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 Politique "Black-Gold" contre démocratie
New York Times, 1-11-2020: la société démocratique de Taiwan, jeune et dynamique, bien que parfois en désordre. N.Y. Times, 12-1-2019: le ventre mou de la politique taïwanaise: les réseaux de patronage. Ils continuent de permettre aux dirigeants communautaires, aux associations d'agriculteurs et même aux personnalités du crime organisé d'acheter des votes
 ( NY Times, opinion : https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/01/opinion/china-taiwan-election.html ). «Mr Democracy» Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) a employé la politique «Black-Gold»  (  SCMP, 7-30-2020: the use of extensive factional networks, regardless of whether they were linked to local interest groups or underworld figures  scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3095139/lee-teng-hui-controversial-figure-hailed-taiwans-father ; Heritage, 3-17-2000: local slang for the party's ties to gangsters, corruption and illegal financial transactions. ), pendant longtemps, la pourriture de la puissante famille politique et les réseaux de favoritisme ont été un problème structurel et n'ont jamais changé quelles que soient les transitions de pouvoir. United Daily (éditorial 8-6-2020, avis 8-3-2020): La corruption au parlement ne semble jamais s'arrêter. Les législateurs dans des affaires similaires ont été jugés non coupables ou n'ont pas encore été jugés après plus de 10 ans d'enquêtes, par conséquent UDN se demande "La justice de Taiwan ne parvient-elle pas à découvrir la vérité une fois face aux législateurs ??" Le 2 août 2020, un haut conseiller présidentiel démissionne au milieu des allégations de corruption de neveu (un législateur du DPP), l'image du parlement et de la démocratie taïwanaise se ternit à nouveau après que certains législateurs ont été arrêtés pour enquête sur greffe le 8-4-2020. Le China Times (8-6-2020) souligne que le parti au pouvoir, le DPP, est doué pour gagner le vote, au lieu de gouverner l'État, les énormes dépenses consacrées aux élections doivent être `` rendues '', par conséquent, aboutissent à un abus de pouvoir et à la corruption . Dans Taiwan d'aujourd'hui, même les conseillers de comté ont besoin de dépenses électorales allant jusqu'à 3 millions de dollars, sans parler des législateurs ou du président. Apple Daily, éditorial, 8-3-2020: Les législateurs d'un même parti partagent des avantages illégaux ou se couvrent les uns les autres, et ne divulguent généralement pas les paumes graisseuses de leurs rivaux politiques, c'est la culture politique et l '«écologie» de Taiwan.  ( brief of  https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200803/BQXMSWTYOVERHBPGLUKPXAA5LQ/ Depuis l'élection de base de 2018, au total 12 orateurs / présidents du conseil municipal ou du conseil de comté ont remis leur position à un parent ou à un fils. (Apple Daily, éditorial 8-4-2020 https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200804/FH6DI3F3CYJV2SOIIEGKRGDHKQ/; pour plus d'exemples de Pork Barrel, voir TVBS news, 12-10-2019: https://www.youtube .com / montre? v = GY6TP7JW398)


 La démocratie est affectée pour la sécurité nationale, la sécurité nationale est lésée pour la démocratie
La démocratie de Taiwan influence sa sécurité nationale. La Chine continue de se rapprocher de Taïwan, d'où des experts occidentaux (par exemple, Foreign Policy, 10-28-2020, Financial Times (Royaume-Uni), 7-12-2020) ont averti Taiwan de procéder à des réformes urgentes de la défense telles que l'augmentation de la conscription existante de quatre mois. et l'amélioration des systèmes de réservistes, mais les politiciens taïwanais ont peur de discuter de ces questions avec le public pendant des mois parce qu'ils croient que les Taiwanais ne sont pas prêts à sacrifier, et compte tenu des réalités électorales, les dirigeants taïwanais ne veulent pas passer du service militaire volontaire à l'obligation service militaire avec la même période de formation que celle de Singapour ou de la Corée, car une telle politique pourrait être profondément impopulaire parmi les jeunes électeurs courtisés par le parti au pouvoir (DPP), selon Foreign Policy (10-19-2020). Le New York Times (5-18-2017) a critiqué les près de deux millions de réservistes de Taiwan "n'existent que de nom" - mais rien de grand n'a changé jusqu'à présent, malgré l'avertissement des analystes occidentaux "Avec la montée en puissance militaire rapide de la Chine, il est peut-être temps que Taiwan n'a pas.". D'un autre côté, la démocratie taïwanaise est lésée au nom de la sécurité nationale. Un article académique de l'Université NanHua publié en juin 2020 conclut: la démocratie de Taiwan a montré une tendance à la régression ces dernières années, la liberté d'expression, de publication, de réunion, etc. a été persécutée par des excuses telles que la sécurité nationale. (Shih-Yueh Yang, Ph.D, Walish Temu) United Daily, éditorial, 10-10-2020 (https://udn.com/news/story/7338/4924067): La démocratie et la liberté d'expression reculent d'être menacé par «un certain pouvoir». Certains politiciens occidentaux faisant des compliments ou des rhapsodies à Taiwan sont simplement fondés sur un objectif politique pour piquer la Chine. Taiwan mérite de devenir un havre de paix, mais pour le moment, il est loin d'être «un phare pour la démocratie et les droits de l'homme» ou «une démocratie modèle». Global Times, 9-17-2020: Les autorités taïwanaises se vantent souvent de "liberté et démocratie" dans l'île, qui sont des slogans vides et réconfortants.



Les échauffourées sont courantes au parlement  

Le New York Times a déclaré dans un éditorial de 1992: "Taiwan est maintenant la société la plus démocratique du monde de langue chinoise". The Sunday Guardian (UK)  8-2-2020 note que Taiwan pourrait être un modèle de démocratie pour les locuteurs chinois. ". Les deux devraient être des commentaires impartiaux!
New York Times, 6-28-2020: Taiwan est une démocratie exubérante et les combats et les manifestations à l'intérieur du bâtiment du parlement ne sont pas rares.
The Express (UK) et le SCMP du 29/06/2020: la démocratie taïwanaise est bruyante avec des combats et des manifestations un phénomène courant à l'intérieur du bâtiment du parlement ... La grande majorité parlementaire et l'obstination du PDP au pouvoir avaient laissé le KMT (principal opposition Kuomintang ouParti nationaliste) sans autre alternative qued'occuper  (Legislative Yuan) pour protester contre la «tyrannie» du gouvernement (AFP: KMT refuse la liste des candidats corrompus, le diplomate: Chen Chu ne sera pas impartiale à la tête du conseil de surveillance car elle est l'aide de haut rang & conseiller du président Tsai, Australian Associated Press: KMT a accusé le DPP d'avoir triché dans une partie du vote sur l'investiture). De nombreuses échauffourées ont éclaté alors que les législateurs du Parti démocratique progressiste (DPP) au pouvoir ont franchi les barricades érigées par le KMT ... De telles bagarres sont une réalité de la vie à Taïwan et se sont produites régulièrement pendant environ 30 ans au parlement, plus de 40 ans dans les rues. (Formosa TV, 7-2-2020, China Times, 7-4-2020). Deux semaines plus tard, d'autres combats alors que l'opposition de Taiwan occupe à nouveau le Parlement  Reuters, New York Times, 7-14-2020: La violence et les manifestations à l'intérieur de la chambre ne sont pas inhabituelles à Taiwan. AFP Royaume-Uni, Australian Associated Press, CNA Singapour, 7-17-2020: Taiwan est une démocratie bruyante, parfois indisciplinée. Les coups de poing et les manifestations tapageuses ne sont pas rares au parlement. France24, AFP, 7-14-2020: Le parlement taïwanais était autrefois connu pour ses bagarres de masse parmi les législateurs et a été le lieu de fréquentes manifestations. Des échauffourées ont éclaté au sujet des politiques de réforme et des réductions des retraites lorsque le président Tsai a pris ses fonctions pour la première fois il y a quatre ans ... En 2014, des centaines d'étudiants ont occupé le parlement pendant des semaines dans des manifestations réclamant une politique plus transparente du parti au pouvoir du KMT, certains étudiants sont devenus les législateurs d'aujourd'hui. Mais maintenant, le DPP a accusé le KMT de subvertir le processus démocratique. Le diplomate (7-16-2020) a qualifié les échauffourées de "retour de ce qui était autrefois une tradition internationalement connue à Taiwan: des bagarres au sein de la législature sur des votes controversés sur des projets de loi ou des nominations", "les partis d'opposition ont utilisé la violence pour arrêter les votes sur les lois ou des confirmations, le KMT ayant recouru à la tactique à plusieurs reprises depuis que le DPP a obtenu la majorité législative en 2016 ". VICE, un média canadien basé à New York, a analysé le 30/06/2020 que les législateurs apparemment rapides (vandalism, hurling chairs,  pulling hairs,  wrestling opponents to the ground...  according to a history compiled by the BBC ; punch, water balloons thrown, "bites" & stuck to lawmaker's arm, pulled across the ground, reported by AFP, Next TV ) sont plutôt une forme de théâtre politique à montrer à leurs électeurs et partisans qui achètent les mouvements.



  Faible opposition

Taiwan manque d'une bonne séparation et d'un bon équilibre des pouvoirs entre le parti au pouvoir et l'opposition, l'exécutif et le législatif, le gouvernement et les médias. Nihon Keizai Shimbun du Japon (《日本 経済新聞》, éditorial, 21/05/2020) et Apple Daily de Taiwan (éditorial, 6-10-2020): la démocratie taïwanaise sans opposition forte pour interroger le gouvernement et le tenir responsable est dans la grave danger, la plus grande opposition, le KMT, doit reprendre ses forces. Mais le New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2020/06/28/world/asia/28reuters-taiwan-politics.html) et le US News & World Report commentent au 28/06/2020: Le KMT subit une refonte de sa politique pour essayer de regagner le soutien populaire, mais fait face à une lutte acharnée. aljazeera 11-12-2020 (aljazeera.com/features/2020/11/12/why-are-taiwans-new-generation-a-test-for-the-kmt) souligne que le parti ami de la Chine, le KMT est sur le cordes en ce sens que les caisses sont à sec, les poids lourds grisonnants essaient toujours de manipuler l'ordre du jour, et leur culture patriarcale rend les réformes difficiles. En outre, United Daily, éditorial, 11-14-2020 (udn.com/news/story/7338/5014020?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2): le parti au pouvoir a menacé l'opposition de faire taire des questions importantes telles que la sécurité nationale, la sécurité alimentaire, chaîne de l'industrie, en "interrogeant le gouvernement est égal à anti-USA".



 Le gouvernement taïwanais sent la pourriture

The China Times (chinatimes.com/opinion/20200806005356-262105?chdtv), opinion (8-7-2020): À l'origine, le parlement fournit des freins et contrepoids efficaces sur le pouvoir du président, mais six fois des amendements de la Constitution par l'ancien président Lee TH éliminé le mécanisme clé de la démocratie, l'équilibre des pouvoirs, conduit donc à des corruptions sans fin - la "Sunshine Law" justifie de manière astucieuse la prise de pots-de-vin, et un phénomène étrange - le premier ministre prend la responsabilité mais manque de pouvoir, le président détient le pouvoir mais aucune responsabilité . United Daily, 28/07/2020, éditorial: Les législateurs du PPC au parlement sont pires qu'un "tampon en caoutchouc", ils ont juste suivi chaque ordre donné par l'administration, donc le parlement a déjà perdu sa propre voix. De plus, le président est intervenu sérieusement dans le Yuan judiciaire, et le Yuan de contrôle devenant maintenant un conseil de surveillance avec une inclination politique et une séparation. Une fois que les cinq pouvoirs sont sous le contrôle du président, comment pouvons-nous maintenir un système de démocratie et de liberté? Par conséquent, même les médias amis du DPP, le Liberty Times, (éditorial, 1-12-2020) ont critiqué le parti au pouvoir (domination au pouvoir) était pourri et sentait mauvais.Un exemple est que l'opposition DPP a organisé en 2012 une occupation par force brute, cinq jours-quatre nuits du podium législatif Yuan pour résister au "boeuf toxique" (boeuf américain avec de la ractopamine), mais maintenant en 2020, le parti au pouvoir DPP a annoncé la décision d'assouplir les restrictions sur les importations américaines de porc et de bœuf sans consulter le parlement, le caucus législatif et les agriculteurs.




pic. :  No.1 "Taiwan democracy", on Microsoft Bing, 2022-3-22,  2022-2-11,  2022-1-3, 2021-12-16, 2021-12-9, 2021-11-28



 pic. :  No.1 "Taiwan democracy", on Microsoft Bing, 2022-3-21,  2022-2-10, 2022-1-2, 2021-11-29, 2021-11-15, 2021-11-1, 2021-10-7, 2021-9-6, 2021-8-5, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-1, 2021-5-13, 2021-10-6, 2021-9-5, 2021-8-1, 2021-6-1, 2021-5-9, 3-12-2021, 2-28-2021, 2-12-2021, 1-27-2021, 1-24-2021, 1-11-2021, 01-01-2021




pic.: No.1 "Taiwan democracy" on Ecosia of Germany, 2022-3-22, 2022-2-11, 2022-1-3, 2021-11-29, 2021-11-15, 2021-5-31, 2021-5-9,  
11-14-2020, 8-8-2020,  7-24-2020,  6-25-2020, 6-21-2020







pic.: No.1 "Taiwan democracy" on US Bing, 11-14-2020,  8-6-2020, 7-24-2020, 7-4-2020, 6-28-2020, 6-22-2020






violence in Taiwan chamber








Express (UK), 6-29-2020:  Le KMT a qualifié le gouvernement de "plus tyrannique qu'auparavant", comme faire passer des projets de loi et nommer l'assistant principal du président Chen Chu à la tête du chien de garde du gouvernement, Control Yuan...

 ( https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3090980/fighting-erupts-taiwans-parliament-after-opposition-kmt  https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1302350/taiwan-news-protest-kuomintang-democratic-progressive-party-latest) 

Après de nombreuses échauffourées et des cris entre les législateurs du KMT et du DPP au parlement, le KMT s'est finalement retiré et a dénoncé
la violence utilisée par le parti au pouvoir DPP.

VICE 6-30-2020 listed some other chaos : in 2017,
les législateurs se jetaient des chaises les uns aux autres et combattaient les adversaires au sol dans un effort pour bloquer un projet de loi sur les dépenses d'infrastructure, en 2004, un parlementaire arrache le projet de loi en question et tente de le manger, mais les membres de l'opposition essayez de la forcer à cracher le document en lui tirant les cheveux. Lors d'un autre incident, au moins une personne a été hospitalisée, etc. selon une histoire pratique compilée par BBC UK.


SETN 7-2-2020: KMT law maker will bring a lawsuit against DPP law maker for neck strangling, an intentional fatal action
Formosa TV news, 7-2-2020: all KMT law makers' body are covered with wounded scares or bruises, scrapes
(ps: might be evidence to bring more criminal law-suits)


  pic. taken from the net

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DaQxo0RM4w    LTN 6-29-2020

https://news.tvbs.com.tw/politics/1346247    TVBS 6-29-2020

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojZ6YnvxAyY   Ettoday  6-28-2020

https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/3azae3/a-fight-broke-out-among-lawmakers-in-taiwans-parliament-again VICE 6-30-2020

https://news.abs-cbn.com/overseas/multimedia/photo/07/17/20/taiwan-lawmakers-scuffle-in-parliament    AFP 7-17-2020,  ABS-CBN News





                     caricature cartoon




◆  AFP, france24, 7-14-2020:    "We refuse the list of corrupt nominees... ", "Out of 27 nominees for Control Yuan members, 24 have close ties with the DPP,"
 statements by Taiwan main opposition, KMT

  rfi  France, 7-13-2020:  Taiwan parliament was seething ! KMT staged a show to encircle Control Yuan nominee Chen Chu
The Straits Times 7-14-2020:  Chen Chu: the opposition can only make smears and accusations, using irrational methods ...

Pic. left: Like
the tank man in the Tiananmen Square protests (1989), The Diplomat, 7-16-2020: some opposition lawmakers laid on a driveway to block vehicles
with Control Yuan nominees Chen Chu from entering the chamber Legislative Yuan  
pic. right:   caricature cartoon was used by KMT to mock Chen Chu.   Years ago famous artist Picasso had this sort of drawing to mock his 'councilman'








 New York Times, Reuters, 7-14-2020:  More fighting as Taiwan opposition again occupies parliament

◆   france24, 7-14-2020 (ref.) 
 Lawmakers from both sides scuffled with each other, one lawmaker (
Alex Fai) with ligament injury and bleeding like a stuck pig was sent to hospital , some others suffered minor injuries, one female lawmaker accused being sexual harassed during the chaos  (www.rfi.fr/tw/政治/20200714-國民黨議員值夜班鎮守立法院-天亮後何種場面引聚焦)
photo: Reuters,










TTV news  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyyzKU9RQhE




pic. upper:  BBC 6-29-2020,  (Chinese version) :

 Les législateurs du KMT (Parti nationaliste) ont occupé le parlement, exigeant que le président retire la nomination de Chen
(陳菊) en tant que présidente de Control Yuan parce que son équipe a 58 affaires à enquêter , 30 affaires à corriger, 3 mises en accusation en cours à Control Yuan
, lorsque Chen était maire de la ville de Kaohsiung. KMT doute qu'une fois que Chen prendra ses fonctions à Control Yuan, elle ne pourra peut-être pas prendre les mesures nécessaires pour inculper ces crimes

 !  https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-53220360;  https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20200629000901-260407?chdtv;https://udn.com/news/story/121440/4665776


◆  pic. lower:  DPP lawmakers lifted white board to protect themselves from water balloons thrown by KMT in chamber (7-17-2020)



pic. left: a police was attacked by neck strangling, another one was attacked by rope-around-neck in "Sun Flower" students movement, 2014
pic. right: students occupied parliament by 'violence', some students became law-makers now
police's forcing out is state violence ? according to UDN 10-31-2019, the Taipei courthouse judgment is political, and inconsistent




<Reporters Sans Frontières> (RSF, France, 16/05/2020) commente la polarisation politique «bleu-vert» malsaine de Taiwan entrave le journalisme dans son rôle de pouvoir d'équilibrage. Digital News Report (juin 2020) de l'Université d'Oxford (Royaume-Uni), Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism: Seulement 24% des Taiwanais font confiance aux nouvelles, ce qui reste l'un des plus bas de l'enquête d'Oxford. Taïwan's Apple Daily, éditorial, 6-16-2020: la politique taïwanaise intervient toujours ou se mêle encore des médias. Apple Daily, éditorial, 7-19-2020: des relations médias-politiques déformées et détériorées sont partout, ce qui nuit à la démocratie taïwanaise.



Ethics Ethique

De plus, l'éditorial du Liberty Times (7-21-2020) rapporte que seulement 2,3% des politiciens taïwanais sont dignes de confiance et ont une éthique professionnelle, selon un sondage réalisé il y a six mois, 56% des Taiwanais notent que les élus (législateurs, conseiller municipal, etc.) se soucient de leur propre intérêt, seuls 9,3% pensent qu'ils se soucient de «l'intérêt national». Washington Post (7-22-2020) rapporte: Dans un discours majeur en janvier 2019, Xi (président chinois) a offert un ultimatum à Taiwan pour qu'il se présente à la table pour des pourparlers d'unification ou pour faire face à l'annexion par la force. Puis, en mars, l'avion de combat de l'APL a traversé la "ligne médiane" du détroit de Taiwan qui a servi de "frontière de facto" (Newsweek, 8-11-2020) ou de "ligne de cessez-le-feu de facto" (Japan's asia nikkei review, 8-13-2020) pour la première fois depuis la fin de la guerre civile chinoise en 1949 (Newsweek, 8-12-2020). Cependant, le gouvernement taïwanais a été discret à propos de cet ultimatum, une question de vie ou de mort pour tout le monde, sinon le Tsai IW pro-indépendance pourrait ne pas continuer à exercer facilement ses fonctions présidentielles en janvier 2020, car, selon National Interest (6-16- 2020): plus de 60,3% des répondants se sont opposés à l'indépendance de Taiwan si elle est suivie de l'invasion militaire de la Chine ... Le gouvernement aime organiser un référendum mais ignore les résultats démocratiques tels que les problèmes de centrale à combustibles fossiles, utilisant le nucléaire pour nourrir les énergies renouvelables , mariage de même sexe. Les nominations de Pork Barrel pour offrir de riches avantages de patronage à ses propres hommes et la création de fausses opinions publiques par l'armée Internet ont également suscité de nombreuses critiques.



A "flawed democracy" country


Selon l'économiste EIU (Economist ,UK) Democracy Index '19 publié en 2020, Taiwan est un pays de «démocratie imparfaite», son score global n'est pas meilleur que celui des 5 années précédentes, le score de «culture politique» (5,63) est le même que celui de Libéria 、 Kenya 、 Cambodge 、 Myanmar, etc. le score de «participation politique» (6,11) est encore inférieur à celui du Kenya ou du Liban; mais le score «Processus électoral et pluralisme» et «Liberté civile» atteint 9.

  Economist EIU Democracy Index, released in 2020 Korea  Taiwan  Norway
Overall Score   8  7.73  9.87
Electoral  process and  pluralism  9.17 9.58  10
Political  participation        7.22   6.11  10
Political culture  7.5   5.63  10
Civil libertie    8.24      9.12       9.71
Functioning of government  7.86    8.21   9.64
rank 23 31 1
EIU: at a minimum, the fundamental features of a democracy include government based on majority rule and the consent of the governed; the existence of free and fair elections; the protection of minority rights; and respect for basic human rights. 


EIU Democracy Index
Overall Score  on recent yrs

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Korea   8   8   8   7.92 7.97
Taiwan  7.73 7.73 7.73  7.79 7.83



 No.1 "Taiwan democracy" on Microsoft Bing, 11-14-2020, 8-2-2020, 8-6-2020







CNBC 7-3-2020: Taiwan slams Hong Kong national security law!  However, Taiwan Yahoo News and Liberty Times  (7-8-2020) reported that KMT and former president Ma noted Taiwan's security laws (National Security 5 laws, Anti-infiltration Act) is about same as Hong Kong national security law ( https://talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1384937; tw.news.yahoo.com/港台-樣-國民黨-蔡英文國安五法-易陷人於罪-111255474.html; www.dw.com/zh/台湾国安五法修畢下一步防范外国代理人/a-49549462) , Taiwan's security law with vague definition can incriminate people easily.


Taiwan's practice has been worse and darker than HK security law's  "People suspected of breaking the law can be wire-tapped and put under surveillance" (BBC 6-30-2020: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-52765838)  !?    United Daily (9-19-2018): Taiwan's "secret police" (「東廠們」) were already active around us.  Apple Daily  (5-28-2018) , NTU professor 林鈺雄: We are on the route against EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR.   United Daily editorial, (3-31-2019) Taiwan Legislative Yuan (parliament) withdrew  "Staking Prevention Act."... (see Taiwanese privacy).   Apple Daily, editorial, 12-14-2019 : Since DPP took office in 2016,  political culture of authoritarianism (威權式政治文化) gradually showed up in Taiwan.    (https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20190329/38294369/)  United Daily, editorial, 6-23-2019: mega-data became politician's instrument to control public opinions, Taiwanese democracy falling back can't find a way out... (brief).  The China Times,  3-29-2019, headline news:  democracy in name only is not acceptable.   United Daily, opinion, 12-20-2017: Abusing power to invade citizen's rights, going old route of anti-democracy is their nature. etc.





Selon l'indice de perception de la démocratie du Danemark 2020 (DPI, Denmark's Democracy Perception Index ), la plus grande étude annuelle sur la démocratie, menée et publiée par  Dalia etc at 6-15-2020

Democracy Perception Index, released in 6-15-2020  Taiwan China Korea  Hong Kong Japan Singapore USA
My country is democratic 78% 73 75 37 46 65 49
Democracy is important 85% 84  85 64 60 80 73
% believe there is not enough democracy in their country 9% 10 7 45 23 21 36
interference from a foreign power will likely influence the results of their country 's next election 57 omitted 60 omitted 45 omitted omitted

Why do 78% Taiwanese believe Taiwan is a democratic country, 73% Chinese think their country is democratic, but only 49% American, 46% Japanese believe so?  there're many reasons, such as some people set higher or better standards, some are ignorant, etc ...






pic.: No.1 "Taiwan democracy" on Dogpile, 11-14-2020,  7-24-2020, 7-7-2020, 6-25-2020, 6-21-2020





pic.: The FBI (on seat) followed a Chicago mob into a restaurant, which resulted in FBI's loss in law-suit and a headline news. 




 United Daily editorial, (3-31-2019)

Le Yuan législatif de Taiwan (parlement) a abandonné la "Loi sur la prévention du piquetage" ... qui a au moins 60 ans de retard sur les États-Unis.
La police secrète de Taiwan n'a pas le courage d'admettre ses «crimes»

◆   Taïwan est un `` État policier '' depuis de nombreuses années, voir les reportages et opinions télévisées et d'actualité
Taiwan Yahoo News 7-8-2020: KMT and former president Ma noted Taiwan's security laws (National Security 5 laws, Anti-infiltration Act) is about same as Hong Kong national security law
 United Daily, 2-11-2-2018, headline news: "The Big Brother is Watching You" almost certainly leads to "chilling effect"  (「寒蟬效應」)

United Daily, opinion, 12-21-2017, 12-27-2017:  State violence and white terror (product of state violence) return in Taiwan.
SET(三立電視), 9-24-2013 "Secret agents govern the nation (特務治國)" www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBdZCdYrwF4;  Era TV,   年代電視, 9-22-2013; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1b4R2m6K3g; "Secret agent systems resurgence to control the nation (特務復辟治國)"; United Daily (9-19-2018): "secret police" (「東廠們」) were already active around us.










 Lots of banners are hanged on fence with lots of black X-shaped barbed iron wire,
 Taiwan parliament near Control Yuan to protest slow  judicial reform  ( photo at 7-14-2020 )
ps: sometimes you just can not do anything other than fights by "fist" or words to those unfair judgment by the court or prosecutor office

The Diplomat 7-16-2020: Taiwan president Tsai plans to make Chen Chu the first chief of a newly established human rights commission.
The Liberty Times 2-28-2020: Taiwan's transitional justice is far behind the schedule. 
 ( govt. should work on today's political persecution first of all, instead of those happened may up to 70 years ago ) 



Freedom and democracy are at surface level


EIU: Bien que les termes «liberté» et «démocratie» soient souvent utilisés de manière interchangeable, la démocratie peut être considérée comme un ensemble de pratiques et de principes qui institutionnalisent et, par conséquent, protègent la liberté. Taiwan est un pays de liberté et de démocratie à la surface. À l'extérieur, Taiwan se porte volontaire pour être un «outil» sous le contrôle profond des États-Unis dans la mesure où Taiwan ne peut pas rivaliser avec la Chine à la fois en termes de hard power et de soft power. Intérieurement, ―― Des médecins, des infirmières se plaignant de la pénurie de masques, des experts médicaux suggérant des tests généraux du virus Corona, tous ont donc été attaqués par l'armée Internet (United Daily, 30/06/2020, éditorial, Next TV news (壹 電視) 3- 10-2020). Le gouvernement taïwanais cache même au public des informations de base sur l'épidémie pour tout mettre en danger intentionnellement! (UDN 聯合 報, éditorial, 27/03/2020 https://udn.com/news/story/7338/4446968) Taiwan est-elle un pays libre d'expression ou démocratique? Taïwan's Apple Daily, éditorial, 29/03/2019: La démocratie et la liberté sont la ligne de fond, le parti au pouvoir ne devrait pas créer d'effet paralysant. 

2020 World Press Freedom Index,  RSF (Reporters without Borders)

Country /  Ranks  in recent yrs.

2020 2019 2018
Norway No. 1 No. 1 No. 1
Korea   No. 42   No. 41   No. 43 
Taiwan  No. 43  No. 42   No. 42 






pic.: No.1 "Taiwan democracy & freedom" on US Yahoo search, 11-14-2020,  7-22-2020





pic.: No.1 "Taiwan democracy" on Lycos,  11-14-2020,  7-24-2020, 6-25-2020,  6-21-2020No.1 "Taiwan democracy" on Excite,  11-14-2020,  7-24-2020,  6-25-2020, 6-21-2020  ( items above are ads )





pic.: No.1 "Taiwan democracy" on Yahoo,  11-14-2020,  7-26-2020,  6-28-2020, 6-25-2020, 6-21-2020











pic.: No.1 "Taiwan democracy" on Webcrawler,  11-14-2020,  7-24-2020,  6-25-2020, 6-21-2020





pic.: No.2 "Taiwan democracy" on QWANT (most well-known French search engine), 7-24-2020




views from international media


De nombreux Occidentaux ont continué à féliciter Taiwan pour la démocratie, mais certaines expressions (comme une démocratie modèle) étaient en quelque sorte des exagérations ou des rhapsodies. Taiwan mérite de devenir un havre de paix, mais ne mérite pas encore ce nom, un phare pour la démocratie et les droits de l’homme.
Selon Brooking.edu (brookings.edu/research/taiwans-democracy-and-the-china-challenge/), Taiwan est confrontée à un défi spécial et peut-être unique dans l'équilibre entre démocratie et sécurité (menaces de la RPC). L'activisme de la société civile reflète un désenchantement croissant dans certains milieux face à la performance des institutions représentatives. Le système politique de Taïwan reste assez bloqué et largement consommé par des divergences de longue date sur des questions nationales, telles que la manière de maintenir la compétitivité économique et de garantir l'équité, de mettre fin à la dépendance à l'énergie nucléaire, etc. Les dirigeants politiques ont été incapables (ou ont refusé) de formuler les choix difficiles entourant le défi chinois de Taiwan, et encore moins de faire ces choix ou de les présenter au public.

Japan Times (https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/03/02/commentary/world-commentary/democratic-taiwan-outperformed-authoritarian-china/#.Xtw1MFUzaUk) at 3-2-2020 commente que Taiwan démocratique a surpassé la Chine autoritaire parce que ce n'est que lorsque nous assurons la libre circulation de l'information dans une démocratie que nous pouvons construire une société saine, Taiwan prouve que la stratégie démocratique réussit à freiner la propagation du COVID-19. Cependant, New York Post 25/04/2020: Taiwan traite CovID-19 avec "beaucoup plus autoritaire.", "Presque tout le monde est suivi.". Gouvernement taïwanais. a répondu le 28/04/2020 que les Taïwanais souhaitaient coopérer avec notre politique. Mais la vérité est que le "Big Brother" de Taiwan s'est déjà faufilé dans de nombreuses familles au nom de la prévention des épidémies, par une injonction violant la loi sur la responsabilité délictuelle et dominatrice sur la Constitution (凌駕憲法的侵權禁令), sans avoir remarqué tous les ressortissants, selon United Daily , éditorial du 5-7-2020. L'ironie est qu'après la levée du verrouillage du coronavirus, le Japon ne fait pas confiance à la prévention des épidémies de Taiwan et n'a pas mis Taïwan sur sa liste de bienvenue.De plus, Taiwan "démocratique" a été exclue de la liste de l'UE des pays "sûrs", la Chine "autoritaire" l'a été. inclus (1er juillet '20). Le China Times, éditorial (6-6-2020, 6-25-2020) a analysé une des raisons principales est que Taiwan rejette les tests de masse, même les tests à petite échelle, le nombre de tests par million de personnes est de 3000+, classé n ° 138 mondial , à peu près au même niveau que celui des pays africains, même le Luanda africain a testé le double de Taiwan. Apple Daily 7-8-2020: l'expert Ho (何美鄉) a mis en garde de nombreuses personnes infectées sans symptôme à Taiwan. Par conséquent, cette libre circulation des informations peut être suspecte et peut mettre en danger les peuples du monde. United Daily, opinion, 7-16-2020: Taiwan adopte une stratégie «d'autruche» pour conserver un bon bilan CovID-19. Éditorial UDN 6-30-2020: Certains experts suggérant des tests généraux ont été attaqués par l'armée Internet (force noire à Taiwan) pour cette raison. New York Times, 4-21-2020: Un article largement cité estime que 44% des nouvelles infections sont le résultat d'une transmission par des personnes qui ne présentent pas encore de symptômes Selon Anthony Fauci, directeur de l'Institut national des allergies et des maladies infectieuses, États-Unis, «quelque part entre 25% et 50%» des personnes infectées par le nouveau coronavirus peuvent ne jamais présenter de symptômes ou tomber malades - mais peuvent quand même transmettre la maladie à d'autres (4-15-2020, Business Insider).  

Bill Gates dans le New England Journal of Medicine: La prévalence de la transmission asymptomatique n'est pas de bon augure pour les efforts de confinement mondiaux.

Il y a d'autres compliments pleins de la part des médias occidentaux, par exemple: «L'île a une solide réputation en matière de droits de l'homme et un système judiciaire qui fonctionne bien ... pour placer Taiwan en contraste frappant avec la Chine continentale». Mais selon l'enquête de l'université nationale Chung Cheng, 80,9% des Taiwanais ne font pas confiance au système juridique (CTS TV news, 7-10-2019), USA Country Reports on Human Rights Practices au 3-13-2019 et 4-20-2018 Taiwan's justice les deux. a critiqué le fait que le ministère de la Justice de Taiwan n'était pas suffisamment indépendant et a mené des enquêtes à motivation politique sur des politiciens. En outre, les Taïwanais ont souffert de la cyberintimidation de l'armée de l'Internet, de la suppression de la liberté d'expression et des persécutions de la machine d'État, etc. pouvoir, la liberté d'expression taïwanaise a été supprimée et limitée par l'administration et le système judiciaire à tous les niveaux, ... quant à la culture politique de Taiwan - seuls les partisans, la position et l'idéologie comptent  cyber bullying, free expression, state machine's persecutions.


En outre, les voix et les choix démocratiques des électeurs taïwanais ont continué à changer, voire inversés, les gens peuvent être pratiques mais manque de rationalisation (éditorial <Apple Daily>, 22-10-2019, <United Daily>, manchettes, 9-3-2009) ou le manque de connaissance complète des sujets, par exemple, l'Institut allemand des affaires internationales et de sécurité 2-7-2020, et ABC Radio National, Australie, ont rapporté le 27/02/2020 que "la (la Chine) la manière dont les manifestants ont été traités à Hong Kong a mis les électeurs taïwanais mal à l'aise ... »(a finalement conduit à la victoire écrasante du président Tsai en 2020), mais les Taïwanais connaissaient déjà le poids lourd (de la Chine) sur la place Tiananmen, ou ne savaient rien sur 13 étudiants à l'Université de Kent, des «soldats» américains ont tiré des protestations ... New York Times, 6-6-2020: les électeurs d'aujourd'hui à Taiwan Un maire pro-chinois (égal au gouverneur américain) reflète un durcissement de l'attitude de Taiwan envers la Chine; Cependant, le Washington Post, 1-2-2017 a souligné que 83 pour cent des Taiwanais ont choisi le pain (lien économique avec la Chine) plutôt que la romance (indépendance); un autre sondage en juin 2018 a montré que la Chine avait une note plus favorable que défavorable à Taiwan ...



Democratic voices & choices kept changing, even reversed

New York Times, 5-12-2020,
Pew Research Center
52% support closer economic ties with China, only 36% favor closer political ties. (ps: China Times, editorial, 6-13-2020: 41.5% exports from Taiwan to China, 14.5% to the US.)  
New York Times,  1-19-2019 Most of Taiwan's 23 million people are in favor of maintaining the island's de facto independence without taking any formal moves that might bring a military response from China  
L.A. Times, 8-1-2019 opinion surveys conducted by the Taiwanese government that show more than 80% of islanders prefer autonomy.  
Washington Post,   1-2-2017 Taiwanese are not willing to pursue independence at all costs. Many are concerned with the economy. When asked to choose between formal independence or maintaining economic ties with China, 83 percent chose bread over romance.  
Liberty Times, Apple Daily, China Times, 6-18-2018, FocusTaiwan 6-17-2018 China has higher favorable than unfavorable rating in Taiwan: poll  /  A survey conducted by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation (台灣民意基金會)  found China with a 48.8 percent favorability rating among respondents and a 43.9 percent unfavorability rating, the first time a majority of respondents in the annual poll saw China favorably.  
Apple Daily (Taiwan), opinion, 10-11-2017 Only 5- % Taiwanese favour independence or unification, about 70% in total are for conditional independence and conditional unification.  
National Interest, 6-16-2020 even when support for the independence movement is highest in history now, “maintaining the status quo forever” and “decide later” still has over 50 percent of the support among the public. Another survey results also showed that the public understands that the status quo is a choice of convenience, in which more than 60.3 percent of the respondents opposed Taiwan's independence if it is followed by China’s military invasion... https://nationalinterest.org/feature/why-taiwan-continues-fear-chinese-invasion-162879  

Most Taiwanese really are on the side of formal independence?  it depends.
The LOWY Institute (Australia) , The Interpreter , 6-16-2020 :  treating Taiwan as a conduit to frustrate Beijing imperils Taiwan’s security ...

Tamkang University Int'l Relation & Diplomacy honorable professor Chen ( 陳一新) made comment in the China Times (6-11-2020) :  party organs ( internet army )  were fanning the flame of  China- hatred  (「仇中」) 、anti-China (「反中」) ...   https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200611004964-262105?chdtv 

◆  United Daily (6-12-2020) criticized that the government deliberately inflamed the public mind to hate China, and make TW-Chn relatioship to go the road of No Return  udn.com/news/story/7339/4630282?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2











PS: This article is written by Google translation



New York Times, 1-10-2020: Scholars say that Taiwan has been the target of a Russian-style social media disinformation campaign by China, designed to exploit social divisions and undermine democracy.  A study by the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden found that Taiwan was the territory most exposed to foreign disinformation, based on weighted ratings by experts. 

Brooking.edu (brookings.edu/research/taiwans-democracy-and-the-china-challenge/)

Since 1996 the democratic transition was completed in 1996, there have been three transfers of power between the KMT and the DPP.


German Institute for Intl and Security Affairs,  2 -7-2020  www.swp-berlin.org/10.18449/2020C07/
      Taiwan’s Threatened Democracy Stays on Course  /  Fear of China’s Dictatorship Pushes Taiwan’s President to a Landslide Victory

       the People’s Republic will continue to try to infiltrate Taiwan’s democracy ...

  Wall Street Journal,   Jan 24, 2020   www.wsj.com/articles/taiwans-democracy-is-thriving-and-needs-support-11579902281  

      Taiwan’s voters have spoken. They cannot give up on their freedom and democracy, and the international community’s support is all the more important  ...

★  Washington Post  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/theworldpost/wp/2018/10/05/taiwan/
         Taiwan is revolutionizing democracy  10-5-2018
         TAIPEI — Compared to the established democracies of the West, Taiwan's is still in its infancy ...

★  White House 10-24-2019 we've stood by Taiwan in defense of her hard-won freedoms...  recognized Taiwan’s place as one of the world’s great trading economies and beacons of Chinese culture and democracy... while our administration will continue to respect the One China Policy — as reflected in the three joint communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act — through checkbook diplomacy, over the past year China has induced two more nations to switch diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing, increasing pressure on the democracy in Taiwan...  America will always believe that Taiwan’s embrace of democracy shows a better path for all the Chinese people.  ( https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-vice-president-pence-frederic-v-malek-memorial-lecture/)

★  Washington Examiner  10-4-2018: Pence: China should follow Taiwan’s lead to democracy /  [China’s] Communist Party insists that Confucian cultures, with their high regard for social hierarchy and top-down authority, are inherently unsuited to liberal democracy,”   https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/pence-china-should-follow-taiwans-lead-to-democracy)

★  Le Monde, France, 6-4-2020   "Taïwan déterre les crimes de la dictature de Tchang Kaï-chek"


 il s’agit pour la démocratie taïwanaise de creuser l’écart, d’un point de vue moral, avec une Chine continentale engluée dans l’autoritarisme...
(KMT), l’ex-parti unique, qui se posait en défenseur de la démocratie mais se préoccupait avant tout de veiller au grain.   
( ps: President Tsai should works on not only transitional justice - political violence in early years, but also today's political persecutions)

★  Copenhagen Democracy Summit  /   Taiwan President Tsai via video
Democracy is in our DNA. It is what makes us Taiwanese. To forfeit our freedom would be to forfeit the foundation of our nation ... democratic Taiwan—with its respect for the rule of law, human rights, and intellectual property, its talented workforce, and its strong and trustworthy track record in high-tech industries—welcomes your investment.   
(ps: China preparing for 'military struggle' as Taiwan row intensifies Express UK, 6-17-2020   ps2:  Taiwan's justice     ps3: Taiwanese human rights )

   CGTN 6-22-2020:  China's  the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council commented on Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's recent video speech at the "2020 Copenhagen Democracy Summit," calling it another "political manipulation" under the banner of "democracy."   " ...(the use of force ) is targeted at the interference by external forces and a very small number of separatists and their secessionist activities"。https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-06-22/Mainland-calls-for-cross-Strait-unity-against-Taiwan-independence--RxbHik9L5m/index.html 

★  The China Times (中時社論), editorial, 6-20-2020, "The deep black hole of DPP's power and corruption" :  Democratic Progress Party (DPP)'s goal was knocking down KMT's authoritarian system, but till now, after having transferred the power for 3 times, DPP looks more and more like the way KMT was   excessive centralization of powers, connecting politics, legal field、 business、 media、 and internet circle all together, their political handling is even more new & high, hardly meet balance of powers, hence Taiwan's democracy is in crisis 。Besides, The men in power have tendency to freely allocate resources to their own men or same faction people。... The deep black hole greedily, unrestrainedly  and recklessly sucks resources and damages the foundation of Taiwan's democracy,  without challenge and balance from oppositions etc


★  The China Times (中時社論), editorial, 7-22-2020:  Full governance is by no means a crime or sin.  Only single-party dominance with suppression and without checks & balances, and supervision is a ground for corruption. (1) The stronger the power, the more the resources, the oversight boards might turn a blind eye to many aspects of supervision for coveting or expecting rewards   (2) The inertia of those in power only wants to maintain the status quo.
It is extremely difficult for politicians in power to resist corruption by self-discipline.  This is the essence of the separation of powers in democratic countries.
  (brief) https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200721004729-262101?chdtv

The Liberty Times, editorial 7-22-2020  ( 自由時報  社論, 台灣民主進步了嗎  )
Is our democracy civilized?

      The DPP reiterated slogans such as "integrity & honest " , which may mean "not to forget their motive in the first place".   However, political slogans can be shouted as  a  magnificent beauty,  the reality, in practice, inevitably  has many problems to be tested,  factions issue is one of them.  The DPP passed the "dissolution of factions" case at the party conference in 2006, but fourteen years later, the party is still known for its factions, and the ugly performances between factions often shocking us.
      Other issues such as the judicial reform  as well as the Control Yuan system and personnel cases.  The ruling party must communicate with the opposition and the society  important and obvious reasons, and must avoid the arrogance of power which a stepping stone to rottenness.    (brief)   talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1387735

★  Apple Daily (蘋果日報)  7-24-2020:     

         The problem lies not only on corruption, but also "blindness" and "deafness."  The arrogance of power neither want to hear bit 'offensive' but sincere advice from the people, nor see the needs of the people.  The authority thinks they represent all the people's opinions.   (brief)  趙少康傳真  tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200724/OT4WVP4GMH7X2RXUSO3OPYJBAI/ 

★  United Daily (聯合報), 7 -25-2020: 

         The corruption of the DPP is certainly the inevitable secularization of the party, but the majority of people tolerate the DPP is also the key reason.
         Take the corruption of legislative power as an example.  The Sunflower Student Movement was caused by the KMT legislators abusing their power.  However, in today's parliament, the Sunflower Movement lawmakers and the Wild Lily generation lawmakers not only have ignored the ruling party DPP's abuse of power, but also acted evilly in collusion with DPP
/    王健壯, visiting professor of Shih Hsin University / 全面執政而不腐化是神話 

★  Sunflower movement marked a major milestone on Taiwan’s road to civil disobedience
The Diplomat, 8-16-2019: The cross-fertilization of social movements has played a crucial role among activists from Hong Kong and Taiwan, especially among an entire generation influenced by the twin movements of 2014 — Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement and Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution.  (  https://thediplomat.com/2019/08/taiwans-silk-road-of-democracy/ )
          New York Times, 10-15-2019: On March 18, 2014, hundreds of young activists, most of them college students, occupied Taiwan’s legislature to express their profound opposition to a new trade pact with Beijing then under consideration, as well as the secretive manner in which it was being pushed through Parliament by the Kuomintang, the ruling party.   the Sunflower Movement protesters demanded that the pact be scrapped and that the government institute a more transparent ratification process. (

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/15/opinion/taiwan-digital-democracy.html By Audrey Tang)
           The Diplomat, April 2020 : Taiwan High Court Overturns Acquittals, Finds Sunflower Movement Protesters Guilty /  The High Court’s decision to overturn not guilty verdicts for seven protesters who stormed the Executive Yuan led to outrage from civil society figures.  ( thediplomat.com/2020/04/taiwan-high-court-overturns-acquittals-finds-sunflower-movement-protesters-guilty/  )
           Taipei Times, 5-27-2020: The 2014 Sunflower movement marked a major milestone on Taiwan’s road to civil disobedience; it is the duty of conscientious citizens to protest unjust government actions by openly breaking the law to achieve a higher moral aim, while at the same time being willing to face the consequences.
In a constitutional democracy, citizens are endowed with the inherent right of civil resistance, because the state is given sovereign power by the people based on the principle of popular sovereignty.
Citizens are entitled to engage in civil disobedience if a democratic government chooses not to play by the constitutional rules.  In 2014, then-president Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration, without complying with democratic rules, intended to arbitrarily finish the legislative process of the Cross-Strait Service and Trade Agreement (CSSTA).         
Yet on April 28, the High Court, overturning a lower court’s not-guilty verdict, denied that civil disobedience was applicable and found seven Sunflower movement figures guilty of inciting people to storm the Executive Yuan on March 23, 2014.  (  https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2020/05/27/2003737099  5-27-2020;   https://hongkongfp.com/2018/03/13/taiwan-high-court-upholds-acquittal-sunflower-activists/  )
           ◆  United Daily (Taiwan) , 4-28-2020: The Sunflower movement 魏揚 is guilty.  (   https://udn.com/news/story/121084/4524163  )
  Japan《日本経済新聞》(The Nihon Keizai Shimbun) , 5-21-2020, editorial:  "外界應再度注視台灣民主政治的價值"。( ref. to 蘋果日報,  5-22-2020 )
       Taiwan's democracy based on free election is 25 years old.  The opposition party plays an important role for Taiwan to keep its democratic politics running well, sincerely hope the Nationalist (KMT) should reflect on itself and be strong again in the field ( https://tw.appledaily.com/international/20200522/46DUCW47GH3JHOZ32U5N255BPI/ )
          Taiwan's Apple Daily, editorial, 6-10-2020 :  Taiwan's democracy is in big crisis if the ruling party has solid power and has been "dividing the spoils" by factions (派系分贓), without the mutual power control by a healthy and strong opposition party.   Taiwan's democracy is not perfect, and is hard to make progress ... Taiwanese people are obviously depressed and have nothing they can do about it.   The solution for Taiwan's democracy is : have politicians' heart in the right place  -  not to be a greedy pig !   ( tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200610/57JG3H2B2TITZXPBZBVEE7UBKI/)

 Washington Monthly, 3-11-2020, "The Anomaly of Taiwanese Democracy"   https://washingtonmonthly.com/2020/03/11/the-anomaly-of-taiwanese-democracy/

       (China's) intimidation tactics appear to have backfired by souring public opinion towards Beijing. China also did itself no favors with its response to protests in Hong Kong, which Tsai and her DPP colleagues used as a powerful cautionary tale. Tsai won the largest victory of any presidential candidate in the history of the island.   But another crucial factor in Taiwan’s defiance was the United States, which has provided Taiwan’s government with arms and for decades sought to deter Chinese aggression against the island. This has created a degree of reassurance for Taipei in the face of China’s overwhelming military dominance.  (ps:  After nearly twenty years of exhausting and pointless war in the Middle East and Afghanistan, it’s not wrong to ask whether the American public is ready to involve itself in yet another overseas conflict predicated on strategic reasoning that is largely irrelevant to the major challenges facing the United States today.)

 Australia's  ABC Radio National, 27 February 2020  www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-27/taiwan-independent-nation-democracy-in-shadow-of-china/11981540

       It's a vibrant democracy... a record 57 per cent of the electorate voting overwhelmingly for Tsai Ing-wen's ...
Beijing has long talked about forcing Taiwan to become part of China under a Hong Kong-style "one country, two systems" arrangement, but the heavy-handed way in which protesters were dealt with in Hong Kong made Taiwanese voters uneasy ...

       (2) "The KMT ( widely seen by analysts as being far more pro-Beijing ) must convince the general public that it only engages the mainland for the purposes of creating peace, and that it would never sell out Taiwan,"

★  The China Times,  6-23-2020  https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200622004443-262105?chdtv
         A survey by KMT (Nationalist Party) think tank (國民黨智庫) found 13.7% Taiwanese favor KMT, 32.9% for DPP,  KMT does not have enough balance of powers.   (親綠智庫最新民調顯示,小英施政滿意度贊成者61%、不贊成者33%,和5月相比贊成者下降10.5%、不贊成者暴增16.3%;政黨支持度民進黨雖最高,但也下滑13.6%,降至28.2%,國民黨支持者增加2%,達16.2%,和民進黨差距仍顯著,  民眾仍不希望一黨獨大 。)  /  中國文化大學廣告學系專任教授兼系主任

 <Foerign Policy> 2015: Taiwanese politics belong to the mega-corporations (not the people), and are controlled by politicians.  

      Apple Daily, editorial, 12-14-2019: Taiwan gov. shows authoritarianism political culture, ignoring and being hostile to those critics.  Apple Daily, editorial, 12-7-2019:  in this bad election morality age, Taiwan president becomes a low threshold, min. qualification criteria position, and a laughingstock. 

 <United Daily 聯合報> (Taiwan), 1-8-2020 editorial: The ruling party gradually normalizes (make it a routine work) 『cyber assassination (網路暗殺)』,  even Taiwanese army, police, national security systems (國安軍警體系) have to participate in "internet army" to infiltrate in internet communities and to monitor public opinions (brief). <聯合報> 1-6-2020 : internet army/Cyber force ('楊蕙如們') still have been doing media-framing by fake messages, getting along with the authorities to do all kinds of cyber-bullying, verbal-bullying ... trying to make a white by lots of blacks, to damage judicial systems, democracy, and to degrade our social morality ... (brief / 聯合筆記陳言喬)

★   <United Daily 聯合報> (Taiwan), 6-10-2020, editorial:  Voters in Taiwan ousting a Pro-China Mayor is a victory by DDP on surface, but the state machine (「國家隊」) getting handsy with the matter sacrifices democratic system of organization as well as administative neutrality.

★  United Daily 聯合報 (Taiwan) editorial 1-11-2020   / 庶民起義:在台灣民主與倒退的分水嶺  ( https://udn.com/news/story/7338/4280658 )

The govt. repeatedly violated human rights, harmed democracy, and damaged constitutionalism, from bad to worse。 For instance, the adm. units were used as instrument by the ruling party DPP to attack its political opponents and to break administative neutrality 。Since the 'secret police' are everywhere, lots of ordinary people were reported by police for trivial matters,  National Taiwan University president elected failed to take office, business-men were afraid to be tagged with unfair label, more seriously, the president gave order to law-makers to pass specific national-security law, the Control Yuan members publicly threatened law-officers' freie Beweiswürdigung ...,all these endanger Taiwan's democracy and freedom.
1. a chief of internet army (楊蕙如) was charged and was found her connection with pan-green coalition ... DPP not only refused to admit its mistake but also let internet army members have their own way to attack some other targets.
2. the govt. encouraged policemen to report nationals' posts on the net, and to enter citizens' house for further understanding related details ... harsh government damaged freedom of speech.
3. The Legislative Yuan passing 《Anti-infiltration Act》 violated Procedural Justice, and spread "Green-terror" net against targets.
4. 林靜儀's saying:  any national advocating unification with China us committed  the crime of treason, leaks Pan-Green coalition's secret, furthermore, the new national security law possibly makes anyone to be a criminal. (brief)

 United Daily 聯合報, editorial  1-21-2020 / No covering authoritarianism by sovereignty No suffocating Taiwan's democracy   ( https://udn.com/news/story/7338/4301790  )
         It's ironic to Taiwan's democracy : Spreading the feeling of subjugating our country shifts focus from the govt. hollowing out democracy, and slowness of the economy, broken social security net. (brief)

 Apple Daily,(Taiwan)  3-29-2019 editorial:藍綠白都不可失守的底線   ( https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20190329/38294369/ )
       Democracy and freedom, pluralism are Taiwan's core value and strong instrument for Taiwan's security and development.
       KMT dealing with CCP should base on Taiwanese interest to maintain stability of Taiwan strait.  DPP should trust people's judgment and self-defense mechanism of the system of Taiwan's democracy and freedom
the public power should do things (maintain freedom of speech, press freedom, parties' competitions ) in moderation, the authority should not fish in troubled  water and create chilling effect to repress dissidents, otherwise pose a grave threat to prospect of Taiwan's democracy and freedom。 (brief)


The China Times,中時社論 (Taiwan) editorial 6-5-2020  ( https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200604004931-262101?chdtv )

Taiwan has more TV news channels than most other countries, but Taiwan's media environment worsens, particularly, in recent years media were often managed and controlled by political power. NCC, a weirdo institution rarely seen in democratic countries is the main trouble-maker.
Basically, NCC has two measures to deal with those govt.-unfriendly and hostile-forces news stations, one is giving penalty fine, another is giving them a hard time to review and approve review Permit Application, or even cancel their license, CTI (中天) and TVBS are two victims because NCC taking double standards they ignored 年代TV station's misleading headline : Taipei mayor's wife had affair by word-play (「柯妻紅杏出牆之戰?因酸阿中」、「啥,佩琪嗆離婚?紅杏?」)
Furthermore, NCC illegally put aside or put off TV's internal affairs such as the news position of TVBS Chairman of the Board、CTI director and warden (
越權,連媒體內部事務,也插手 ), most public opinions still have no idea about NCC speeding up to Infringe the hope of Taiwan's democracy。(brief)

<United Daily 聯合報> editorial, 12-6-2018:  Taiwan democracy in name only。    <UDN 聯合報> editorial, 3-7-2017:  It's difficult for Taiwan to keep skin-depth democracy ...  the people's "livelihood" was sacrificed for politics ... <United Daily News>, editorial opinion, 6-23-2019The operation of democracy usually strays off most public-opinions,  ... fail to solve the adverse situation of reversing democracy;.. (brief)<United Daily 聯合報> 10-20-2019: politics override the judiciary <Liberty Times 自由時報> headline news<China Times> headline news, 12-8-2018: people are angry about slow judicial reform ;  <United Daily > headline news,  06-18-2016: prosecutors often follow orders to conclude cases ( "檢察")

★  South China Morning Post: Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) won the first democratic presidential poll in 1996. But with Lee's ' Mr Democracy' image tainted by allegations of corruption, the DPP ended five decades of KMT rule in the election of 2000. This was a turning point for Taiwan's democratisation. 'It was the first transition of power in Taiwan, and notably conducted in a peaceful way...But the DPP's rule lasted for only eight years, with president Chen Shui-bian bowing out at the end of his second term after he was implicated in a series of corruption scandals which subsequently landed him in prison.. Next president Ma Ying-jeou took policy 'No unification, no independence and no use of force,' ...  read TW's democracy history:  https://www.scmp.com/article/981433/why-taiwan-ended-one-party-rule-and-embraced-democracy

  <Transparency International>, 1-29-2019: Taiwan has stagnated in the Corruption Perspective Index rankings since 2011 with its score 61~63 (dropped 2 spots this year), in contrast, South Korea improved by 3 points in 2017.)   In platform presentation at 12-25-2019, Nationalist Party Presidential candidate Han criticized President Tsai has allowed top officials around grow very corrupt, Tsai refuted KMT was more serious, People First Party candidate Song said that speaking of corruption and unfair judiciary, KMT and DPP are about the same.  Apple Daily (12-7-2018) editorial :  Taiwan's corruption is off the charts by collusions between government officials and business owners,  furthermore, Taiwan's underworld going wild to assist government officials, business and some elected representatives (e.g., legislators) in corruption has been ahead of most corrupt countries, e.g., China, Indonesia, Brazil, Philippines, Vietnam, the stinky rotten food-chain crossing pan-Blue (Nationalist, KMT) and pan-Green (DPP) resurges after Taiwan's elections...( https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20181207/38199252/) ;  Liberty Times, 1-12-2020, editorial: The administration's rottenness (腐壞氣息) smells already....   (brief)

Transparency org.     "Have you paid a bribe in '13 ?"


Ranks   percentage of people paid a bribe
Taiwan  No. 68 36% paid a bribe
Korea   No. 7  3% paid a bribe
Japan No. 4 1% paid a bribe
Transparency org.    Asia-pacific 2017,   "Has corruption increased recently ?",   26% Taiwanese:  YES !

USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  3-11-2020 Some political commentators and academics,  publicly questioned the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high profile, politically sensitive cases.  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, 3-13-2019:  justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians.  <UDN 聯合報> The government abusing the law has resulted in people's losing trust on law-enforcement.

★  CTN (中國時報, Taiwan ) ,3-29-2019,  headline news : No "flaunting the democracy banner to oppose the democracy"  ...  

 The China Timeseditorial,(Taiwan) 1-11-2020 , 莫讓台灣民主登上屍速列車  (  https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200111004051-262101?chdtv  )

democratic politics are down falling and dying!
From today on, the internet army of pan-green coalition are everywhere, and will be more cocky for being escorted by Green power。 If anyone who criticizes the govt., opposes Taiwan independence,  disagrees riling China (「抗中」「嗆中」),will be watching by the intelligence and internet army 。
From today on, the authority masters 90% of media、99% internet army (other politicians founded internet army too) Separation of powers (三權分立)Judicial independence、social supervision (社會監督) might be gradually nibbled by the authority.  Police, prosecutors, judges, media ... might be led by the ruling party。 Justices of the Supreme Court 、Control Yuan members ( oversight board ) might all join pan-green coalition ...。 《Anti-infiltration Act》 can be a good tool for the authority to repress dissidents, and suppress media。 (brief)

United Daily, editorial 1-8-2020, <UDN> editorial (聯合報社論) 11-14-2019/Taiwan's democracy turns into grave full of greedy politicians 。 (民主設計的良意,如今變成私欲墳場 https://udn.com/news/story/11321/4163629



RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres>, France, (Christophe Deloire, Secretary General ) , LTN, 5-16-2020,  Reporters Without Borders (RSF, Cedric Alviani ),  Taipei Times, 12-17-2019
It is no secret that the Taiwanese media sector is plagued by sensationalism, undeclared advertising and an unhealthy “blue-green” political polarization that hinders journalism in its role as a balancing power, stirring public distrust. It is not that Taiwan lacks competent journalists, but most of them have to work under undue pressure and cannot count on legal protection against requests from their management that would go against journalistic ethics... Taiwanese government always took "press freedom" as an excuse to ignore them.
   Five measures to reinforce Taiwan’s media:
1) establish regulations that effectively protect the independence of editorial departments from their employers and boards of directors
2) create in law a “duty of care” that would oblige online platforms to protect both users’ freedom of speech, and safety in regards to hate speech and manipulation
3) upscale the amount of financial resources allocated to public media outlets
4) support the emergence of new media outlets that aim to uphold journalistic ethics, through economic and fiscal incentives following a similar model to start-up development
5) emphasize critical thinking and media literacy in academic curricula and public education actions


New York Times,  12-3-2019:  Social media platforms are another key battleground (Chn-TW): Nearly 90 percent of Taiwan’s population is active on them, and traditional news outlets have been known to republish fake posts without fact-checking. According to Reuters, Chinese government agencies have paid Taiwanese news outlets to publish pro-Beijing content.

New York Times, 1-10-2020: Scholars say that Taiwan has been the target of a Russian-style social media disinformation campaign by China, designed to exploit social divisions and undermine democracy.  A study by the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden found that Taiwan was the territory most exposed to foreign disinformation, based on weighted ratings by experts.     <United daily 聯合報> 1-8-2020 editorial: The ruling party gradually normalizes (make it a routine work) 『cyber assassination (網路暗殺)』,  even Taiwanese army, police, national security systems (國安軍警體系) have to participate in "cyber warrior" to infiltrate in internet communities to monitor public opinions (brief).   <United Daily 聯合報> 1-6-2020 : Cyber force ('楊蕙如們') still are doing media-framing by fake messages, getting along with the authorities to do all kinds of cyber-bully, verbal-bully ... trying to make a white by lots of blacks, damage judicial systems, democracy, and degrade nice social morality ... (brief / 聯合筆記陳言喬)   <United Daily> headline news, 1-8-2020 :  KMT presidential candidate Han: The chief of cyber troops is Taiwan president.   

  China Times, editorial <中時社論> ,    3-9-2020

         The gov. suppressed freedom of speech by 4 layers:
Political power forms threats (penalty fine and suspending the license) to certain media
Secretly bullying by internet army (網軍暗器霸凌),the victims found no evidences to fight back
Buying internet celebrities, polls, and personality to lead the public opinions (風向)
Operating fake news to mix wrong and rightness, the government defines the fake news。  (brief)

USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, 3-11-2020

Concerns about censorship were limited to efforts by the authorities in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to censor Taiwan media outlets based on the business interests of their parent companies in the PRC.
In May senior PRC officials used the fourth Beijing-Taiwan Media Forum to call on Taiwan media outlets to shape their coverage to promote PRC political priorities.
PRC authorities reinforced corporate pressure on media by using access denial to punish Taiwan media outlets whose coverage they deemed to be insufficiently consistent with PRC policies.
Journalists said they faced pressure from management to submit news stories to complement or support the content of paid advertisements. Critics said product placement under the guise of news reporting undercut objective journalism, restricted journalists’ freedom, and undermined public trust in the media.

Next TV news (壹電視) 3-10-2020, <年代向錢看>: President of Taiwan Nurse Organization (護理師工會理事長): The freedom of speech was limited/restricted (言論自由被限制 !!)   Some nurses complained on the net that only one piece of face mask per day, then the cyber-force ( usually regarded as government-related ) came and attacked them "quit your job if not happy about that" ("不爽不要做!"), besides, some MDs did not hand in free face masks distributed by organization to nurses, those N95 masks the medical center gave were too large or too small, not safe ! etc.

United Daily (聯合報), 2-5-2020: The cyber force ( to protect the government ) went everywhere to investigate and attack all complaints concerning no place to buy face masks (brief)

<United Daily > opinion "外交部長不可網民化", 4-11-2020 : Taiwan let cyber-force (netizens) attack WHO chief unchecked or without interfere, eventually probably fail to enter WHO. (放任網民向譚德塞發動攻擊,最後結果可能事與願違。)...  Taiwanese netizens used hate-speech to attack WHO chief, e.g., Nigger、死黑鬼;or "China pig"(「中國豬」), "Beijing Dog" (「北京狗」) on Wiki ...。https://udn.com/news/story/7338/4483673?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

The China Times, 4-9-2020 editorial

中時社論》台灣的網路霸凌揚威國際  ( Cyber Bullying from Taiwan came out top in international )

The phenomenon of cyber bullying in Taiwan is very serious, a huge number of cyber worriers (netizens) run wild against law and reason, ...They have two powerful weapons -  (1) violent language (2) fake news.   a netizen related to the ruling party (DPP) used these two weapons to successfully force an excellent Taiwanese diplomat in Japan to kill himself not long ago.  After Presidential election, the cyber force even attacked international people, therefore became vanguard for Taiwanese government, the latest case is personal attacks WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, ... Taiwan's officials, cyber force, and pan-Green media worked together to do personal attacks and cyber bullying, showing their true color and ugly face to the entire world. (台灣官方、網軍、親綠媒體聯手攻擊,完全超越理性討論問題的範疇,淪為人身攻擊與網絡霸凌,真的是「讓世界看到台灣」)   Taiwan cyber-bullying

 RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (France ) , 12-16-2019, <無 疆界記者致總統候選人的公開信>


pic.: part of the article
"an open letter to Taiwan's presidential election


Apple Daily (蘋果日報) 12-16-2019,  brief


Taiwan media have been polluted by sensual and embedded advertising
 ( fake news on the surface, ads. to the bone) for long run, furthermore, political power pan-blue and pan-green polarize the media field and
impede the check-and-balance system, some media workers can not expect legal protection while
 facing their boss's orders violating press ethics


For full text pls. read Apple Daily


  by Cedrie Alviani , RSF president of Taiwan branch (台灣分會理事長)


Washington Post ,  opinions,  3-28-2019

       "The United States must help Taiwan resist Chinese dominance"
      Pro-Beijing interests have bought up a huge portion of Taiwanese media and coordinate with Beijing to spread propaganda and fake news and manipulate social media. ...

      here in Taiwan, it’s China that dominates every discussion. Beijing’s malign influence is apparent everywhere, while the United States is seen as largely absent. Washington must wake up to the danger of China’s massive effort to infiltrate, undermine and eventually abolish Taiwan’s democracy ...
The Chinese government uses economic coercion to both recruit and punish Taiwanese leaders. Meanwhile, China is working overtime to strip Taiwan of its diplomatic allies and keep it out of multilateral institutions. Beijing is literally trying to erase the country from the map.

  New York Times, 11-28-2018, Will Taiwan Be the First Domino to Fall to China?
The research institute of NHK ( Japan’s national broadcaster):  influential media conglomerates in Taiwan have become pro-Beijing; their major shareholders have been given greater business opportunities in China’s vast market.  Major Taiwanese newspapers and TV stations regularly feature content that hardly differs from that in China or routinely heap praise on Chinese leaders...

US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 3-13-2019 : the impact of the concentration of media ownership on freedom of the press, particularly among companies with People’s Republic of China (PRC) investment, self-censorship continued.  Journalists said they faced pressure from management to submit news stories to complement or support the content of paid advertisements.  Critics said product placement under the guise of news reporting undercut objective journalism, restricted journalists’ freedom, and undermined public trust in the media.  Taipei officials pressured a magazine reporter to drop an investigative report about the city’s breach of personal information for more than 3,000 AIDS patients.

<Reporters Sans Frontieres> (RSF, France) , 4-18-2019:  Taiwan’s journalists are suffering from a very polarized media environment dominated by sensationalism and the pursuit of profit. Although President Tsai Ing-wen has said she wants to continue developing press freedom in Taiwan, few concrete measures have been taken to improve journalists’ editorial independence and encourage media to raise the quality of the public debate. Beijing is exploiting this weakness by putting pressure on Taiwanese media owners, who often have business interests on the mainland.   Beijing is also suspected of orchestrating online disinformation campaigns – a threat that could lead to questionable retaliatory measures by Taiwan such as refusing visas to Chinese journalists regarded as hostile.    Taiwan ranks No. 42 in the 2019 World Press Freedom Index.  https://rsf.org/en/taiwan

<Apple Daily (蘋果日報)> 3-29-2019, editorial opinion: (https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20190329/38294369/)


pic. left: China Times 3-29-2019 headline news: Defend 100% freedom of speech!  Democracy on the surface, anti-democracy to the bone is not allowed.

pic. right: Apple Daily 3-29-2019 editorial opinion: Democracy & Freedom of speech is the bottom line which should never be lost, the government should not create chilling effect by fishing in trouble water. 

★ PS:  CNBC 1-25-2017: US is no longer a full democracy, EIU warned ( https://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/25/us-is-no-longer-a-full-democracy-eiu-warns.html), according to Economist EIU Democracy Index released in 2020 , The US is still a "Flawed Democracy" country. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index )


<China Times (中國時報)> 3-29-2019 head page: (www.chinatimes.com/opinion/?chdtv)

     The media have freedom to choose which side to stand, but anyway Taiwan should not limit the press freedom, Taiwan government should not choose the old route, Orwellian administration.  

  Taiwan should reflect on its mistakes, admit its mistakes, and correct its mistakes, at once.
       Western country's
rhapsody may delay its progress.
For precise meaning, Pls. ref. to Chinese language version  





Taiwan state apparatus fully support freedom of expression & democracy ...

You can scream as loud as you want

  The louder you scream, the more I enjoy ...



Taiwan's Apple Daily, editorial, 6-16-2020: Taiwan's politics still intervene or meddle media. 
Apple Daily, editorial, 12-14-2019 : Since DPP took office in 2016,  political culture of authoritarianism (威權式政治文化) gradually showed up in Taiwan.  United Daily, editorial, 6-23-2019: mega-data became politician's instrument to control public opinions


◆  China Times, editorial  3-9-2020  The gov. suppressed freedom of speech by 4 layers:
1、 Political power forms threats (penalty fine and suspending the license) to certain media。
2、 Secretly bullying by internet army, cyber force ... and so on

State violence and white terror (product of state violence) return in Taiwan (United Daily, opinion, 12-21-2017, 12-27-2017).

Apple Daily 3-29-2019 editorial opinion: Democracy & Freedom of speech is the bottom line which should never be lost,
the government should not create chilling effect by fishing in trouble water.  
The China Times 12-14-2019 editorial : the gov. seriously harmed free speech by investigating
those messages shared or published on the net by the masses

This is an EVIL state apparatus (column, CTN, 5-9-2018): Taiwan has shown a general tendency toward pandering state apparatus, surrendering in mind control ... http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20180509000843-260109

Abusing power to invade citizen's rights, going old route of anti-democracy are their nature  (United Daily, opinion, 12-20-2017).  https://udn.com/news/story/11321/2886710

ref to https://udn.com/news/story/11321/2897025http://udn.com/news/story/7338/2179800

Now it seems hard to keep Taiwan's skin-deep democracy ... the people's "livelihood" was sacrificed for politics ...The United Daily - Opinion, 3-7-2017



 ( a violent, penetrative scientific power) "You called Discovery,  I called the Rape ..." 
/  Jurassic Park ,  1990











pic.: No.2 "Taiwan democracy" on US Bing, 6-19-2020




pic.: No.2 "Taiwan democracy" on Ecosia of Germany, 6-19-2020 







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