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  The Independent (英國), 2024-3-13: 摻有「蘇丹紅」的辣椒粉充斥台灣市場; 該染料已被國際癌症研究機構 (IARC) 列為第 3 類致癌物。英國等國家已禁止在食品中使用這種脂溶性「有毒物質」。台北市政府宣布,蘇丹紅產品是由陸軍後勤司令部副食品供應中心所購買   Alisha Rahaman Sarkar

  United Daily 聯合報 (Taiwan), 2024-3-30: 國內食安問題連環爆。從瘦肉精、蘇丹紅到紅麴,政治掛帥的政府的處理都慢三拍。幾乎都是在「推責任」,而不是在「解決問題」。 衛福部作為國民健康的把關部會,論警覺沒有警覺,論熱情沒有熱情,論專業竟然也專業匱乏,衛福部接獲通報、也看到報導,卻不起而行動,農業部的荒腔走板也不遑多讓。

  United Daily 聯合報 (Taiwan), 2024-8-20: 學童「班班喝鮮乳」變「班班喝保久乳」;高溫殺菌的保久乳,優質成份將大受影響,不利人體吸收

  United Daily 聯合報 (Taiwan), 2024-3-14: 食安、社安都是紙糊的, 處處地雷 (1) 衛福部對策竟是要求食品業者自主管理、自行通報,官員無能失職 (2) 邊境管理的制度不良  -  不符安全的食品經查出,只須「退運」,並無銷毀或開罰之規定 (3) 小公司在三不管地帶。「安全」只剩空殼子 

  中國時報 (Taiwan), 2024-3-7: 一連串的食安爭議事件清楚顯示,負責食品安全把關的政府部門怠惰消極,不但任由問題食品流竄市面,鬧上新聞後還狡辯硬拗死不認錯如今連青辣椒粉也驗出蘇丹紅

  聯合報 (Taiwan), 2024-3-8: 蘇丹紅食安危機延燒全台,整個食品產業鏈都受到波及,已成為嚴重的系統性風險。 依照大數據的資料,應對有前科的業者嚴格查驗,但食藥署卻態度消極,始讓違法業者認為有可乘之機,進而大量輸入


 聯合報 (Taiwan), 2024-5-16: 連海運長期運輸來台的外國乳品,也可標示為鮮乳。這些進口乳品採取超高溫殺菌處理,換得長達90日的有效期限,卻犧牲了乳品的養分,何來新鮮可言? 乳品業者跟著上行下效,既然政府都不重視了,他們也跟風玩弄文字遊戲,欺瞞消費者業者基於成本考量,使用冰磚奶(包含知名的五星級酒店、售價不斐的連鎖咖啡館、手搖飲與便利商店)甚至是奶粉還原的乳品


 聯合報 (Taiwan), 2024-7-12:含乳類飲品,添加乳品標示不明確相當普遍,多次要求政府介入強制揭露乳品內容,主管機關置之不理。消基會抽查只有一成店家揭露

Food Renegade : UHT milk is more difficult to digest for many people than fresh raw milk or even vat-temp pasteurized milk. 超高溫殺菌乳對一些人更難消化

Quora: The problem with UHT milk is it alters the taste and Americans like their milk fresh and cold. UHT also degrades some of the nutrient value and the proteins degrade faster. 超高溫殺菌乳影響營養價值

Britannica:  Ultra-high-temperature (UHT) pasteurization involves heating milk or cream to 138–150 °C (280–302 °F) for one or two seconds.

  聯合報 (Taiwan), 2024-3-10:  政府早在二○一八年就發現蘇丹紅滲入食品鏈問題,並新增公告蘇丹紅等十六種化學物質,如今政府官員卻稱與茶、咖啡「同級」致癌第三級。政府閣揆原稱食安事件已轉為個案性事件,現在不得不承認這是系統性事件。


美國 the U.S. Trade Representative's Office issued its 2024 report on foreign trade barriers

中時, 2024-4-2  

台灣據其CSQ制度拒絕美國大米出口商的投標。但台灣的最高限價機制並未公開台灣對基因改造和非基因改造原料raw materials實行單獨的關稅沒有科學或技術依據台灣對豬肉產品實施原產地標籤要求,同時實施萊克多巴胺的最大殘留限量(MRL),不準確暗示美國豬肉產品有食品安全問題。 台灣尚未解決對美國牛肉產品長期存在的其他壁壘。台灣以狂牛症為由,禁止進口某些美國牛肉產品(如碎牛肉),...台灣對某些美國牛內臟實施繁瑣的入境檢查程序,這些程序並不科學。也對進口豬腎和其他(如腎肝外內臟)實施了萊克多巴胺的最大殘留限量,比the Codex MRLs法典更嚴格。美國擔心台灣的檢測方法與食品委員會建議的分析方法不一致,可能提供不準確的結果。......





  Food Safety Magazine Editorial, 2024-6-3:  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has alerted constituents thatTaiwan Food and Drug Authority has implemented new requirements for fishery products for human consumption imported into Taiwan.  (TFDA對進口到台灣的海鮮產品實施新辦法)

pic.: 本網站群"台灣食安" 排名 Yandex (Russia)1,  2024-5-13, 2024-3-30, 2024-3-8, 2024-2-24, 2023-10-6, 2023-8-25


pic.: 本網站群"評論台灣食安"(comment Taiwan food) 排名 Yahoo (Taiwan)第1,  2024-3-30, 2024-3-8, 2024-2-24,

2023-10-6, 2023-8-25, 2023-2-1, 2022-9-17; No.2 at 2024-5-13





  聯合報 (Taiwan), 2024-2-7: 蔡政府三年前開放含瘦肉精美豬進口,其後從產品溯源、標示到查驗每個環節都破功,不僅對美豬流向毫無掌握,也一再發生「洗產地」情事。加上去年進口蛋爆發混充本土蛋的亂象,政府的不作為一再擊潰民眾的食安信心。


 經濟日報 (Taiwan), 2024-2-28: 由開放美國萊豬、日本核災區食品,以及加拿大全齡牛肉進口,政府一貫的說法是必須與國際接軌,才有助於台灣的國際參與。但國內的相關食安措施顯然並未到位,此次瘦肉精事件,再度暴露國內食安配套措施及執行能量之不足 


  聯合報 (Taiwan), 2024-2-24: 民眾最想知道的,是台中市檢出台糖肉品含瘦肉精Ractopamine之真相;但陳建仁的報告僅稱這是「單一檢體」問題,至於台糖肉品含西布特羅Cimbuterol,衛福部卻指責台中市不應公布,陳建仁則大打太極; 這種「無真相」現象,已漸漸成了政府的一大特色   brief

  聯合報 (Taiwan), 2023-10-24:  政府連續查獲數起美豬偽標洗產地案件,引起消費者不滿。


  聯合報 (Taiwan), 2024-5-16: 購買拿鐵或是含乳製品食品時,店家是否也應揭露使用的是真鮮奶還是偽鮮奶? 


  聯合報 (Taiwan), 2023-10-6:  二年多來去向成謎的進口美豬 蔡政府都含糊其辭或矢口否認,如今終於查獲十五萬公斤的美豬混摻偽標為加拿大或英國豬肉,製成火鍋肉片或肉捲,流向餐廳、火鍋店或滷味攤,幾已全數進了民眾肚裡。...民眾改吃羊肉,結果下肚的還是美豬,人民的食安信心已經徹底崩潰。   中時社 評 2023-10-5: 當初政府開放美國全豬同時宣布的五大管理措施,根本難以信任


  聯合報 (Taiwan), 2023-9-29:  不見雷厲風行查黑心食品檢調淪落到看政治風向辦案


  United Daily (Taiwan), 2023-9-24:食安未解,民主停更 - 雞蛋風暴迫使農業部長陳吉仲、畜產會董事長林聰賢下台,行政院長陳建仁道歉。但五千萬顆雞蛋銷毀不易,更恐怖的是讓林裕紘因為家人生命安全遭受威脅而封嘴。 ...


 英國 DailyMail (UK), 2023-4-28:  24 歲的澳大利亞交換學生最近在台灣吃了街頭小吃後中毒了。 他被誤診為免疫系統疾病。  他的醫生父親一到台北就敦促醫院進行更嚴格的血液和血漿檢測。Alex現在台北醫學大學附屬醫院。 ...台灣的醫療服務目前沒有合適的治療方法或藥物來穩定他的病情。Alex病況每下愈況,他必須坐專門的醫療航班送回澳洲雪梨的皇家阿爾伯特王子醫院。


 Nature, 2023-6-22:  儘管多國和國際組織擔憂,日本仍在繼續計劃,將 2011 年福島第一核電站熔毀污染的水排入太平洋,持續30 年 放射性會在魚身上嗎?這對海洋健康和人類健康來說是安全的? “答案是不。”如果你吃了一些被β發射體放射性污染的東西,你體內的細胞就會受到暴露。隨著較大的生物體吃掉較小的受污染生物體,氚可能會集中在food web    Global Times, 2023-8-24 : 日本將永遠被貼上“環境污染者”的標籤,因為它開始將受損的福島第一核電站的核污染水倒入海洋。不僅是中國人,韓國人和其他亞洲人很可能不再吃從日本進口的金槍魚和鮭魚。 中時, 2023-6-22 社論 : 福島第一核電廠把核汙水排放到海,周邊國家提出嚴正抗議,連日本漁民與旅遊業者也大為跳腳。反觀我國政府自私冷血, 對著日本時,膝蓋就從來沒直過,國格與國民利益全丟到了腦後。綠色和平組織嚴肅指出,福島核汙水比一般核電廠產生的核汙水含有種類更多、放射性更高的放射性物質,一旦在未經處理的情況下排放到太平洋,將對人體健康和海洋生態帶來極為嚴重的威脅






pic.: No.1 "comment Taiwan foods""評論台灣食安" on Yandex (Russia), 2024-5-13, 2024-3-30, 2024-3-8, 2024-2-24, No.1 "comment Taiwan food" on Yandex (Russia), 2024-3-30, 2024-3-8, 2023-10-6, 2023-8-25, 2023-6-25



pic.: 本網站群"評論台灣食安"(comment Taiwan food) 排名Bing (USA) 第1, 2024-3-30, 2024-3-8, 2024-2-24, 2023-10-6, 2023-8-25, 2023-6-25, 2023-2-1, 2022-2-21, 2021-6-24, 2021-4-18, 5-28-2020 ;  No.1~4 "comment Taiwan food", "comment Taiwan foods" on US Bing, Yahoo Taiwan, 7-12-2019





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  台灣  聯合報 ,  2023-9-3 : 超思進口的雞蛋,抽查檢出氟甲磺氯黴素 (Florfenicol, FF)  0.021ppm、氟甲磺氯黴素胺(Florfenicol amine)  0.008ppm, 進口不合食安的蛋到台灣,農業部還要讓國庫虧損變相補貼,政府到底做何居心?   PS:  氟甲磺氯黴素跟氯黴素一樣毒


  台灣  聯合報 ,  2023-6-15 : 美豬流向不明,質疑背後恐涉及標示不實。在政府行政不透明又疏於把關下,以公帑補助進口的萊豬,又被洗產地進入消費者肚子,這也是對國內民眾的剝削。


  中国 Global Times,  2023-6-5  "Initiative on 21st Century Trade”貿易協議 是另一份允許美國傾銷更多的農畜產品的合同,協議並未提及任何農畜產品檢驗檢疫或食品安全問題這將進一步損害食品安全,工黨說: “為什麼民進黨不敢向台灣民眾講清楚?”

簡介 台灣美食
New York Times, 2022-8-18:台灣菜—layered, 、獨特、多民族; 美食受到許多文化力量的影響,包括土著部落,閩南客家群體;日本殖民及 1949 年起的中國大陸移民

台灣 自由時報, 2022-8-30: 台灣美食常被歸入「中國菜」範疇,從最早的原住民起,芋頭、番薯、小米、菜蔬、野生香草、海鮮是其特色;漢人帶來閩、粵不同傳統飲食菜色,在各地墾殖發展又形成地方佳餚美食;日本時代加入生魚片、關東煮、便當等東洋料理;戰後中國各省人民擁至,南北菜餚各擅其長 有朝一日,或可在餐飲界居一席之地

 New Yorker, 2022-8-29: 為什麼台灣食物偏甜的理論:中國內戰後 19 世紀 50 年代上海人的影響;使用糖,曾經是一種有限的商品,作為一種傳播財富的方式。shared a few theories for why Taiwanese food skews sweet: the influence of Shanghainese arrivals in the nineteen-fifties, after the Chinese Civil War; the use of sugar, once a limited commodity, as a way to broadcast wealth.


  經濟日報社論,  2023-2-1: 包括食安、行安及就業安全,都是近來民眾憂心忡忡的議題。過去的塑化劑、混油事件,以及層出不窮的學生午餐問題;...這如何讓國人能夠安居

  Global Times,  2022-9-17 (

自今年 2 月放寬長達十年的禁令以來,首次在所謂的“核食”中檢測到放射性物質。Caesium-137是一種放射性物質, 即使是少量放射性物質,如果長期食用,也會對健康構成威脅。台灣當局表示,將這批食品退回或銷毀。政界質疑一些日本進口食品的原產地可能偽造。第二,當局檢測日本食品的頻率不夠高...


  Global Times,  2022-2-13 ( DPP sacrifices Taiwan people’s interests by lifting ban on Japan‘nuclear food’ for political gain /  Japan Times稱,台灣領導人蔡英文優先考慮與日本有關的糧食問題以爭取日本支持台灣加入Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)台灣媒體援引專家分析的話說,大部分洩漏的放射性物質仍然具有放射性。

72% oppose lifting the ban 72%反對解禁

67.7% believe DPP's radiation inspection standards are not effective
in regulating the "nuclear food"

Source: Taiwan Yahoo news poll conducted between February 8 and February 11



  Global Times,  2022-2-18 ( : Taiwan residents oppose as DPP lifts bans on eggs from avian flu-hit Japan. 反對黨批進口核蛋與禽流蛋是"飲鴆止渴"; 以健康安全為代價放寬日本雞蛋進口是民進黨加強與日本關係的戰略舉措,日本願意利用台灣作為牽制大陸的棋子。大陸幫助台灣解決問題是小菜一碟。但民進黨已排除與大陸合作,台灣也面臨鴨肉短缺、油價上漲和原材料價格上漲。


 SeaFoodSource, 2022-5-12: 要求提高台灣海鮮行業透明度的呼聲越來越高 /   漁船移工遭到毆打並被迫每天工作20 小時。 一名移工頭部被擊中,倒下,後來死亡。即使氣溫寒冷一些移工船員的衣服被扔進了海裡,一些穆斯林移工被迫吃豬肉為生...台灣政策應符合國際勞工組織的《漁業工作公約》(C-188),但遺憾的是,台灣並未執行該公約



  Asahi,  2022-2-8: 台灣表示,將放寬2011年福島核災後對日本食品進口的禁令 Taiwan to relax Japan nuclear disaster-related food import banTaiwan has banned imports of food products from five prefectures in Japan following a meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant that was triggered by a huge earthquake and tsunami.



中時社論 2021-4-25 "消失的萊豬": 今年以來,台灣已進口美國豬肉,內臟等逾1800噸,然而,市場上沒有標示進口地為美國的豬肉, 農委會說7成以上都流向了肉品加工,衛福部說,7成還放在冷凍庫裡

經濟日報 社論  1-17-2021: 政府元月正式開放含有萊克多巴胺的美國豬肉、內臟及30個月以上的美國牛肉進口,並因政治因素堅持不允許強制性標示,而是由商家自由選擇是否標示;由於取得「台灣豬」標章非常容易,民眾無法確定選用豬肉是否含有萊劑/






 L.A. Times, 11-22-2020:  豬養殖戶上街抗議進口美豬  thousands march in Taiwan streets against US pork imports,  a giant inflatable pig (slogan: Betraying pig farmers) flown above the crowd.
Guardian UK, 11-27-2020: 立法院因進口美豬上演扔擲動物內臟戲碼  Parliamentarians in Taiwan have thrown pig guts at each other before coming to blows over plans to allow US meat imports.
UDN 11-23-20: gov. refuses "import from US" mark and allows US pork on campus ( to smooth trade relations with the Trump adm.)
  Brookings,  2021-7-12:  if Taiwan voters reverse Tsai’s pledge to open Taiwan’s market to the same pork products that American citizens eat... would seal shut the door to anything more than incremental progress on U.S.-Taiwan trade relations...other major economies would follow suit.   


  Scientific Reports Journal, Food Navigator Asia, 2-9-2021: Fish fraud findings: Almost 20% of fish in Taiwan found to be mislabelled - study.  Nature,  12-15-2020: 台灣假冒混充海鮮的欺詐的發生率和後果難以確認  鯛魚,鱈魚和魚漿製品特別容易發生欺詐。表面標籤是鯛魚的羅非魚(吳郭鱼)生魚片的菌量很高,引發了潛在健康問題, 而且魚目混珠 通常假冒更昂貴的魚出售是欺詐行為  海鮮產品的魚塊,魚片形式以及食品加工技術使的辨識 The rates and consequences of seafood substitution frauds in Taiwan were elusive.  Snapper, cod and surimi products are particularly vulnerable to fraudulent substitutions. The high abundance of Pseudomonas in tilapia sashimi mislabeled as snapper unveils a potential health issue pertaining to the consumption of raw mislabeled seafood.  Seafood substitution is a fraud in which the fish is sold by the name of a different, often more expensive fish.  modern seafood products often appear in the form of fish pieces, filets or even ready-to-eat meals instead of whole fishes. The food processing technologies can also change the original color and luster of the meat. The lack of identifiable features poses challenges in verifying label information by the look, touch and feel of the products







食安是民眾僅存最卑微的需求,為什麼高官只是敷衍應對?   (brief)





pic.: 雞蛋中檢驗出「乃卡巴精」,台灣官員竟害怕業者反彈而隱藏訊息,還縱容業者將問題蛋品回收,同一批問題蛋重新變成促銷品上市重新出售。


●   The China Times, 5-21-2018 : 台灣大開農藥方便門  食安成口號 ; 這二年不斷鬆綁標準 , 放寬新藥,舊藥也不退場 , 顯然認為台灣國人對殘餘農藥的承受力, 更勝歐美日國人, 要人如何心安?   The United Daily, 5-21-2018: 台灣去年放寬200+ 種常吃蔬果農產品之農藥殘餘標準 , 今年又放寬 29 種.   TVBS 9-12-2017 : 學者 (中興大學權威教授曾德賜) 指出台灣每公頃農藥使用量 為世界第一, 美國商會表示, 其中偽農藥約佔 30%   (     The United daily 12-26-2012,   ETtoday news 1-23-2013: 台灣每公頃農藥使用量, 為世界平均之 5 倍,  約30%是偽農藥.    若干網路報導(e.g., 2-4-2017) : 台灣使用的特調農藥是幾種不同農藥的混合 如此各農藥量不致超標 (brief).


  綜合 蘋果日報, 聯合報 , 9-26-2018. :  44% 自來水驗出微塑膠, 醫界相信這是很嚴重的環境污染 , Dioxin, Bisphenol A (BPA), PAHs, 重金屬等恐進入食物鏈, 並累積人體,可能致癌...... 最好使用逆滲透 RO machine過濾自來水 .  海鮮如 mussels, oysters, clams (扇貝與蛤) 也有驗出.....


  蘋果日報 4-25-2018 焦點評論:檢測失效 食安破功

      原能會核能研究所食品放射性檢測實驗室 是主要的日本核災區食品檢測實驗室,卻任意丟棄實驗樣品,如此 內部或外部的查核,都死無對證,無法進行任何的複測比對、確認,一般食品實驗室必然會準備足夠的空間、冷凍、冷藏設備,存儲樣品,至少1-3個月,如果有問題的,可能要保存1年以上,任何實驗室認證稽核,都要查察樣品保存,畢竟實驗室的樣品是最重要的標的,如果樣品變質,實驗再精確,也都不能代表樣品,更何況故意丟失? (方儉)


  台視新聞  10-25-2018  12:23pm : 戴奧辛超標6倍大閘蟹  恐流入星級飯店聯合報 10-25-2018: 亞培上半年接獲600+客訴其六款產品結塊, 但未作"非預期反應通報系統"通報, 成為食安漏洞  (brief)


  長庚醫院毒物科主任, Univ. of London博士殷宗海M.D.呼籲: 「儘量減少外食 ! ( ref. to 著作<食品不安全的年代如何自保> , April 2016 ( page 72 )

●   蘋果日報 11-20-2017 :世界各國的食安法規都是愈訂愈嚴格唯獨台灣打算使用愈訂愈鬆的法這樣台灣美食王國的美譽如何重現? (brief) /  by 邱致穎, 東海大學食品科學系教師 農推主任   聯合報 UDN ( medical edition, 3-31-2018) : "食安連環爆 我在家吃便當".


  蘋果日報 6-6-2018 <食安話題>日本核食防堵破功  蘋果日報抽查  二茶葉驗出輻射


   台灣農藥殘留容許量'剛修改放寬為歐盟1000倍 The  limit-amount  (ppm, part per million) of pesticide  residue are restricted to in Taiwan is 1000 times that in Europe,  包含 plasticisers 的第四類"毒性"化學物質更名為"關注化學物質"  / The China Times, Opinion <短評 "台灣越來越毒>, 4-21-2017

ps: rename-policy paused / LTN 4-22-2017

  戴奧辛(Dioxin)污染12年未斷, 政府只做末端, 未控管源頭污染物流入環境 / 蘋果日報 頭條 4-22-2017  政府把關 完全崩盤 /民視新聞 4-22-2017 13:59pm

   中天(5-17-2017, 19:33): "台灣還有啥可吃  民眾愈食愈不安";  民視(5-18-2017, 11:52am): 5星級飯店 13食材經查過期...

TTV (台視 2-11-2017  12:24pm) news reports: 外食族當心!!  高溫油炸物, 朔膠便當容器, 藥殘留,可能致癌; 小心食物內含硼砂, 螢光增白劑, 藥殘留, 朔化劑,  吊白塊...  天然食物較佳


 《食安法》再度修法加重刑責。但食安風暴仍方興未艾   重大事件就有:違法添加二甲基黃的毒豆乾、化工原料泡製的毒海帶、隱匿來自日本輻射區的連鎖店食品、添加工業級碳酸鎂的黑心胡椒粉、驗出致癌孔雀綠的蒲燒鰻及殘留  DDT的茶飲料事件等。最近,又爆發連鎖賣場廚餘流向不明,回收廚餘疑似流入食品供應鏈的醜聞 蘋果日報11-20-2015 ,<食品犯罪為何前仆後繼> / NTU 林鈺雄 自由時報9-4-2016: 又見黑心醬料, 已流入北部小吃店, 早餐店, 夜市...

   政府經歷最大的選舉挫敗後不痛改前非根據 商業周刊No.1436(六月號, 2015)評論: 「奇怪耶食安只管金針乾、菜脯與蜜餞」
吳焜裕教授認為「完全沒有抓到重點」「三項都是非常低風險產品」以及台灣食安只口號」(蘋果日報, 3-28-2015

My website comments 台灣餐廳 台灣夜市 Taiwan Restaurants, Taiwan night markets - street food  -  No.1 ranking on the net

食安有地雷  餐飲業未標過敏原 可能引起心血管疾病 cardiovascular disease, 休克shock, 蕁痲疹Urticaria, cough, skin redness & swelling, etc.   過敏原食物包括 shrimp, crab, fish, octopus, squid, egg, milk, 堅果花生, wheat, 黃豆, 奇異果kiwit, mango, etc.    台灣盛行率 10.16% 人口 (Liberty Times, 7-25-2016)

聯合報 (7-22-2015) : 污染+食安 不孕因素男女翻轉;   (6-26-2015) : 台灣食安風暴是逼走麥當勞的四大根本原因之首


國際主要媒體,如美國紐約時報與英國經濟學人雜誌,紛紛報導 一再出包的食安風暴,是導致國民黨政府自1949年退守台灣以來,最大的選舉挫敗原因之一Major world media like The New York Times and The Economist (11.29.2014) comment a series of food safety scandals is one of few main factors causing the KMT, Taiwan's ruling party, has suffered one of its worst electoral defeats since Chiang Kai-shek and his forces fled to the island at the end of Chinese civil war in 1949.
The New York Times (9.8.2014): the new scandal  (Taiwan food-safety scare) shows that there is still not enough being done to eliminate lawbreaking production lines.  TIME  ( 9.8.2014): Gutter Oil' Scandal Raises Food-Safety Fears Once Again in Greater China.   Bloomberg BusinessWeek  (9.8.2014): Tainted Lard: China's Latest Food-Safety Scare Comes From Taiwan.  BBC news (Nov. 19, 2013): A series of food safety scandals in Taiwan has hurt consumer confidence, and now there are worries they could dent the island's economic growth and damage tourism.  United Daily News (headline news, Dec. 31, 2013): "food scare" ranks number 1 news of 2013 in Taiwan The Economist (UK) commented :  Taiwan's former reputation as a reliable and safe food manufacturing country has been damaged...  The China Times (Taiwan, Nov. 30, 2013) states black-heart food, risks and traps are everywhere, and comments Taiwan government is short of will-power, ability, and resolution to combat illegal targets, high ranking officials are afraid of political responsibility and damaging export & business.




pic. above: Feed-animal oil for humans ?
Public anger, Taiwan's Judiciary died already / the China Times, 11-28-2015.
The darkest day in Taiwan food safety history / the Liberty Times, 11-28-2015.


pic. above: 90.12% Taiwanese don't agree the trial decision: Tinghsin int'l group<頂新> selling processed feed-animal oil was acquitted of the charge / head-page of Apple Daily, 11-28-2015

 The China Times (12-14-2015):The legislative Yuan trickily made some law to cover big financial groups, food scare already turned into a terrorist in Taiwan...  Former supreme-court grand justice Chen (城仲模) expressed most Taiwanese don't trust the judicial system.
The Liberty Times (11-30-2015): Food safety still is a decisive factor to win presidential election (headline).  Taipei mayor Ko comments food-safety is a decisive factor for KMT to loss election in 2014, most likely in 2016 too. 



Taiwanese government should be responsible for the mess !

★  The Liberty Times 自由時報   10.27.2016 /     97% of soybeans that Taiwan imported is G.M. (genetic modified基改) soybeans

 The China Times 6.23.2013

Taiwan imports pigs' food for human kinds in Taiwan台灣進口豬食給人吃

90% of soybeans that Taiwan imported is G.M. (genetic modified) soybeans, which contains the herbicide may be carcinogenic to human beings, and is prohibited by Europe Union and Japan, etc, in those places G.M. soybeans are usually for feeding pigs.

★  聯合報   9.6.2016

...國際食品安全管理的潮流,強調「從農場到餐桌(From Farm To Table)」的全生命周期管理模式,... ,政府應加強推動「源頭管理」與「流向追蹤」認證,而非僅依賴產品檢驗,這才是食品安全未來應努力的方向。


★  The Apple Daily  "Food safety crisis is terrorists attack too" 11.19.2015 ("食安危機也是一種恐怖攻擊"by Chang S.Y. 張勝源)

            The percentage of pesticides residue in a random food-safety check in major supermarkets (Costco, RT-mart, Carrefo, Welcome, 松青, 愛買 ) recently is up to 69%, some containing some hyper-toxic (劇毒) pesticides (also in head-line head-page of the Liberty Times, 11-13-2015).  They also check some stores advertising their stuffs nature and found 5~10 different kinds of pesticides  residue.

★  The Apple Daily  "Why food crime never stop?" 11.20.2015 ("食品犯罪為何前撲後繼", by NTU law school professor Lin 林鈺雄)

           《食安法》再度修法加重刑責。但食安風暴仍方興未艾   重大事件就有:違法添加二甲基黃的毒豆乾、化工原料泡製的毒海帶、隱匿來自日本輻射區的連鎖店食品、添加工業級碳酸鎂的黑心胡椒粉、驗出致癌孔雀綠的蒲燒鰻及殘留  DDT的茶飲料事件等。最近,又爆發連鎖賣場廚餘流向不明,回收廚餘疑似流入食品供應鏈的醜聞。...法制(剝奪不法利得)如此落後,寢食自是難安

Taipei Times, 3-26-2015: (日本施壓  台灣考慮開禁) Taiwan review Fukushima food ban under Japan's pressure.      United Daily, 7-22-2015: Taiwan plans to lift food ban for 4 out of 5 Japanese nuclear-polluted cities next week. 
       ◎ 蘋果日報 3-26-2015:日本施壓...輸台4年  "拿人民當實驗"
       ◎ 自由時報 3-25-2015: 立委控衛部蓄意殺人    ◎蘋果日報 3-25-2015: 可惡!政府隱匿49天才曝光  

The New York times 9.8.2014: The authorities in Taiwan are scrambling to control a tainted-cooking-oil scandal that has affected hundreds of manufacturers and raised fears about health risks posed in many commonly consumed food items... the new scandal shows that there is still not enough being done to eliminate lawbreaking production lines,” The Taipei Times said ...
         TIME   9.8.2014: Gutter Oil' Scandal Raises Food-Safety Fears Once Again in Greater China      A Taiwanese food-safety scare has spread to Hong Kong...
         Bloomberg BusinessWeek  9.8.2014: Tainted Lard: China's Latest Food-Safety Scare Comes From Taiwan       The case is the second major food-safety scandal by a Taiwan-based company in the past year,...The new gutter-oil scandal has “shocked local consumers” in Taiwan who expect more from their government, ...“I hope the law could be revised to impose tougher punishment on those who breach food safety regulations,”...

The South China Morning Post  (HK) 9.7.2014 :Taiwan's "gutter oil" scandal continues to grow, (Taiwan) would not rule out the possibility Hong Kong and the mainland were affected. ... Chang Guann, the Kaohsiung-based supplier of lard and cooking oil at the centre of the scandal. Chang Guann bought at least 240 tonnes of the gutter oil - recycled from kitchen waste, by-products from leather processing plants and offal from slaughterhouses - from an unlicensed factory in Pingtung at below-market rates, police have said.
The China Times (9.5.2014, head-page headline news): Disgusting ... Even pigs don't eat those tainted oil we Taiwanese ate !
The United Daily News (9.7.2014) : Scholars criticize: GMP (Assurance of the safety and quality of Taiwanese food ) is a joke now !  PS: "GMP" (Good Manufacturing Practices) : Taiwan's most important certification from SGS ensures the integrity of your food manufacturing process as well as your compliance with food safety regulations.

★  自由時報 / 周末生活版   9.18.2015

time 新聞大事紀 details
April 2012, Oct. 2013 膨鬆劑加鋁 烘焙業在製作饅頭與甜甜圈過程中,添加含鋁膨鬆劑使之迅速膨脹且賣相佳但過量可能導致腦部疾病
Jan. 2013 假米粉 業者為壓低成本與售價以玉米澱粉混充純米米粉此包括"米粉重鎮"新竹
May 2013 毒澱粉 為製作口感Q彈的澱粉產品業者在一般澱粉中混入工業用黏著劑順丁烯二酸酐
Aug. 2013 胖達人香精 胖達人強調無添加的香氣麵包卻被踢爆使用多種食品添加物
Feb. 2014 工業漂白劑漂白豆芽 台南查獲業者使用工業漂白劑、連二亞硫酸鈉漂白豆芽使賣相更佳
March 2015 潤餅違法添吊白塊 有業者長期使用被禁用的「吊白塊」使潤餅吃時起來有彈性且不易破
April 2015 藥用石膏混入米血 屏東米血工廠為凝固產品且提升口感,使用跌打損傷藥石膏為添加物

Wikipedia  Nov. 13, 2013  "2013 Taiwan food scandal"

Chang Chi Foodstuff Factory Co. (Chinese: 大統長基) was found to have used copper chlorophyllin, an illegal coloring agent for cooking oil, in its olive oil and have adulterated its higher-end cooking oil with cheaper cottonseed oil.   Flavor Full Food Inc. (Chinese: 富味乡食品) was accused of blending cheaper cottonseed oil into more expensive cooking oils to increase their profit.  Formosa Oilseed Processing Co. (Chinese: 福懋油) was found to intentionally mislabel their six cooking oil mixtures as pure olive oils.

國家衛生研究院 & <聯合報>  2015-08-15 01:59:13 

恐怖外食  11大缺失損健康

國家衛生研究院(NHRI)群體健康研究所指出,餐廳自助餐與各機關公司團膳問題包括: 主食過於精製;主菜分量太大;套餐蔬菜量不足;幾乎所有菜餚都用油烹調;配菜多炸物及加工醃漬品;常以油炸增加風味;提供久炸的油製作炸物或使用油炸過的油品炒菜等。


  根據英國經濟學人雜誌 UK's Economist Intelligence Unit - Liveability Country Level Index (Jan. 2015), 台北市的"食物安全指數Food Security Index" ("1" means "Most Secure")是"42", 與共產中国主要城市同燈同分;  e.g., 廣州GuangZhou, 天津TianJin, Shenzhen, 北京Beijing, 上海Shanghai"42"   亞洲的新加坡從去年的指數"5"進步到"2"。  食物最安全的城市包括 New York紐約, Los Angeles洛杉磯, San Francisco舊金山三蕃市, Chicago芝加哥, Washington D.C.華盛頓, all are Index "1",  法國巴黎Paris Index is "3" ,  瑞士的蘇黎士Zurich and 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam index "5", 布魯塞爾Brussels "7".   ◆  經濟學人雜誌(11-29-2014)並分析指出一再 發生的食安醜聞是執政黨自1949年以來最大選舉慘敗的原因之一("The failure of Mr Ma’s government to prevent a series of food scandals has also upset many")


  蘋果日報 8-28-2015 A2要聞版


  Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Taiwan Veterans General Hospital, etc.  Jiang So-San M.D. book "食在安心" : Most 5 star hotel restaurants in Taiwan don't wash the vegetables ...  see picture & text below.    Another book "Fruits , Vegetables" (Chinese namely, "遠離毒蔬果") written by IMEI (義美) group's leader Luis Ko (高志明), page 162 quoted Dr. Gaston J.C. Wu (professor & dean, Taiwan Normal University) that Taiwan's vegetables and fruits should be flush thoroughly with plenty of flowing water before cooking or/and eating.  No just soaking vegetables and fruits in water in a large basin ...

  National Taiwan Normal University - graduate school of Chemistry, dean Dr. Gaston J. C. Wu (化學所長吳家誠教授)'s book <Those black-heart products toxin-experts never buy (毒物專家絕不買的黑心商品)> (Nov. 2013): Most of the time I eat at home, and has never dined out in street-side shops / small-eat markets (路邊攤), because those small-eat shops usually/always do not meet the minimum standards of cleanliness.  In case I can't reject some dinner party or must dine out,  I select only some restaurants I fully trust.  Besides, I've never touched processed food or cured products, and any drinks commercially available(市售飲料) in Taiwan, particularly, pearl milk tea which already is a world known Taiwanese food.  PS: The China Times (8-15-2015): Taiwanese favorite drinks contain high Kcal/g heat, you will gain 5.1kg if having pearl milk tea one regular cup (not less-sugar option) per day for 2 months.   Green Tea with Yakult(多多)'s Heat 341 Kcal/g, which is 3.2 times the upper limit of free sugar(游離糖) advised by WHO., Yakult drink, Orange juice, milk tea are high-heat too.


Pic. above: 90% of what we eat and use contain poison or toxin - The secret that Taiwanese business won't tell you, the cover-page of book  <Those black-heart products poison-experts never buy (毒物專家絕不買的黑心商品)>, written by professor Wu (吳家誠), consultant of Taiwanese government and dean of National Taiwan Normal University.



pic. left: Most 5 star hotel restaurants in Taiwan don't wash the vegetables, they just soak in water and cut them for cooking ... It's 5 star restaurants' "S.O.P.", not to mention average Taiwanese restaurants... , besides, the food-safety specialty of restaurants deserves my concerns.  A 5-star hotel restaurant made Japanese sashimi by fresh-water fishes, this may causes serious infection and even cancer, according to Japanese studies in 2013...hence, people should minimize the number of times for dining out in Taiwan to assure safety ... / Jiang M.D.'s book "食在安心"(by 江守山, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Taiwan Veterans General Hospital, etc.), printed in Oct, 2014. 
Another book "Fruits , Vegetables" (Chinese namely, "遠離毒蔬果") written by IMEI (義美) group's leader Luis Ko (高志明), page 162 quoted Dr. Gaston J.C. Wu (professor & dean, Taiwan Normal University) that Taiwan's vegetables and fruits should be flush thoroughly with plenty of flowing water, those tiny gaps and hollows also need to be brushed before cooking or/and eating.  No just soaking vegetables and fruits in water in a large basin ...



   Apple Daily News (蘋果日報) 8-29-2015,   Prime News Edition

          台灣19款黑糖全含致癌物"丙烯醯胺", acrylamide , 檢查結果最高達 2740 ppb  推估每日一杯 (700 c.c.) 全黑糖珍珠奶茶就超量有致癌風險. ( esophagus cancer, breast cancer).  ps: 聯合報 8-29-2015 話題版: 一顆黑糖饅頭就可能超量(57g acrylamide )。


   BBC  <危机四伏的饮食>  6-6-2013    by



Till 2013, not only banned colouring agent, copper chlorophyllin cooking oil, toxic ('poisonous') starch, dangerous levels of industrial plasticisers, poor-quality rice, deceptive advertising bakery ... were exposed in Taiwan media, but also dangerous materials/ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, Rongalite (Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate dihydrate 吊白塊  ) , Formaldehyde Solution(福馬林),  borax(硼砂) ,  salicylic acid (水楊酸), NaNO2   nitrite (亞硝酸),  fluorescent whitening/bleaching agent (螢光增白劑), copper salts (铜鹽), Sudan (蘇丹红), Butter Yellow(奶油黃),  Rhodamine B (鹽基桃紅精), Auramine (黃色色素鹽基性芥黃), H202 (過氧化氫), 4-ethoxyphenylurea(乙氧基苯脲), Lead oxide (氧化铅), potassium bromate;bromic acid potassium salt (溴酸钾) etc food additives were found in Taiwan's black-heart food and cuisine industries. (<Business Today>.no.856, 2013)

You can see how serious the mess is ... below are some head-lines & cover-story of Taiwan's popular media/magazines (2013):
  (1) <Business Weekly>, no. 1334 ― "Eating in Taiwan, needs latest common sense" ! ("吃飯  需要新常識" !)
  (2) <Business Today>, no. 856   ― "Fatal & horrible materials/ingredients in Taiwan's food, the secret that restaurants' boss won't speak out" !("要命的恐怖食材, 餐廳老闆不敢說的秘密" ! "黑心醬油毒害全台  夜市、小吃、餐館幾近淪陷"!)
  (3) <Common Health Magazine>, no.36  ― "How to survive in
'Poisonous (toxic) starch' storm in Taiwan" ! ("毒澱粉風暴下的生存術" )
<Business Weekly>, no. 1331 "Focus News" ―  "Watch Out ! You are eating 'Poisonous (toxic) starch' all 24 hours", "Black-Heart food/products everywhere on the streets in Taiwan". ( "小心  你 24小時都在吃毒澱粉", "...滿街黑心食品".)
  (5) <Apple Daily News>, editorial (6.1.2013) : "We grew up by eating
poisonous food" (辣蘋果: "我們吃毒長大!" ): Taiwan food safety storm ―  poisonous food with industrial materials/ingredients,  expired preservatives... Taiwan's food problem became a national security issue... government needs more active on this ...



BBC news    Nov. 19, 2013 

Taiwan food scares hit shoppers' confidence

Consumers in Taiwan have been shocked by a series of food safety scandals.
In one recent case, olive oil was found to contain low quality substitutes and a banned colouring agent.
The scandals have hurt consumer confidence, and now there are worries they could dent the island's economic growth and damage tourism. Cindy Sui reports from Taipei.  (

South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)  11.17.2013

"Taiwanese makers of popular Master Kong noodles involved in cooking oil scandal"

In Taiwan's latest food controversy, companies have produced cooking oil with illegal additives.
A multitude of Taiwanese companies have become embroiled in a tainted oil food scare, including the owners of popular instant noodle and beverage brand Master Kong. (and other famous companies like  Chinese namely 味全)

Apple Daily  Aug. 31, 2013  (abstract version 米果)

 Toxic ('poisonous') starch, dangerous levels of industrial plasticisers have been found in a range of foods and drinks, deceptive advertising bakery( adding artificial essences into its breads) and poor-quality rice... all kinds of food safety issues in Taiwan (R.O.C.) make all of us shock! ...

Taiwanese consumers shortage of backbones already spoiled food industries, Taiwanese government without courage compromised and pleased mega corporations/financial groups by trading/negotiating national health, illegal companies and material suppliers don't fear about not too much penalty/consequences, Taiwan has been accepting imported G.M. (genetic modified) beans which other countries don't accept, just because Taiwanese people won't die immediately after eating bad soy sauce, soy beans, tofu, etc made by G.M. stuffs, so, Taiwan government feel it does not matter ... !

We should not neglect and forgive all these mistakes ... 
(Chinese version : 從塑化劑、毒澱粉、胖達人、山水米……一路以來各種荒腔走板甚至讓人瞠目結舌的食品安全問題,消費者不僅被業者廠商看扁,還被應該嚴格把關的政府單位看輕,... 沒有骨氣的消費者,間接寵壞了食品業者,而沒有膽識的政府監督單位,最終也只是將國民健康變成貿易談判與討好財團的妥協籌碼,因此對違法的食品廠商或原料供貨商的罰則不痛不癢,其他國家動物都不吃的基改豆,我們拿來做成醬油豆腐豆漿,而且多數消費者因為吃了也不會立刻致命,因此就無所謂。...)

<FTV> (民視 12.15.2013  17:30~17:45pm

Taiwan Normal university, professor in Chemistry Dr. Wu (吳家誠): Taiwanese government (e.g., Ministry of Health & Welfare, Council of Agriculture) has not dig out some ugly truth of food safety problem because they should be responsible for it ... at present we only hope we can have safe basic food, e.g., vegetables, fruits, rice, etc - not various food products......
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital M.D. (殷): It's wrong that some scholars cover bad food ("won't die to eat those" ...)
Consumers Foundation : More and more chemical addictives... Taiwan's government again and again let it go, moves/trends towards black-heart businesses...
TV host (presenter):  It's conscience problem!! ("把良心拿出來")  

<Business Today> (今周刊)  5.20.2013

 Numerous fatal traps were hidden behind tasty Taiwanese food/cuisine, numerous bizarre tricks mixed with delicious cuisine in Taiwan's restaurants ? ...

 A top chef working in this circle for two decades revealed the dark side (bad cooking materials/ingredients) behind the scenes.  The chef always reminds his staffs in the kitchen : "these cuisines are made for customers, you absolutely should not eat them..."

...Using food addictives is a co-operate/'accomplice' structure among suppliers, restaurant owners, chefs and consumers... (共犯結構成形添加物為食界共業, 從供貨商,餐廳經營者,廚師及消費者串聯起來的共業!)

... The most un-forgettable witness experience is some industries using magic-touch stuff, Malachite ( (C6H5)3CH Triphenylmethane (孔雀石綠 三苯甲埦)  ...  furthermore, some smart Taiwanese 'invented' cheaper & same-function & legal pseudo-Malachite to replace Malachite.  Although, strictly speaking, it still belongs to the category of veterinary drugs(動物用藥), and also is dangerous to human beings ?  How can we chefs have a peaceful mind if we fail to offer customers safe food?


  Pic. above: The secret that restaurant bosses don't dare to speak out !
Fatal & Horrible
cooking materials/ingredients !
A top chef : "These cuisine are made for customers, you guys (assistants in kitchen) don't eat them ! "


pic.: 本網站群"台灣食安" 排名

Yandex (Russia)2,  2023-6-25

  Pic. right:  Taiwan's government is unable to do administration on food industry, all Taiwanese people are in deep risk !
Black hearted soy sauce harms the whole Taiwan! it appears almost all night markets, snack shops, restaurants ... <Business Today> no. 856

products ml Heat (Kcal/g)熱量 每瓶含糖等同方糖顆數
Green Tea (多多綠茶) 700 341 14
Pearl Milk Tea (珍珠奶茶全糖) 700 653 12
Yakult drink (發酵乳飲料) 330 243 11
Orange Juice 400 192 10
Milk Tea奶茶 400 212 9

每天一瓶珍珠奶茶連喝二月胖5.1公斤,  Green Tea with Yakult (多多)'s Heat 341 Kcal/g, 超過 WHO建議之每日游離糖攝取上限3.2 倍.

<CTV> (中視 "新聞一點通"),  Sept. 25, 2013 13:35pm

"Taiwan's snack food almost all are involved in poisonous food risks ! ("台灣小吃 幾乎淪陷")
Even you cook by yourself, still have chance to eat some black-heart ingredients/materials...

<Business Weekly> (商業周刊) No.1331, 2013

Black hearted food everywhere  on the streets ! (滿街黑心食品)
The channels don't report the facts, although knowing the danger...

Why evil business men can passed through all layers of checkpoints, Taiwanese government failed to catch them?

(1) The officials/staffs (400 persons in health gov.) are not professional enough, and easy to yield to violence threats.
(2) Staffs of health gov. don't dare to give heavy penalty on evil business companies, so they dare to take chance & make mistakes again and again.
(3) It suppose only take 8 hours to submit samples for testing, but it takes 1 month, why? 
  famous M.D. Jian (江守山) questioned it gives business men a good response time, as for "business-men submitted their own sample" is even worse !

Taiwan's judicial( justice) Heavy curse, lenient sentence, actually is a "Paper Tiger", it looks strong, but on the inside, it is spiritually empty ("its bark is worse than its bite")
black hearted businesses spoiled by Taiwanese justice systems (they did not carry heavy penalties) intended to take a chance to violate the laws again and again, judicial systems failed to punish evil business probably is one of reasons leading to food risks.  for instance,  one business making plasticizer only got 14 month sentence.

The China Times  6.4.2013  Viewpoint from NanFang Shuo (南方朔abstract version)

 The image of Taiwan's "gourmet's dining Heaven/Kingdom" has already "bankrupt"!   ( brief version )

People do not scare to eat anything in Japan, but Taiwan is different.  Taiwan's propaganda "dining kingdom" should be replaced by "poisonous food kingdom, because of too many black hearted food in Taiwan.

Taiwan's food industries have already used plasticizers, 'poisonous' starch for 20-30 years, but Taiwanese government has kept its eyes half opened ( ignored, not taking food-safety adm. as a routine work ) about all these.  In recent years the discipline of Taiwan's food industries (even large ones) have been rapidly collapsed (used bad material/ingredients against the morale rule)......

Taiwan focused on propaganda and showing off... People here already don't dare to eat Taiwanese food ... Taiwanese food's bankruptcy is only one aspect of  Taiwan's 'bankruptcy' ! (台灣飲食的破產,只不過是整個台灣破產的一個側面而已!)

(The author is a cultural critic)

★ The China Times 6.23.2013

Taiwan imports pigs' food for human kinds in Taiwan

90% of soybeans that Taiwan imported is G.M. (genetic modified) soybeans, which contains the herbicide may be carcinogenic to human beings, and is prohibited by Europe Union and Japan, etc, in those places G.M. soybeans are usually for feeding pigs.

Apple Daily 6.1.2013 (editorial column - <Spicy apple>  辣蘋果 余艾苔 abstract version)

Do not let Taiwan falls from gourmet heaven into epicure hell !

...We finally understand that the key to best taste of popular refreshing food like pudding, grass jelly, ice cream is adding industrial raw materials, and more horrible,  expired preservatives.   Those black hearted plants/companies are well-known ones, ... it is not an isolated(single) event, we can reason that we generation (currently about 40 years old) "grew up by eating poisons" ... Taiwanese government should not slow-react on this issue anymore ...

Every one wants to question our government : Can you give us a list in which food are safe?  we believe no one is able to guarantee for that, the reason is quite simple ―  Taiwan's government is very passive on food safety check-ups   unless some one is dead for poisonous food, otherwise Taiwanese government won't be crack-down for food problems....  Now Taiwan's food safety has turned out to be a national security issue...

(Chinese version: 好吃的關鍵都是因為加了工業原料...有些還用過期的防腐劑,而出問題的都是知名大廠, ... 合理推論, 現今40歲左右的人,可以說是吃毒長大的一代, 政府再不作為,忍心看我們下一代繼續被荼毒嗎?... 政府...很被動,除非今天吃死人了,不然積極查緝簡直就是神話)

Economist   6.16.2011  (

Food scandals in Taiwan,  Plastic unfantastic

Tainted products also poison the president’s chances of re-election

TAIWAN'S biggest-ever food scare began when government inspectors testing sports drinks and soft drinks last month detected dangerous levels of industrial plasticisers. These are normally used to make everything from shoes to hosepipes more flexible. Since then, the plasticisers have been found in a range of foods and drinks. The crisis has also gone firmly international as China, Hong Kong, South Korea and the Philippines have withdrawn Taiwanese products from supermarket shelves. Taiwanese commentators are wondering how the government can live the scandal down.

Some 900 products have been pulled from nearly 40,000 Taiwanese shops. Hospitals have been flooded with worried parents seeking check-ups for......

... (Taiwanese) government's slow and muddled response to the crisis...

Taipei Times   June 10, 2013 EDITORIAL: Food scares hurt Taiwan's image

When plasticizer — a chemical additive to make food more pliable — was found in 2011 in food and beverages, public awareness of food safety was raised  and the government promised to enhance food safety standards ...Yet, both the public and the government seem to be forgetful.
 the toxic starch scandal (It is the second major food scare in two years.) has damaged the nation’s culinary reputation and damaged businesses at night markets. The industrial starch was found in mostly traditional Taiwanese food and drink, ...These street foods are popular with locals and foreign tourists alike....The government must take heed and implement stricter regulations governing food safety...

★ TVBS   Sept. 27, 2013 8:00pm ('地球黃金線' program研討會, guests including M.D.江守山, etc)
("國內把關不嚴 輻射魚恐已上桌", "人在輻中不知輻")
We are afraid that radiant (radiated, radiative, radiation-producing) fishes from Japan sea area already on Taiwanese dinner tables, but Taiwanese people have not quite known about this yet.
Taiwan's food tests by food inspectors took sample-selected
rapid test (抽樣, 快篩 antigen detection test), which is not as strictly for national health as that in Korea or Hong Kong, etc. !?

ps: (9.25.2013 TW denied Japan's radiated fishes already "invaded" Taiwan)

★ The China Times 3.29.2013

Taiwan's "national scandal" G.M.(genetic modified) food   (abstract version)

National Taiwan University (Department of Agronomy) Professor Guo hua-ren (郭華仁) criticized G.M.(genetic modified) food in Taiwan is a "national scandal"(「國家級醜聞」), and urged everyone not eating GM food, since Taiwanese may not know the risks ―  according to latest study  by French scholar (Seralini), G.M. (genetic modified) food leads to higher probability of getting cancer. (mouse experiment)
In Taiwan, 99.95% soy products are imported, 90% of soybeans are GM stuffs.

A WikiLeaks in 2010 revealed that a super-power country intends to build a G.M. zone in Taiwan because Taiwanese people are so "friendly"  for biotechnology (GM) food ...  
ps: Taiwan's government is so "shortage of backbone" !

<Business Today>
 (<今周刊>健康生活專刊04), Sept. 2013


Taiwan's Night Market - risks everywhere

 evil-heart addictives harm whole Taiwan - night markets, restaurants, snack shops, almost all involved

Taiwanese government poor & weak adm. ...

(<今周刊>健康生活專刊04, Sept., 2013)


night market food


why dangerous ?

 Small Sausage in Large Sausage (大腸包小腸)

nitrite, NIT,NaNO2 (亞硝酸鹽)

Used to add red color for sausage,
Eating too many may cause cancer

Pearl milk tea, Tapioca (ball) tea)(珍珠奶茶、 青蛙下蛋粉圓

Preservative (防腐劑)

Eating too many increases burden of liver and kidney, and may cause cancer

Deep fried chicken breast
or grilled roast ones(炸雞排,烤雞排)


Used for soften the texture, Eating too many may lead to cardiopalmus, lips numb/tingle, temporary ageusia/loss of taste sense (心悸唇麻短暫失味覺)

fresh cut fruits、sugar coated Chinese hawthorn fruit (糖葫蘆)

Saccharin(糖精, 甘精)

Eating too many hurts liver and alimentary canal or may cause urinary bladder  cancer

 Thailand shrimp, grilled shrimp, shrimp prawn Omelet (泰國蝦烤蝦蝦仁煎)


May get roseolafeel like throwing updiarrhea shock to stupor; coma; muzzinessTaiwan law already prohibited the use of food/ food products
ps: expert M.D. expressed :
(1)Taiwan's law is behind of medical studies, we already ate lots of legal but suspicious dangerous food addictives.
(2) medical tests only for single
chemical compound, not for 2+ chemical compounds (which may be interactive to increase probability of getting cancer)  .

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Food safety involving ingestion of foods and beverages prepared with phthalate-plasticizer-containing clouding agents.

Abstract   (

In May 2011, the illegal use of the phthalate plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in clouding agents for use in foods and beverages was reported in Taiwan. This food scandal has caused shock and panic among the majority of Taiwanese people and has attracted international attention. Phthalate exposure is assessed by ambient monitoring or human biomonitoring. Ambient monitoring relies on measuring chemicals in environmental media, foodstuff and consumer products. Human biomonitoring determines body burden by measuring the chemicals, their metabolites or specific reaction products in human specimens. In mammalian development, the fetus is set to develop into a female. Because the female phenotype is the default, impairment of testosterone production or action before the late phase may lead to feminizing characteristics. Phthalates disrupt the development of androgen-dependent structures by inhibiting fetal testicular testosterone biosynthesis. The spectrum of effects obtained following perinatal exposure of male rats to phthalates has remarkable similarities with the human testicular dysgenesis syndrome.

Epidemiological studies have suggested associations between phthalate exposure and shorter gestational age, shorter anogenital distance, shorter penis, incomplete testicular descent, sex hormone alteration, precocious puberty, pubertal gynecomastia, premature thelarche, rhinitis, eczema, asthma, low birth weight, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, low intelligence quotient, thyroid hormone alteration, and hypospadias in infants and children.

Furthermore, many studies have suggested associations between phthalate exposure and increased sperm DNA damage, decreased proportion of sperm with normal morphology, decreased sperm concentration, decreased sperm morphology, sex hormone alteration, decreased pulmonary function, endometriosis, uterine leiomyomas, breast cancer, obesity, hyperprolactinemia, and thyroid hormone alteration in adults. ... (ps: papers by professor Ja-Liang Lin are now open to everyone to read through internet, Sept 25, 2013)



2011 Taiwan food scandal (abstract version)

The 2011 Taiwan food scandal was a food safety scandal in Taiwan over the use one of plasticizer - DEHP to replace palm oil in food and drinks as a clouding agent.  The chemical agent has been linked to developmental problems with children as it affects hormones.

The food affected includes beverages, fruit juices, bread, sports drinks, tea, and jam...... Some media reports, including in The Economist, conclude that Taiwan's former reputation as a reliable and safe food manufacturing country has been damaged...

Best-news.US 5.28.2013

Taiwan and trap "poisonous food" panic

Pearl milk tea, taro balls, crates, meatballs, chicken ...... these Taiwanese cuisine has long been considered a classic, but also the Taiwanese people's favorite everyday, now because of the outbreak of toxic starch, so we talk about the discoloration. Continue plasticizer storm then, no one would have thought that once again blew the island food safety issues will be - toxic starch... Maleic acid, also known as 'maleic acid', belonging to other chemical binder resin material, generally used for coating the insulating material or as raw materials to produce pesticides, toxic raw materials for industrial use, add starch for human consumption is poison starch price and qualified poison starch starch differ 4-6 times, so it is added to the food industry black heart, sent to the people on the table...

Taiwan and trap 'poisonous food' panic, even more than before plasticizer storm. Taiwan 'dialysis Kingdom' title, after the outbreak of toxic starch, some nephrologists and toxicology expert said: 'finally found the culprit kidney injury. 'Shin Kong Hospital nephrology physician Emori Shan said, maleic acid in animal experiments will lead to the dog's tubular injury, causing irreversible damage... Poison starch invade the daily lives of ordinary people, this time, it seems that no one can say that I am very far away from the black-hearted food...

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital & medical University   2.13.2013

Professor Ja-Liang Lin (director of Clinical Toxicology) stressed Paylean is toxic (although less toxic, but Paylean definitely is "瘦肉精" ), and may causes palpitations and other cardiovascular diseases, currently is banned by 29 countries including Singapore and Europe Union.  (Dr. J.L.Lin does not agree Taiwan government's policy to import US beef -  reported by  & Apple Daily 8.5.2013, now Taiwan is open for US beef)

 Food vendors in Taiwan wring hands over toxic starch 

 Eateries, night market stalls and convenience shops around Taiwan are reeling after a substance harmful to the kidneys was found in popular snacks from meat balls to the tapioca "pearls" used in bubble tea.

The scare is reminiscent of a 2011 scandal when an industrial chemical detrimental to sexual development was found in hundreds of beverages ...

At the centre of the latest storm is the industrial substance maleic anhydride, which imparts chewiness but can cause kidney failure if taken in sufficient doses...

Some experts, such as Dr Lin Chieh-liang, the chief clinical toxicologist at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, linked the prevalence of toxic powdered starch to the disproportionately high incidence of kidney failure in Taiwan.

★ Consumer Reports of Taiwan  Sept. 5, 2013
Head-line :  ractopamine is found in beef sample test of 2013!
On March 2012, ractopamine was found in 1/3 (5 pieces) beef samples selected from markets.  In another test on July 2013, ractopamine 0.01 ppm was found in one piece frozen US beef sample. 

China Post  8.28.2013

Bakery scandal just tip of deceptive food ads. iceberg   (abstract version)

The bakery ( Top Pot Bakery, a famous Taiwanese company) had been boasting in its advertisements that its bread was made with natural ingredients and zero flavoring essence. This was found (by a Hong Kong blogger & customer) to be a somewhat inaccurate claim (ps: deceptive advertising): the company had been adding artificial essences into its breads.

United Daily News/Liberty Times/China Times etc,  6.5.2014

Top 10 horrible combination-food in Taiwan for office ladies/men (十大恐怖外食)

 horrible index

hamburger + French fries (middle sized) + coke (600 cc)

too much greasy, sugar, salty

Spareribs (pork-rib) lunch box排骨便當 + pearl milk tea (500cc)

Fried-Dumpling鍋貼 + bean sauce (350cc)                 
Baked Italia noodle + Puff pastry on creamy soup
Korea fried chicken + beer       
Fried rice + pork-ball soup貢丸
Ramen (Japanese noodle)拉麵 + soft ice-cream               
Braised Pork Rice滷肉飯   + fish-ball soup
  beef noodle + pickle vegetable酸菜
deep-fried meat-ball炸肉圓 + olen (Japanese style Kantoni)關東煮

★ United Daily News 4.30.2011 ,  CNNGO  3.23.2012

 Top 10 Most Dangerous Taiwanese food in night markets
(<聯合報> 4.30.2011)

night market food

heat  density(Kcal/g)熱量密度

quantity of heat

鹽酥雞Taiwan's fried chicken

3.9 585/150

蔥油餅Scallion Cake or Chinese Pizza    (intro. by CNN)

3.78 541/143
鍋貼Fried-Dumpling                                     3.06 753/246
Small Sausage in Large Sausage (intro. by CNN)
2.68 582/217
Braised Pork Rice 
2.25 648/288
deep fried Stinky Tofu
2.13 565/265
Gutinous Rice Pudding 
1.98 672/340
肉圓Meatball 1.85 324/185
   Oyster Omelet 
1.55 516/332
蚵仔麵線Oyster thin/soft Noodles (intro. by CNN) 1.01 415/412
(above may be: Top 10 Most Popular Local Delicacies)

Top 10 street food in Shilin night market   (士林夜市)

night market food


Deep fried chicken breast


   Oyster Omelet 

deep fried Stinky Tofu
Tempura (Japanese name), deep-fried fish kind  stuffs天婦羅 482
 Large Sausage 
Small roll (pie) in Large roll (pie)
Pan-fried Pork Dumpling (Large sheng jian bao )               
fruits/fruits slices 297
    Fried Cuttlefish Soup/ sautéed octopus/ stir fried octopus, squids
Perfect Spareribs十全排骨 175
Ps: (1) advice: share food with your friend, peel the fried chicken skin, etc
(2) measure Kcal compared with : 1 bowl of cooked rice has about 280 Kcal

CNNGO introduced Taiwanese snacks in night markets and ranked it as No. 2 among Asia's 10 greatest street foods. 1. Sheng jian bao生煎包 2. Chou doufu (stinky tofu) 臭豆腐 3. Oa misua (oyster vermicelli) 蚵仔麵線 4. Gua bao (pork belly bun or "Taiwanese burger," as it's sometimes called)  掛包 5.  Hujiao bing ( wheat buns more accurately, pies or pockets)   胡椒餅 6. Niu rou mian ( spicy beef soup with hand-pulled noodles)牛肉麵 7. Douhua 豆花  8. Cong you bing ( a flaky scallion pancake made with hand-rolled dough) 蔥油餅  9. Da chang bao xiao chang (Small Sausage in Large Sausage , big sausage wrapped around small sausage)大腸包小腸.


Taipei Times   May 27, 2013

Plasticizers found in 10 food products in Taipei

VICTIMS? One firm said that it complied with a recall and tested all its products after last year’s scare, so it wondered if the test sample had come from old stock

After a plasticizer food scare in May last year, 10 more products have been found to contain excessive levels of plasticizers, ...

Plasticizers are chemical additives used to make plastic more pliable, but they were found in food additives such as clouding agents — a food additive used to emulsify drinks and make them look more appealing — sparking a food scare.


China Post  8.27.2013

Sunsuivi, one of the three top-selling rice brands in Taiwan, sold the rice with labels boasting that the product is home grown, but it was actually poor-quality rice imported from Vietnam.
Some 50,000 packages of mislabeled rice have been sold... 
Sunsuivi apologizes for selling Vietnam rice as local...

China Post  May 17, 2013

New Taipei City seizes over 14,000 liters of problematic soy sauce products

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- ... New Taipei City yesterday seized up to 14,480 liters of soy sauce products allegedly containing an excessive amount of heterocyclic organic chemicals from an underground factory ...

★  Channel New Asia, Singapore  6.6.2013

The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority said Singapore does not import soy sauce from Taiwan that has been implicated to be harmful for consumption...

United Daily News blog     2008.10.2

Nestle and KLIM milk powder were found with contained Melamine(C3H6N6)in Taiwan, although Taiwan's leader in health dept. and  food industry research and development Institute both guaranteed all milk powder in shelves were passed strict test and are safe...

PS: all news above are abstract version.   Details pls. refer to media in that day.

United Daily News   Dec. 18  & Dec. 19, 2013

        Criticizing "Taiwan food" series (written in Chinese)

     The only thing consumers can do is to pray Taiwanese businesses have no evil heart
  Where're those major manufacturers' social conscience ??
Good flavor & taste & look ... but, What did you eat?

      mixing addictives makes Taiwan food a monster

 Taiwan is the only country in the world to import GM soy for eating ,  BBC  6.6.2013
       <Taiwan diet danger everywhere>  (Chinese version 危机四伏的饮食)

The China Times 6.23.2013
Taiwan imports pigs' food for human kinds in Taiwan

WikiLeaks 2010 : Taiwanese people are friendly for Bio. tech. and are intend to buy GM label food, so the "Embassy" of a strong nation is planning to build a (3) Genetic Modification (GM) zone in Taiwan.
 In fact, it's a so called "national scandal" (the China Times, Mar. 29, 2013) that Taiwanese consumers generally do not fully know or don't care  the controversy health risks caused by GM food.  Taiwanese government should urge everyone refusing to buy and eat GM food. 
 About 99.5% of soy food products in Taiwan are imported, 90% of them are GM soy beans

  World Best restaurants in Asia, by Wikipedia, Daily Meal, World's50Best, Country Brand Index

  The World's 50 Best Restaurants 1-50, 2013 sponsored by S. Pellegrino & Acqua Panna,   April 29, 2013's_50_Best_Restaurants  (by Wikipedia)

In this list, top 10 are in Western world (Spain, Denmark, Italia, USA, UK, Austria, Germany), Hong Kong's 龍景軒 is the highest ranking (No.75) Chinese restaurant, no any Taiwanese restaurant included.  Taiwanese chef Jiang (江振誠)'s "Restaurant Andre" located in Singapore ranks No.38.

US  <The Daily Meal> (USA) 101 Best Restaurants in Asia, The Daily Meal celebrates the most exemplary epicurean endeavors in Asia :  May 16, 2013

鼎泰豐(Din Tai Fung, Taipei
(1)  鼎泰豐於5-9-2012承認使用味精 -  
 This restaurant admits they do use Monosodium Glutamate as addictive, and won't change this policy so as to keep major cuisine (e.g., steamed bun(小籠包), chicken soup) delicious, according to United Daily News 5.9.2013. <聯合報>  2015-08-15 "恐怖外食, 11大缺失損健康" 一文引用國家衛生研究院資料恐怖外食(調查餐廳自助餐等)缺點之一包括使用味精 味精是否有害健康 長期爭議不休(ref to "The Dangers of MSG" :  有些研究認為味精可能損及 causes asthma, headache, even brain damage許多西方人不敢吃味精! 
鼎泰豐並suspicious捲入台灣食安醜聞根據大眾媒體揭露 e.g., 蘋果日報(10-10-2014):台中市衛生局調查發現,華航、鼎泰豐曾向購買頂新正義油品的台中金品調理(KingsCook) 公司進貨,恐中鏢。鼎泰豐表示,向美食家購買沙拉油,僅做為產品測試之用...
(3) Din Tai Fung admitted having used G.M.(genetic modified) soy material(豆類) for a long time (until July 2015).   The China Times, (3.29.2013) reported professor Kuo H. J. (National Taiwan University, Department of Agronomy) comments - Taiwan using G.M.(genetic modified) is "national scandal" (「國家級醜聞」), French scholar Seralini found G.M. foods may cause cancer with higher probability,    BBC (6.6.2013)<Taiwan diet danger everywhere>: Taiwan is the only country in the world imports GM soy for eating But Din Tai Fung still used the "scandalous" G.M. stuff for 2+ years after the news being spread island-wide Recently, CNN (7-24-2015) dropped Din Tai Fung down to No.20 position  in Taiwanese foods list.

Besides, there're 6 restaurants located in Taipei rank Top 101 Asian best restaurants:
 No. 43: 台南(Tainan)度小月擔仔麵
 No. 50: 非零餐廳 (meaning translation: Non-zero restaurant)
 No. 70: 義大利餐館(Osteria by Angie), an Italia restaurant
 No. 74: 七十二牛肉麵 (Seventy-Two beef noodle restaurant)
 No. 76: 法式餐廳(La Cocotte, a French restaurant)
 No. 86: 鐵匠鐵板燒居酒屋。

ps: Best China cuisine in Taiwan : Din Tai Fung ―  branch in Hong Kong (not in Taiwan) won one Michelin star.
     Best dish in Taiwan : oyster omelet (introduced by Discovery channel of USA) ―  it is most typical Taiwanese food( street snack everywhere in night markets), but not exquisite & elaborated food. 
據電視報導蚵仔煎常用花生粉(黃麴毒素 - aflatoxin常產生於此類食物, 美國知名花生醬曾發現台灣牛肉麵if使用豆瓣醬亦可能包含黃麴毒素),與不少添加物      Chinese language intro. to Taiwan cuisines


According to < Miele  Guide> of 2011/2012, Taiwan's top 5 restaurants are listed as below:
   (1) Din Tai Fung,  ps: This restaurant admits they do use Monosodium Glutamate as addictive, and won't change this policy so as to keep major cuisine (e.g., steamed bun, chicken soup) delicious, according to United Daily News 5.9.2013.
   (2) 銀翼 (best dishes:文思豆腐,蔥開煨麵)
   (3) 欣葉 (02-25963255, best: 煎豬肝, 菜埔蛋)
   (4) 樂沐法式餐廳, a French restaurant (excellent, evaluated by Relais & Chateaux in 2011)
        in Taichung city (04)23753002(best dish: 經典套餐NT3800)
   (5)La Cocotte, a traditional French cuisine restaurant own by Fabien Verge (02)33223289 (best dish: NT980白酒墩牛肚)

According to < Country Brand Index> of 2007( 2008 Top Country Brand Index Ranking  )Japan is the only Asian country ranking top 10, Red China is a rising star.

"Fine dining" category:


Italia, Singapore, Japan, US, UK, UAE, Malaysia, Spain, Argentina .( underscore for Eastern nations) 
"Food" category:


1 Italy, 2France, 3 Japan, 4Spain, 5 Singapore, 6 Thailand, 7 India, 8 Brasil, 9 Malaysia, 10 Swiss, 11 Germany, 12 Vietnam, 13 Greece, 14 Australia, 15 USA (underscore for Asian nations)