cartoon contest
& 1st-time int'l EXPO on the net  
  this site's world No. 1 in
 2020~23,  2017~19, 201620152014, 20132010~12    

   home  brief  Taiwan  TW  democracy  tour  love  personality  medical  CovID-19  diplomacy  restaurants  night-markets  pres.  women  speech  prostitutes  massage  privacy  fraud  judiciary  police  corruption  internet-army  univ  foreign-labor  illegal migrants  death penalty  prosecutors  soft power  happiness  housing  supermarket  transportation  avia.    creativity  human rights   intl Human rights  judicial-persecution  oppression  trans. justice  military  drugs  food  buffet  FB  news  image  US-cartoons  US-designs  Japan-comics  Chn-creativity  EXPO-Shanghai  Chn-cartoons in WWII  cartoon-creativity                  Is 'cannibalism' legal in a 'cannibal'-led country ?

Cartoon Exhibition by Zola Zu
pic. : pre-contest exhibition was held in Mitsukoshi, Japan's largest mall in Taiwan

  world 1st-time cartoon contest & exhibition on the net since ever -
                academic periodical <International Journal of Comic Art>, 
Summer 2019:  the largest such event in the country's history...Possibly. it was the world's first large international cartoon contest and exhibition on the internet, though the distinction has been challenged , but not very convincingly.

   ranking world No.1 "cartoon contest" by all best search engines for about straight 7 years  details
   very courageous art-works against tough-dirt politics
   Cartoon arts from 70+ countries


  Courage world cartoon contest 

new exposition location : 

Caricature art-works (Italia)   expo   expo2  
  Cartoons of humor & satire   expo  
  Cartoon collections 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  
  Print Design (Germany)          expo  
  Painting cartoons (Holland)    expo     
  ☉  Cartoon-artists country A-Z :  
  Albania  expo      
  Argentina     expo Italia (Italy)    expo   expo   expo   
  Australia    Japan  expo    
  Austria     expo Kazakhstan    expo  
  Belgium expo Korea            expo   expo   expo  
  Belrus     expo Liberia          expo   expo  
  Brazil   expo Lietuva  expo  
  Bulgaria  expo Macedonia  expo   
  Canada  expo Maxico      expo  
  Chile below Mongolia        expo   expo  
  China  expo   expo  expo expo   expo   expo   expo   expo Nigeria  expo   expo  
  Croatia  expo Philippines             expo  
  Cuba     expo Poland       expo   expo  
  Cyprus expo Portugal         expo  
  Czech   expo Romania         expo   expo   expo   expo    expo    expo    expo    expo  
  Egypt                         expo Russia           expo   expo   expo   expo    expo  
  England (UK, BG)     expo Singapore               expo   expo    
  Finland                        expo Slovakia           expo  
  France       expo   expo Spain         expo    
  Germany   expo   expo    expo Sweden  expo   expo  
  Greece       expo Syria  expo  
  Holland    expo Taiwan(ROC)  expo  
  India          expo   expo Thailand     expo  
  Indonesia  expo   expo    expo Turkey   expo   expo   expo    expo  
  Iraq           expo Ukraine  expo   expo   expo    expo  
  Iran       expo   expo USA  expo  
  Israel         expo   expo   Yugoslavia  expo  
  Ireland expo      
  Caricature art-works  (Israel)   expo    
  Political cartoons, theme : 911 New York twin towers     expo (Romania)   expo(France)  
  Political editorial cartoons (Singapore)    expo  expo    
  cartoons in Chile  expo  (non-contest works)    
  PS1: some other countries like Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, etc will take turn to be exhibited in here    
  PS2: "China" means mainland China






pic.  Asia's best news in Singapore, and 2 major TVs and news in Taiwan introduced this int'l cartoon event