø> 1-6-2020 : ºô­x(·¨¿·¦p­Ì)¤´¥H¤£¹ê¨¥½×¡A ¨S¦³¬O«Dªº±a­·¦V¡A  °t¦X·í§½°õ¦æ¦UºØºô¸ôÅQ­â¡B¨¥½×ÅQ­â¡A  §@ªk¬O¿n«D¦¨¬O¡B ¯}Ãaªkªv¡B ¥Á¥D¡B ­ì¦³µ½¨}­·®ð... (brief / Áp¦Xµ§°O³¯¨¥³ì)


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 ¡´ µL°ê¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ (ªk°ê RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres> ) , 12-16-2019, <µLæ¬É°OªÌ­PÁ`²Î­Ô¿ï¤Hªº¤½¶}«H>: 



Ä«ªG¤é³ø 12-16-2019 ºK­n


¥xÆW´CÅéªø´Á³Q¸{û¦â»P°²·s»D¯u¼s§i¦Ã¬V, ¥H¤Î«DÂŧYºñ¨â·¥¤Æ, ªýê¤F¨î¿Å¤O¶q, ·s»D¤u§@ªÌ­±¹ïªø©x¤Ï·s»D¹D¼w©R¥O®É, ¤£¯à´Á±æªk«ß«OÅ@ ......



¡@ by Cedrie Alviani , RSF ¥xÆW¤À·|²z¨Æªø



  ¡´ µL°ê¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ (ªk°ê RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres> ) , 4-18-2019:  ¥xÆWªº World Press Freedom Index±Æ¦W²Ä42¡A  ÁöµM«ÅºÙ­n«ùÄò±À°Ê¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡A¦ý«Ü¤Ö±Ä¥Î¨ãÅé¹ê½è§¹¾ãªº ±¹¬I»P¤èªk¨Ó§ïµ½°OªÌªº½s¿è¿W¥ß©Ê¨Ã¹ªÀy´CÅé´£ª@¤½¦@ijÃDªº«~½è¡A¥t¤@¤è­±¡A¥_¨Ê¥¿§Q¥Î¥xÆW´CÅé¦ÑÁó¦b¤¤°ê¦³°Ó·~¥ß§Q¯q³o­Ó®zÂI¬IÀ£¥xÆW´CÅé


  ¡´ ¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i (USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices) , 3-13-2019: ´CÅé©Ò¦³Åv¶°¤¤¹ï·s»D¦Û¥Ñªº¼vÅT¡A¯S§O¬O¦³¤¤¸ê§ë¸êªº¥ø·~¡F³ø§i¥t´£¤Î¥xÆW·s»D¸m¤J©Ê¦æ¾P±¡ªpÄY­«¡A«d®z¤½²³¹ï´CÅ骺«H¿à¡C  United States Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2016, released at March 3, 2017 (report of 4-20-2018 is about same) :
      Human rights concerns during the year included some media self-censorship with regard to China.  


   ¡´  ¤¤°ê®É³øChina Times 3-29-2019 ÀY±ø·s»D: ®Â½Ã100% ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ!  ¤£®e¥´µÛ¥Á¥D©ÛµP¤Ï¥Á¥D, ¨«¦V¼Ú«Âº¸¦¡¿Wµô;  Ä«ªG¤é³ø 3-29-2019 ªÀ½×: ¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ¬OÂźñ¥Õ³£¤£¥i¥¢¦uªº©³½u, °õ¬FªÌ¤×¨ä¤£¸Ó´ý¤ôºN³½, »s³y´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³ 




Hitler resurgence ...  Nazi returns !? 



pic.: ¬ù20¦~«e¥ZµnÁp¦X³ø¨t¡B¥Á¥Í³ø






 †   ¡uªF¼t­Ì¡v¤w¸g¬¡ÅD¦b§Ú­Ì¥|©P...  (¡»  Áp¦X³ø  ªÀ½×  ,  9-19-2018 )


 ¡» Ä«ªG¤é³ø 12-14-2019 ªÀ½×:  ¥xÆW¬F©²³vº¥¥X²{«ÂÅv¤å¤Æ
¡» ¤¤®É11-29-2019 ªÀ½× ¥xÆW¬F©²­IÂ÷¥Á¥D±`­y


¡» The United Daily News (Áp¦X³ø) , ªÀ½×, 3-31-2019 : :¥xÆW¥´ºâ¥X½æ¥Á²³­Ó¸ê»P¼Æ¦ì¤HÅv(e.g., ¥Á²³°·±d¡B¯e¯f¡B¥ÎÃĸê®Æ, ³s³Ì°ò¥»§iª¾·í¨Æ¤H¤]°µ¤£¨ì)¡B¿sµøºô¸ô¨¥¦æ¡B¬Æ¦Ü¥i¯àºÊ±±¥þ¥Á, ­Ó¤HÃø¥H¹îı... ¥xÆW¬O­Ó­Ó¸ê«OÅ@¸¨«áªº°ê®a 

¡» Áp¦X³ø (UDN) 3-16-2019 (brief):  ¸ê³qªk¤§¹H¤Ï¤HÅv±ø´Ú¤£Â_´_¬¡.  ¤µªì¼f³q¹L¤§¹q«Hªk³º¥i§¹¦¨°O¿ý¥Á²³¤@¤Á¹q«H¦æ¬°(³q¸Ü»P¤Wºô), ¼Ú«Âº¸¤p»¡<1984> (Orwellian "1984" )¸Ìªº"¦Ñ¤j­ô"("Big Brother" )¥i¿×¤wµn¯«¦ì, ¤½¥Á±N§Ï©»³z©ú¤H¦ü

¡» ¤¤°ê®É³øChina Times 3-29-2019 ÀY±ø·s»D: ¤£®e¥´µÛ¥Á¥D©ÛµP¤Ï¥Á¥D, ¨«¦V¼Ú«Âº¸¦¡¿Wµô

¡» Ä«ªG¤é³ø 3-29-2019 ªÀ½×: ¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ¬OÂźñ¥Õ³£¤£¥i¥¢¦uªº©³½u, °õ¬FªÌ¤×¨ä¤£¸Ó´ý¤ôºN³½, »s³y´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³  (https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20190329/38294369/)




  ¡´  <Áp¦X³ø> 11-2-2018 ÀYª©ÀY±ø ³ø¾É
¡u°ê¦w§½Ãҹ갻»`Áy®Ñ¡v¡AºÊ±±ºô¸ôªÀ¸s ¤§ª§Ä³°T®§¡A¥]¬A¡u¼vÅT°ê¦w¡v
¡B¡u ¶C·´¤¸­º¡v(§ÙÄY®É¤§¸o¦W)¡B¡u ÂZ¶ÃªÀ·|¦w©w¡v¡B¡u §á¦±¬Fµ¦¡v ¡A¤Î¡u¤zÂZ°ê®a¾÷¨î¹B§@¡v¡B¡u ¥´À»¬F©²«Â«H¡vµ¥; ³øµû«ü¥X¥Øªº¥i¯à¬O§ùµ´¤¤°ê¶Õ¤O¼vÅT¤§¬F«Å¡A¦ý¡u ¦Ñ¤j­ô¥¿¬ÝµÛ§A¡v´X¥G½T©w¤Þ°_¡u´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³¡v¡C<Áp¦X³ø> 11-3-2018: Áy®Ñµ¥©Ò¦³¥­¥x·~ªÌ³Q­n¨D¥æ¥X¥Î¤á­Ó¸ê¡C ps: ¥»¯¸»{¬°¥xÆWºÊ±±¥i¯à¥]¬A»P¤¤¦@µLÃö¤§­«­nºô¯¸¡C


  ¡´ <United Daily (Áp¦X³ø)> 11-3-2018, ªÀ½×, ÀYª©ÀY±ø, µJÂIª©



 11-3-2018, ÀYª©:


 (1) Facebook ,
 (2) Youtube 
(3) LINE




pic. left:¥xÆWÁ`²Î




  ¡´   Wikipedia  ¥xÆWÁy®Ñ(Facebook)ºñ¦â®£©Æ !!
       Wikipedia reference ('°Ñ¦Ò¤åÄm') recorded that
in the summer of 2017, a "Green Terror on Facebook" triggered concerns and public anger in Taiwan.    All Taiwanese mass media reported that politicians and online personalities said they had been denied access to their Facebook accounts after writing criticisms of  Pan-Green coalition, the ruling political party (DPP).  
China Times, opinion, at 11-18-2017 criticized that ¥xÆWÀq³\Áy®Ñ¥´À£¤Ï¥x¿W¨¥½×¦Û¥ÑTaiwan president Tsai I. W. gave tacit permission to Facebook (Taiwan) to block content concerning anti Taiwan-independence  (brief, http://opinion.chinatimes.com/20171118000516-262114).   Taiwan administration has not responded or denied this severely critiques till middle of Dec. 2017.  

  ¡´   ªk°ê µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ Reporter without Borders,  France,  https://rsf.org/en/taiwan


            ¡´ ¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ²{ª¬¬°¡§media freedom on hold,¡¨
            ¡´ ¤¤°ê¼vÅT·s»D¦Û¥Ñstating that ¡§the main threat to media freedom comes from China, which has been exerting growing economic and political pressure on the Taiwanese media.¡¨

            ¡´ ·í¦a¬F©²¤z¹w°êÀç´CÅéLocal government officials are also directly interfering in the editorial policies of state-owned media


 ¡÷ free speech¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ in Taiwan 




     ²Î¿W  Taiwanese Identity



Taiwanese voices & choices

¯Ã¬ù®É³ø New York Times, 5-12-2020,
Pew Research Center
52% support closer economic ties with China, only 36% favor closer political ties.  ¤­¦¨¦h¤H¥Á§Æ±æºû«ù»P¤j³°¨}¦nªº¸gÀÙÃö«Y¡A¤T¦¨¦h§Æ±æ¸ûºò±Kªº¬FªvÃö«Y ( ¤¤®ÉªÀ½× 6-13-2020: ¹ï¤j³°¥X¤f¤ñ­«¹F41.5%¡A¬Oªñ10¦~¨Ó³Ì°ªÂI¡A¥X¤f¬ü°ê¼W¬°14.5%¡A¬Oªñ14¦~·s°ª¡A¦¨¬°²Ä¤G¤j¥X¤f°ê¡C) ¡@
¯Ã¬ù®É³ø New York Times,  1-19-2019 Most of Taiwan's 23 million people are in favor of maintaining the island's de facto independence without taking any formal moves that might bring a military response from China ¥xÆW¤j¦h¼Æ¤H¥Á·Qºû«ù¹ê½è¦Ûªv¡A¦ý¤]¤£·Q©Û·S¦@­x¥Ç¥x ¡@
¬¥§üÁF®É³øL.A. Times, 8-1-2019 opinion surveys conducted by the Taiwanese government that show more than 80% of islanders prefer autonomy.  ¥xÆW¤H¥Á§Æ±æ¦Ûªv
µØ²±¹y¶l³øWashington Post,   1-2-2017 Taiwanese are not willing to pursue independence at all costs. Many are concerned with the economy. When asked to choose between formal independence or maintaining economic ties with China, 83 percent chose bread over romance.¥xÆW¤H¥Á¤£·|¤£­p¥N»ù°l¨D¿W¥ß,  83% ¿ï¾ÜÄÑ¥](¤j³°¸gÀÙ)¦Ó«D·R±¡(¥x¿W) ¡@
¥x¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø   Ä«ªG¤é³ø   ¤¤°ê®É³ø
Liberty Times, Apple Daily, China Times, 6-18-2018, FocusTaiwan 6-17-2018
China has higher favorable than unfavorable rating in Taiwan: poll  /  A survey conducted by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation (¥xÆW¥Á·N°òª÷·|)  found China with a 48.8 percent favorability rating among respondents and a 43.9 percent unfavorability rating, the first time a majority of respondents in the annual poll saw China favorably. ¥xÆW¸û¦h¥Á²³¹ï¤¤¦@ªº¦n·P«×¶W¹L´c·P ¡@
Ä«ªG¤é³ø¡@Apple Daily (Taiwan),
opinion, 10-11-2017
Only 5- % Taiwanese favour independence or unification, about 70% in total are for conditional independence and conditional unification.  ¤C¦¨¥xÆW¤H°¾¦V¦³±ø¥ó²Î¤@©Î¦³±ø¥ó¿W¥ß ¡@
¯Ã¬ù®É³ø New York Times, 6-6-2020 Voters in Taiwan Oust a Pro-China Mayor ... reflects a stunning reversal and a hardening of Taiwan¡¦s attitude toward China ¡@
National Interest, 6-16-2020 even when support for the independence movement is highest in history now, ¡§maintaining the status quo forever¡¨ and ¡§decide later¡¨ still has over 50 percent of the support among the public. Another survey results also showed that the public understands that the status quo is a choice of convenience, in which more than 60.3 percent of the respondents opposed Taiwan's independence if it is followed by China¡¦s military invasion... https://nationalinterest.org/feature/why-taiwan-continues-fear-chinese-invasion-162879 ¡@


¡¹¡@¿D¬w The LOWY Institute , The Interpreter , 6-16-2020 : ¬ü°ê¬Fµ¦±À°Ê¥x¿W(US intends to promote Taiwan independence)... ±N¥xÆW·í§@®À败¥_¨Êªº¤u¨ã¡A·|¦M®`¥xÆWªº¦w¥þ¡C
¡]treating Taiwan as a conduit to frustrate Beijing imperils Taiwan¡¦s security¡^¡C

 ¡¹ ²H¦¿¤j¾Ç¥~¥æ»P°êÃö¾Ç¨tºaÅA±Ð±Â  ³¯¤@·s, 6-11-2020:   ¥xÆW¬F©²§Q¥Îºô­xº´°Ê¡u¤³¤¤¡v¡B¡u¤Ï¤¤¡v±¡ºü   https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200611004964-262105?chdtv 
¡¹¡@Áp¦X³ø  2020-06-12 : ¬F©²¹ª°Ê¤Ï¤¤±¡ºü¡A¨Ï¨â©¤Ãö«Y¨«¤W¤£Âk¸ô  udn.com/news/story/7339/4630282?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2




 ¡´ Economist, 2022-10-10: 63.7%®q¥Á¦ÛºÙ¥xÆW¤H When asked about their identity, 63.7% of islanders call themselves Taiwanese, up from 17.6% in 1992.  economist.com/special-report/2022/10/10/china-has-chilling-plans-for-governing-taiwan
¡´ Brookings, 2022-2-7:  56%ºÙ¨â©¤¤å¤Æ¬Û¦ü, ¦ý72% ºÙ¹ï©¤¦h¤Ö¦³¨Ç¤£¤Íµ½ why is unification so unpopular in Taiwan? It's the PRC political system; A majority of our respondents ¡X 56% ¡X said Taiwanese culture was similar to Chinese culture.  72% rated China's government as at least somewhat unfriendly.  brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2022/02/07/why-is-unification-so-unpopular-in-taiwan-its-the-prc-political-system-not-just-culture/

¡´ New York times, 2022-1-19: China's Growing Menace Hardens Island's Identity
 nytimes.com/2022/01/19/world/asia/taiwan-china-identity.html     According to surveys by the Election Study Center at National Chengchi University in Taipei:  more than 60 percent people identify as solely Taiwanese, three times the proportion in 1992, Only two percent identified as Chinese, down from 25 percent three decades ago.
28 % »{¬°¬O¤¤°ê¤H¤]¬O¥xÆW¤H In 2020, a Pew Research poll found that 66 per cent of Taiwan's 23 million people solely identified as ¡§Taiwanese¡¨ while 28 per cent identified as both Chinese and Taiwanese.

 ¡´ New York times, 2022-1-19: China's Growing Menace Hardens Island's Identity  nytimes.com/2022/01/19/world/asia/taiwan-china-identity.html     According to surveys by the Election Study Center at National Chengchi University in Taipei:  more than 60 percent people identify as solely Taiwanese, three times the proportion in 1992, Only two percent identified as Chinese, down from 25 percent three decades ago

 ¡´ N.Y. Times 5-12-2020: The U.S.-based Pew Research Center found that 66% view themselves as Taiwanese, about 52% of Taiwanese support closer economic ties with China, only 36% favor closer political ties.  more than two-thirds have a favorable view of the U.S., with 79% supporting closer political ties...


 ¡´   L.A. Times 1-10-2020 ~ 1-11-2020:  Taiwan election... a vote guided by anxiety about China ... Taiwan's president sweeps to reelection, setting the stage for chilly relations with China.(¤`°ê·Pµo»Ã  ½²­^¤å³s¥ô ¨â©¤Ãö«Y²DÄBÄB) 


 ¡´  ¥xÆW Ä«ªG¤é³ø, ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø, ¤¤°ê®É³ø 6-18-2018: ¥xÆW¤H¹ï¤¤°ê ¦n·P¤ñ²v­º«×¶W¹L¤Ï·P  ―  «D±`¦n8%, ÁÙºâ¦n40.8%, ¨S¯S§O·Pı2.5%, ¤£«ç»ò¦n23.9%, «D±`¤£¦n20%  (¥xÆW¥Á·N°òª÷·| ±À´ú¡A¥i¯à¬O¤¤°ê³n©Ê¤å¤Æ¥]¸Ë¡A¦A¥[¤W¥xÆWªñ¦~¸gÀٿ𺢵o®iµ¥¿ùÁa½ÆÂø­ì¦]¾É­P¡C¦n·P´î±¼¤Ï·Pªº¡u²b¦n·P¡v±Æ¦æº]¡A¥xÆW¤H³Ì³ßÅwªº°ê®a¨Ì§Ç¬O·s¥[©Y¡B¥[®³¤j¡B¤é¥»¡B¼Ú·ù¡B¬ü°ê¡B«nÁú¡B«Xù´µ¡B¤¤°ê¡Bµá«ß»«¡B¥_Áú¡Chttp://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/2461381) ¡C ¤j¾Ç±Ð¨|¥H¤W¾Ç¾ú¥x¤H¥b¼Æ¥H¤W¹ï¤¤°ê¦³¦n·P¡C  ( ps: ¥Á½Õ¤½§i©ó¬ü¤¤¶T©ö¾Ô ¤É·Å®É; ¤¤®É 6-20-2018: ¤¤¦@¥i¯àÃg¥x )


  ¡´  ¯Ã¬ù®É³ø New York times,  12-13-2016:   As Taiwanese identity has consolidated, with more than 90 percent of Taiwanese believing they are in some way ¡§Taiwanese¡¨  /  https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13


   ¡´  ­^°ê BBC, 12-3-2016  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-34729538
          Officially, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) still favours eventual independence for Taiwan, while the KMT favours eventual re-unification. Opinion polls show only a small minority of Taiwanese support pursuing one or the other at the moment, with most preferring to stick with the current middle ground.

¥xÆW Ä«ªG¤é³ø ªÀ½× 10-11-2017: ¥xÆW¦h¼Æ¬°±ø¥ó¦¡²Î¿W(70%), ²Î©Î¿W¬Ò¤£¨ì 5%  (brief)


  ¡´  brookings.edu,  9-12-2016   ¡§Taiwan¡¦s China Dilemma,¡¨  https://www.brookings.edu/events/taiwans-china-dilemma/   
          Shirley Lin¡¦s new book, ¡§Taiwan¡¦s China Dilemma,¡¨ explores a conundrum: Despite a shared culture, and even as Taiwan¡¦s economic interdependence with China deepened in the 1990s and 2000s, the island¡¦s people felt an increasingly strong identity with Taiwan itself. These contradictory trends only continued during Ma Ying-jeou¡¦s presidency, and will certainly shape the environment in which leaders in both Beijing and Taipei attempt to define and manage the cross-Strait relationship


  ¡´  µØ²±¹y¶l³ø Washington Post,   1-2-2017, The Taiwanese see themselves as Taiwanese, not as Chinese :

        the Taiwanese are not willing to pursue independence at all costs. Many are concerned with the economy. When asked to choose between formal independence or maintaining economic ties with China, 83 percent chose bread over romance. /  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/01/02/yes-taiwan-wants-one-china-but-which-china-does-it-want/?utm_term=.8d999292eabd


  Some significant polls: 

¦Û§Ú»{ª¾¬°¥xÆW¤H? ¤¤°ê¤H? ©Î¤GªÌ¬Ò¬O?

Percentage of Taiwanese residents who consider themselves ?


Taiwanese Chinese Both Taiwanese and Chinese
NCCU, Jan. 2015 60.6% 3.5% 32.5%
TVBS poll centre, Oct. 2012 75% 15% not an option here
TVBS poll centre, Oct. 2012 55% 3% 37%
Common Wealth Magazine, Dec. 2009 62% 8% 22%
Executive Yuan, Taiwan Admin., April, 2008 67.1% 13.6% 15.2%
source : Wikipedia

¦Û§Ú»{ª¾¬°¥xÆW¤H? ¤¤°ê¤H? ©Î¤GªÌ¬Ò¬O?

(59%: TWese, 34%: both)
Washington Post,
 1-2-2017, The Taiwanese see themselves as Taiwanese, not as Chinese



  Some significant polls: 


Austin Horng-En Wang,  Monkey Cage article: How Taiwanese view the future of the Cross-strait, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, Duke University





Washington Post,  1-2-2017, The Taiwanese see themselves as Taiwanese, not as Chinese




Austin Horng-En Wang,  Monkey Cage article: How Taiwanese view the future of the Cross-strait, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, Duke University





Washington Post,  1-2-2017, The Taiwanese see themselves as Taiwanese, not as Chinese








¡@ pic. : United Daily News survey/poll at 11-20-2017

¥Á½Õ­º«×°fÂà -


found "the table has turned" - The percentage of Taiwanese having good impression on Chinese people increased to 49%, good social perception on communist Chinese government increased to 40%.  



United Daily News, opinion at 11-20-2017:  40%¥xÆW¥Á²³Ä@­u¤j³°¤u§@. The percentage of Taiwanese are willing to work in mainland China increased to 40%.


¤¤¦@¸Ñ©ñ­x¾÷¤£Â_"±`ºA«ÂÄà"¶¥x­¸¦æat the same time, China terrorized Taiwan with military force (aircrafts etc) routinely flying around Taiwan in entire year of 2017 (UDN, 11-20-2017)


¡» pic.: Apple Daily, 4-20-2018,
headline news :
a Survey poll by ¥xÆW¥Á¥D°òª÷·|

☉ ¥xÆW¤HÄ@·N¬°¿W¥ß¦Ó¾Ô -
55% yes, 35.9 % no, 9.1% others


 ☉ ¥xÆW¤HÄ@·N©è§Ü¤j³°¤§
¸Ñ©ñ¥xÆW¾Ôª§ -
67.7% yes, 24.9 % no, 7.4 % others



 ¡» pic.: Duke univ »P¬F¤jªº½Õ¬dµo²{¡A¤@¥¹¨â©¤¾Ôª§¡A6¦¨¥H¤W°ê¥Á¿ï¾Ü°f¨Ó¶¶¨ü©Î§ë­°°k¶] (CTN opinion, 4-21-2018)¡C


¡»  Apple Daily, 4-24-2018: survey shows 65% Taiwanese are not confident at Taiwan's military force 

  PS: Apple Daily News, opinion, 3-22-2018: ³Ì·s <¥xÆW¥Á·N°òª÷·|>¥Á½Õ, 38.3% ¤ä«ù¥x¿W , 20.1% ²Î¤@, 24.1% ²{ª¬, 75% ¦Û»{¥xÆW¤H, 9.7% ¤¤°ê¤H, 10.4% both.  ¤¤°êªº"´f(¹ï)¥x31¶µ±¹¬I",  41.9% ²Î¾Ôªá©Û, 30.1% µ½·N¦æ¬°






¡@ ¡@




      ¥xÆW¤kÅv Taiwanese women

¡´  ¥xÆW #MeToo     ¥xÆW¤ä«ù©Ê¥­?   §í©Î¥u¬O¦P§ÓÅv?    ¬°¤°»ò?      click ¤kÅv

¡» ¬ü°ê New York Times, 2023-6-25 nytimes.com/2023/06/25/world/asia/taiwan-harassment-metoo.html ¤j¶qªº©ÊÄÌÂZ«ü±±¤Þµo¤F¤H­Ì¹ï³o­Ó¥Á¥D®qÀ¬¤W°ü¤kÅv§Qª¬ªpªº½èºÃ  ®Ú²`¸¦©Tªº©Ê§Oª[µø¨Ï¤k©Ê¦b¤u§@¤¤®e©ö¨ü¨ì¶Ë®`¡A¦Ó¥B³oºØ¤å¤Æ«Ü§Ö´N·|«ü³d¨ü®`ªÌ¨Ã±»»\¹ï¦³Åv¦³¶Õªº¨k©Êªº«ü±±
¡» ­^°ê Economist, 2023-6-22 遭受©Ê©ÊÄÌ的台灣女性都會說服自己¡§沒什麼大不了的¡¨。 2021年的一項調查發現,82%在工作場所遭受性騷擾的女性沒有提出正式投訴。近一半§]Án§Ô®ð的¤k©Ê¥u¡§把這當作一個玩笑"  economist.com/culture/2023/06/22/a-tv-drama-about-taiwanese-politics-has-sparked-a-social-reckoning
¡» ¿D¬w ABC, 2023-6-24 性騷擾和性侵犯在各種權力關係中普遍存在; ±q文化上來說,台灣女性從小就根深蒂固地認為,不受歡迎的性關注是每天的不便。台灣女性從小就被教導要保護自己,或者嘗試容忍這種不便¡CNetflix ¬Fªv¼@¡m³y®öªÌ¡n¼vÅT¥¨¤j¡A¤Þ°_¤F¥xÆW¦~»´¤k©Êªº¦@»ï¡A¦]¬°¥xÆWªÀ·|©ÊÄÌÂZ²{¶H²±¦æ。  abc.net.au/news/2023-06-24/taiwan-metoo-movement-triggered-by-netflix-show-wave-makers/102505174 


¡´ US  Country Reports on Human Rights Practices , 2021-3-30 :  1¤ë11¤éªº¿ïÁ|¤§«á¡A³Ð¬ö¿ýªº42¢HªºÄ³­û¬O¤k©Ê¡A¤ñ2016¦~ªº38¢H¦³©Ò¼W¥[¡A¾¨ºÞ¤º»Õ¤¤¥u¦³¤£¨ì3¢H¬O¤k©Ê¡C¥ßªk¾÷Ãö¬°¥xÆW­ì¦í¥Á¥Nªí«O¯d¤F¤»­Ó®u¦ì¡C³\¦h¨ü®`ªÌ¥Ñ©ó¾á¤ß¨ü¨ìªÀ·|À£¤O©Î«V°d¦Ó¨S¦³Á|³ø¥Ç¸o¡A¾Ú«D¬F©²²Õ´©M¾Ç³N¬ã¨s¦ô­p¡A©Ê«I¨ü®`ªÌªºÁ`¤H¼Æ¤ñ¦Vĵ¹î³ø§iªºÁ`¼Æ°ª¥X¤C¨ì¤Q­¿¡C¥Ñ©ó¤£µ¹®a¤H»X²ÛªºªÀ·|À£¤O¡A¤@¨Ç¨ü­h«Ýªº°ü¤k¿ï¾Ü¤£¦Vĵ¹î³ø§i¨Æ¥ó¡Cªk«ß­n¨D©Ò¦³¿¤¥««Ø¥ß¼É¤O¹w¨¾©M±±¨î¤¤¤ß¡A¥H¸Ñ¨M®a®x¼É¤O©M©Ê¼É¤O¡A­h«Ý¨àµ£©M­h«Ý¦Ñ¦~¤Hªº°ÝÃD¡C ¾Ú³ø§i¡A©ÊÄÌÂZ¨Æ¥ó¦b¤½¦@³õ©Ò¡A¾Ç®Õ¡A¥ßªk¾÷Ãö©M¬F©²¾÷ºc¤¤§e¤W¤ÉÁͶաC¾Ú³ø§i¡A®ü¥~°t°¸¬OªÀ·|ª[µø©Î­h«Ýªº¹ï¶H¡A¦³®É¬Æ¦Ü¬O®a®x¤º³¡¡C¤k¦P©ÊÅÊ¡A¨k¦P©ÊÅÊ¡AÂù©ÊÅÊ¡AÅܩʪ̩MÂù©ÊÅÊ¡]LGBTI¡^Åv§Qªº¬¡°Ê®a»¡¡A¥Ñ©ó¨ü®`ªÌ¤£Ä@´£¥X¥¿¦¡§ë¶D¡A¹ïLGBTI¤Hªºª[µø¤ñªk°|¼f²zªº®×¥ó­n¼sªx±o¦h¡C2019¦~³ø§iªº¤j¦h¼Æ©Ê§Oª[µø®×¥ó³£¬O¥Ñ©óÃh¥¥¦Ó³Q­¢Ã㾪º¡C¾ÇªÌªí¥Ü¡A¥Ñ©ó¾­û©Î¤u¤H¾á¤ß¾D¨ì¶±¥Dªº³ø´_¥H¤Î¦pªG¦³¹L§ë¶Dªº¾ú¥v¡A«ÜÃø§ä¨ì·sªº¤u§@¡A¦]¦¹©Ê§Oª[µøªº³ø¾É¤´µMÄY­«¤£¨¬¡C®Ú¾Ú°]¬F³¡2018¦~ªº¤@¶µ½Õ¬d¡A¤k©Ê¥­§¡¤ë¦¬¤J¤¤¦ì¼Æ¥­§¡¬O¨k©Ê¦¬¤Jªº87.5¢H¡C

¡´ 2019¦~3¤ë13¤éªº¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i(USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices) °ü¤kÃh¥¥¬O¥xÆW±`¨£ªº³Ò°Êª[µø²{¶H¡A©ÊÄÌÂZ»P¤£¤½¥­«Ý¹Jµ¥®×¥ó¤]®É¦³©Ò»D¡AªÀ·|¤å¤Æ¦]¯À(ªÀ·|À£¤O¨Ï®a±Ú»X²Û)¨Ï³\¦h°ü¤kÁô§Ô¤£³ø¡A©Ê«I¼Æ¦rÀ³7~10­¿©ó³q³ø¼Æ ¡F©Ê«I¤]¨£©ó´Ý»Ù¤H¤h¡B©Ê­é«d¨£©ó¨àµ£¡A¥~Äy®a®x¥D°ü»P³°°t¡B LGBTI ¡BHIV/AIDS ¤´Â¾D¨ìª[µø¡F

¡´  US  state government - 2019 Trafficking in persons report, Jun. 2019: ¥xÆW¹L¥h¤­¦~¨Ó¡A¤H¤f³c¹BªÌ¨Ï¥~°ê¨k¤k¦b¥xÆW¾D¨ü±j­¢³Ò°Ê©M©Ê¥æ©ö¡A³c¹BªÌ¨Ï·í¦a¨k¤k¾D¨ü±j­¢³Ò°Ê¡A·í¦a°ü¤k©M¨àµ£¾D¨ü©Ê³c½æ¡C  ¥xÆW°ü¤k©M¨àµ£¾D¨ü®a®x©Ê¥æ©ö¡A¨ä¤¤¥]¬A³c¹BªÌ»¤¾É©M§Q¥Î¥xÆW¥H¤Î¥~°ê°ü¤k©M¨àµ£§l¬r¦¨Å}¨Ï¨ä¾D¨ü©Ê³c¹BªºÁͶաC  ¥xÆW³c¹BªÌ¶V¨Ó¶V¦h¦a§Q¥Î¤¬Ápºô¡A´¼¯à¤â¾÷À³¥Îµ{§Ç¡Aª½¼½©M¨ä¥L¦¹Ãþ¦b½u§Þ³N¶i¦æ©Û¶Ò¬¡°Ê¡A³q±`°w¹ï¨àµ£¨ü®`ªÌ¡A¨Ã±»»\¨ä°õªk¤¤ªº¨­¥÷¡C ³c¹BªÌ³q¹L´Û¶B©Ê±B«Ã©M°w¹ï©Ê¥æ©öªº´ÛÄF©Ê´N·~¾÷·|¡A±N¨Ó¦Û¤¤°ê©MªF«n¨È°ê®aªº°ü¤k¤Þ»¤¨ì¥xÆW¡C... 


¡´ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°| ¤HÅv³ø§i The US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices , released at 3-3-2017  (report of 4-20-2018 is about same)

    ®a®x¼É¤O¬O¥D­n¤HÅv°ÝÃD:   ±j«Á»P®a¼É ¥]¬A  spousal rape, and domestic violence, ªÀ·|¤å¤Æ¦]¯À¨Ï³\¦h°ü¤kÁô§Ô¤£³ø¡A©Ê«I¼Æ¦rÀ³7~10­¿©ó³q³ø¼Æ¡C°ü¤k¤É¾E¡B¾¦ì¡B Á~¸ê¸û¨k©Ê®t(¬ù83%Á~¸ê); ¥~Äy»P³°°t¬Oª[µø¼Ðªº;  ½²¬F©²¤º»Õ¦¨­û¤¤¤k©Ê»Õ­û¥e¤ñ¬O¦Û1997¦~¨Ó³Ì§C¡C


¡´  WEF <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> (released at 4-6-2017)

     <°ê»ÚÆ[¥ú®È¹CÄvª§¤O> ³ø§iµûŲ  Taiwan's "Female participation in the labor force"  ±Æ¦W¥þ²y  85.


¡´   ­^°ê °ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´  Amnesty International (The London-based organization), 2.25.2015: The organization concerns Taiwan's gender discrimination.   Taiwan¡¦s passage of the Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the enactment of laws to implement the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by 2017 were important starts, but still have to be fully implemented.
¡÷¥xÆW¤kÅvwomen in Taiwan





     ¥xÆW°ª±Ð  Taiwan universities


¡´  ¥xÆW°ªµ¥±Ð¨|(¤j¾Ç)¦b¨È¤Óªº±Æ¦W¡A¤j¬ù¬O²Ä8~²Ä11¦W¡A¸¨¦b·s¥[©Y¡B¤¤°ê¤j³°¡B­»´ä¡B¤é¥»¡B¿D¡B¯Ã¡B«nÁú¤§«á¡A¦³¨ÇµÛ¦W°ê»Úµû¤ñ¡A¦p Quacquarelli Symonds¡AQS  2021¡B   Nature Index, ¤]±N°¨¨Ó¦è¨È¡B  ¨F¯Q¦aªü©Ô§B¡B¦L«× ±Æ¦b¥xÆW¤§«e¡A¦pªG¦A¦Ò¼{¤J¿ï¤j¾Ç¼Æ¥Ø¡A¥xÆW´N§ó¿e¥G¨ä«á¡A¤ñ¤èNature Index, ±Æ¦b¥xÆW¤j¾Ç»P¤¤¬ã°|¤§«eªº¡A³æ¬Ý¤¤°ê¤j³°¤j¾Ç´N¶W¹L30©Ò 


¡´ Áp¦X³ø, 2022-7-19: ®Õªø½æ°²¾Ç¾ú¡B½×¤åµLµø§Ûŧ¡A¥xÆW°ª±Ð­·®ð±ÑÃa¦Ü´µ¡A¡u¤W¦æ¤U®Ä¡B±q®ÚÄê°_¡vudn.com/news/story/11091/6472139?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


¡´ Áp¦X³ø, 2022-6-11: Áֽפ]Á`¾É¦V¤å¬ìµL¥Î½×¡A¾ÇªÌªí¥Ü¡A¥xÆW¤jÀô¹Ò¹ï¤H¤å¬ì¾Ç¤Ó¤£¤Íµ½¡A«ä¦Ò¹L©ó¥\§Qµuµø¡A¤£¸Ó§¹¥þ¥H´N·~¬Æ¦ÜÁ~¸ê¬Ý«Ý¾Ç²ß¡A¡u§Y¨Ï³s¦b¤j¾Çªº®Õ¯Å·|ij¡A³£´¿Å¥»D²z¤u¾Ç°|¥Nªí¶û±ó¤å¾Ç°|¬O¾Ç®Õªº©ìªo²~¡v vip.udn.com/vip/story/122609/6376658?utm_source=udn&utm_medium=keyword&utm_campaign=vip&utm_term=bd 


Times Higher Education ,  World University Rank 2023


Rank Taiwan China Korea Hong Kong, Macau Singapore Japan
1~70 ¡@



16   Tsinghua University Beijing


17  Peking University Beijing


51   Fudan University Shanghai

52   Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

67   Zhejiang University Zhejiang

 56  Seoul National University Seoul



31  University of Hong Kong


45  Chinese University of Hong Kong


58  The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


19   National University of Singapore



36   Nanyang Technological University


39  University of Tokyo



68  Kyoto



70~100 ¡@











74   University of Science and Technology of China


95  Nanjing Univ.


78 Yonsei Univ. (Seoul campus)


91  Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Daejeon


79  Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. 


99 City Univ. of Hong Kong


¡@ ¡@
PS:    National Taiwan University (¥xÆW¤j¾Ç) only got No. 187  (No. 113 in previous year) , number of students per staff  11.4,  female/male  42: 58, int'l students 11%


¡´  ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø 5-25-2020  ®Õ°È°òª÷¯Ê¥FºÊ·þ¡A¤j¾Ç®Õªø¹ú®×ÀW¶Ç...
¡´  Áp¦X³ø 1-19-2020 ¼s³]¤j¾Ç ºØ¤Uº×¦],  8 ¦~¤º  ®£­Ë 20©Ò¨p®Õ¡C¡³


Wikipedia : It (Taiwan) is ranked highly in terms of ... public education, economic freedom, and human development.  The country benefits from a highly skilled workforce and is among the most highly educated countries in the world with one of the highest percentages of its citizens holding a tertiary education degree.  / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan

However, Taiwan's education system has serious problems as below:

¡´  ¥xÆW°²½×¤å¤Ó¦h / Lousy conducts and bad ethics in Taiwan's academic circle happened again and again, but never be handled seriously, some careless-done fake scholarly papers are either ignorant or extremely audacious, some are even fraud-crimes.  Only legal punishments can stop all these, Taiwan government should take hard line now. 

¡´  Áp¦X³ø 1-19-2020:  ¼s³]¤j¾Ç ºØ¤Uº×¦],  8 ¦~¤º  ®£­Ë 20©Ò¨p®Õ

¡´  Ä«ªG¤é³ø Apple Daily, 7-26-2018 : ¥x¤j5¦~Times­Ë°h64¦W. 

 TIMES Higher Education

major univ. of Taiwan

world univ rankings 2020 2018 rankings 2017 rankings 2016 rankings 2015 2014 2013

National Taiwan University (¥xÆW¤j¾Ç)

120 198 195 167 155 142 134

National Tsing Hua University (²MµØ¤j¾Ç)

351-400 301~350 251~300 251~300 251~275 251~275 226~250

National Chiao Tung University (¥æ³q¤j¾Ç)

501-600 401~500 401~500 301~350 276~300 251~275 251~275

National Cheng Kung University (¦¨¥\¤j¾Ç)

601-800 501~600 401~500 401~500 351~400 301~350 301~350


¡´   ¥xÆW§«Ãª¤j¾Ç¦Û¥D - ©Þ±¼¥x¤j¿î¿ï·|ªº®Õªø¤H¿ï 
     ¥_¥«ªø : ÄY­««I¥Ç¤j¾Ç¦Û¥D, ¥Õè¬Fµ¦
¡F °¨­^¤E:¥xÆWÁÙ¬O¤å©úªkªvªºªÀ·|¶Ü?    ½²­^¤å: ÆZ±M·~ªº¨M©w  ´L­«§a ¡F  ­»´ä«°¥«¤j¾Ç®Õªø: §C¤U¤â¬q¤ñ¦Ê¦~«e­x»Öµ¥¦Ó¤U. ¬F©²¨S¸ê®æ­n¨D°ê»Ú»{¥i    ¥x¤j: ªí¥Ü¿ò¾Ñ »P±j¯P²§Ä³ / Apple Daily 4-29-2018 head page, UDN 4-29-2018.

¡´  For recent years, Taiwan failed to solve its educational problems which are numerous and disorderly, even chaos (¯É¶Ã¦p³Â), such as Taiwan University's world ranks were falling down,  the brain drain ( the outflow of talent ), jobless college students,  students graduated from technical and vocational education systems can not meet society demands, politics impeding lectures, learning activities, and textbook contents. / UDN opinion, 12-9-2017.


¡´  The China Times 2-8-2018:  UK's Times Higher Education ¨È¬w±Æ¦W ¥x¤j°h¨B 2 ¦ì (24th in 2017,  26th now) .  Singapore's °ê¥ß¤j¾Ç. China's ²M¤j,  ¥_¤j,  ´ä¤j,  ´ä¬ì¤j ©~¨È¬w«e¤­¦W.

¡´  Áp¦X³øThe United Daily 10-17-2017 : ¥@¬É¤j¾Ç±Æ¦W  ¥x¤j¸`¸`±Ñ°h

 National Taiwan University's world ranks in recent yrs.

ranking sys

2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

National Chiao Tung University (¥æ³q¤j¾Ç) in Shanghai China

173 163 154 141 125 121


76 68 70 76 82 80

TIMES Higher Education

198 195 167 155 142 134


¡´ Ä«ªG¤é³øApple Daily 10-17-2017: ¦ÛµM«ü¼Æ±Æ¦W  ¥x¤j¤j´T°h¨B 50 ¦W  ¿éÄõ¦{¤j¾Ç (¹wºâ®t¤£¦h)

Nature Index 2017 Tables




1 ¬ü°êUSA Harvard
2 ¬ü°êUSA Stanford
3(+1) ¬ü°êUSA MIT
9(+2) CHN ¥_¤jBeijing University
86(+20) CHN Äõ¦{¤j¾Ç
148(-50) ¥xÆWTaiwan ¥x¤jNational Taiwan University
199(-35) ¥xÆWTaiwan ¥xÆW²M¤jNational Tsing Hua University Taiwan
280(+37) ¥xÆWTaiwan ¥xÆW¥æ¤jNational Chiao Tung University
431(+24) ¥xÆWTaiwan ¥xÆW¦¨¤jNational Cheng Kung University
438(n/a) ¥xÆWTaiwan  ¥xÆW¤¤¤jNational Central University
448(+35) ¥xÆWTaiwan  ¥xÆW®v¤jNational Taiwan Normal University, Taipei



¡@ ¡@

Academic circle lacks ethics /  UDN  1-11-2017   http://udn.com/news/story/7338/2222591

Accomplice structure to fake scholarly papers / China Times 11-19-2016   http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20161119000399-260109

NTU should not be too snobby /  The Liberty Times  11-25-2016   http://talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1055359

Scholar : Only heavy punishment stops fake papers / UDN 11-19-2016   https://udn.com/news/story/10586/2115844

Strange phenomenon in academic circle /11-19-2016 UDN  https://udn.com/news/story/10586/2115842

Faking papers is a long-time malpractice / UDN  11-21-2016 https://udn.com/news/story/6885/2118616

¡@ ¡@


¡´   ¤¤°ê®É³ø, 7-20-2017:   Áp¦Ò 38 ¤À¤]¥i¶i¤j¾Ç  ¯u¬O°ê»Ú¯º¸Ü ! !

¡´  Forbes 4-23-2017, "Taiwan's Once Mighty High-Tech Sector Is Falling Behind Because Of Low Pay" : Pay for university professors is too low to attract world-class people from overseas to teach.  https://www.forbes.com/sites/ralphjennings/2017/04/23/taiwans-once-mighty-high-tech-sector-is-falling-behind-because-of-low-pay/#204190537b43/Asia /#BigBusiness
¤¤°ê®É³ø ÀYª© 9-30-2018: ¤j¾Ç²¦·~¥Í¥i¤ä°t©Ò±o ³s¤­¦~¿é±M¬ì¥Í

  ¡÷  Taiwan's higher education ¥xÆWªº¤j¾Ç




     ÂåÀø  Taiwan's medical services
¡´ Global Times, 2022-6-10: "¬Ì±¡ªº³B²zÃÒ©ú¡A¥xÆWªº醫療衛生設施不足,無法同時照顧大量患者,這與台灣聲稱擁有先進醫療衛生基礎設施的說法完全不符""¥ô¦ó¤@­Ó公共衛生危機處理得如此糟糕、人們的生命被粗心對待、毫無尊重的地方,·í§½³£À³¸ÓÃ㾡C  globaltimes.cn/page/202206/1267806.shtml


¡´  ¥xÆW¨S¦³¥ô¦óÂå°|¤J¿ïNewsweek 2020, 2021ªº "¥þ²y³Ì¨ÎÂå°|"¡A¦Ó·s¡B¤é¡BÁú¡B¿D¡A¬Æ¦Ü¦L«× ³£¦³¤@ ©Î¦h¶¡¤J¿ï◦   ­^°êThe Guardian, 2021-6-7 «ü¥X¥xÆW¨S¸ò¤W¯f¬r®èªº³Ì·sª¾ÃÑ◦ ­^°êFinancial Times, 2021-6-1«ü¥X¥xÆWªº¤å¤Æ¨Ï±o§Ü¬Ì±¡«ü´§¥¼¨ü¨ì±M®a¨¬°÷ªº½èºÃ»P¬D¾Ô◦  Áp¦X³ø 2021-6-7 "§O¦A»{¬°¥xÆWÂåÀø«~½è«Ü¦n": ¬Ì±¡Ãz¥X®É¥xÆW°·«O¨î«×³W©wÂå°|¨Ï¥Î¯S®ÄÃıo¥ý¦V¤¤¥¡¥Ó½Ð¡A¦]¦Ó©µ»~­P¦º¡A¤H©R»P°·±d¦¨¬°¦¸­n



" community spread": people infected with the CoronaVirus ...
are not sure how and where they became infected




¡¹ ¬ü°ê New York Post,  4-25-2020 ³ø¾É : ¥xÆW³B²z¬Ì±¡¬O±Ä¥Î±M¨î(«D¥Á¥D)ªº¤âªk,   ´X¥G¨C­Ó°ê¥Á³£³QºÊµø  ( "a lot more authoritarian.", "almost everyone is tracked." ) ;
¡C ¦ý¬O¨Æ±¡¯u¬Û¬O, ¥xÆW¥H¨¾¬Ì¬°¦W¡A¡u¦Ñ¤j­ô¡v¦­¤w«I¤J¤d®a¸U¤á¡A¦Ó¥B ¬O°½°½ºNºN«I¤J¡Aª½¨ì¶}©l¡u¤j¥~«Å¡v¡A¬F©²¤~¦ÛÃn
ref. to Áp¦XªÀ½× United Daily, editorial, 5-7-2020).  




¡´ ®Ú¾ÚLancet2017¦~¤½¥¬ªº¥þ²y°·±d·ÓÅUµû¦ôHealthcare Access and Quality Index (based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990¡V2015 : a novel analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study   2015),  ¿ï¾Ü32ºØ¥u­n¹w¨¾±¹¬I»P¦³®ÄÂåÀø·ÓÅU´N¥iÁקK¦º¤`ªº¯e¯f¡A²Î­p¤ÀªR¦@25¦~

, µ²ªG¥xÆW¶È±Æ¦W 45th ¡A¦Ó¥B¤@¨ÇºC©Ê¯f±o¤À«Ü§C ¬Æ¦Ü¤£¤Î®æ¡A ¨Ò¦p., ¥Õ¦å¯fLeukemia 49¤À,  ºC©ÊµÇŦ¯fKidney disease 50¤À, ÁxÅnGallbladder & biliary 57¤À, °ª¦åÀ£©Ê¤ßŦ¯fHypertensive Heart Disease 60¤À,  ¿}§¿¯fdiabetes mellitus 58, etc.

Taiwan only ranks world 45th position in Lancet's Healthcare Access and Quality Index released in 2017 (based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990¡V2015: a novel analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study   2015),  some chronic disease items got very low or failure scores, e.g.,   Leukemia score 49,  Kidney disease 50, Gallbladder & biliary 57, Hypertensive Heart Disease 60,   diabetes mellitus 58, etc.  http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736(17)30818-8.pdf


¡´  ¼w°ê <°ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´Transparency International> ©e°U°ê»Ú»\¬¥´¶¥Á½Õ¤½¥q¬ã¨s ( July 9, 2013), "Have you or anyone in your household paid a bribe to one of these 8 services in the last 12 months?"
¥xÆW¥Á²³»{¬°³Ì»Ý¦æ¸ìªº¾÷Ãö¡A²Ä¤@¬O¥qªkÅé¨t¡A¨ä¦¸³º¬°ÂåÀøÅé¨t¡A¥Á²³»{¬°¥xÆWÂåÀøÅé¨t·¥«×³g¦Ã©Î¬Û·í³g¦Ãªº¤ñ²v°ª¹F47% ( medical and health services were one of corrupt/extremely corrupt institutions in this country/territory)¡C±µ¨üÂåÀøªA°Èªº°ê¤H¡A¦³¨â¦¨¤@ªí¥Ü´¿¦æ¸ì¬ÛÃö¤H­û¡A°ª©ó¥þ²y¥­§¡¡AÅã¥Ü¦b¥þ¥Á°·«O¤U¡A¥Á²³¤´ÂǥѰe¬õ¥]¶R³qÂå°|Àò±oÂåÀøªA°È¡C®Ú¾Ú¥xÆW¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø(1-10-2017, <¦^¦©§Î¦¡¦Ê¦Ê´Ú > http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/paper/1069887) : ÃÄ°Óº¡¨¬Âå¥Í¤£¥uµ¹¿ú¡A³z¹LÃØ«~¡BÃÙ§UÂå®v¥X°ê¶i­×©Î°Ñ»P¬ã°Q·|¡A¬Æ¦ÜÂà¤â±N¿ú®½µ¹Âå°|°òª÷·|µ¥¤è¦¡¡A¥H¤ÎTransparency International³ø§i(12-9-2005) ¡AÂåÀø¬É³g¦Ã²Î­p«ü¼Æ32%¥iª¾¡A¥xÆWÂå¬É³g¦Ã«Yªø´Á²{¶H¡C<Transparency International> ( July 9, 2013) study : "Have you or anyone in your household paid a bribe to one of these 8 services in the last 12 months?"  Taiwanese people think the institution needed to be paid bribery most is judiciary system, second is Taiwan's medical and health services, the number of Taiwanese paying a bribe is higher than global average. ( Apple Daily 7-10-2013,http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/headline/20130710/35139300/ )

¡´  ☉Áp¦X³ø (1-3-2017)  : §Ö³t¬Ý¶E¡B¬ªÅS¯f¾ú²_±`ºA ÂåÀø­Û²z¦ó¦b¡H Áp¦X³ø (12-31-2013) <¥xÆWÂå¦w°ÝÃD ¶·¸Û¹ê­±¹ï> (¶À¹F¤Ò ): °£¤F¬F©²»P¥ø·~§@°²¡AÁÙ¦³¤@­Ó°²¡A¸ú¦b·¥·t³B¡A´N¬O°²¯f¾ú... ±d°·Âø»x184´Á: ¦³¨Ç¯f¤H¶V¯Å¨ì¥~¦a¤jÂå°|¡A¬Æ¦Ü¤À´²¦h®aÂå°|´N¶E¡A¨s¨ä¥t¦³Áô±¡¡C¤ñ¤è¼~Æ{¯g±wªÌ¡A¤£Ã㨯³Ò©w´Á¶[¯A¥~¦a¨DÂå¡A ¤]¦³Âå®vµo²{¯f¤H¤]¬Ý¦P°|ºë¯«¬ì¡AÅ¥¯gª¬¤£¨ì¨â¥y´N¥´µo¡G¡u¥h¸òºë¯«¬ìÂå®v»¡¡v¡AÅý¯f¤H¦Ûı³Q·í¦¨¡uÂåÀø¦¸µ¥¤½¥Á¡v¡C

Ä«ªG¤é³ø (9-18-2017): ªø©°Âå°|Âå®v°²¶}¤M¨Æ¥ó: °£¤â³N¡Bªù¶E¡B³s¬d©Ð¤]¥Ñ¨ä¥LÂå®v¥N³Ò...

Ä«ªG¤é³ø (5-13-2015) <±R«ô°g«ä °ê¤H·R¦WÂå ¡B¡u¸õ¥x¶}¤M¡v¬n­·²±>¤@¤å¡A§åµû°w¹ï ¥xÆWªºÂå¬É¡Aªø´Á¦s¦b¦WÂå©ó¦h¥x¤â³N¶¡´å¨«¡A¾Ü­n°Ê¤M¡A ¥H¤Î¦WÂå¥D¤M¡B¨ä¥LÂå®v±µ¤â«áÄòªº¦X§@¼Ò¦¡¡A¤£¦ý¦s¦b©ó°ê¤ºÂå¬É¡A¥B¡u½T¹ê¥i¯à¦P®É±¾¦W¤£¥u¤@¥x¤â³N¡v¡C


¡´ ¥x¥_¥«ªø¬_¤å­õ: ¥xÆWÁÙ¨S«Ø¥ßÁ¿¹ê¸Üªº¤å¤Æ¡A... ¥x¤jÂå°|¶}·|¨C¦¸³ø®×¨Ò®É¡A²Ä¤@­Ó©ÀÀY³£¬O¡u³o¤M½Ö¶}ªº¡H¡vµLªk¯u¥¿°µ¨ì¹ï¨Æ¤£¹ï¤H  /  buzzorange.com/2015/05/29 "¾ã­ÓªÀ·|³£¦b»¡ÁÀ¡H¡I¬_¤å­õ´¦ÅS¥«©²°²­±¤å¤Æ" http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20170611002397-260407


¡´Taiwan's medical & health performance is so successful (e.g. life expectancy, infant mortality and maternal mortality, are better than U.S., although we spent only one-quarter of USD (PPP) in health expenditure.) that former leader of health government, Dr. Ye Ching-chuan, was invited to testify at an US senate committee hearing on this issue ¬ü°ê°ê·|Å¥ÃÒÃö©ó¥xÆWÂåÀø°·«Oªº®Ñ­±ÃÒµü¡A¤w¦C¬°°ê·|¥¿¦¡¬ö¿ý¡C¨ä¤¤´£¤Î¥xÆW¥u¥Î¤F¬ü°ê¥|¤À¤§¤@ªº¶O¥Î¡A¦ý°·±d¦¨ªG¡Ae.g.,¥­§¡¹Ø©R¡BÀ¦¨à¦º¤`²v¡B²£°ü¦º¤`²vµ¥¡A³£¤ñ¬ü°ê­n¦n¡C°·«O¹ê¬I«e¤Q¦~¡A¥þÅé°ê¥Á¥­§¡¹Ø©R¼W¥[1.8·³¡A¦Ó¹ê¬I°·«O¤§«á¤Q¦~¡A°ê¤H¥­§¡¹Ø©R¼W¥[2.9·³¡C


¡÷¥xÆWÂå°|Taiwan's medical service    ¡÷  ·s«aªZº~ªÍª¢¦b¥xÆW




       Taiwanese personality


¡´ ¥xÆW¥u¦³¶¶¥Á?    <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø> ¡A¥Á°ê105¦~1¤ë4¤é (1-4-2016)



¡´  "¥xÆW¤H«ç»ò³o»ò¨SºØ¡H ", <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø> ¡A¥Á°ê101¦~1¤ë31¤é  [¬Fªv·s»Dª©§N²´¶°]

¥xÆW¤H¨SºØªº¯E¼Û¡A¨ì³B­Á¬B¬Ò¬O¡C¨Ò¦p¡A¿ïÁ|«e¡A©ú©ú¦UºØ½Õ¬d³£Åã¥Ü¡A¦h¼Æ¤H³£»{ª¾³h´I®t¶ZÂX¤j¬O·í«e¥xÆW³Ì­¢¤Á«Ý¸Ñªº°ÝÃD¡A¦ý¬O§ë²¼ªº¨º¤@ÀK®É¡A¡u«ðÀ~µP¡vÁÙ¬O¾Ô³Ó¤@¤Á¡A©Ò¦³ªº¤£¤½¤£¸q¥þ³£¥i¥H©ß½Ñ¸£«á¡C...... ¬°¼Æ³Ì¦hªº¡AÁÙ¬O¡AÀ½¦bªùÃä¡A¸}¦bªù¥~¡A²´¦bªù¤º¡A¤@ºÛ¤lªº¥xÆW¤H¡A®M¥y«áÃ÷s¥­²Û°d¥xÆW¤Hªº¸Ü¡J¡u©È¦º¡B·R¿ú ¡v¡C


¡´  The China Times, 3-24-2018, public opinion: §õ±Î (1999) «H¥ó¼g¹D: ¥xÆW¤w¬O²LºÐªº, ²{¹êªº, µuµøªºªÀ·|.


¡´ ¡m´I¤ñ¤h¡nForbes (3-5-2017) : Taiwanese "People are ominously courteous".

¡÷¥xÆW¤H­Ó©ÊTaiwanese character/personality




     ¥qªk  Taiwan judiciary

¡´  ¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç¬ã¨s, 2022-2-14: ¬ù¤T¤À¤§¤Gªº¥Á²³¹ï©óªk©x¥i¤½¥¿¤½¥­¼f²z»P§P¨M¦D¨Æ®×¥ó¤£º¡·N¡Cdeptcrc.ccu.edu.tw/index.php?option=module&lang=cht&task=pageinfo&id=432&index=1

¡´  Áp¦X³øªÀµû, 2022-1-25 :¬F©²§Q¥Î°¼Ál¶i¦æªÀ·|±±¨î¡A¦A¥[¤WÀËĵ¥qªk®£À~¡A¬Û¤ñ½±®a²Îªvªº½u¥ÁºÊ±±¡A§ó²Ó¿°µL§Î¡F¤ñ°_°Ê¥Î­xĵº¡¤â¦å¸{¡A¾Þ§Ëºô­x­¢¤HªÀ·|¦º¤`Åý§ó¦h¦Ê©m¬ÈÄß udn.com/news/story/11091/6060260?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2

¡´  ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø ªÀ½×, 2021-6-18: ½²Á`²Î¹ï©óÀu¤Æ¬F©²Åé¨î¡A¥t¯S§OµÛ¾¥¦b¥qªk§ï­²¤W¡A¦o©Z¨¥¥q§ïªº¦¨ªG¡A©M¤H¥Áªº´Á«Ý¡uÁÙ¦³¤@¬q¶ZÂ÷¡v¡C¥qªk§P¨M¦b¶q¦D»´­«ªº·Ç÷¡A±`Åý¥Á²³Ãø¥H²z¸Ñ¦Ó¼W²Kª§Ä³¡Ctalk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1455453


¡´ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i   USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  3-11-2020:  ªk©x»PÀ˹î©xªº¤½¥¿¾D¨ì¾ÇªÌ»P¬Fªvµû½×ªº¤½¶}½èºÃ (Some political commentators and academics,  publicly questioned the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high profile, politically sensitive cases. Judicial reform advocates pressed for greater public accountability, reforms of the personnel system, and other procedural improvements) ;  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  3-13-2019:  ¦b³g¦Ã»P¬F©²³z©ú«×¤è­±«ü¥X¡A¥qªk¤£¿W¥ß¥B°õ¦æ¬Fªv¥Øªº½Õ¬d¤u§@( justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians. )¡C


¡´ Ä«ªG¤é³ø 5-10-2020, ªÀ½×:  ³s¥qªk°|¦Û¤vªº½Õ¬d¡A¹ïªk©xªº«H¥ô«×³£§C©ó4¦¨¡A¤£«H¥ô«×¤ñ¹L¥bÁÙ¦h¡C¨ä¥Lªº½Õ¬d¡A¬Æ¦Ü¦³ªñ8¦¨¥Á²³¤£«H¥ô¥qªkªº¡C Ä«ªG¤é³ø 5-8-2020: ¹ï¤ñ¤é¡BÁú¥q§ï¶iµ{»P¹ê½î¡A¥xÆW¦Ü¤Ö¸¨«á¤Q´X¤G¤Q¦~¡C(ªL¸Î¶¶¡þĵ¹î¤j¾Ç¦D¨Æ¨t±Ð±Â)  ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø 4-30-2020 ¥xÆW¥qªkªºÄpµ² ¦b©óÄÒ°ê¥qªkÅé¨îªº³¯³¯¬Û¦]¡BÃø¥H¾Ù°Ê¡A¥qªk°|«Ê±þ¡u³­¼f°Ñ¼fÂù­y¨î¡v¡u³­¼f¨î¡v, ¥qªk§ï­²³Ì«á¥u´«±o´«´ö¤£´«ÃĪº¡u°Ñ¼f¨î¡v¡Fµ²ºc¤£ÅÜ¡Aªk©x¿W¦û¼f§PÅv¨ÌµM¡C¡]ª÷ùÚÞm±MÄæ¡^·b±¼³­¼f¨î¡×·b±¼¥q§ï


¡´ Áp¦X³ø The United Daily,  06-18-2016 À˹î¡A¡A¡u¡v


¡´ ¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç National Chung Cheng university's survey (head-page of the Liberty Times, 2-23-2016) found: more than 84% Taiwanese people don't believe judges, nearly 80% Taiwanese don't believe the impartiality of Taiwan's prosecutors, and public trust on Taiwan judiciary system keeps falling down in the past 8 years.  


¡´ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  

(report of 4-20-2018 is about same) ¥xÆW¥qªk¤£°÷¿W¥ß justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians.   ¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç¬ã¨s(National Chung Cheng University) :76%¨ü³XªÌ¤£º¡·N¬F©²¤Ï³g¤£¨¬ .



¡´ Ä«ªG¤é³ø, ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø,

       ¤¤µØ¥Á°êªk©x¨ó·|§åÁ`²Î½²­^¤å¡uµLºÃ¦V¥@¬É«Å§P¥xÆW¥qªk¦º¦D¡v¡I¦]½²­^¤å©ó¡u¥qªk°ê¬O·|ij¡v(11-25-2016) ´Á³\¥qªk¤£­n¡u¦³¿ú§P¥Í¡AµL¿ú§P¦º¡v¡A´N¾¨å§ (5-20-2016)«ü¡u¥qªkµLªk¿Ëªñ¤H¥Á¡B¤£³Q¤H¥Á«H¥ô¡v...

¡´ Áp¦X³ø, "¥qªk¤´¦b·í°ê¥ÁÄÒ¥´¤â" .  (³¯®v©s)


¡´ ¤¤°ê®É³ø, 10-15-2017"¥qªk©}±q¬O±YÃa¤§©l": ¥qªk§ï­²·|ij¼ö¾xµn³õ, «o¦ÇÀY¤gÁy®¨®¨¦¬³õ, ¥q§ïµ·²@¨S¦³¶i®i / ¤¤°ê¤å¤Æ¤j¾Çªk¬ã©Ò±Ð±Â§õ´_¨l;    The Taipei Times, 12-1-2017:  Taiwan gov. announced the bill for "citizen judges" system which is closer to the Japanese system of lay judges than the common law system of ¡§trial by jury¡¨ in the UK or the US...  trying to save Taiwan's judicial systems.  (brief)   The China Times (¤¤°ê®É³ø µJÂI·s»Dª©) at 12-1-2017 µû¸Ó°ê¥Áªk©x¨î "«æ´N³¹",  "°Å¶K", "³\¦hªºº|¬}".


¡´ FTV (¥Áµø) , 7-26-2018
¡@ ¡@


¡@ ¡@


pic.: FTV (Formosa Television) News, 7-26-2018: ³¯¤ô«ó¦]¡u®ü¨¤¤C»õ¡v§P¦D¬ù 20 ¦~¡A  °¨¬£¨t«õ¿ú¬ù¨ä¦Ê­¿¡A ³z¹L°ê¥ÁÄÒªº¤å¤Æ ―― ¼s³]°òª÷·|¡A ±M·~³B²zÂà¿ú¨Æ°È¡A ±b¥Ø¬ì¥Ø­n¹ïÀ³°¨­^¤Eªº¦W¦r¡A¥I¿úªº©òÆwµLªkµo²{¡A¥xÆW±¡ªv³æ¦ì¦³¯à¤OªýÂ_ ¡B«o©ñ¥ôª÷¬y¶¸ô¨ì¤º»X¥j¥~»X¥jµ¥¦a ¡A´«¨¥¤§¡A¥xÆW¥Á¶iÄÒ¬F©²¬°¥L­Ì¬G·N¶}¤F¡u¯Ê¤f¡v (brief) ... For further details:  2018.7.26¡i¬F¸g¬Ý¥Áµø¡j




¡÷¥xÆW¥qªkTaiwan judiciary




       political persecution, repressions



¡´  Taiwan is far behind to against torture and other cruel.¥xÆW¤@¦A©ì©µ­×§ï¦Dªk¤Ï»Å¦D, ­ì¦]¬°¦ó?
     Apple Daily, headline, 12-9-2017:
¡»  At end of 2017, a review found all conclusive advises by international review panel have not put into practice at all.

      ¡»  In 2013, an international review panel ( human rights experts and scholars) came Taiwan and concluded :

          (1) "The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment" should be added to Taiwan Criminal Law, and should be put into force AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
          (2)  The best method to root out torture and
other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in Taiwan is that any person or officials who commits torture, those sort of crimes, should not have free liability of what they did.
   ps:  In 1984, The United Nations adopted the text of the convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.   Most major countries including USA and China are signatories and ratifications   In 2009, Taiwan adopted ICCPR and ICESCR as an alternative criminal law, in name " law of application" ('¬I¦æªk'), to against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
        PS2:The members of the review panel visiting Taiwan in 2013 include Philip Alston, law professor at New York University; Eibe Riedel, former member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Jerome Cohen, law professor at New York University; and Nisuke Ando, professor emeritus at Kyoto University. 



¡´ ÄaºÃ©R®×! ¬Fªv­¢®` ?!  The murder cases remain unsolved

¡´  Chen Wen-chen incident (³¯¤å¦¨¨Æ¥ó) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chen_Wen-chen; ³¯¤å¦¨©R®×¡A»Ý­n«i´±ªºÃÒ¤H¯¸¥X¨Ó¡Ihttps://opinion.cw.com.tw/blog/profile/195/article/4587
¡´  Lin Yi-hsiungLin Family Massacre (ªL¸q¶¯) : Feb. 28, 1980. (intentionally pick the sate 228 ?)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lin_Yi-hsiung

¡´  the Lei Chen incident  (¹p¾_¨Æ¥ó) : https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%9B%B7%E9%9C%87%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6

¡´   WuHan Hotel  (ªZº~¤j®ÈªÀ) : http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2018/07/21/2003697080

¡´   Liu Pang-yu  (¼B¨¹¤Í)  Liu Mayor Office Massacre: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liu_Pang-yu

¡´   yin qingfeng murder case (¤¨²M·¬©R®×) : https://web.archive.org/web/20100421111208/http://forums.chinatimes.com.tw/special/oldman/main.html

¡´   the self-immolation of democracy advocate Deng Nan-jung (¾G«nº_): Taipei Times, 7-20-2018  "Justice commission looks into suspect political cases"

Taipei Times, 7-20-2018, ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø ÀYª© :The Transitional Justice Commission is reportedly targeting five cases for investigation: the murder of former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairman Lin I-hsiung¡¦s (ªL¸q¶¯) mother and twin daughters, the death of democracy advocate Chen Wen-chen (³¯¤å¦¨), the Lei Chen (¹p¾_) incident, the Wuhan Hotel (ªZº~®ÈªÀ) incident and the self-immolation of democracy advocate Deng Nan-jung (¾G«nº_).   «PÂà·|Âê©w¤­¤j®×



¡´  wikipedia: The Chinese Civil War resumed, with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) led by Mao Zedong defeating the Nationalists and declaring the People's Republic of China in 1949. Chiang's government and army retreated to Taiwan, where Chiang imposed martial law and persecuted critics in a period known as the "White Terror".  


¡´ Taiwanese government still involving political persecutions had been questioned.   French AFP (Dec. 1, 2011) , Thailand's Bangkok Post (Dec. 3, 2011), Yahoo UK & Ireland, and all local media reported ( Dec. 2011)  Taiwan's opposition party vice presidential candidate and NTU professor Lin Ruey-Shiung (PhD., Johns Hopkins University, USA, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg Germany.) was subject to electromagnetic wave attacks.   Dr Lin thinks it's launched by a Taiwanese intelligence government, but that unit denied, some media reported these weapons most likely were imported from USA  Many similar reports and sayings concerning this sort of political persecutions can be found on the net. 


¡´  FTV¥Áµø: 9-25-2013  20:01pm  ºÊÅ¥¥ÆÀݤH¤H¦Û¦M.   The Liberty Times, 9.25.2013, Apple Daily, 2006: Human rights in Taiwan is not good or lousy!  1/4 Taiwanese were being listened by the government per year.


    Stop Human Cruelty in Taiwan too !!!  make a law now !!



click links to view :
see animal cruelty, report it :  https://www.pinterest.com/pin/406098091375381067/?lp=true
Dogs Speak out: https://www.pinterest.com/margom14/stop-animal-cruelty/?lp=true
stop animal cruelty: https://prowlnewspaper.com/2017/08/20/sunday-is-the-day-of-rest-and-monday-is-the-day-for-protest/
all animals have rights: https://ukhrb.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/court-rules-on-injunctions-against-animal-rights-protesters/  

☉ political persecutions of Taiwan , Chinese version ¬Fªv­¢®`







   ¥xÆW 2019-2022

 US News & World Report 2021,  Asian countries' world influence top 30 rankings  

Cultural Influence No.5  Japan   No. 7  S Korea   11. China  12. UAE   15. Singapore  16. Australia   19. NZ  22. Thailand    25. India Cutting-edge centers of art, entertainment and fashion
Quality of Life 6. Australia   10. NZ   13. Japan  16. Singapore  18. S Korea   23. China   24. UAE    28. Malaysia   29. Thailand Through all phases of life, these countries treat their citizens well
Heritage 6. India   7. Thailand    10. Japan   12 China   23. Australia  25. Vietnam  26. Indonesia   28. NZ A deep vein of history courses through these countries
Adventure 5. Thailand   7. NZ   8. Australia  17. Philippines   18. Singapore  25. Malaysia  28. Japan popular travel destinations to fulfill your wanderlust
Agility 2. Australia   5. Singapore  6. S Korea   7. Japan   9. NZ  13. China  21. UAE   27. Qatar  30. India adaptable, dynamic, modern, progressive, responsive
Open for business 6. NZ   11. Malaysia  12. Australia   14. Singapore   17. Thailand   20. Sri Lanka   21. Vietnam   22. Indonesia   25. Philippines  26. Japan market-oriented countries
Social Purpose 1. Canada  2. Denmark  3. NZ   4. Sweden  5 Nederland  6. Norway   7. Finland  8. Australia  9 Swisss   10. Austria   11. Germany  12. Belgium   13. Ireland  14. UK  15. France  16. Portugal  17. Italy  18. Spain   19. US   20. Japan Residents of certain countries can often come together to support certain causes they feel strongly about: human rights, the environment and  freedom



¡@Economist, E.I.U. Safe City Index 2021
Asian cities' ranking


¡´ Infrastructure security :  No.1 Hong Kong  2. Singapore 5. Tokyo   7. Osaka  9. Sydney  12. Wellington   15. Melbourne  20. Seoul   25. Taipei

¡´ Digital security:

No.1 Sydney     2 Singapore   8.  Melbourne   9. Wellington  20. Tokyo    21 HK  24. Dubai   27. Osaka   30. Taipei   31.  Seoul 

¡´ Health security:

 No.1  Tokyo  2.  Singapore  3. Hong Kong  4.  Melbourne  5. Osaka  6. Seoul  10. Sydney  13. Dubai   19. Beijing   19. Shanghai   21. Taipei  22. Bangkok
¡´ personal security : No.7. Wellington   11. Sydney   13  Singapore  16. Tokyo   
 17. Osaka  19. Taipei 



¡@Economist, E.I.U. Safe City Index 2021
The CovID-19 pandemic and the understanding of health security
The need to focus better on what works
Asian cities' ranking

¡@ 1. Tokyo (87.7)   2. Singapore (84.1)   3. Hong Kong (84.0)   4. Melbourne (81.9)    5. Osaka (81.8)    6. Seoul (81.1)   10. Sydney   12. Abu Dhabi   13. Dubai   19. Beijing  19  Shanghai    21. Taipei (73.5)    22. Bangkok




¡´  safe?   ¥xÆW¥Í¬¡¦w¥þ ?     ¿éµ¹·s¥[©Y, ¤é¥»ªF¨Ê, ¤é¥»Osaka, ¤¤°êHK,  «nÁú ...

¡mEconomist¡nUK , EIU
The Safe Cities Index 2019  ¡v
­^°ê¸gÀپǤH: ¥þ²y¦w¥þ«°¥««ü¼Æ
 Taiwan is worse than its neighbors Singapore, Japan, China, Korea, Australia, NZ ...

   Taiwan's "personal security" dropped 14 places compared with the previous report   "­Ó¤H¦w¥þ"¤ñ¤G¦~«e±¼¸¨14 ¦W

¡´ personal security : No.1 Singapore  3 HK  4 Tokyo  5 Wellington  7 Osaka  10 Sydney  12 Dubai  15 Seoul  16 Melbourne 20 Taipei 
¡´ Infrastructure security :  No.1 Singapore 2 Osaka 4 Tokyo  7 Sydney  7 Melbourne  9 Wellington 14 Seoul  18 HK  24 Taipei

¡´ Digital security:

No.1 Tokyo  2 Singapore 11 Osaka 11 Sydney  11 Melbourne 17  Seoul  22 HK  23 Taipei

¡´ Health security:

 No.1  Osaka  2 Tokyo  3 Seoul  8  Singapore  10 Taipei 

World Economic Forum (WEF¡B¥@¬É¸gÀÙ½×¾Â)¤½¥¬¬ã¨s³ø§i  <Travel and tourism competitiveness report>, 9-4-2019 : ¥xÆWªº "safety & security" ("ªv¦w"¡B"¦w¥þ«×")
¥u±o¨ìªF¨Èªº¥­§¡¤À¼Æ 6.0, ¿éµ¹ ¨È¬wªº Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, ¥H¤Î Singapore.

¡¹ ¡m ¤¤®É¡n, 11-11-2020 ªÀ½×:  °¨¨Ó¦è¨È³ø¯È»{¬°1¦~¤º¨â¦ì¤j°¨¤k¥Í¦b¥x³Q±þ(¦~ªì¥t¤k¾D¤À«Í)¡A¬Ý¨Ó¥xÆW¬O­Ó·¥¤£¦w¥þªº¦a¤è¡C
¡¹ ¡m ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø¡n, 11-12-2020: ¼É¤O¥Ç¸o½è¶q«ùÄò´c¤Æ ªñ¤­¦~¼É¤O¥Ç¸o¡]®£À~¨ú°]¡B¶Ë®`¡B§«®`¦Û¥Ñ¡B¤M±ñºjªKµ¥¥|¤j¥Ç¸o¡^²Î­p¼Æ¾Ú¡A±q¤G¡³¤@¤­¦~ªº¤G¡³¤C¤T¤G¥ó¡A ¼W¥[¦Ü¤G¡³¤@¤E¦~ªº¤G¥|¤»¤T¤K¥ó¡A¤»³£¤]³£§e²{³v¦~¼W¥[ªºª¬ªp¡C







World's Best Hospitals 2021, Newsweek, Statista

rank country hospital
No.8 Singapore Singapore General Hospital
No.16 Japan The University of Tokyo Hospital
18 Japan St. Luke's International Hospital
34 S. Korea Asan Medical Center
42 S. Korea Seoul National University Hospital
43 Japan Kameda Medical Center
62 Japan  Kyushu University Hospital
71 Japan Center Hospital of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine
73 S. Korea Center Hospital of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine
76 S. Korea Severance Hospital - Yonsei University
84 Japan Kyoto University Hospital
87 S. Korea Seoul National University - Bundang Hospital
91 Japan Kurashiki Central Hospital
97 S. Korea Korea University - Anam Hospital
number of selected hospitals - Japan: 7 ;  S. Korea : 6; Singapore: 1
101-200 S. Korea
101-200 India 2  All India Institute of Medical Sciences - Delhi, Medanta The Medicity
101-200 Thailand 1   Bumrungrad International Hospital
101-200 Singapore 2   Gleneagles Hospital,  National University Hospital
101-200 Japan 10
total number of selected hospitals - Japan: 17 ;  S. Korea : 12 ; Singapore: 3; India: 2; Thai: 1

PS:  There's no any Taiwan's hospital was selected in 2020 and 2021



Asia's 50 Best Restaurants 2021,   2021-3-25

 rankings     theworlds50best.com/stories/News/asias-50-best-restaurants-2021-the-list-in-pictures.html

¡´ top 10 restaurants :  No. 1.  The Chairman, HK, China   2. Odette, Singapore  3. Den, Japan  4. Le Du, Thailand  5. Gaggan A. , Thailand 6. Suhring, Thailand   7.  Florilege , Japan   8. La Cime, Japan   9.  Narisawa, Japan   10. Mingles, S. Korea

¡´  number of top 40
in each Asian country:

 China  9,    Japan  9,      Singapore  6,   Thailand  5,   Taiwan 4,   S.  Korea 3,   India 2


 US News & World Report 2020,  Asian countries' world rankings   ¨È¬w°ê®aªº°ê»Ú±Æ¦W
Cultural Influence
No. 6 Japan,  No. 8 Australia,  No. 9 Singapore,  No. 16 China,  17. NZ,  18. Thailand,   20. Korea,  22. UAE,   30. India,   35. Qatar,  39. Malaysia,  40. Saudi Arabia,   41. Phil Cutting-edge centers of art, entertainment and fashion
Quality of Life
No.5 Australia,   No. 8 nz,   14. Japan,  15. US,  19. China, 20. Singapore,  23. Korea,    25. UAE, 27. Malaysia,  28. Thai.,  30. India,  31. Philippines,  32. Indonesia,  33. Vietnam,   36. Qatar Through all phases of life, these countries treat their citizens well
No.6 India,  No. 9 Thailand, 10. Japan,  11. China, 18. USA,  21. Vietnam,  22. Singapore,  27. Australia,  29.  Indonesia,  30. Korea,  32. Malaysia,   37. NZ A deep vein of history courses through these countries
No.5 Thailand  No.7 Nrw Zealand,  10. Australia,  17. Philippines,   25. Singapore,   29. Malaysia,   33. USA,  34. Japan,   38. Vietnam,   40. India The best countries to fulfill your wanderlust



pic.:  Asia's Best Restaurants 2020: Asian countries Japan¤é¥», China¤¤国, Singapore·s¥[©Y, Thailand®õ°ê ¬O¤jĹ®a, Taiwan was behind.




pic.:  ¥@¬É³Ì¨ÎÀ\ÆUWorld's Best Restaurants 2019/2020: Asian countries Australia¿D¬w, Japan¤é¥», China¤¤国, Singapore·s¥[©Y, India¦L«×, Thailand®õ°ê. Korea«nÁú Àu³Ó, ¥xÆW¥¼¤J¿ï.



 ¦Ì¨äªL ºK¬P (2020)  ¨È¬w¦U°ê¤ñ¸û

Michelin Guide cities

number of starred restaurants ºK¬PÀ\ÆU¼Æ

¤TÁû¬P   3-stars restaurants

¤G¬P   2 stars

¤@¬P   1 star

Tokyo (¤é¥»ªF¨Ê) 226 11 48 167
Hong Kong,
Macau (´ä¿D)
85 10 19 56
Kyoto (¤é¥»¨Ê³£) 100 8 21 77
Osaka (¤é¥») 111 3 16 79
Seoul (Áú°ê­ºº¸) 31 2 7 22
Singapore (·s¥[©Y) 44 2 5 37
Taipei  (¥x¥_) 26 1 6 19
Shanghai (¤W®ü) 23 1 2 20



 ¡´   UNESCO¡¦s list of intangible cultural heritage  Áp¦X°ê±Ð¬ì¤å²Õ´ªº¤HÃþ¤å¤Æ¿ò²£  /    https://ich.unesco.org/en/lists


Asian country heritage items selected
1 China 40
2 Korea 24
3 Japan 20
4 Mongolia 15
5 India 13
6 Indonesia 10
7 Saudi Arabia 8
8 Cambodia 5
9 Philippines 4
10 Qatar 3
10 Malaysia 3
10 Pakistan 3
13  Thai 2
14 Singapore 1
14 Sri Lanka 1
14 Vietnam 1
14 UAE 1


Myanmar, Laos, Nepal 0
Taiwan 0

¡»  ·s¥[©YÅu³c¤p¦Y¤å¤Æ¤J¿ï¡A¥xÆW©]¥«¤p¦Y¤å¤Æ«hµL  sg.news.yahoo.com/singapore-hawker-culture-gets-nod-included-unesco-intangible-cultural-heritage-list-140941296.html  12-16-2020: Singapore¡¦s hawker culture was officially approved on Wednesday (16 December) to be inscribed into UNESCO¡¦s list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity.  The biggest thanks must go to the generations of hawkers for nourishing a nation¡¦s stomach and spirits.  








¦WUS WebCrawler ²Ä1


¡@ Different views on Taiwan
¡@  Media/ Institutions websites
¡@  The Spiegel http://www.spiegel.de/thema/taiwan/  
¡@  The Economist http://www.economist.com/topics/taiwan
¡@  Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/taiwan
¡@  BBC Taiwan Country Profile http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-16164639
¡@  Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan
¡@  The Diplomat https://thediplomat.com/countries/taiwan/ 
¡@  USA state gov. https://www.state.gov/documents/organization/265586.pdf
¡@  The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/topic/destination/taiwan
¡@  Taiwan ROC Presidential Office Á`²Î©² http://english.president.gov.tw/
¡@  China's People Daily, ¤H¥Áºô http://tw.people.com.cn/  
¡@  Taiwan,  The Liberty Times¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø http://news.ltn.com.tw/topic/%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3
¡@  China, Baidu¦Ê«× https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8F%B0%E6%B9%BE/122340
¡@ ¡@ ¡@



This websites group was ranked No.2 on US Dogpile
         by keyword "Introduction to Taiwan" at 12-11-2017
(the upper one is an ad.)

This site was ranked top "introdiction to Taiwan" on US Yahoo at Dec. 9, 2017

pic right:

 ¥»ºô¯¸"¤¶²Ð¥xÆW"  (­^¤åª©)
±Æ¦WUS WebCrawler ²Ä1  at 2-25-2018, 12-25-2017
(the upper 3 are ads.);






     Taiwan in cartoons



¡» 1.

       ¬Ý¨£¥xÆW in 1 minute


¡¹  ¡´  ¥xÆW¬O­Ó¡u¥]±@¡v¡B¡u¥]½ä¡v¡B¡u¥]¬r¡v¡B¡u¥]¶BÄF¡v ¡B ¡u¥]Åѵs¡v¡B´Ûµ½©È´c¡BÄ묹¡u¥Á¥Í¡v¡u¥Á¥D¡v¡B '½a'´µÀÝ ¡B ¤£'½a'¤]´µÀݪº°ê®a¶Ü?   ...

¡¹   below each visual parody, cartoon on The dark side of Tw. are related or relevant reports or comments





¡´ ¡@

¡´Taiwan's image  ―  ¥xÆW´c¦W¬L¹ü: ¡u¬r«~Âà¹B¤¤¤ß¡v  ¡u¿é¥X¤j°ê¡vªº¦Ã¦W §¤¹ê 


¡´ ¤é¥»»P¿D¬wĵ¤è¤w±N¥xÆW¦C¬°¬r«~¿é¥X"°ª­·ÀI°ê®a"


¡´  2016¦~, ¥xÆW¬O¤é¥»¹Ò¥~¬r«~²Ä3¨Ó·½°ê ......  ref to The China Times, headline news, 4-4-2017


¡´     ¥xÆW¤Ï¬r°µ°²  CTN 7-2017


¡´  ¡u¥xÆW ¤w²_»s¬r¤ý°ê¡v. <Áp¦X³ø> ÀYª©ÀY±ø, 11-2-2017 ¡C


¡´  ¦]°õªk¤£¨¬ªº­P©R¶Ë, ¥H¤Îªk¨î­±½Ñ¦h¯Ê¥¢, ¥xÆW³QThe Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) ¦C¬°"¥[±j°lÂܦW³æ" / UDN Áp¦Xµ§°O 4-11-2017


¡´   ¬r«~¥ÆÀÝ...¤wÂX¤j´c¤Æ¨ìÃø¥Hªý¤î / Ä«ªG¤é³ø ªÀµû, 5-15-2017; 


¡´  Philippines President Duterte (9-26-2017) : Triad supplying illegal drugs to PH is based in Taiwan, not China / inquirer.net 

   °ê»ÚªÀ·|¤½®` !






¡@ ¡@


Taiwan, a rat or a soft chicken  ! ?


Taiwan weakness


¡´   Foreign Policy, 2-15-2020; ¥xÆW­x¤è¬O"ªÅ ¥]¼u";   ¬ü°ê°ê¨¾³¡©x­û¨p¤U¹ï¥xÆW³¡¶¤©M«á³Æ­xªí¹F¤F´dÆ[ªºµû¦ô


¡´  Áp¦X³øªÀ½×  2020-06-06  : °ê­xªñ¦~¼Ðº]¡uµo®i¤£¹ïºÙ¾Ô¤O¡v¡A³£¬Oªí­±¥\¤Ò¡C

      §õµn½÷«á´Á¡B³¯¤ô«ó¡B½²­^¤å«ùÄò´§ÀN¡u¨S¦³©M¥­ªº©M¥­¬õ§Q¡v, ³y¦¨·í¤U¥xÆW°ê¨¾ªº³Ì¤jÃøÃD ― ¹wºâ¤£¨¬¡C



¡´  ¯Ã¬ù®É³ø New York Times at  11-4-2017, the Pentagon report, May 2017: China¡¦s military modernization has ¡§eroded or negated many of Taiwan¡¦s historical advantages (geography and the US support) ¡¨ in deterring a potential attack.  ¤­¨¤¤j·H©óMay 2017ĵ§i:¥xÆW¹L¥h¥i¥H¹K¨î¤¤°êŧÀ»ªº¡u³\¦hÀu¶Õ¡v(¥]¬A¬ü°ê¨ó¨¾)¡A¤w¸g³Q¤¤°êªº­x¨Æ²{¥N¤Æ¡u«d®z©Î®ø°£¤F¡v¡C


¡´ Le Monde diplomatic of France, Mai 2016, depicted Taiwan as a trembling sweating rat (or mouse), turning its back on an approaching huge cat (China), lifting high the banner "$O$"  .  
ªk°ê Le Monde diplomatique ±N¥xÆW³ë¬° ­I¹ï¤j¿ß(¤¤°ê) «ÂÄà¡Bª½«_¦½µo§Ý¨D±Ï("$O$" )ªº¦Ñ¹«

     ÂI«ö¬Ý¹Ï !   click the image (left) to view the graphic comment  !


¡´ ¯Ã¬ù®É³øNew York times,  5-18-2017: Taiwan's leaders have gutted the military and continued to base defense planning on the assumption that the United States would always come to the rescue.  Policies ... have left the military understaffed and in a state of low morale...  ¥xÆW»â¾É¤@´[±¡Ä@°²³]¬ü°ê©w·|¥X§L±Ï´©   ...  ¥x­x¤h®ð§C¸¨  ³´©óÁà»D¤§¤¤



¡´ ¬ü°ê FreeBeacon  , 10-19-2017 : "¤¤°ê²ßªñ¥­¹ï¥x¿WªºÆ~½Ð¡A ²r¤OÃö¤W¤jªù (Slams the Door on Taiwanese Appeals for Independence)"¡C FreeBeacon at 10-19-2017 : "China¡¦s Xi Jinping Slams the Door on Taiwanese Appeals for Independence.".   Washington Post at 10-18-2017: "Mr. Xi¡¦s biggest applause line was a vow to 'never allow anyone. . . to separate any part of Chinese territory from China.'  That would include...Taiwan."(19th CPC national Congress).  



¡´ ¼w°ê Spiegel, 1-9-2017, Global Times of China:¤@¤¤­ì«h ... ¨S¦³°Q»ùÁÙ»ùªº¾l¦a("Es gibt keinen Raum für Verhandlungen".  "There is no room for negotiations" .)¡C




¡@ ¡@






°ê®a¾÷¾¹ 'µ´¹ï'¤ä«ù ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ !

§A¥s¦h¤jÁn «ç»ò¼Ë¥s ³£¦æ !!

  The louder you scream, the more I enjoy ...

 more readings:

¡» ªk°ê  RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres>: ·s»D¤u§@ªÌ ¦bªø©x¤U¹F¹H¤Ï·s»D¹D¼wªº©R¥O®É¡A

¡»<¤¤®ÉªÀ½×> , ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ  3-9-2020: ¬Fªv¤Oªº«ÂÀ~¡Aºô­xÅQ­â¦¬¶R¦W¼L¡Bºô¬õ¡B¥Á½Õ¡A¶ì³y­·¦V¡C¾Þ§@¡u°²·s»D¡vÄA­Ë¶Â¥Õ¡C

 ¡» ¤¤®É12-14-2019 ªÀ½×: ¥xÆW¬F©²ÄY­«¶Ë®`¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ

 ¡» ³o¬O¤@­Ó¨¸´cªº°ê®a¾÷¾¹ (column, CTN, 5-9-2018)¡F

¡» <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 12-20-2017  ÀÝÅv¥»½è ¥ô·N«I¥Ç¨ä¤½¥ÁÅv§Q ¨«¥Á¥Dªº¦^ÀY¸ô¡F

¡» <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 12-21-2017, 12-27-2017¡C¥xÆW³\¦h§@¬° ÄÝ¡u°ê®a¼É¤O¡v(¡u¥Õ¦â®£©Æ¡v¬°¨ä²£«~ )­«²{¡F

. ¸Ô https://udn.com/news/story/11321/2897025¡Chttp://udn.com/news/story/7338/2179800¡C


 ( a violent, penetrative scientific power) "You called Discovery,  I called the Rape ..." 
/  Jurassic Park ,  1990











¡» ¡@


¡´ ¤¤µø·s»D 12-14-2017 : ¥xÆW¶BÄF¥Ç¯uªº¹M§G¥þ²y

¡´ ¥xÆWÅܦ¨°ê»Ú¶BÄF¿é¥X°ê,¤w¦¨°ê»Ú¤½®` /   <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 12-24-2017  ¡C


¡´¥xÆW¤H¶BÄF¥þ²y¡B ´c¦W¬L¹ü¡B ­«³Ð¥xÆW§Î¶H / EBC TV 4-9-2017 6:54am



¡´   ¥xÆW§â¶BÄF¥Ç·í¦¨¸ê²£ Taiwan largely sees these telecom frauds/phone scammers as an asset rather than liability... / quora.com


¡´ BBC 4-22-2016: Taiwanese massive international telecoms frauds lead to diplomatic row between Taiwan and China, and cost Chinese victims billions of Yuan and to have driven some to suicide


¡´ Taiwan's legal system is extremely tolerant of the scammers. Not matter how much money was involved in a scamming case  /  https://www.quora.com/Does-Taiwan-rely-on-the-fraud-industry-heavily,  /4-16-2016


¡´  ¥xÆW¥qªk»P¥ßªk°|²@µL²Û®¢, ©ñ¨«³o»ò¦h¶BÄF¥Ç  /  ref to Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½× 8-2016   


¡´ ¶BÄF®×¦D³d ¤j³°³Ì°ª§PµL´Á ¥xÆW»´¸o©ö¬ì»@ª÷   ¥xÆW¬O"§C­·ÀI ¡B°ª¦¬¯q"°ê®a¡A ¶BÄFªk¥O»´¡B©w¸o²v§C / EBC TV news  4-9-2017 6:54am

       °ê»ÚªÀ·|¤½®` !


¡@ ¡@








Hitler resurgence ...  Nazi returns !? 



pic.: ¬ù20¦~«e¥ZµnÁp¦X³ø¨t¡B¥Á¥Í³ø






 †   ¡uªF¼t­Ì¡v¤w¸g¬¡ÅD¦b§Ú­Ì¥|©P...  
 Áp¦X³ø  ªÀ½×  ,  9-19-2018


¡» Ä«ªG¤é³ø 12-14-2019 ªÀ½×:  ¥xÆW¬F©²³vº¥¥X²{«ÂÅv¤å¤Æ
¡» ¤¤®É11-29-2019 ªÀ½× ¥xÆW¬F©²­IÂ÷¥Á¥D±`­y
 ¡» Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½×, 6-23-2019: ¤j¼Æ¾Ú¦¨¬°¬F«È¾ÞÁa¥Á·Nªº§Q¾¹¡A¥Á¥D¹B§@©¹©¹°¾Â÷¦h¼Æ¥Á·N


¡» The United Daily News (Áp¦X³ø) , ªÀ½×, 3-31-2019 : :¥xÆW¥´ºâ¥X½æ¥Á²³­Ó¸ê»P¼Æ¦ì¤HÅv(e.g., ¥Á²³°·±d¡B¯e¯f¡B
¥ÎÃĸê®Æ, ³s³Ì°ò¥»§iª¾·í¨Æ¤H¤]°µ¤£¨ì)
¡B¿sµøºô¸ô¨¥¦æ¡B¬Æ¦Ü¥i¯àºÊ±±¥þ¥Á, ­Ó¤HÃø¥H¹îı...

¡» Áp¦X³ø (UDN) 3-16-2019 (brief):  ¸ê³qªk¤§¹H¤Ï¤HÅv±ø´Ú¤£Â_´_¬¡.  ¤µªì¼f³q¹L¤§¹q«Hªk³º¥i§¹¦¨°O¿ý¥Á²³¤@¤Á¹q«H¦æ¬°
, ¼Ú«Âº¸¤p»¡<1984> (
Orwellian "1984" )¸Ìªº"¦Ñ¤j­ô"("Big Brother" )¥i¿×¤wµn¯«¦ì, ¤½¥Á±N§Ï©»³z©ú¤H¦ü

¡» ¤¤°ê®É³øChina Times 3-29-2019 ÀY±ø·s»D: ¤£®e¥´µÛ¥Á¥D©ÛµP¤Ï¥Á¥D, ¨«¦V¼Ú«Âº¸¦¡¿Wµô

¡» Ä«ªG¤é³ø 3-29-2019 ªÀ½×: ¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ¬OÂźñ¥Õ³£¤£¥i¥¢¦uªº©³½u, °õ¬FªÌ¤×¨ä¤£¸Ó´ý¤ôºN³½, »s³y´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³  (https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20190329/38294369/)

¡» Áp¦X³øªÀ½× 11-14-2019¡þ¥Á¥D³]­pªº¨}·N¡A¦p¤µÅܦ¨¨p±ý¼X³õ¡C (https://udn.com/news/story/11321/4163629)








¬¡®I 2.0 




¥xÆW¬F©²¥¼µ½ºÉ°ò¥»³d¥ô «OÅ@¤H¥Á¥Í©R°]²£¦w¥þ



 (full text: https://udn.com/news/story/11321/2974813 Áp¦X³øªÀ½×¡þ

¡» Â_¼h±a¤W¦ó¥H«Ø¤F¨º»ò¦h°ª¼Ó¡H 2-8-2018,



¡» ³n¸}¼Ó¦¨§|±þ¤H©R³´¨À 2-9-2018, 



¡» ³£§ó Äê¬F«È  ¼Å­l¤£§@¬°


- ¦p¹J¤»¯Å¦a¾_  2-9-2018)


¡» ¬ù5/6¾ô¼Ù»Ý«æ­×«o¥¼­× ¬F©²¬Æ¦Ü¥¼¤½¶}¦M¾ô¦W³æ (ref. to United Daily, 10-9-2019, headline news)


¡» ¥xÆW³Ì¤jªº¤£¤½¤£¸q:¤g¦a¥æ©ö  (ref. to Apple Daily, 9-28-2019)








Taiwan food

Does Taiwan
Have democracy?



 Taiwan democracy

  ¹L°Ê´Ã¼Í ...  †

Taiwan travel



¡´ ¤¤°ê®É³ø The China Times, 10-20-2018  ªÀ½×:


¡´ ­¹¦w°ÝÃD¤£Â_,¥xÆW³Ì¤j¬D¾Ô ¤§¤@
The China Times. 8-6-2016, an interview to Taiwan president ½²­^¤å

 ­¹¦w¹wºâ¤Öªº¥i¼¦  ¤@¤H¶È¤@¤¸  / ¤¤®É7-9-2017


¡´  The China Times, 5-21-2018 : ¥xÆW¤j¶}¹AÃĤè«Kªù  ­¹¦w¦¨¤f¸¹

¡´  ªø©°Âå°|¬rª«¬ì¥D¥ô, Univ. of London³Õ¤hÃC©v®üM.D.:
¡u¾¨¶q´î¤Ö¥~­¹ !¡v ( ref. to µÛ§@<­¹«~¤£¦w¥þªº¦~¥N¦p¦ó¦Û«O> , April 2016

¡´   ¥xÆW¹AÃĴݯd®e³\¶q¬°¼Ú·ù1000­¿   /

The China Times, Opinion <µuµû "¥xÆW¶V¨Ó¶V¬r>, 4-21-2017


Beaviss : dummy ! there's no poison, addictives, MSG, lard oil, gutter oil,  added in these Chinese heritage arts - pork stone and cabbage jade
 Butter-Head: so, we can eat these healthy foods now?!
a visual parody by Zola Zu



¡´ ­^°ê Economist EIU Democracy Index 2019 : ¥xÆW ¦³¯Ê³´ªº¥Á¥D "Flawed democracy",  "political culture", "political participation" ¤À¼Æ«Ü§C (5.63, 6.11).


¡´ <Ä«ªG¤é³ø>ªÀ½×, 12-7-2019: ¿ïÁ|­·®ð¤jÃa, Á`²Î¦¨¬°§CªùÂe¡B§C¸ê®æ­n¨DªºÂ¾·~»P¯º¬`...


¡´<Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 12-6-2018:  ¦³¦WµL¹êªº¥Á¥D¡C


¡´ <Áp¦X³ø> ªÀ½×, 6-23-2019: ¤j¼Æ¾Ú¦¨¬°¬F«È¾ÞÁa¥Á·Nªº§Q¾¹¡A¥Á¥D¹B§@©¹©¹°¾Â÷¦h¼Æ¥Á·N¡AµLªk¸Ñ¨M¥Á¥D­Ë°hªº§x¹Ò...


¡´ ¥xÆW¬FªvÄÝ©ó°]¹Î(«D¤H¥Á),
Taiwan politics belongs to corporations (not the people) and is controlled by the political parties <Foerign Policy> 2015.


¡´ ¦p¤µ¦ü¥G³s¥Á¥Dªº¥Ö¬Û¤]Ãø¥Hºû«ù¤F...¡u¥Á¥Í¡v¤w¸gÅܦ¨¬FªvªºÄ묹«~...<Áp¦X³ø>ªÀ½×, 3-7-2017


¡´ MegaBank®×±È¶}¥xÆW»G±Ñª÷¿ÄÅé¨t / ¥Áµø 5-29-2017, 20:32pm




¡´ World Economic Forum (WEF)  <°ê»ÚÆ[¥ú®È¹CÄvª§¤O ³ø§i> (<Travel and tourism competitiveness report>, released at 9-4-2019)¡A ¥xÆWªºÆ[¥ú®È¹CÄvª§¤O¬O¸Ó°Ï¤¤¶^´T³Ì¤jªº¡A Á`±Æ¦W±q2017¦~ªº30¡A ¨g¶^¨ì²Ä 37¦W , ±Æ¦W¨È¬w²Ä10,   ¥xÆWªº½Ã¥Í°·±d«ü¼Æ ¿éµ¹»X¥j Áú°ê



¡´ China - People's Daily's Global Times (7-19-2016) editorial: ¥xÆW®È¹C·~³o»ò¤jªº¦w¥þº|¬},  ©~µM¯à¦~´_¤@¦~²V¤U¥h...¦A¥h¬Oª±©R ...click Taiwan travel  for details


¡´   ­^°êBBC, The SUN (2-13-2017): ¥xÆW®È¹C¤Ú¤h¥æ³q¦w¥þ¼Ð·Ç¶·§ïµ½ "safety standards need to be improved".

¥xÆWªñ¦~­¸¦w¬ö¿ýÁV¿|Taiwan has had a poor aviation safety record/ CNN, Newsweek, 2-4-2015


¡´ People's Daily (8-4-2016) editorial: ¦w¥þ¨S«O»Ù ...«Ü¦h·N¥~¨Æ¬G³£¦s¦bµÛ¤Hº× ªº¼v¤l¡A©Î¬Oªk³Wº|¬}¡BºÞ²z²¨¥¢¡B©Î¬OÅé¨î¤£¨¬......






¡¹       ¡´  ¥xÆW¤j¸zÀùµo¥Í²v°ª©~¥þ²y²Ä¤@¡A³\¦h¶Â¤ß­¹«~¤]¦³¼vÅT/ 8-28-'15 apple daily


¡¹  ¡¹  ¡¹

¡@ ¡@





¤M«[¤Wªº'³½¦×'   Salmon is poking the bear ?  Taiwan suffers !

The U.S. and Taiwan are seen as heading in a direction that is
getting perilously close to Chinese red lines......


¡´  ¿D¬w´¼®w The LOWY Institute , 6-16-2020 : ¬ü°ê±N¥x湾·í¦¨®À败¥_¨Êªº¤u¨ã¡A·|¦M®`¥xÆWªº¦w¥þ¡C



¡´  Bloomberg news 3-14-2018:

In the future, Taiwan will suffer even more, as it gets caught
 in the middle between a stronger China and a inward-looking US...

 ¥xÆW¦¨¬°§¨¤ß»æ°®, ¥¼¨Ó±N§ó·Î¼õ


¡´ Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½×, 5-22-2020,   UDN editorial:




¡´ ¤¤®É  ªÀ½× 4-30-2020,  CTN editorial: ¥xÆW³Q§óºò¦a¸i¸j¤W¬ü°êªº¤õ¾Ô¨®½Ä¦V¤j³°¡C


¡´ <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø> ¡A1-24-2020:  ¬ü¤¤²Ä¤@®qÃ쨤¤O ¥xÆW¦¨À£¤O¼ö°Ï¡C



¡´  National Review 5-13-2020 : The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission:
China Has Increased Military Pressure on Taiwan during Pandemic


¡´   CNN 2-19-2020:  TW president: "What we are expecting is, after withstanding the first wave of
Chinese attacks ourselves, the rest of the world would stand up to exert strong pressure on China" ....
"Taiwan as an underdog facing down the growing might of Beijing" ... 
  Taiwan military



 Washington Post, 8-20-2018: 
¡´ ¬ü°ê¬Fµ¦µLªk¹w®Æ   ¥xÆW³B¹Ò¦MÀI¥B¤£Ã­
Taiwan's precarious role in the China-US spat  !
(Trump adm.'s Taiwan policy is unpredictable); 


¡´   United Daily, 1-4-2020, editorial opinion : 
¥xÆW§@¥Î¬O¬ü°ê³ò°ô¤¤°êªº´Ñ¤l  ¦pªG¤£°ß¬ü°ê©R¬O±q   ¬ü°ê¦L¤Ó¾Ô²¤´N¥X²{¯Ê¤f ...



¡´  New York Times 9-5-2019:  it would also be a catastrophe if Taiwan were
blockaded or squashed into submission, because Taiwan ...
and stands in the way of any Chinese projection into the Pacific or toward, say, Okinawa.


¥xÆW¥i¯à¦¨¬°¬ü¤¤³Õ«³¤UªºÄw½X©Î¸R¤l  (a leverage, a bargaining chip)

¡´  Global Times, mar. 2018:  ¤¤°ê100 ¤p®É¤ºÀ»±Ñ¥x­x; 
¡´ ¥xÆW°ê¨¾³¡ªø: ¯à©è§Ü¤¤­x¶W¹L1©P (CTV 12-18-2016)  ¡´ ps: ¾ú¦~°ê¨¾³¡ªøªº¦ô­p(¯à©è§Ü¤¤­x)®É¶¡·U¨Ó·Uµu; 


¡´ <Foreign Policy> ¿ï¾Ü¥xÆW½²Á`²Î¬°2016¦~ "leading thinkers" ¤§¤@ ¡A

¦]¬°½²­^¤å "´±ÂW¤jºµ Poking the bear" / 12-14-2016










 †   '¬õ®`'¨ÏTaiwanÅܬ°¤f¸n¤ý°ê  ― 


¡´ ¡m¤¤°ê®É³ø China Times¡n, Taiwan,  4-12-2019 : Àô«O¹ÎÅé§å¬F©²µL¤ß§ïµ½ªÅ¦Ã... 


¡´ ¼w°ê2019 CCPI (Climate Change Performance Index - GHG emissions, renewable energy, etc)
,  ¦W¦¸±q2017¦~°_¤@¦A­Ë°h.

¡´ Apple Daily 12-11-2019, ÀY±ø·s»D: °ê¤ºªÅ¦Ã·U¨Ó·UÄY­«, «e¤Q¦W¤½¥q(China Steel, Taichung Power plant, etc)
¤§ PM2.5 and PM10 ¦M¤Î1185¸U¤H°·±d


¡´ Lancet Planetary Health (April 10, '19):

"The 4th worst for rate of kids getting Asthma from traffic air pollution" 



¡´ ªÅ¦Ã¡B¤ô¿B¡A¥xÆWÀô¹Ò«~½èOECD¦Q¨®§À / 9-21-2015 CT


¡´ ¥x¤j¤½½Ã°Æ°|ªø: ¥xÆWPM2.5ªÅ¦Ã¼Ð·Ç¸¨«á15¦~¡A³Ð³y¦Xªk±þ¤HÀô¹Ò (dean, College of Public health, National Taiwan University, 
 UDN headpage, 10-16-2017;   Liberty Times 1-4-2016


¡´ Taiwan,  in the lower ranks, placing 54th out of 57 nations in the CCPI with regards to cutting down carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases. / Taipei Times, 11-23-2017¡¹taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2017/11/23/2003682785

¡´  United Daily, Opinion, 12-2-2017: ¥xÆWªÅ¦¾¦Ã2/3 ¨Ó¦Û¹Ò¤º, ¹q¤O¤j¶q¨Ì¿à¿U´C¬°¤¸¤¿  (brief)¡@¡¹¡@









Taiwan air force¡¹¡»




¡´­^°êExpress, 6-12-2020: World War 3  alert (²Ä¤T¦¸¥@¬É¤j¾Ô©Ôĵ³ø) / ¤¤¦@­x¾÷¦b¥xÆW¸Õ®gÄdºI­¸¼u«á­¸¶VªÅ¬É, ¤¤¦@¹ï¬ü­x¾÷­¸¶V¥xÆW¤ÏÀ³¼««ã, etc

¡´¤¤®É 6-10-2020:  ³°¬ü¦b§Ú»âªÅ¨¤¤O 
¡´ Bloomberg 3-14-2018, CTV¤¤µø±ß¶¡·s»D 11-27-2016, Áp¦X³ø UDN 11-30-2016:  ¤¤¦@­x¾÷ ±`ºA¶¦æ¥xÆW¨Ã¬ï¶V²Ä¤@®qÃì (1st Island Chain ) ¥xªÅ­x¥¼¤ÉªÅÄdºIÅX³v ; 12-2016 ¤¤¦@«ÅºÙ±`ºA¶­¸



¡´¥xÆW«ÅºÙ»âªÅ¤£®e¥L¤HÄ£ªZ´­«ÂTaiwan declared no other air forces are allowed to show their muscle in Taiwan air space / Ä«ªG¤é³øApple Daily 5-30-2016,...




  Taiwan's sky, our air-space ?  ¥x¥_ªº¤ÑªÅ  ¦@­x¶V¹p¦À¦Ê¨B


Till early 2020, the Chinese military has conducted a series of provocative, aggressive operations, e.g., "patrol circling"  passing through 1st island chain and an aircraft carrier traversed Taiwanese 'territory' (Taiwan Strait median line), to test the waters, or prepare for an eventual future attack against Taiwan.   In Jan. 2020, A US warship sailed thru Taiwan Strait in an apparent show of support Taiwan, angering China.      






°k¶h²¾¤u «Dªk¥~³Ò  


Taiwan illegal fishing

¡´ <The Diplomat> (4-14-2016) :  Taiwan's illegal fishing is 'out of control' ¼Ú·ù©ó2015¦~¥H¶ÀµPĵ§i¥xÆW«DªkÀݦ殷³½, GreenPeaceÄY¼F©áÀ»¥xÆW¬F©²Áa®e  (¥x'17­×ªk¦¨ªG«Ýµû¦ô)  


¡´ Washington Post 2-22-2018: Taiwan is No.2 fishing nation as measured by Global fishing Watch's Automatic Identification Sys., 2016.




¡´ 2019¦~3¤ë13¤éªº¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i(USA Country Reports on
Human Rights practices) :

¡´   Taiwan's principal human rights problems reported :

exploitation of foreign workers, including foreign crewmembers

on long-haul fishing vessels ¥xÆW¥D­n¤HÅv°ÝÃD¤§¤@:­é«d¥~³Ò /

USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,   3-3-2017



¡´   More than 100 foreign laborers were raped

each year  / BBC 1-24-2017



¡´   ¡u¥xÆW¶±¥D­W¤é¤l¨Ó¤F¡v¡B¡u¹µ¶ÄÃö«Y¤w¸g¥X²{¤j½Âà¡v

(Áp¦X ±ß³ø, 2015-11-28) ¥xÆW¶±¥D¬°¤F¯d¦í¥~³Ò¡A¥u¯àºÉ¶qÁô§Ô

( ¸gÀÙ¤é³ø, 2015-11-28 )  ps: Many laborers are 'good' at committing

crimes (running away, malicious destroy/damage, guilty of burglary, etc ),

something wrong with TW system.


³à«Í ªº ¦Ñªê¤ú¤l


¡´¡´    <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (RSF, France) , 4-18-2019:  Taiwan¡¦s journalists are suffering from a very polarized media environment dominated by sensationalism and the pursuit of profit. Although President Tsai Ing-wen has said she wants to continue developing press freedom in Taiwan, few concrete measures have been taken to improve journalists¡¦ editorial independence and encourage media to raise the quality of the public debate.


¡´¡´  <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (RSF, Reporters without Borders),  France,  4-27-2017 :   Local government officials are also directly interfering in the editorial policies of state-owned media;  Taiwan's press freedom is at 45th place.


¡´¡´  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,   3-3-2017 :  some media self-censorship with regard to China...... 3-13-2019: self-censorship continued.  Journalists said they faced pressure from management to submit news stories to complement or support the content of paid advertisements.


¡´   Those faceless coward-hackers tried to damage speech-freedom and stop my modifying this and some other web-pages.  6-10-2017






¥qªk®îÃø Justice's raped  !

Taiwan justice dead


¥xÆW¬Fªv¤@¦V¬D¾Ô & ¶W¶Vªk«ß¬°¯à¨Æ


°ê¥ß¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç¥Á½Õ: ¶W¹L8¦¨¥Á²³¤£º¡·N
¥q§ï¦¨®Ä, ¹ïªk©x¼f§P¤½¥¿¤§«H¥ô«×¤U¶^
¦Ü¬ù¤G¦¨ / UDN 2-26-2019

¥qªk¬°²Îªv¤u¨ã ¥qªk©x¨ü¬Fªv±±¨î

/ Liberty Times, 6-19-2016


¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  4-20-2018:  ¥xÆW¥qªk¤£¿W¥ß Ãø¥H¤½¥¿


Taiwan, a rotten country

One of Taiwan's Principal
human rights problems :

rotten (corruption)



¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø  ªÀ½× 1-12-2020: §¹¥þ°õ¬Fªº»GÃa®ð®§¤w²{¡C


2019¦~12¤ë25¤é  Á`²Î¤j¿ï¬F¨£µoªí·|¡A°ê¥ÁÄÒÁú°ê·ì§å¥Á¶iÄÒ½²­^¤å»â¾É¤U¡A³g©x¦Ã¦O¥i¥H"¤j³g¯S³g"¡A ½²¦^ÅGÁ¿³g¦ÃÀ³§ó°O±o°ê¥ÁÄÒ¡A¿Ë¥ÁÄÒ§º·¡·ì»{¬°°ê¥ÁÄÒ»P¥Á¶iÄÒ¬O³g»G»P¥qªk¤£¤½ªºÃø¥SÃø§Ì¡CÁ`²Î¤j¿ïÅG½×12-29-2019 - §º:°ê¥ÁÄÒ»P¥Á¶iÄÒ¬OÄê¥SÄê§ÌÄêÄÒ



Corruption in Taiwan
Prosecutors in Taiwan
Justice in Taiwan






democracy  vs  DEMOcrazy


Taiwan torture


Torture on Taiwan's own people - a major difference from what CIA did (ps2)
¥xÆW¤HÅv«I¥Ç ¶W¹L¬ü°êCIA  !?

Professor Lin R.S. was subject to electromagnetic wave attacks / French AFP, Bangkok Post,  Dec. 2011, Yahoo UK & Ireland, etc






¡¹  \













                 Republic Of Cash   /    ¥xÆW¥qªk»G±Ñ  ©x­û³g¦Ã  officials corruption (USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, March 3, 2017, 4-20-2018).     83 percent (Taiwanese people) chose "bread" over "romance" (Washington Post, 1-2-2017 °Q½×¥x¿W°ÝÃD).







¡¹  ¡¹




Taiwanese personality¡¹


Taiwanese     ¥xÆW¤ô¤û... ¥xÆW¡y©M¡z¤û ?
have been patient sufferance of so many politically bullies and toying,
hence turned into obedient, docile people 

¤Ï§Ü³Q±þ,  ¬Fªv°µ§Ë»P´Û­t ¨Ï¥xÆW¤HÅܶ¶¥Á  !!  / Ko P.



Washington Post, 1-2-2017 : 83 percent chose

 "bread" over "romance"...



Taiwan flag






Hawks at home, chicken abroad,

¡u´e¡v¸gÀÙ¡B¡u¦v¡v¬F©²     ¨~¨ë¦V¤º

sharp spikes pointing to its own hoi polloi


New York times,  12-13-2016: In Presidential inaugural speech, Tsai referred to the Constitution of the Republic of China and the legislation governing cross-strait relations, both imply the acceptance of a ¡§one China¡¨ framework.





¡¹  ¡¹
Taiwan weakness


Taiwan, a soft chicken 

¥xÆW¦Y³n©Èµw   ¹J±j«h®z   ¹J®z(µá«ß»«)§ó®z



 Taiwan president beset by low approval rate because of weakness against foreign countries, even including Philippines, a backward country dared to hurt Taiwan, not to mention military strong ones, China, Japan, etc
ref. to Forbes, 5-21-2013



New York times,  5-18-2017:  ¥x­x¤h®ð§C¸¨

The gov has left the military understaffed

and in a state of low morale ...
ps: The Philippines is little & weak, but not soft   / Independent UK, etc, 10-11-2016,
Philippines refused to be "a dog with leash" / CNBC 10-25-2016

Taiwan Presidential Hall 
Taiwan national flag still function /
working as weather cock to learn  which way and how strong the political wind blowing


lay the blame to an innocent one

 ¥qªkµL®¢ «Â«H¿ºµMµL¦s
,   "¦³¿ú¶R¥Í"²`´Ó¥xÆW¤H¤ß

Little ones take the rap. Taiwan's legislators and judicial system don't have a sense of shame on releasing many int'l telecomm scammers and fraud groups (United Daily, 8-24-2016 editorial ).   In the past 8 years, about 100 major crimes escaped overseas easily and happily (Next magazine, Liberty Times, 12-31-2015), including political leader Liu ¼BªQÿ (apple daily 12-8-2016) ps3

¡@ ¡@ ¡@  
¡¹  ¡¹
privacy toilet 


   pic. : political dig-dirt...ps1


a keyhole or loophole ?

ºÊµø¤H¥Á or ¶ÉÅ¥¥Á·N?





   pic. : ©~¤U¬y²³´cÂk
murder the image, firstly




Wanted Poster


pic. :  Looking for the guilty?
need only look into a mirror on WANTED poster





<United Daily> 8-24-2016 editorial

TW Taiwan government logo
 Taiwan lacks creativity, not cold calculations

¥xÆW³Ð·N³h®z  ¸gÀÙµo®i¤ÞÀº¤]¤£¨Ò¥~  ; ¸gÀÙ³¡logo  vs. ¥[®³¤jlogo
  The logo
(pic. above) of Taiwan gov. / Ministry of Economic Affairs (pic. above) is similar to Canadian logos (pic.below) appeared earlier       click for Taiwanese creativity

       logo Canada    
¡¹    ps: The China Times, 3-29-2017: Taiwan lacks key tech. to make a coach (large bus).



¡»  ·U±½·U¶À, ¥þ²y²Ä¤@ 


 Hypocritical government / Taiwan declared crackdown on prostitution, only to turn into a country with world No.1 percentage of  sex-related business consumers of all the adults.  (Apple Daily 12-25-2014 )  ¡»  °°§g¤l¬FÅv ®Ò³y¦â±¡¹â¼ÖNo.1¤j°ê ...  

¡» §d§B¶¯ªº¦W¨¥:½ä³õ¨ì³B¦³¡A¤j®a³£ª¾¹D¡A ¥u¦³ºÞ°Ï(ĵ¹î)¤£ª¾¹D¡C¦â±¡¤]¤@¼Ë¡A¨ì³B¦³¡A§ó¥[¦h¡A¥u¦³¥xÆWĵ¹î¤£ª¾¹D..... (¥x¤¤¥«¬F©²²Ä145¦¸ªv¦w¶g³ø, 7-14-2010 ¦A´£¦¹¦W¨¥)


¡»  ¹â§²´N¬O¹ï°ü¤k¬I¼É (Prostitution is violence against women / ref to <Prostitution : violence with no name>, "Prostitution et Societe", 2010, "Int'l Day for the Elimination of Violence against women", 11-25-2016 France ªk°ê) ¡»  ³Ð³y»P¥]§È©Ê²£·~Àô¹Òªº¬F©²(¤£¬O¹â«È)¤~¬O¤j³W¼Ò­¢®`¤kÅvªº¯u¤¿¡C








Taiwan diplomacy


'comfort women' style kowtow diplomacy ¥nÀY¥~¥æ,

Taiwan served 2 powers,
 USA and/or China


Taiwan's economy is highly reliant on China,
Taiwan needs the US for national defense...


ps: "±·L.P." ¬O¥xÆWª¾¦W¬Fªv«Z»y








¥xÆW¤HÁô¨p   < §Ö³t¬Ý¶E¡B¬ªÅS¯f¾ú²_±`ºA ÂåÀø­Û²z¦ó¦b¡H>     UDN/Áp¦X³ø  1-3-2017  †

https://udn.com/news/story/7266/2205935 by  president of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center


Potential 'suicide bomber' !?

undergound das explosion disaster Taiwan

Taiwan never go public residential-area locations with potential explosion risks
even huge fiery underground explosion disasters
happened recently,

ps: the little whale is Taiwan-island shape.

¥xÆW¤£¤½¶}Ãz¬µ¦MÀI¦a¬q, ¥Á«ã¡u¸g§Ú®a¤£Åý§Úª¾¡v;



¡¹¡¹Land slide disaster in Taiwan¡¹¡¹


Taiwan has never gone public via media
those area with
landslide disaster risks,

lots of houses with potential fatal dangers in Taiwan.

¥xÆW¤£¤½¶}¦MÀI©~¦í°Ï°ì   †





¡¹  above all are based on news & comments on Taiwan in recent years





where's Birds Flu ...?





¥xÆW(TW)¬F©²·M¥Á¬Fµ¦¡A ²W»·¬yªø

¸V¬y·P¬Ì±¡ ºC¥b©ç


(¸Ô 1-3-2018, UDN,
2012 BBC ´N´¿³ø¾É www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/



USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,
3-13-2019, 3-3-2017 & 2016, 2015 /


One of Taiwan's principal human rights
problems -domestic violence, Taiwanese Women suffered being raped (spousal rape). 
Many victims did not report the crime
for fear of social stigmatization. 
 Various nongovernmental organization
 (NGO) and academic studies
estimated that the total number of
sexual assaults was seven to
 10 times the number reported to police. 









USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,   3-13-2019: Victims of rape and domestic violence did not report the crime for fear of social stigmatization, and various nongovernmental organization (NGO) and academic studies estimated the total number of sexual assaults was seven to 10 times higher than the number reported to police. Some abused women chose not to report incidents to police due to social pressure not to disgrace their families.  NGOs raised concerns about online sexual exploitation of children.




¤t´¶´úÁÀ ³q«Xªù






»X®RÄR²ï VS  ¥xÆW°ê®a¾÷¾¹

pic.: »X®RÄR²ï ¹J¨ì¥xÆW°ê®a¾÷¾¹

"¸Þ²§ªº·L¯º  ÄÆ©¿ªº¯«±¡ ...... «Ü¦³°ÝÃD ! ­nÀˬd ! "



pic.: ¤t´¶: ¬ì¾Ç»ö¾¹´úÁÀ¤Ó²Ö, ¤£¦p¥xÆWÀ˹î©x¤ßÃÒ, ¥u¶·1¬í  ³t¼f³tµ²!!
Trump in lie-detector polygraph test


ps : ºÊ¹î°|¦­©ó¬ù15¦~«eĵ§i¼u¨ðÀ˹î©xÀݥΤßÃÒ

 (¤£¦Û¥Ñªº beweiswurdigung)






¡»  44% ¦Û¨Ó¤ôÅç¥X·L¶ì½¦, Âå¬É¬Û«H³o¬O«ÜÄY­«ªºÀô¹Ò¦Ã¬V , Dioxin, Bisphenol A (BPA), PAHs,
­«ª÷Äݵ¥®£¶i¤J­¹ª«Ãì, ¨Ã²Ö¿n¤HÅé,¥i¯à­PÀù...... ³Ì¦n¨Ï¥Î°fº¯³z RO machine¹LÂo¦Û¨Ó¤ô . 
 mussels, oysters, clams (®°¨©»Pµð) ¤]¦³Åç¥X......  ºî¦X
Ä«ªG¤é³ø, Áp¦X³ø , 9-26-2018.

¡» ¥xÆW²_¬°¥@¬É©U§£³õ   ¥b¦~( Jan. 2018 ~ July 2018)86°ê¦Ê¸U¾·´é¤J /
Ä«ªG¤é³ø, headline news, 8-30-2018








    Taiwan °ê¦b?¤sªe¯}!    a piss boy polluting the environment ¥xª©¤p«Kµ£



     ¡´   ¥xÆW·s¥_¬O¨È¬w³Ì¤j¦Ã¤ô³B²z¼t, ¯A±N¥¼³B²z¤§äúÄêż¦Ã¤ôª½±Æ¤J®ü ¬ù 4-5 ¦~....... / <Next>, front-page, 4-6-2017
¡´   ¥xÆW®ü©¤½u1600¤½¨½,  9¦¨¨S¤HºÞ ©U§£¬r®`¤§²M²z, ¦p¤µ©U§£¬r®`¤À¥¬¼s  / <Áp¦X³ø>, 5-30-2017
 ¨S¤Ñ²z! ¬r¥x³ºµL¸o, ¤é¤ë¥ú±Æ5000¾·­PÀù¼o¤ô, ­P·Ë¬yÅܦâ, ªk°|§P³Q§i¥þµL¸o  /  <Ä«ªG¤é³ø> ÀYª©ÀY±ø·s»D, 9-30-2015
¡´   ¡y(¬F©²) ­n®`¦º¤H¶Ü?¡zCAS¨SÅçÀ¹¶ø¨¯...  À¹¶ø¨¯(Dioxin)¦Ã¬V12¦~¥¼Â_, ¬F©²¥u°µ¥½ºÝ,

             ¥¼±±ºÞ·½ÀY¦Ã¬Vª«¬y¤JÀô¹Ò / <Ä«ªG¤é³ø> ÀY±ø,  4-22-2017 
 ¡´   ¬F©²§âÃö §¹¥þ±Y½L /¥Áµø·s»D 4-22-2017 13:59pm  








¥xÆW ! SOS ...±Ï±Ï®ü¬v !


save the ocean


Daily Mail  (newspaper UK),  7-14-2017


comments it as "selfish" human beings ,
"Taiwan was once called 'Garbage island'
and more conversation is needed" ......


¡»     Taiwan ignores environmental protection (ocean garbage clean-up) of 90% Taiwan's coast
 with large garbage-distributions...

/ UDN, 5-30-2017


pic above: Daily Mail (UK) :
Shocking underwater video from Taiwan
shows ocean floor littered with plastic (bottles) garbage




¥O¤H¾_Åå!~ ¥xÆW®ü©¤½u®ü©³º¡§G¶ì½¦²~©U§£

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4690526/The-bottom-ocean-filled-plastic-bottles.html  (news & video)











¡´  ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø 5-25-2020  ®Õ°È°òª÷¯Ê¥FºÊ·þ¡A¤j¾Ç®Õªø¹ú®×ÀW¶Ç...

¡´ ³sÃz³y°² "¥xÆW§Î¶H³·¤W¥[Á÷"  / UDN 4-1-2018

¡´ ¥x¬JµL®Õ¶é¥Á¥D¤]µL¤j¾Ç¦Û¥D  / Apple Daily, opinion, 5-1-2018

¡´ UDN, 5-5-2018, opinion : °ê¥ß©M¨p¥ß¤j¾Ç®Õ°|¨ó·|µoªíÁn©ú¡AÄþ³d³o¬O¤j¾Ç¦Ûªv¦³¥v¥H¨Ó¡u³Ì¶Â·tªº®É¨è¡v


¡´ ¾Ç¬Éªº­Û²z»G±Ñ¨Æ¥óÀW¶Ç¡A¤@ª½¥¼¨ü¨ì¬F©²¡B¤j¾Ç»{¯u¹ï«Ý  / UDN 1-11-2017 ps11

¡´  Á`¤À 38 ¥i¥H¦Ò¶i¤j¾Ç    ­«¶q¤£­«½è  ³o¬O°ê»Ú¤j¯º¸Ü  ! / The China Times, 7-20-2017








 ♦ 2.   ¦X²zÃhºÃ


Has Taiwan been doing something
so base

to its own national(s)
―  treat 'em like enemies
or traitors ??

(state-violence drama - flunkies and opportunists  persecuting or humiliating the innocent target-victims)


public shaming show
sort of "dancing-monkey-parade", dusty old political theatrics

like what happened in world war II, Chinese cultural revolution, and Chinese civil war
(ROC fooled int'l reporters by a fake show of big military victory in Yan 'an starring by fake prisoners of war )

 return in new forms   †



public punishment
Public shaming showbiz returns ? ¤å­²»P¤G¾Ô²Û°d¦¡¡u¹Cµó¡v, ¶¶¥Á"¤½¼f" °«¯äps10
 like those kinds happened in world war II and cultural revolution in chn.   †



left: CIA waterboarding
right: The "suspect" poisons the little by painting a picture of "state enemy" ¤ô¦D 2.0
/ ¡u¼âż¤ô¡v


 Electrocution  method 2.0
torture, electric shock, electrocution


 freedom of expression is re-defined
"pls. feel free to express(scream) when I  'rape' u"

¹qÀ» ¥»°ê¤H  ――   »PCIA³Ì¤jªº¤£¦P ps2 


more readings  ps: Áp¦X³øUDN 12-20-2016 ªÀ½×, <ª`·N¡u°ê®a¼É¤O¡v«ÕÆFªº·s°°¸Ë >:
¬F©²·s§Î¦¡ªº¡u°ê®a¼É¤O¡v²ª¸ñ´³´³¡A¤H¥Á¨ä¹ê³£¬Ý¦b²´¸Ì (brief;  full text http://udn.com/news/story/7338/2179800)


ps 2:  "¤£¯à­«ÁÐÂÐÂá..¥þ¥Á¤½¼f.." / Ä«ªG¤é³ø ªÀ½×, 4-22-2017



 political  ¡»  circus  ¡»  show









3.   ¥xÆW ... 





Taiwan prosecutor






Taiwan justice





   United Daily 6-18-2016 head page:
Taiwan prosecutors usually take compliant & subordinate manner to follow their commanding officer's order to access legal cases 
Prosecutors in Taiwan

Also ref to "USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices", the US State Department, 3-3-2017.


 †  Taiwan's justice dodged the celebrity
¤£¥´¦Ñªê ¥u©ç»aÃÇ

      ps: The official hat has 2 flies-swappers -
            implying they only deal with tiny little ones instead of major crimes  
ustice in Taiwan











   ¥xÆW±j¤O¤ô¬W  ¹ï¤º¤£¹ï¥~Taiwan Police fired strong water cannon against unarmed students and compatriots

courtesy news photos by Apple Daily and Liberty Times


 †  Japan fired strong water cannon
        toward Taiwan's official ship and fishing boat,
        ¤é¥»¹ï¥xÆW©x²îµo®g±j¤O¤ô¬W, ¤é´C¼J¯º¥xÆW

        Taiwan's very weak water cannon was mocked by Japanese media  (ps5)





Taiwan, a weak country¡¹









¡¹Panda love bamboo



 †   ¯á´Õªø¦b§À¤Ú¤W
backbone had degenerated, tail-bone has strengthened for too many whip, ... to see through political tool's bones!  

TW legislator (congressman): Is Taiwan president US's puppet emperor? professor criticized that Taiwan president doesn't dare to land our island without the power's approval / CTV 7-15-2016 21:02


 †  Taiwan should stand manly,

project strength
Taiwan may go to "USA and China co-adm. Taiwan" status again - it was the way during former president Chen's time / the China Times , Mar. 2016


 †  Panda loves bamboo

        (the shape of Taipei 101 building)


¡´ The Chinese theory about economic integration with Taiwan is that it will bind the two together politically... /  Economist, 11-14-2015
¡´ Taiwan tries to use US to confront China... / ref to China Times Weekly, 3-18-2016 ½å¸Ü¬F¾Â
¡´ About 5000 Chinese spies in Taiwan ...  /UDN opinion  3-15-2017












Deposit room safety box

    Taiwan's society, laughs the poor instead of the prostitute

      ¥xÆW, ¯º³h¤£¯º±@ªº°ê®a...    

 ©Ò¿×"¤ô·Ç", ±`¥t¦³§t·N




       Organs harvest  ¬¡ºK¾¹©x 2.0 / unbloody version 
­Y¤z¥xÆW¤H¦Û®c ¥X½æÆF»î»P¯á°©

compliance with the powerful 
ps: In the past, government encouraged its people to struggle and sell out each other

for self-preservation or benefits which may degenerate humanity and make a decadent society. )

 this cartoon was prt. in The China Times.








fire dragon





old man, sea, remote island





Cart before the horse ¥»¥½­Ë¸m

Be b
lind to fundamental issues - democracy, human rights,

food safety, judiciary, etc,  But put efforts on political propaganda 'show' !
ps: this cartoon was exhibited in Bulgaria, Cyprus, etc







Taiwan legal system








      Big muzzle on law enforcement officers
     money-talks working fine in Judicial system
         a deep-rooted perspective in Taiwanese mind

Ä«ªG¤é³ø(Apple Daily) ªÀ½×, 3-14-2018 :

<2017¥xÆWªÀ·|«H¥ô½Õ¬d> Åã¥Ü¥qªk©x«H¥ô«×­Ë¼Æ²Ä¤G¡C




   Lady Justice turns into Venus


¡¹  ps: ¦Uº©µe¨Ì¾Ú°ê¤º¥~·s»D»Pµû½×¦pªþµù





4.   ¤F¸Ñ¥xÆW in all aspects


¡@ ¡@
    ¥xÆW ²¤¶   
¡¹  ¥»ºô¯¸ ¥@¬É±Æ¦W No. 1     ¡¹  Top rankings since 1998  ¡¹



News brief  2021:

 Council Foreign Relations, Feb. 2021: ¥xÆW¦¨¬°³Ì¦MÀIªº¤ÞÃzÂI¡A¬ü°êÀ³¥H¾Ô²¤²M´·»PÁp·ùÀ~ªý¤¤国¡A§_«h¦b¬Fªv¤W©Î­x¨Æ¤W³£¤£²{¹ê ¡» Newsweek, 2-11-2021: Âù¤è°}À窺Æ[¹î®a³£Äµ§i¤p¤ß¤@³õ¥xÆW¦ì¦b«e½uªº·s§N¾Ô  ¡»Wall Street Journal, 2-1-2021: ¥xÆW¨¾°È―¬ü°êªºÃøÃD / ¬ü°ê¯è¥À¾Ô°«¸s«ÜÃø¦b¼Æ¦ÊªT¤¤国¾É¼u§ðÀ»¤U­Æ¦s¡A¬ü°ê¦b¤¤ªF¸g¾ú¤F¤G¤Q¦~ªº¥¢±Ñ¡A·¥«×¹½¾Ôªº¬ü°ê¥Á²³·|¤ä«ù³oºØ¤£¥²­nªº±O±þ¶Ü¡H¦ý¥_¨Ê¤J«I¥xÆW¡A¤]±Nµ¹¤¤°ê³y¦¨­«¤jªº¦a½t¬Fªv¦M¾÷¤Î¶T©ö§ë¸êªºÄY­«°ÝÃD  ¡»  ­^°êReuters, Independent, BBC, ¬ü°êFoxNews, NY Post, ¨È¬waljazeera, 1-28-2021:¤¤国ĵ§i¥xÆW¡A¿W¥ß´N¬O¾Ôª§  ¡» Washington Post, 1-28-2021:¤¤¬ü½Ä¬ðªº³Ì¤j­·ÀI¬O¥xÆW°ÝÃD / ¤¤°ê·Q­n¤°»ò¡H§áÂà´Þ¥Á¦C±j¹L¥h³y¦¨¤¤°êªº¡§©}°d¥@¬ö¡¨¡A¤@¤¤ªºª§Ä³¨Ï«ôµn¥ø¹Ï¥H«D­x¨Æ¹ï§Ü¤¤°êªº§V¤O¼W¥[¤F½äª` ¡» Wall Street Journal, 1-26-2021: «ôµn­±Á{ÄY®mªº²{¹ê¡G¦b¥¼¨Ó¥|¦~¤¤¡A¤¤国¥i¯à¸Õ¹Ï§ð¦û¥xÆW¡A­nÀ»±Ñ¸Ñ©ñ­xµ´«D·G»ù©ö¨Æ ¡» Hill, 1-26-2021:²ßªñ¥­¥»¤ë§i¶D ¸Ñ©ñ­x¡§ÀH®É·Ç³Æ¾Ôª§¡¨ ¡» Bloomberg, 1-26-2021:¥þ²y·NÃѨì¦pªG¨Ì¿à¥xÆW¨ÑÀ³ªä¤ù±N¬O«_ÀI¤§Á| ¡» Bloomberg, 1-25-2021: «ôµn§Æ±æ«O«ùªø´Á¥H¨Ó¥xÆW¦a¦ìªº¼Ò½k©Ê¡A¨Ã«OÃÒ¿í¦u¬ü¤¤¨óij¡A¹ï©ó"¥xÆW¤H"±¹ÃãÂÔ·V―¡§¦í¦b¥xÆWªº¤H¥Á¡¨(people on Taiwan)¦Ó¤£¬O¡§¥xÆWªº¤H¥Á¡¨(people of Taiwan)  ¡» NY Times, 1-24-2021: ¤¤°ê¥H¤µ¦~¨´¤µ³Ì¤j³W¼Òªººt²ß¦V«ôµn®i¥ÜªZ¤O¡A³o¤£¦ý¬OÅv©yªº­x¨Æ¦æ°Ê¤]¬O¦V¥x¬üµo¥Xªº¬Fªv°T¸¹ ¡» WallStreetJournal, 1-24-2021: ¥_¨Ê¦V«ôµnµo¥X¤£À³¤ä«ù¥xÆWªºÄµ§i ¡» Foreign Policy, 1-22-2021 : ¬ü¥x¥~¥æÃö«Y±NÂàÁͧC½Õ;  ¥xÆW¥¿´M¨D«ôµnªº«OÃÒ¡A¦ý¬O«ôµn«Ü¥i¯à©Úµ´¤t´¶§Q¥Î¥xÆW¨ë¿E¤¤国ªº¤è¦¡ ¡»  Reuters, 1-20-2021: ·s°ê°È­ë: ¬ü°ê±N«ñ¦u​​©Ó¿Õ¡A½T«O¥xÆW¾Ö¦³¦Û§Ú¨¾½Ãªº¯à¤O ¡» Washington Post, 1-14-2021 :¬ü¥xÃö«Y¤É·Å¡A«Ü¤jµ{«×¤W¬O°ê·|¤ä«ù¡A¥H¤Î¤t´¶¬F©²·N¹Ï«P¨Ï¥xÆW¦¨¬°¤¤¦@ªº´À¥N«~  ¡» Newsweek, 1-14-2021 :«ôµnĵ§i¥xÆW¤Å²_¬°¤¤国¡§Âyª«¡¨  ¡» Foreign Policy, 1-13-2021 : ¥xÆW»Ý­n¯u¥¿ªº·ù¤Í¡A¦Ó¤£¬O¾÷·|¥D¸qªÌ / ¬ü°ê Pompeoªºµù¸}ÃÒ¹ê¤F³\¦h¥xÆW¤ÀªR¤H¤hªºÃhºÃ¡A§Y¥xÆW³Q¥D­n¬Ý¦¨¬O¬ü¤¤§Ü¿Åªº¤@±iµP¡A¦Ó¥B¬O­Ó«K§Qªº³­Å¨ª«¡A©ÎªÌ¬OPompeo·s»D½Z¤¤©Ò¿×ªº¡§¦Û¥Ñ¤¤°ê¡¨ ¡»  WSJ, 1-11-2021:¤¤ 国µo°Ê¤F¥@¬É¾ú¥v¤W³Ì°¶¤j(greatest)ªº­x¨Æ¶°µ²¤§¤@¡C¥[¤W¤H¤u®q©M«n®üªº­x¨Æ¶°µ²¡A«Ü©úÅã¡A¥_¨Ê¤@ª½¦b¨t²Î¦a´M¨D³Ð³y±ø¥ó¡A¥H¦¨¥\¤J«I¥xÆW¡C³o¤£¬O­Ó¯µ±K ― ¤Ó¥­¬v¦U°ê³£²M·¡¬ü°êªý¤îªZ²Îªº¯à¤O³vº¥¤U­° ¡» VOA, 1-6-2021: ¤¤°ê¥¿¼W¥[¹ï¥xÆWªÅ°ìªº«IÂZ, ´X¥G¨C¤Ñµo¥Í  ¡» Newsweek, 1-6-2021:¤¤°êµo°Ê»{ª¾¾Ôtopple¥xÆW¬F©²    ¡ó ·s»D ¥þ¤å³sµ² 

News brief  2020: ¡» WSJ, 12-28-2020: «ôµn©|¥¼©ú½T«Å¥¬¹ï¥xÆW¬Fµ¦¡A ¤£¯à±Æ°£ «ôµn¥ô¤ºµo¥Í¾Ôª§ªº¥i¯à¡AÀ³ªZ¸Ë¥xÆW¨Ï¤¤°ê¤J«I¥N»ù°ª©ù¡A§Y¨Ï©¡®É¬ü°ê¤£¤ä´©¥xÆW  ¡» NY Times, 12-14-2020: ¥xÆW¬O¥@¬É¤W³Ì­«­nªº¦a¤è¡A¦]¬°¥N¤u¶W°ª³t¶WÁ¡ªä¤ù¡A¦b§Þ³N©M¥«³õ§¡¨ãÀu¶Õ¡AÀHµÛ¤¤¬ü§N¾Ô¥[¼@¡A­«­n©Ê¥u·|¼Wªø¡A¦pµo¥Í¾Ô¨Æ©Îºò±i§½¶Õ¥[¼@¡A¬ü°êªºªä¤ù³q¸ô¥i¯à¨ü¨ì«Â¯Ù«ÊÂê◦   ¡»  Brookings, 12-14-2020: ¥xÆWÀ³±Ä°È¹êºA«×¡AÁקK¦¨¬°Graham Allision©Ò»¡ªº¡§©w®É¬µ¼u(a ticking time bomb)"¡A³o¥i¯à·|¾É­P´d¼@©Ê½Ä¬ð ¡» NY Times, 11-24-2020: «ôµn­±Á{À£¤O±o¹ï§Ü¤¤°ê¡B¾Ö©ê¥xÆW¡A¥L«Ü¥i¯àÄ~ÄòÃþ¦ü¤t´¶¸ô½u¡A¦ý¤£·|·Q§Q¥Î¥xÆW¥hÂW²ß¡A¥L¤ä«ù¨â©¤©M¥­¸Ñ¨M  ¡»   NBC,10-24-2020: ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¤W¨Ì¿à¥_¨Ê¡A¦ý°ê»Ú¬Fªv©M¦w¥þ¨Ì¿àµØ²±¹y¡C·í¬ü¤¤¬°ª§¨úÅQÅv¦Ó¾Ô®É¡A·L¤pªº¥xÆW³´¤J¥ª¥k¬°Ãø§x¹Ò  ¡»  Hudson.org, 9-23-2020:  ¿Ë¥Á¶iÄÒ¬F©²ªº¬ü°ê°Ñij­û Senator Marco Rubio : ¤¤¦@¦p¥²­n  ¿ð¦­·|¥Ç¥x¡A¬ü°ê¤£¥i¯à¦b¥þ­±¾Ôª§¤¤¨ó§U¥xÆW³Ó§Q¡A¯à°µªº¬O´£°ª¥xÆW¾Ô¤O¡A ¨Ï¦@­x¥Ç¥x¥N»ù°ª©ù¨ì¤¤¦@¤£Ä@©Ó¨ü ¡» ¬ü°ê°ê¨¾³¡ ­Pij°| ¤§­x¤O³ø§i, 9-1-2020: ¥u­n¤¤国»{¬°²Î¤@¥i¥H³z¹Lªø´Á¨ó°Ó§¹¦¨¥B­x¨Æ½Ä¬ð¦¨¥»¹L°ª¡A´N·|±À¿ðªZ²Î¾Ôª§ ¡» Newsweek, 8-31-2020: ©Ó»{¥x¿W·¥¥i¯à¤Þµo¥_¨Êªø´Á­x¨Æ¤ÏÀ³¡A¤¤¡B¬ü¡B¥x¥i¯à³´¤J·´·À©Êªº®Ö¾Ô¡A¦ý¬ü°ê­Y¯à©ñ±ó¡§¾Ô²¤¼Ò½k¡¨µ¦²¤ ¦³§U«OÅ@¥xÆW  ¡»  NY Times, 8-30-2020: "Taiwan Moves to Revamp Its Military" ¥Ø«e«D±`¤£²M·¡¬ü°ê¬O§_ ·|«_ÀI»P®ÖªZ±j°ê§@¼sªx¹ï§Ü, ¦]¦¹¥xÆW¾Ô²¤¤W¤£¯à¨Ì¾a¬ü°ê... ¡» Forbes, 8-30-2020: ¦pªG¨S¦³¬ü°ê­x¤èªºÀ°§U¡A¥xÆW®Ú¥»¨S¦³¨¬°÷ªº¤õ¤O¨Ó¥´±Ñ¤¤°êªº¤J«I ;  60©Î70¬[F16V¾Ô¾÷©M¤@¨Ç¾É¼u¨Ã¤£·|¯u¥¿§ïÅÜ­x¤O¥­¿Å ¡» Economist, 8-30-2020: ¥xÆW¤£¯à¥õ¿à¬ü°êªºÀ°§U¡AÁöªZ¸Ë½Ä¬ðÁÙ¤£¤Ó¥i¯à¡A¦ý¹ï¤j³°¦Ó¨¥²Î¤@¥xÆW¬OµL¥i§´¨ó¡BµL»ùªº; ¦b®É¾÷¨Ó¨ì«e¡A¿i¤MÀNÀN±Nªý¤î¥xÆW¿W¥ß ¡»  Wall Street Journal, 8-30-2020: ­»´ä®B¤`¾¦´H¡A ¥x¥[±j­x¤O ¡» Express, 8-30-2020: ¤¤°ê¤w³¡¸p075«¬§ðÀ»Ä¥, ¶i¤@¨B¥[¼@ºò±i§½¶Õ  ¡» National Interest, 8-28-2020: ¦@­x¯à¦¨¥\«ÊÂê¥xÆW¶Ü? ¤¤¦@§Æ±æªº¬Oª½±µ¦æ°Ê³y¦¨°®²b¡B¨³³tªº©w§½  ¡»  Financial Times (UK), 8-28-2020:  ¥xÆW©Ó¿Õ©ñ¼e¹ï¬ü½Þ¤û¦×(½G¦×ºë°ÝÃD)¶i¤fªº­­¨î¡A®ø°£¹F¦¨ÂùÃä¶T©ö¨ó©wªº»Ùê...(½²­^¤å:½Þ¤û¶i¤f¸ò¥xÆW¦w¥þ¨S¦³ª½±µÃö«Y) ¡» VOA, 8-22-2020: ¾Ô²¤¼Ò½k¨Ï¾Ôª§§ó¥i¯àµo¥Í,  ¬ü°ê¥Á·N¹ï°Ñ¾Ô¤ÏÀ³¤£¼ö¯P, ¤t´¶Áö¹ï¤¤±jµw¦ý¨S¦³¦æ°Ê·Ç³Æ®ø°£¾Ô²¤¼Ò½k,  «ôµn´¿ªí¥Ü¨S¦³¸q°È®Â½Ã¥xÆW ¡B ¦ý¥i«O¯d°ÊªZÅv§Q. ¡»  Bloomberg, 8-20-2020:   ¦@­x§ð¥x¦MÀI¤é¼W¡A ¬ü°ê°Ñ¾Ô¥i¯à¿é±¼¡A¦ý¥i¨ó§U¥xÆW¦Û½Ã¡A²z¥Ñ¦³¤T: ¥x©~¦è¤Ó¥­¬v­x¤O¥­¿ÅÃöÁä ¡BºûÅ@¬ü«HÅA ¡BÃÒ©ú¥Á¥D»P¤¤°ê¤å¤Æ¬Û®e ¡» SCMP, 8-21-2020:  There is disturbing evidence that US President Donald Trump considers relations with Taiwan expendable in the context of a deal he could make with China ¡»  Asia Times, 8-19-2020: ¸Ñ©ñ­x§ð¥x¨Ã«D­¢¦b¬Ü·û ¡»  CNN, 8-14-2020: ¥xÆW»Ý­n¬ü°êªº¬Oí©wªº±B«Ã¡A¦Ó¤£¬Oª¥¼öªº·R±¡ ...  ¦ý¤¤¬ü¼Ä¹ïÃö«Y¦b¤j¿ï«á¤£·|«ùÄò¡A¥xÆW»Ý­n¦Ò¼{¡K¡K¥Ø«eªº«í¤[»·¶Ü¡H¡» ­^°ê Daily Express, 8-13-2020: World War 3: China 'ready' for conflict with US over Taiwan row... ¬ü­x¤è»P³¡¤À¬F«È¡A¥ø¹Ï»P¤¤¦@¶i¦æ¤p³W¼Ò¥B¡§¥i±±¡¨ªº½Ä¬ð    ¡ó ·s»D³sµ² 


¡» ­^°ê Financial Times, 8-13-2020: ¥_¨Ê¨u¨£ªº¥H¬Fªv²z¥ÑÁ|¦æ­x¨Æºt²ß  ¡» ªk°êAFP, 8-12-2020:  ¬ü°ê·QÂÇAzar§Ë¶Ã¥_¨Êªº¦Ð¤ò¡A¤¤Äµ§iª±¤õ¦ÛµI  ¡»  aljazeera  8-11-2020: ¥xÆW¥~¥æ³¡ªø§i¶D Azar ³¡ªø¡A¤¤国ªºÀ£¤O¥¿¨Ï¡§¥Í¬¡¶V¨Ó¶V§xÃø" ¡» CNN, 8-11-2020:  1999¦~ (Newsweek, 8-12-2020: 1949¦~)¥H¨Ó¡A¦@¾÷¥u¬ï¶V®ü®l¤¤½u3¦¸¡A2019¦~3¤ë(²ßµo³Ì«á³q·Þ«á)¡A¤µ¦~2¤ë¡A¥t¤@¦¸´N¬O¦b¬P´Á¤@(Azar Á`²Î©²·|½Í«e) ¡» ¿D¬w MirageNews 8-11-2020: ( °Ý: ¬ü°ê«O¥xªº¬õ½u¦b­þ¸Ì¡H) Pompeo: Á`²Î¤w°Q½×¦¹a great deal¡A §Ú­Ì§¹¥þ¥´ºâªÃ©Ó¬ü¤¤¥xÆW°ÝÃD¤Wªº¾ú¥v»{ÃÑ»P¸q°È©Ó¿Õ  ¡» NY Times, 8-10-2020: ¤t´¶¥Á½Õ¸¨«á¡A¥¿¦b¶°®ð¤Ï¹ï¤¤°ê¡C¥~¬É¾á¼~¡A¤t´¶¥i¯à¹ï¥xÆW°µ¥XÃø¥H»´©ö°j±Ûªº¥Ü¦n«ººA¡A ¦Ó¥xÆW¤]¾á¼~ ¡A¤¤¬ü¹ï§Ü¥i¯à¨Ï¨ä§Q¯q³Q©¿µø ¡» ªk°ê France24, 8-10-2020:  §åµûªÌ«ü³d Trump¥[±j¹ï¤¤°êªº§å§P¡A¥HÂಾ¤H¥Á¹ï¬F©²¤£·í³B²z·s«aªº¼««ã¡A¤×¨ä¦bª§¨ú³s¥ô¤§»Ú¡A¬ü¬F©²¤´¦b¯d·N¤¤°êªº¬õ½u - ¨S¦³¬£­t³d°ê¦wªº©x­û³X¥x ¡»  ­^°ê Express 8-10-2020: ¤¤°ê¦bªu©¤·s¼W³¡¸pªº¾É¼u¡A¯à°÷ºë½TºR·´¥xÆW®q¤Wªº©Ò¦³­x¨Æ°ò¦a©M¬F©²«Ø¿vª« ¡»¤é¥»Japan Times, 8-10-2020: Trump¡¦s attacks on China reach new peak of ¡¥pent-up¡¦ grievances¡A¤¤¤è¤£¤Ó¥i¯à¦b¬ü°ê¤j¿ï«e¤£¨ì¤T­Ó¤ë ®É¡§¤ÏÀ³¹L«×¡¨  ¡»  ¯Ã¦èÄõ  NZ Herald, 8-9-2020 ±i¤O¹F¨ìªmÂI!  ½Ã¬PÅã¥Ü¡A¦@­x¦bªu©¤¶°µ²invasion craft¡A¨â´Ï¸Ë¥Ò¨®¡A²¾°Ê¾É¼u³¡¸p©ó¥i¥HÀ»¤¤¥xÆW¥ô¦ó¥Ø¼Ðªº°ò¦a¡A¾Ô¾÷©M®ü­x¦b«n®ü«n¨F¶i¦æ ºt²ß¡§¾Ô°«·Ç³Æ¡¨ ¡»  The Week (UK) , Yahoo News , 8-9-2020 : ±M®a½èºÃTrump¹ï¥[±j¬ü¥xÃö«Y¦³¦h»{¯u?  ¨Ã¹w´ú­Y±¡¶Õ¤É·Å¤j±ø¡A¤t´¶¥i¯à·|°hÁY¡A³´¥xÆWµL§U¡A  ¡§¦pªG§Ú¬O¤¤国¤H¡A§Ú·|¦Û°Ý¡G'¤@¥¹¬ü°êµ¹¤F§ð¥xªº¥¿·í²z¥Ñ¡A§Ú­Ì·|...'   ¡»µØ²±¹y¶l³ø 7-22-2020: ¤¤¦@¬F©²­±Á{ÆN¬£©M¥Á±Ú¥D¸qªÌ¶V¨Ó¶V¦hªº©IÆ~¡A­n´x´¤·í«e¹Ü¨ú¥xÆWªº¾Ô²¤®É¾÷¡A¥x¥~ªø§Î®e¥xÆW¬O"©ö®_¯Ì¦Ï"( an extremely convenient sacrificial lamb)¡A  '19¦~1¤ë²ßªñ¥­¤w¦V¥xÆW´£¥X¤F³Ì«á³q·Þ  ¡»  LOWY institute 7-17-2020:   ¥xÆW¦b¨â©¤Ãö«Y¤WÆ\¤âÆ\¸}  ¡» TIME, 7-22-2020:  ¥xÆW¤H¤£¤Ó¤ä«ù²Î¤@¡A¦Ó²ßªñ¥­©^¦æ¦Û«Hªº¥~¥æ¬Fµ¦¡A¤H­Ì²q´ú¥L¥i¯à·|¶i¦æ­x¨Æ¦æ°Ê  ¡» SCMP 7-22-2020: ²ßªñ¥­¥i¯à­p¹º¦b¤­¨ì¤Q¦~¤º²Î¤@¡A¦ý¬O·í«e¤¤¬üºò±iÃö«Y¥i¯à­¢¨Ï¡§²Î¤@¶iµ{¥[§Ö¡¨   ¡» ­^°ê SUN, 7-22-2020: ±qªø´ÁÁͶլݨӡA¤¤¦@¥¿³v¨B¥[±j­x¨Æ½Ä¬ð·Ç³Æ¡A  ¬ü°êĵ§i¤¤¦@»~ºâªº­·ÀI¤j¼W ¡» ­^°ê Daily Mail, 7-22-2020:  ¸Ñ©ñ­x¤J«IÀW²v¤ñ¥xÆW¬F©²¦V´CÅé©ÜÅSªº"§ó¥[ÀWÁc¡¨(´X¥G¨C¤é)¡C¡» ­^°ê Daily Express 7-21-2020:  WAR will break out between China and the US in the South China Sea if Beijing violates the alliance agreement between America and Taiwan  ¡»  Bloomberg 7-20-2020: ²@µLºÃ°Ý¡A¥_¨Ê¦bµ¥«Ý¬ü°êÁ`²Î¤j¿ïªºµ²ªG¡AµM«á¨M©w¤U¤@¨Bªº­«­n¦æ°Ê   ¡» National Interest, 7-18-2020: ªZ²Î¥xÆW»·¤ñ¦¬¦^­»´ä­n§xÃø©M©ù¶Q¡A¦ý¥_¨Ê»{¬°³oµ§¶O¥Î¥²­n¡A¦Ó¥B¼Ö·N¤ä¥I¡C°£«D¬ü°ê§ô¤âµLµ¦¡A§_«h¥xÆW±N¬O¤U¤@­Ó­»´ä  ¡»  Forbes, 7-18-2020:  ¥_¨Ê§ð¥x¶·°{À»Àò³Ó ¡A­Y©ì©µ¼Æ¤Ñ ¡A¬ü­x¥i¯à´¡¤â  ¡» Washington Post 7-7-2020: HK national security law could serve as a blueprint for dealing with Taiwan ... China has arguably moved a step closer to preparing for war with the island democracy  ´ä°ê¦wªk¥i§@ªv¥xÂÅ¹Ï ¡A ¨Ã¬°³Æ¾Ô¸ó¶i¤@¨B   ¡» New York Times, 7-2-2020:  The possibility of a military conflict between China and Taiwan remains remote, experts say, because the costs for Beijing would be extraordinary, including significant casualties and damage to its international standing. Yet the two sides are moving farther and farther apart, with little appetite for compromise. ¨â©¤­x¨Æ½Ä¬ðªº¥i¯à©Ê¤´°¾§C¡A¦]¬°¥_¨Ê¶·¥Iªº¥N»ù¤£µá¡A¥]¬A¤j¶q¶Ë¤`©M°ê»Ú¦a¦ìªº·l®`¡CµM¦Ó¡AÂù¤èº¥¦æº¥»·¡A³£¤£Ä@§´¨ó¡C¡» ­^°ê Express (UK) 6-30-2020ª½¨¥: ¦pªG¤¤¦@§ð¥´¥xÆW¡A  ¬ü°ê¤£·|¬@±Ï¥xÆW ( China attack on Taiwan will NOT be salvaged by US in major new warning  )¡C¡» New York Times, 7-2-2020: ´äª©°ê¦wªk¤Þµo¥xÆW¾á¼~®£Äß ¡C¡»Foreign Affairs,  6-18-2020:  A strategic miscalculation might involve Chinese leaders choosing to blockade or attack Taiwan in the near term or midterm based on a set of strongly held beliefs about the United States as a declining power ... ¡» New York Times, 6-26-2020:  China¡¦s Military Provokes Its Neighbors, but the Message Is for the United States... When China views it is being challenged in these other sovereignty disputes in this era, it will respond with a very tough line, ...  the possibility of confrontation would increase as the U.S. presidential campaign heated up. ¤¤¦@¬DÆ] ¹ê«h¶Ç»¼°T®§µ¹¬ü°ê  ¦p¥DÅv¨ü¨ì¬D¾Ô ¤¤国±N«D±`±jµw¦^À³ ¡» New York Times, 6-21-2020:  It¡¦s a quite deliberate Chinese strategy to try to maximize what they perceive as being a moment of distraction and the reduced capability of the United States to pressure neighbors... ¡» National Interest, 6-16-2020:  ¶W¹L60.3¢H¥xÆW¤H¥Á¤Ï¹ï¥xÆW¿W¥ß¡A¦pªG·|¤Þ°_¦@­xªZ¤O¥Ç¥x;    The Hill, 6-16-2020:  ASL´£¨Ñ¸Ñ©ñ­x§ð¥xªºªk«ß°ò¦  ―  ¥x湾«Å¥¬¥¿¦¡¿W¥ß¡B©Î©ì©µ²Î¤@¹L¤[ 


¡´¡´   Review Taiwan      comment Taiwan      Taiwan






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  at  9-17-2018, 6-30-2018, 5-24-2018, 4-13-2018, 3-30-2018, 2-25-2018, 2-2-2018, 1-28-2018;
among top ranks at 3-8-2019







¡¹  pic:  "µû½×¥xÆW"±Æ¦WGoogle Taiwan ²Ä1 , test at 6-18-2018, 2-14-2018, 9-26-2017,  6-3-2017







¡¹  pic:  "µû½×¥xÆW"±Æ¦WYahoo²Ä1

 tested at 6-18-2018, 2-14-2018, 9-27-2017,  5-19-2017








¡¹ pic: ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "µû½×¥xÆW" ±Æ¦W­^¤åGoogle²Ä1
6-18-2018, 2-14-2018, 9-27-2017, 4-20-2017, 12-4-2016, 11-25-2016...  
¡´  click comment Taiwan"





¡¹ pic: ¥»ºô¯¸  "¤F¸Ñ¥xÆW" ±Æ¦W­^¤å US Google²Ä1
6-18-2018, 2-14-2018,  9-27-2017,  4-25-2017, 1-6-2017   

¡´ "understand Taiwan"
¡´    review Taiwan ranks top on Bing, Yahoo, Google,
1-1-2018, 9-27-2017, 9-3-2017







¡¹  pic:  "µû½×¥xÆW"±Æ¦WBaidu of China ²Ä1

 tested at 6-18-2018, 4-11-2018, 2-18-2018, 2-20-2018







¡¹  pic:  "µû½×¥xÆW"±Æ¦WBaidu of China ²Ä1

 tested at 6-18-2018, 5-7-2018,  2-18-2018






¡¹This sites-group was ranked No.1 by the keyword

"understand Taiwan"  and "review Taiwan" on Bing and US Yahoo
 tested at
2-14-2018, 9-27-2017, 5-8-2017




¡¹This sites-group was ranked both No.1 and No. 2
by "
comment Taiwan" on Chinese  Bing,
 tested at
2-14-2018, 9-27-2017, 5-8-2017




¡»¡» ¡@













¡¹ pic: This websites-group was ranked No.1 by keyword  "Understand Taiwan" on Yahoo search, 6-18-2018, 2-18-2018, 5-4-2017









  pic.: ¥»ºô¯¸"¥xÆW²¤¶" ±Æ¦W No.1 on Yahoo Search , 2-25-2018



  pic.: ¥»ºô¯¸"¥xÆW²¤¶" ±Æ¦W No.1 on AOL , 2-25-2018






Survey to search ¦Ñ¹«+¦Ñ¹«°ò¦]ªº¿ß -




¡» ­P¥xÆW¦Ê©m


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pen books





¡i¥j¤åÆ[¤î¡j²M Á§ºÖ¦¨¡GÆ[¤Ú¾¤ªoµe°O
¡@ a remark in Chinese


survey to Taiwanese people since years ago  (in various versions)



To all the people:


According to Amnesty Int'l report years ago, "over half the world's government continue to use torture against their own citizens"


Is Taiwan a country which should be ranked latter half of the world ?


Taiwan had numerous lousy records of fooling Taiwanese and even the world, e.g., murdering American journalist ¦¿«n, making Taiwan white terror again, the latest one is trying to hide minor news about birds-flu at 1-2-2018 (BBC '12 reported this) .


This website is much better in credibility, reliability and objective degree than the mouthpiece of the government.


To accelerate Taiwan's reform, please provide with what you saw, knew or experienced about attacks or persecutions on some one in the way of demonization,  setup/conspiracy (e.g., giving dog a name and hang it), high-tech tortures, Orwellian terror, murders ...... by the state apparatus - if any.


Scary political climate for many years has made Taiwanese very obedient, hope some may speak out this time.




To the state apparatus:


Any rats doing cat's job, or cats with rat's genes in state apparatus should be completely revealed and eradicated ! 

"Police" should be open as the day, not hiding at dark corner underground, doing & speaking things sneaky and lousy like a crime.

Bring everything to light ! No keeping people mis-informed or half informed (worse than a lie) any more.   No waiting until media dig dirt one after another.

Obscurantism and avoiding admitting mistakes only prove rats' intention of repeating mistakes, as US Obama said.


ps: straight-forward words pls. to avoid any mis-interpretations.



PS 1  ¡´ FTV: 9-25-2013  20:01pm    To much monitoring in Taiwan, every body is risky  (ºÊÅ¥¥ÆÀݤH¤H¦Û¦M)
The Liberty Times, 9.25.2013, Apple Daily, 2006    Human rights in Taiwan is not good or lousy!  1/4 Taiwanese were being listened by the government per year
¡´  About 2/3 (74.03%) proportion of Taiwanese are aged 15 ~ 64, according to Statista.com of 2014.   Working age 16-64 for men, 16-59 for women, according to nomisweb.co.uk.

PS 2
       ¡¹ World media like French AFP (Dec. 1, 2011), Thailand's Bangkok Post (Dec. 3, 2011), and Yahoo UK & Ireland etc reported  Taiwan's opposition party vice presidential candidate,  professor Lin R.S., was subjected to "electromagnetic wave" attacks, Dr Lin thinks it's launched by a Taiwanese intelligence unit, but that unit denied, some media reported these weapons were researched & developed and  imported from USA
       ¡¹ The China Times (Dec. 11, 2011) reported that professor Lin R.S. thought those high tech. 'weapons' most likely were imported from USA.
Lin Ruey-Shiung, professor, PhD., Johns Hopkins University, USA, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg Germany.


PS 3  Next Magazine, The Liberty Times, 12-31-2015    <Lots of major crimes escaped overseas easily>
           ... most of them are big financial crimes ...

PS 4

Too many problems Taiwan 're facing

¡@ ¡¹ About 80% Taiwanese don't believe judiciary / The Liberty Times, 2-23-2016
¡¹ Taiwan air pollution  -  environmental quality was ranked nearly the last in OECD countries.  / The China Times, 9-21-2015
Taiwan president Tsai : Food safety is one of biggest challenges to Taiwan / The China Times, 8-6-2016

¡´The New York Times and The Economist (11.29.2014) comment a series of food safety scandals is one of few main factors causing the KMT, Taiwan's ruling party, has suffered one of its worst electoral defeats since Chiang Kai-shek and his forces fled to the island at the end of Chinese civil war in 1949.


¡´The New York Times (9.8.2014): the new scandal  (Taiwan food-safety scare) shows that there is still not enough being done to eliminate lawbreaking production lines.


¡´Apple Daily News (Ä«ªG¤é³ø) 8-28-2015,  A2 Prime News Edition:

The incidence rate of Taiwanese people suffering colon/rectal cancer was ranked world No.1 , Taipei Medical University Hospital's director of surgeons expressed Taiwan's food scandals constantly happened in recent years, many black-heart tainted foods containing Carcinogen (cancer producer) is a factor causing high incidence rate.


¡´TIME  ( 9.8.2014): Gutter Oil' Scandal Raises Food-Safety Fears Once Again in Greater China.


¡´Bloomberg BusinessWeek  (9.8.2014): Tainted Lard: China's Latest Food-Safety Scare Comes From Taiwan.  


¡´BBC news (Nov. 19, 2013): A series of food safety scandals in Taiwan has hurt consumer confidence, and now there are worries they could dent the island's economic growth and damage tourism.  


¡´The Economist (UK) commented :  Taiwan's former reputation as a reliable and safe food manufacturing country has been damaged... 


¡´The China Times (Taiwan, Nov. 30, 2013) stated black-heart food, risks and traps are everywhere, and comments Taiwan government is short of will-power, ability, and resolution to combat illegal targets ...


 ¡´   BBC , 6-6-2013 Taiwan is the only country in the world to import GM soy for eating ,
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/taiwan_letters/2013/06/130606_twletter_food_safety.shtml  (Chinese version ¦MÉó¥|¥ñªº饮­¹)


 ¡´The China Times 6.23.2013
Taiwan imports pigs' food for human kinds in Taiwan

 ¡´ WikiLeaks 2010 : Taiwanese people are friendly for Bio. tech. and are intend to buy GM label food, so the "Embassy" of a strong nation is planning to build a  Genetic Modification (GM) zone in Taiwan.
 In fact, it's a so called "national scandal" (the China Times, Mar. 29, 2013) that Taiwanese consumers generally do not fully know or don't care  the controversy of health risks caused by GM food.  Taiwanese government should urge everyone refusing to buy GM food. 
 About 99.5% of soy food products in Taiwan are imported, 90% of them are GM soy beans.


pen books

Japan's major TV media NHK mocks that the WEAK water cannon in Taiwan's patrol boats defending Taiwanese fishing boats in Diaoyu Islands, and fighting back Japan's STRONG (heavy) water artillery in Japanese coast patrol ships.

ps: Japan, Taiwan, and China all insist Diaoyu Islands are belong to them.


PS6 According to Hong Kong's MinPao (©ú³ø) and Singapore's ZaoBao (Áp¦X¦­³ø 9-16-2014), "You're being monitored, if residing in New Zealand", based on Western media (11-20-2013), US-UK deal allows USA surveillance of UK citizens not suspected of any wrongdoings.   Without oversights, the possibility that some suspected force did something much worse than UK, NZ did can not be excluded.






PS 7   others












PS 8,,9 







PS 10

It did happened in some universities, e.g., National Taiwan Ocean University (ref to MirrowMedia.mg,10-19-2016), Fu-Jen Catholic University, how about the government? any new forms?



PS 11

Academic circle lacks ethics /  UDN  1-11-2017   http://udn.com/news/story/7338/2222591

Accomplice structure to fake scholarly papers / China Times 11-19-2016   http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20161119000399-260109

NTU should not be too snobby /  The Liberty Times  11-25-2016   http://talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1055359

Scholar : Only heavy punishment stops fake papers / UDN 11-19-2016   https://udn.com/news/story/10586/2115844

Strange phenomenon in academic circle /11-19-2016 UDN  https://udn.com/news/story/10586/2115842

Faking papers is a long-time malpractice / UDN  11-21-2016 https://udn.com/news/story/6885/2118616

¡¹  ¡¹  


PS 12

 Nuremberg Code :  a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation set as a result of the subsequent Nuremberg trials at the end of the Second World War

  1.       Required is the voluntary, well-informed, understanding consent of the human subject in a full legal capacity.
  2.       The experiment should aim at positive results for society that cannot be procured in some other way.
  3.        It should be based on previous knowledge (like, an expectation derived from animal experiments) that justifies the experiment.
  4.        The experiment should be set up in a way that avoids unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injuries.
  5.        It should not be conducted when there is any reason to believe that it implies a risk of death or disabling injury.
  6.        The risks of the experiment should be in proportion to (that is, not exceed) the expected humanitarian benefits.
  7.        Preparations and facilities must be provided that adequately protect the subjects against the experiment¡¦s risks.
  8.        The staff who conduct or take part in the experiment must be fully trained and scientifically qualified. 
  9.        The human subjects must be free to immediately quit the experiment at any point when they feel physically or mentally unable to go on.
  10.         Likewise, the medical staff must stop the experiment at any point when they observe that continuation would be dangerous.



PS 13

   ¡´ definition of "drugs" - amphetamine, Cocaine, cannabis¡Amarijuana, Morphine, Ketamine, heroin, diacetylmorphine, opium, etc.


PS 14

¡¹ http://news.ebc.net.tw/news.php?nid=58590

¡¹ ¡¹ 

PS 15



PS 16

   contrast the commercial version of 'introduction to Taiwan' made in Taiwan: click  https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=yfp-t&p=introduction+to+Taiwan#id=1&vid=cab8af2a8df06974ac43b90171811944&action=click


PS 17

apple daily 5-12-2018 : °ª©x§P4¦~10¤ë


¡@ ¡@

¥»ºô¯¸"¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ©Î"¤¶²Ð¥xÆW"
±Æ¦WBing ²Ä1 (­^¤åª©) by keyword
"Introduction to Taiwan"
at 12-5-2017


¥»ºô¯¸"¥xÆW ²¤¶" ( "Introduction of Taiwan" )
±Æ¦W US Bing ²Ä1 (­^¤åª©)
at 12-8-2017






pic : ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "µû½×¥xÆW" ±Æ¦W «Xù´µ Yandex²Ä1, 4-11-2018, 1-30-2018.  


¡¹ ¥»ºô¯¸  "¥xÆW²¤¶" (or"¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" )±Æ¦W«Xù´µ Yandex²Ä1, 3-2-2018,












¡¹ pic¥k: ¥»ºô¯¸  "¥xÆW²¤¶"

±Æ¦WGoogle ²Ä3




¡¹ pic ¥ª: ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW¤¶²Ð" ±Æ¦W

±Æ¦WGoogle ²Ä4,

 3-3-2018, 3-21-2018











¡¹ pic: ¥»ºô¯¸¸s "¥xÆW²¤¶" ±Æ¦W ¼Ú¬w¼w°ê MetaGER ²Ä1,












¡¹ pic: This websites-group was ranked No.1 by keyword  "Review Taiwan"  on  Yahoo , 2-14-2018, 5-4-2017
