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西方漫畫 應對 丹麥漫畫危機 Danish Cartoon Crisis

Left: 12幅漫畫引起歐亞中東穆斯林抗議, 風波續而擴大, 引發包括義大利部長辭職等國際危機 (台灣曾獲亞洲最佳部長頭銜的財政部長說: 漫畫無用 , 說的應該是兒童連環漫畫吧!?)

   其他三位神明說道, "默汗莫德, 別叫了, 我們還不是一樣!!" 



(1) 本站對丹麥漫畫危機之英文評論, 連續二年排名世界第一

(2)   2/9/2006 中國時報, 提及亞洲國家不被”清理”已算幸運, 那敢”仗義直言”




1 丹麥漫畫水準

  看十二幅爭議漫畫,  還看不出丹麥漫畫傑出之處,  部分爭議漫畫 歐洲早有類似idea.......(尤其是黑條遮眼那幅, 也包括頭巾炸彈那幅, 手邊一翻就有幾幅以外形相似性構思的歐洲漫畫與美國政治漫畫) 


2 最爭議的漫畫

     最具爭議  穆斯林頭上有炸彈的那幅漫畫,   除了解釋穆斯林為"恐怖份子", 也可作其他解釋, 比方 "恐怖份子" 置穆斯林於險境, 如果如此,   丹麥報紙只是陳述事實,   恐怖份子才是必要負責者  (美國學術書籍提及"恐怖份子"定義因情況而異)


3 嘲諷宗教漫畫


     Cartoon: sister check Jesus Christ's dick          sister check Jesus Christ's dick

本人曾在羅馬書店(距教廷只約一橋之隔)買過嘲弄教宗漫畫;  於法國知名百貨公司書店內買的掀耶穌底褲漫畫, 歐洲漫畫比賽畫冊也出現過

 religion cartoon in Italy

 但應尊重不同宗教族群感受不一, 且丹麥部分漫畫似乎不只是宗教, 而且有政治,  丹麥主編無力(或無心之過)控制, 應該道歉



    2/9/2006 中國時報, 提及亞洲國家不被”清理”已算幸運, 那敢”仗義直言”

  已算最敢之媒體 之一!

                          PS   國際新聞摘要


                          但是此一理念必須植基於尊 重他人的宗教與文化之上。方德勒說,

                          方德勒表示,「表達意見的自由,必須避免任何冒犯他人的行為」 .........


5 言論自由

        漫畫家的言論自由不可侵犯,  但有的漫畫仗義行俠, 有的仗勢欺人:

  漫畫的嘲諷深深侵犯弱勢善良人民感情當然不妥當;  漫畫家應將箭頭批向政治惡勢力
  根據西方文獻, 長久以來, 甚至近年, 都有漫畫家勇於挑戰強權 而入獄或遭受後果



 目前已收到若干西方漫畫組織反應,  摘要部分as below


★ 土耳其 (歐洲)  

About 12 cartoons together with a letter sent by an European cartoonists association

European cartoonts respond to Danish Cartoon Crisis

European cartoonts respond to Danish Cartoon Crisis      European cartoonts respond to Danish Cartoon Crisis

sent by Don Quichotte


★ Azerbaijan  Cartoonists Union  (歐洲亞賽拜然)

As You know, in some Eurpoean countries the cartoons of Holy Prophet Muhammed have been published. We would like to inform You that as any Muslim and honest person this issue drives all members of our organization into a rage. All of us are very disappointed on this unethical and immoral conduct. Azerbaijan Cartoonists Union express it's strong objection on this event.


★ Iran Cartoon web (伊朗) 

"Art is a notion that pursues beauty. Artists want to see a worldthat is beautiful, and from this particular perspective, art is in alignment with the divine teachings that promote kindness, compassion, lofty humanistic aspirations as well as spiritual beauty.

  Iran cartoont respond to Danish Cartoon Crisis an iran cartoonist's cartoon



 世界漫畫家聯盟 & 德國漫畫家組織 

(1) Make Humour , Not Make War !!

(2) 舉行國際嘲諷宗教漫畫大賽 (但勿傷及回教真主);  其一例如下, 如欲閱覽更多可點按

http://www.fecoweb.org/m_gallery.index.htm .

European cartoonts respond to Danish Cartoon Crisis



 烏克蘭 O Dergachov提供觀點     

European cartoonts respond to Danish Cartoon Crisis


 FECO 及 荷蘭漫畫家組織
Dear Friends
On request I send you my personakl view on the "Danish Situation"
After having interviewed on 12 radiostations, 4 newspapers and two tv stations, it's time to cool down.
This is what I want to say.




Otherwise he would never have created men!


Up till today I have received 733 reactions by e-mail from cartoonists all over the world.

FECO members and non-members writing about their concern.


FREEDOM of speech, FREEDOM of writing and FREEDOM of image is a very important privilege in most Western countries and should be respected.

Of course it is great that the cartoon is back in the world and showed us once again its importance.

The problem is the way it happened?


Discrimination, or hurting on purpose others feelings, is NOT the same as provocation.

A cartoonist may provoke, may ridiculise things, have to point out things, but not inflict deep wounds.

Humor should always be the base and a way of communication.

To communicate you need to understand each other's language!

People in Great Britain seem to have a different sense of humor than people in Japan or Egypt. Cartoonists in Germany draw in a different way than cartoonists in Russia.

Phases in life are cheerfully illustrated in the form of pleasant madness and disguised reality by cartoonists.

Humor is of all times and all countries (we can never say certain people do not have any sense of humor). But then not everywhere do people laugh equally loud or so often. Sometimes one will appreciate the humor of a certain country more when one gets to know more about the specific cultural traditions of its people.


As far as I know there has never been a cartoonist who killed other people with his pen!

Freedom and understanding.

�Drawing the world together� as FECO wants, hopes. Is that still possible?

I am shocked by the reaction and violence in some countries. Based on non-communication and non-understanding (perhaps from both sides) There should not be both sides, just one side!

I am pleased with the non-violent reaction of many Islamic leaders.

I am pleased with the reaction of many FECO members of which some disagree and some agree about the cartoons made by our Danish colleagues. That�s freedom; to agree or disagree. It should NEVER be a reason to end friendship.


We have to communicate, to respect other's opinion, to continue a dialogue, to make cartoons in freedom. NOT to create BLACK-lists with rules and names!

If someone feels offended or discriminated against, there is always the possibility to go to the court?. (that applies to many countries)

Please let�s continue to communicate by making fun, by making jokes about each other without hurting ones feelings on purpose. Of course a cartoonists walks the line, is looking �how far can I go�, has some form of self-censorship; but that�s freedom too.


Be proud to be a cartoonist. However today it seems to be a dangerous profession?


Do not draw the world apart, but draw the world together!


Peter Nieuwendijk

Secretary General FECO 
